Parental effort in the California gull: tests of parent-offspring conflict theory

Page created by Dennis Dawson
Behav Ecol Sociobiol (1990) 27:211-215
                                                                                                      Behavioral Ecology
                                                                                                      and Sociobiology
                                                                                                      © Springer-Verlag 1990

Parental effort in the California gull:
tests of parent-offspring conflict theory
Bruce H. Pugesek*
College of Health and Human Development, S-210 Henderson Building,The PennsylvaniaState University,UniversityPark, PA 16802,
Received January 9, 1989 / Accepted March 18, 1990

Summary. Parental effort was studied among known-                  creased conflict over food as the period of parental care
aged California gulls (Larus californicus) with a brood            nears an end (Davies 1976; Berger 1979). Budgerigars
size of two. Results supported three of Triver's predic-           display behavioral strategies and counterstrategies con-
tions from parent-offspring conflict theory. First, the            sistent with parent-offspring conflicts (Stamps et al.
amount of time parents withheld food from offspring                1985). The above studies did not demonstrate that pa-
increased with increasing offspring age. Second, older             rental behaviors (e.g., feeding) qualified as parental in-
parents were less likely than younger parents to withhold          vestment in that they reduced the parent's ability to in-
food from offspring throughout the period of parental              vest in other offspring.
care. Third, older parents had a longer period of paren-               As parents age, potential for future reproduction
tal care compared to younger parents. Adult survival               should decline (Williams 1966; Gadgil and Bossert 1970;
to future breeding seasons was inversely related to dura-          Trivers 1974; Pianka and Parker 1975; Charlesworth
tion of parental care. Older parents, in association with          and Leon 1976). Therefore, the cost of reduced future
their greater levels of parental effort, had a lower surviv-       reproductive success resulting from a given level of pa-
al rate compared to that of younger parents.                       rental behavior declines with age. As a result, older par-
                                                                   ents should be selected to invest more in offspring com-
                                                                   pared to younger parents. Greater allocation of parental
                                                                   investment should reduce parent-offspring conflict be-
Introduction                                                       cause the higher levels of investment by older parents
                                                                   should correspond more closely to the survival strategy
Trivets (1972) defined parental investment as "any in-             of offspring.
vestment by the parent in an individual offspring that                 Trivers (1974) makes two additional predictions re-
increases the offspring's chance of surviving (and hence           lated to higher levels of parental investment among older
reproductive success) at the cost of the parent's ability          parents compared to younger parents. Since conflict is
to invest in other offspring." Conflict should occur when          predicted throughout the period of parental care, Trivers
the level of investment of the parent, selected to maxi-           predicts that older parents should be less likely to with-
mize its future reproductive success, is lower than the            hold investment (e.g., food) at any point in the off-
level of investment required by the offspring to maximize          spring's period of parental care. Since increasing costs
its own reproductive success.                                      to parents lead to increased conflict and the termination
    Trivets (1974) demonstrated in theory that such con-           of parental care, Trivets predicts that older parents will
flict should be expected throughout the period of paren-           have a longer period of parental care.
tal care and may become evident in the situations such                 In this paper, differences in latency to feed offspring
as feeding when parents may elect to withhold food in              during the first 45 days of offspring life are compared
spite of begging from offspring. As offspring grow and             to test the first prediction above that parent-offspring
require greater amounts of food, parents may themselves            conflict increases as the period of parental care pro-
require more food to replenish their depleted reserves.            gresses. Latencies to feed are also compared between
The rising cost of such investment in current offspring            younger (3-10 years old) and older parents (11 17 years
should eventually lead adults to terminate parental care.          old) to test the second prediction that older parents have
Trivers, therefore, predicts that the intensity of parent-         lower parent-offspring conflict at any point in the period
offspring conflict should increase as the period of paren-         of parental care. Number of days parents and offspring
tal care progresses. Empirical studies have shown in-              remain at the nest site is compared between younger
                                                                   and older parents to test the third prediction that older
* Current address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wet-   parents have a longer period of parental care. This mea-
lands Research Center, 1010 Gause Boulevard, Slidell, LA 70458,    sure of the duration of parental care is further compared
USA                                                                to subsequent adult survival to determine whether it is

