Page created by Cory Obrien
Faculty of Humanities and Business
Student Handbook 2021


The information contained in this handbook replaces all information contained
in any previous handbook and is intended as a guide only.

UCOL is committed to innovation and continuous improvement, and reserves
the right to change any aspect(s) of the programme. This may affect the
currency of the information contained in this handbook, e.g.
  • Programme location
  • Lecture times
  • Staff
  • Other matters
COVID-19 ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Quick Links .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Welcome ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Staff .......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Programme Information ......................................................................................................................... 9
Programme Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 12
Pathways Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 15
Student Responsibilities........................................................................................................................ 16
Appendix 1 – Study Contract ................................................................................................................ 17
Appendix 2 – Request for Extension ..................................................................................................... 18
Appendix 3 – Request for Reconsideration of Result ........................................................................... 19
Appendix 4 – Request for Resubmit / Resit .......................................................................................... 20

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UCOL is committed to supporting staff and student safety around COVID-19. At Alert Level 1 – we ALL
need to be ready, in case COVID-19 reappears in our community.
    Stay home if you are sick – If you’re feeling unwell, isolate wherever you are and call Healthline
        on 0800 358 5453 about getting a free COVID-19 test. By getting a test, you’re helping keep
        your community safe.
    Use the COVID Tracer app – UCOL has QR codes displayed at all entrances, please scan in using
        the COVID Tracer app. The NZ COVID TRACER app keeps us 1 step ahead of the virus. The more
        we scan, the safer we’ll be.
    Follow good personal hygiene protocols - Good effective hygiene protocols are fundamental
        for maintaining a healthy and clean work environment. Protocols include:
                 1. Wash and dry your hands often, especially after coughing or sneezing. Use soap or
                 hand sanitiser.
                 2. Cover coughs or sneezes with tissues or your elbow.
                 3. Place used tissues in rubbish bins or in a plastic bag.
                 4. Do not touch your face.
        Sanitation stations are set up across all of our campuses and within classrooms. Please use
        them when entering, leaving or before you have any food.
    Face Coverings – Please wear a face covering whenever you are on public transport, including
        flights. While not compulsory, you are welcome to wear a face covering while on any of our
        UCOL campuses
    Information Sharing – If you have any COVID-19 related question, or you need
        to inform UCOL about anything COVID-19 related, please speak with your
        lecturer or email our Health and Safety team at
Should there be a change in alert levels, UCOL will provide you with further information at that time.

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Quick Links
Student Intranet
You can access the UCOL student intranet at Student Intranet to find the most up to date policies,
procedures, guidelines and forms. These are located in Policies and Procedures under UCOL Info. The
Academic Statute and Student Discipline Statute (Non-academic), two important documents that set
out the main rules and processes you need to be aware of, can be found under Related Documents to
the left of the Policies and Procedures page.

Outstanding Fees
All fees are due to be paid in full by the first day teaching starts. Students who have not paid all of
their fees (including outstanding library fines or other debts with UCOL) will not be eligible to
graduate. See Academic Statute.

Computer Suites
The computer facilities provided by UCOL are available to every enrolled student. Your password is
the key to your account. Never share your login and password details with anyone else. You will also
be held responsible for any activities that take place under this account name. Further information
about computer use at UCOL can be found on the Information Technology page. See Computer Use

Student ID Cards
Your student ID card helps you access certain rooms, borrow library equipment and other important
functions. You can obtain your ID card from the Information Centre.

Printing and Photocopying
Printers and photocopiers are operated from your student ID card. The cost of using them is deducted
from your account. You can top up your credit at the Information Centre and check your balance at
Print Credit.

Internet Access
Instructions for internet access at UCOL are available at Connect to UCOL.

Car Parking
Car parks are provided for UCOL students and staff only. For Palmerston North car parks, all vehicles
must be registered and display a current year UCOL car parking sticker. This sticker can be obtained
at the Information Centre. Further information is available on the Car Parking Information page.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) acknowledges what you have learned from other programmes and
qualifications, life experiences, work experiences, training programmes and workshops and measures
this against the requirements of the programme you are enrolled in.

You can be awarded credit towards a qualification if you can satisfactorily demonstrate that your prior
qualifications and experience reaches the required standard. You should apply within two weeks of
starting the course. See Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure and Recognition of Prior Learning
Application Form.

