Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22

Page created by Victoria Moran
Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
Penguin Press   Spring/Summer 2O22
Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22

Allen Lane                                                 4

Particular Books                                           40

Pelican                                                    45

Penguin Classics                                           47

Penguin Modern Classics                                    59

Penguin Paperbacks                                         74

Penguin Press, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA
Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
Allen Lane
Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
The New Thinking
About Feelings
Leonard Mlodinow

We’ve been told we need
to master our emotions
and think rationally to
succeed. But cutting-edge
science shows that feelings
are every bit as important
to our success as thinking
You make hundreds of decisions every day, from           maximize their benefits. Told with characteristic
what to eat for breakfast to how to influence            clarity and fascinating stories, Mlodinow’s
people, and not one of them could be made                exploration of the new science of feelings is an
without the essential component of emotion. It           essential guide to making the most of one of
has long been held that thinking and feeling are         nature’s greatest gifts to us.
separate and opposing forces in our behaviour.
But as bestselling author Leonard Mlodinow tells         Leonard Mlodinow is the bestselling author
us, extraordinary advances in psychology and             of The Drunkard’s Walk, Subliminal and Elastic.
neuroscience have proven that emotions are as            He co-authored two books with Stephen
critical to our well being as thinking.                  Hawking and later wrote an acclaimed memoir,
                                                         Stephen Hawking, about their time together.
How can you connect better with others? How              He has written for television, including multiple
can you improve your relationship to frustration,        episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation,
fear, and anxiety? What can you do to live a             as well as helping Steven Spielberg and Robin
happier life? The answers lie in understanding           Williams make a video game. There are now
emotions. Taking us on a journey from the labs of        over one million copies of Leonard Mlodinow’s
pioneering scientists to real-world scenarios that       books in print.
have flirted with disaster, Mlodinow shows us
how our emotions help, why they sometimes hurt,
and what we can make of the difference.
                                                         JANUARY 2022
Cutting-edge research and deep insights into our         9780241391532
evolution, biology, and neuroscience promise             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
to help us understand our emotions better and            £20.00 | 272 PAGES

Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
Fear of Black
Lewis R. Gordon

A pioneering philosopher
explores how racial identity
is constructed – and
experienced – through history,
art and popular culture
‘There is a movement from a suffering black               a stunning philosophical and social critique
consciousness to a liberatory Black consciousness         while highlighting the fundamental role of Black
in which revelation of the dirty laundry and fraud        people as agents of history and of the social
of white supremacy and Black inferiority is               change required to build a humane world of
a dreaded truth.’                                         dignity, freedom and respect.

Lewis Gordon, one of the leading scholars of              Lewis R. Gordon is Professor and Head of the
Black Existentialism, has spent decades nurturing         Department of Philosophy at UCONN-Storrs in
intellectual reflection as a vital component of           the United States, Visiting Professor of Philosophy
ongoing activism for racial justice around the            at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa,
world. In this boldly original book, he delves into       and Honorary President of the Global Center
history, art, politics and popular culture to show        for Advanced Studies.
how the process of racialization – and its
absence – affects not only how individuals and
society perceive Black people but also how
Black people perceive themselves.

Fear of Black Consciousness traces the ways in
which the lived experience of Black people has
been rendered invisible in the Western world
and the breadth of rich cultural expression               JANUARY 2022
that encapsulates the truth nonetheless – from            9780241374139
ancient African languages to films such as                DEMY OCTAVO HARDBACK
Get Out and Black Panther. Gordon offers                  £20.00 | 288 PAGES

Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
Kingdom of
The Language
Revolution that made
China Modern
Jing Tsu

A riveting, masterfully
researched account of the
bold innovators who adapted
the Chinese language to the
modern world, transforming
China into a superpower
in the process
What does it take to reinvent the world’s                of scholars, missionaries, librarians, politicians,
oldest living language?                                  inventors, nationalists and revolutionaries
                                                         alike understood the urgency of their task and
China today is one of the world’s most powerful          its world-shaping consequences.
nations, yet just a century ago it was a crumbling
empire with literacy reserved for the elite few,         With larger-than-life characters and a thrilling
left behind in the wake of Western technology.           narrative, Kingdom of Characters offers an
In Kingdom of Characters, Jing Tsu shows                 astonishingly original perspective on one of the
that China’s most daunting challenge was a               twentieth century’s most dramatic transformations.
linguistic one: to make the formidable Chinese
language – a 2,200-year-old writing system               Jing Tsu is the John M. Schiff Professor of
that was daunting to natives and foreigners              East Asian Languages and Literatures and
alike – accessible to a globalized, digital world.       Comparative Literature and Chair of the
                                                         Council on East Asian Studies at Yale, where
Kingdom of Characters follows the bold innovators        she specializes in Chinese literature, history,
who adapted the Chinese script – and the value-          and culture. A Guggenheim Fellow, she has
system it represents – to the technological              held fellowships and distinctions from Harvard,
advances that would shape the twentieth century          Stanford, and Princeton institutes. She was born
and beyond, from the telegram to the typewriter          in Taiwan, and now lives in New York.
to the smartphone. From the exiled reformer
who risked death to advocate for Mandarin as             JANUARY 2022
a national language to the imprisoned computer           9780241295854
engineer who devised input codes for Chinese             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
characters on the lid of a teacup, generations           £20.00 | 336 PAGES

Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
The Power Law
Venture Capital and
the Art of Disruption
Sebastian Mallaby

The gripping, character-driven
story of venture capital and the
world it made
When it comes to innovation, a legendary                  of errors that was the birth of Apple to the
venture capitalist told Sebastian Mallaby, the            venture funding that fostered hubris at WeWork
future cannot be predicted, it can only be                and Uber to the industry’s notorious lack of
discovered. Most attempts at discovery fail, but          women and ethnic minorities.
a few succeed at such a scale that they more
than make up for everything else. That extreme            Now the power law echoes around the
ratio of success and failure is the power law that        world, from Beijing to Berlin and London. By
drives venture capital, Silicon Valley, the tech          taking us so deeply into the VC’s game, The
sector, and, by extension, the world.                     Power Law helps us think about our own future
                                                          through their eyes.
Drawing on unprecedented access to the
most celebrated venture capitalists of all time,          Sebastian Mallaby is the author of several
award-winning financial historian Sebastian               books, including the bestselling More Money
Mallaby tells the story of this strange tribe             Than God. A former Financial Times contributing
of financiers who have funded the world’s most            editor and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist,
successful companies, from Google to SpaceX               Mallaby is the Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow
to Alibaba. With a riveting blend of storytelling         for International Economics at the Council
and analysis, The Power Law makes sense of                on Foreign Relations.
the seeming randomness of success in venture
capital, an industry that relies, for good and ill,
on gut instinct and personality rather than               JANUARY 2022
spreadsheets and data. We learn the truth about           9780241356524
some of the most iconic triumphs and infamous             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
disasters in the history of tech, from the comedy         £20.00 | 496 PAGES

Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
Virtual Worlds and the
Problems of Philosophy
David J. Chalmers

From one of our leading
thinkers, a dazzling
philosophical journey
through virtual worlds
In the coming decades, the technology that                 life, Reality+ is a mind-bending journey through
enables virtual and augmented reality will                 virtual worlds, illuminating the nature of reality
improve beyond recognition. Within a century,              and our place within it.
world-renowned philosopher David J. Chalmers
predicts, we will have virtual worlds that are             David J. Chalmers is University Professor of
impossible to distinguish from non-virtual worlds.         Philosophy and Co-Director of the Center for
But is virtual reality just escapism? In a highly          Mind, Brain, and Consciousness at New York
original work of ‘technophilosophy’, Chalmers              University. His previous books include The
argues categorically, no: virtual reality is genuine       Conscious Mind and Constructing the World.
reality. Virtual worlds are not second-class               He has given the John Locke lectures and has
worlds. We can live a meaningful life in virtual           been awarded the Jean Nicod Prize. He is
reality – and increasingly, we will.                       known for formulating the ‘hard problem’ of
                                                           consciousness, which inspired Tom Stoppard’s
What is reality, anyway? How can we                        play The Hard Problem, and for the idea of
lead a good life? Is there a god? How do                   the ‘extended mind’, which says that the tools
we know there’s an external world – and                    we use can become parts of our minds.
how do we know we’re not living in a computer
simulation? In Reality+, Chalmers conducts
a grand tour of philosophy, using cutting-edge
technology to provide invigorating new answers
to age-old questions.                                      JANUARY 2022
Drawing on examples from pop culture, literature           ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
and film that help bring philosophical issues to           £20.00 | 528 PAGES

Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
A People’s History
of Clothing
Sofi Thanhauser

A finely spun history of
clothes and where they
come from
Linen, Cotton, Silk, Synthetics, Wool: through            Sofi Thanhauser is a writer and artist with
the stories of these five fabrics, Sofi Thanhauser        a lifelong fascination for clothes. Her work
illuminates the world we inhabit in a startling new       has appeared in numerous publications
way, travelling from China to Cumbria to reveal           including the Spectator. In 2012, Sofi began
the craft, labour and industry that create the            creating ‘Matriarchy Now’ t-shirts and as
clothes we wear.                                          demand soared, her efforts to scale up
                                                          production in an ethical manner led her to
From the women who transformed stalks of flax             investigate the global questions explored in
into linen to clothe their families in nineteenth         this book. She lives in Brooklyn and teaches
century New England to those who earn their               in the Writing Department at Pratt Institute.
dowries in the cotton-spinning factories of
South India today, this book traces the origins
of garment-making through time and around
the world. Exploring the social, economic and
environmental impact of our most personal
possessions, Worn looks beyond care labels to
show how clothes reveal the truth about what
we really care about.

                                                          JANUARY 2022
                                                          ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
                                                          £20.00 | 256 PAGES

Penguin Press Spring/Summer 2O22
What Do Men
Masculinity and Its
Nina Power

A philosopher asks, what
exactly do men get out of
being men in the twenty-first
It would be easy to write a feminist polemic                  Nina Power is a writer and philosopher. She
denouncing men. This is not that book.                        has written regularly for the Telegraph, Art Review
                                                              and the Spectator, amongst other publications.
Something is definitely up with men. From millions            She is the author of One-Dimensional Woman
who follow Jordan Peterson to the #metoo                      (Zer0, 2009), which the New Statesman called
backlash, from Men’s Rights activists and incels to           ‘a joy to read’.
spiralling suicide rates, it’s easy to see that, while
men still rule the world, masculinity is in crisis.

How can men and women live together in
a world where capitalism and consumerism
has replaced the values – family, religion,
service and honour – that used to give our lives
meaning? Feminism has gone some way
towards dismantling the patriarchy, but how
can we hold on to the best aspects of our
metaphorical Father?

With illuminating writing from an original, big-
picture perspective, Nina Power unlocks the
secrets hidden in our culture to enable men and               FEBRUARY 2022
women to practice playfulness and forgiveness,                9780241356500
and reach a true mutual understanding and                     DEMY OCTAVO HARDBACK
a lifetime of love.                                           £18.99 | 256 PAGES

A World in the Making
Thomas Halliday

A dazzlingly original, lyrical
and epic encounter with
the Earth as it used to be
What would it be like to visit the ancient                  Otherlands is a naturalist’s travel guide, albeit
landscapes of the past? To experience the                   one of lands distant in time rather than space,
Jurassic or Cambrian worlds, to wander                      showing us the last 500 million years not
among these other lands, as creatures extinct               as an endless expanse of unfathomable time,
for millions of years roam? In this mesmerizing             but as a series of worlds, simultaneously
debut, the award-winning palaeontologist                    fantastical and familiar.
Thomas Halliday gives us a breath-taking up
close encounter with worlds that are normally               Thomas Halliday is an Associate Research
unimaginably distant.                                       Fellow at the Department of Earth Sciences of
                                                            the University of Birmingham. His PhD won the
Journeying backwards in time from the most                  Linnean Society Medal for the best thesis in the
recent Ice Age to the dawn of complex life                  biological sciences in the UK, and he won the
itself, and across all seven continents, Halliday           Hugh Miller Writing Competition in 2018. He
immerses us in a series of extinct ecosystems,              was raised in Rannoch in the Scottish Highlands,
each one rendered with a novelist’s eye for detail          and now lives in London with his family.
and drama. Yet every description – whether the
colour of a beetle’s shell, the rhythm of pterosaurs
in flight or the lingering smell of sulphur in the
air – is grounded in fact. We visit the birthplace
of humanity in Pliocene-era Kenya; in the Jurassic,
we wander among dinosaur-inhabited islands in               FEBRUARY 2022
the Mediterranean; and we gaze at the light of              9780241405741
an enormous moon in the Ediacaran sky, when                 ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
life hasn’t yet reached land.                               £20.00 | 352 PAGES

A History
of Masculinity
From Patriarchy
to Gender Justice
Ivan Jablonka

A highly acclaimed,
bestselling work from one
of France’s preeminent
What does it mean to be a good man?                     by the rights of women. Widely acclaimed
To be a good father, or a good partner?                 in France, this is an important work from a
A good brother, or a good friend?                       major thinker.

