Page created by Martin Pierce
    Published By The Candlewood Lake Association, Inc.

VOLUME MMXXI           August 2021          Number 8 (VIII)

 SEPTEMBER 11, 2021


 SYLVIA 614-448-7748
 DIANE 614-226-8061


Kevin McCray             kevin.mccray88@gmail.com        kevin.mccray88@gmail.com        614-832-3076   President
Ned Lust                 lustvette06@hotmail.com         lustvette06@hotmail.com         419-569-0890   Vice President
John McFarland           mcfarland03@yahoo.com           mcfarland03@yahoo.com           614-206-1275   Secretary
Jim Riederer             jpriederer@icloud.com           jpriederer@icloud.com           614-783-6557   Treasurer
Charlie Brown            CharlieBrownTrustee@gmail.com   CharlieBrownTrustee@gmail.com   614-600-8879   Trustee
Johnathan Klug           jklug55@yahoo.com               jklug55@yahoo.com               614-560-3300   Trustee
Laurie Parish            skisport19@yahoo.com            skisport19@yahoo.com            567-303-5260   Trustee
Bill Schubert            bill7313@gmail.com              bill7313@gmail.com              614-906-7412   Trustee
Darryl Young             Darryl__y@yahoo.com             Darryl__y@yahoo.com             740-225-4857   Trustee
Greg Adkins Ex officer   gadkins282@gmail.com            gadkins282@gmail.com            419-565-5016   Past President

                               Candlewood Lake Association Inc.
                                7326 State Route 19 Unit 1507
                                   Mount Gilead, OH 43338

                                     OFFICE HOURS
                                     8:00 am-4:00 pm
                          Please Contact Security for Emergencies

   In case of an emegency,
   members can go to the
   Harmon Lodge for

Town Hall Meeting
                              August 7, 9 a.m., Harmon lodge
                         Sponsored by Long Range Planning Committee
    •Please join us to share your views on:
     - What you would like to see happen to CWL as it grows & your ideas how we can get there
     - Additional (low cost} amenities you would like to see
     - Possible uses for Rustic Campground area now that it is not going to remain a campground
     - Image/ Personality for CWL to develop
     - Ways to get member feedback on issues - the faster the better!
     - Population segments we are missing with our facilities and programs
    •This is NOT a SWOT meeting where we outline Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
      and Threats - just positive ideas shared to help us grow to become an even better home
      or retreat for you!

                        President Message                                                    Candlewood Lake
I’m Kevin McCray, the newly elected president of Candlewood Lake Board of Trustees.
My wife Gayle and I have been CWL residents since November 2013, having relocated
                                                                                           General Manager Search
after more than 30 combined years in Westerville.
I spent most of my professional career as the executive director/CEO of the National       Candlewood Lake Association is in the process of
Ground Water Association, an 11,000 member international association serving trade         finding our next General Manager. We believe can-
and scientific and engineering professions. I retired from NGWA in December 2017, and       didates should have experience managing people,
today, I provide occasional consulting services to associations and other not-for-profit    outstanding interpersonal communication skills, a
groups.                                                                                    thorough understanding of business and manage-
Not only did I work for and with NGWA’s board, but I have served on the boards of a        ment principles involved in strategic planning, project
number of organizations, including our Westerville neighborhood board. In other words,     management, and leadership techniques. This
I’ve been present on both sides of the board room table.                                   individual should have the ability to assess, identify,
It’s important to give back to our communities, and here at Candlewood I have served
                                                                                           and solve problems: ethics, integrity, transparency,
on the Utilities Committee, including a period as chair, and I’ve helped out during some
                                                                                           and accountability in all actions.
of the great community events, such as the ice cream social and our Veteran’s Day
                                                                                           The General Manager is responsible for managing
With our community evolving with new neighbors and new expectations, your Board is         the communication and overall daily operation; in-
working hard to do all the right things to make Candlewood an even greater place to        teract with internal and external customers including
live. We are open to hearing from you with both your ideas and your frustrations. We       homeowners, vendor, contractors, CWL committees
vow to listen to them all and to act on what we collectively believe needs to be acted     and the Board of Trustees. The General Manager
upon.                                                                                      provides leadership and support to the Association
I’m honored and humbled by the Board’s election of me to the office held on your behalf.    Staff including Finance, Administration, Facilities,
I believe in the concept of servant leadership, which in simple terms means a              Maintenance, Utilities, Custodial, Landscaping,
servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well being of people and the commu-     Security, Building/Environmental Controls and Real
nities to which they belong.                                                               Estate Sales.
Thank you for allowing me to serve our community.                                          As this search begins please keep the Search
                                                                                           Committee, Candidates and the Board of Trustees in
Kevin McCray                                                                               your prayers and positive thoughts as we continue to
Unit 7 Lots 72/73                                                                          build for our future.

