Paten Park Native Nursery October 2019 Retail Stock List

Page created by Melissa Nelson
Paten Park Native Nursery October 2019 Retail Stock List
Paten Park Native Nursery
                                                   October 2019 Retail Stock List

                                                                                                                  Paten Park Native Nursery Inc.
                                                                                                                 57 Paten Rd, The Gap QLD 4061
                                                                                                                               P: (07) 3300 6304
                                                    Tubestock Bulk Discount Prices:                                        E:
                                               Quantity:                   Price (incl GST):                               W:
                                                   1-39                    $2.50 each                                  Open Tues-Sat 9am-4pm
                                                  40-99                    $2.00 each                                              Sun 9am-1pm
                                                   +100                    $1.75 each
                                         Please Note: Bulk discount rates apply to Tubestock only
                                          Araucaria cunninghamii not available at discount rates

Species Name                              Common Name                                  Qty Available Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. tuberosus    Musk Mallow                                                Tubestock             $2.50             70
Abrophyllum ornans                        Native Hydrangea                                        15 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia bakeri                             Marblewood                                               2 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia concurrens                         Black Wattle                                               Tubestock             $2.50             49
Acacia decora                             Showy Wattle                                               Tubestock             $2.50              6
Acacia disparrima                         Hickory Wattle                                             Tubestock             $2.50             17
Acacia elata                              Cedar Wattle                                            25 Tubestock             $2.50             45
Acacia fasciculifera                      Scrub Ironbark/Rosewood                                 15 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia fimbriata                          Brisbane Wattle                                         84 Tubestock             $2.50             40
Acacia granitica                          Granite Wattle                                          10 Tubestock             $2.50             67
Acacia irrorata                           Green Wattle                                            46 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia jucunda                            Joyful Wattle                                              Tubestock             $2.50            141
Acacia maidenii                           Maiden's Wattle                                        111 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia melanoxylon                        Blackwood                                               33 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia myrtifolia                         Myrtle Wattle                                            4 Tubestock             $2.50
Acacia podalyriifolia                     Qld Silver Wattle                                       30 Tubestock             $2.50             60
Acacia ulicifolia                         Prickly Moses                                            9 Tubestock             $2.50

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                         October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                     Common Name                        Qty Available Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Acronychia laevis                Hard Aspen                                       Tubestock             $2.50              8
Acronychia oblongifolia          Yellow Wood                                   10 Tubestock             $2.50              9
Adiantum hispidulum              Rough Maidenhair Fern                            Tubestock             $2.50            127
Agathis robusta                  Queensland Kauri Pine                         50 Tubestock             $2.50            366
Ailanthus triphysa               White Siris                                   14 Tubestock             $2.50             69
Alectryon tomentosus             Hairy Bird's Eye                              10 Tubestock             $2.50
Allocasuarina emuina             Mt Emu She Oak                                50 Tubestock             $2.50            150
Allocasuarina littoralis         Black She Oak                                 66 Tubestock             $2.50            259
Alloxylon flammeum               Queensland Tree Waratah                        6 90mm Tube             $6.00             17
Alphitonia excelsa               Soap Tree                                      5 Tubestock             $2.50
Alphitonia petriei               Pink Ash                                      53 Tubestock             $2.50
Aneilema acuminatum              Pointed Aneilema                              24 Tubestock             $2.50
Angophora floribunda             Rough-barked Apple                            55 Tubestock             $2.50
Angophora leiocarpa              Smooth-barked Apple                              Tubestock             $2.50             98
Aotus lanigera                   Woolly Aotus                                  49 Tubestock             $2.50             35
Aphanopetalum resinosum          Gum Vine                                         90mm Tube             $2.50             12
Apium prostratum                 Native Celery                                 40 75mm Pot              $4.00             68
Araucaria bidwillii              Bunya Pine                                       90mm Tube             $6.00             15
Araucaria cunninghamii           Hoop Pine                                     11 Tubestock             $3.00
Archidendron muellerianum        Lace Flower                                      90mm Tube             $6.00             12
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana   Bangalow/Piccabeen Palm                          90mm Tube             $6.00             30
Argyrodendron sp. Kin Kin        Kin Kin Tulip Oak                                90mm Tube             $6.00              7
Argyrodendron trifoliolatum      White Booyong                                 24 Tubestock             $2.50             65
Aristida gracilipes              Slender Speargrass                               75mm Pot              $4.00              5
Arundinella nepalensis           Reed Grass                                    55 Tubestock             $2.50
Arytera divaricata               Rose Tamarind                                  3 Tubestock             $2.50             40
Asplenium australasicum          Bird's Nest Fern                              13 Tubestock             $2.50
Asplenium bulbiferum             Hen & Chicken Fern                            99 75mm Pot              $4.00            154
Atractocarpus fitzalanii         Native Mangosteen                            561 Tubestock             $2.50
Atractocarpus sessilis           False Gardenia                                 9 Tubestock             $2.50
Atriplex nummularia              Old Man Saltbush                             238 Tubestock             $2.50