associated with a r e d u c e d ability to invest in f u t u r e off-                    period from the date of hatching of the first egg of the brood
spring. D a t a were gathered o n gulls with a b r o o d size                            to the last sighting of parents at the nest site, Last sightings were
o f tw o ; therefore, a d u l t m o r t a l i t y d u e to p a r e n t a l b e h a v -   determined by daily 3-h observations of the nest site at the end
                                                                                         of the 1980 breeding season. Data presented here on DPC differ
ior is a m e a s u r e o f p a r e n t a l effort. P a r e n t a l effort is
                                                                                         from that of two-chick broods published previously (Pugesek 1983)
defined as the s u m of p a r e n t a l i n v e s t m e n t received b y                 because DPC in the earlier paper was calculated from last sightings
each offspring in a given time (Low 1978; Z e v e l o f f a n d                          of either parent. DPC presented here was calculated from last sight-
Boyce 1980). It is a s s u m e d here t h at Triver's p r e d i c t i o n s              ings of only the known-aged parent. Data were from 18 younger
for p a r e n t a l i n v e s t m e n t h o l d for p a r e n t a l effort, given        parents (3-10 years old) and nine older parents (I 1-17 years old).
a c o n s t a n t b r o o d size. F i n a l l y , survival o f y o u n g e r a n d            Gulls fledged at Bamforth Lake usually return to their natal
                                                                                         site to breed, and having established a breeding site, remain faithful
older p a r e n t s is c o m p a r e d to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r b e h a v -
                                                                                         to it. This high degree of fidelity to the breeding area permits
ioral differences b e t w e e n the two age g r o u p s are asso-                        estimates of survival based on return rate (Pugesek 1987; Pugesek
ciated with differences in survival rate.                                                and Diem 1990).
                                                                                              Adult survival was estimated by censusing the entire breeding
                                                                                         colony in 1984, 1985, and 1986. Banded gulls were identified, aged,
Methods                                                                                  and territories marked by the method described above. Band loss,
                                                                                         less than 1% over the course of this study, was sufficiently low
Behavioral and fledging success data were collected in 1980 on                           to be a minor source of bias (Pugesek 1987). The breeding colony
a population of California gulls nesting on an island in Bamforth                        is divided by a grid system that allowed the colony to be covered
Lake, Albany County, Wyoming. Gulls foraged primarily in nearby                          repeatedly in transects. Transects were searched in differing orders
lakes and the Laramie River and were largely dependent on natural                        and times of day. Each yearly census was completed when no
food resources (Kennedy 1973; Pugesek 1983).                                             new birds were located in two consecutive searches of the breeding
     Gulls were aged from banding data. Nearly fledged chicks have                       island. In addition, staked nests were monitored to determine
been banded almost every year since 1958. The sample of known-                           whether banded gulls had banded mates and, if so, those individ-
aged adults was obtained by reading band numbers of gulls with                           uals were included in the census. Most gulls (99%) were located
a spotting scope as they defended nesting territories in May, and                        at nesting territories; however, six were identified at the edge of
individuals were aged from banding data at a later date. The nest                        the colony. Band numbers of these individuals were easily read,
of each individual was marked with a coded stake (2 x 5 x 30 cm).                        usually many times, since they often moved to different areas of
I did not enter the colony shortly after eggs began hatching in                          the colony. Therefore, it is unlikely that birds without permanent
order to avoid producing unnatural chick mortality. Number of                            territories avoided detection. More than ony yearly census was
surviving chicks was monitored at least every other day from an                          used to estimate survival in order to locate gulls that skipped breed-
observation tower located on the periphery of the colony. Previous                       ing in 1984. Five additional gulls were located in the 1985 census.
studies (Pugesek and Diem 1983) indicated that no investigator-                          No additional gulls were located in 1986; therefore, 2 years of
caused bias occurred at distances greater than 35 m from the obser-                      census data appeared sufficient to locate survivors.
vation tower; therefore, only those nests 35 m or more beyond                                 No censuses were conducted from 1981 to 1983. Strength of
the observation tower were used for measures of behavior and                             correlations between survival and past reproductive behavior are
reproductive success. Mixing of broods was not observed, including                       probably weakened by the gap of intervening years. However, this
50 broods in which offspring were color-banded for individual                             census method eliminates bias in correlations between behavior
identification (Pugesek 1987). Chicks were considered fledged if                          and survival produced by a tendency, if any, for gulls to skip
they survived 5 weeks or more. To equalize potential benefits of                          breeding in a year following particularly high parental effort.
current parental efforts for all parents, only data from nests fledg-                          Samples of young and old parents used throughout consisted
ing two offspring were analyzed. This brood size was selected be-                         of approximately equal proportions of males and females. Data
cause it was the most common and occurred among parents of                                were tested for violations of assumptions of statistical tests per-
all ages. Most of the sample came from two-egg clutches; however,                         formed (Sokal and Rohlf 1969) and data transformed when neces-
six younger and six older parents had three-egg clutches. In three                        sary.
of these cases, one egg was lost to predation. In the remaining
nine cases, a single chick died before its second day of life. No
feeding latency data were analyzed from these nests until after                          Results
the third chick died. No discernbile survival differences occurred
between parents with two- (41% survival) and three-egg (42% sur-                         F e e d i n g latency was significantly l o n g e r a m o n g y o u n g e r
vival) clutches. In previous studies of this population (Pugesek                         p a r e n t s c o m p a r e d to older p a r e n t s (Fig. 1; Table 1). A t
1987) and other California gull populations (Winkler 1985), clutch
                                                                                         all chick ages, y o u n g p a r e n t s w i t h h e l d food f r o m off-
size was also unrelated to survival.
     Data on parental behavior were collected from the observation                       s p r i n g for l o n g e r periods o f time. F e e d i n g latency was
tower. Feeding latency was measured as the number of minutes                             high initially a m o n g p a r e n t s o f b o t h age g r o u p s a n d
parents waited to feed offspring after returning from a foraging                         declined as chicks grew a n d their energetic d e m a n d s in-
trip. Data were gathered from 14 younger parents (3-9 years old)                         creased. As chicks a p p r o a c h e d fledging age, feeding la-
and 11 older parents (11-17 years old). No feeding latency data                          tency increased for b o t h age g r o u p s of p a r e n t s (Fig. 1).
were collected on 10-year-olds. Observations (N=239) were ran-
                                                                                         A t 21 days old, latencies to feed offspring reached high
domized for time of day and offspring ages. No parent was ob-
served more than once on any given day. If feeding did not occur                         levels a m o n g y o u n g e r parents. By the 41 st day, feeding
within 30 rain after the parent returned from foraging, the observa-                     by y o u n g e r p a r e n t s h a d a l m o s t c o m p l e t e l y s t o p p e d with-
tion was terminated and a value of 30 min assigned.                                      in the o b s e r v a t i o n period, i n d i c a t i n g the t e r m i n a t i o n o f
     The termination of parental care is a gradual process involving                     p a r e n t a l care. Older parents, however, c o n t i n u e d to feed
reduced feeding and attentiveness to offspring at the nest site (Per-                    offspring shortly after a r r i v i n g at the nest site f r o m for-
gusek 1983). Parents eventually abandon the nest entirely and no
                                                                                         aging trips u n t i l chicks were 41 days old. A t 4 1 - 4 5 days,
parental care has been observed away from the nest site (personal
observation). Therefore, last sightings of parents at the nest site                      older p a r e n t s fed their offspring with latencies similar
are used here as a measure of the termination of parental care.                          to those o f y o u n g e r p a r e n t s with 21- to 4 0 - d a y - o l d off-
     The duration of parental care (DPC) was measured as the                             spring.