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Student Support
Student support is available to help you succeed. Possible types of support include:
     Health services
     Disability support
     Learning services
     Maori education support
     Scholarships and financial hardship support
     Library resources

More information on how to access this support is provided on the student intranet on the Learning
& Study and Health Matters pages.

Concerns and Complaints
Please refer to the Student Complaints Policy and Student Concerns and Complaints Procedure for
information on how you can raise a concern or complaint and the process that follows.

Health and Safety
We all have a responsibility to maintain a safe, healthy work and study environment. See Student
Health and Safety Obligations Policy and Student Health and Emergency Procedure.

Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol
For the safety and well-being of yourself and others, UCOL has policies regarding smoking, drugs and

Smoking is not permitted on any UCOL campus or facility. This smoke free policy applies 7 days a
week, 24 hours a day. See Smoke Free Policy.

You may be excluded from class or any UCOL activity if a staff member considers you are under the
influence of drugs/substances. This may lead to suspension from your programme and even to having
your enrolment cancelled. The Police may be notified of any illegal activity related to the use or
possession of drugs or substances. See Drug and Alcohol Policy.

You may be excluded from class or any UCOL related activity if a staff member believes you are under
the influence of alcohol. See Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Before you decide to withdraw from your programme, you should talk to staff on your programme.
Remember, if you are having difficulties with your programme there are ways UCOL can help you. If
you do decide to withdraw, you must complete a Change of Details/Circumstances Form. These can
be obtained from the Information Centre.

Fee Refunds – Domestic Students
The rules for fee refunds if you withdraw are outlined in the Admission & Enrolment Guide and
Student Fee Refund Procedure.

Fee Refunds – International Students
Please refer to the International Student Fees and Refunds Procedure for more information about fee
refunds for international students.

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International Students
International Student Support can help international students with any questions they might have.
Further information is available on the International Students page. See International Students

Whānau Room
All three campuses have a whanau room or marae facility. The whanau room is a space for all UCOL
students, where principles of whanaungatanga, whakaruruhau, oranga, akonga, matauranga and
hapainga I te reo Māori me ona tikanga are fostered and nurtured.

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Welcome to UCOL and to your chosen field of study.

Early Childhood is a dynamic and rewarding field of study and employment. Your commitment and
participation in the programme offers you the opportunity to gain a foundation qualification that will
benefit you towards further study, employment and your personal involvement with young children
and their families/whanau.

All of us associated with the Early Childhood programmes look forward to working with you to achieve
your aspirations and goals. You will be associating with like-minded and enthusiastic people who are
keen to share their knowledge and expertise. You too, will bring attributes to the group and we will
learn from each other along the way.

This handbook is designed to provide you with some supportive information that will ease your
journey through the programme. The lecturing staff are happy to meet with you to discuss any issues
or queries that arise as you become increasingly familiar with programme requirements.

Dr Bridget Percy

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                       EXECUTIVE DEAN
                       Dean Rankin

                       HEAD OF SCHOOL – School of Education
                       Dr Bridget Percy
                       Ph: 952 7001 ext. 70009

                       PROGRAMME LEADER /                                LECTURER / PLACEMENT
                       LECTURER                                          CO-ORDINATOR
                       Sarah Glenny                                      Anita Sharland
                       Ph: 952 7001 ext. 70317                           Ph: 952 7001 ext. 70950
                       E:                            E:

 LECTURER                                                                LECTURER
 Paula Grigg                                                             Julia Pratt
 Ph: 952 7001 ext. 70814                                                 Ph: 952 7001 ext. 70902
 E:                                                   E:

                          WHANGANUI                                                     HOROWHENUA
 LECTURER                                                                LECTURER
 Amina Ahmad                                                             Melissa Lepper
 Ph: 952 7001 ext. 60888                                                 Ph: 952 7001 ext. 900
 E:                                                   E:

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Programme Information
Length – Total Programme Hours
22 February 2021 – 03 December 2021

Start/Finish Dates
Semester One
Term 1                                    22 February to 16 April
Programme Orientation                     22 February
Mid-semester break                        17 April to 02 May
Term 2                                    03 May to 09 July