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                    October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                Common Name                        Qty Available   Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Auranticarpa rhombifolia    White Holly                                   25   Tubestock             $2.50
Austromyrtus dulcis         Midyim (Midgin) Berry                         20   Tubestock             $2.50            100
Austrostipa verticillata                                                  77   Tubestock             $2.50
Backhousia anisata          Aniseed tree                                       90mm Tube             $8.00            240
Backhousia citriodora       Lemon Scented Myrtle                               90mm Tube            $12.00            244
Backhousia myrtifolia       Grey Myrtle                                  23    90mm Tube             $6.00            148
Backhousia tetraptera       Mystery Tree                                       90mm Tube             $6.00             72
Banksia integrifolia        Coastal Banksia                              16    Tubestock             $2.50
Banksia oblongifolia        Dwarf Banksia                                13    Tubestock             $2.50
Banksia spinulosa           Golden Candlesticks                          27    Tubestock             $2.50            195
Barklya syringifolia        Crown of Gold Tree                           16    Tubestock             $2.50
Beilschmiedia elliptica     Brown Walnut / Grey Walnut                    9    Tubestock             $2.50
Beilschmiedia obtusifolia   Blush Walnut                                       90mm Tube             $6.00              5
Blechnum patersonii         Strap Water Fern                             32    Tubestock             $2.50             19
Bolboschoenus sp.           Marsh Club-Rush                             132    Tubestock             $2.50
Brachychiton acerifolius    Flame Tree                                   18    Tubestock             $2.50
Brachychiton bidwillii      Little Kurrajong                             11    Tubestock             $2.50             40
Brachychiton populneus      Kurrajong                                   137    Tubestock             $2.50
Brachychiton rupestris      Qld Bottletree                               17    Tubestock             $2.50
Breynia oblongifolia        Coffee Bush                                        Tubestock             $2.50             18
Bridelia leichhardtii       Leichhardt's Ironbark                         4    90mm Tube             $6.00
Bulbine bulbosa             Native Leek                                 154    75mm Pot              $4.00
Bursaria spinosa            Blackthorn                                    6    Tubestock             $2.50
Calandrinia pickeringii     Pink Purslane                                30    75mm Pot              $4.00
Callerya megasperma         Native Wisteria                               8    90mm Tube             $6.00
Callicoma serratifolia      White Alder                                        Tubestock             $2.50             50
Callitris endlicheri        Black Cypress Pine                           33    Tubestock             $2.50             34
Callitris rhomboidea        Port Jackson Pine                            75    Tubestock             $2.50
Calotis dentex              White Daisy Burr                              1    75mm Pot              $4.00
Carex appressa              Tall Sedge                                   14    Tubestock             $2.50
Carpentaria acuminata       Darwin Palm                                        90mm Tube             $6.00             34

