Page created by Antonio Edwards

                             SUMMER 2021                                  Campers at Headwater’s Park

4 One man’s cycling     7 Introducing           14 Ages 12-18: invent   18 What to
journey leads to The    Geauga’s first public   a meme in the park to   know about your
Maple Highlands Trail   mountain bike trail     earn a reward!          neighborhood spiders
UPCOMING EVENTS Mark your calendars!
            All public programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
            Geauga Park District will continue to follow current state guidelines for COVID-19 safety.
            Please check our website for updates before heading out.

                                                     SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 • 10 AM - 5 PM
                                                     FREE Indoor/Outdoor Juried Show with Nature-Inspired Artwork For Sale
                                                     FREE Bus Ride from Chardon Arts Festival on Chardon Square
                                                     Food Trucks, Entertainment, Demonstrations & Workshops
     at Big Creek Park                               Live music, crafts & activities • Nature Writing Contest event & open mic 3-5 PM

     Moths & Meteors                                 Wednesday, August 11, 9 PM - Thursday, August 12, 6 AM
                                                     at Observatory Park
     Overnight Event                                 Take in the Perseid Meteor Shower plus night flying moths
    REGISTRATION REQUIRED - SPACE IS LIMITED         attracted to our black light & mercury vapor lamps!

                                                      Amphitheater concerts at Big Creek                      Outdoor movie nights at Observatory Park;

    Nights Out                                        Park (registration required); 7 - 8:30 PM

                                                      Paul Kovac’s Big Grass Band 7/17
                                                                                                              activities begin at 8:30 PM, movies at dark

                                                                                                             Apollo 13 (PG) 7/24

    in the Parks                                      Chardon Polka Band 8/14
                                                      The Pop Tarts 8/28
                                                                                                             Mary Poppins (G) 8/7

       West Woods Wednesdays                          Wednesdays, July 14, August 11 & September 8
      FARM MARKET                                     4 - 7 PM at The West Woods' Picnic Shelters
                                                      Purchase locally grown/made items the second Wednesday
                                                      of each month July through September.

                                                     Sunday, September 12, at The West Woods
                                                     Registration 7 AM • Costume Contest 8:30 AM • Race/Walk 9 AM
                                                     Challenge yourself to this one-of-a-kind trail run through wooded
                                                     hills — cave garb encouraged. Also this year, all who complete the
                                                     course earn a 10th anniversary commemorative medal! Virtual option
        & 1-Mile Fun Walk                            available this year. Register ahead & save at                                                      10th ANNIVERSARY

    Geauga Park District at                          Thursday, September 2 – Monday, September 6 • 11 AM - 7 PM
                                                     Visit our building in the Natural Resources Area to meet the
        The Great                                    Monarch Butterfly and learn what's new in Geauga Park District!
    Geauga County Fair                               Daily live Monarch tagging at 1:30 PM as butterflies are available.

     SUMMER PROGRAMS on pages 8-13
    • Registration is required in advance for   • Programs are generally free of charge; those with fees                  UGA G     Geauga Gems Trekking Series Program

                                                                                                                                    Fulfills one of the naturalist-led requirements toward

      limited enrollment programs on a first      are noted. Payment of fees must be made at the time of
                                                                                                                                    your Trekking Series reward
      come, first served basis. Registration      registration with a credit/debit card.
      can be completed online or at             • Registration fees are refundable up to five days prior to                         Nature’s Not To Be Missed
                                                                                                                                    Program focused on unique encounters with Nature
      440-286-9516.                               the event, or if the Park District cancels the program.
    • Programs may be cancelled in the event    • If you or a member of your family has special needs,                              Virtual Program
      of severe weather or a storm warning.       please call the Park District regarding available accessibility                   Register and receive a login to participate from home

                                                                                                                                    Fully Wheelchair/Stroller Accessible
                                                                                                                                    Nature Scopes - Program recommended
2   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                                       for our fifth-grade Nature Scopes students
PARKEXPLORER                                                A seasonal guide to the programs, special
                                                            events and news of Geauga Park District

Upcoming Events................................... 2
Feature: The Maple Highlands Trail......... 4
Park Spotlight: Headwaters Park............ 6
New Mountain Bike Trail........................ 7
July Programs......................................... 8
August Programs................................. 10                                   Howard Bates Pat Preston    Bill Dieterle   Mario Innocenzi

September Programs............................ 12           Dennis Ibold, Commissioner
Writing Contest & Meme Promotion.... 14
From the Executive Director................. 15             F RO M T H E B O A R D
Park Locations & Amenities.................. 16             O F PA R K C O M M I S S I O N E R S
Geocaching.......................................... 17
In Nature: Spiders................................ 18
                                                            Dear Friends, Neighbors & Park Enthusiasts:
Fun Page.............................................. 19
                                                            I am one of the newest members of the Board of Park Commissioners,
                                                            having been appointed in 2020, and I am still learning about all of the
                                                            amenities of the Geauga County parks.
                                                            I am pleased that it is summertime and the weather will allow us
              Park Mission                                  more opportunities to enjoy our Geauga County parks and the many
   The mission of Geauga Park District is                   amenities and activities available.
   to preserve, conserve and protect the
     natural features of Geauga County                      This year Geauga Park District has awarded contracts for
    and to provide outdoor recreational                     improvements at Swine Creek, Veterans Legacy and Spring Brook.
 experiences to our residents of every age,
                                                            Summer camps are being offered through August. For details and
  every ability and at all times of the year.
                                                            registration, call 440-286-9516. Camps include exploring, hiking,
                                                            fishing, stream exploration, biking, fishing, kayaking and more.

               Park Hours                                   Geauga Park District has wonderful improved trails and picnic areas
                                                            for you and your family. I encourage you to spend a few minutes
               Daily 6 AM - 11 PM
                                                            learning about our parks that are not in your nearby neighborhood and
  Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center                   visit some that you have not yet been to. Like most of you, I have not
     is open weekdays 10 AM - 4:30 PM                       been to every park, and I am planning to expand my park usage in the
                                                            good weather.
        The West Woods Nature Center
         is open daily 10 AM - 4:30 PM                      Like me, I encourage you to learn about our parks and utilize the parks
Observatory Park is open daily till 1 AM from               and programs that are offered. It will be a wonderful experience for
 Memorial Day to Labor Day and till 11 PM                   you, your friends and family.
    from Labor Day to Memorial Day; its
     Robert McCullough Science Center                       Sincerely,
      and Oberle Observatory are open
2nd & 4th Fridays & Saturdays of each month
      6 - 11 PM and every other Sunday
                                                            Dennis J. Ibold
           of each month 1 - 4 PM                           Dennis J. Ibold

           The Maple Highlands Trail
          is open daily dawn till dusk

       Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve
           is open daily 6 AM - 9 PM

     For more information on your
       parks, programs or events                                          Executive Director
         Phone: 440-286-9516                                              John Oros
           Fax: 440-286-1285
                                                            Park Board Meetings                             Dates and times are subject to change. Find the current schedule                            on our website under About GPD, or call 440-286-9516.

                                                       • PARKEXPLORER 3

                           Treasure Discovered:
    The Maple Highlands Trail

                                         By Dave Lair
     Dave Lair is a Newbury resident,
     current Portage County Interim
     Finance Director, retired Geauga    I   have enjoyed three cycling
                                         phases in my life. As a youth,
                                                                             also able to enjoy riding in the
                                                                             annual Newbury Memorial Day
     County Administrator, former
                                         I pedaled all around Newbury        Parade, in which half the residents
     Newbury Fiscal Officer, former
                                         on my three-speed Schwinn. As       participated and the other half
     private-sector manager of I.T.      a middle-aged adult, I enjoyed      watched, traveling about a half
     and operations, widowed father      miles of cycling fun with the       mile in total and pelting onlookers
     of three, grandfather to seven,     wife I was ultimately married to    with wrapped hard candy. Perhaps
     Vietnam Veteran, avid biker,        for almost 49 years. We rode all    the highlight of our tandem time
     kayaker, swimmer, and lover of      around Northeast Ohio, often up     was the shortest ride of all: with
     wildlife.                           to 40 miles a day, and traveled     our youngest daughter still in high
                                         to ride around the Niagara Falls    school, we accepted the offer
                                         area on a succession of three       to participate in a spring choir
                                         tandem bicycles: a single-speed     concert featuring old time tunes.
                                         model bought at a craft-and-        Our role was to wait backstage
                                         clutter sale, a seven-speed Huffy   until the final seconds of that old
                                         we rode home from Cleveland,        standard, “Bicycle Built for Two,”
                                         and finally a nice 21-speed         then emerge on our tandem from
                                         lightweight model with which        stage right, pedaling very slowly
                                         we could climb the formidable       across the stage toward stage left.
                                         Niagara Escarpment at about 5       As for daughter embarrassment:
                                         mph in creeper gear. We were        Mission Accomplished!

