Out of the Cold FROZEN TRENDS - Foodarom

Page created by Marc Tyler
Out of the Cold FROZEN TRENDS - Foodarom

                                                                                                                  changes in seemingly opposite
                                         FROZEN TRENDS                                                            directions. He highlights that
                                                                                                                 “2020 will bring indulgence to
                                                                                                                  the next level.”

                      Out of the Cold                                                                                “Experience will be the primary
                                                                                                                  criterion, and secondly, healthy
                                                                                                                  options will rise in popularity,
                                                                                                                  featuring high-protein, low-sug-
                                                                                                                  ar, organic and vegan choic-
              Frozen NPD sees plant-based desserts, naturalness                                                   es, sometimes with branched-
                                                                                                                  chain amino acids (BCAA),” he
                   and limited edition flavors as top trends.                                                     explains. “The same product may
                                                                                                                  feature more than one of these
                                                                                                                  characteristics. Both of these di-
                                             by Elizabeth Green                                                   vergent approaches will apply
                                                                                                                  to the same, rapidly changing
                                                                                                                  segment. Mane embraces both

     he dessert category is often     2015 to 2019). Additionally, there    er survey conducted by Inno-          dimensions: our premium nut
     driven by indulgence and         has been a 10% global growth          va Market Insights. The market        paste solutions and various car-
     is expected to be no differ-     of food and beverages tracked         research suggests that US con-        amel flavorings will meet ‘expe-
ent in 2020. Notably, premium         with an ice cream flavor (2019        sumers may be prioritizing other      rience’ needs for a unique iden-
ingredients and unique sensa-         vs. 2018).                            factors such as nutrition. There      tity and sensations.”
tions are touted as being the top        Additionally, desserts and ice     has been a 45% average annu-
three drivers in the frozen flavors   cream NPD free from animal-de-        al global growth in dessert and       Naturally Strong Positioning
space. With plant-based claims        rived products are in line with       ice cream launches with a ve-         In the frozen flavors segment,
also high in the stakes, “greener”    Innova Market Insights’ number        gan claim (CAGR 2014 to 2018).       “naturalness” used to be a po-
and more planet-friendly ingre-       two trend for 2020: “The Plant-          Last year, US start-up Perfect     sitioning in and of itself, he as-
dients are making their way to        Based Revolution.” The market         Day launched its limited-edition      serts. “However, naturalness has
frozen dessert aisles, with con-      researcher highlights a 68% av-       vegan and lactose-free ice cream      become much more common-
sumers frequently opting for          erage annual growth in glob-          made with flora-based dairy           place. Experience-oriented of-
ice cream variants made with-         al food and beverage launch-          protein. This marked the first        ferings, high-protein ice cream
out animal-derived ingredients.       es with a “plant-based” claim         time that the company – which         and even children’s products
   According to data from Innova      (CAGR 2014 to 2018).                  specializes in the research, de-      now all have natural claims and
Market Insights, there has been          Moreover, ice creams are di-       velopment and production of           clean labels: naturalness is eve-
an almost 50% average annual          versifying to include a variety       animal-free dairy – released a        rywhere. Dairy and non-dairy ice
growth in vegan desserts and          of health claims, from low-cal-       vegan-friendly product for con-       creams are becoming increas-
ice creams launched over the          orie and high-protein to other        sumers.                               ingly difficult to differentiate. Po-
past five years. The market re-       clean label varieties. Only 44%          Additionally, US plant-based       sitioning, tonalities and quality
searcher has also tracked a 57%       of US consumers consider flavor       dairy brand Eclipse Foods de-         are now alike,” he comments.
average annual growth of glob-        to be the main influencer when        buted an ice cream partnership           Meanwhile, Natalie Drake, Cat-
al food and beverages tracked         buying desserts and ice cream,        with OddFellows in New York           egory Manager at Synergy Fla-
with an ice cream flavor (CAGR        according to a 2018 consum-           City and Humphry Slocombe             vours, says that in Europe, the
                                                                            in San Francisco. Eclipse says it     general trend for plant-based
                                                                           “uses a blend of plants to rep-        desserts is split between two
                                                                            licate milk on a molecular lev-       key themes: “as good as dairy”
                                                                            el, creating a dairy replacement      and “naturally healthy.”
                                                                            that tastes, feels and functions        “As good as dairy is the idea
                                                                            just like conventional dairy.” As     that consumers still demand
                                                                            consumers increasingly turn to-       the great tasting products seen
                                                                            ward alternatives to traditional      in the dairy space when shop-
                                                                            dairy, the company’s ice cream        ping for plant-based foods,” she
                                                                            taps into a variety of trends, in-    notes. “On the other hand, many
                                                                            cluding clean label, vegan and        manufacturers are playing on
                                                                            free-from.                            the natural health credentials
                                                                               In this spirit, many big play-     of plant alternatives with an in-
                                                                            er brands including Ben & Jer-        creasing number of products
                                                                            ry’s, Gü, Magnum and Cornetto         in this space with claims such
                                                                            launched plant-based versions         as ‘raw’, ‘organic’ or with add-
                                                                            of their most popular dairy prod-     ed macronutrients such as pro-
                                                                            ucts. For Dr. Jean-François Pel-      tein,” Drake explains.
     ›     ccording to data from Innova Market Insights, there has
          A                                                                 letier, Category Director for            Innova Market Insights’ “Ma-
          been an almost 50% average annual growth in vegan des-            Dairy in Europe, Middle East          cronutrient Makeover” trend
          serts and ice creams launched over the past five years.           and Africa (EMEA) at Mane, fro-       spotlights attention being paid
                                                                            zen flavors will undergo various      to changing perceptions of ma-