In this clear-sighted analysis, social historian        Ivan Jablonka is a French historian. His work
Ivan Jablonka offers a re-examination                   focuses on the Holocaust, gender violence,
of the patriarchy and its impact on men.                masculinity and new forms of historiography.
Ranging widely across cultures, from                    In 2016, he received the prestigious Prix Médicis.
Mesopotamia to Confucianism to Christianity             He is currently Professor of Contemporary
to the revolutions of the eighteenth century,           History at Université Paris XIII.
Jablonka uncovers the origins of our patriarchal
societies. He then offers an updated model
of masculinity based on a theory of gender
justice which aims for a redistribution of
gender, just as social justice demands the
redistribution of wealth.

Arguing that it is high time for men to
be as involved in gender justice as women,
Jablonka shows that in order to build
a more equal and respectful society, we                 FEBRUARY 2022
must gain a deeper understanding of the                 9780241458792
structure of patriarchy – and reframe the               ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
conversation so that men define themselves              £25.00 | 448 PAGES

The Global
The Enterprise and
Extravagance of the
Sassoon Dynasty
Joseph Sassoon

The first full history of the
Sassoons, one of the
nineteenth century’s
preeminent commercial
families and ‘the Rothschilds
of the East’
The Sassoons were one of the great commercial                generations and an extraordinary panorama,
dynasties of the nineteenth century, as eminent              which reveals their place in the world-historical
as traders as the Rothschilds were as bankers.               developments of the 150 years of their
In this rich and nuanced portrait of the family,             prominence: from the American Civil War to
Joseph Sassoon uncovers the secrets behind their             the establishment of the British Raj, the Opium
phenomenal success: how a handful of Jewish                  Wars to the Japanese occupation of China,
refugees exiled from Ottoman Baghdad forged                  and the true beginning of globalization in
a mercantile juggernaut trading cotton and                   all its dimensions.
opium, the role of their vast network of agents,
informants and politicians in extending their                Joseph Sassoon, born in Baghdad, is Professor
reach beyond their new home in India, bridging               of History and Political Economy and Director
East and West.                                               of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
                                                             at Georgetown University. He is also a Senior
Through the lives these ambitious figures built              Associate Member at St Antony’s College,
for themselves in Bombay, London and Shanghai,               Oxford and a Trustee of the Bodleian Library.
the reader is drawn into a captivating world
of politics, business, society and empire – for their
meteoric rise was facilitated by their ties to the
British imperial project, and its waning coincided
with their own. Drawing for the first time on
the family archives, written largely in an obscure           FEBRUARY 2022
Judeo-Arabic script indecipherable to previous               9780241388648
historians, The Global Merchants is at once an               ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
intimate history of a family across three                    £30.00 | 480 PAGES

A Defence of the
Unmodified Body
Clare Chambers

A vital exploration
of equality and the body
from an acclaimed political
In an age of social media and selfies, of                 Through a clear-sighted analysis of the power
pixel-perfect pictures and surgically enhanced            dynamics that structure our society, and with
celebrities, the pressure to change our bodies            examples ranging widely from body-building
can often seem overwhelming. We are told                  to breast implants, make-up to male circumcision,
we should conceal the signs of ageing and get             Intact stresses that we must break away from
our bodies back after pregnancy. We ought                 the oppressive forces that demand we alter
to perfect our complexions, build our biceps, trim        our bodies. Instead, it offers a vision of the
our waistlines, cure our disabilities, conceal our        human body that is equal without expectation:
quirks. More than ever before, we should contort          an unmodified body that is not an image
our physical selves to prejudiced standards of            of perfection or a goal to be attained, but
beauty and acceptability.                                 a valued end in itself.

In this thought-provoking work, acclaimed                 Clare Chambers is a professor of Political
political philosopher Clare Chambers argues               Philosophy and a Fellow of Jesus College,
that the unmodified body is a key principle               University of Cambridge. The author of the
of equality. While defending the right of anyone          acclaimed Against Marriage, she specializes
to change their bodies, she argues that the social        in feminism, bioethics, contemporary liberalism
pressure to modify sends a powerful message:              and theories of social justice.
you are not good enough.

The body becomes a site of political importance:          FEBRUARY 2022
a place where inequalities of sex, gender,                9780241439043
race, disability, age and class are reinforced.           ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
                                                          £20.00 | 256 PAGES

The Underground
War in Europe,1939-45
Halik Kochanski

A sweeping, original history
of occupation and resistance
in war-torn Europe
Across the whole of Nazi-ruled Europe the                 could lead not just to their own deaths but those
experience of occupation was sharply varied.              of their families and their entire communities?
Some countries such as Denmark – were
within tight limits allowed to run themselves.            Filled with powerful and often little-known
Others – such as France were constrained                  stories, Halik Kochanski’s major new book
not only by military occupation but by open               is a fascinating examination of the convoluted
collaboration. In a historical moment when Nazi           challenges faced by those prepared to resist
victory seemed permanent and irreversible, the            the Germans, ordinary people who carried out
question ‘why resist?’ was therefore augmented            exceptional acts of defiance and resistance.
by ‘who was the enemy?’.
                                                          Halik Kochanski is a British historian. A Fellow
Resistance is an extraordinarily powerful, humane         of the Royal Historical Society and member of
and haunting account of how and why all across            the British Commission for Military History, she
Nazi-occupied Europe some people decided to               taught history at several universities and is the
resist the Third Reich. This could range from open        author of The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the
partisan warfare in the occupied Soviet Union             Poles in the Second World War.
to dangerous acts of defiance in the Netherlands
or Norway. Some of these resistance movements
were entirely home-grown, others supported
by the Allies.
                                                          MARCH 2022
Like no other book, Resistance shows the reader           9780241004289
just how difficult such actions were. How could           ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
small bands of individuals undertake tasks which          £30.00 | 960 PAGES

The Resurgence of Racial
Violence in our Time
Wesley Lowery

From a Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist, a shocking
investigation into the cycles
of racial violence in America
Barack Obama’s election in 2008 was a                   Interweaving deep historical analysis with
moment of true, unabashed hope. But after               gripping first-hand reporting on both victims and
two terms shadowed by a growing white                   perpetrators of violence, Lowery uncovers how
supremacist movement, Obama was replaced                this vicious cycle is entering ever more perilous
by an openly nativist administration. So what           territory, and how the United States still might
the hell happened?                                      find a route of escape.