Updated Chronicle Information
Thank you for your patience as we have worked
                                                                           CHRONICLE AD PRICES
to get the Chronicle back up and running. We                      The rates for the Classified Ads will be going
have experienced a few bumps in the process but               up as of January 1, 2020. The new price is $10.00
moving forward we are back on track. Please note              for the first 15 words and $0.25 for each additional
a few changes:                                                word.
If you would like to suggest an article, place an ad,
share suggestions please send print ready copies                The business ads will be increased as follows:
to our new e-mail address, CWLChronicle@gmail.                                      1-5 Issues
com. All Candlewood Lake Committee’s please                             Business Card: $46.00 per issue
use this e-mail to post your minutes.                                   1/4 Page:      $82.00 per issue
The 3rd Wednesday of the month is when all copy
                                                                        1/2 Page:      $106.00 per issue
needs to be received at the above e-mail. The 3rd
Friday is final proof and printing. The last Monday                     Full Page:     $130.00 per issue
of the month Chronicle’s mailed and e-mailed to                                    6-10 Issues
members. If you don’t received your copy please                          Business Card: $40.00 per issue
send us an e-mail.
It is costly to mail the Chronicle so if you are ok
                                                                         1/4 Page:      $75.00 per issue
with e-mail please let us know. If you have not                          1/2 Page:      $100.00 per issue
shared your e-mail with the office please do. The                        Full Page:     $120.00 per issue
format is back to original and printed in black and
white.                                                                    If you have any questions, please call the
If you have paid for an ad and it is not in this issue
please send us an e-mail. Chronicle Ad Prices will
                                                                          office at 419 947-1138. Thank you!
stay the same. If you have any question, please
contact us by e-mail include your name and phone               Keeping Our CWL Waste Water Plant Operating
number so someone can follow up timely.                                        Efficiency
As we once again make the Chronicle a priority,               The Candlewood Lake Waste Water Treatment Facility is an im-
we are excited about the future editions. Please              portant part of your CWL infrastructure. Without proper operations,
excuse any outdated or recycled information found             our Waste Treatment Facility could be shut down. The Ohio EPA
it this volume.                                               has issued a permit to Candlewood to allow properly treated dis-
                  We hope you enjoy your Chronicle,           charge from our Treatment Facility to enter a stream downstream
                                  The Chronicle Team          from the facility. The Ohio EPA monitors the Treatment plant’s
                                                              discharge on a regular basis. The CWL Utilities Department, and
                                                              our outside consultant, McGhee Technical Water Treatment Ser-
  ALLOW 30 DAYS FOR PERMITS TO BE                             vices Inc., work tirelessly to make sure that our Treatment Facility
                                                              is operating at peak efficiency and effectively. To help protect
 APPROVED AFTER SUBMITTING TO THE                             our environment and CWL member’s investment, and meet EPA
  CWL OFFICE WITH THE PROPER FEE                              standards, every Candlewood Lake member can assist in ensuring
                                                              that our Treatment facility continues to meet EPA regulations and
• All permits have been updated and can be obtained on        to operate efficiently.
the CWL website or in the Association Office.                     To that end, the following items should never be flushed down
• Permits must be obtained before beginning construc-             a commode:
tion or make alterations or color changes to all structures      •baby Wipes, q-tips, cotton pads or other cotton products,
on lots.                                                           cigarette butts, menstrual products, condoms, diapers, gum,
• Repairs associated with general maintenance do not               cat litter, hair, cooking grease, dental floss, paper towels &
require permits unless they modify a lot or structure so as        tissues, food, and medications.
to not to be in compliance with the ECG codes.                By disposing of the above items in approved waste containers, we
• If construction or alteration work is started before an     are all helping our Waste Water Treatment Facility to operate at
approved permit is obtained, a fine will be assessed and      peak efficiency. This will protect our investment in the facility long
a stop work order will be issued until the proper permit is   term and ultimately protect our environment. Be a good steward of
obtained.                                                     our earth.
• Please contact Bob 419-564-1963 with any questions          Your Candlewood Lake Utilities Committee

