The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot

The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot

                                     Compiled by:
       The Youth Information Centre
                                      Manor Street,
                                    Tel: 051-877328
The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
• Activate Waterford Summer Camp......................................................................................... 3
• Athletics Ireland Summer Camps........................................................................................... 3
• CALMAST WIT Science Summer Camps.................................................................................. 3
• Camp Waterford..................................................................................................................... 4
• Crystal Sports & Leisure Centre Summer Camp..................................................................... 4
• De La Salle College.................................................................................................................. 4
• Designer Minds Summer Camp.............................................................................................. 5
• Dunmore East Adventure Centre............................................................................................ 5
• Edmund Rice Camps 2017...................................................................................................... 6
• FAI Summer Soccer Schools.................................................................................................... 6
• Freedom Surf School & Adventure......................................................................................... 7
• FerryFun Camp....................................................................................................................... 7
• Glebe House Bakery Summer Camp....................................................................................... 7
• Glor na nDeise Summer Camp............................................................................................... 8
• Irish Canoe Kayak Courses...................................................................................................... 8
• Jigsaw Summer Camp............................................................................................................. 8
• Kater4Kidz Cookery club......................................................................................................... 8
• Kellogg’s G.A.A. Cúl Camps..................................................................................................... 9
• Keen Kidz Summer Camp....................................................................................................... 9
• Klub Muzik............................................................................................................................ 10
• Krazie Kidz Kampz 2017........................................................................................................ 10
• Kingfisher Camp................................................................................................................... 11
• Let’s Go Summer School....................................................................................................... 11
• Munster Rugby Camps......................................................................................................... 12
• Oceanic’s Manoeuvres Summer Camp, Tramore.................................................................. 12
• Parks Tennis Summer Camp................................................................................................. 13
• Splashworld, Tramore........................................................................................................... 13
• Starcamp 2016...................................................................................................................... 14
• St Joseph’s Summer Camp.................................................................................................... 14
• St. Anne’s Tennis Club........................................................................................................... 15
• St Brigid’s Children Centre Summer Camp........................................................................... 15
• Summer Panto Camp............................................................................................................ 15
• TechKidz Summer Camp....................................................................................................... 16
• Theatre Box Summer Camp.................................................................................................. 16
• The Brill Dunhill Summer Camp............................................................................................ 17
• Waterford Academy of Music and Arts................................................................................ 17
• Waterford Youth Arts Summer Camp................................................................................... 18
• City Rugby Summer Camp.................................................................................................... 18
• Waterford Gymnastics Summer Camp................................................................................. 18
• W.I.T Summer Camp............................................................................................................. 19
• Williamstown Community Childcare Centre......................................................................... 19

The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Activate Waterford Summer Camp 2018
Activities include Arts and Crafts, Climbing, Karaoke, Baking, Cinema,
Rounders, Softplay, Bowling, Outdoor games, Mini golf and much more.
Lunch and refreshments included. GF options also available.
Dates: 2nd - 6th July			                   30th July - 3rd August
         9th -13th July			                 6th - 10th August
         16th – 20th July			               13th - 17th August
         23rd - 27th July 		               20th - 24th August
Time: 10am to 2pm each day.
Specific climbing camps are also available from age 8+. Enquire for details
Price: €20 per day or €85 for the week
Age: 5 years upwards
Tel:     051-325097
                  Athletics Ireland Summer Camps
Giving children the chance to try a whole range of fun athletics activities such
as: Sprinting, Javelin, Hurdles, Shot put and lots more....
Venues: Ferrybank AC, RSC, Waterford City 2nd-6th July
          Tramore AC, Tramore, Co Waterford 16th-20th July
Times: 10am-2pm Monday-Friday
Age: 6-12 years
Cost: €60 per child per week, €10 discount for additional children.
Contact: Barry Pender 01-8869933 or
              CALMAST WIT Science Summer Camps
Participants will take part in science, health sciences, computing, engineering,
maths and lots more fun and educational activities.
Location:         Waterford Institute of Technology,
		Cork Road
Time: 		          10:00 am - 16:00 pm
Discover STEM camp for secondary school students will
run from 5-8 June for those between the ages of 13-16
Each camp costs €80 per child
To find out more and for booking information please contact
Calmast: 051 302705, 051 302449 or
The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Camp Waterford 2018 - Newtown School
Over 17 years Camp Waterford have developed an excellent reputation for
providing children with a safe, fun and rewarding experience.
Venue: Newtown School, Waterford
Age Groups: Cub Camp 4-6 yrs, Camp Waterford 7-14 yrs and
CW Sports Academy and CW Sports Academy PLUS for 13-19 yrs.
Dates: 16-20th July: CW Sports Academy, Camp Waterford & Cub Camp
        23-27th July: CW Sports Academy, Camp Waterford & Cub Camp
        30th July-3rd Aug: Camp Waterford & Cub Camp
Times: Camps run from 10am - 4pm daily.
        Early Drop Off from 8:45am €25/wk. Late Pick Up from 4-5pm €25/wk
Cost: €150 1 wk / €270 2 wks / €375 3 wks
Tel:    051-873752

