Perth's Evolving External Reputation as Presented in Published Indices, Literature and Media - Committee for Perth

Perth's Evolving External Reputation as Presented in Published Indices, Literature and Media - Committee for Perth
FACTBase                                      Bulletin 63, April 2019

       Perth’s Evolving External Reputation as Presented
          in Published Indices, Literature and Media
                                          Gemma Davis
Introduction                           Summary of Key Findings
City competitiveness has been
                                       • Reputation is important to sustainable economic performance and to
identified as central to the long-       the growth and development of established and emerging sectors in
term economic performance                Greater Perth’s economy.
of global cities in the twenty first   • City reputation can be defined as the aggregation of a single
century. Notably, the Committee          stakeholder’s perceptions of the capacity of the city to meet demands
for Perth’s 2018 Bigger & Better         and expectations of many city stakeholders, including residents,
Beyond the Boom: Perth’s                 prospective residents, businesses and investors, tourists, visitors and
                                         purchasers and consumers of goods produced.
Pathway to Prosperity report
identified a strong, competitive       • Non-fiction literature and external media coverage of arts, culture and
identity and positive global             travel opportunities in Greater Perth this century illustrate the evolution
                                         of perceptions of Greater Perth from ‘Dullsville’ in 2000 to a ‘revitalised/
reputation as central to Perth’s         transformed city’ today.
economic future.
                                       • Perceptions of Greater Perth presented by global city indices depict
                                         a region that is liveable but not as liveable as other Australian cities.
City identity is the sense of a          Perth is also falling behind in regard to perceptions of innovation, smart
city that distinguishes itself from      technology, attractiveness to international students and the strength of
others and the extent to which           the city’s brand – yet has strengthened its reputation as affordable.
people recall a place as being         • Reports of major international events in Greater Perth in the twentieth
distinct from other places (Lynch,       century depicted the region as remote, somewhat unsophisticated
1960). The concept of city identity      and laid back yet also confident, friendly, youthful, optimistic,
is often closely associated with         entrepreneurial and outward-looking.
city or place branding, which is       • Greater Perth’s external reputation in the latter twentieth century
“the strategic self-presentation of      and early twenty first century include: involvement in and hosting of
                                         major international events; investment in capital, sporting and cultural
a place with the aim of creating
                                         infrastructure; urban redevelopment and revitalisation; improvements
reputational capital through             to accessibility; pervasive stereotypes; promotion and marketing;
economic, political and social           geographic location and attributes; as well as the region’s society and
interest promotion at home and           culture.
abroad” (Szondi, 2008, p. 5).          • The hosting of major international events, as well as phases of
                                         investment and revitalisation have primarily been perceived positively
Yet it is evident that both an           by the outside world. Conversely, periods of relative underinvestment
                                         have been harshly judged, the impacts of which can linger.
underlying competitive city
identity and successful brand is       • The latter twentieth and early twenty first century was identified as
a strong, positive city reputation.      a period of perceived inherent conflict between the characteristics
                                         of Greater Perth most valued by residents (i.e. suburban lifestyles)
City reputation can be defined           and those sought by visitors (i.e. a vibrant city centre). Yet the
as the aggregation of a single           transformation of Perth over the past decade has illustrated that these
stakeholder’s perceptions of             need not always be mutually exclusive.
the capacity of the city to meet       • Looking forward, Greater Perth must take control of, and actively
demands and expectations of              shape, its future narrative and reputation through ongoing, strategic
many city stakeholders, including        action and outward communication.
residents, prospective residents,
businesses and investors, tourists,

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Perth's Evolving External Reputation as Presented in Published Indices, Literature and Media - Committee for Perth
Bulletin 63, April 2019

visitors and purchasers and            identified as a factor enhancing      stable if adequately conserved;
consumers of goods produced            corporate financial performance       others including urban form,
in the city (Delgado-García,           (Lee and Roh, 2018; Fombrun,          recreational opportunities,
Quevedo-Puente and Blanco-             1996; Roberts and Dowling, 2002).     infrastructure quality, economic
Mazagatos, 2018).                                                            performance, cost of living,
                                       Published literature has afforded     governance and branding are
Given the breadth of                   less attention to the impact of       subject to significant changes
stakeholders and the diversity         reputation on the performance         over time. As a result, place
of stakeholder demands and             of places, however there is           reputations also evolve over time.
expectations associated with           current evidence that a positive
a city, its reputation is therefore    reputation is an intangible asset     Stakeholder expectations are
influenced by a wide cross-            and a source of place/city            also subject to change and
section of variables.                  competitiveness, with links made      conflict, with the perceived
                                       between the reputation of a city      satisfaction of stakeholders
This Bulletin is the first input       and economic development              connected to the satisfaction
into the Committee for Perth’s         including new firms, employment       of other stakeholders in both a
‘Hashtag Perth’ project that           growth and positive migratory         cooperative and a competitive
seeks to characterise Greater          trends (Delgado-García,               way (Delgado-García,
Perth’s global reputation              Quevedo-Puente and Blanco-            Quevedo-Puente and Blanco-
through original quantitative          Mazagatos, 2018; Wæraas, 2015).       Mazagatos, 2018). For example,
and qualitative research                                                     the expectations of residents are
involving local, national and          Reputation has therefore              more easily met if the city can
international stakeholders             been identified as important          attract business and tourists; but
combined with a comprehensive          to sustainable economic               the priorities of residents, visitors
review of historical and current       performance and to the growth         and businesses can vary and
perceptions of Greater Perth as        and development of established        resources oriented to meet the
presented in published literature      and emerging sectors in Greater       expectations of one stakeholder
and global media.                      Perth’s economy. However, prior       group mean that there are fewer
                                       to examining the reputation           resources available to serve
The aim of this Bulletin is to         of places, it is important to         the interest of others (Delgado-
examine city reputation and            understand the factors which          García, Quevedo-Puente and
provide a review of the reported       influence it at a local and           Blanco-Mazagatos, 2018).
reputation of Greater Perth. It        global level.
seeks to identify the factors that                                           Cities have also taken various
influence the reputation of global
cities; the established benefits
                                       Factors Influencing                   pathways to showcase their
                                                                             attributes, differentiate
of a positive city reputation; and     Place Reputation                      themselves and demonstrate
the evolution of Greater Perth’s                                             their capacity to meet
                                       Investigations by global research
reported reputation over time.                                               stakeholder expectations
                                       and marketing organisations
It achieves this through a review                                            to the world. This includes
                                       as well as academic literature
of published local, national                                                 communication and reality
                                       report a complex combination
and international literature,                                                building actions in areas such
                                       of national culture, identity,
media reports, research reports                                              as culture, innovation, design
                                       attributes and brand; local
and indices.                                                                 and technology; the building
                                       social, cultural, economic
                                                                             and preservation of emblematic
                                       and environmental attributes;
The Importance of                      infrastructure; governance
                                                                             monuments or attractions; and
                                                                             hosting important organisations
City Reputation                        efficiency; city brand and
                                       image; and investor, visitor and
                                                                             or major international events
                                                                             (Aula and Harmaakorpi, 2008;
The importance of reputation           tourist experience as influencing
                                                                             Turok, 2009).
is widely recognised in the field      stakeholder perceptions and
of business. Organisations with        therefore the reputation of a
strong, positive reputations           place. These are illustrated in
have been associated with              Figure 1.
a capacity to attract talent,
establish customer loyalty and         Whilst it is evident that some
demonstrate resilience and             attributes, such as beauty, quality
market longevity. Corporate            of the natural environment and
reputation has also been               climate should remain relatively