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                    October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                Common Name                        Qty Available   Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Carpobrotus glaucescens     Angular Pigface                              292   75mm Pot              $4.00
Cassia brewsteri            Leichhardt Bean                               34   Tubestock             $2.50
Cassia marksiana            brush cassia                                  79   Tubestock             $2.50             42
Cassinia laevis             Cough Bush                                   173   Tubestock             $2.50
Castanospermum australe     Black Bean                                   156   70mm Tube             $4.00
Castanospora alphandii      Brown Tamarind                                10   Tubestock             $2.50
Casuarina cristata          Belah                                          1   Tubestock             $2.50
Casuarina cunninghamiana    River She-Oak                                  6   Tubestock             $2.50            246
Casuarina equisetifolia     Coastal She-Oak                               27   Tubestock             $2.50
Casuarina glauca            Swamp She-Oak                                  8   Tubestock             $2.50
Cerbera floribunda          Cassowary Plum                                 4   200mm Pot            $25.00
Chamaecrista nomame         Cassia                                        16   Tubestock             $2.50
Chrysocephalum apiculatum   Billy Buttons                                 10   Tubestock             $2.50
Cissus antarctica           Native Grape                                  58   Tubestock             $2.50             72
Citrus australasica         Native Finger Lime                            12   90mm Tube            $12.00            194
Citrus australis            Native Lime                                        Tubestock             $3.00            114
Commersonia bartramia       Brown Kurrajong                             170    Tubestock             $2.50
Cordia dichotoma            Cordus Fork/Glue Berry                       22    90mm Tube             $6.00
Cordyline petiolaris        Broad Leaved Palm Lily                       86    Tubestock             $2.50             16
Cordyline stricta           Narrow Leaf Palm Lily                        24    Tubestock             $2.50            153
Corymbia intermedia         Pink Bloodwood                               14    Tubestock             $2.50            226
Corymbia leichhardtii       Yellowjacket                                  1    Tubestock             $2.50
Corymbia maculata           Southern Spotted Gum                         13    Tubestock             $2.50
Corymbia ptychocarpa        Swamp Bloodwood                             105    Tubestock             $2.50
Corymbia tessellaris        Moreton Bay Ash                             280    Tubestock             $2.50
Corymbia trachyphloia       Brown Bloodwood                              49    Tubestock             $2.50
Crinum pedunculatum         River Lily/Swamp Lily                        53    75mm Pot              $4.00
Cryptocarya bidwillii       Yellow Laurel                               450    Tubestock             $2.50
Cryptocarya laevigata       Glossy Laurel                                17    Tubestock             $2.50             24
Cryptocarya macdonaldii     Cooloola Laurel                               8    Tubestock             $2.50
Cullen tenax                Emu Foot                                           Tubestock             $2.50            126

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                             October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                          Common Name                       Qty Available Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Cupaniopsis anacardioides             Tuckeroo                                     22 Tubestock             $2.50            345
Cyathea cooperi                       Scaly Tree Fern                                 Tubestock             $2.50             13
Cyclophyllum coprosmoides             Supple Jack                                     Tubestock             $2.50             10
Cymbopogon refractus                  Barb Wire Grass                              47 Tubestock             $2.50
Dactyloctenium radulans               Button Grass                                    Tubestock             $2.50            136
Darlingia darlingiana                 Brown Silky Oak                               5 90mm Tube             $6.00
Davidsonia johnsonii                  Smooth Davidson's Plum                       39 90mm Tube             $6.00
Davidsonia pruriens                   Davidson's Plum                              11 Tubestock             $2.50
Deeringia amaranthoides               Climbing Deeringia                           29 Tubestock             $2.50
Dianella brevipedunculata             Blue Flax Lily                               89 Tubestock             $2.50            191
Dianella caerulea                     Blue Flax Lily                              108 Tubestock             $2.50            129
Dianella caerulea var.producta        Flax lily (white flowers)                   118 Tubestock             $2.50            294
Dianella congesta                     Blue Flax Lily                               50 Tubestock             $2.50            182
Dianella longifolia                   Smooth Flax Lily                              9 Tubestock             $2.50            144
Dianella revoluta                     Spreading Flax Lily                             Tubestock             $2.50             79
Diploglottis australis                Native Tamarind                              82 Tubestock             $2.50             60
Diploglottis campbellii               Small Leaf Tamarind                          75 90mm Tube             $6.00              6
Dissiliaria baloghioides              Lancewood/Currumgui or Hauer                 18 Tubestock             $2.50
Dodonaea rupicola                     Velvet Hop Bush                              44 Tubestock             $2.50
Dodonaea triquetra                    Forest Hop Bush                              20 Tubestock             $2.50
Dodonaea viscosa                      Sticky Hop Bush                             184 Tubestock             $2.50
Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata       Hop Bush                                     11 Tubestock             $2.50
Doodia aspera                         Prickly Rasp Fern                               Tubestock             $2.50             20
Doryanthes palmeri                    Spear Lily                                   85 75mm Pot              $4.00            418
Ehretia acuminata                     Koda/Silky Ash                               48 Tubestock             $2.50
Elaeocarpus bancroftii                Ebony Heart                                  26 140m                 $12.00
Elaeocarpus obovatus                  Hard Quandong                                45 90mm Tube             $6.00
Elaeodendron australe var. australe   Red Olive Plum                                8 Tubestock             $2.50
Elattostachys nervosa                 Green Tamarind                                7 Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus camaldulensis              River Red Gum                                34 Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus cloeziana                  Gympie Messmate                                 Tubestock             $2.50              8