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          0-~ ~-~0 ~-~5 ~-zO ~-~ ~-30 3~-~ 3s-~                  n~-ns                       YOUNG       OLD       ALIVE      DEAD
                      CHI~KA ~ ( ~v$ )                                                              AGE                 SURVIVAL
Fig. 1. Feeding latencies, the number of minutes parents waited                   Fig. 2A, B. Duration  of parental care (means_SE) measured for
to feed chicks after retu~ing from fora~ng (means ~ SE). Younger                  A younger parents (3-10 years old) and older parents (11-17 years
parents = 3-9 years old (dotted line); older parents = 11-17 years                old) and B parents that survived or died (dark bar = true means_
old (solid line). Data are partitioned into 5-day intervals, starting             SE; open bars = means + SE, adjusted for parental age covariate)
with the hatching of the first chick of each brood. Sample sizes
were: 23, 14, 20, 6, 13, 16, 8, 15, and 6 at chick ages ~ 5 through
41~5, respectively, for younger parents, and 13, 24, 18, 12, 15,
11, 9, 10, and 6, respectively, for older parents                                 Table2. Analysis of covariance table of durationof parental care
                                                                                  among survivors and nonsurvivors with parental age as a covariate

Table 1. Two-way ANOVA table of data on feeding latencies in
                                                                                  Source               SS           df       MS           F          P
relation to parent age and chick age (*** indicates P < 0.001). Vari-
ation was low among older parents at most offspring ages because                  Survival             166.44       1        166.44       9.96       0.004
they usually fed offspring shortly after returning from foraging.                 Survival              80.26       1         80.26       4.80       0.04
Distributions were also highly skewed, requiring an arc tangent                   with covariate
transformation on feeding latencies to meet the assumptions of                    Age                   27.76       1         27.76       1.66       0.21
normality and homogeneity of variances