I am currently in my third and          and the scenic beauty to be found      to Swine Creek Reservation. I
final cycling phase, usually riding     there, including five covered          also recently joined an awesome
solo. When COVID-19 hit last            bridges you cross between Chardon      bike group comprised of mainly
year, my almost daily visits to the     and Middlefield. Pretty soon I was     “mature” riders – we call
Geauga YMCA came to an end              beginning to ride in excess of 20      ourselves the CyCo Maniacs.
and I roused the long dormant           miles a day on the tandem, and         The standard ride is a Saturday
21-speed tandem and began to            when a friend sold me a very nice      morning 7+ mile round trip
ride it. I found that the routes        24-speed solo bike, I was back to      from Headwaters Park to a
we used to take along local             the 40+ mile per day trips that I      nice coffee shop in downtown
roads to destinations like nearby       used to enjoy with my wife, riding     Middlefield, with some of us
Punderson seemed somewhat               from the Lake County line down         extending our own trips after the
risky, giving the number of                                                    group completes its route. The
distracted drivers on the road,                                                                   only caution I
so I fairly quickly headed for                                                                    would offer a
The Maple Highlands Trail and                                                                     new rider on
discovered what a wonderful                                                                       this beautiful
resource we have to enjoy in                                                                      route: keep an
our own county. I have traveled                                                                   eye out for the
a number of other bike trails                                                                     road apples
in Northeast Ohio and western                                                                     encountered
Pennsylvania, but nothing                                                                         on the
matches the great condition                                                                       southern
of The Maple Highlands Trail                                                                      portion, where
                                                                                                  cyclists and
                                                                                                  Amish buggies
                                                                                                  share the trail.

                                      Photos provided by Dave Lair

                                                     • PARKEXPLORER 5
P   ark - Photo by Steve
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                                                                                     Park Spotlight

                                                                      Spend Some Time
                                                                     at Headwaters Park
         There are so many reasons to visit                           be accessed by the public during      evergreen plantations, and the land is
         Headwaters Park. It has a little bit of                      naturalist-led programs.              home to wild turkey, fox, mink, owls,
         everything: hiking, camping, fishing,                                                              hawks and a variety of songbirds.
         horse trails, kayaking and canoeing                          At the headwaters of the Cuyahoga     Headwaters Park is also a popular
         (borrow or bring your own), a                                River, East Branch Reservoir is the   stopover for migratory waterfowl
         reservable boathouse, and a diversity                        northernmost of the four reservoirs   each spring and fall: Common Loons,
         of wildlife that is a sight to see.                          that supply water to the Akron        Tundra Swans and many types of
                                                                      metropolitan area. The City of        ducks.
         This 926-acre park is leased from                            Akron implements a variety of
         the City of Akron in a partnership                           management practices to maintain      Headwaters Park’s Boathouse is
         that allows for conservation of                              a high-quality water supply. These    reservable and features an indoor
         natural areas as well as enjoyment of                        include keeping watershed lands       lodge and an outdoor covered area
         recreation and outdoor education.                            in natural states so that forests,    with a fireplace overlooking the lake.
         There are two entrances: 13365 Old                           meadows and wetlands can filter out   Kayak and canoe borrowing goes on
         State Road (Rt. 608) and a secondary                         sediment and pollutants before they   throughout the summer and is free
         one at 15055 Mayfield Road (Rt.                              reach waterways. The natural state    for Geauga County residents; visit
         322). Five trails here total 4.7 miles,                      of watershed lands also provides      the Headwaters Park page of our
         including more than 2 miles of the                           quality habitats and recreation       website for details. Seeing the park
         statewide Buckeye Trail along the                            opportunities.                        from the water is a whole new great
         western shore. The eastern shore,                                                                  experience. This park is also a favorite
                                                                      These waters are surrounded by a      of anglers who have reported catches
         meanwhile, and all islands are
                                                                      beech-maple forest, meadows and       of perch, crappie, Northern Pike and
         designated preserves that can only
                                                                                                            Largemouth Bass.

                                                                                                 Field Notes:
                                                                                                 It’s not unusual to see a
                                                                                                 Bald Eagle or Osprey soaring
                                                                                                 overhead, flying by, or perched
                                                                                                 in the trees over Headwaters
                                                                                                 Park. Kayakers have even
                                                                                                 reported seeing them swoop
                                                                                                 down to catch a fish!

A New Way to See Nature                                                        D


                                                                                                           Big Creek Park opens
                                                                                                           Geauga County’s first public
                                                                                                           mountain 5biking trail

                                                                                                        Geauga County’s first single-track mountain bike

                                                                               Big C
                                                                                                        trail is now open thanks to a partnership with the
                                                                                                        Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Association (CAMBA),
                                                                                                         1             2 and laid out the trail with the
                                                                                                                           help of the Park District’s in-house
                                                                                                      3                    construction crew.
                                                                                                                             The trail itself is 2.8 miles, with
                                                                                                                             hikers sharing the space for just

                                                                                                                                   ROBINSON ROAD
                                                                                                                             over a half a mile. Direction of
                                                                                                                             travel changes daily to foster even
                                                                                                                             wear of the trail; please consult
                                                                                                                             signage for guidance when you

                                                                                                                             arrive. The trail map published on

                                                                                              ARE D
                                                                                                                             the park’s website will lead you
                                                                                                                           6 to the marked entrance of the
                                                                                                                             mountain bike trail and show you
                                                                                                                             the lay of the land.
                                                                                                                            “We’re really excited to work with
                                                                                                                            CAMBA, and really appreciated
                                                                                                                            all the time and expertise they
Photo by Michael Ryba

                                                                                                                            volunteered,” said Director of
                                                                                                                            Planning & Operations Matt McCue.
                                                                                                           “They did a great job with some of their members
                                                                                                           CAMBA Treasurer Mike Ryba said his team surveyed
                                                                                                           the land multiple times, identifying points that were
                                                                                                           the most attractive and those that needed to be

                        Claridon Woodlands Bike Track
                                                                                                           “Natural surface trails are sensitive to compaction
                                                                                                           and erosion, so we try to stay high and dry, all the
                        Another single                                                                     while creating a trail that’s fun to ride at both slow
                        track mountain                                                                     and faster speeds in either direction.”
                        bike trail can be
                        found at Claridon                                                                  “Big Creek’s new trail would be considered a
                        Woodlands.                                                                         ‘traditional’ trail with some modern touches,”
                        Although                                                                           Ryba said, “meaning there is minimal disruption of
                        considerably                                                                       the natural resources, so the rider gets to see the
                        shorter at .38                                                                     best Nature can offer. Difficulty-wise, it would be
                        mile, the linear                                                                   considered on the easy side of intermediate.”
                        track features
                                                                                                           The master plan for this park calls for more trail
                        several 2-foot-
                                                                                                           in the future, which would lean more toward
                        wide boardwalk
                                                                                                           intermediate difficulty.
                        crossings and
                        an embankment                                                                      CAMBA’s mission is to create, preserve, promote,
                        wall on one of its turns. There is also a pump track located here                  protect and enhance diverse and enjoyable trail
                        where mountain bike riders gain momentum by “pumping,” the                         experiences for mountain bikers throughout
                        goal being to ride it repeatedly without pedaling.                                 Northeast Ohio. Learn more at

                                                                              • PARKEXPLORER 7
                                                                Register online or by calling 440-286-9516 beginning June 20 at 10 AM
                                                                                          All programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
                                                                                                      Please check our website for updates before heading out.

