Pillars Strategic 2018-2022 - Mississippi Arts Commission

Page created by Freddie West
 Building Support for
the Future of the Arts
    in Mississippi
our               our                 our
    Mission            vision               core
    To be a catalyst    To support and     Public funding
    for the arts and       celebrate        for the arts
      creativity in      Mississippi’s       Objectivity
                                             and clarity
      Mississippi        creative and
                       innovative spirit

Planning with Purpose
“I believe that man will not                            Through a half century of partnering with the NEA, the
                                                        Mississippi Legislature and our private and corporate
merely endure: he will prevail.”                        funders, Mississippi has exemplified and shared our story
                                                        through the processes of funding and servicing the arts in
William Faulkner                                        Mississippi.

Why do we plan, when we know the best laid plans        We have never been bashful about proselytizing the
are often just dreams and wishes? We plan because       value of the arts in our culture, our education or in
we care. We plan in an effort to find a common,         community development. In fact, we have proclaimed
agreed-upon direction for the road ahead. In the        many times that Mississippi’s greatest asset is our story,
case of the Mississippi Arts Commission, we do this     which includes our art, our history and our culture.
work because we are required to submit a plan to
justify our government funding, but more importantly,   Perhaps our greatest challenge ahead is the nation’s and
we plan because the process and the product help        Mississippi’s commitment to the foundational concept of
us to build consensus and a shared voice.               public support of the arts at a sustainable level.

We begin with the commitment to public funding          Hundreds of people have assisted and collaborated
of the arts in America and in Mississippi. The United   with MAC to make this document come alive and take
States formalized the proposition of public funding     shape as an artful, American proposition and the guiding
for the arts in 1965 with the Arts & Humanities Act     declaration of intent for MAC in the years 2018-2022. We
of 1965 because, “The arts and the humanities           plan because we are optimistic, and we hold strong to
belong to all the people of the United States.” This    what William Faulkner, one of Mississippi’s most profound
commitment is a core value, a principle of our          voices, imparted upon us. We plan in order to not simply
democracy.                                              endure, but prevail.

background and summary
    In October 2016 MAC began an exciting journey toward the                              Along the way we learned many things that informed the
    creation of a new agency strategic plan. We talked with our                           creation of our new plan. Some of those gleanings include:
    industry association colleagues at the National Association of State
    Arts Agencies (NASAA) and contracted with consultant Morrie                             74% of the NASAA survey respondents are satisfied or
    Warshawski (who worked with us on our last two plans) to devise an                      very satisfied with the programs and services of MAC.
    inclusive, professional and transparent process resulting in MAC’s                      Pockets of artists and citizens are still unaware of
    Strategic Plan that will guide the agency from 2018 through 2022.                       what MAC does for them.
    To ensure our new plan takes root in the voices and concerns of                         Arts education remains a primary concern: citizens
    our constituents, we cast a wide net to gather information. We                          want to make sure all Mississippi youth – especially
    commissioned NASAA to conduct an extensive online survey sent to                        the underserved – have access to the arts.
    nearly 4,000 recipients. More than 750 people from across the state
                                                                                            Concerns about funding the arts remain at the top of
    responded, resulting in an impressive response rate of 19%.
                                                                                            everyone’s list.
    Our consultant interviewed agency staff, conducted in-person,
    phone or e-mail interviews with individual artists and arts                             93% of respondents said preserving and promoting
    administrators and facilitated artists roundtables and a MAC Board                      Mississippi’s cultural traditions and heritage is
    retreat. MAC’s executive director and staff members arranged                            important.
    interviews with members of the Mississippi Legislature, canvassed arts                  Many call for efforts to increase awareness of the
    organization representatives, led community town hall meetings,                         importance of the arts among Mississippians and their
    initiated artists’ roundtables and promoted the plan through the                        legislators.
    agency’s statewide radio show “Mississippi Arts Hour.” In addition,
    the staff launched a statewide questionnaire via social media to                        A strong desire exists for MAC to be more involved in
                                                                                            convening, professional development, networking
    make sure we captured the opinions and concerns of the broadest
                                                                                            and promotion of the arts.
    possible group of people. In all, we received feedback from more
    than 900 Mississippians.