14       THE WORLD OF FOOD INGREDIENTS                                                                                               MARCH 2020
Out of the Cold FROZEN TRENDS - Foodarom
cronutrient content and bal-             they have not already. “These
ance, across food and drinks             types of products lend them-
as a whole. Typically, “one ma-          selves equally well to flavorings
cronutrient at a time” is in con-        with a healthy vibe as they do
sumer focus, with low-/no-sug-           the more indulgent versions,”
ar currently leading as the claim        notes Noémie Loiselle, Market-
with the strongest influence on          ing Director at Foodarom. “Sim-
purchasing decisions in a 2019           ilarly, products with added ben-
consumer survey (UK, the US,             efits will be increasingly present.
Spain, France, Brazil, Germa-            Whether it is in terms of add-
ny, Mexico and China).                   ed proteins, probiotics or vita-
                                         mins, consumers are now de-
 Plant-Based Indulgence                  manding additional functions
“All the indulgence, without the         for the products they consume,”
 dairy is the general theme that         she states.
 we are seeing,” Drake contin-              Moreover, products must look
 ues. While many consumers are           appetizing to be posted on In-
 choosing plant-based options,           stagram, which Loiselle stress-
 manufacturers don’t want them           es as key pillar for food shar-
 to feel like they’re missing out,       ing experiences. “This is seen
 she explains.                           in the combinations of textures
   “Indulgent profiles such as           and colors. For example, blue
 chocolate, caramel and fudge            spirulina and butterfly pea are
 tend to be the go-to flavors for        both trending. All kinds of in-
 plant-based frozen desserts.            clusions and multiple layers will
 It could also be the case that          take the place of honor,” she
 these indulgent profiles help           says. “Flavors such as dragon
 to round off the flavor of the          fruit and ube are becoming in-
 complex plant-based ingredi-            creasingly popular due to their
 ents,” says Drake.                      bright, flashy colors.”
    While many manufacturers
 have taken the “as good as dairy”       Frozen Florals Trending
 approach, health also plays a vi-       In the spirit of all things plant-
 tal part with brands leveraging         based, lavender hybrids are
 lower sugar claims, or even us-         expected to trend as hybrid
 ing fruits and vegetables such          flavors. For example, taste com-
 as bananas and avocado to in-           binations of blueberry-laven-
 crease fiber and reduce fat.            der, lemon-lavender and ber-
    For Dr. Pelletier, so-called “ex-    ry-lavender will all make waves
 perience” products must have            in 2020, Loiselle reveals. “The
 premium flavors and provide             strawberry-hibiscus duo will also
 unique sensations and enjoy-            gain popularity, as will rose fla-
 ment. “In EMEA, nuts, caramels          vors combined with raspberries.
 and maple are expected to do            Under the radar, we will see fla-
 well. Our latest developments           vors endorsed by travel. Car-
 in indulgence flavor profiles           damom combined with man-
 have resulted in luscious, high-        go or pistachio seems to be an
 ly satisfying flavor combina-           increasing interest from prod-
 tions: butterscotch with maca-          uct developers,” she comments.
 damia, maple pecan ice cream,             “Innovation in the dessert aisle
 or simply, rich caramel with ton-       is appealing for many. However,
 ka,” he reveals.                        millennials are the greatest fans
    Meanwhile, plant-based des-          of innovation. They are adven-
 serts “will likely differentiate fur-   turous and curious, with high
 ther with consumers who want            standards. And they’re ready to
 their favorite indulgent dairy          try unique and unusual combi-
 desserts in a plant-based ver-          nations,” Loiselle adds.
 sion,” says Anne Sinha, Glob-              Sinha agrees that floral notes
 al Strategic Segment Lead for           are taking center stage. “We see
 Protein, at CP Kelco.                   a lot more flavors such as flo-
    A lot of frozen desserts that        rals, exotic fruits and bold and
 are already available on the            warm spices, such as cracked
 market will be joined by their          black pepper, pink peppercorn
 vegan counterpart in 2020 if            and even chili,” she notes.