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                  October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name              Common Name                        Qty Available   Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Eucalyptus crebra         Narrow Leaved Ironbark                         2   Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus curtisii       Plunkett Mallee                               37   Tubestock             $2.50             45
Eucalyptus exserta        Qld Peppermint                                93   Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus fibrosa        Broad-leaved Ironbark                          6   Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus melliodora     Yellow Box                                         Tubestock             $2.50            207
Eucalyptus microcorys     Tallow Wood                                        Tubestock             $2.50             90
Eucalyptus moluccana      Gum Topped Box                               20    Tubestock             $2.50             50
Eucalyptus orgadophila    Mountain Coolibah                            79    Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus pilularis      Blackbutt                                          Tubestock             $2.50              9
Eucalyptus populnea       Poplar Box                                   18    Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus racemosa       Scribbly Gum                                 96    Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus robusta        Swamp Mahogany                               40    Tubestock             $2.50             75
Eucalyptus sideroxylon    Mugga /Red Ironbark                          39    Tubestock             $2.50
Eucalyptus tereticornis   Qld Blue Gum/ Forest Red Gum                       Tubestock             $2.50             60
Eucalyptus tindaliae      Q'land White Stringybark                      4    Tubestock             $2.50
Eupomatia laurina         Bolwarra/Native Guava                       265    Tubestock             $2.50
Eustrephus latifolius     Wombat Berry                                169    Tubestock             $2.50            122
Ficinia nodosa            Knobby Club Rush                            110    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus coronata            Creek Sandpaper Fig                         608    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus fraseri             White Sandpaper Fig                         330    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus henneana            Cedar Fig                                    36    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus macrophylla         Moreton Bay Fig                              17    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus obliqua             Small Leaved Fig                             69    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus opposita            Sweet Fig                                          Tubestock             $2.50             20
Ficus rubiginosa          Port Jackson Fig                             32    Tubestock             $2.50
Ficus virens              White Fig                                    41    Tubestock             $2.50
Flindersia australis      Crow's Ash                                   85    Tubestock             $2.50
Flindersia brayleyana     Queensland Maple                             20    Tubestock             $2.50
Flindersia schottiana     Bumpy Ash                                    11    Tubestock             $2.50
Gahnia sieberiana         Red Fruited Saw Sedge                       114    Tubestock             $2.50             25
Geitonoplesium cymosum    Scrambling Lily                              29    Tubestock             $2.50             32

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                   October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name               Common Name                        Qty Available   Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Glochidion ferdinandii     Cheese Tree                                   62   Tubestock
Glochidion sumatranum      Umbrella Cheese Tree                          25   Tubestock
Glycosmis trifoliata       Orangeberry                                   15   Tubestock                                 10
Goodenia ovata             Hop Goodenia                                   8   75mm Pot
Graptophyllum spinigerum   Spiny Fuchsia                                      90mm Tube                                 12
Grevillea baileyana        White Oak                                     4    Tubestock
Grevillea robusta          Silky Oak                                    44    Tubestock
Grewia latifolia           Dog's Balls                                  18    Tubestock                              23
Guioa semiglauca           Wild Quince                                 176    Tubestock                             439
Gymnostachys anceps        Settler's Flax                                     Tubestock                              19
Hakea actites              Silky Hakea                                  36    Tubestock                              52
Hakea salicifolia          Willow-leaved Hakea                           8    Tubestock
Hardenbergia violacea      Native Sarsaparilla                           9    Tubestock                             135
Harpullia pendula          Tulipwood                                    84    Tubestock                              93
Harpullia ramiflora        Claudie Tulipwood                            49    90mm Tube
Hibbertia scandens         Climbing Guinea Flower                       38    90mm Tube                                 85
Hibiscus diversifolius     Swamp Hibiscus                                4    90mm Tube
Hibiscus heterophyllus     Native Rosella                                9    Tubestock                                 69
Hibiscus tiliaceus         Cotton Tree                                   9    Tubestock
Hodgkinsonia ovatiflora    Golden Ash                                    5    Tubestock
Homalanthus nutans         Native Bleeding Heart                       642    Tubestock
Hovea acutifolia           Pointed Leaf Hovea                            5    Tubestock                              92
Hovea linearis                                                          28    Tubestock                              28
Hymenosporum flavum        Native Frangipani                           126    Tubestock                             135
Imperata cylindrica        Blady Grass                                        Tubestock                              81
Indigofera australis       Native Indigo                                20    Tubestock                              58
Ipomoea pes-caprae         Beach Morning Glory                          23    Tubestock
Isotoma axillaris          Harebell                                      4    90mm Tube
Jacksonia scoparia         Dogwood/Native Broom                         25    Tubestock                             198
Jagera pseudorhus          Foambark Tree                               896    Tubestock
Juncus usitatus            Common Rush                                  88    Tubestock                             157