              As always, the needs are many and resources (time, money, personnel) are limited. That’s the purpose of strategic planning –
              to compile the information gathered and develop a constructive set of priorities in the form of strategic pillars and major goals,
              taking into consideration current needs and capabilities to fashion a powerful roadmap toward an improved future. We are
4             convinced this plan does just that, and we invite you to come with us on this journey.
agency   “The practice of art and the study of the humanities require constant
         dedication and devotion. While no government can call a great artist or

Ov iew
         scholar into existence, it is necessary and appropriate for the Federal
         Government to help create and sustain not only a climate encouraging
         freedom of thought, imagination, and inquiry, but also the material
         conditions facilitating the release of this creative talent.”
         National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act of 1965

         The Mississippi Arts Commission was         development workshops, community
         established in 1968 by the Mississippi      engagement and partnerships.
         Legislature as the official grants-making   During the next five years, we predict
         and service agency for the arts in          continued funding challenges.
         the state. MAC provides financial           In response, MAC anticipates
         and technical assistance for arts           growing its service orientation to the
         programming to arts organizations and       constituency.
         educational institutions throughout
         Mississippi. Funded annually by the         As public funding remains level or
         Mississippi Legislature, the National       reduced, the agency will strategically
         Endowment for the Arts and private          expand private funding sources and
         funds, MAC uses this support to carry       the state’s network of community
         forth its mission and continues to act      foundations. While state arts
         as a core and essential function of         agencies are being down-sized,
         government.                                 re-envisioned and reorganized,
                                                     MAC’s strategic plan will continue to
         In the current economic climate,            seek conversations with those who
         MAC is focused on spending time,            are currently served as well as those
         resources and energy on professional        who are underserved.

our Strategic pillars | 2018-2022
           1                                                                      2
                   Expand MAC’s role as a catalyst and public                             The state’s artists and staff from cultural
                   supporter of the arts with increased focus on                          institutions are eager to gather and share
                   marketing and digital platforms highlighting                           their experiences with each other. MAC will
                   the arts and MAC’s story to the general public,                        collaborate with these constituencies to create
Communicate        policy makers and our partners.                            Convene,    opportunities that strengthen connections
  the Story of                                                                 Network    among them.
                      Improve MAC’s capacity to serve as the
   the Arts in     information hub for the arts community and
                                                                              and Offer      Work with partners to offer more learning-and-
   Mississippi     the general public.                                     Professional   sharing convenings statewide.
                      Advocate for the value of the arts in               Development        Maximize the availability of MAC staff to
                   Mississippi with the general public and legislators.   Opportunities   interact in-person with both current and potential
                      Increase awareness of Mississippi’s cultural                        stake-holders, especially to provide professional
                   legacy as well as existing and emerging artistic                       development offerings.
                   talent, activities and resources.                                         Encourage like-minded individuals and
                      Leverage partnerships.                                              organizations to gather and network outside of
                                                                                          MAC-sanctioned events.

           3                                                                      4
                   MAC will continue our commitment to arts                               MAC’s establishing legislation allows for three
                   education and arts integration through grants                          sources of funding: “…a state appropriation,
                   and services to schools, communities and                               grants from the National Endowment for the
                   arts partners across the state with the goal of                        Arts and contributions from private sources.”
     Invigorate    reaching children and families wherever they
                                                                           Expand and     This strategic pillar supports expanding
    and Expand     are in their daily lives.
                                                                             Diversify    our resources capacity beyond annual
        Lifelong                                                                Fiscal    appropriations from the Mississippi Legislature
                     Continue to evolve and expand the Whole                Resources     and the NEA.
                   Schools Initiative.
       through                                                                               Significantly grow MAC’s Endowment
                     Research, design and implement an
       the Arts    approach to community learning that reaches                            for the Arts Fund through tax-deductible
                   both inside and outside the classroom.                                 donations.
                     Provide arts education-based professional                              Identify and pursue grant opportunities for
                   development opportunities for staff, partners                          MAC and our statewide grantees.
                   and grantees.                                                            Increase income from ancillary activities.
our Guiding principles
1 2   Champion the unique               The Mississippi      1 2   Employ entrepreneurial thinking
3 4                                                          3 4
      Mississippi story
                                     Arts Commission’s       1 2   Seek and develop extensive
      Advocate for the value                                 3 4
1 2                                  work is shaped by             partnerships
3 4
      of the arts, creativity and    a set of principles
      innovation                                             1 2   Engage in creative funding and
                                       that guides the       3 4
                                                                   maintain resource management
1 2   Include education and              agency in all
3 4                                                          1 2   Safeguard public trust through
      lifelong learning as a           circumstances,
                                                             3 4
      component of all grants             irrespective             accountability and transparency
      and services                      of changes in        1 2   Communicate with and educate
                                                             3 4
1 2   Ensure a constant vigilance     goals, strategies,           policymakers and the public about
3 4                                                                the value of MAC’s contribution to
      regarding emergency              type of work or
      preparedness and                 management.                 arts and culture
      maintaining the value of          Each of these        1 2   Optimize our connections by
      business continuity planning                           3 4
                                     principles is tied to         increasing direct service
1 2   Pursue access, inclusion        a corresponding
3 4                                                          1 2   Incorporate professional
      and equity in all work            strategic pillar.    3 4   performance measures to
1 2   Support Mississippi’s                                        evaluate impact
3 4
      individual artists
                                                             1 2   Develop and integrate a new
                                                             3 4
                                                                   direction for information technology


The columns featured in this report can be found at these iconic landmarks:
The Mississippi State Capitol | The Old Capitol Museum | Jackson City Hall
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