          Adventure/Discovery                        Arts      Astronomy       Kids        Seniors
                                                                                                                             15 Elderberries:
     3 Hidden Habitats Hike                                         11 Ansel’s Cave Hike:                                    Kayaking Adventure
                                                                                                                             Thursday, July 15, 9-10:30 AM &
    Saturday, July 3, 9-10:30 AM &                                 History Written in Rock                                   11 AM-12:30 PM
    11 AM-12:30 PM, Holbrook Hollows                               Sunday, July 11, 1:30-3:30 PM                             Headwaters Park, Boathouse
    Search for hidden habitats of critters along                   The West Woods
    forested trails. Rain or shine; dress appropriately.                                                                     Explore from the water! Bring sunscreen and water.
                                                                   Explore Ansel’s Cave on this two-mile, medium-level       A collaboration with Geauga Department on Aging
    Approximately 1.5 miles over hilly terrain.                    hike with a rare opportunity to go into this restricted
    Registration required.                                                                                                   and University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center.
                                                                   area! Rain or shine; dress for the weather. Wear          Registration required; out-of-county registration
                                                                   sturdy shoes. Registration required.
     3 Nature Exploration                                                                                                    opens July 1.

    Kayak (Ages 10+ w/adult)                                       11 Dragon Hunting                                         16 Lake Kelso Kayak
    Saturday, July 3, 10-11:30 AM &                                at Orchard Hills                                          Friday, July 16, 6:30-8 PM
    1-2:30 PM, Bass Lake Preserve                                  Sunday, July 11, 2:30-4 PM                                Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve
    A peaceful float to experience the sights and                  Orchard Hills Park                                        Enjoy the wildlife and surroundings of these tranquil
    sounds of summer. Experience recommended.                      Discover the dragonflies and damselflies inhabiting       waters. Basic skills and life vests required. Rain
    Bring a snack, water and sunscreen. Registration               these wetlands, observe their behaviors, and try          or shine, except for thunderstorms. Registration
    required beginning June 19.                                    catching some. Nets provided. Bring binoculars,           required beginning July 9.
                                                                   camera, sunscreen and water. Wear sturdy shoes in
     5 Geauga Skywatchers                                          case we venture off-trail. Registration required.         17 Horseback Trail Ride
    Club: Picture This!                                                                                                      Connecting the Parks
    Monday, July 5, 6:30-7:30 PM                                    12 Early Morning                          UGA G
                                                                                                                             Saturday, July 17, 10 AM-2 PM

                                                                   Nature Walk

    Virtual program                                                                                                          Holbrook Hollows
    Tips for beginners on equipment needed to                      Monday, July 12, 8-9:30 AM &                              Trailer your horse for a ride from Holbrook Hollows
    photograph the night sky, sunsets and other celestial          10-11:30 AM, Big Creek Park, Tupelo Pond                  to Cleveland Metroparks’ South Chagrin Reservation.
    objects. Visit the Geauga Skywatchers YouTube                  See what the season has to offer on this                  Bring lunch and water bottle. Expect gravel trails,
    channel to see Part I of this series. Designed for             medium-level hike over hilly terrain. Binoculars          boardwalk, stream & river crossings, a ride along a
    grades 6-12 but anyone can join. Registration                  recommended. Registration required.                       road and bicycles. Helmets recommended. Bring a
    required at                                                                            shovel for clean up. Registration required.

     7 Drop-in Nature Craft:                                        12 Bouldering for
                                                                   Beginners (Ages 10-13)
                                                                                                                             17 Nights Out in the Parks:
    Dragonfly Magnet                                                                                                         Paul Kovac’s Big ‘Grass Band
                                                                   Monday, July 12, 8-9:30 AM,
    Wednesday, July 7, 1-3 PM                                                                                                Saturday, July 17, 7-8:30 PM
                                                                   10-11:30 AM, 1-2:30 PM & 3-4:30 PM
    The West Woods, Turkey Ridge                                                                                             Big Creek Park, Amphitheater
                                                                   Claridon Woodlands, Boulder Wall
    Drop in during program hours to create a dragonfly                                                                       Enjoy a four-piece bluegrass ensemble. Lawn chairs
    magnet with natural materials and learn fun facts              Join this introductory class to learn some
                                                                   beginner grips and types of rock holds. No gear           recommended. Held indoors if inclement weather.
    about dragonflies. Craft available while supplies last.                                                                  Registration required.
    Children must be accompanied by an adult.                      required, just a good pair of tennis shoes. Waiver
                                                                   required. Registration required.
                                                                                                                             17 Nassau Astronomy
    10 Buckeye Trail                       UGA G

                                                                    13 Toddler Time: Sensing                                 Night with CVAS

    Highlight Hike

                                                                   the Summer (Ages 1-2 w/adult)                             Saturday, July 17, 7-11 PM, Observatory
    Saturday, July 10, 8:30-10 AM &                                                                                          Park, Nassau Astronomical Station
                                                                   Tuesday, July 13, 9 - 10 AM & 11 AM -
    10:30 AM-Noon, Orchard Hills Park                                                                                        Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical
                                                                   Noon, The West Woods, Turkey Ridge
    Highlights on Orchard Hills Park as we follow the                                                                        Society to take in wonders of the night sky using our
    Blue Blazes of the 1,444-mile Buckeye Trail. Ability           Enjoy experiencing Nature with your little one as
                                                                   we see, smell and touch summertime in the park.           telescope! Discover this amazing facility and all it
    to hike about four miles. Held rain or shine; dress                                                                      has to offer. Limited number of people permitted in
    accordingly. Bring water. Registration required.               Strollers and carriers welcome! All attending
                                                                   must register, including adults and siblings.             building; may result in a wait. Cancelled if cloudy.
                                                                   Registration required.
    10 Treasures Among                                                                                                       18 Backcountry Silver
    the Trees Flea Market                                           13 Union Chapel Bat Count                                Creek Hike
    Saturday, July 10, 9 AM-3 PM                                   Tuesday, July 13, 8:30-9:30 PM                            Sunday, July 18, 9 AM-Noon
    The West Woods                                                 Newbury Union Chapel, St Rte 44                           The West Woods, Affelder House
    Join Geauga Ohio Horseman’s Council for an                     See the “Bat Condo,” a nursery roost for Big and          (drive parking near power lines)
    annual favorite to peruse dozens of vendors selling            Little Brown Bats. Participate in this annual survey      Discover the diversity of Silver Creek. Must walk
    treasures of all kinds! A portion of the proceeds              by counting bats as they exit and head out to             without assistance through steep terrain, slippery
    benefit Geauga Park District’s Bridle Trail Fund.              feed for the evening. Directions to site will be sent     stream bottoms and obstacles. Wear sturdy shoes
                                                                   before program. Registration required.                    with good traction that can get wet. Walking sticks
    10 Welton’s Gorge                                                                                                        recommended. Bring water bottle. Rain or shine;
    Backcountry Ravine                               UGA G         14 West Woods                                             dress for the weather. Registration required.