Semester Break                            10 July to 25 July

Semester Two
Term 3                                    26 July to 01 October
Mid-semester break                        02 October to 17 October
Term 4                                    18 October to 03 December

Public Holidays
Semester One
Good Friday                               02 April
Easter Monday                             05 April
UCOL Day                                  06 April (campus is closed on this date)
ANZAC Day                                 25 April (observed on Monday 26 April)
Queen’s Birthday                          7 June

Semester Two
Labour Day                                25 October

You should have been provided with a copy of the timetable at the faculty conversation, however you
may request for a timetable from your tutor or access it online. See Student Timetables

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Programme Structure

New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3)

                                     Course                     Local          Supported                 Practicum
 Title                                              Level                                    Learning
                                     Number                    Credits          Learning                   Hours
 Early Childhood
 Learning and                                          3          15              60           90
 Development Theory
 Culture and
 Communication in an                                   4          15              60           90
 Early Childhood Setting
 Legislation and Ethical
 Practices in an Early                                 3          15              60           90
 Childhood Context
 Early Childhood
                                                       3          15              40           50           60
 Totals for programme                     -            -          60             220          320           60

The aim of this programme is to provide Aotearoa New Zealand with people who can participate in
the education and care of infants, toddlers, and young children in an entry-level carer role in a range
of early childhood contexts, and/or who can proceed to further study.

Graduates will contribute to improving society and community wellbeing outcomes and strengthening
families. The ECE setting will determine the specific requirements and the level of supervision under
which graduates will operate, which will generally be direct supervision.

Graduation Requirements
The New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3) comprises of 60 credits.
This leads to the New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3), 60 credits.
Refer to NZQA Qualification Details document (Appendix 6.1)

Compulsory Academic Requirements
This programme requires students to complete a minimum of 60 hours practicum in a supervised early
childhood education and care setting.

Students who have been removed from a placement, as agreed by UCOL with either the supervised
early childhood education and care setting or the visiting lecturer, cannot be guaranteed a further
placement. Continuance in the programme and/or in further placements will be at the discretion of
the Head of School.

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Health and Safety
All matters related to issues of health and safety are detailed in the Student Handbook, and included
in and referred to as part of the programme orientation activities.

Health and safety information and requirements that are specific to a particular course or learning
environment will be provided to students before they commence the course and its learning activities.

Students are informed of UCOL health and safety policy and requirements, including the responsibility
that students have for their own health and safety and those around them, and they are required to
follow UCOL health and safety guidelines at all times.

Students may engage in educational visits that are related to the learning outcomes of the
programme. When educational visits occur, students are specifically briefed with regard to their
responsibility for their own health and safety and the health and safety of those around them in the
context of the learning activity. All off-campus learning activities are conducted in accordance with
UCOL policies and procedures.

Practicum documentation also addresses health and safety responsibilities.

Refer also to Student Health and Emergency Procedure and Student Health and Safety Obligations

Programme Materials and Costs
You will require:
    2 x Lever arch files
    1 x set of 5 file dividers
    1 x A4 refill
    Pens/pencils
    Highlighters

A list of required texts will be provided at the beginning of your programme.

Staff Studios
         Palmerston North staff are located in staff studio 9-1-50.
         Wairarapa staff are located in staff studio P5.
         Whanganui staff are located in staff studio E-2-23

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Programme Assessment
Assessment Methodology

Grading Scale
The programme uses competency-based assessment. Results will be specified in accordance with
the UCOL Academic Statute, as follows:

P         Pass/Complete
CR        Credit gained through the recognition of prior learning
N/A       Not Achieved. Incomplete (ie, did not complete course successfully)
F         Ungraded Fail (no assessment undertaken)
W         Withdrawn
DNC       Did not complete both all compulsory assessments and CAR
U         Unfinished at time of reporting

Te Reo Māori
UCOL acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and endorses the right of its students to
use Te Reo Māori in assessments. If you are fluent in Te Reo and wish to be assessed in it, you should
inform your lecturers of this at the beginning of the programme. See Assessment in Te Reo Māori

Schedule of Assessment
Your lecturers maintain an assessment schedule outlining due dates for assessments on a central
planning timetable. The purpose of this timetable is to ensure a spread of the assessment load.
Assignments may take the form of oral presentations, performances, written assignments and tests.