       Crystal Sports & Leisure Centre - Kids Camp 2018
Activities include: Football, basketball, Martial arts tricks, TRX
suspension training, Shotokan karate, Water Polo, Kids
Kickboxing, girls make-up session, playtime in pool.
Venue: Ballinaneeshagh, Cork Road, Waterford
Dates: Running weekly from July 2nd in July and August
Times: 9am-2pm daily
Age: 5-15 yrs Cost: €60 per child per week
Bookings at reception, enquiries 051-377905

         De La Salle College Summer Sports Camp 2018
Activities include: Soccer, Hurling, Gaelic Football, Rugby, Athletics, Swimming
(optional daily), Tennis and much more
Venue: Newtown, Waterford
Dates: Week 1: 2nd – 6th July
         Week 2: 9th – 13th July
Times: 10am-3pm daily
Age: Boys and girls 7-13 yrs
Cost: €70 per child per week
Bookings at reception, enquiries 051 875294
The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Designer Minds Summer Camp 2018
You will not find a Summer camp experience
like Designer Minds anywhere else in the
country! Not just a science camp, a technology
camp, an engineering camp or a LEGO® camp!
We are everything combined, offering your
primary aged children a true taste of STEAM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and
Venue: Room FTG-12 Waterford IT
Dates: Junior Group (ages 7 to 9) July 9th to 13th
         Senior Group (ages 10 to 13) July 9th to 13th
         Junior Group (ages 7 to 9) August 13th to 17th
         Senior Group (ages 10 to 13) August 13th to 17th
Venue: Tramore GAA Centre
Dates: Junior Group (ages 7 to 9) July 16th to 20th
         Senior Group (ages 10 to 13) July 16th to 20th
Times: 10am to 2pm
Age: Boys and girls 7-13 yrs
Cost: €120 per child per week
Bookings at or call 087-6310411

              Dunmore East Adventure Centre 2018

Every week of July and August-weekly/daily
adventure camps for Kids & Teens aged 5-17 years
Time: 10am - 3pm Daily rate: €50
Clubs: Starfish Club    Ages 5-7 years:
       5 Days, €230
       Sharks Club      Ages 7-10 years:
       5 Days, €240
       Trailblazers     Ages 11-13 years:
       5 Days, €250
       Adventurers      Ages 13-17 years:
       5 Days, €250
Tel:   051-383 783

The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Edmund Rice Camps 2018
They aim to provide a quality summer camp experience to children in a way
that allows both children and young leaders to more fully realise their potential.
They aim to offer children:
•A week of fun-filled activities in a safe and friendly environment.
•The chance to grow in self-esteem and confidence.
•A chance to make new friends.
They aim to offer young adult leaders:
•An experience of working together as a team for the good of children.
•An opportunity to develop skills and confidence as leaders.
•A chance to explore their spirituality and increase their awareness of social
justice issues.
What does a camp involve?
•A non-residential week-long summer camps for kids (8-12 years old).
•A wide range of activities – sports, team games, treasure hunts, outings, arts
& crafts and more.
•Activities organised & coordinated by young adult leaders.
(aged 17-25) under the supervision of experienced adults.
•One-to-one ratio of leaders to children.
No charge for participants on camp.
Contact details: Chris Glavey on 01 819 6781
                      FAI Summer Soccer Schools
Beginners will learn the fundamental football skills needed to be a player and
receive a fun and dynamic introduction to playing the game. More seasoned
players will focus on more technical and skill-specific training. Everyone
comes together in afternoon to participate in games.
Cost: €65 Family and Additional Camp discounts available
Times: 10.30am - 3pm from Monday to Friday
Club			                  Address		                Date
Bohemians FC		           Ben Wadding Park         July 16-20, July 23-27
De La Salle FC		         Williamstown		           July 9-13
Dungarvan Utd 		         Kilrush Park,Dungarvan July 30-Aug 3
Ferrybank AFC		          Abbeylands		             July 2-6
Park Rangers AFC         The Glen, Faithlegg      August 6-10
Tramore AFC		            Graun Park, Tramore July 2-6
Waterford Utd FC         Regional Sports Centre August 13-17
The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
FerryFun Summer Camp 2018
Activities include: Arts & Crafts, Outdoor Pursuits, Treasure Trail, Musical
Games, Soccer, Bouncy Castle with lots more fun activities.
Venue: Ferryfun Childcare and Afterschool Centre, Belmont Road, Ferrybank
Dates: Camp will run for 7 weeks from July 2nd to August 17th
Times: 9am-4pm Daily for primary school children
Price: €60 per child/week (reduced rates for shorter weeks)
Tel:     051-833280 to book a place