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                      October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                  Common Name                        Qty Available Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Kunzea ambigua Dwarf          Dwarf Kunzea                                  45 75mm Pot              $4.00
Lagerstroemia archeriana      Native Crepe Myrtle                              90mm Tube             $6.00              5
Lepiderema pulchella          Small-leaved Tuckeroo                        102 Tubestock             $2.50
Lepidozamia peroffskyana      Cycad Flower, Pineapple Palm                   6 Tubestock             $5.00
Lepironia articulata          Grey Rush                                      8 Tubestock             $2.50
Leptospermum luehmanii        Ngun Ngun May Bush                            54 Tubestock             $2.50             55
Leptospermum petersonii       Lemon Scented Tea Tree                        21 90mm Tube             $6.00            218
Leptospermum polygalifolium   Tantoon/Wild May                                 Tubestock             $2.50            472
Livistona australis           Cabbage Palm                                  15 75mm Pot              $4.00
Lomandra confertifolia        Little Con'                                  100 75mm Pot              $4.00
Lomandra hystrix              Mat Rush                                     180 Tubestock             $2.50            752
Lomandra longifolia           Long Leaved Mat Rush                          31 Tubestock             $2.50            123
Lophostemon confertus         Brush Box                                        Tubestock             $2.50            110
Macadamia integrifolia        Queensland Nut                                 4 Tubestock             $2.50
Macaranga tanarius            Macaranga                                     77 Tubestock             $2.50
Mackinlaya macrosciadia       Mackinlaya                                    75 Tubestock             $2.50            176
Maclura cochinchinensis       Cockspur Thorn                                25 Tubestock             $2.50             66
Macrozamia communis           Burrawang                                      1 Tubestock             $5.00
Macrozamia miquellii          Wild Pineapple                                10 100mm Pot            $10.00
Macrozamia mountperriensis    Mount Perry Cycad                             59 Tubestock             $5.00
Mallotus discolor             Yellow Kamala                                  4 Tubestock             $2.50
Maytenus silvestris           Narrow-leaved Orange Bark                        Tubestock             $2.50             24
Melaleuca bracteata           Black Tea Tree                                 7 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca citrina             Crimson Bottlebrush                           39 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca comboynensis        Cliff Bottlebrush                             47 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca flavovirens         Green Bottlebrush                             73 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca irbyana             Snowy Tea Tree                                24 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca leucadendra         Weeping Paper Bark                            18 Tubestock             $2.50             94
Melaleuca linariifolia        Snow In Summer                                   Tubestock             $2.50             68
Melaleuca linearis            Narrow-leaved Bottlebrush                     35 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca montana             Mountain Bottlebrush                          77 Tubestock             $2.50