                                                                   Wednesdays Farm Market

    Exploration                                                                                                              21 Grandparents in
    Saturday, July 10, 9:30 AM-Noon &                              Wednesday, July 14, 4-7 PM
    1:30-4 PM, Welton’s Gorge                                      The West Woods Picnic Shelters                            the Park: Summer Fun
    Off-trail hike into a rocky woodland ravine. Slippery          Purchase locally made/grown items. Snacks                 Wednesday, July 21, 10:30-11:30 AM
    stream bottoms, steep grades and obstacles. Rain or            available for purchase. Live music by Rebecca             Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Shelter
    shine; dress appropriately. Wear sturdy shoes with             Wohlever.                                                 Get outside with the grandchildren and enjoy summer
    good traction. Registration required.                                                                                    with crafts and activities. Bring a picnic lunch to
                                                                                                                             enjoy. Mostly outdoors; dress for the weather with
8   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                                comfortable shoes. Registration required.
Geauga Park District will continue to follow
current state guidelines for COVID-19 safety.
                                                                                      Fully Accessible                Nature Scopes
                                                                                                            UGA G

22 Maple Town Tune                                              24 Summer Stroll                                                 24 Nature Explorers:

Traders Jam Session                                             Saturday, July 24, 11 AM-12:30 PM                                Fishing (Ages 6-11 w/adult)
Thursday, July 22, 7-10 PM                                      & 4-5:30 PM, The West Woods, Affelder                            Tuesday, July 27, 10:30 AM-Noon & 1-2:30 PM,
The West Woods, Nature Center                                   Pass by streams, forests and maybe a waterfall,                  Big Creek Park, Maple Grove
Come play, sing or enjoy as audience. All                       looking and listening for Nature along the way.
                                                                                                                                 Learn about the fish in the pond, then go fishing! Dress
levels, genres and instruments are welcome.                     Approximately 2 miles. Registration required.
                                                                                                                                 for the weather. Adult must register and attend with child.
Registration required.                                                                                                           Registration required by phone.
                                                                24 Movie Night: “Apollo 13”
 23 Family Night in the Park                                    (Rated PG) Saturday, July 24                                     27 Branch Weaving Workshop
Friday, July 23, 8-9:30 PM                                      8:30-11:30 PM, Observatory Park                                  Tuesday, July 27, 6-8 PM, The West Woods
The West Woods, Affelder House                                  Movie at dusk; enjoying free ice cream treats while              Fee: $7 Geauga residents, $9 out-of-county residents
Enjoy a Nature walk, craft and s’mores by the                   supplies last! Registration receipt must be shown                Join Brigitte Fiorille from Fairmount Center for the Arts
campfire. Bring lawn chairs or blankets for                     to enter. Bring blankets, chairs and refreshments.               to learn the basics of creative weaving with multi-
seating. Registration required.                                 Movie shown indoors if inclement weather.                        colored yarns on a branch base. Ages 10+ with adult.
                                                                                                                                 Registration required.
 23 Full Moon Hike:                                             25 Summer Exploration:
The Green Corn Moon                                             Pond and Meadow                                                  29 Drop-in Nature Craft:
Friday, July 23, 9-10 PM                                        Sunday, July 25, 11AM-12:30 PM &                                 Catalpa Seed Pod Snakes
Observatory Park                                                2-3:30 PM, Swine Creek Reservation                               Thursday, July 29, 1-3 PM
A naturalist-led hike enjoying Nature at sunset.                With nets in hand, search for small critters that call           Big Creek Park, Aspen Grove
Learn about the connection between growing                      these habitats home. Equipment provided. Wear                    Design your own snake with natural materials while
corn and the stars. Observe the rising full moon                shoes/boots that can get wet. Registration required.             learning some fun facts about them. Craft available
using park telescopes, weather permitting. Bring                                                                                 while supplies last.
binoculars too. Registration required.                          25 The Sky Tonight
                                                                Planetarium Show                                                 31 LaDue Kayak Float
 23 Moonlight Paddle                                            Sunday, July 25, 2 PM & 3 PM                                     Saturday, July 31, 10 AM-Noon, LaDue
(Ages 12+ with adult) Friday, July 23                           Observatory Park                                                 Reservoir, Rt. 44 Parking Lot South of US 422
9-11 PM, Headwaters Park, Boathouse                             Learn about what to watch for in the night sky                   Look for cormorants, herons, eagles, osprey and more
Enjoy beautiful East Branch Reservoir, with                     this week. Runs 45 minutes. Please only register                 while exploring the lake and shoreline. Bring your own
stargazing and Nature’s night sounds. Experience                for one time slot. Registration required.                        kayak and binoculars or reserve ours. Basic experience
required. Cancelled the day prior if bad weather is                                                                              required. Ages 16+ w/adult. Registration required
forecast. Registration required beginning July 16.              26 Nature Journaling:                                            beginning July 23.

24 Introduction to                                              Field Study                                                      31 Russell Uplands
                                                                Monday, July 26, 9:30 AM-Noon &
Archery for Families                                                                                                             Discovery Hike
                                                                1:30-4 PM, Orchard Hills Park, Lodge
Saturday, July 24, 9-10:30 AM &                                 Fee: $20 Geauga residents, $24 out-of-county residents           Saturday, July 31, 10-11:30 AM &
11 AM-12:30 PM, Observatory Park,                               Learn basic journaling techniques and different ways             1-2:30 PM, Russell Uplands Preserve
Nassau Astronomical Station                                     to record your field observations. Partially outdoors.           Explore the forested trails of this beautiful park. Parking
Learn the basics of target archery. Participants                Taking photos is optional. One-time registration fee             limited; carpooling recommended. Rain or shine; dress
must be age 9+ and at least 50” tall. Minors must               for the monthly series includes a journal, pen and               for the weather. Approximately 1.5 miles over hilly
have adult registered with them. Registration                   pencil. Registration required by phone only.                     terrain. No restrooms available. Registration required.

                                                                  RECURRING PROGRAMS
  1      8 15 22 29                                                                                                                   13 27 Geauga Walkers
Lunchtime Yoga in the Park                                         9 10 Odds & Ends Baskets                                           Tuesdays, 1-2:30 PM
(Ages 10+ with adult) Thursdays, July 1, 8,                      Friday, July 9, 12:30-5:30 PM &                                      July 13 at Holbrook Hollows
15, 22 & 29, Noon-1 PM, The West Woods                           Saturday, July 10, 12:30-5:30 PM                                     July 27 at Whitlam Woods
Fee: $7 Geauga resident, $10 out-of-county resident              Big Creek Park, Deep Woods                                           Hikes for active seniors 1-1½ miles long. Naturalist
Enjoy yoga with Darlene Kelbach from Fairmount                   Fee: $20 Geauga residents, $24 out-of-county residents               led. Call Geauga Senior Center for full schedule:
Center for the Arts. Dress comfortably, bring yoga               Design and weave a basket with a basic provided                      440-279-2126. Registration required.
mat and water bottle. Registration required.                     pattern. Weaving experience recommended.
                                                                 Registration required.                                               30 31 Timbertots:
  7 14 21 28 Geauga                                                                                                                   Forest Explorers
Cyclists Weekly Ride                                               9 10 Night Sky Viewing                                             (Ages 3-5 w/adult)
Wednesdays, July 7, 14, 21 & 28                                  Friday & Saturday, July 9 & 10                                       Friday, July 30, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM
4-5:30 PM, The Maple Highlands Trail                             9-11 PM, Observatory Park                                            Big Creek Park, Deep Woods
A senior bike ride for 55+. Bring your bike,                     Drop in during program hours to observe the wonders
                                                                 of the night sky using the Oberle telescope.
                                                                                                                                      Saturday, July 31, 10-11 AM & 1-2 PM
helmet and water. Meet the group at the Park
Avenue trailhead parking area behind Marc’s in
                                                                                                                                      B Benner Metzenbaum Park, Wisteria Hill
Chardon to join an escorted ride!                                  9 23 Certify Your Home                                             Explore sights, sounds and smells of the forest with
                                                                                                                                      Nora the Explorer! Outdoors, weather permitting;
                                                                 As “Dark Sky Friendly”
 8 26 After-Work Walk                                            Friday, July 9, 7-8 PM, Observatory Park
                                                                                                                                      dress accordingly. All attending (adults & siblings)
                                                                                                                                      must register. Registration required.
                                                      UGA G
Thursday, July 8, 6:30-7:30 PM &                                 Friday, July 23, 7-8 PM, Virtual program


Monday, July 26, 6:30-7:30 PM                                    Learn what to do to limit light pollution and certify your home as “Dark Sky Friendly.” July 23 is
Big Creek Park, Deep Woods Shelter                               online via the free software Zoom. Register and receive a link to join. Registration required.
Join a naturalist for a medium level one-mile hike
along the Hemlock Trail. Registration required.                                   • PARKEXPLORER 9
                                                            Register online or by calling 440-286-9516 beginning June 20 at 10 AM
                                                                                     All programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
                                                                                                 Please check our website for updates before heading out.

