South West Action Plan for Jobs

Page created by Janice Thompson
South West Action Plan for Jobs

   Post of Programme Manager, South West Action Plan for Jobs Implementation
                              (2 year Contract)


The South West Action Plan for Jobs (SWAPJ) covers the city of Cork and the
counties of Cork and Kerry. The core objective of the Plan is to facilitate growth in
the Region through the delivery of proposed collaborative actions focusing on
increasing the number of start-ups, developing the capacity and resilience of existing
enterprises, and capitalising on the strengths and opportunities of the Region. This
initiative is overseen by the SWAPJ Implementation Committee which represents all
the major stakeholders in the region.

The Government’s “Action Plan for Jobs” launched in 2015, with the first phase
covering the period 2015-2017 included a suite of regional Action Plans to support
enterprise growth and job creation. The Action Plans complemented and contributed
to the Local Economic and Community Plans developed by the Local Authorities.
This is the second phase of the Action Plan for Jobs, 2018 -2020, which will now
also complement and contribute to the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies
currently being developed by the Regional Assemblies. It will also be grounded in the
key strategic objectives in the recently published National Planning Framework and
funding priorities in the National Development Plan.

The South West Region moved into a period of growth in terms of employment and
exports over the first phase period however there are still many challenges that need
to be addressed given the fast pace of the current economic environment and
technological changes facing all of the regions. Not least of these will be the impact
of Brexit on our economy. The pace of progress achieved to date needs to be
sustained and further accelerated through targeted supports for enterprise and job
creation. Vibrant and competitive regions are important, not just from an economic
perspective, but also from a societal point of view. Growing the economic base of
regions supports social cohesion and provides opportunities for families to continue
to live and work in their local communities.
In order to maintain the momentum that has been gathered over the last 3 years
there now needs to be a a refocus of the APJ with a set of revised strategic
objectives. The project delivery team consisting of a small group drawn from the
Implementation Group, supported by the Department of Business, Enterprise and
Innovation (DBEI), are currently undertaking a process of refreshing and refocusing
the Plan. The emphasis will be on collaboration and implementation of a smaller
number of strategic actions to enhance the existing initiatives and work with new
challenges and address updated priorities, needs and opportunities.

Like the National Action Plan for Jobs, the refreshed and refocused plan for the
South West will set out a series of commitments on the part of public bodies,
complemented by some actions from the private sector, which will support enterprise
growth and job creation.

It is the cumulative effect of these measures - and the collaboration which they will
bring about in their delivery - which will make a real and lasting impact on the jobs
potential of the Region.

While the DBEI has facilitated the SWAPJ through engagements with stakeholders
in the South West, ownership of the Plan – and ensuring its delivery - rests with the
people, businesses, Education Providers and public bodies in the South West


Reporting to a Director of Service for Economic Development of one of the three
Local Authorities in the region, the Programme Manager will lead, co-ordinate and
manage the implementation of the South West Action Plan for Jobs in the South
West Region. The role will involve assisting with the development, establishment
and servicing of appropriate structures and sub-committees to develop specific
actions and targets to facilitate the economic development and promotion of the
South West. Identifying funding opportunities and securing funding from multiple
sources is a key part of the role.

While reporting to a Director of Service for Economic Development the postholder
will progress the SWAPJ under the general direction of the Chairman of the
Implementation Committee. Progression of the SWAPJ will reflect the priorities of the
Implementation Committee and its Chair. The Programme Manager will also have
a close working relationship with the Individual Economic Development teams in
each local authority.
At a South West Regional level the Programme Manager will work with an Economic
Development Executive Team of the three Local Authorities comprising the Directors
of Service for Economic Development and will ensure progression of the work of the
SWAPJ, insofar as it relates to the direct work of the local authorities, in conjunction
with that team.

You will be expected to engage at senior level with relevant stakeholders including
the DBEI, Local Authorities, IDA, EI, Tourism Agencies, Education Providers,
Chambers of Commerce, Industry Champions and the business community.

As an ex-officio member of the Implementation Committee, you will be required to
make a valuable contribution to the strategic economic growth of the South West
Region through leading the delivery of the actions contained in the SWAPJ. You will
be expected to provide a high level of independence and objectivity. This is an
opportunity for an experienced person to fully utilise their professional, technical and
management skills in an environment that promotes a high performance culture. As
well as leading the implementation of the SWAPJ, additional responsibilities
involving other function areas of the Local Authorities may be assigned to the
Programme Manager from time to time.

                          DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES

The duties and responsibilities will include the following:
   (a) Prepare and support Regional bids for competitive funding when the
       opportunity arises, with a priority being bids led by the local authority sector if
       and when required.
   (b) Co-ordinate and manage the implementation of the South West Action Plan
       for Jobs in the South West Region (SWAPJ).

   (c) Facilitate and service each stakeholder group and assist it to deliver the
       actions in the SWAPJ

   (d) Shape key further actions into deliverable steps by responsible agencies.

   (e) Clarify timeframes for key actions and targets to be delivered.

   (a) measure, monitor and report on progress of the SWAPJ both at level of each
       individual action and at the strategic level of the key major goals.