        Freedom Surf School Summer Surf Camps 2018
Learn about water safety, ocean awareness and wave conditions. Make new
friends and have the best fun learning to surf.
Times: Mon-Fri 10am-12.30pm and 2pm-4.30pm each day
Dates: Weekly in July and August, from July 2nd.
Cost: €95 (reductions for two or more from same family)
Also Irish Language Surf Camps July -August
Surf Equipment Hire Sessions—€15.00 for 2hrs
Contact Person: Billy Butler– Surf Instructor
Tel:     051-386773 / 086-3914908

         Glebe House Bakery - Summer Baking Camps
Complete hands on baking using weighing scales, electric hand mixers, fol-
lowing recipe sheets, all in a fun and very relaxed atmosphere. What they
make...Lemon Meringue Pie, Biscuits, Apple Tart, Swissrolls, Brownies, Whole-
meal Brown Bread and much more!
Venue: Newtown, Tramore, Co. Waterford.
Dates: Months of July & August Week of the: 2nd of July, 9th of July, 16th of
July, 23rd of July, 30th of July, 7th of August and 13th of August
Time: Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm
• Suitable for girls & boys aged 6
years up.
• All ingredients, aprons and recipe
sheets are supplied
• Kids bring home what they make
Cost: €80 for 4 days
Tel:     Rosemarie on

The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Glor na nDeise Summer Camp 2018
A Summer Camp as Gaeilge for young people aged 10-14 years at
Gaelcholaiste, Phort Lairge, Ballygunner, Waterford
Activities include: Art, Cooking, Sports & Drama
Dates: 		        Mon. 2nd July—Fri. 6th July
Times:           9.30am-2.30pm daily
Cost: 		         €65 per child for the week
Contact:         Tracey on 051-821742 or email for more info

                         Irish Canoe Kayak 2018
Kayaking and Canoeing Courses running throughout the summer. Children 10
and over can learn to kayak in a safe and fun environment with experienced
and qualified instructors. Separate teenage groups for 15 - 17 yrs.
Tel:             087-2265550 or Pure Adventure Ireland on Facebook

                      Jigsaw Summer Camp 2018
Ardkeen Business Park, Outer Ring Road, Waterford
Dates:           Monday 2nd July to Friday 24th August inclusive.
Different options for full days and half days available – contact us at the
centre for further details
Contact:         Imelda or Denise on 051 858967 extension 8

         Kater4Kidz Cookery & Nutrition Summer Camp
Children learn cooking skills, produce recipes, build confidence and have lots
of fun. Produce at least 2 recipes every day and will take home whatever is
left that they made, after they have sampled it!
Dates:           2nd - 6th July
       		        9th -13th July
		               16th - 20th July
		               23rd - 27th July
Times:           9.30am to 1pm
Age Group:       5 - 13 yrs.
Cost:            €100
Tel:             086 - 8033115

The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Kellogs G.A.A. Cul Camps 2018
Football, Hurling, Camogie, Rounders
Fee:    €60 per child. Family discounts €50 2nd child, €40 3rd & 4th child.
Tel:    Eoin Breathnach (County Co-ordinator) 087 921 9345
Week 1             July 2nd-6th                    Week 6		              Aug 6th - 10th
Roanmore Cleaboy   Eoin Sheridan 083-1567572       Tramore		             Denise Connor 083-1523257
Ballygunner        Noel Power 086-3115968          Rathgormack           Vinny Murray 087-9969403
Passage		          Max Flanagan 087-6753267        Kill		                Claire O’Donnell 086-3912126
Stradbally		       Tomás Walsh 087-7681546         Bohadoon		            Mary Fahey 087-2813935
Abbeyside		        Carmel O’Connor 086-3395882     Knockanore            Lisa Henley 086-3461882