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Figure 1: Factors Influencing the Reputation of Places

                                                                 Environment: beauty; quality of the
                                                                 natural environment; favourable
                                                                 climate; close to beaches.

                                                                 Urban and recreational attributes:
                                                                 exciting city environment; appealing
                                                                 experiences; opportunities to learn;
                                                                 quality shopping; cultural attractions;
                                                                 quality parks and recreation.

                                                                 Infrastructure and accessibility:
                                                                 ease of getting around by public
                                                                 transport; quality of transport and
                 Residents &                                     communications infrastructure;
                 Prospective                                     accessibility by commercial flights;
                 Residents                                       availability of schools; quality of health
                                               Perceptions of:

                                                                 care; commute times; major port, rail                      Place Branding
                                                                 and/or highway system.                                     and Stereotypes:
                                                                                                                            country, state and
                                                                 Society and culture: crime and safety;                     city brand/image
                                                                 general demographics; home to well-
    Visitors &             Businesses                            known personalities.
    Students               & Investors
                                                                 Cost and economy: job opportunities;
                                                                 cost of living; housing affordability;
                                                                 affordability of commercial and
                                                                 industrial space; stable economy and
                                                                 future growth; well respected products
                                                                 and services; quality workforce;
                                                                 average wages of workers; personal
                                                                 and business tax rates; headquarters
                                                                 of leading companies; technology.

                                                                 Governance: well-developed
                                                                 political and legal institutions; social,
                                                                 economic, environmental policy;
                                                                 respected leaders.

Source: Fair and McGrath, 2018; Reputation Institute, 2018.

Greater Perth’s                             These indices can therefore play
                                            a role in reporting and influencing
                                                                                                     strength is not distinctive to
                                                                                                     Greater Perth. Liveability is also a
Reputation in                               stakeholder perceptions of cities                        primary strength of Melbourne,
Global Indices                              as well as in generating and
                                            perpetuating city stereotypes.
                                                                                                     Sydney, Adelaide and Auckland.

As previously expressed, the                                                                         In addition, the Economist
purpose of this Bulletin is to              Greater Perth’s performance                              Intelligence Unit (EIU) rates
examine Greater Perth’s external            and reputation in international                          ‘liveability’ in Greater Perth
reputation as perceived and                 indices was examined in detail as                        below that of Sydney, Melbourne,
reported by external stakeholders           part of the Committee for Perth’s                        Adelaide and Auckland and,
in published literature and media.          Bigger & Better Beyond the Boom                          while major cities in Asia have
An important indicator of external          project. It identified Greater Perth                     increased their EIU liveability
reputation is provided by global            as a comparatively competitive                           ratings over the past decade,
city indices, which compare                 mid-tier global city and the                             Greater Perth’s ranking fell from
and rate the performances of                fourth most competitive capital in                       8th to 14th from 2015-18. Recently
cities around the world against             Australia. It also established that                      released global indices also
a range of economic, social and             Greater Perth has strong rivals                          position Greater Perth well behind
environmental criteria.                     – notably other major capitals                           Sydney and Melbourne as a place
                                            within Australia and the Asia-                           to study; as a city of innovation;
The primary purpose of city                 Pacific region.                                          and as an implementer of smart
indices has been to deliver                                                                          technology – all of which are
intelligence regarding the                  The indices identify liveability/                        emerging indicators of success
suitability of cities as regions to         quality of life as one of Perth’s                        in competitive twenty-first
invest and do business and their            greatest competitive advantages                          century cities.
attractiveness for global staff.            – but also established that this

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Table 1: Index Ratings for Australian and Asia-Pacific Cities

 City Index                Perth   Sydney       Melbourne   Brisbane   Adelaide      Auckland   Singapore    Osaka   Kong
 Intelligence Unit’s
                             14          5              2        22         10            12            35     3       37
 Global Liveability
 Index 2018
 Mercer Quality of
                             21        10              16        37         29            3             25    59       71
 Living Survey 2018
 Mercer Cost of Living
                             61        29              58        84         87            81             4    10        1
 Survey 2018
 Intelligence Unit
                            64         16              22        41         51            41             1     5        1
 Worldwide Cost of
 Living Survey 2019
 Numbeo Cost of
 Living Comparison           77        40              86       144        110           60             38    85       81
 2ThinkNow Innovation
                           105         10              16        54        163           96              6    45       27
 Cities 2018
 QS Best Student Cities
                             39          9              3        21         41           23             15    19       12
 Easy Park Smart Cities
                             41        12              10       N/A         61           48              2    52       68
 Index 2017
 Resonance World’s
                             62          5             11        29        N/A          N/A              2    61       34
 Best City Brands 2017

Source: Committee for Perth, 2018; EIU, 2019

Yet, Greater Perth has                         This section outlines perceptions        events including the 1962 British
substantially improved its ‘cost               of Perth reported in the media           Empire and Commonwealth
of living’ rating in recent years              generated by major international         Games; the 1987 America’s Cup;
and the most recent EIU Survey                 events. It also delivers an              and the first orbital space flight
(2019) ranks Perth 64th – making               overview of literature and media         by a United States astronaut,
it the most affordable major                   reports about Perth in the late          John Glenn. These events had
capital in Australia and the                   twentieth and early twenty-first         a pivotal influence on Greater
most affordable city of those                  century non-fiction literature,          Perth’s twentieth century external
compared in Table 1.                           academic literature and media            reputation and were successful
                                               reports, most notably in the             in presenting attributes of the

Perth’s Reputation                             spheres of travel and tourism
                                               and arts and culture. The
                                                                                        region to the world in a primarily
                                                                                        positive light.
as Reported in                                 findings presented are based
                                                                                        City of Light
International                                  on a review of more than forty
                                               articles referenced within the text      In 1962, Greater Perth and
Literature and                                 below or listed in the attached          Western Australia played a role