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                                 October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                            Common Name                         Qty Available Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Melaleuca paludicola                    River Bottlebrush                              19 Tubestock             $2.50            178
Melaleuca quinquenervia                 Swamp Paperbark                                   Tubestock             $2.50             64
Melaleuca salicina                      Willow Bottlebrush                             29 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca styphelioides                 Prickly Paper Bark                              7 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca thymifolia                    Thyme Honey Myrtle                             52 Tubestock             $2.50            285
Melaleuca viminalis                     Weeping Bottlebrush                            30 Tubestock             $2.50
Melaleuca viridiflora                   Broad Leaved Tea Tree                             Tubestock             $2.50             18
Melaleuca williamsii subsp. fletcheri   New England Bottlebrush                         7 Tubestock             $2.50
Melastoma malabathricum                 Blue Tongue                                       Tubestock             $2.50             12
Melia azedarach                         White Cedar                                       Tubestock             $2.50              6
Melicope elleryana                      Pink Euodia                                       Tubestock             $2.50             34
Microlaena stipoides                    Rice Meadowgrass                               81 75mm Pot              $4.00
Micromelum minutum                      Lime Berry                                    204 Tubestock             $2.50
Mischocarpus pyriformis                 Yellow Pear Fruit                               1 Tubestock             $2.50
Myristica globosa                       Qld Nutmeg                                        90mm Tube             $6.00             11
Nauclea orientalis                      Leichhardt Tree                                68 Tubestock             $2.50
Neolitsea australiensis                 Grey Bolly Gum                                 10 Tubestock             $2.50             40
Neolitsea dealbata                      White Bolly Gum                               221 Tubestock             $2.50
Ochrosia elliptica                      Bloodhorn                                     103 90mm Tube             $6.00
Olea paniculata                         Native Olive                                  357 Tubestock             $2.50
Oplismenus aemulus                      Oplismenus                                      7 Tubestock             $2.50
Orthosiphon aristatus                   Cats Whiskers                                   2 75mm Pot              $4.00
Pandanus tectorius                      Screw Pine                                     10 75mm Pot              $4.00             14
Pandorea jasminoides                    Bower of Beauty                                88 Tubestock             $2.50            141
Pararchidendron pruinosum               Snow Wood                                     153 Tubestock             $2.50
Parsonsia brisbanensis                  Brisbane Silkpod                               15 Tubestock             $2.50
Parsonsia straminea                     Monkey Rope                                     7 Tubestock             $2.50
Pavetta australiensis                   Butterfly bush                                    Tubestock             $2.50              8
Peperomia blanda                        Peperomia                                         75mm Pot              $4.00             39
Persicaria decipiens                    Slender Knotweed                               11 Tubestock             $2.50
Petalostigma pubescens                  Quinine Berry, Bitter Bark                        Tubestock             $2.50              6

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                      October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                  Common Name                        Qty Available Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Petalostigma triloculare      Cracker Bush                                   7 Tubestock             $2.50
Phaleria clerodendron         Scented Daphne                                11 90mm Tube             $6.00
Phaleria octandra             White Daphne                                     90mm Tube             $6.00             24
Pilidiostigma glabrum         Plum Myrtle                                      Tubestock             $2.50             10
Pilidiostigma rhytispermum    Small-leaved Plum Myrtle                         Tubestock             $2.50             22
Piper novae-hollandiae        Giant Pepper Vine                             12 90mm Tube             $6.00
Pipturus argenteus            Native Mulberry                                8 Tubestock             $2.50             74
Pittosporum revolutum         Brisbane Laurel                              195 Tubestock             $2.50
Pittosporum undulatum         Native Daphne                                138 Tubestock             $2.50
Planchonella eerwah           Shiny-leaved Coondoo                             90mm Tube             $6.00             36
Plectranthus parviflorus      Cockspur Flower                                5 75mm Pot              $4.00
Podocarpus elatus             Brown Pine                                     5 Tubestock             $2.50
Podolobium ilicifolium        Holly Pea                                        Tubestock             $2.50             12
Pollia crispata               Pollia                                        12 Tubestock             $2.50
Pomaderris ferruginea         Rust Coloured Pomaderris                      31 Tubestock             $2.50             43
Prostanthera nivea                                                             90mm Tube             $6.00             11
Prostanthera ovalifolia       Mountain Mint Bush                            22 90mm Tube             $6.00
Pseuderanthemum variable      Love Flower                                   15 Tubestock             $2.50
Psychotria daphnoides         Turkey Bush                                   51 Tubestock             $2.50             19
Psychotria loniceroides       Hairy Psychotria                              13 Tubestock             $2.50             10
Psydrax odorata               Sweet Susie                                    3 Tubestock             $2.50
Pteris ensiformis             Slender Bracken                               22 Tubestock             $2.50
Pteris umbrosa                Jungle Brake                                  22 Tubestock             $2.50
Pultenaea villosa             Hairy Bush Pea                                   Tubestock             $2.50             93
Rhysotoechia robertsonii      Robertson Tuckeroo                               Tubestock             $2.50             15
Sambucus australasica         Native Elderberry                                Tubestock             $2.50             44
Sannantha angusta                                                           61 Tubestock             $2.50             50
Sannantha similis             Twiggy Myrtle                                 22 Tubestock             $2.50             86
Sarcomelicope simplicifolia   Yellowwood                                   144 Tubestock             $2.50
Sarcopteryx stipata           Corduroy                                         Tubestock             $2.50              9
Senna sophera var. sophera    Pepper-leaved Senna                            8 Tubestock             $2.50

