Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente

Page created by Tim Fowler
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Piano d’azione sull’Inquinamento Zero

Visione e Obiettivi principali


                                               Silvia Bartolini

                                        Commissione Europea
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Quale visione al 2050?

                              “Ridurre l’inquinamento dell’aria,
                              dell’acqua e del suolo a livelli non
                              dannosi per la salute dei nostri
                              cittadini e dei nostri ecosistemi, nel
                              pieno rispetto dei limiti dei nostro
                              pianeta, creando un ambiente sano
                              per tutti”

© Simon Migaj from Unsplash
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
The European Green Deal
                                         zero pollution actions
                                                                               Mobilising research
                                                                              and fostering innovation
                                                                                                              Chemicals Strategy for

                                        Transforming the                                                         Sustainability
     Increasing the EU’s Climate        EU’s economy for a A zero pollution ambition
     ambition for 2030 and 2050         sustainable future for a toxic-free environment                   Zero Pollution Action Plan for
                                                                                                                Air, Water & Soil

Supplying clean, affordable
    and secure energy                              The
                                                                        Preserving and restoring
                                                                        ecosystems and biodiversity
                                                                                                         Many Green Deal actions already
                                                                                                         contribute to the Zero Pollution

                                                                
Mobilising industry for a clean                  Green                   From ‘Farm to Fork’: a fair,    • Circular Economy
   and circular economy                           Deal                  healthy and environmentally        (e.g. microplastics)
                                                                            friendly food system         • Biodiversity and Farm to Fork (e.g.

                                                               
                                                                                                           nutrients, pestides)
     Building and renovating in an                                  Accelerating the shift to            • CAP (e.g. pesticides/fertilisers)
                                         And leave
     energy/resource efficient way                               sustainable and smart mobility          • Climate & Energy initiatives
                                         No one behind
                                                                                                           including  Adaptation

                    Financing the transition             Leave no one behind
                                                             (Just Transition)
                                                                                                         • Cancer Plan (eg. air pollution)
                                                                                                         • Mobility Strategy Integrated
                                                                                                         • Renovation Wave & Bauhaus
                                                                                                         • Industrial Strategy
        The EU as a                                                              A European              • Pharmaceuticals Strategy
        global leader                                                            Climate Pact            • Trade Policy Review &
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Quale impatto sulla salute dei cittadini?

Source: EEA – Healthy environment,
healthy lives (2018) based on WHO (2016)
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Costi dell’INAZIONE superiori a quelli

Costo inquinamento aria in UE= 330-940 miliardi l’anno

Costo misure UE per migliorare qualità aria = 70-80 milliardi l’anno
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Inquinamento Zero: Gerarchia dell’azione
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Obiettivi all’orizzonte 2030?

                         Quali Obiettivi all’orizzonte 2030?

                                                 -l 55% delle morti
                                                 premature causate
                                                                              - 25% gli ecosistemi in
       - 30% la percentuale della                                               cui L’inquinamento
         popolazione che soffre                                               atmosferico minaccia la
            cronicamente di                                                         biodiversità
         inquinamento acustico
                                                Attuazione della
                                                legislazione UE
                                              (aria, acqua, suolo)
                                                  + Riduzione
                                                                                      - 50% le perdite di
               - 50% rifiuti di plastica in                                        nutrienti nel suolo e l’uso
                         mare e                                                     dei pesticicidi chimici
                - 30% le microplastiche

                                                   - 50% la produzione di
                                                     rifiuti urbani residui
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Zero Pollution policies – towards an integrated approach


  Industry                                               Transport

Consumption &                                      Agriculture &
  Products                                          Fishery
Piano d'azione sull'Inquinamento Zero - Visione e Obiettivi principali ISPRA Silvia Bartolini - SNPA Ambiente
Aree d’azione

                                                                    Ensuring stricter
               Boosting change         Improving health
                                       and well-being               implementation and
               across society                                       enforcement

                                  Towards zero
                                 pollution from     Living within our
                                 production and     planetary
                                  consumption       boundaries
  Tracking progress,
                                                                          Promoting worldwide
  anticipating trends and

Principali Iniziative annunciate
                                                    Launch of the Zero Pollution Stakeholder
                                                    Platform (2021)
                                                    •New emission limit values for motor vehicles (EURO7)
First Zero Pollution Monitoring and                 •Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive and EU
Outlook (2022)                                       Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (or early 2022)
•Revision of Air Quality Directive                  •Revision of the Environmental Crime Directive
•Revision of the Urban Wastewater Treatment         •Launch global initiatives, e.g. on lead batteries recycling
•Revision of water pollutants list (Environmental
 Quality Standards and Groundwater Directives)
•Revision of the Mercury Regulation
•Implementation Report of Environmental Noise
                                                    EEA’s European Environment &
 Directive                                          Health Atlas (2023)
•Establish EU priority watch list for soil          •Review of Marine Strategy Framework Directive
                                                    •Review of Bathing Water Directive
                                                    •Fitness Check of Environment Liability Directive
                                                    •Assess pathways and policy options for indoor air quality
Second Zero Pollution Monitoring                    •Dedicated nutrient (ammonia) actions contributing to the
and Outlook (2024)                                   Integrated Nutrient Management Action Plan
•Recommendations on implementation of               •Zero pollution contribution to European
 polluter pays principle                             Green Deal Dataspace
Zero Pollution Monitoring & Outlook (SWD(2021) 141)
                                                Zero Pollution Monitoring (EEA lead)
                                                 Integrated monitoring of pollution building on
                                                  existing air, noise, water, marine & soil
                                                 Focus on targets, impacts, pressures and
                                                  effectiveness of measures
                                                 Spotlight on pollutants of emerging concern (e.g.
                                                  light, ultrafine particles, etc.)
                                                 Develop and incorporate more integrated
                                                  assessments (e.g. Exposome, human
                                                  biomonitoring, environmental footprint)
                                                 Thematic report on emerging research or use of
Zero Pollution Outlook (JRC lead)                 Copernicus
 Clean Air Outlook complemented by Clean        Contribution to 8th Environment Action Programme
  Water/Marine Outlook and Clean Soil Outlook     and Environment Implementation Review
 Strategic foresight dimension
Digital solutions (SWD(2021) 140)

Showcasing case studies / best practices on
• Less air pollution through digitising energy and transport sector
• Less pesticide and nutrient pollution through precision farming
• Less chemical pollution in products through better data for consumers
• Less pollution from mining and waste due to digitally enabled circular economy
• Less water pollution through ‘digital water process’
Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform
             Bringing together stakeholders and experts from different policy areas
             mainstream the zero pollution agenda, help create co-ownership, promote
               collaboration and foster integrated solutions and actions that maximise
             share good practices on cross-cutting topics such as financing for zero pollution
               innovation and jobs, boosting sustainable production and consumption as well
               as creating thematic hubs (e.g. air, digital, soil)
             Create synergies with European Climate Pact, Circular Economy Stakeholder
               Platform, Green City Accord, Business@Biodiversity, Chemicals Roundtable, etc.

      X x
See you at the Green

                                              Contact: ENV-ZERO-POLLUTION@ec.europa.eu

                                                                                         Your input is welcome!
    Week 2021!

                                              Analysis of open public consultation
                                              Zero Pollution webpage
                       More information:

                                           © European Union 2020
                                           Unless otherwise noted the reuse of this presentation
                                           is authorised under the CC BY 4.0 license. For any
                                           use or reproduction of elements that are not owned
                                           by the EU, permission may need to be sought directly
                                           from the respective right holders.
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