Week 2             July 9th - 13th                 Week 7		              Aug 13th - 17th
Gaultier		         Eddie Fitzgerald 087-7589472    Ferrybank		           Rosemary Heffernan 087-7982990
De La Salle		      Joey Carton 087-9215541         De La Salle College   Eamonn Fitzgerald c/o St Declan’s
Dunhill		          Niall Moore 086-6940309         Tramore		             Denise Connor 083-1523257
Brickey Rangers    Angela Whelan 087-2641164       Portlaw		             Sally Ann Walsh 087-3128981
Ballyduff Upper    Martina Joyce 086-8264629       St. Mollerans         Adian Reade 087-2142600
                                                   Ardmore		             Kirsten O’Sullivan 083-3520114
                                                   Tournaneena           Aiden McGrath 083-1523257
Week 3             July 16th – 20th
Ballygunner        Noel Power 086-3115968
Mount Sion         Peter Walsh 087-1355359         Week 8		              Aug 20th - 24th
St. Saviours       Pamela Jacob 085-8408146        Walsh Park		          Eoin Breathnach 087-9219345
Clashmore		        Katie Fleming 087-9499266       Fraher Field          Eoin Breathnach 087-9219345
Cappoquin		        Eilish Curran 087-6141686

Week 4             July 23rd - 27th
Ballyduff Lower    Philip Hoban 087-2437435
Butlerstown        Bríd McGuire 086-3844506
Ballinameela       Michelle Sheridan 087-9527234
Dungarvan		        Niamh Harty 087-9241532
Gaultier 2		       Eddie Fitzgerald 087-7589472

Week 5		           July 30th – Aug 3rd
Williamstown       Cathy Hunt 087-9650898
Ballymacarbry      Tom Guiry 087-2202933
Lismore 		         Ann O’Sullivan 087-9774648
Tramore		          Denise Connor 083-1523257

                       Keen Kidz Summer Camp 2018
Indoor and outdoor all weather pitches for daily activities such as sports with
coaches, baking, arts & crafts, and many more. Weekly trip included in price
Venue: McGinn Park, Ballygunner GAA Complex.
Dates: 2nd July - 13th July 2017
Time: 9am - 6pm full/part time options available
Tel:    087-6677721 or 051-821732
The Youth Information Centre - Compiled by: 13th edition - Waterford Youth Spot
Klub Muzik 2018
All camps will be an action packed week of fun and creativity with an end of
week performance for families and friends. Ages 4-17+years
MAD CAMP Music, Art & Drama. Creative writing, role playing and improvisa-
tion. No experience in music, art required.
Venue:           Riverstown Community Centre, Tramore 2017
Dates:           Camp 1: Mon 9th - Fri 13th July Age 7+
		               Camp 2: Mon 16th - Fri 20th July Age 7+
Time:            10am-3pm
Cost:            €60 (Bring a packed lunch/drinks)
Age:		           7-14 yrs
Cost includes making an instrument to bring home
Date:		          Mon 23rd July—Fri 27h July
Time:		          10am-3pm
Cost:		          €60 (Bring a packed lunch/drinks)
Age:             10+ years
Date: Mon 30th July—Friday 3rd Aug.
Time: 10am-3pm Cost: €60 Age: 7+ years

Activity, Percussion, Singing, Dancing and Games
Date: Tues 7th Aug-Fri 10th Aug.
Time: 10am-1pm Cost: €40 Age: 4-6 yrs
Tel:     Contact Kay 087-9577661 or 051 - 330342