In Whitelash, Wesley Lowery places                      Wesley Lowery is a Pulitzer Prize-winning
a decade of American carnage in historical              journalist, a national correspondent for CBS
context, uncovering the horror that racial              News and 60 Minutes, and the author of They
violence has wrought in our era. As he looks            Can’t Kill Us All. Previously, he was a national
to America’s past to understand the rise                correspondent for the Washington Post and the
of Donald Trump and the ‘whitelash’ following           paper’s lead reporter covering race, justice, law
the election of Barack Obama, a frightening             enforcement and the Black Lives Matter protest
pattern emerges. Every period of perceived              movement. He lives in the Washington, DC area.
black advancement has triggered a violent
reaction by white Americans, the old system’s
beneficiaries. But while America’s historical
racists were conservatives, fighting to maintain
their dominance in the status quo, those
Lowery meets today are revolutionaries,                 MARCH 2022
self-styled soldiers in a holy war to bring the         9780241517123
white race back from what they see as the               ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
brink of extinction.                                    £20.00 | 240 PAGES

How to Stay
Smart in a Smart
Why Human Intelligence
Still Beats Algorithms
Gerd Gigerenzer

An essential guide to
navigating our data-driven
world, from the influential
psychologist and author
of Risk Savvy
Is more data always better?                               Filled with practical examples and cutting-edge
Do algorithms really make better                          research, How to Stay Smart in a Smart World
decisions than humans?                                    examines the growing role of AI at all levels
Can we stay in control in an increasingly                 of daily life with refreshing clarity. This book is
automated world?                                          a liferaft in a sea of information and an urgent
                                                          invitation to actively shape the digital world in
Drawing on decades of research into decision-             which we want to live.
making under uncertainty, Gerd Gigerenzer
makes a compelling case for the enduring                  Gerd Gigerenzer is Director of the Center for
importance of human discernment in an automated           Adaptive Behavior and Cognition at the Max
world that we are told can – and will – replace           Planck Institute for Human Development in
our efforts.                                              Berlin and former Professor of Psychology at
                                                          the University of Chicago. He is the author of
From dating apps and self-driving cars to facial          several books on heuristics and decision-making,
recognition and the justice system, the increasing        including Reckoning with Risk.
presence of AI has been widely championed
– but there are limitations and risks too.

Humans are the greatest source of uncertainty
in these situations and Gigerenzer shows how,
when people are involved, trust in complex                MARCH 2022
algorithms can lead to illusions of certainty that        9780241481103
become a recipe for disaster.                             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
                                                          £20.00 | 320 PAGES

A Duty of Care
Britain Before
and After Covid
Peter Hennessy

One of our most celebrated
historians shows how we
can use the lessons of the
past to build a new post-
Covid society in Britain
The ‘duty of care’ which the state owes to its             Peter Hennessy, one of Britain’s best-known
citizens is a phrase much used, but what has it            historians, is Attlee Professor of History at Queen
actually meant in Britain historically? And what           Mary, University of London. He is the author of
should it mean in the future, once the immediate           the classic ‘post-war trilogy’, Never Again: Britain
Covid crisis has passed?                                   1945-1951 (winner of the NCR and Duff Cooper
                                                           Prizes), Having it So Good: Britain in
In A Duty of Care, Peter Hennessy divides post-            the Fifties (winner of the Orwell Prize) and Winds
war British history into BC (before Covid) and             of Change: Britain in the Early Sixties, the
AC (after Covid). He looks back to Sir William             bestselling The Prime Minister and The Secret
Beveridge’s classic identification of the ‘five            State: Preparing For The Worst 1945-2010.
giants’ against which society had to battle – want,        He was made an independent crossbench life
disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness – and             Peer in 2010.
laid the foundations for the modern welfare state
in his wartime report. He examines the steady
assault on the giants by successive post-war
governments and asks what the comparable
giants are now. He lays out the ‘road to 2045’
with ‘a new Beveridge’ to build a consensus for
post-Covid Britain with the ambition and on the
scale that was achieved by the first.
                                                           MARCH 2022
                                                           ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
                                                           £20.00 | 240 PAGES

Fire & Flood
A People’s History of
Climate Change, from
1979 to the Present
Eugene Linden

The definitive account of the
modern climate change era,
from an award-winning
writer who has been at the
centre of the fight for more
than thirty years
In 1979, President Jimmy Carter was presented                drawn together the elements of the biggest
with the findings of scientists who had been                 story in the world, in a book that is as gripping
investigating whether human activities might                 as history, as economic investigation, and as
change the climate in harmful ways. “A wait-                 scientific thriller.
and-see policy may mean waiting until it is too
late” their report said. They were right – but no            Eugene Linden is an award-winning journalist
one was listening. Four decades later, we are                and the author of The Parrot’s Lament, The Future
haunted by the consequences of this inattention,             in Plain Sight, Silent Partners, and several other
and the years of complacency, obfuscation and                books on animals, the environment, and other
denialism that followed. Today, the staggering               issues relating to humanity’s place in the natural
scale and scope of what we have done to the                  order. His previous book on climate change,
planet is impossible to ignore: the seasons of fire          Winds of Change, received the Grantham Prize
and flood have crossed into plain view.                      Special Award of Merit. He has consulted for
                                                             the U.S. State Department, the UN Development
Fire and Flood is a comprehensive, compulsively              Program, and he is a widely traveled speaker
readable history of climate change from veteran              and lecturer before audiences ranging from the
environmental journalist Eugene Linden. Linden               intelligence community to the congregation of
retells the story of the modern climate change               the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. He lives
era decade by decade, tracking the progress                  in the Hudson Valley, in New York.
of four ticking clocks: first, the reality of climate
change itself; second, advances in scientific                APRIL 2022
understanding; third, the spread of public                   9780241565551
awareness; and fourth, the business and finance              ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
response. Like no previous writer, Linden has                £20.00 | 336 PAGES