MARCH 2020                                                                     THE WORLD OF FOOD INGREDIENTS   15
Out of the Cold FROZEN TRENDS - Foodarom

                                                                        Graham Kingston, Managing              According to Loiselle, “limit-
                                                                     Director of Pecan Deluxe Candy,        ed-edition flavors are an excel-
                                                                     details, “We have seen a hint of       lent way to interest consumers
                                                                     floral flavors combined with fruits    who are increasingly demand-
                                                                     such as lavender, rose, hibiscus       ing in terms of taste adventure.”
                                                                     and cherry blossom.”                  This is notably a key element of
                                                                                                            Innova Market Insights’ “Brand
                                                                      International Influence               Unlimited” trend of 2020. Edi-
                                                                      Ethnic-inspired flavorings            tions produced in limited quan-
                                                                      will also be in the limelight to      tities instill a sense of urgency
                                                                     “quench consumer thirst for ex-        to buy in consumers, muses Loi-
                                                                      otic adventures,” according to        selle. “North America is proba-
                                                                      Loiselle. “More exotic and ethnic     bly the top location where lim-
                                                                      flavors that pair well with coco-     ited-edition flavors are not to
                                                                      nut and almond milk bases are         be missed; just look at the en-
                                                                      likely to pop up more frequent-       thusiasm for pumpkin spice – it
                                                                      ly,” Sinha adds.                      causes a frenzy!”
     ›    here has been a 57% average annual growth of global
         T                                                               Kingston highlights the grow-         Loiselle further highlights that
         food and beverages tracked with an ice cream flavor (CAGR    ing popularity diversified for-      “this phenomenon seems to be
         2015 to 2019), according to Innova Market Insights.          mats next to the boom in inter-       migrating towards the Europe-
                                                                      national flavors in the US market.    an continent.” Seasonal flavors
                                                                     “Flavors inspired by churros and       are comforting for consumers
                                                                      mangonada, and formats such           since they mark the passing of
                                                                      as Japanese mocha and Indian          the seasons and traditions. Com-
                                                                      Kulfi are trending,” he reveals.      binations such as key lime pie,
                                                                     “We also note a growing pop-           strawberry shortcake and lem-
                                                                      ularity of Thai-rolled ice cream,     onade will signal the arrival of
                                                                      in parlors opening throughout         warmer weather, she states.
                                                                      the US. Enhancing the sensory            Katharina Schäfer, Product
                                                                      experience of eating ice cream        Manager at Hydrosol, says,
                                                                      is important to consumers. This      “There are many portioned des-
                                                                      can be achieved by adding mix-        serts coming onto the market
                                                                      ins and inclusions for contrast-      like the classic tiramisu, apple
                                                                      ing textures.”                        crumble and salted caramel fla-
                                                                                                            vor and of course, mini cheese-
                                                                     Seasonal Dessert Flavors               cakes. Globally, we see the suc-
                                                                     Cookie dough has been a pop-           cess of protein claims in dairy
                                                                     ular flavor in the dessert space.      and alternative dairy ice cream
                                                                     Jenny Baillie, Business Develop-       is crossing into protein-rich nov-
     ›   In the frozen flavors segment, “naturalness” used          ment Manager at Pecan Deluxe           elty frozen desserts such as ice
          to be a positioning in and of itself.                      Candy notes the trend is lead-         cream sandwiches and ice pops.”
                                                                     ing to reproductions of pop-              For Schäfer, the main trend
                                                                     ular favorites with low-calorie        in the plant-based and dessert
                                                                     and healthier alternatives, such       space is indulgence, which can
                                                                     as plant-based products with           be expressed by specific flavors
                                                                     cookie dough and salted cara-          or textures. “Products such as ve-
                                                                     mel flavors. “The challenge is to      gan ice cream are coming onto
                                                                     reproduce the flavor character-        the market with dessert flavors
                                                                     istics to give maximum ‘punch’         and an extra creamy mouth-
                                                                     with a reduced range of ingre-         feel,” she explains. “Plant-based
                                                                     dients,” she says.                     alternatives like almond-based
                                                                        During winter, Christmas fla-       pudding or vegan ice cream are
                                                                     vors continue to inspire UK su-        also of interest in the foodser-
                                                                     permarket ice cream and dessert        vice sector.”
                                                                     NPD, with candy cane, mince              “The same applies to bold
                                                                     pie and fruit cake varieties ap-       flavors that offer something
                                                                     pearing, states Baillie.               unexpected and new like sweet
                                                                        Meanwhile, these flavor             and savory combinations for
                                                                     trends are growing prominent           seasonal indulgence,” Schäfer
                                                                     in cheesecakes – from classic          concludes.t
                                                                     New York Style to more indi-
     ›    nhancing the sensory experience of eating ice
         E                                                           vidual and indulgent flavors like       Elizabeth Green is the Deputy
         cream is important to consumers.                            gingerbread, cinnamon, dark             Editor of FoodIngredientsFirst.
                                                                     chocolate and salted caramel.

16       THE WORLD OF FOOD INGREDIENTS                                                                                        MARCH 2020
Out of the Cold FROZEN TRENDS - Foodarom
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