Conduct During Assessments
During your study, you are expected to observe and comply with the Academic Statute and all
programme regulations. Plagiarism or cheating is not tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes:
     Copying from or inappropriate communicating with another person during an exam or
     Possessing any unauthorised material during an exam or assessment
     Submitting any work for assessment that is not your own and whose author has not been
     Copying another’s work
     Collaborating with others in the preparation of material, except where this is an assessment
     Resubmitting work without prior written approval of the lecturer

Turnitin, or a similar programme, may be used to determine whether you have committed academic
dishonesty. See Conduct of Examinations and Assessments Procedure.

Part VIII of the Academic Statute outlines the disciplinary proceedings that apply should you breach
these rules.

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Extensions for an assessment can only be granted prior to the assessment due date. Only one
extension per course will be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances. These circumstances
may include:
     sickness – a medical certificate must be presented to the Course Leader.
     bereavement – the Course Leader must be informed as soon as possible.
     extenuating circumstances – these circumstances must be explained to the Course or
        Programme Leader and proof may be required.

An application for an extension must be submitted in written form using Appendix 2 – Request for
Extension form at the back of this handbook. It can also be made in electronic form via email which
must include all the information required by the form.

Where an extension has been granted, and the extension deadline has been met, no penalties will
apply. The student will be assessed, and feedback provided, in the same way as if the assessment was
undertaken on the original date and time.

Penalties for Late Submissions
The following conditions apply to all late submissions of assessments that do not have an approved
     all assessment work received after the due date and time, and not subject to an approved
        extension, will attract a penalty;
     the penalty for late submission is the deduction of 10% of the mark achieved for each day
        beyond the due date for submission;
     the penalty is applied for a maximum of five (5) days;
     an assessment received after the fifth day from the due date for submission will be returned
        unmarked and a zero (0) grade will be entered; and
     no late submissions may be accepted after marked assessments have been returned to
        students, unless it can be determined that there will be no advantage to the student
        submitting the late assessment or disadvantage to students who have submitted the work on

Reconsideration of Results
If you believe that your assessment has been incorrectly assessed, you can apply to your lecturer for
a reconsideration of result within five (5) days of the return of the assessment. You must apply in
writing using the Appendix 3 – Request for Reconsideration of Result form at the back of this
handbook. You may be charged a fee for this process.

Your result may be unchanged, raised or lowered following reconsideration. The reconsidered result
will be recorded as the final result. However, you still have the right to appeal this result in accordance
with the Academic Statute.

Resubmits and Resits
An application for a resubmit or resit must be submitted to your course leader in writing using the
Appendix 4 – Request for Resubmit/Resit form at the back of this handbook. It can also be made in
electronic form via email which must include all the information required by the form. You may be
charged a fee for this process.

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Special Passes
If through illness, accident, bereavement or other exceptional circumstances beyond your control, you
are unable to complete an assessment or programme, you can apply for a Special Pass.

The four types of Special Passes are:
     Aegrotat Pass: awarded when you are unable to present work for assessment at the time it is
        due, you are unable to attend a test or examination, or your performance is seriously impaired
        in a test or examination.
     Conceded Pass: awarded when you have otherwise reached an acceptable standard in the
        programme but have narrowly failed one course, thus affecting your ability to complete the
     Conditional Pass: awarded when you have marginally failed to meet the required academic
        standard but in all other aspects have demonstrated an ability to meet it.
     Restricted Pass: awarded when you have marginally failed to meet the required academic
        standard for the course and, if awarded, does not qualify you to enrol in a subsequent
        course/programme for which a pass in the original course is a pre-requisite.

If you are interested in requesting a Special Pass, contact your lecturer. Programme curriculum
regulations and other conditions may apply.

Academic Appeals
The academic appeals process is outlined in Part IX of the Academic Statute.

Inability to Meet Programme Requirements
Under certain circumstances, an individual study contract may be drawn up to encourage you to meet
programme requirements. Any failure to meet this contract may result in you being asked to leave
the programme.

If you have a serious health problem or other personal circumstances that impact on your ability to
meet programme requirements, please inform your Lecturer.