             Adventure/Discovery                Arts         Astronomy           Kids       Seniors
                                                                                                                    14 Meadow Meander
      2 Geauga Skywatchers                                     8 Nature Exploration                                 Saturday, August 14, 9:30-11 AM
     Club: Humans to Mars                                     Kayak (Ages 10+ w/adult)                              The Rookery
                                                                                                                    View amazing displays of meadow and prairie plants
     Monday, August 2, 6:30-7:30 PM                           Sunday, August 8, 10-11:30 AM &                       and some wildlife that benefit from these plantings,
     Virtual program                                          1-2:30 PM, Bass Lake Preserve                         like pollinators. Indoor presentation with separate
     Overview of NASA’s planning for sending                  Enjoy a peaceful float on this beautiful lake and     registration follows. Registration required.
     humans to Mars and the 1987-92 Space                     experience summer. Experience recommended.
     Exploration Initiative study. Learn the objectives,      Bring a snack, water and sunscreen. Registration      14 Plant Your Own Meadow
     the mission, space propulsion systems, space             required beginning July 25.
     environment concerns, living on Mars, and                                                                      Saturday, August 14, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
     colonization plans. Current status of robotic             9 Early Morning                        UGA G         The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge

     mission and role of NASA Glenn Research Center                                                                 Start your own meadow that will benefit wildlife

     also discussed. Visit the Geauga Skywatchers
                                                              Nature Walk                                           including pollinators and look amazing, too. Previous
     YouTube channel to see Part I. Designed for              Monday, August 9, 8-9:30 AM &                         outdoor walk (separate registration) will showcase
     grades 6-12 but anyone can join. Registration            10-11:30 AM, Observatory Park,                        meadow and prairie plants already established.
     required at            Join a naturalist for an early morning walk to        Registration required.
                                                              see what the season has to offer. Binoculars
      4 Drop-in Nature Craft:                                 recommended. Registration required.                   14 Bass Lake Kayak
     Buckeye Yarn Art                                                                                               (Ages 10+ w/adult) Saturday, August 14
     Wednesday, August 4, 1-3 PM
                                                              10 Nature Explorers:                                  1-2:30 PM, Bass Lake Preserve
     The West Woods, Turkey Ridge                             Streamlife Safari                                     Enjoy wildlife and the surroundings of these tranquil
                                                              (Ages 6-11 w/adult) Tuesday, August 10,               waters. Experience required. Rain or shine, except
     Drop in during program hours to create yarn art
                                                                                                                    for thunderstorm; dress accordingly; wear shoes to
     with a buckeye nut as the center and learn fun           10:30 AM-12 PM & 1-2:30 PM                            get wet/muddy. Bring drinking water. Registration
     facts about buckeye trees. Children must register        The West Woods, Deer Run Shelter                      required beginning August 6.
     with adult. Registration required.
                                                              Discover wildlife such as crayfish, and crane fly
      7 Amphibious Adventure                                  larva. Rain or shine; dress accordingly and wear      14 Nights Out in the Parks:
                                                              shoes/boots for wading in a rocky stream; no
     Saturday, August 7, 1-2:30 PM &                          sandals. Adult must register and attend with child.   Chardon Polka Band
     3-4:30 PM, Swine Creek Reservation,                      Registration required by phone.                       Saturday, August 14, 7-8:30 PM
     Hayes Road Entrance                                                                                            Big Creek Park, Amphitheater
     Hike the rugged Valley Trail down to the creek,
                                                              11 West Woods                                         Enjoy your favorite polka tunes with a twist! Lawn
     then discover what lives in and around the               Wednesdays Farm Market                                chairs recommended. Held indoors if inclement
     creek. Wear close-toed shoes that can get wet.                                                                 weather. Registration required.
                                                              Wednesday, August 11, 4-7 PM
     Registration required.
                                                              The West Woods Picnic Shelters                        15 Affelder Stream
      7 Movie Night:                                          Purchase locally made/grown items. Snacks will
                                                              be available for purchase. Live music by Rebecca      Exploration
     “Mary Poppins” (Rated G)                                 Wohlever.                                             Sunday, August 15, 9-11 AM & 1-3 PM
     Saturday, August 7, 8:30-11:30 PM                                                                              The West Woods, Affelder House
     Observatory Park                                         11 Moths & Meteors                                    Search for salamanders, crayfish and more in the
     Enjoy a movie under this dark sky, enjoying free         Overnight Event                                       Affelder stream. Outdoors; rain or shine; dress
     ice cream treats while supplies last! Movie at                                                                 accordingly and wear shoes/boots for walking in a
                                                              Wednesday, August 11, 9 PM-6 AM                       rocky stream; no sandals. Registration required.
     dusk; registration receipt must be shown to enter.
     Bring blankets, lawn chairs and refreshments.
                                                              Observatory Park
     Movie shown indoors if inclement weather.                Spend the night enjoying the Perseid Meteor           16 Summer Stroll                               UGA G

                                                              Shower and night-flying moths attracted by our

                                                                                                                    Monday, August 16, 7-8:30 PM
      8 Celebrating National                                  black light and mercury vapor lamps! Best meteor
                                                              viewing 1-3 AM. Naturalist on site until sunrise.     The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge
     S’more Day                                               See website for all rules and camping guidelines.     An easy stroll along the Interurban Trail! Look
     Sunday, August 8, 10 AM, 11 AM,                          Cancelled if inclement weather. Registration          and listen for Nature along the way. Registration
                                                              required beginning June 20 for Geauga residents       required.
     1 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM & 5 PM
                                                              and August 1 for out-of-county residents.
     Chickagami Park, Amphitheater                                                                                  17 Toddler Time: Sensing
     Roast a marshmallow and build a delicious s’more
     to celebrate plus learn a bit of s’more history.
                                                              12 Lake Kelso Kayak                                   the Summer (Ages 1-2 w/adult)
     Runs 30 minutes. Registration required.                  (Ages 10+ w/adult)                                    Tuesday, August 17, 9-10 AM &
                                                              Thursday, August 12, 6:30-8 PM, Burton                11 AM-12 PM, B Benner Metzenbaum Park
      8 Nature Arts Festival                                  Wetlands Nature Preserve, Lake Kelso                  Experience Nature with your little one as we see, smell
     Sunday, August 8, 10 AM-5 PM                             Enjoy wildlife and surroundings of these tranquil     and touch summertime in the park. Strollers and carriers
                                                              waters. Experience and life vests required. Rain or   welcome! All attending must register, including adults
     Big Creek Park
                                                              shine, except for thunderstorm; dress accordingly     and siblings. Registration required by phone only.
     30th annual event with Nature-inspired arts on           and wear shoes to get wet/muddy. Bring drinking
     display and for sale by regional artists. Activities
     for the whole family! Includes live music, Nature
                                                              water. Registration required beginning August 5.      19 Elderberries at Camp
     Writing Contest winner readings, food vendors
     and more. Park at Chardon Arts Festival on
                                                              13 Family Night in the Park                           Thursday, August 19, 9 AM-Noon
                                                                                                                    Chickagami Park
     Chardon Square and take a FREE 5-minute bus              Friday, August 13, 8-9:30 PM
                                                                                                                    A morning of traditional camp fun, including archery,
     ride to the park. Visit our website for a complete       Big Creek Park, Campground Parking                    camp crafts and more! A collaboration with Geauga
     schedule of events when available.                       Families will enjoy a Nature walk, craft and          Department on Aging and University Hospitals
                                                              s’mores by the campfire. Bring lawn chairs or         Geauga Medical Center. Registration required
                                                              blankets for seating. Registration required.          beginning June 20 for Geauga residents and
10   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                      August 1 for out-of-county residents.
Geauga Park District will continue to follow
current state guidelines for COVID-19 safety.
                                                                                Fully Accessible         Nature Scopes
19 Singing Insects                                           22 Hidden Gems Hike:                                UGA G
                                                                                                                           28 Introduction to