Media                                          bibliography.                            in the historic first US orbital
                                                                                        flight by John Glenn aboard
Perceptions of and opinions
about Greater Perth have been
                                               Perceptions of                           Friendship-7. While tracking
                                                                                        stations at Muchea in Western
preserved in literature and print              Perth from Major                         Australia and Woomera in
media since settlement and
afford snapshots of the region’s
                                               International                            South Australia tracked Glenn’s
                                                                                        progress across the Australian
pre and post-colonial evolution                Events                                   continent, Greater Perth reached
towards a city of more than two                                                         out to Glenn by switching on
                                               In the mid to late twentieth
million inhabitants. They also offer                                                    all of the lights in the city (WA
                                               century, Greater Perth
an insight into Greater Perth’s                                                         Museum, 2012). Glenn observed
                                               showcased itself to the globe
evolving external reputation                                                            the lights on the edge of the vast
                                               through its involvement in, and
and the factors that have                                                               darkness of the Indian Ocean
                                               hosting of, major international
influenced it.                                                                          and remarked: “The lights show

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up very well, thank everybody for       winning streak in the history         On December 31, 1986, Nicholas
turning them on”. As a result, Perth    of sport. The victory has been        Kristoff of the New York Times
became known to the world as            reported as transcending sailing      wrote of Fremantle: “This
the ‘City of Light’ and Perth Lord      and “becoming the symbol of           sunwashed harbor town, home
Mayor at the time, Harry Howard,        a time when Australia came of         to the America’s Cup sailing
was invited to be part of the           age and made our mark on the          races, abounds with souvenirs,
New York ticker tape celebrating        international stage” (ABC, 2013).     freshly painted storefronts and
Glenn’s flight (Gary, 2012).                                                  shopkeepers eagerly awaiting an
                                        Yet for Perth, the victory was even   invasion of American tourists. The
Perceptions of Perth from               more significant. Australia was to    only thing that Fremantle lacks, so
the VIIth British Empire and            defend the Cup in 1987 and the        far, is the American tourists…But
Commonwealth Games                      internationally renowned sporting     even if the foreigners do not show
Later in 1962, Greater Perth            event was to be held in Perth         up in the numbers anticipated,
stepped onto the international          and Fremantle. Described by           Fremantle has suddenly become
stage again, hosting the                David Allan-Petale of the Sydney      one of the most fashionable
VIIth British Empire and                Morning Herald as “a stubby           places to shop or dine in all of
Commonwealth Games. British             provincial city and a shabby port     Western Australia…An erstwhile
news reels from the time describe       far from the glamour of Sydney        earthy undercurrent in Fremantle
Perth as a “beautiful capital” and      or the culture of Melbourne”,         – with topless barmaids inside
“paradise” located “a few miles         1980s Perth was considered            some pubs, and inebriated
inland on the Swan River Estuary”.      an Australian backwater and           patrons outside – has been
The city was commended for              while Alan Bond’s new status of       replaced by hordes of young
the new Perry Lakes Stadium,            Australian hero put the spotlight     people who sip wine and are well,
reportedly costing the city one         on Western Australia’s bold,          if minimally, dressed.”
million pounds, the athletes’           entrepreneurial culture, hosting
village in City Beach, as well as its   the America’s Cup was also an         Yet the 1987 America’s Cup was
calm beaches and hot “tropical          opportunity to place Perth firmly     widely heralded as a success for
climate”. The Games were                on the global map.                    Fremantle and Perth, and a post-
branded a success and Perth’s                                                 event report found that the visitors
500,000 people were praised for         Graham Edwards, member of             did come – estimating that the
“rising to the occasion” (British       the Western Australian Labor          regatta attracted 930,000 visitors
Pathe, 2014).                           Government at the time,               to WA and generated $450 million
                                        described this period: “There         in business and investment for the
Greater Perth’s success in hosting      was a feeling that this was an        State (Butler S, 2017).
the games came as a surprise to         opportunity for Perth to grasp
some international commentators.        the future – to reshape Perth as a    But not all visiting journalists were
James Coote of the London Daily         city of excitement and a city of      impressed. American journalist
Telegraph reported: “The VIIth          the future, and a hospitality and     and political satirist P. J. O’Rouke
Commonwealth Games have                 tourist hub” (Allan-Petale, 2017).    wrote of his travels to Fremantle
proved that it is possible for an                                             for the America’s Cup “God
area as basically devoid of sports      Consequently, the America’s           knows how the America’s Cup
interest as Perth to stage the          Cup provided the impetus for          wound up out here…In Western
second most important sports            investment in new modern              Australia they don’t even know
meeting in the World – and stage        skyscrapers, hotels, sports           how to make that vital piece of
it successfully. Perth has shown        facilities, marinas and malls and     sailboating equipment, the gin
that these Games will continue          also facilitated the much-needed      and tonic”…while in reference
for years to come” (Howie and           revitalisation of Fremantle and its   to the America’s Cup Ball he
Wynne, 2014).                           heritage west end from ‘scruffy       quipped “…nobody in Western
                                        port’ to bustling entertainment       Australia owns a tuxedo either.
Perceptions of Perth and                district. Greater Perth’s rapid       Every guy there was wearing a
Fremantle from 1987                     1980s facelift and optimism           rented one exactly like mine.
America’s Cup                           was captured in international         We all spent the night itching
In 1983, an Australian team,            media reports, which depict a         and squirming and scratching
bankrolled by Western Australian        remote and young, if relatively       ourselves like apes” (p. 146).
entrepreneur Alan Bond won              unsophisticated region dressed
the prestigious America’s Cup,          up and eagerly awaiting its           1987 and subsequent years
breaking the United States’             moment on the world stage.            proved challenging for Greater
132-year stranglehold on the                                                  Perth and Western Australia.
title, and ending the longest                                                 Following Australia’s America’s