Candlewood Remembers                        COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR
                                           July 30th Armstrong Movie Night Outside Harmon Lodge - Dusk
 Get Well Soon                             Q&A: 15 minutes before show Movie: War with Grandpa
                                           Aug. 3rd Community Events Meeting 7PM Harmon Lodge
                                           Aug.28th New Member Welcome Coffee 9-10:30 Harmon Lodge
 Deepest Sympathy
                                           Sept. 7th Community Events Meeting 7PM Harmon Lodge
                                           Sept. 11th Pig Roast Harmon Lodge 4PM - Presale of tickets
 We Celebrate                              Sept. 25th Hot Dog Roast with Fishing and Boating - Beach
                                           Oct. 5th Community Events Meeting 7PM Harmon Lodge
                                           Oct. 15th Happy Hour 7-9PM Harmon Lodge
 If you know a resident or                 Oct. 31st Trunk or Treat Harmon Lodge 1-2 PM
 family member, who needs to               Nov. 2nd Community Events Meeting 7PM Harmon Lodge
 be remembered, please email               Nov. 6th Veterans Coffee Harmon Lodge 10-Noon
                                           Nov. 21st Decorate Harmon Lodge 2PM
 us at cwlchronicle@gmail.com
                                           Dec. 5th Children’s Christmas Party Harmon Lodge
                                           Dec. 7th Community Events Meeting 7PM Harmon Lodge
                                           Dec. 17 Happy Hour 7-9PM Harmon Lodge

                Candlewood Lake Pools-Important Dates
• Harmon Lodge Pool
   • Monday-Friday- Daily from noon -8:00pm
   • Saturday and Sunday -1 0:00am-8:00pm
• RV Pool
   • Friday Evenings 4:00pm - 8:00pm
   • Saturday 1 0:00am - 8:00pm Sunday 1 0:00am - 6:00pm
Pool Parties at the Main Lodge
• Friday August 6th from 8:00pm - 1 0:00pm - Ages 13 - 17 years
• Friday August 13th from 8:00pm - 9:30pm - Ages 6 -12 years
Harmon Lodge Pool
• Water Aerobics: Mon/Wed/Fri from 11 :15am - Noon
• Lap Swim: Tuesday and Thursday - 11 :30 - noon and Saturday 9:30 - 1 0:00am
• Swim Lessons: free to members- Grandkids $25.00 sign ups will be at the pool
• Session 2 - July 12 -Monday - Thursday and June 19 - Monday -Thursday