   (b) Engage with relevant stakeholders including the DBEI, Local Authorities,
       Elected Representatives, Regional Business Champions, IDA, EI, Tourism
Agencies, Chambers of Commerce, Education Institutions and the larger
   business community in the implementation of the Action Plan.

(c) Prepare reports and strategies to facilitate the work of the Implementation
    Committee. Regularly brief the Chair of the APJ Implementation Committee
    on progress, slippages, risks, so that the Chair can where necessary engage
    with relevant Chief Executive/Leaders in state agencies and private sector
    where required to maintain momentum and clear up any gaps etc

(d) Lead the development and implementation of a proactive communications,
    strategy across a wide stakeholder base in order to promote economic
    development including tourism in the South West.

(e) Support the Industry Champions in their roles.

(f) Liaise with adjoining Regions, as needs require, to progress mutually
    beneficial collaborative actions.

(g) Progress regional disruptive/lead/industry led actions.

(h) Secure as much funding as possible for the region

1. Character: Candidates must be of good character.
2. Health: Candidates must be in a state of health such as would indicate a
   reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
3. Education and Training:

   On the latest date for receipt of completed application forms candidates must:

       (a) Hold a recognised degree, or equivalent professional qualification, in a
           relevant discipline. A post-graduate Management/Business qualification
           would be desirable.
       (b) Possess a full driving licence and have the use of a vehicle.
       (c) A good working knowledge of integrated financial management systems
           would be an advantage.

4. Essential Skills

(a) Excellent networking, client-focus and relationship-building skills.

(b) Excellent leadership skills; dynamic and highly effective with a demonstrated
    record of achievement, particularly in complex environments balancing the
    needs of multiple stakeholders in complex environments.

(c) Excellent project management and organisation skills.

(d) High levels of motivation displaying vision and enthusiasm.

(e) A proactive approach to problem-solving and a demonstrated ability to
    achieve outcomes in a timely manner.

(f) Goal focused and confident in measuring performance against targets.

(g) Strong knowledge/experience of the enterprise sector, with a particular
    emphasis on the needs of SMEs.

(h) Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.

(i) Proven analytical skills, with an ability to manage research data from multiple
    sources and assimilate into meaningful action.

(j) Self motivation and understanding of private sector business and enterprises.
5. Key Competencies
A Competency model has been developed for appointment at the level of Senior Executive

Strategic       Strategic Ability
Management      Displays the ability to think and act strategically. Thinks long term. Can
and Change      translate organisational mission and vision into clear specific and
                achievable objectives. Demonstrates innovation and creativity to secure
                successful strategic outcomes.
                Political Awareness
                Has a clear understanding of the political reality and context of the
                Networking and Representing
                Develops and maintains positive and mutually beneficial relationships.
                Builds networks of technical and professional contacts. Promotes and
                sustains an appropriate, positive, and cohesive image for the organisation it
                Bringing about Change
                Effectively introduces change, fosters a culture of creativity in employees
                and overcomes resistance to change.
                Demonstrates flexibility and an openness to change.
Delivering      Problem Solving and Decision Making
Results         Can pinpoint critical information and address issues logically. Understands
                the context and impact of decisions made. Can act decisively with complex
                information and multiple stakeholders.
                Operational Planning
                Plans projects to determine rationale, objectives and deliverables, resource
                requirements, timelines and milestones, reporting requirements, and
                evaluation methods. Establishes high quality service and customer care
                Delivering Quality Outcomes
                Promotes the achievement of quality outcomes in delivering services.
                Organises the delivery of services to meet or exceed the required standard
                through collaborating with, instructing and motivating employees and by
                managing resources effectively.
Performance     Leading and Motivating
through         Motivates others individually and in teams to deliver high quality work and
People          customer focused outcomes. Develops effective and productive workplace
                relationships. Leads by example in terms of commitment, flexibility and a
                strong customer service ethos.
                Managing Performance
                Effectively manages performance. Empowers people to achieve or exceed
                organisational goals by delegating sufficient authority, responsibility and
                Communicating Effectively
                Have highly effective verbal and written communication skills.
                Presents ideas effectively to individuals and groups.
Personal        Resilience and Personal Well Being
Effectiveness   Demonstrates appropriate and positive self confidence. Operates
                effectively in an environment with significant complexity and pace.
                Personal Motivation, Initiative and Achievement
                Is enthusiastic about the role, and is motivated in the face of difficulties and
                obstacles. Does more than is required or expected, anticipating situations
                and acting to pre-empt problems. Creates new opportunities

   The salary scale for the position is equivalent to that of Senior Executive Officer,
   €66,080 - €66,671 - €69,181- €71,693- €74,209 - €76,697 - €79,202 - €82,044
   (LSI 1), €84,876 (LSI 2).

                          THE APPLICATION PROCESS
Applications for this role should be made in confidence, stating how you meet the
requirements of the position and enclosing a CV. Applications will be independently
reviewed. Applications must be lodged with Recruitment Officer, Personnel
Department, Cork County Council, Floor 4, County Library HQ Building,
Carrigrohane Road, Cork, to arrive not later than 4 pm on Monday 1st October,
2018 A short listing process will be undertaken to identify eligible candidates, who
may be called for selection by competitive interview. Contract of employment may
be issued by another agency.
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