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Cup defeat, the stock market           cultural infrastructure fell behind    Perth – the world’s remotest
crash in mid-October ended             that of other Australian cities and    city – is vivacious, exciting and
the ‘era of the entrepreneur’ in       Greater Perth’s Central Business       beautiful. I have to admit that I
Australia and Western Australia,       District was increasingly criticised   find it dull. I returned to the west
with high-profile businessmen          on global tourism websites for         last year, hoping to encounter
including Alan Bond, Laurie            lacking vibrancy and attractions       the place I still hear reported
Connell, Keven Parry and               (Kennewell and Shaw, 2008).            as being there. For me, it
Robert Holmes à Court suffering                                               doesn’t exist: just a little city fully
substantial financial losses
(Morgan and Janda, 2017).
                                       Greater Perth in                       absorbed with navel-gazing.
                                                                              Its loyal citizens, obsessed with
                                       Literature and                         cleanliness and sunbathing,
The stock market crash also
precipitated a financial downturn
                                       Media                                  congratulate each other on
                                                                              living in a place so vivacious,
in the State and the exposure of       Published perceptions of Greater       so exciting and so beautiful. On
a corruption crisis for the Western    Perth extend beyond those              weekdays Perth strikes me as
Australian government which            generated by major events and          half-dead – and totally dead on
resulted in the 1988 resignation       are present in art, fiction and        Sunday. The location is fine, the
of then Premier Brian Burke, who       academic literature. Stratton          Swan River describes a broad
a subsequent Royal Commission          and Trainer (2016) examined            sweep around parklands and
found had engaged in “grossly          perceptions of Perth in literature     freeways, which usurp all the
improper” conduct in regard to         and songs and refer to them            most interesting sites. People are
business dealings during his time      as ‘myths of the city’ which           friendly, this cannot be denied,
as Premier at substantial cost to      “both convey the experience            and the pace is leisurely. Yet the
the State, and was imprisoned for      of that particular city and help       city seems to have no heart, no
falsifying travel expenses (Burrell    to construct that experience”          shape, no character. In search
A, 2015).                              (p. 34).                               of character you should catch
                                                                              the first available train (or taxi,
In the following decade, while         Twentieth and early twenty-            if desperate) to the port of
other Australian cities (most          first century myths of Greater         Fremantle” (p. 119–20).
notably Sydney and Melbourne)          Perth include: Greater Perth
adopted aggressive strategies          as the world’s most isolated or        Yet over the past decade,
of capital investment, self-           remote capital city; Perth as          some of these stereotypes have
promotion and image creation           a small city; Perth as Dullsville;     been increasingly challenged
and delivered hallmark                 Perth as a boom-town; Perth as         and reported perceptions of
international events including         expensive and unsophisticated;         Greater Perth have exhibited a
the 2000 Olympics, Greater             and Perth as revitalised, with         significant shift.
Perth became slow to develop           the dominate stereotype
its potential (Kennewell and           shifting over time in response         Perceptions of Greater Perth
Shaw, 2008). Numerous public           to investment in the region            as Isolated
development projects in                along with economic, social            Perceptions of Greater Perth as
Greater Perth over this period         and cultural change. Greater           the world’s most isolated capital
including the Hillarys Boat            Perth’s people have also been          city were commonly presented
Harbour and Graham Farmer              periodically (and somewhat             in twentieth century literature
Freeway attracted significant          paradoxically) typecast as laid        and, while this claim is a fallacy,
regional controversy and public        back; lacksadasical; inward            it is reflective of Perth’s remote
opposition, while the Bell Tower       looking; entrepreneurial; fiercely     geographical location, notably
and Perth Convention and               independent; slow to accept            the distance between Greater
Exhibition Centre were also            change; and exhibiting a               Perth and other cities in Australia,
criticised (within Greater Perth)      sense of inferiority to capitals       and in the Asia-Pacific region.
for failing to reach their potential   ‘over east’.                           It is widely acknowledged that
(Committee for Perth 2011;                                                    Greater Perth’s remote location
2011a; 2016).                          There are numerous examples            has shaped its internal identity
                                       of these stereotypes of Greater        and external reputation (Stratton
In addition, while infrastructure      Perth being presented in late          and Trainer, 2016).
projects including the extension       twentieth century literature.
of Greater Perth’s suburban            One of these is Rodney Halls’          A review of literature and media
passenger rail were widely             book ‘Home: A Journey through          undertaken for the purpose
heralded a success, the quality        Australia’, in which the author        of this Bulletin has identified
of the region’s sporting and           writes: “People assure me that         Perth’s remote location as the

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characteristic of Perth most            the second-tier cities literature     the global economy; the growing
commonly depicted in external           (Markusen et. al. 1999) – which is    prominence of Asian economies;
media reports over the past             surprisingly unmentioned in Perth’s   and rapid improvements in
two decades.                            economic, cultural and social         connectivity and accessibility
                                        development portfolio – notes         through technology and air travel
While it is acknowledged that           that a disconnection from global      (Committee for Perth, 2018).
isolation/remoteness can                cities enables quirky specificities   In this regard, Greater Perth’s
have negative connotations,             to thrive” (p. 175).                  increasing accessibility by air
particularly in the context of                                                has also been a substantial focus
globalisation and efforts to            Yet perceptions of Greater Perth’s    of international marketing and
attract international visitors and      location are changing and a shift     media attention, most notably
investment, it is also noted to be      in the reported narrative about       following the commencement of
“less relevant than it was for most     Greater Perth’s geographical          direct flights between Perth and
of the twentieth century, when          location is evident over the          London in March 2018 (Australian
flying interstate was expensive         past decade. Greater Perth            Tourism Exchange, 2017) and the
and the Nullarbor Plain was             has increasingly identified itself    announced launch of direct daily
crossed via dirt track” (Whish-         and been identified externally        flights between Perth and Tokyo
Wilson, 2013, p. 12).                   by its proximity to Asia rather by    from 1 September 2019 (Loo, 2018).
                                        than its distance from eastern
Furthermore, some external              states capitals.                      Perceptions of Perth as a
media and academic literature                                                 Small City
have highlighted positive               A review of twenty-seven research     External and internal twentieth
consequences of Greater Perth’s         reports and strategies prepared       century and early twenty-first
remote location, including              from 2003-2018 undertaken as          century media reports have
crediting isolation with generating     part of the Committee for Perth’s     also presented Perth as a small
creativity, a fiercely independent      2018 Bigger & Better Beyond the       city. This perception has been
culture and delivering a source of      Boom project established that         examined by academics Stratton
local pride.                            Perth’s proximity to Asia has been    and Trainer (2016) who write: “In
                                        reported as a key economic            1980 Perth’s population was a
In 2012, Georgina Pearson of            opportunity for Perth since 2008.     little under 900,000. This was not
Encore magazine wrote “A                An example is the Committee           small. For comparison, in 1980
five-hour flight from the eastern       for Perth’s 2012 Towards a Bright     in the United States, Dallas had
seaboard, WA’s capital city is as       Future project which identified       just over 900,000 inhabitants and
far off the beaten track as you         an opportunity for Perth to           San Diego just under. In Britain,
can get… But that’s not to say          become ‘Australia’s Gateway to        Sheffield at this same time had a
Perth is deficient within. In fact,     Asia and the Indian Ocean Rim’        much smaller population of rather
this forced isolation has cultivated    (Committee for Perth, 2018).          over 500,000, which was roughly
a small but blossoming media                                                  the same as that of Liverpool.
industry, yielding creative of          This perception of Greater Perth      By 2000, Perth’s population had
international calibre. A glance at      has also emerged in external          increased by about a million to
Perth’s media landscape reveals         media reports. Lonely Planet’s        nearly 1,900,000. Nevertheless,
an industry punching above its          current online profile of Greater     the rhetoric that Perth is small
weight.” Quoting Perth artist Tina      Perth (2019), for example,            has, as we shall see, been
Wilson, Pearson also writes: “There     identifies the city as being “as      perpetuated…” (p. 36).
is less competition so there is more    close to Bali as it is to eastern
room to be creative. Perth work         (Australian) capitals” while          While Greater Perth is reported
is as original, if not more original,   Chris Pash of Business Insider        to retain a reputation as a small
because the unique challenges           (2014) described Greater Perth’s      city, this research has found that
that come with being small can          location as central, rather than      reports of Perth as small have
often create opportunities”             remote, noting Greater Perth’s        decreased over the past decade,
(p. 32).                                geographic proximity to the           with a shift in perceptions
                                        “world’s emerging economies”.         particularly evident during the
Australian academic Tara                                                      period of rapid population and
Brabazon (2012) also challenged         Factors influencing shifting          economic growth from the
the idea of isolation as a              perceptions about Greater             mid-2000s to 2012-13. During this
disadvantage, writing: “It is           Perth’s geographic location           period, media reports about
important to note that isolation        include globalisation (the trend of   Greater Perth were more likely
from larger population hubs is          increasing global integration); the   to describe Perth as ‘booming’
not a disadvantage. Indeed,             entrance of China and India into      than ‘small’.