Source               SS              df         MS                    F
Parent age           17.33             1        17.33                 52.99***
Chick age            10.13             8         1.27                  3.87 ***   D a t a on latency to feed offspring s u p p o r t Triver's first
Interaction           2.43             8         0.30                  0.93 NS
Error                72.30           221         0.33                             two predictions. First, parents withhold f o o d for greater
                                                                                  periods o f time as offspring g r o w older, indicating that
                                                                                  parent-offspring conflict increases as the period o f pa-
     D P C was significantly longer a m o n g older parents                       rental care progresses. Second, older parents withhold
c o m p a r e d to y o u n g e r parents ( A N O V A : F1,2s = 6.16,              f o o d for lesser a m o u n t s o f time c o m p a r e d to y o u n g e r
P < 0 . 0 2 ; Fig. 2a). Older parents remained at the nest                        parents at all offspring ages, indicating that old parents
site a b o u t 4 days longer on average t h a n did y o u n g e r                 have reduced parent-offspring conflict at any point in
parents.                                                                          the period o f parental care.
     Survival a m o n g older gulls was significantly lower                             The above conclusions assume that, by withholding
c o m p a r e d to y o u n g e r gulls (Z~=7.43, P < 0 . 0 1 ) . Only             food, parents increase their potential to invest in future
17% o f older gulls (3 o f 18) survived to 1984 c o m p a r e d                   offspring while current offspring have reduced chances
to a 57% survival rate a m o n g y o u n g e r gulls (16 o f 28).                 o f reproductive success. D a t a f r o m previous studies o f
     Analysis o f covariance was p e r f o r m e d on D P C as                    this p o p u l a t i o n indicate that these assumptions are valid.
a function o f survival using parental age as a covariate.                              A d u l t gulls lose significant a m o u n t s o f b o d y mass
Results indicated that survival was significantly related                         as the breeding season progresses (Pugesek and D i e m
to D P C with ( P < 0 . 0 4 ) and w i t h o u t ( P < 0 . 0 0 4 ) the age         1990) and this m a y be a p r i m a r y cause o f their deaths
covariate (Fig. 2 b ; Table 2). D P C a m o n g survivors was                     ( C o u l s o n et al. 1983; Pugesek 1987). Gulls feed offspring
on average 5 days shorter c o m p a r e d to nonsurvivors.                        partially digested boluses o f food. The a m o u n t o f time
Parental age h a d little effect on the relationship between                      parents withhold f o o d f r o m offspring is one m e t h o d by
survival and D P C . M e a n D P C adjusted for the parental                      which parents could control h o w f o o d is partitioned be-
age covariate was similar to the true means. Therefore,                           tween themselves and offspring. The longer f o o d is with-
D P C rather t h a n an individual's age was related to sur-                      held, the greater the a m o u n t that m a y be assimilated
vival.                                                                            by the parent. Older parents withhold f o o d less frequent-