Psychiatry and the
Mysteries of Mental
Andrew Scull

In this masterful work,
Andrew Scull, one of the most
provocative thinkers writing
about psychiatry sheds light
on its troubled history
For more than two hundred years, disturbances                Deeply researched and lucidly conveyed,
of reason, cognition and emotion – the sort of               Desperate Remedies masterfully illustrates the
things that were once called ‘madness’ – have                assumptions and theory behind the therapy,
been described and treated by the medical                    providing a definitive new account of psychiatry’s
profession. Mental illness, it is said, is an illness        and society’s battle with mental illness.
like any other – a disorder that can be treated by
doctors, whose suffering can be eased, and from              Andrew Scull is a distinguished professor of
which patients can return. And yet serious mental            Sociology and Science Studies at University
illness remains a profound mystery that is in some           of California, San Diego, and recipient of the
ways no closer to being solved than it was at the            Roy Porter Medal for lifetime contributions to
start of the twentieth century.                              the history of medicine, and the Eric T. Carlson
                                                             Award for lifetime contributions to the history
In this clear-sighted and provocative exploration            of psychiatry. The author of more than a dozen
of psychiatry, acclaimed sociologist Andrew Scull            books, his work has been translated into more
traces the history of its attempts to understand             than fifteen languages, and he has received
and mitigate mental illness: from the age of the             fellowships from, among others, the Guggenheim
asylum and unimaginable surgical and chemical                Foundation, the American Council of Learned
interventions, through the rise and fall of Freud            Societies and the Shelby Cullom Davis Center
and the talking cure, and on to our own time of              for Historical Studies.
drug companies and antidepressants. Through
it all, Scull argues, the often vain and rash                APRIL 2022
attempts to come to terms with the enigma of                 9780241509241
mental disorder have frequently resulted in dire             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
consequences for the patient.                                £25.00 | 352 PAGES

Ways of Being
Beyond Human
James Bridle

                                                                                                              © Mikael Lundblad – mikaelcreative
What does it mean to be
intelligent? Is it something
unique to humans – or do we
share it with other beings?
Recent years have seen rapid advances in                 on solidarity and cognitive diversity. We have
‘artificial’ intelligence, which increasingly            so much to learn, and many worlds to gain.
appears to be something stranger than we ever
imagined. At the same time, we are becoming              James Bridle is a writer and artist. Their writing
more aware of the other intelligences which              on art, politics and technology has appeared in
have been with us all along. These other beings          magazines and newspapers including the
are the animals, plants, and natural systems             Guardian and the Observer, Wired, the Atlantic,
that are slowly revealing their complexity               the New Statesman, Frieze, and ICON. Their first
and knowledge – just as the new technologies             book New Dark Age, about technology and the
we’ve built are threatening to cause their               end of the future, was published in 2018. In
extinction, and ours.                                    2019 Bridle wrote and presented New Ways of
                                                         Seeing, a four-part series for BBC Radio 4. Their
In Ways of Being, writer and artist James                artworks have been commissioned by galleries
Bridle considers the fascinating, uncanny                and institutions, including the V&A, Whitechapel,
and multiple ways of existing on earth. What             Barbican, and Serpentine, and exhibited
can we learn from these other forms of                   worldwide and on the internet.
intelligence and personhood, and how can
we change our societies to live more equitably
with the non-human world? From Greek oracles
to octopuses, forests to satellites, Bridle tells
a radical new story about ecology, technology            APRIL 2022
and intelligence. We must, they argue, expand            9780241469651
our understanding to build a meaningful and              ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
free relationship with the non-human, one based          £20.00 | 304 PAGES

Black Ghost
of Empire
The Long Death of
Slavery and the Failure
of Emancipation
Kris Manjapra

A revelatory historical
indictment of the long
after-life of slavery in the
Atlantic world
To understand why the shadow of slavery haunts               Timely, original and courageous, Black Ghost
society today, we must look at the unfinished way            of Empire shines a light into the enigma of
it ended. We celebrate abolition – in Haiti after            racial slavery’s supposed death, and its afterlives.
the revolution, in the British Empire in 1833, in the
United States during the Civil War. Yet in Black             Kris Manjapra was born in the Caribbean
Ghost of Empire, Kris Manjapra reveals how                   of mixed African and Indian parentage. He grew
during each of these supposed emancipations,                 up in Canada and completed his undergraduate
Black people were in fact dispossessed by the                and graduate degrees at Harvard. He is Professor
moves that were meant to free them.                          of History at Tufts University, and a recipient of
                                                             the Diverse magazine 2015 Emerging Scholar
Ranging across the Americas, Europe and                      Award. He has held fellowships at the Berlin
Africa, Manjapra unearths uncomfortable truths               Institute for Advanced Study, the Radcliffe Institute
about the Age of Emancipations, 1780-1880.                   for Advanced Study, and the Alexander
In Britain, reparations were given to wealthy                von Humboldt Foundation. He is the author
slave owners, not the enslaved. In Jamaica,                  of Colonialism in Global Perspective and
Black people were freed only to enter into an                Age of Entanglement.
apprenticeship period harsher than slavery itself.
In the American South, the formerly enslaved
were ‘freed’ into a system of white supremacy.
Across Africa, emancipation served as an alibi
for colonization. None of these emancipations                APRIL 2022
involved atonement by the enslavers and their                9780241392461
governments for wrongs committed, or reparative              ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
justice for the formerly enslaved.                           £20.00 | 320 PAGES

Portable Magic
The History of Our Long
Love Affair with Books
Emma Smith

A global history of

                                                                                                               © John Cairns
bibliophilia from a leading
literary scholar
Most of what we say about books is really                 uncovers how this composite artisanal object
about their contents: the rosy nostalgic glow for         has, for centuries, embodied and extended
childhood reading, the lifetime companionship             relationships between readers, nations, ideologies
of a much-loved novel. But books are things as            and cultures, in significant and unpredictable
well as words, objects in our lives as well as            ways. She celebrates the rise of the mass-market
worlds in our heads. And just as we crack their           paperback, and dismantles the myth that print
spines, loosen their leaves and write in their            began with Gutenberg; she reveals how our
margins, so they disrupt and disorder us in turn.         reading habits have been shaped by American
All books are, as Stephen King put it, ‘a uniquely        soldiers, and proposes a new definition of a
portable magic’. In this thrilling new history,           ‘classic’. Ultimately, Smith illuminates the ways
Emma Smith shows us why.                                  in which our relationship with the written word is
                                                          more reciprocal – and more turbulent – than we
Portable Magic unfurls an exciting, iconoclastic          tend to imagine: books do not simply reflect but
and ambitious new story of the book in human              shape us in their own image.
hands, exploring when, why and how it
acquired its particular hold over humankind.              Emma Smith is Professor of Shakespeare Studies
Gathering together a millennium’s worth of                at Hertford College,Oxford and the author of
pivotal encounters with volumes big and small,            Sunday Times bestseller This is Shakespeare.
Smith compellingly argues that, as much as
their contents, it is books’ physical form – their
‘bookhood’ – that lends them their distinctive            APRIL 2022
and sometimes dangerous magic. From the                   9780241427262
Diamond Sutra to Jilly Cooper’s Riders, to a              DEMY OCTAVO HARDBACK
book made of wrapped slices of cheese, Smith              £20.00 | 368 PAGES