                                                                                 FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019 | 7
Bulletin 63, April 2019

Perceptions of Greater Perth           residents of Perth were content          Robyn Annear of ‘The Monthly’
as Dullsville                          with their lives in the suburbs          commented on the connection
Among the most publicised              ascertaining that “The problem           between mining, arts and
perceptions of Perth is that of        confronting Perth planners in            culture in Greater Perth in her
‘Dullsville’, popularised by the       particular is that the denizens like     2014 article, ‘Perth Goes Boom’,
Lonely Planet’s travel guide in        living in the suburbs and have           remarking: “Barry Humphries
2000. Stratton and Trainer (2016)      no great need to travel to ‘the          likened it to a giant shish
quote Rebecca Chau and                 centre’” (Stratton and Trainer,          kebab. Fifteen artless lumps of
Virginia Jealous: “When many           2016, p. 37).                            ore skewered on a 14-metre
a traveller came to visit in the                                                pipe from an oil drill, stood
1990s, the city was dismissed          Similarly, Kennewell and Shaw            upright in a public park. That’s
as ‘dullsville’. The streets were      (2008) maintained that Greater           the Ore Obelisk, planted on
dead, there was nowhere to             Perth’s Dullsville debate “went          Perth’s busy St Georges Terrace
party. Locals were just too            beyond considerations of public          in 1972 to celebrate Western
lackadaisical, at home, in their       planning and desirable urban             Australia’s one-millionth citizen
boardshorts and desert boots,          form to challenge the basis of           and “the harmony of mining
tinkering with the barbecue”           Perth’s established lifestyle”           and environment”. “Who but a
(p. 52).                               and suggested that “Those                ‘practical idealist’ would claim
                                       bemoaning Perth as Dullsville on         to celebrate “the harmony of
This perception was repeated           the basis of reduced shopping            mining and environment”?.”
in other media reports                 opportunities or the absence             Annear further observed: “A
including an article from the          of top ranked entertainers who           celebration of the harmony of
UK’s ‘Management Today’ in             frequently by-pass Perth on              mining and the arts might be
2008, in which an anonymous            their much publicised ‘world             an apt description of the Perth
author wrote of doing business         tours’ may be a minority voice”          Festival, held each February.
in Perth: “There are excellent         (p. 252‑253).                            Since Sydney’s funding took
job opportunities and the                                                       a dive this year, Perth now
regional economy is booming.           Despite this dissent, the ‘Dullsville’   boasts the richest arts festival in
The halcyon lifestyle is the main      tag has been credited with               Australia” (p. 32-5).
attraction, but it has to be said      being the “slap in the face Perth
that if you’ve had enough of           needed” by igniting debate               Perceptions of Perth
sun, sand, golf and tranquillity,      about Greater Perth’s future             as Expensive and
Perth can live up to its nickname      and assisted in generating               Unsophisticated
of Dullsville.”                        “intense interest and desire             Yet during this period, Perth was
                                       for intervention in the CBD”             also presented as expensive and,
Perceptions of Greater Perth           (Fulker, 2017; Brabazon, 2012,           in some publications, as lacking
as dull have been examined             p. 181).                                 sophistication. In 2009, Jason
and challenged in literature. In                                                Loucas of Conde Nast Traveller
2012, Tara Brabazon wrote: “A          Perceptions of Greater Perth             reported on ‘Perth’s New Cultural
great music industry including         as a Booming Mining City                 Scene’ writing: “Locals tell you
a thriving band scene and              From 2009 to 2013, the peak of           that ‘WA’, as the State of Western
dance communities are present          Greater Perth’s mining investment        Australia is generally known,
along with bohemian districts          fuelled economic upswing and             used to stand for Wait Awhile.
in Fremantle and North Perth,          associated migratory population          Not any longer. The man from
wine and food industries within        expansion, perceptions of Perth          the tourist office tells me that
a twenty-minute drive of the           were shifting from ‘Dullsville’ to       the restaurants are pricier than
city (Brabazon 2011), and five         ‘Boom-town’. This has become a           in London. ‘Perth’s no longer
universities populating the            dominant perception of Greater           cheap and cheerful,’ he says,
city with bright, ambitious and        Perth in twenty-first century            and makes it sound like a boast…
thoughtful residents. If this is       media, with ‘mining’, ‘resources’        Perth really was an Australian
dullsville then – with respect –       and ‘boom’ referenced in                 backwater; now the city has
these critics need to travel more      media articles and literature            begun to aspire to a much
widely.” (p. 172).                     about Perth (reviewed during             grander status.”
                                       the preparation of this Bulletin)
Brabazon has also argued that          almost as often as ‘isolated’            By 2011, Lonely Planet’s
while Greater Perth’s Dullsville       or ‘beaches’, with mining and            assessment of Perth had shifted
tag stemmed significantly from         resources often presented as a           significantly, although not in an
the perception of a ‘dead’ city        central element of the regions’          entirely positive direction. Jenna
centre or city with no ‘heart’ –       culture during this period.              Clarke from Traveller quoted