Surviving Covid
                                                                       This last year has been a challenge for all of us. Like so many others
                                                                       we had to think outside of the box, improvise and go to Plan B.
                                                                       Here in Candlewood, there is a large group of friends who were
                                                                       missing the get-togethers, and social activities planned by Commu-
                                                                       nity Events and Fishing and Boating. Our response was “driveway
                                                                       Birthday gatherings!” Since April of 2020, 16 to 30 people have met
                                                                       to surprise each other on their birthday. We come in cars, golfcarts
                                                                       or walk bearing birthday blessings in song, cards and signs. Weather
                                                                       has never stopped us from celebrating!
                                                                       As we would grather to celebrate someone’s birthday it soon
                                                                       became apparent that this was really for all of us not just the one.
Missed a Monthly Meeting?          Are you a New Member?               These neighors of Candlewood care about each other and this
No worries! You can pick up       Don’t Forget to provide the          always comes across at these gatherings. Candlewood Lake is so
   meeting notes at the           Association with your email          much more than just the lake it is about building friendships. People
                                                                       here have so many interest and talents they enjoy sharing with each
  Association’s Office or           so you don’t miss out on            other. If you have a story of interest to share please submit an article
     on the Website!            community events and monthly           for the Chronicle by emailing it to CWLChronicle@gmail.com
                                      digital newsletters!

         Blast from the Past:                                               Monitoring your Home
       Candlewood Lake has always been the place for                         while you are away
   its residents to find peace and solace after a long                Many Candlewood Lake Members live here with-in
   day. In a June 1993, Mansfield News Journals arti-            Candlewood for the warmer months and head south to
   cle Carolyn Deuschle said that “When I come home              warn1er clin1ates during winter. For those that close their
   from work, the place where all the days’ tensions             house and head south in the fall, a concern for some,
   seem to disappear is where I turn off Ohio J.9 and            is how to monitor our home for proper operation of the
   drive past the Candlewood Lake Sign”. Carolyn,                heating system and sump pump. For those who live here
   wasn’t the only Candlewood Lake resident to feel              year round, some of the same concerns may be relevant,
   that way. Lovingly known by its residents as Morrow           such as when away on vacation, or away for a day, or for a
   County’s best kept secret.                                    weekend.
       So how did Morrow County’s beloved best kept                  Today there are many options for home monitoring
   secret come to be? For that we have to rewind a               systems. There are many commercial companies that will
   few decades back to the 1960’s when the Lake                  set up a home monitoring system for a monthly fee. This
   was built by a developer, who unfortunately went              avenue can be expensive. One very reasonable alternative
   broke shortly after the completion of the lake. In the        is a “Smart Home Hub” system with additional sensors
   mid-70’s unwilling to depart with their beloved home          for temperature, moisture, glass breakage, door opening,
   the residents bought the whole development from               etc. For example, a current Samsung Smart Hub is about
   the Sheriff’s Auction and formed what we know as              $100.00. A smart hub connects to your home router and
   Candlewood Lake Association.                                  can send alerts to your cell phone and email address.
       So what draws residents to Candlewood Lake?               Add a water sensor for the area around your sump pump
   For that question you will receive many answers               (if present) for about $30. Add a temperature sensor for
   ranging from the 250 acre lake or the 1,500 acres             around $30. Thus for less than $200 you can install a very
   of nature that surrounds it, for others it’s the solace       simple system that will monitor your basement for flooding,
   and quiet for raising families or retiring. But no            and monitor your home interior for proper operation of the
   matter the answer, all the residents agree that Can-          heating/cooling system, and contact you via text or email if
   dlewood Lake Association truly is Morrow County’s             a problem occurs.
   Best Kept and most beautiful secret.                               Presented as a public service, by your CWL Utilities
   (Simon, June 1993, Mansfield News Journal)                    July 2021