Six Studies in
World Strategy
Henry Kissinger

The statesman and
diplomat analyzes how six
extraordinary leaders he
has known have shaped their
countries and the world
Kissinger’s six leaders are Konrad Adenauer,                Henry Kissinger served in the US Army during
Charles de Gaulle, Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat,              the Second World War and subsequently
Lee Kuan Yew, and Margaret Thatcher. All of                 held teaching posts in History and Government
them were formed in a period when established               at Harvard University for twenty years. He
institutions collapsed all over Europe, colonial            served as National Security Advisor and then
structures gave way to independent states in Asia           Secretary of State under Richard Nixon and
and Africa, and a new international order had to            Gerald Ford, and has advised many other
be created from the vestiges of the old. Kissinger          American presidents on foreign policy. He
penetratingly analyzes each of these leaders’               received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the
careers through the highly individual strategies of         Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal
statecraft which he presents them as embodying,             of Liberty, among other awards. He is the author
to show how it is the combination of character              of numerous books and articles on foreign
and circumstance which creates history. Kissinger’s         policy and diplomacy, including most recently
public experience, personal knowledge and                   On China and World Order. He is currently
historical perceptions enrich the book with insights        Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc., an
and judgements such as only he could make.                  international consulting firm.

                                                            APRIL 2022
                                                            ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
                                                            £25.00 | 416 PAGES

Nasty, Brutish
& Short
Adventures in Philosophy
with My Kids
Scott Hershovitz

A thought-provoking

                                                                                                                 © Rex and Hank Hershovitz
investigation into life’s
biggest questions with the
help of great philosophers,
old and young
Say ‘philosopher’ and someone grand, old and               nature of truth and knowledge, the size of the
bearded might come to mind. But, as philosophy             universe, and the existence of god. The result is
professor Scott Hershovitz shows in this delightful        an invigoratingly fresh way of thinking through
debut, some of the best philosophers in the world          the moral, social, and existential issues that most
are better described as nasty, brutish and short           of us have learned to ignore, and an irresistible
— that is to say, they’re children. Children make          invitation to become more discerning thinkers,
wonderful philosophers because they constantly             by cultivating our innate, childlike wonder
question things that grown-ups take for granted,           at the world.
test theories about the people around them,
and try to work out the way the world works.               Scott Hershovitz is Director of the Law and Ethics
Following the lead of his two young sons, Rex              Program and Professor of Law and Philosophy
and Hank, Hershovitz takes us on a unique tour             at the University of Michigan. He holds a BA
through classical and contemporary philosophy,             in Philosophy and Politics from the University of
steered by questions like, does Hank have the              Georgia; a JD from Yale Law School; and a DPhil
right to drink Fanta? When is it okay to swear?            from the University of Oxford, where he was a
And, does the number six exist?                            Rhodes Scholar; he also served as a law clerk
                                                           for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Hershovitz lives
Fast-paced, funny, and brimming with tales of              in Ann Arbor with his wife, Julie, and their two
the delightful things children say and do, Nasty,          children, Rex and Hank.
Brutish & Short is a unique guide to the art of
thinking. Alongside Rex and Hank, Hershovitz               MAY 2022
investigates big questions about rights, revenge,          9780241448793
punishment and authority; questions about                  ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
sex, gender and race; and questions about the              £20.00 | 336 PAGES

Atoms and Ashes
From Bikini Atoll
to Fukushima
Serhii Plokhy

Baillie Gifford winner
Serhii Plokhy returns with an
illuminating exploration of the

                                                                                                               © Alicia Canter
atomic age through the
history of six nuclear disasters
In 2011, a 43-foot-high tsunami crashed into a            in explicit terms, but also that these calamities
nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. In the           reveal a fundamental truth about our relationship
following days, explosions would rip buildings            with nuclear technology: that the thirst for power
apart, three reactors would go into nuclear               and energy has always trumped safety and the
meltdown, and the surrounding area would                  cost for future generations.
be swamped in radioactive water. It is now
considered one of the costliest nuclear disasters         Serhii Plokhy is Professor of History at Harvard
ever. But Fukushima was not the first, and it was         University and a leading authority on Eastern
not the worst…                                            Europe. His books include the Baillie Gifford
                                                          award-winner Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy,
In Atoms and Ashes, acclaimed historian Serhii            Lost Kingdom, The Gates of Europe and
Plokhy tells the tale of the six nuclear disasters        The Last Empire.
that shook the world: Bikini Atoll, Kyshtym,
Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and
Fukushima. Based on wide-ranging research
and witness testimony, Plokhy traces the arc
of each crisis, exploring in depth the confused
decision-making on the ground and the panicked
responses of governments to contain the crises
and cover up the scale of each catastrophe.
                                                          MAY 2022
As the world increasingly looks to renewable              9780241516775
and alternative sources of energy, Plokhy lucidly         ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
argues that the atomic risk must be understood            £25.00 | 368 PAGES

In the Shadow
of the Gods
The Emperor in World
Dominic Lieven

A dazzling history of the
world’s emperors spanning
the last thousand years
For millennia much of the world was ruled by                As one of the great experts both on empires
emperors: a handful of individuals claimed no               and on Russian history, Lieven is brilliantly
limit to the lands they could rule over and no limit        qualified to write a book that brings to life a
to their authority. They operated beyond normal             system of rule that dominated most of human
human constraint and indeed often declared                  history, as well as some of history’s grandest and
a superhuman or divine authority.                           most dismaying figures.