8 | FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019
FACTBase      Bulletin 63, April 2019

the guidebook as painting a            Centre, Elizabeth Quay, Perth         next challenge for Greater Perth
“hot and cold” picture of WA           City Link, Yagan Square and           will be to sustain and expand this
and Perth: “Where many of              Scarborough; the development of       positive narrative, particularly
Australia’s other state capitals       new cultural, entertainment and       in the context of the recent
might have a handful of top            sporting infrastructure including     economic slow-down.
restaurants charging over $40 for      the State Theatre Centre, RAC
a main, in Perth those prices are      Arena and Optus Stadium;              The evolution of reported
fast becoming a norm for any           as well as the emergence of           perceptions and characteristics
establishment that considers itself    Perth’s Fringe World Festival to      of Greater Perth over the past
above average,” the guide stated       complement the existing and           two decades is summarised in
“Unfortunately, the experience         highly successful Perth Festival.     Figure 2. It depicts not only an
doesn’t always match the outlay.”                                            increasingly positive narrative
                                       The impact of these projects on       and perceptions of Greater
The guide was also cited as            reported perceptions of Greater       Perth, but also reported growth
criticising the culture of Greater     Perth has been substantial.           in the perceived number and
Perth’s mining and resources           In 2014, Baz Dreisinger of the        diversity of attractions available
workforce, stating: “One of the        New York Times dubbed Perth a         to stakeholders.
by-products of the mining boom         “Hipster Heaven” and promoted
has been the rise of the Cashed-       Perth’s “multiple parks and
Up Bogan (CUB) – young men with        waterfronts; spotless subways
plenty of cash to splash on muscle     and free public buses; restaurant
cars, beer and drugs.” “It would       menus with organic, locally
pay to keep your wits about you        sourced food and wine; cool
in pubs and on the streets after       bars in heritage buildings; and
dark” (Clarke, 2011).                  pop-up everything, from farmers’
                                       markets to cinema and yoga”
Perceptions of Perth as a              while Andrew Stafford (2017) and
Revitalised/Transforming City          Abigail Healy (2017) write of a
Yet over the past decade,              city “transformed”; and Conde
perceptions of Greater Perth           Nast Traveller referred to “the new
presented in the media began           Perth” (2017).
to demonstrate a notable shift,
with journalists increasingly          Greater Perth has also recently
documenting the positive impacts       witnessed Conde Nast Traveller
of the region’s twenty-first century   (2017) voting Como The Treasury
economic and population                as the best hotel in Australia
growth including Greater Perth’s       and New Zealand and 12th
cultural, entertainment and            best hotel in the world; Qantas
urban revitalisation. From 2014-19,    commencing a direct Perth to
themes of urban transformation         London service in 2018; and both
and accessibility dominated            Forbes and the New York Times
the media and travel articles          naming Perth among the top
about Perth.                           global destinations for 2019. This
                                       has generated additional positive
This shift coincided with new          publicity and has assisted in
development and major                  positioning Perth as increasingly
investment projects, most notably      accessible and as delivering a
in Greater Perth’s central business    competitive and sophisticated
district, previously criticised        visitor experience.
as ‘dead’. This included the
emergence and growth of                It is also apparent that this
Greater Perth’s small bar scene        transformation has been
following amendments to liquor         achieved without challenging
licensing laws; the arrival of food    Greater Perth’s established
trucks and farmers markets; the        lifestyle, evidenced by the strong
commencement and completion            support among residents for the
of major revitalisation and            urban changes in Perth since 2012
redevelopment projects such as         (Ipsos, 2012; Ipsos, 2015; Ipsos,
New Northbridge, Perth Cultural        2018). It is now evident that the

                                                                                FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019 | 9
Bulletin 63, April 2019

Figure 2: The evolving twenty-first century reputation of Greater Perth

 1999 – 2003                      2004 – 2008                   2009 – 2013                     2014 – 2019
 Isolated.                        Isolated.                     Isolated.                       Isolated.
 Pleasant,                        Pleasant, mediterranean       Central location.               Gateway to Australia.
 mediterranean climate.           climate.                      Closer to Bali than eastern     Closer to Bali than to
 Sunny.                           Gateway to Asia/Indian        states.                         eastern states.
                                  Ocean Rim.                    Great weather/sunniest          Central location, close
 Suburban lifestyle.              Access to wilderness.         capital.                        to the world’s emerging
 Sprawling.                       Kings Park/Swan River/        Increasingly looking to         economies.
                                  Beach/Fremantle.              Asia.                           Beautiful/blue water
 Mining-based economy.                                          Kings Park/Swan River/          beaches/Kings Park/
                                  Mining and resource           Beach/Fremantle/                Rottnest and quokkas/
 Strong economy.                  economy.                      wilderness areas.               wildlife and wilderness
 History of                       Boom-town.                    New bars/hotels/tourism         areas.
 entrepreneurialism.              Job opportunities.            developments/suburban           New quality bars,
                                  Expensive/high cost of        hubs/wineries.                  restaurants, home to
 Small.                           living.                                                       best hotel in Australia.
 Youthful.                        Drain of young talent.        Indigenous cultural tours.      Swan Valley wine region.
 Suburban.                        Low unemployment/             Arts and culture including      Fringe World and Perth
 Lacksadasical.                   difficult recruitment         Perth International Arts        International Arts Festival.
 Drinking/pub culture.            environment.                  Festival.                       Elizabeth Quay.
                                                                Undergoing a cultural           Cool urban/suburban
 Dull.                            Small town friendliness/big   renaissance.                    centres.
 Self-satisfied.                  town convenience.             Liveable.                       Sprawling.
 Sense of inferiority.                                                                          Great lifestyle/quality
 Insular/inward looking.          Dull.                         Mining/resource city.           of life.
                                  Lacksadasical.                Boom-town.
                                  NIMBYism/city that says       Expensive/high cost of          Hot/warm climate.
                                  ‘no’.                         living.                         Sunniest capital.
                                  Secondary to eastern
                                  states capitals.              Growing/significant city of     Increasingly accessible
                                                                2 million people.               (direct Perth-London flight).
                                                                Easy-going.                     Quality public transport.
                                                                Creative.                       Car-centric.
                                                                Innovative.                     Infrastructure under strain.

                                                                City of Light/Wait Awhile/      Laid back/easy going.
                                                                Backwater.                      Young/family friendly.
                                                                Inward looking.                 Hipster.
                                                                Secondary to eastern            Creative/quirky/unique
                                                                states capitals.                character, fuelled by
                                                                Cashed-up bogans/drug           isolation.
                                                                alcohol issues.                 Young people leave but
                                                                Dull.                           often return.
                                                                Shaking off ‘Dullsville tag’.   Indigenous culture and
                                                                                                Low-profile compared to
                                                                                                Sydney, Melbourne and
                                                                                                Gold Coast.
                                                                                                Dull (no noteable
                                                                                                reference past 2014).