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                      October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name                 Common Name                         Qty Available   Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Sloanea australis            Maiden's Blush                                  7   Tubestock             $2.50
Smilax australis             Austral Sarsaparilla                          260   Tubestock             $2.50
Solanum aviculare            Kangaroo Apple                                 41   Tubestock             $2.50             31
Solanum inaequilaterum       Nightshade                                          Tubestock             $2.50             30
Sophora tomentosa            Necklace Bean                                 27    Tubestock             $2.50
Stenocarpus sinuatus         Wheel Of Fire                                 32    Tubestock             $2.50
Sterculia quadrifida         Peanut Tree                                   56    Tubestock             $2.50
Streblus brunonianus         Whalebone Tree                                39    Tubestock             $2.50            155
Syncarpia hillii             Satinay                                             Tubestock             $2.50              7
Synoum glandulosum           Scentless Rosewood                            46    Tubestock             $2.50
Syzygium alatoramulum        Tinkling Satinash                              5    90mm Tube             $6.00
Syzygium alliiligneum        Onionwood                                      3    90mm Tube             $6.00
Syzygium australe            Scrub Cherry                                 340    Tubestock             $2.50
Syzygium corynanthum         Sour Cherry                                         Tubestock             $2.50              8
Syzygium floribundum         Weeping Lilly Pilly                          418    Tubestock             $2.50
Syzygium francisii           Giant Water Gum                               26    Tubestock             $2.50             18
Syzygium hemilamprum         Broad Leaved Lilly Pilly                      25    Tubestock             $2.50
Syzygium ingens              Red Apple                                      7    Tubestock             $2.50
Syzygium luehmannii          Riberry                                     1409    Tubestock             $2.50
Syzygium mooreii             Rose Apple/ Coolamon                          92    90mm Tube             $6.00
Syzygium smithii             Narrow Leaf Lilly Pilly                       66    Tubestock             $2.50             40
Syzygium tierneyanum         River Cherry                                        Tubestock             $2.50             40
Syzygium unipunctatum        Roly-Poly Satinash                           104    90mm Tube             $6.00
Syzygium velarum                                                           31    90mm Tube             $6.00             13
Syzygium wilsonii            Powderpuff Lilly Pilly                        59    Tubestock             $2.50
Tabernaemontana pandacaqui   Banana Bush                                   21    Tubestock             $2.50
Terminalia muelleri          Terminalia                                          90mm Tube             $6.00              6
Tetrastigma nitens           Shiny-leaved Grape                            19    Tubestock             $2.50
Thaleropia queenslandica                                                         90mm Tube             $6.00              6
Thysanotus tuberosus         Common Fringe Lily                                  Tubestock             $4.00             60
Toechima tenax               Brush Teak                                    54    Tubestock             $2.50            190

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Paten Park Native Nursery
                                   October 2019 Retail Stock List
Species Name               Common Name                        Qty Available   Pot Size    Price (incl GST) Ready Soon
Trema tomentosa            Poison Peach                                  48   Tubestock             $2.50
Tristaniopsis laurina      Water Gum                                     75   Tubestock             $2.50             10
Veronica plebeia           Trailing Speedwell                             3   75mm Pot              $4.00
Vigna marina               Dune Bean                                     28   Tubestock             $2.50
Viminaria juncea           Golden Broom                                       Tubestock             $2.50             53
Viola banksii              Ivy Leaved Violet                            82    75mm Pot              $4.00             23
Vittadinia sulcata         Furrowed Daisy                               27    75mm Pot              $4.00
Westringia fruticosa       Coastal Rosemary                                   90mm Tube             $6.00            127
Wilkiea macrophylla        Large Leaved Wilkea                          13    Tubestock             $2.50
Wodyetia bifurcata         Foxtail Palm                                123    90mm Tube             $6.00
Xanthorrhoea fulva         Swamp Grass Tree                             11    140mm Pot            $15.00
Xanthorrhoea latifolia     Grass Tree                                         Tubestock             $4.00             28
Xanthostemon chrysanthus   Golden Penda                                 20    Tubestock             $2.50

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