Evening Concert                                              Swine Creek Valley                                            Archery for Families
Thursday, August 19, 7:45-9:30 PM                            Sunday, August 22                                             Saturday, August 28, 9-10:30 AM &
Holbrook Hollows                                             Noon-1:30 PM & 2-3:30 PM                                      11-12:30 PM, Chickagami Park
The summer insect ensemble resounds on warm                  Swine Creek Reservation, Valley Shelter                       Learn the basics of target archery. Participants
August nights, but how can we learn who’s singing            Discover this amazing, often-overlooked area. Ability         must be age 9+ and at least 50” tall. Minors must
in the dark? Noted cricket/katydid expert Lisa               to hike 1.5 miles over hilly terrain with stream              have adult registered with them. Registration
Rainsong will lead this expedition to discover their         crossing. Held rain or shine. Wear shoes to get wet/          required.
songs and who is singing! Registration required.             muddy. Registration required.
                                                                                                                           28 Trail Horse
20 Meet the Artists: Geauga                                  22 Full Moon Hike:                                            Nature Challenge
Arts Council Juried Art Show                                 The Sturgeon Moon                                             Saturday, August 28, 10 AM-3 PM
Friday, August 20, 7-9 PM                                    Sunday, August 22, 9-10 PM                                    The West Woods
The West Woods                                               Observatory Park                                              Challenge yourself and your horse on a 1-2 hour
Meet local artists representing their works featured         Experience Nature at night and learn about the                course with natural trail obstacles and Nature
in this annual juried art show, now in its 15th year.        amazing Great Lakes sturgeon, for whom this                   questions. Awards and certificates given in youth
Artwork on display through October 5.                        month’s full moon is named. Then, weather                     and adult divisions. Helmets recommended. Trailer
                                                             permitting, observe the rising full moon using park           your horse to The West Woods shelter parking
20 Moonlight Paddle                                          telescopes. You may also bring binoculars to view             lot. Participants will be assigned departure times
                                                             the moon. Registration required.                              in order of registration. Ride out individually or in
(Ages 12+ w/adult) Friday, August 20                                                                                       pairs at a leisurely pace. Expect hills, gravel, mud,
9-11 PM, Headwaters Park, Boathouse
A unique opportunity to stargaze and listen to
                                                             23 Nature Journaling:                                         streams, bicycles, hikers and other challenges.
                                                                                                                           Bring shovel to clean up after your horse in the
Nature’s night sounds. Experience required. Cancelled        Snag Ecology                                                  parking lot. Registration required.
the day prior if bad weather is forecast. Registration       Monday, August 23, 9:30 AM-Noon &
required beginning August 13.                                1:30-4 PM, Claridon Woodlands                                 28 Nights Out in the Parks:
21 Nature Break:
                                                             Fee: $20 Geauga residents, $24 out-of-county residents        The Pop Tarts
                                                             Learn basic journaling techniques to record your              Saturday, August 28, 7-8:30 PM
Women’s Retreat                                              Nature observations. Learn about the importance of
                                                                                                                           Big Creek Park, Amphitheater
Saturday, August 21, 8:30 AM-Noon                            dead standing trees in the forest. Partially outdoors.
                                                             Taking photos is optional. A one-time registration            Celebrate Geauga Park District’s 60th Anniversary
Bass Lake Preserve, Lodge                                    fee for the monthly series includes a journal, pen            and head back to the ‘60s for some groovy
Fee: $4 Geauga residents, $5 out-of-county residents                                                                       entertainment featuring top hit favorites from the
                                                             and pencil. Registration required by phone only.
Take a break and relax in the park, choosing from                                                                          best girl groups and female pop singers of this
activities including yoga, a Nature-related activity
and kayaking. Bring a mat or beach towel; dress in
                                                             26 Drop-in Nature Craft:                                      decade! Lawn chairs recommended. Held indoors
                                                                                                                           if inclement weather. Registration required.
layers with comfy clothes for being outside and for          Recycled Picture Frame
yoga. Registration required.                                 Spider Webs                                                   29 Stream Exploration &
21 Geauga Gems                                 UGA G         Thursday, August 26, 1-3 PM                                   Monitoring at the Upper

                                                             Big Creek Park, Aspen Grove                                   Chagrin Preserve

Trekking Series Hike                                         Turn an old picture frame into a spider web wall              Sunday, August 29, 10 AM-Noon &
Saturday, August 21, 10-11 AM &                              hanging while learning some fun facts about orb
                                                             weaver spiders. Craft available while supplies last.          1:30-3:30 PM, Offsite, Chesterland
3-4 PM, Chickagami Park
                                                             Children must be accompanied by an adult.                     Take a backcountry hike and enter the Chagrin
Ability to hike a mile on mostly even terrain. Held
                                                                                                                           River to catch and identify stonefly larvae, water
rain or shine; dress accordingly and bring drinking
water. Registration required.                                26 Maple Town Tune                                            pennies and other invertebrates as well as
                                                                                                                           Rainbow Darters and stream fish as indicators of
                                                             Traders Jam Session                                           stream water quality. Dress for the weather with
21 Welton’s Gorge                              UGA G
                                                             Thursday, August 26, 7-10 PM                                  sturdy, hiking footwear that can get wet; possible

Backcountry Ravine

                                                             The West Woods, Nature Center                                 knee-deep water. Directions will be provided to
                                                                                                                           registrants. Registration required.
Exploration                                                  Come to play, sing or simply enjoy as audience.
                                                             Musicians of all levels, genres and instruments are
Saturday, August 21, 1-3:30 PM
                                                             welcome. Registration required.                               29 The Sky Tonight
Welton’s Gorge                                                                                                             Planetarium Show
A strenuous off-trail hike into a rocky woodland
ravine. Discover deep rock ledges, cool streams, plants,
                                                             27 Homeschool Days:                                           Sunday, August 29, 2 PM & 3 PM
salamanders and more. Slippery stream bottoms, steep         Family Learning Fair!                                         Observatory Park, Robert McCullough
grades and obstacles. Rain or shine; dress accordingly;      Friday, August 27, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM &                        Science Center
wear sturdy shoes with good traction. Walking stick          1:30-3:30 PM, The West Woods                                  Join us for a planetarium presentation on the night
recommended. Registration required.                                                                                        sky this week. Each program 45 minutes; please only
                                                             Drop in anytime during program hours to
                                                             participate in fun activities and gather information          register for one. Registration required.
21 Nassau Astronomy                                          from Geauga County organizations that offer
Night with CVAS                                              educational opportunities for homeschool
                                                                                                                             RECURRING PROGRAMS
Saturday, August 21, 7-11 PM                                 students. Program mostly outdoors, so dress
                                                             accordingly. Please allow an hour or more to
Observatory Park,
Nassau Astronomical Station
                                                             participate. All attending must register,                        Find August’s recurring
                                                             including adults and siblings. Registration
Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical              required.                                                        programs continued at the
Society to take in the wonders of the night sky
using our newly restored telescope! Discover this                                                                             bottom of page 15.
amazing facility and all it has to offer. Limited
                                                                             • PARKEXPLORER 11
number of people permitted in building; may result
in a wait. Cancelled if cloudy.
                                                                        Register online or by calling 440-286-9516 beginnning June 20
                                                                        at 10 AM All programs and special events are subject to change or be cancelled.
                                                                                                              Please check our website for updates before heading out.

              Adventure/Discovery                   Arts      Astronomy             Kids         Seniors
                                                                                                                                  12 Nature Exploration Kayak
      2 The Great Geauga                                       11 Backcountry Hike                                  UGA G
                                                                                                                                  (Ages 10+ w/adult) Sunday,