Dominic Lieven’s marvellous new book, In the                Dominic Lieven is an Honorary Fellow and an
Shadow of the Gods, is the first to grapple                 Emeritus Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, a
seriously with this extraordinary phenomenon.               Fellow of the British Academy and an Honorary
Across the world peoples, willingly or unwillingly,         Academician of the Russian Academy of
fell into orbit around figures who reshaped or              Sciences. His Russia Against Napoleon won
destroyed entire societies, imposed religions               the Wolfson Prize (UK) and the Prix Napoléon
and invaded rivals. Lieven compares the great               (France). His latest book, Towards the Flame:
emperors of antiquity, the caliphs and the                  Empire, War and the End of Tsarist Russia won
warrior-emperors of the steppe before he turns              the Pushkin House Prize (UK), the Valdai Club
to the Habsburg, Russian, Ottoman, Mughal                   Prize (Russia) and the Ambassador of the New
and Chinese emperors, packing the book with                 Europe Prize (Poland).
extraordinary stories, astute observations and
a sense of both delight and horror at these
individuals’ antics. The entire breadth of extreme          MAY 2022
human behaviour is here – from warlords to                  9780241284421
patrons of the arts, from political genius to feeble        ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
incapacity and pathological violence.                       £35.00 | 608 PAGES

How to Feed the World
Without Devouring
the Planet
George Monbiot

                                                                                                                       © Guy Reece
A breath-taking first glimpse
of a new era in food
People talk a lot about the problems with                      can be cooked into rich golden pancakes
intensive farming. But the problem isn’t                       and much, much more. We start to see how the
the adjective. It’s the noun. Around the world,                tiniest life forms in the soil might help us save the
farming has been wiping out vast habitats,                     living world, allowing us to produce abundant,
depleting freshwater, polluting oceans, and                    cheap, healthy food while returning vast swathes
accelerating global heating, while leaving                     of land to the wild.
millions undernourished and unfed. Increasingly,
there are signs that the system itself is beginning            Here, for the first time, is a profoundly hopeful,
to flicker. But, as George Monbiot shows us                    appetizing and exciting vision of food: of
in this brilliant, bracingly original new book,                revolutionary cultivation and cuisine that could
there is another way.                                          nourish us all and restore our world of wonders.

Regenesis is an exhilarating journey into a new                George Monbiot is a bestselling author, world-
possible future for food, people and the planet.               renowned investigative journalist and self-
Drawing on the revelatory, rapidly advancing                   confessed professional troublemaker, who has
science of soil ecology, Monbiot shows how the                 been a leading voice in the campaign for climate
hidden biological universe beneath our feet                    justice for over thirty years.
could transform what we eat and how we grow it.
He travels to meet the people who are unlocking
these methods, from the fruit and vegetable
growers who cultivate pests as well as potatoes;               MAY 2022
through producers of perennial grains who are                  9780241447642
liberating their fields from ploughs; to the scientists        DEMY OCTAVO HARDBACK
pioneering new forms of protein and fat that                   £20.00 | 304 PAGES

The Triumph of a Religion
Peter Heather

A major new reinterpretation
of the religious superstate that
defined both Europe and
Christianity, by one of our
foremost medieval historians
In the fourth century AD, a new faith exploded             corporation, Heather traces Christendom’s
out of Palestine. Overwhelming the paganism of             chameleon-like capacity for self-reinvention and
Rome, and converting the Emperor Constantine               willingness to mobilize well-directed force.
in the process, it resoundingly defeated a host of
other rivals. Almost a thousand years later, all of        Christendom’s achievement was not, or not
Europe was controlled by Christian rulers, and             only, to define official Christianity, but – from its
the religion, ingrained within culture and society,        scholars and its lawyers, to its provincial officials
exercised a monolithic hold over its population.           and missionaries in far-flung corners of the
But, as Peter Heather shows in this compelling             continent – to transform it into an institution that
history, there was nothing inevitable about                wielded effective religious authority across nearly
Christendom’s rise to Europe-wide dominance.               all of the disparate peoples of medieval Europe.
                                                           This is its extraordinary story.
In exploring how the Christian religion became
such a defining feature of the European                    Peter Heather is Chair of Medieval History at
landscape, and how a small sect of isolated                King’s College, London. His many books include
congregations was transformed into a mass                  The Fall of the Roman Empire, Empires and
movement centrally directed from Rome, Heather             Barbarians: Migration, Development and the
shows how Christendom constantly battled                   Birth of Europe, The Restoration of Rome and,
against both so-called ‘heresies’ and other                most recently, Rome Resurgent.
forms of belief. From the crisis that followed the
collapse of the Roman Empire, which left the               MAY 2022
religion teetering on the edge of extinction, to           9780241215913
the astonishing revolution in which the Papacy             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
emerged as the head of a vast international                £30.00 | 480 PAGES

The Facemaker
A Visionary Surgeon’s
Battle to Mend the
Disfigured Soldiers of
World War I
Lindsey Fitzharris

The poignant story of the
visionary surgeon who
rebuilt the faces of the First
World War’s injured
heroes, and in the process
ushered in the modern era
of plastic surgery
From the moment the first machine gun rang                  and art can merge, and of what courage and
out over the Western Front, one thing was                   imagination can accomplish in the presence of
clear: mankind’s military technology had wildly             relentless horror.
surpassed its medical capabilities. The war
caused carnage on an industrial scale, and the              Lindsey Fitzharris is the author of The Butchering
nature of trench warfare meant that thousands               Art, which won the PEN/E.O. Wilson Prize
sustained facial injuries. In The Facemaker,                for Literary Science Writing, and was shortlisted
award-winning historian Lindsey Fitzharris tells            for the Wellcome Book Prize and the Wolfson
the true story of the pioneering plastic surgeon            History Prize. She received her doctorate in the
Harold Gillies, who dedicated himself to                    History of Science, Medicine and Technology at
restoring the faces of a brutalized generation.             the University of Oxford and was a post-doctoral
                                                            research fellow at the Wellcome Institute. She
Gillies, a Cambridge-educated New Zealander,                contributes regularly to the Wall Street Journal,
established one of the world’s first hospitals              Scientific American and other notable publications.
dedicated entirely to facial reconstruction. At a
time when losing a limb made a soldier a hero
but losing a face made him a monster to a society
largely intolerant of facial differences, Gillies
restored not just faces, but identities and spirits.