10 | FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019
FACTBase      Bulletin 63, April 2019

Persistent                                 coastal plain gives up its secrets
                                           slowly. But while it will always be
                                                                                  ‘10 Top Perth Attractions’, other
                                                                                  journalists have highlighted
Perceptions of                             isolated, it is turning its back on    Aboriginal cultural experiences
Greater Perth                              isolationism and showing its face
                                           to the world.”
                                                                                  as among their most memorable
                                                                                  experiences in Greater Perth
While this review has identified                                                  and WA.
shifting perceptions and                   Lucas Peterson, 2017, reported
stereotypes of Greater Perth,              in the New York Times, that “The       In his 2018 article for The Sun
it has also identified persistent          most enjoyable solo trip I took,       newspaper in the United
perceptions of the region from             though, incorporated all of Perth’s    Kingdom, Jonathon Reilly
the mid twentieth century to               major appeals. Rottnest Island…        described: “The gentle hum of
today. They relate to the region’s         while I wasn’t able to score a         the didgeridoo vibrates down
location, natural environment,             vaunted ‘quokka selfie,’ I found       the boardwalk, interrupted only
climate and people and include             the little guys to be much like        by the lapping waves breaking
reports of Greater Perth as:               Perth and its environs – laid-back,    near us. With his melodious
remote, beautiful and sunny                friendly, outside the mainstream       playing, George Walley, my guide
with a pleasant mediterranean              and definitely underrated.”            and local elder here in Western
climate, great beaches, an                                                        Australia, is perfectly rounding off
enviable location on the Swan              While in 2018, Telegraph journalist,   a tour of the local spiritual land.
River, friendly people and a               Nigel Richardson quoted a Perth        He has taken me to see the living
laid back lifestyle. Access to the         resident, in his article ‘How boring   fossils that form egg shapes on
natural environment and wildlife           Perth was reinvented as a magnet       the coastline near Mandurah,
and to regional locations such             for hipsters’ stating: “In Melbourne   an hour south of Perth. Called
as the Margaret River region also          and London people work hard            thrombolites, the orbs were
consistently feature in reports            but they don’t know when to            thought to be eggs laid by a giant
about Perth in recent decades.             stop,” ... “Here they work hard and    snake, part of a creation story
                                           then they switch off, go to the        told by local aboriginal people.
Whilst Perth’s transformation has          beach, whatever. The work-life         George tells me: ‘Every time I
emerged as a common narrative              balance is more healthy. I really      come here I feel like I am visiting
in external media in recent years,         love it.”                              an old friend’.”
journalists still often identify Perth’s
natural environment and access             The value that Greater Perth’s         Nigel Richardson was similarly
to wildlife as among Greater               inner urban neighbourhoods             effusive in his praise of a tour of
Perth’s biggest strengths, while           and centres add to the Greater         Ngilgi Cave in Dunsborough with
unique characteristics such as             Perth region has also been             Aboriginal guide Josh Whiteland,
Perth’s ‘piercing light’ and the           progressively recognised. In 2017,     while also acknowledging
‘Fremantle Doctor’ are also                Lonely Planet named Maylands           the “dark history” of Rottnest
positively described.                      one of Australia’s coolest three       Island as a penal colony for
                                           neighbourhoods (Baker D,               Aboriginal people. Of his Ngilgi
Andrew Stafford of The Guardian            2017) and praised “eclectic            Cave experience, Richardson
observed in 2017: “The first               neighbourhoods”, such as               remarked: “The cave, a vast
thing you notice about Western             Leederville (Bainger F, 2017).         amphitheatre of phantasmagoric
Australia is the light; light so                                                  limestone formations that he
piercing that the late David
McComb, from the Perth
                                           Emerging                               regards as a “living, breathing
                                                                                  spirit”, is sacred to the local
band the Triffids, once noted              Recognition of                         Wadandi people as it forms a
that no foreign pair of dark
sunglasses could ever shield you
                                           Indigenous People                      “pathway to the dreaming”
                                                                                  through which the spirits of the
from it.” Stafford also described          and Culture                            dead flow out to their final resting
Perth as “dazzling” and reported                                                  place at sea. In 1911 the soprano
                                           External media articles also
on Perth’s traditional attractions,                                               Dame Nellie Melba had a piano
                                           demonstrate a heightened
combined with the region’s                                                        lowered into the cave so she
                                           acknowledgement, respect for
recent metamorphosis: “Once                                                       could sing in its strange acoustics,
                                           and interest in Aboriginal people,
you get past its obvious natural                                                  but I can’t believe this was more
                                           cultures and history as well as
attractions – the long, white                                                     memorable than Whiteland’s
                                           a desire for Aboriginal cultural
beaches welcoming the Indian                                                      performance on his didgeridoo
                                           experiences. While Forbes Travel
Ocean; the immense King’s Park                                                    – a hypnotic orchestral wash that
                                           Guide (2019) lists Kings Park’s
on the western edge of the CBD…                                                   contained both weather and
                                           Aboriginal Art Gallery among its
– this thin strip of land on the Swan                                             animal sounds.”

                                                                                    FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019 | 11
Bulletin 63, April 2019