Candlewood Lake Fishing and Boating Club
                                           BASS Tournament Rules
Entry Fees:
$25.00 Candlewood Lake registered member or family/friend $20.00 Fishing and Boating Club member
5 Bass per competitor
12” minimum
 • Must register on time
 • Must be a member of Candlewood Lake
 • Must be a guest/family member only as a teammate and not as an individual competitor
 • Must follow all rules of Candlewood Lake
     o No wake 8:00pm -10:00am
     o Counter-Clockwise traffic only
Tackle and Equipment:
 • Only artificial lures may be used
     o No live bait or prepared bait may be used
 • Conventional fishing only
     o No snagging or snatching
Boat and Motor:                                             • Competitors must remain in the boat at all times
 • All boats must be Candlewood registered                     o May use restroom at the check in location
 • Each boat:                                              Fishing Locations:
     o must have all safety equipment                       • All water is open to fishing
     o PFD for each competitor                                 o George Harmons cove is Private Property {No Fishing)
     o Aeriated live well                                   • When fishing near docks {public/private):
 • Tournament Director will inspect the boat                   o Use fishing sportsmanship and common courtesy
    and live well prior to start time                      Penalties:
 • Candlewood Lake speed limits strictly enforced           • Bass shall be weighed as live fish {dead fish will be penalized)
 • No wake until 10:00am                                       o Each dead fish will receive a 1/21b {8oz) penalty
 • 40 mph max speed in wake areas only after 10:00am        • Late check in
 • No trolling allowed                                         o 1 lb per each minute late
     o Trolling motors may be used

        Candlewood FISHING & BOATING CLUB NEWS:
           August 2021 Events, Everyone Welcome!
8-7-21: Youth/Adult Bass Tournament, 7:00 am -12:30 pm, Harmon Lodge Dock
8-14-21: Boat Tie Up, 1:00 pm on, South End of the Lake
8-21-21: Carp & Catfish Tournament, 5:00 pm -11:00 pm, Harmon Lodge Dock

Looking Forward:
September 25: In conjunction with Community Events, we are sponsoring the annual Beach Hot Dog Roast. We would like
to try something new this year by adding an open mic night! If you would be interested in performing, please contact Michelle
Montague 419-544-1693.

Watch the Bulletin Boards for Event Details.

To join the FBC, please e-mail cwlfishingboating@gmail.com.

Once you’re a FBC member, join our Facebook Group for event updates, monthly contests
and sharing community photos. You MUST be a FBC Member to join.
Scan your phone camera over this QR Code:

August 2021 (United States)
                                                                                                           5    6        7     8    9 10 11
                                                                                                          12   13       14    15   16 17 18
                                                                                                          19   20       21    22   23 24 25
                                                                                                          26   27       28    29   30

                                                                   August 2021                                               September 2021
                                                                                                                   S M T W             T    F    S
                                                                                                                             1          2    3    4
Sun                         Mon                        Tue          Wed           Thu         Fri         Sat
                                                       August 2021
                                                                4 (United
                                                                       5 States)
                                                                                                                    5 6 7 8             9   10   11
                                                                                                                   12 13 14 15         16   17   18
 1                           2                          3                      6                               7   19 20 21 22
                                                                                                                   26 27 28 29
                                                                                                                                            24   25

                             meeting                                                                                         September 2021

     Sun                     7pm HL
                             Mon                             Tue         Wed           Thu          Fri            Sat
                                                                                                                   S M         T W     T    F    S
                                                                                                                                   1    2    3    4

       1                          2
                                                                    (United 5
                                                                              States) 6                                 7
                                                                                                                    5     6     7 8     9   10   11
                                                                                                                   12    13    14 15   16   17   18

 8      New Moon
                             9                          10     11        12        13                     14       19
                                                                                                                               21 22
                                                                                                                               28 29
                                                                                                                                            24   25

                                                          Lake &    Maintenance
                                                         Situation    Meeting
                                                         meeting      4pm HL                                                 September 2021
     Sun                         Mon                    6:30pm
                                                          Tue    HL   Wed              Thu          Fri            Sat
                                                                                                                   S M         T W     T    F    S
                                                                                                                                   1    2    3    4

       18                         29
                                                                       (United 125
                                                                                   States) 136                      147
              New Moon                                                                                              5     6     7 8     9   10   11
                                                                                                                   12    13    14 15   16   17   18
15      1st Quarter
                            16 Utilities                17      18          19          20                21       19
                                                                                                                               21 22
                                                                                                                               28 29
                                                                                                                                            24   25