     County Fair                                              Saturday, September 11,                                             September 12, 10-11:30 AM & 1-2:30 PM
                                                              9:30 AM-12 PM, The West Woods,                                      Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve
     Thursday, September 2 – Monday,                                                                                              Enjoy a peaceful float along this beautiful wetland
     September 6, 11 AM-7 PM                                  Affelder House
                                                                                                                                  as we experience the sights and sounds of nature.
     Geauga County Fairgrounds,                               Off-trail hike in a mature woodland to enjoy views                  Experience recommended. Bring a snack, water and
     Natural Resources Area                                   along Affelder Stream and Silver Creek. Must be                     sunscreen. Registration required beginning August 29.
                                                              capable of several miles of strenuous off-trail
     Meet the Monarch Butterfly and see what’s new            hiking with muddy woodlands and some steep
     with Geauga Park District! Daily live Monarch            slopes. Dress for weather; wear sturdy boots/                       13 Beeches at Beartown                                  UGA G

     program & tagging at 3 PM if butterflies are

                                                              shoes with good traction. Registration required.                    Monday, September 13, 9-10:30 AM

     available. Closes Sept 6 at 6 PM.
                                                                                                                                  & 11 AM-12:30 PM, Beartown Lakes
      8 West Woods                                            11 Scout Day: Brownie Girl                                          Reservation, North Point Shelter
     Wednesdays Farm Market                                   Scouts “Hiker Badge”                                                Learn about the beech tree and its connections in
                                                                                                                                  the forest. Approximately 2 miles on gravel trail.
                                                              Saturday, September 11, 9:30-11 AM
     Wednesday, September 8, 4-7 PM                                                                                               Registration required.
                                                              The West Woods, Nature Center
     The West Woods Picnic Shelters
     Purchase locally made/grown items.Snacks will
                                                              Brownies (with an adult), work on requirements
                                                              1, 2, 3 & 5. We’ll take a late summer hike,
                                                                                                                                  13 Geauga Skywatchers
     be available for purchase. Live music by Jesse           enjoying this special time to enjoy the outdoors.                   Club: Black Holes
     Huge.                                                    All attending must register, including adults.                      Monday, September 13, 6:30-7:30 PM
                                                              Registration required.                                              Virtual program
      9 Toddler Time: Sensing                                                                                                     Learn about these mysterious “dark stars” and their
     the Summer (Ages 1-2 w/adult)                             11 Scout Day: Webelos                                              extreme gravity zones. Explore how they work and how
     Thursday, September 9, 9-10 AM &                         “Into the Wild”                                                     you can contribute to their research. Visit the Geauga
     11 AM-Noon, Orchard Hills Park                                                                                               Skywatchers YouTube channel to see Part I of this
                                                              Saturday, September 11, 1-4 PM                                      series. Designed for grades 6-12 but anyone can join.
     Experiene Nature with your little one as we              The West Woods, Nature Center                                       Registration required at
     see, smell and touch summertime in the park.             Webelos (with an adult), work on this elective.
     Strollers and carriers welcome! All attending
     must register, including adults and siblings.
                                                              Partially outdoors; dress accordingly. All
                                                              attending must register, including adults.
                                                                                                                                  16 Elderberries:
     Registration required.                                   Registration required.                                              Astronomy Night
                                                                                                                                  Thursday, September 16, 7-9 PM
     10 Chagrin River Bird                                     11 Chagrin River Bird                                              Observatory Park, Robert McCullough
     Quest Birding Challenge                                  Quest Celebration                                                   Science Center
     Friday, September 10, 4-6 PM                             Saturday, September 11, 4-7:30 PM                                   Rotate between a planetarium show and night sky
     The West Woods, Turkey Ridge Shelter                     The West Woods Nature Center                                        viewing (weather permitting) to peer deep into the
     Bird enthusiasts: a 24-hour birding marathon                                                                                 night sky to see celestial features. A collaboration with
                                                              The 24-hour birding challenge ends with a                           Geauga Department on Aging and University Hospitals
     awaits you! Assemble a team and register by              celebration! Turn in your checklists for judging
     going to and click                                                                                  Geauga Medical Center. Registration required
                                                              and enjoy hearty refreshments, awards, and door                     beginning June 20 for Geauga County residents and
     on the Bird Quest button. Then come to The West          prizes. Details at
     Woods for team check-in to get all your supplies                                                                             September 1 for out-of-county residents.
     and goodies. Spend the next 24 hours birding;
     visit website for rules.
                                                               12 Caveman Crawl 5K                                                17 End of Summer Stroll                                UGA G

                                                              Trail Run & 1-Mile Fun Walk

                                                                                                                                  Friday, September 17, 4-5:30 PM
     10 Eco Printing Workshop                                 Sunday, September 12, 7-11 AM                                       & 6-7:30 PM, Walter C. Best Wildlife
     Friday, September 10, 6 - 8:30 PM                        The West Woods                                                      Preserve, Sunset Shelter
     Big Creek Park, Meyer Center                             Fee: $20 early registration, $25 day of event                       Take a mile-long stroll along the paved trail around
     Fee: $35 Geauga residents, $38 out of county residents   Experience this one-of-a-kind 5K trail run                          the lake, looking and listening for Nature along the
     Join artist Deb Berkebile to create a silk scarf,        through wooded hills, now in its 10th year, and                     way. Registration required.
     learning a form of natural dyeing utilizing bundled      earn a commemorative medal just for finishing.
     plant materials to draw pigments for interesting         Cave costumes encouraged! Virtual option                            18 Ansel’s Cave Hike:
     and surprising marks on fibers. No experience            available. Details and online/paper registration
     necessary. Dress for mess and bring 6-12 leaves for      forms available at                        History Written in Rock
     experimentation. Registration required.                  Paper registration forms also at The West Woods                     Saturday, September 18, 10 AM-Noon &
                                                              Nature Center and Big Creek Park’s Meyer                            1-3 PM, The West Woods, Nature Center
     11 Late Summer                                           Center. Day-of registration 7-8:30 AM, costume
                                                              contest 8:30 AM, events themselves at 9 AM.
                                                                                                                                  Explore the sights and sounds of Ansel’s Cave on
     Family Bike Ride                                         Course is primarily well graded dirt and gravel
                                                                                                                                  this medium-level two-mile hike – a rare opportunity
                                                                                                                                  to go into this restricted area! Rain or shine: dress
     Saturday, September 11, 10 AM-2 PM                       with minimal pavement running. Unique awards                        accordingly. Wear sturdy shoes. Registration required.
     Headwaters Park, Bike Trail Parking                      for winning runners and most creative costumes.
     Families, head out to Headwaters for a ride with
                                                              Walkers welcome! Please note: No dogs allowed
                                                              in the race or walk. Registration required.
                                                                                                                                  18 Nassau Astronomy
     Executive Director John Oros and Park Board
     Commissioner Mario Innocenzi along The Maple
                                                                                                                                  Night with CVAS
     Highlands Trail, culminating with complimentary           12 60th Anniversary Hike                                           Saturday, September 18, 7-11 PM
     food and beverages at Crystal Lake Shelter.              Sunday, September 12, 9-10:30 AM                                    Observatory Park, Nassau Station
     Registration required.                                   & 1-2:30 PM, Whitlam Woods                             UGA G
                                                                                                                                  Join members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical


                                                              Celebrate Geauga Park District’s 60th                               Society to take in the wonders of the night sky using
                                                              Anniversary with a mile-long, medium-level hike                     our newly restored telescope! Discover this amazing
                                                              at one of our first parks! Registration required.                   facility and all it has to offer. Limited number of
                                                                                                                                  people permitted in the building; may result in wait
12   PARKEXPLORER •                                                                                    to get inside. Cancelled if cloudy.
Geauga Park District will continue to follow
current state guidelines for COVID-19 safety.
                                                                              Fully Accessible        Nature Scopes
19 Geauga Gems Fall Hike                                     25 A Passion for Pawpaws                                   26 The Sky Tonight
Sunday, September 19                               UGA G
                                                             Saturday, September 25, 1:30-4 PM                          Planetarium Show

10:30 AM-12 PM & 3-4:30 PM                                   Big Creek Park, Meyer Center

                                                                                                                        Sunday, September 26, 2 PM & 3 PM
Claridon Woodlands                                           Discover why the pawpaw has been called                    Observatory Park, Robert McCullough
Take a fall hike along the Whitetail, Tree Tappers           American’s forgotten fruit and how it is making
                                                                                                                        Science Center
and Drake trails to discover what the season has             a comeback as we hike through a pawpaw
                                                             patch. Registration required.                              Join us for a planetarium presentation about
to offer. Registration required.
                                                                                                                        what to watch for in the night sky this week. Each
20 Full Moon Hike:                                           26 Nature Trek Fitness Hike                                program is 45 minutes. Please only register for one.
                                                                                                                        Registration required.
The Pawpaw Moon                                              Sunday, September 26
Monday, September 20, 7:30-8:30 PM                           9-11 AM & 1-3 PM                                           27 Nature Journaling: Galls
Observatory Park                                             Observatory Park, Cygnus Shelter                           Monday, September 27, 9:30 AM-Noon &
September brings ripe pawpaw fruit! Enjoy a                  Let’s move it, people! Burn off those calories             1:30-4 PM, Frohring Meadows
naturalist-led hike observing Nature after sunset            on this fitness hike, learning some cool Nature            Fee: $20 Geauga residents, $24 out-of-county residents
and learn about Ohio’s official native fruit. Then,          facts along the way. Participants should have
                                                                                                                        Learn basic journaling techniques to record your
weather permitting, observe the rising full moon             the ability to hike at least three miles. Held rain
                                                                                                                        Nature observations. This month will be learning
using park telescopes. Bring binoculars too.                 or shine, so dress accordingly and bring water.
                                                                                                                        about the insect galls we find in the meadow.
Registration required.                                       Registration required.
                                                                                                                        Partially outdoors. Taking photos is optional. A one-
                                             UG G
                                                                                                                        time registration fee for the monthly series includes
                                                             26 Thompson Ledges

