Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.

Page created by Adam Tran
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
P aschal Life
                            March 20, 2022
                           Third Sunday of Lent

Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
Sunday Mass Link: Click Here

Mass Announcements and Death Notices: Click Here

The March Song and Prayer: Click here to watch the March song. Click here to view
the March Prayer.

Second Collection 2022: Click here to view the second collection schedule.

Stations of the Cross: Fridays, at 7 PM in the church during Lent.

From the Pastor: Fr. Lane will be doing a parish mission at St. Olaf in Utah. The mission
will begin with preaching at the weekend Masses and continue Monday-Wednesday at
6:00 PM. The mission will be streamed on the St. Olaf Facebook page. Click here for the
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
Installation of new Altar Servers. Thanks for all you do.
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
Our RCIA candidate celebrating the Penitential Rite. Let us pray for her.
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
Thank you Fr. Ron Hoye for a great Lenten mission.

Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord: Friday, March 25, is the Solemnity of the
Annunciation of the Lord. Solemnities are not observed as penitential days. Therefore, by
virtue of the law (can. 1251) and the liturgical nature of the day, penitential practices,
like fasting or abstaining from eating meat, are not required on this day, even though it
falls on a Friday in Lent.

Taize Holy Hour: Tuesday, March 29, 7:00 pm in the church.

Tetelestai 2022 Season: The Cleveland Performing Arts Ministries 2022 season of the
musical Passion play Tetelestai is upon us. Click here to view the schedule.

Youth Group: Happy Lent! SPB's Youth Group has a lot going on! Youth Group is open
to anyone in grades 6th - 12th! During this Lenten season, please encourage your
preteen/teen to grow in their faith with these amazing opportunities!
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
Be Part of The Living Stations of the Cross:

SPB has a wonderful tradition of acting out the Stations of the Cross. We will meet in the
church on Tuesdays after school from 2:30 - 3:45 on the following days: March 8, March
22, March 29, April 5, April 12, and April 13. We will perform the Living Stations on Holy
Thursday at 1:30 and Good Friday at Noon. You MUST be able to attend ALL
PERFORMANCES. Click here to sign up to be part of the Living Stations. Eighth Graders:
This will fulfill all youth group meetings and ten service hours.

Weekly Meetings: During Lent, we will be focusing on Life in the Eucharist for Teens
(LITE). Each week (except for March 13), we will focus on a particular theme for the LITE
Retreat. This is the retreat that in the past, our very own youth group has traveled to
Houston, Texas, Orlando, Florida, and the Navajo Reservation in Arizona and led
hundreds of teens in retreat. It's an amazing opportunity to grow in their faith this Lenten
season. You don't need to attend all five sessions to participate. Come when you can, but
weekly attendance is HIGHLY encouraged! Don't forget; we have an easy-to-access "app"
for all our upcoming meetings and activities. Click here to view the information.

Bible Camp 2022: The Greatest Adventure Ever Told! Consider being a Junior Camp
Counselor or Camp Counselor for our annual Bible Camp, June 27 - July 1. Click here to
volunteer. Click here to register to be a camper.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Evamarie Mickol at

Ladies Guild Lenten Prayer Times:

All are welcome! This is simply a small part of our week to pray together, share our
intentions and how our Lent is going, and pray the Rosary. Hopefully, at least one session
fits in your schedule:

March 16, Wed, 5:30 pm at Highland Heights Park (meet by tennis courts) to Walk and
Talk and Pray

March 25, Fri, 3 pm in the parlor room of the church offices

March 31, Thurs, 8 pm on zoom: Click here for the link.

April 6, Wed, 5:30 pm at SOM Center Parking Lot for North Chagrin Metroparks (across
the street from Progressive/Parkview) to Walk and Talk and Pray
Paschal Life March 20, 2022 Third Sunday of Lent - Dear friends, we hope you are doing well. Let us pray for each other during this Lenten Season.
April Meeting

April 7, Thurs, 7:30 pm in the parlor room of the church offices followed by a fellowship
at Mulligan's!

Family Service Night: April 12, Tues, 7 pm in the Eymard Room of the Parish Life Center

Agapé (Love) Meal: On Thursday, April 13, at 5:30 pm in the Eymard room, there
will be a Holy Thursday Agape Potluck dinner before Mass. Click here for the registration

Good Friday Fish Dinner: Teresa's Pizza is offering a Good Friday fish dinner for $10,
which can be picked up at St. Paschal's in the narthex. Click here for the order form.
Sacred Triduum Schedule

Holy Thursday, April 14:

  •   8:30 AM Rosary
  •   9:00 AM Morning Prayer led by our school students in church. No Morning Mass.
  •   4:00 PM Lent ends & The Sacred Triduum begins (Our Lenten fasting ends)
  •   5:30 PM Agapé (Love) Potluck Meal in the Eymard Room
  •   7:30 PM Liturgy of the Lord's Supper with candlelight procession of the
      Blessed Sacrament. Please stay and pray from 9:00 PM until Midnight (either
      in the Saint Ann Shrine or church)

Good Friday, April 15:

  •   8:30 AM Rosary & 9:00 AM Morning Prayer. No Masses.
  •   Office Closed
  •   Noon Stations of the Cross led by our Youth Group
  •   3:00 PM OR 7:30 PM Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, with the Veneration of
      the Cross. Please return your Rice Bowls for Catholic Relief Services.

Holy Saturday, April 16:

  •   8:30 AM Rosary & 9:00 AM Morning Prayer
  •   9:20 AM Decorating church for Easter
  •   Noon Blessing of Food/Easter Baskets in church
  •   NO 3:30 PM Confessions or 4:30 PM M ass
  •   8:30 PM Easter Vigil, the most incredible night & liturgy of the liturgical year!

Easter Sunday, April 17:

  •   Masses at 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM (NO 6:30 PM Mass this day)
  •   Renewal of our Baptismal Promises during each of the Masses

Easter Monday, April 18:

  •   8:30 AM Rosary, (No communal Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer this day)
  •   9:00 AM Mass ONLY
  •   Offices & Saint Ann Shrine closed in observance of the holiday.
Come and pray in the updated Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Spring Fling: Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 19 - Sunday, May 22 for the
13th Annual Spring Fling Festival.
Office Hours: Office hours are Monday–Friday, 8 AM–4 PM.

Mass Attendance (We count on you): March 12/13

4:30 Saturday Mass: 204

8:00 Sunday Morning Prayer: 32

8:30 Sunday Mass: 250 (Confirmation Class)

10:30 Sunday Mass: 215

6:30 Sunday Mass: 163

Views on YouTube Channel: 210

Stay Connected: Please click the social media buttons to visit and sign
up to access news, upcoming events, scriptural passages, live streams,
previously recorded events, photos, and more.

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