The purpose of this Bulletin               distinctive and evocative.        relative underinvestment in these
was to examine and provide a               These include Greater             areas have been harshly judged,
review of the reported external            Perth as remote (i.e. off the     the impacts of which can linger.
reputation of Greater Perth in             beaten track), beautiful
the late twentieth and early               and sunny with a pleasant         The Bulletin also established
twenty-first century. It seeks             mediterranean climate,            that perceived satisfaction of
to identify the factors that               great beaches, an enviable        stakeholders is connected to the
influence the reputation of place;         location on the Swan River,       satisfaction of other stakeholders
the established benefits of a              friendly people, a laid-back      in both a cooperative and a
positive place reputation; and             lifestyle and delivering unique   competitive way. In this regard,
the evolution of Greater Perth’s           access to nature and wildlife.    the latter twentieth and early
external, reported reputation                                                twenty first century was identified
over time.                              This Bulletin has established that   as a period during which an
                                        the reputation of Greater Perth      inherent conflict was perceived
The research examined:                  and places globally is influenced    between the characteristics of
                                        by perceptions of a wide range       Perth most valued by residents
• Perceptions of Greater Perth          of regional attributes by a cross-   (i.e. suburban lifestyles) and
  as presented by global                section of internal and external     those sought by visitors (i.e. a
  city indices, which depict            stakeholders. It found that both     vibrant city centre). Yet, the
  a region that is perceived            stakeholder expectations and         transformation of Perth’s inner
  to be liveable but not as             regional attributes change over      city over the past decade has
  liveable as other Australian          time and, as a result, place         proven that these qualities need
  cities including Sydney,              reputations shift and evolve,        not always be mutually exclusive.
  Melbourne and Adelaide.               influenced partially the fortunes
  Perth is also falling behind its      of a place but most critically by    Looking forward, it is evident that
  Australian city-counterparts          its actions.                         Greater Perth must not slip into
  in regard to perceptions of                                                complacency in the post-boom
  its performance in areas of           Key factors identified as            and post-Dullsville era. Rather
  innovation, smart technology,         influencing Greater Perth’s          the region can to take control
  attractiveness to international       reputation in the latter             of, and actively shape, its future
  students and the strength of          twentieth century and early          narrative and reputation through
  the city’s brand.                     twenty first century include:        ongoing, strategic action and
                                        involvement in and hosting           outward communication.
• International coverage of             of major international events;
  major international events in         investment in capital, sporting      This should include a program
  Greater Perth in the twentieth        and cultural infrastructure; urban   of urban revitalisation; branding
  century, which depict the             redevelopment and revitalisation;    and promotion to reinforce
  region as remote, somewhat            improvements to international        positive perceptions and
  unsophisticated and laid              accessibility; economic growth;      stereotypes; continued capital
  back yet also confident,              pervasive stereotypes; promotion     investment in sporting, arts
  friendly, youthful, optimistic,       and marketing; Greater               and cultural infrastructure;
  entrepreneurial and outward-          Perth’s geographic location          maximising accessibility;
  looking with the capacity to          and attributes; as well as the       identifying opportunities to
  attract and deliver hallmark          region’s society and culture         showcase Greater Perth to
  events of global significance.        and changing perceptions of          the world; addressing the
                                        it over time.                        region’s perceived weaknesses
• Non-fiction literature and                                                 including innovation, smart
  external media coverage               In particular, the hosting of        technology and attractiveness
  of arts, culture and travel           major international events as        to visitors and international
  opportunities in Greater Perth,       well as phases of investment         students; as well as building
  which illustrate the evolution        and revitalisation in the inner      on the region’s distinctive and
  of perceptions of Greater             city and in cultural and sporting    emerging strengths.
  Perth from ‘Dullsville’ to a          infrastructure and urban form
  ‘revitalised/transformed city’.       have primarily been perceived
  This literature also expresses        positively by the outside world
  pervasive, positive narratives        and boosted perceptions of
  of Greater Perth that are both        Greater Perth while periods of

12 | FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019
FACTBase       Bulletin 63, April 2019

Australian Broadcasting               Burrell A, 2015, Brian Burke: the      Delgado-García Juan B., de
Commission (ABC), 2013, 1983          pollie who fell to earth, The          Quevedo-Puente Esther and
America’s Cup: a moment in            Weekend Australian, 6 June 2015,       Blanco-Mazagatos Virginia (2018)
history, Australian Story, https://         The impact of city reputation          au/life/weekend-australian-            on city performance, Regional
07/looking-back-at-australias-        magazine/brian-burke-the-pollie-       Studies, 52:8, 1098-1110, DOI:
americas-cup-win/4609984              who-fell-to-earth/news-story/          10.1080/00343404.2017.1364358
Annear R, 2014, Perth Goes Boom,      cf851                                  Dreisinger Baz, New York Times,
A week among the arts in the City                                            2014, Catching Perth’s Wave
of Lights, The Monthly, April 2014    Butler, S, 2017 John Longley recalls   in Western Australia, 1 March
                                      moment the America’s Cup               2014, https://www.nytimes.
Aula, P, and Harmaakorpi, V,          brought him to his knees, The          com/2014/03/02/travel/catching-
2008, An innovative milieu – A        West Australian, https://thewest.      perths-wave-in-western-australia.
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building: Case study of the Lahti     recalls-moment-the-americas-
urban region. Regional Studies,       cup-brought-him-to-his-knees-ng-       Economist Intelligence Unit, 2019,
42(4), 523–538                        b88485190z                             Worldwide Cost of Living Report,
Australian Toursim Exchange,          Clarke J, 2011, Travel bible gives     worldwide-cost-of-living
2017, Perth-London flight a ‘game     Perth a pasting as the home of
changer’ for WA, The Australian       the cashed-up bogan, 5 July            Fair C and McGrath J, 2018,
Tourism Exchange, International       2011,        Perception vs Performance, City
Convention Centre, May 14-18,         au/travel-bible-gives-perth-a-         Nation Place Americas June 5
Sydney                                pasting-as-the-home-of-the-            2018, Ipsos Public Affairs
Allan-Petale D, 2017, Lost Summer,                                           Fombrun, C. J., 1996, Reputation:
Defending the America’s               Committee for Perth, 2011, What        Realizing value from the
Cup, Sydney Morning Herald,           We Thought Would Kill Us, The Bell     corporate image. Boston: Harvard               Tower, 2011, Committee for Perth,      Business School Press
interactive/2017/americas-cup/        Perth.
                                                                             Forbes, 2019, 14 Top Travel
Bainger F, 2017, How to live like a   Committee for Perth, 2011a, What       Destinations for 2019,
local in Perth, Lonely Planet July    We Thought Would Kill Us, Hillarys     February 18 2019, https://
2017, https://www.lonelyplanet.       Boat Harbour, 2011, Committee for
com/australia/western-australia/      Perth, Perth                           forbestravelguide/2019/02/18/
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how-to-live-like-a-local-in-          Committee for Perth, 2016, What        14-top-destinations-of-
perth/40625c8c-8a11-5710-a052-        We Thought Would Kill Us: a case       2019/#504ff1e77cce
1479d2769e28                          study of Graham Farmer Freeway
                                      and Northbridge Tunnel, the            Fulker, M, 2017, Dullsville: It was the
Baker D, 2017, Lonely Plant names     Committee for Perth, Perth.            slap in the face Perth needed,
Maylands one of Australia’s                                                  The West Australian 18 January,
coolest three neighbourhoods,         Committee for Perth, 2018, Bigger
The West Australian, Thursday         & Better Beyond the Boom :             dullsville-it-was-the-slap-in-
16 November                           Perth’s Pathway to Prosperity,         the-face-perth-needed-ng-
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Australia, Creative Industries
Journal, 4:2, 171-193                 Conde Nast Traveller, 2017, 20 Best
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British Pathe, 2014, All Set for      Pacific, Conde Nast Traveller,
Empire Games (1962), You Tube         October 2017, https://www.

                                                                                FACTBase Bulletin 63, April 2019 | 13
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