ly, and older gulls (Pugesek and Diem 1990) lose signifi-      caveats for making causal interpretations between de-
cantly more body mass through the course of the breed-         pendent and independent variables (Reznick 1985). It
ing season compared to younger gulls. Declining survival       is likely that DPC covaried with a number of other be-
with age is not related to senescence but is directly relat-   haviors that represented high levels of reproductive ef-
ed to higher levels of reproductive effort (Pugesek and        fort among parents. The combined effects of these be-
Diem 1990). Thus, the act of withholding food through-         haviors resulted in differences in survival observed here.
out the course of the breeding season may be one way                The assumption that a longer period of parental care
that parents maintain their physical condition and may         among older parents increases offspring survival and re-
be directly related to adult survival for future breeding      productive potential is supported by the observation that
opportunities. Further investigation is required to deter-     offspring of older parents receive feedings over a longer
mine whether high weight loss is a direct cause of adult       period of time and fledge at a greater size (Pugesek
mortality and whether, by withholding food, parents ac-        1983). High offspring mortality rates shortly after off-
tually retain more for themselves.                             spring gain independence (Fordham 1968; Parsons and
    The growth rate of chicks in two-chick broods is           Duncan 1978; Threlfall 1978) suggest that energy re-
negatively related to the feeding latencies of their parents   serves received from parents may be a critical determi-
(unpublished data). Offspring of younger parents have          nant of survival. In addition, size at maturation may
a lower growth rate compared to that of older parents          influence the ability to reproduce as adults. However,
(Pugesek 1983), thereby, increasing the amount of time         continued research is necessary to determine whether
chicks are vulnerable to predation and cannibalism             larger offspring also have greater future reproductive
(Kennedy 1973; Hunt and McLoon 1975).                          potential.
    An alternative hypothesis to parental effort explain-           It seems remarkable that only a 5-day difference in
ing age-related differences in food withholding behavior       DPC separates survivors and nonsurvivors in a repro-
is that younger gulls are less experienced parents. There-     ductive cycle that takes upwards of 4 months to com-
fore, they are unable to respond properly to begging           plete (Pugesek 1983). However, several other lines of
by chicks and are unable to locate sufficient amounts          evidence indicate that most reproductively induced mor-
of food. Parental experience can be divided into two           tality results from the cumulative results of the entire
components; one in which previous experience produces          breeding season. First, there is apparently little mortality
learning or physiological changes that cause parents to        cost for gulls to migrate to the breeding grounds and
modify behavior as they age and another component              lay eggs. Yearly survival rate of gulls whose nesting at-
in which individuals become more efficient with age (Pu-       tempt terminates during the incubation phase of breed-
gesek 1983). If learning or physiological change caused        ing is 92% compared to 72% among gulls that carry
older parents to withhold food less frequently but re-         out the reproductive cycle (Pugesek and Diem 1990).
ducted their potential to invest in future offspring, then     Second, clutch size (Pugesek 1987) and number of chicks
the experience and effort hypotheses are not mutually          surviving I week posthatching (unpublished data) are
exclusive. Age-related differences in foraging efficiency      poor predictors of adult survival. Number of offspring
are not likely explanation of observed differences in feed-    surviving 2 weeks posthatching (unpublished data) and
ing latencies (Pugesek 1981, 1983, 1984, 1990).                fledging success (Pugesek 1987; Pugesek and Diem 1990)
     Both feeding latency and DPC support Triver's third       are increasingly strong predictors of adult survival. Fi-
prediction, indicating a longer period of parental care        nally, most of the adult mortality related to reproduction
among older parents compared to younger parents. This          occurs after offspring are fledged (Pugesek 1987).
conclusion assumes that a longer period of parental care            The last days of the parental care phase may be criti-
reduces the ability of adults to invest in future offspring    cal to adult survival in that some critical threshold may
and increases the ability of offspring to survive and re-      be reached beyond which it becomes difficult for gulls
produce.                                                       to return to prime physical condition. During the last
    The negative relationship between adult survival and       days of the parental care phase, adults provide food
DPC indicates that the first assumption is valid. Parental     for maintenance and growth to two chicks, each of
age was used as a covariate in the analysis of survival        which are the size of adults. It is likely that the energetic
and DPC to parcel out possible effects of declining sur-       demands placed on adults accelerate rapidly near the
vival with age. Mean DPC adjusted for the age covariate        time of fledging, and this is a time when adults are al-
increased slightly among survivors and decreased slight-       ready in poor physical condition (Pugesek and Diem
ly among nonsurvivors because older gulls had higher            1990). This is particularly true among older parents who,
durations of parental care and died at a higher rate com-      throughout the course of parental care, are less likely
pared to younger gulls. However, controling such age-          to withhold food from offspring compared to younger
related variation had little effect on the strong relation-    parents.
ship between survival and DPC. These results indicate
that DPC is a valid measure of parental effort and that        Acknowledgements. I would like to express my thanks to Richard
the reduced survival among older gulls observed here           D. Howard for comments on the analysisof data, and Steve Bus-
is due to higher levels of such effort.                        kirk and Rollin Denniston for assistancein the field. I also thank
                                                               them as well as Kathy Heck, Hans Landel,two anonymousreview-
    The association between DPC and survival reported          ers, and K.E. Linsenmairfor editorial comments. Thanks are due
here should be interpreted cautiously. Results are nonex-      Mark Boycefor assitancein the field. Special thanks are due Ken-
perimental and are, therefore, subject to the standard         neth L. Diem for sharing his data on the Bamforth gulls, and

Richard Guenzel for invaluable assistance and logistical support        Pugesek BH (1981) Increased reproductive effort with age in the
in the field. I thank the Wyoming Game and Fish Department                 California gull (Larus ealifornicus). Science 212:822-823
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