Remember, if you are having difficulties with your programme there are ways UCOL can help you. If
you do decide to withdraw, you must complete a Change of Circumstances Form. These can be
obtained from the Information Centre.

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Pathways Diagram

                                                         NCEA Level 1
                                           at the discretion of the Executive Dean.

                             The minimum entry requirement for international students is:
                                  IELTS General or Academic level 5.0 or TOEFL 500
                                                   their equivalent
                             successful completion of appropriate UCOL English Language

                                                        NZ Certificate in                 NZ Certificate in
                                                         Early Childhood                   Early Childhood
                                                       Education and Care                Education and Care
                                                             (Level 3)                         (Level 2)

     NZ Certificate in                                   NZ Diploma in                 Bachelor of Teaching in
Early Childhood Education                          Early Childhood Education          Early Childhood Education
         and Care                                           and Care                           and Care
         (Level 4)                                          (Level 5)                          (Level 7)

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Student Responsibilities
Academic Responsibilities
All students at UCOL are expected and required not to do any one or more of the following things for
any examination or assessment:

         Copy from or inappropriately communicate with another person.
         Possess any unauthorised material such as books, printed or written paper, electronic
          material or any other material.
         Plagiarise the work of another without indicating that the ideas and/or words are not the
          student’s own.
         Collaborate with others in the preparation of material, except where this has been approved
          as an assessment requirement.
         Resubmit prior work without prior written approval of the programme staff.
         Use any other unfair means.

Non-academic Responsibilities
All students at UCOL (whether on UCOL premises or at a UCOL activity off campus) are expected and
required to behave at all times in a reasonable and lawful manner in all circumstances.

Without limiting the first statement, you are required:
    to observe all UCOL health and safety rules;
    to treat all people (whilst on UCOL premises or at a UCOL activity off campus), including UCOL
       staff and students, in a lawful manner in the circumstances and with respect and
    to attend UCOL course activities and tuition without the influence of alcohol and/or unlawful
    to take reasonable care not to damage or destroy UCOL resources and to use all UCOL
       resources in accordance with UCOL’s directions;
    not to harass any person whilst on UCOL premises or at a UCOL activity off campus;
    not to discriminate against any person in a way which is unlawful; and
    to act in a manner that maintains your wellbeing and that of all other staff and students at

Quick Links
Further information is available at:
     Academic Statute
     Student Discipline Statute (Non-academic)
     Student Health and Safety Obligations Policy
     Student Health and Emergency Procedure

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Appendix 1 – Study Contract

 Student Name:


I hereby acknowledge that I have received, read and understand the contents of my student

In signing this agreement, I agree to abide by the rules and conditions stated within that handbook. I
understand that, should I breach any of the above mentioned rules, I may be subject to disciplinary
action. I understand that if I wish to withdraw from part or all of my programme or my circumstances
change in other ways that affect my programme, it is my responsibility to complete a Change of
Circumstances Form and to submit it immediately to Student Information.


I have explained any areas of concern or confusion expressed regarding the rules and conditions stated
in the student handbook. I am assured that the student understands his/her obligations as a student
on this programme.

 Lecturer Name:

 Date Received:


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Appendix 2 – Request for Extension

 Student Name:


I would like to request an extension for the submission of assessment for the following:




 Date Due:

 Reason for Requesting Extension:

 I declare that the information given is correct and true.


 Lecturer Name:

 Date Received:

 Decision:                       Declined / Approved (circle one) for ______ day(s)

 Reason Declined:

 Requests must be made prior to the due date.
 Extensions will be for seven (7) days only unless stated otherwise.
 Extensions will only be issued to those who have genuine reasons for not being able to complete

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Appendix 3 – Request for Reconsideration of Result

 Student Name:





  I request reconsideration of my result for the above test/assessment.

  I understand that the mark I receive from this reconsideration (albeit lower) will appear on my final

  Yours sincerely


  Note: This request must be made within five (5) days of receiving your original result.

 Lecturer Name:

 Date Received:

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Appendix 4 – Request for Resubmit / Resit

Student Name:





Date Due:

Reason for Requesting Resubmit/Resit:

Supporting Documentation Attached:

Medical certificate   

Employer              

Other (specify)


Lecturer Name:

Date Received:

Decision:             Declined / Approved (circle one)

Reason Declined:
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