The Facemaker places Gillies’s ingenious surgical           JUNE 2022
innovations alongside the dramatic stories of               9780241389379
soldiers whose lives were wrecked and repaired.             ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
The result is a vivid account of how medicine               £20.00 | 320 PAGES

Serious Money
Walking Plutocratic
Caroline Knowles

A sociologist uncovers the
secret lives of London’s
wealthiest residents – and
how their money shapes the
city for the rest of us
London is a plutocrat’s paradise, with more                that wealth is a condition to aspire to, revealing
resident billionaires than New York, Hong Kong             the isolation and paranoia which accompany
or Moscow. Far from trickling down, their wealth           it when the plutocrat’s recompense – a life of
is burning up the environment and swallowing               endless luxury – ultimately proves hollow. Yet it is
up the city. But what do we really know about              not just the super-rich who get to make the city:
London’s super-rich, and the lives they lead?              we make it too, and could demand something
                                                           different. Because serious money is good for no
To find out more, sociologist Caroline Knowles             one – not even the rich.
walks the streets of London from the City to
suburban Surrey, via Kensington, Mayfair and               Caroline Knowles is a professor of Sociology
elsewhere. Her walks reveal how the wealthy                at Goldsmiths, University of London. Currently
shape the capital in their image, creating a world         the Director of the British Academy’s Cities
of gated communities and luxury developments.              and Infrastructure programme, she has carried
A move behind closed doors takes us further into           out research in London, Hong Kong, Beijing,
the dark heart of the plutocratic city, from multi-        Fuzhou, Addis Ababa, Kuwait City and Seoul.
million-pound mansions to gentlemen’s clubs.               Knowles is the author of Flip-Flop: A Journey
Along the way we meet a wide and wickedly                  through Globalisation’s Backroads, and co-
entertaining cast of millionaires, billionaires and        author of Hong Kong: Migrant Lives, Landscapes
those who serve them: bankers, aristocrats,                and Journeys.
tech tycoons, Conservative Party donors, butlers,
divorce lawyers and many more.                             MAY 2022
By turns jaw-dropping, enraging and                        ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
enlightening, Serious Money explodes the fiction           £25.00 | 336 PAGES

The Playbook
Protecting the
Corporation from
the Risks of Scientific
Jennifer Jacquet

Science is so powerful
that the powerful want to
control it. A biting satire of
corporate science denial:
how it’s done, who benefits,
and what we can do about it
This is a handbook for business executives                  Jennifer Jacquet is an associate professor in the
advising who to hire, how to recruit experts,               Department of Environmental Studies at New
how to obfuscate and how to relentlessly                    York University and the author of the acclaimed
and effectively challenge the threat of science,            Is Shame Necessary?
policy, reporters and activists.

It is an outline of corporate scientific denial
and obfuscation techniques, highlighting the
tactics used to contradict climate change,
ignore health risks and undermine worker safety.
The machinery of deception works like a casino,
with its deliberative architecture and design
– the dimmed chandeliers, the comfortable
furniture, the dealers, the drinks – to keep the
customers inside comfortable and gambling
for as long as possible.

The Playbook helps any business buy time if it
is threatened by science, the most reliable form
of the knowledge the world has ever known.
Part strategy, part social history, part resistance,        JUNE 2022
it illuminates the methods and motives of many              9780241241677
successful scientific denial campaigns, and the             DEMY OCTAVO HARDBACK
social forces that may outwit them.                         £16.99 | 224 PAGES

Diplomacy Ends
at Midnight
The Long Return of
Hong Kong to China
Dalena Wright

The compelling story of the
inescapable return of Hong
Kong to China, published

                                                                                                            © Michelle Soule
for the 25th anniversary of
the handover
British Hong Kong ended in the last minutes of            for midnight, China and Britain – often as
30 June 1997. Diplomacy Ends at Midnight                  adversaries but occasionally as collaborators
traces the extraordinary twists and turns of Hong         – watched Hong Kong grow into a glittering,
Kong’s long drawn out, but unavoidable, reunion           world-class city. In the end it became a trophy
with China, when its 99-year leasehold on much            that neither wanted the other to own. How
of the colony’s territory expired. 25 years ago,          Britain won and lost Hong Kong is the subject
Britain did not want to return Hong Kong to its           of this new history.
once and future owner, and most Hong Kongers
didn’t want them to either, but the choice was            Dalena Wright has worked in the U.S. Congress,
not theirs to make.                                       the United States Agency for International
                                                          Development and the State Department. She
Through exceptional archival research and                 played a role in the implementation of the
interviews with many of the participants, Dalena          Dayton Peace Accords in Bosnia and before
Wright traces the intricate diplomacy by which            that in the Cambodian Peace Accords. She has
the British sought to resist and then ultimately          a PhD from the University of Cambridge.
had to accept the inevitable reversion. The book
tells the story of governors, prime ministers,
presidents and Chinese leaders who believed
for a century that ownership of the tiny entrepot
was worth diplomatic standoffs. And when there
were no more quarrels to be had, it explains              JUNE 2022
how in the final years British diplomats and their        9780241340424
political masters managed the reversion they              ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
had not wanted. For 99 years, while they waited           £25.00 | 448 PAGES

The Price of Time
Interest, Capitalism and
the Curse of Easy Money
Edward Chancellor

An impressive history of
interest rates and their many
ramifications from a leading
financial historian and
investment strategist
Capitalism and interest are inseparable, yet                The global financial system is edging closer
over the centuries periods whenever interest                to yet another devastating crisis.
rates have collapsed and money was too easy,
financial markets have become unstable. In             Edward Chancellor is the author of Devil Take
the first two decades of the twenty-first century,     the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation
interest rates have sunk lower than at any time        which has been translated into more than half
in the five millennia since they were first recorded   a dozen languages and was a New York Times
but monetary policymakers appear blithe to             Notable Book of the Year. After reading history
the unintended consequences of their actions.          at Cambridge and Oxford, he worked for Lazard
                                                       Brothers in the early 1990s and until 2014 he
With clarity and precision, Edward Chancellor          was a senior member of the asset allocation
traces the history of interest from its origins in     team at the Boston investment firm, GMO. He is
ancient Mesopotamia, through debates about             currently a columnist for Reuters Breakingviews
usury in Restoration Britain and John Law’s ill-fated and has contributed to many publications,
Mississippi scheme to the global credit booms of       including the Wall Street Journal, Financial
the twentieth century. The Price of Time reveals       Times, MoneyWeek and the New York Review of
how extremely low interest rates not only create       Books. In 2008, Edward received the George
asset price inflation but are also largely responsible Polk Award for financial reporting for his article
for the weak economic growth, rising inequality,       “Ponzi Nation” in Institutional Investor magazine.
elevated debt level, and pensions crises that have
afflicted Western economies in recent years. At        JUNE 2022
the same time, easy money in China has inflated        9780241569160
an epic real estate bubble, accompanied by the         ROYAL OCTAVO HARDBACK
greatest credit and investment boom in history.        £25.00 | 368 PAGES

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