22 Fall Evening Hike
                                                                                                              UGA G

                                                                                                                        a journal, pen and pencil. Registration required by


Wednesday, September 22, 7-8:30 PM                           Backcountry Hike                                           phone only.
Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve                              Sunday, September 26, 10 AM-Noon
Enjoy an evening stroll along the Kettle Trail               & 1-3 PM, Thompson Ledges Township
approximately 1.25 miles. Participants should be             Park, Thompson Road                                           8 9 The Bird
prepared for the weather. Registration required.             (East of Thompson town square on Rte 528)                    Tornado Strikes Again!
                                                             Explore these magnificent ledges, oak and hemlock            Wednesday, September 8, 7-8:30 PM
23 Maple Town Tune                                           forests and unique plant and bird life. Capable of           & Thursday, September 9, 7-8:30 PM
Traders Jam Session                                          hiking several miles of rocky uneven terrain with
                                                                                                                          Berkshire High School, Parking Lot
                                                             steep slopes. Wear sturdy footwear that can get
Thursday, September 23, 7-10 PM                              wet and muddy. Registration required.                        Witness a cyclone of hundreds of Chimney
The West Woods, Nature Center                                                                                             Swifts plummeting into an old chimney used
Come to play, sing or simply enjoy as audience.                                                                           as a migratory motel on their journey to South
Musicians of all levels, genres and instruments are                                                                       America. Bring a chair to watch an unforgettable
welcome. Registration required.                                RECURRING PROGRAMS                                         spectacle! Registration required.

25 Introduction to                                                                                                        10 24 Citizen Science:
Archery for Adults                                             1      8 15 22 29                                          Space Projects
Saturday, September 25, 9-10:30 AM                           Geauga Cyclists Weekly Ride                                  Friday, September 10, 7-8 PM
& 11 AM-12:30 PM, Chickagami Park                            Wednesdays, September 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29                      Observatory Park
Learn the basics of target archery. Participants             4-5:30 PM, The Maple Highlands Trail                         Friday, September 24, 7-8 PM
must be at least 50” tall. Registration required.            A senior bike ride for 55+. Bring your bike, helmet          Virtual program
                                                             and water. Meet the group at the Park Avenue                 We’ll share some citizen science projects that will
25 Horseback Riders: Amish                                   trailhead parking area behind Marc’s in                      further our understanding of the universe.
                                                                                                                          Sept. 24 is online via free software Zoom. Register
Buggy Training & Trail Ride                                  Chardon to join an escorted ride!
                                                                                                                          and receive a link to join. Registration required.
Saturday, September 25
9:30 AM-1:30 PM, Swine Creek                                  7 21 Geauga Walkers                                          10 11 24 25
Reservation, Woods Edge Shelter                              Tuesday, September 7, 1-2:30 PM
Bring your horse to meet and experience a
                                                                                                                          Night Sky Viewing
                                                             Orchard Hills Park
stationary and moving Amish horse and buggy                                                                               Friday & Saturday, September 10 & 11
in a non-threatening way courtesy of Rhoda                   Tuesday, September 21, 1-2:30 PM                             Friday & Saturday, September 24 & 25
Wengerd. Learn to safely share the trail with                Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve                              9-11 PM, Observatory Park
buggies till 11 AM. Then join a naturalist-led               Hikes for active seniors 1-1 ½ miles long. Naturalist
                                                                                                                          Drop in during program hours to observe the
trail ride. Bring a lunch to share time with                 led. Call Geauga Senior Center for full schedule:
                                                                                                                          wonders of the night sky using the Oberle
other riders at Woods Edge Shelter. Helmets                  440-279-2126. Registration required.
recommended and bring shovel for clean up.
Registration required.                                        8 11 Timbertots: Leave                                      10 24 Monarchs &
25 Crystal Lake Canoe                                        it to Beavers (Ages 3-5 w/adult)                             Meadow Insects
                                                             Wednesday, September 8, 10-11 AM &                           Sunday, September 12, 12:30-4 PM
(Ages 10+ w/adult)
                                                             1-2 PM, Claridon Woodlands                                   Orchard Hills Park, Lodge
Saturday, September 25, 1-2:30 PM
Headwaters Park, Boat Launch                                 Saturday, September 11,                                      Sunday, September 19, 12:30-4 PM
Explore the beautiful East Branch Reservoir                  10-11 AM & 1-2 PM, The Rookery                               Swine Creek Reservation, Lake Side
while searching for the historic Crystal Lake and            Join Nora the Explorer to discover Nature’s engineers
                                                                                                                          Net butterflies including Monarchs and meadow
learning about its rich history. Ages 10+ with               through fun activities and a walk. Outdoors, weather
                                                                                                                          insects such as grasshoppers & katydids. Nets
adults with canoeing experience. Wear shoes                  permitting, dress accordingly. All attending must
                                                                                                                          provided or bring your own. Sunscreen, socks,
that get wet, a change of clothes and bring                  register, including adults and siblings. Registration
                                                                                                                          hat and long pants recommended. Drop in
water. Registration required by phone only                   required.
                                                                                                                          any time.
beginning September 17.
                                                                          • PARKEXPLORER 13
Nature Writing Contest Winners
     Congratulations to all 30 talented winners of our 26th Annual      Child Poetry                      Child Prose
     Nature Writing Contest! Their works are linked from our            1st .........Mitch Neff           1st .........Manya Raina
     News & Updates page for you to enjoy. All are also invited to      2nd .......Adam Nitz              2nd .......Kiefer Schatz
     honor them during our Nature Arts Festival at 3 p.m. (details      3rd ........Gabrielle Armstrong   3rd ........Joshua Gordon
     on page 10), where judges will discuss their decisions and         HM.........Liam Gorris            HM.........Ava Carbone
     winners will read their works, followed by a casual open mic.      HM.........Amarianna Mormile      HM.........Saanvi Chari

                                                                        Adolescent Poetry                 Adolescent Prose
                                                                        1st..........Maya Taylor          1st..........Chloe Leng
                                                                        2nd........Carmen Hu              2nd........Omar Elbadawy
                                                                        3rd.........Saoirse Niehus        3rd ........Abby Colbow
                                                                        HM.........Hannah McCauley        HM.........Angela D’Souza
                                                                        HM.........Gregory Palumbo        HM.........Mariana Del Rio

                                                                        Adult Poetry                      Adult Prose
                                                                        1st..........Karen Morgan         1st..........Andrew France
                                                                        2nd........David Adams            2nd........Matt Hayward
                                                                        3rd.........Nancy Huth            3rd ........Mike Albright
                                                                        HM.........Nanette Barrett        HM.........Samantha Schatz
                                                                        HM.........Sam Wright             HM.........Jacob Silvia

                 CALLING AGES 12-18
                                                                     It’s time for more young people to discover their
                                                                     parks! So if you are age 12-18 living in Geauga
                                                                     County, earning an exciting prize this summer
                                                                     will be as easy as creating a meme with a picture
                                                                     you took in a Geauga Park District park. Plus, all
                                                                     qualified participants will be entered to win one of
                                                                     five exciting grand prizes!
                                                                     Visit our website under News & Updates for
                                                                     guidelines, and watch for the great prize unveil
                                                                     coming in July.

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