P Events - City of Roxboro, NC

Page created by Dorothy Rogers
P Events - City of Roxboro, NC
P E R S O N I ND U S TR I E S                                                             Vo l u m e 2 4 , I s s u e 10

P Events
                                                      A monthly publication of news and       October 2021
                                                         views at Person Industries                               Person Industries


                                                                                                  October isPINa-
                            Halloween       Staff Partici-
                                                                                                 tional Disability-
                              Party         pates in Fall                                          Employment
                            10/29/2021        Trainings                                             Awareness
                                1:30 p.m.        page 3                                                  page 2

                   PI Hosts An Employee Appreciation Event
Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases in Person County, PI management decided it was not in the best interests of our
employees to have the banquet as we have hosted for the past several years. However, we still wanted to do some-
thing to let our staff and employees know how much we really appreciate them. On Tuesday, September 21, 2021,
PI did just that by getting everyone from PI and PCRC outside to enjoy some food and activities. The event be-
gan with a delicious lunch catered by Golden Corral, followed by cornhole, basketball, and even some dancing.
After the activities, it was time to eat again! Martin Concessions Food Truck was on-hand to provide chocolate-
dipped cheesecake, funnel cakes, nachos w/cheese, and apple empanadas w/ice cream. Although no awards were
presented at this event, a good time was had by all. PI would like to thank Golden Corral, Martin Concessions,
and most importantly, our staff and employees.
P Events - City of Roxboro, NC
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Held every October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is a fitting time to edu-
cate individuals about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and various contributions of
America’s workers with disabilities. The NDEAM theme for 20219 is “America’s Recovery: Powered by In-
clusion”. This theme reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to em-
ployment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
NDEAM is led by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy; however its true
spirit lies in the many observances held at the grassroots level across the nation every year. The Campaign
for Disability Employment encourages organizations of all sizes and in all industries to participate in NDE-
NDEAM’s roots go back to 1945 when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October of each
year “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week”. In 1962, the word “physically” was removed to
acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. In 1988,
Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to “National Disability Employment Aware-
ness Month”.
The Presidential Proclamation of 2015 states: “America is at its strongest when we harness the talents and
celebrate the distinct gifts of all our people. In their honor,
and for the betterment of generations of Americans to come,
let us continue the work of removing obstacles to employment
so every American has the chance to develop their skills and
make their unique mark on the world we share.”
So, during National Disability Employment Awareness
month and beyond, let all of us join in recognizing the indis-
pensable contributions people with disabilities have made and
will continue to make to our economy.

HALLOWEEN PARTY                                                            October is Breast Cancer Aware-
                                                                                      ness Month
Ghosts, Superheroes,                                                      October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month,
                                                                          which is an annual campaign to increase aware-
Witches and MORE!                                                         ness of the disease. Breast cancer is one of the
                                                                          most common kinds of cancer in women. About
                                                                          1 in 8 women born today in the United States
Time to party 1:30 p.m.                                                   will get breast cancer at some point.

on October 29, 2021 at                                                    The good news is that most women can survive
                                                                          breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. A
Person Industries.                                                        mammogram – the screening test for breast
                                                                          cancer – can help find breast cancer early when
                                                                          it’s easier to treat.
Wear a costume for a
                                                                          National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a
chance to win BEST                                                        chance to raise awareness about the importance
DRESSED! We will have                                                     of finding breast cancer early. Make a differ-
                                                                          ence! Spread the word about mammograms,
snacks and dancing!                                                       and encourage communities, organizations,
                                                                          families, and individuals to get involved.

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P Events - City of Roxboro, NC
PI Takes Advantage of Fall Trainings
At PI, training is an ongoing process for our staff, both in-house and through professional organizations. Below
are some of the trainings we took advantage of in September:

                                            Staff Training Day
On September 10th, PI sponsored a Staff Training Day at the Piedmont Community College. The Management
Team at PI offered training that allowed staff to meet funder requirements and safety standards—Bloodborne
Pathogens, Communicable Diseases, and Universal Precautions was presented by Glen LaBar, EMS Compliance
Officer. PI staff presented Emergency Drills & Evacuations, Hazard Recognition & Reporting, Emergency Ac-
tion Plan, Disaster Readiness, Safety & Health Practices, Workplace Violence & Intruder Plan, and Cultural
Competency. The day also included Safe and Defensive Driving Training, presented by David Hess, the Chief of
the Roxboro Police Department.

                                            NCARF Conference
The NC Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (NCARF) Conference was held virtually September 22-24.
Founded over 50 years ago in 1965, NCARF—Working Together to Impact Change is an established resource for
influence, information, education and training, networking, and collaboration with member facilities. NCARF
prides itself on being “dedicated to assisting its member rehabilitation programs and residential facilities in
providing services to individuals with disabilities”. NCARF functions as the unified voice among state Commu-
nity Rehabilitation Programs, and is dedicated to ensuring that citizens of North Carolina are aware of the di-
verse services provided by its members. This year’s conference provided valuable information and training on
the following topics: Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid Transformation, Legislative News, Motivational Inter-
viewing, and Pre-ETS. PI’s Director, Assistant Director, and Program Managers attended applicable sessions of
the conference.

                                              Star Conference
The 2021 Carolina Star Safety Conference was held September 15-17 in Greensboro with the theme “Hindsight is
2020”. This conference brings together the people and companies redefining North Carolina’s safety and health
management systems. It is composed of networking activities, learning workshops, and leading safety speakers.
Each year the conference offers unique and focused workshops that outline relevant knowledge on safety issues
that employees can apply immediately to their workplace. Rhonda Gentry attended this year and particularly
enjoyed “Emotional Stability, Taking Life’s Punches”, which stressed the importance of employees’ emotional
stability and how it affects the workplace. It delivered education on how to become emotionally stable leaders
and maintaining healthy work environments by acknowledging feelings of stress and frustration. PI looks for-
ward to applying the knowledge gained at this conference.

                                        Looking Ahead. . .
Person Industries will have its annual Stew Sale on Friday, November 19, 2021 at PI’s Main location
on Madison Boulevard. The stew will sell for $7.00 per quart and will be ready for
pickup by 11:30 a.m. Because PI sells out every year, pre-orders are encouraged.
To pre-order, call (336) 599-7571 and press 0. All money raised from the stew sale
supports events and activities for our consumers. Thank you in advance for your

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P Events - City of Roxboro, NC
Person Industries
601 N. Madison Boulevard
   Roxboro, NC 27573
    Phone: 336-599-7571
     Fax: 336-597-2834

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Person Industries
& Person

 People Investing in People


                                   October 2021
      Sun                  Mon      Tue   Wed   Thu           Fri             Sat

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                                                                       Personality Fes-
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