                        Krazie Kidz Kampz 2018
Our Camps are the perfect place to keep your child active during the long
summer holidays or during school holidays. Loads of fun activities ...
Venue:           Butler Community Centre (John’s Park)
Dates:           2nd - 6th July; 9th - 13th July; 16 -20 July; 20th -24th August
Age:             4-12 years Time: 10 am until 2 pm each day
Price:           €50 euro per week
For more information and to book call :
Adriana (NCEF Qualified Children’s Fitness Instructor) : 086 3546446
Claire (Qualified Children’s worker) : 085 1254955
Kingfisher Club Summer Camp 2018
Kingfisher Club, Tramore Rd, Waterford
Fun Multi Sport programme, aiming to provide children with a fun and safe
environment to do sport, play games and other activities. Each session runs
for 45 – 60 minutes depending on the particular activity. We offer as many
activities as possible to provide children with a range of skills to try, develop
and enjoy!
Activities include: Daily swimming lesson, Arts and Crafts, Parachute Games,
Indoor and Outdoor Sports, Dance, Treasure Hunts
Dates:           Weekly from 2nd July to 24th August
Times:           10am-3pm (Early drop off available from 8.30, late collection)
Ages:            5-12 years
Cost:            €80 per week with €5 discount for siblings with exception of
the week of bank holiday (4 days 8-11 August) €60 no sibling discount
Contact:         Booking available at Kingfisher Club or phone 051-85030

                        Let’s Go Summer School
Operating Summer Camps for over 35 years there
are a range of activities e.g. High energy assault
courses, Zorbee ball roll, KMX Karts, Speed Stack-
ing, Radio Flyer Cyclones, Disco Dome and Air
Mountain. New activites for 2018 include Spider
Climbing Tower and Slide, Extreme Air Jumper
and Extreme Mobile Climbing Tower (Activities
vary for the age groups and camp locations)
2 programmes of activities for primary school
         Fun time Activity Experience for 5-6 yr olds
         Multi-Activity Experience for 7-12 yr olds
Dates: 9th- 13th July- St Augustine’s College – Dungarvan Wk1
         16th- 20th July- St Augustine’s College – Dungarvan Wk2
         23rd - 27th July - Ballygunner GAA Club
         30th July- 3rd Aug - Ard Scoil na Mara -Tramore
         7th-11th Aug - Abbey Community College, Ferrybank
Cost: €100 - 1st Child, €85- 2nd Child, €70 - 3rd Child
Times: 9.30am-3.30pm daily
Tel:     1890 538 746
Munster Rugby Summer Camp 2018
Children will learn more about rugby
values such as team work, respect and
integrity, and also become more aware of
the importance of physical fitness. They
will also learn to develop the basic rugby
skills of passing, tackling (in a controlled
environment), evasion and kicking.
Each participant will receive an Official Sum-
mer Camp Pack (Adidas Summer Camp T-Shirt, Adidas Shorts,
Adidas Socks, Draw-String Bag, Mouth Guard and one Junior ticket to a Mun-
ster pre-season match)
Venue: Waterford I.T. West Campus, Carriganore
Dates: Monday 30th - Friday 3rd August
Times: 9.30am-1.30pm Monday-Friday
Age: 6-12 years
Cost: €85 , €10 discount for additional children from same family.
Tel:      Munster Rugby on 021-4323563 (9am-5pm)
Application forms or online booking via

     Oceanic’s Manoeuvres Surf School & Marine Centre
Summer Camps, Tramore 2018
Gremmie Turtles Surf Camp:
Age: 6—8 years Time: 10am to 12.30
Surf & Beach Camp:
Age: 8-14 years Time: 10am to 12.30
Teen Zone:
Age: 11-17 years Time: 4pm to 6pm
Dates: July and August
Cost: 1 day, 3 day and 5 day rates available
Tel: 051 390944

Parks Tennis Summer Camp 2018
Parks Tennis is an opportunity for children from 5 - 17 yrs to discover hidden
talents, make new friends and have lots of active fun. All are welcome from
beginners to improvers.
Registration at all venues 9:30am on Mon 2nd and Tuesday 3rd of July
3 Week Programme: 2nd July - 20th July (weekdays) Mon-Fri
Fee:     €35 per child , extra family member €30
Tel:     Patrick 085-7482384
Waterford City Venue
Viewmount Estate Courts
Time: 10 to 11.30am beginners only
         11.30 to 1pm Improvers & advanced
Tramore Venues
Marian Terrace Court:
10 to 11.30am Beginners only
11.30 – 1pm Beginners and Improvers
Tramore Tennis Club: 10 to 11.30am Improvers;
11.30 to 1pm Advanced