                                 7pm HL
     Sun                         Mon
                                 meeting                     Tue         Wed           Thu          Fri            Sat
      1518    New  Moon
              1st Quarter
                                  29 HL
                                 16                          103
                                                             17          114
                                                                         18             125
                                                                                        19          136
                                                                                                    20              14
22      Full Moon
                            23                          24          25            26          27          28
                                                                                                          New Member
                                                                                                          Welcome with
                                                                                                           9-10:30 HL

      228     1st
              New Moon
                                 239                         17
                                                             10          18
                                                                         11             19
                                                                                        12          20
                                                                                                    13              21
29                          30     3rd Quarter
                                                        31           1             2            3              4

      15      FullQuarter
              1st Moon
                                 16      3rd Quarter
                                                             17          251
                                                                         18             262
                                                                                        19          273
                                                                                                    20              284
September 2021 (United States)
                                                                                                      3    4    5    6    7    8    9
                                                                                                     10   11   12   13   14   15   16
                                                                                                     17   18   19   20   21   22   23
                                                                                                     24   25   26   27   28   29   30

                                                                 September 2021

Sun                    Mon                              Tue                    Wed       Thu   Fri   Sat
29                      30          3rd Quarter
                                                        31                      1         2      3        4

 5                        6         New Moon
                                                             7                  8         9    10    11
                         Labor Day                       Community Maintenance                        Community
                                                           Events    Meeting                          Events Pig
                                                          meeting    4pm HL                             Roast
                                                          7pm HL                                       5pm HL

12                      13          1st Quarter
                                                        14                     15        16    17    18

19                      20 Utilities
                            Full Moon
                                      21                                       22        23    24    25
                              meeting                                                                  Community
                              7pm HL                                                                 Events & Fishing
                                                                                                      & Boating club
                              Finance                                                                Hot Dog roast at
                              meeting                                                                     beach
                              6pm HL
26                      27                              28       3rd Quarter
                                                                               29        30      1        2

Federal Holidays   Local Holidays          Multiple Events

Volunteer Landscape Gardeners-2021
Deb Dittenber- Coordinator and Volunteer
Tom & Beth Calahan                                             Nadine Umstead
Rich & Sarah McClusby                                          Ron & Beu Carr
Deb Partlow                                                    Lauri & Scott Armstrong
Kathleen & Ian Short                                           Trish Adkins
Meg Hucle                                                      Dee Dee English
Rhonda & Brent Winand                                          Shiela Calat
Linda Wonderly                                                 Scott Hunlele
Pat Linder                                                     Bill & Linda Melendez
Marb Lawrence                                                  Linda Kelley

           Morrow County Fair - 2021
         August 30 - September 6th, 2021
   Fair Information
   For more information including the schedule of events please
   visit www.morrowcountyfair.org

   Admission Prices
   Daily Gate Admission (Age 7 & up) ....................... $6.00

   Season Pass (Age 16 & up) .................................. $30.00

   Youth Pass (Age 7-15) ........................................... $20.00

   Daily Pit Passes (infield) Gate B - ......................... $10.00

   Jr. Fair Exhibitors/Advisors .....................................$5.00

   Children 6 and under, parking and grandstand are FREE!


CANDLEWOOD LAKE ASSOCIATION                                  PRESORTED
  7326 STATE ROUTE 19 UNIT 1507                               STANDARD
   MOUNT GILEAD, OHIO 43338                               U S POSTAGE PAID
         Phone: 419-947-1138                                  PERMIT #35
          Fax: 419-947-1695                                    GALION

VOLUME MMXXI                    August 2021               Number 8 (VIII)

  Published by The Candlewood Lake Property Owners’ Association. Mailings and
          advertising rates are available upon request. Printed since 1981.
                             Editor - Association Office.
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