                    Splashworld Swim Camp 2018
Splashworld Swim Camp, Tramore 2018
Each day there will be a 35-minutes of lesson followed by 25 minutes of
games and fully supervised playtime
Dates: Week 1: July 2nd-6th
        Week 2: July 9th-13th
        Week 3: July 16th-20th
        Week 4: July 23rd-27th
        Week 5: August 6th-10th
        Week 6: August 13th-17th
Ages: 3-12 years grouped by ability
Time: 10am - 11am Monday to Friday
Cost: €39 per week
Tel:   051-390176

Star Camp 2018
An award winning performing, fun and games summer
camp. Camps are so much more than a performing
arts camps. Born from a desire to instil confidence in
children, activities including:
A superhero masterclass taught by real superhe-
roes, New camp games, Daily arts & crafts section
Fun news & weather reporting and of course sing-
ing, dancing and drama.
Friday finale showcase where all are welcome.
All children receive a free t-shirt, star award, kindness card, arts and crafts
and some surprises too.
Ages: This camp caters for boys and girls ages 4 -12 years.
Advanced programme for 9-12yrs.
St John of God NS 		                9th July to 13th July
Dungarvan Town Hall Theatre 13th to 17th Aug
Tramore GAA 		                      23rd July to 27th July
Price: €95 single, 2 siblings €170, 3 siblings €235, 4 siblings €300
Payment by instalments available
Time: 9.30 am to 2.30 pm
Tel:     021 - 4377900

                   St. Joseph’s Summer Camp 2018
                                                       Activities include Arts &
                                                       Crafts, Drama, Sports,
                                                       Cookery and Day Trips
                                                       Venue: Lower Yellow
                                                       Road, Waterford
                                                       Date: 2nd - 6th July
                                                             9th - 13th July
                                                            16th - 20th July
                                                             23rd - 27th July
                                                             30th - 3rd August
                                                             20th -24th August
Cost: €125 per week
Time: 8.45am - 3pm (Monday - Friday)
Tel:  Maria 051-843512 Subsidies Available as low as €60 p.w.

Kilmacthomas Summer Camp 2018
Age: 6-12 years
Date: 16th July - 20th July
Cost: €80 for one child and €150 for two children
Venue: St Declan’s Community College, Kilmacthomas
Tel:   051- 294100 or Aine on 087 7618127
                   St. Anne’s Summer Camp 2018
Johns Hill, Waterford City
Weekly Highlights - Cardio Tennis (tennis to music) Obstacle Course etc.
Week 1 (Teen camp)       June 11th-14th 11.30am-1.30pm
Week 2 All ages		        July 2nd-6th     9am-12.30pm
Week 3 All ages		        July 9th-13th 9am-12.30pm
Weeks 2,3 		             Members €60 / Non-members €75
Discounts available for siblings
Registration Forms available in the club or contact Debbie or Michelle on 051-
874350 or 086-8555706
             St. Brigid’s Children Centre Camp 2018
Activities include Art & Craft, Sport, Outdoor/Indoor Play and Cooking
Age: 5 to 10 years
Dates: Weekly in July Monday-Friday
Times: 9am to 2.30pm
Cost: €54 per week. 10% discount for siblings or more than one week.
Venue: St. Brigid’s Children Centre, Powersfield, Hennessy’s Rd.
Tel:     051-591548 for bookings

                     Summer Panto Camp 2018
Sing, Dance, Act and have fun with Richie and Erica Hayes
Dates: 9th – 13h July
Times: 9.30am to 2.30pm
Cost: €90 per week
Venue: Garter Lane Theatre, Waterford
Tel:    051-855038 for bookings

Techkidz Summer Camp 2018
Our Summer Camp in Dungarvan is a Multi
Activity Technology Camp. All children will
firstly learn the basics. There is a big empha-
sis on creativity and most children will get
to design and make their own Badge, T-shirt
and Ruler.
All children will be introduced to Coding and
Programming and they will get an opportuni-
ty to design and create their own Computer
Children will have fun mixing Music, creating Animations and learning Robot-
ics. Older children will get to experience 3D Design as well as using a Rasp-
berry Pi. Some children will get to design their own Website and everybody
will get to do lots of activities in Minecraft.
All the details can be found on our website – Each child will
work on a laptop or Raspberry Pi provided by Techkidz.
Age: 		           7-14 years
Dates: 		         30th July – 3rd August
Time: 		          2.30pm – 5pm
Venue: 		         Dungarvan Enterprise Centre, Dungarvan
Bookings:         Online at or call Paula at 022 51318

        Theatre Box Stage School Summer Camps 2018
Musical Theatre Camps in Dance, Drama & Singing.
Children will be subdivided into their own age groups.
Venue: Unit 11a Six Cross Roads Business Park, Kilbarry, Waterford.
Age: 4-15 Years
Dates: Monday 2nd-
        Friday 6th July
        Monday 20th -
        Friday 24th August
Time: 10.30am – 3pm daily
Cost: €75 per week
Tel:    051-373995

The Brill Dunhill Summer Camp 2018
8 different activities each day Mon-Thurs. Campers choice on Fridays
Dates: Monday 2nd July - Friday 24th August 2018
Ages: For boys & girls aged 4 - 12 years
         (4 yr old must be starting school in Sept)
Times: 10am - 3pm (Monday - Friday)
Prices: 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days
1 child €30       €40     €50     €60
Family Concessions Available

Just arrive on the day you wish to at-
tend and register that morning
Venue: The Dunhill Sports Centre,
Ballyphilip, Dunhill, Co. Waterford.
Tel:     051-396333

            Waterford Academy of Music & Arts 2018
                                 2 fantastic summer camps will be held this
                                 year in WAMA, a great way for existing stu-
                                  dents and new future students to dip their
                                  toe into many of their courses. At the end
                                   of the week there is an Open Mic concert
                                   where everyone gets an opportunity to be
                                    on stage.
                                    Age: 5 to15 years
                                    Students will be separated into age groups

Venue: Unit 2, Passage Cross, Dunmore Rd, Waterford
Times: 10.30am - 3pm

Variety Summer Camp 1: Monday 2nd July - Friday 6th July
Variety Summer Camp 2: Monday 13th Aug - Friday 17th Aug
Cost: €75 for entire week-includes all instrument hire and art materials
Tel:     051-821014
Waterford Youth Arts Summer Camp 2018
Join us for a week packed with art,
dance, drama, film, storytelling, story
making, visual art and more.
Venue: Mount Sion Secondary School,
Dates: Monday 16th July to
         Friday 20th July
Age: 4 - 13 yrs.
Cost: Ring for details
Tel:     051-879377
            Waterford City Rugby Summer Camp 2018
Venue:   Waterford City RFC, Kilbarry Road, Waterford
Dates:   Monday 2nd July to Friday 6th July
Age:     5 - 15 yrs.
Time:    9.30am-1.30pm
Cost:    Ring for details
Tel:     Jemma on 087-2142385

           Waterford Gymnastics Summer Camp 2018
Open to children of all abilities both members and non-members
Venue: Unit 3, Carrickpherish Business Park, Waterford
Dates: Week 1 Tuesday 3rd July-Friday 6th July
       Week 2 Tuesday 10th July-Friday 13th July
       Week 3 Tuesday 17th July-Friday 20th July
       Week 4 Tuesday 24th July-Friday 27th July
Time: 9am-12pm
Cost: €65
Ages: 6-14 years

Williamstown Community Childcare Centre
Summer Camp runs for 6 weeks from July 2 with weekly cost inclusive of one
outing per week.
Dates: Monday July 2 till August 10
Age: Primary School Children
Time: 10am - 4pm Monday-Friday
        Early drop off / Late collection available for extra €2 per day
Cost: €60 per week Family /Multiple Week Discounts Available
Tel:    Aine 051-873918

                       W.I.T Summer Camp 2018
The Programme of activities for children (5 - 12 yr olds) will include an intro-
duction to all popular sports- indoor and outdoor, fun activities such as para-
chute games, bouncy castles, pedal karts, arts and crafts, kidz baking to name
but a few. New this year is a Robot workshop where children make their own
robot to take home.
Dates: Week 1: 2nd - 6th July
         Week 2: 9th - 13th July
         Week 3: 16th – 21st July
         Week 4: 24th - 20th July
         Week 5: 30th July – 3rd August
         Week 6: 6th - 10th Aug
         Week 7: 13th - 17th August
         Week 8: 20th - 24th August
Time: 10am - 4.00pm
Early bird option available (8.45am start)
Late Collection (until 4.30pm) also available
Cost: Call to enquire
Tel:     051-834444 .

Shaping  the  future
Shaping the future
      today’s youth

                     EDUCATION   EMPLOYME

    OPI   NION                      LIFE
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