Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas

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Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Corporate Presentation
          October 2017

Creative Resources Leadership
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Important Notice
 This presentation has been prepared by the management of Lepidico Ltd (the 'Company') for the benefit of brokers, analysts and investors and not
 as specific advice to any particular party or person.
 The information is based on publicly available information, internally developed data and other external sources. No independent verification of
 those sources has been undertaken and where any opinion is expressed in this document it is based on the assumptions and limitations
 mentioned herein and is an expression of present opinion only. No warranties or representations can be made as to the origin, validity, accuracy,
 completeness, currency or reliability of the information. The Company disclaims and excludes all liability (to the extent permitted by law), for
 losses, claims, damages, demands, costs and expenses of whatever nature arising in any way out of or in connection with the information, its
 accuracy, completeness or by reason of reliance by any person on any of it.
 Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to the success of future exploration and the economic viability of future
 projects, such expectation or belief is based on management’s current predictions, assumptions and projections. However, such forecasts are
 subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed, projected or
 implied by such forecasts. Such risks include, but are not limited to, exploration success, commodity price volatility, future changes to mineral
 resource estimates, changes to assumptions for capital and operating costs as well as political and operational risks and governmental regulation
 outcomes. For more detail of risks and other factors, refer to the Company's other Australian Securities Exchange announcements and filings. The
 Company does not have any obligation to advise any person if it becomes aware of any inaccuracy in, or omission from, any forecast or to update
 such forecast.

 Competent Person Statement
 The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr Tom Dukovcic, who is an employee of the
 Company and a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and who has sufficient experience relevant to the styles of mineralisation and
 the types of deposit under consideration, and to the activity that has been undertaken, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012
 edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.” Mr Dukovcic consents to the
 inclusion in this report of information compiled by him in the form and context in which it appears.

Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
 Lepidico (ASX: LPD) is an ASX-listed lithium exploration and development
  company with a management team experienced in project and business
  development - market capitalisation A$25M*

 Lepidico’s strategic objective is to become a fully integrated lithium
  business from mine to battery grade lithium chemical

 Lepidico is differentiated by its L-Max® process technology that extracts
  lithium salts from less contested lithium-mica minerals

 L-Max® is a clean-tech process with competitive capital intensity and low
  operating costs after eco-friendly by-product credits

 Phase 1 Plant Project located in Eastern Canada; currently in Full Feasibility
  Study – first production target late 2019

 Quality lithium-mica mine feed will be sourced from Canada, Portugal and

 At 30 June 2017 Lepidico had A$3.3M in cash and no debt
                 *Reference share price 1.2c
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Asset Overview
Separation Rapids lithium
deposit 9.6Mt @ 1.31% Li2O
Lepidolite offtake LOI with
owner Avalon Advanced

                              Phase 1
                              L-Max® Plant
                              Eastern Canada,
                              In Feasibility Study                                                     Moriarty JV
                                                                                                       LPD 75% Farm-in
                                                                                                       Lepidolite Target

                                              Alvarrões Lepidolite Mine    Pioneer Dome JV
                                              Resource pending             LPD 75% Earn-in on Peg9,
                                              Ore offtake agreement with   Lepidolite rich pegmatite
                                              Grupo Mota                   Permitting to drill                             4
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Mineral Resource Development
Alvarrões Lepidolite Mine*
 Ore access agreement with Grupo Mota over the operating Alvarrões lepidolite
  mine, Portugal

 Multiple stacked lepidolite mineralised pegmatite sills 1m to 4m thick exposed
  over a strike of more than 1km in two open pits

 25-hole drill program commenced May 2017; inaugural Mineral Resource estimate
  due October 2017; mineralized system open down dip and along strike

 Drilling has extended mineralisation 300m down dip. Target Resource estimates:

          Block 1: 0.5 Mt – 1.4 Mt @ 1.0% - 1.5% Li2O in lithium mica

          Block 3: 1.0 Mt – 2.6 Mt @ 1.0% - 1.5% Li2O in lithium mica

 Current mining operation produces a lepidolite concentrate grading ~1.8% Li2O for
  use in the ceramics industry

 Mining rates may be increased materially to 50,000 tonne to 75,000 tonne per
  annum sufficient to feed the planned Phase 1 L-Max® Plant in Sudbury, Canada
*Reference: ASX Announcement, Alvarrões Lepidolite Mine Ore Access Agreement, 9 March 2017
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Mineral Resource Development
Separation Rapids*
 Separation Rapids is one of the largest “complex-type” lithium pegmatite
  deposits in the world, owned 100% by Avalon Advanced Materials Inc.

 NI43-101 PEA completed on the Petalite Mineral Resource (opposite)

 Excellent recoveries and high-specification, 99.88% battery grade lithium
  carbonate produced in L-Max® testwork programme

 L-Max® to maximize lithium mineral Resource potential (plus by-products)

 Outcropping Lepidolite zone largely un-tested – Resource drilling
  completed May 2017 for revised estimate second-half 2017                                                                     Tonnes   Li2O#   Ta2O5    Cs2O   Rb2O
                                                                                                                                (Mt)     (%)    (ppm)    (%)     (%)
 Latest work indicates >20% of the lithium content of the existing Mineral                                        Measured    4.03     1.32    60      0.017   0.343
  Resource is present in lithium micas                                                                             Indicated   3.97     1.26    70      0.025   0.362

 Letter of Intent between Lepidico and Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (TSX: Measured plus
                                                                                                                               8.00     1.29    60      0.021   0.352
  AVL and OTCQX: AVLNF) for an integrated Lepidolite mining and lithium
  carbonate production partnership in Canada                                 Inferred                                          1.63     1.42    80      0.016   0.360

*Reference: ASX Announcement, Lithium Alliance with Avalon Advanced Materials Inc, 6 February 2017                 TOTAL       9.63     1.31    63      0.020   0.353
# Note: Li2O is total lithium oxide without distinction between contributions by petalite, Li-mica or lepidolite
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Mineral Resource Context

                                                 Li2O equivalent
                                                     after by-
                     2.50%                                                                                 Greenbushes
                                                    5-15M t @

                     2.00%   Lepidolite
                                                                                                                         Rio - Jadar
                               Target                    Nemaska Lithium                                                    136
                              5-15M t           Birimian       37                                                          1.86%
                                                   33        1.48% Critical
     Grade (%Li2O)

                                                 1.37%            Elements                                                    Kidman Resources
                              1.0-1.5%                                37                                                            128
                     1.50%                                          1.25%                                                          1.44%
                                       Tawana                                          NeoMetals
                                          13                                               78
                                        1.18%                                            1.37%                                                                Mineral Resources
                                 Sayona                                Energy
                                    14                                   33     Prospect
                                  1.07%                                1.19%       57
                     1.00%                                                       1.13%                                                       Pilbara
                           Dakota - Sepeda                                                                                                   Minerals
                                 10 Galaxy - Mt                                                                                                156
                               1.00% Caitlin                                                                                                  1.25%
                                          16                  1.00%
                                        1.08% Galaxy - James Bay
                     0.50%                             23
                                                     1.20%                                                                                                                          657
                                              Milbra                                                                                                                               0.43%

                             0                                     50                              100                                 150              200                            250
                                                                                                         Resources Tonnes (MT)
Source: Company data, Lepidico targets
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Positive Phase 1 L-Max® Plant PFS*
 PFS highlights economic potential to construct a strategically located                                   Product Recoveries
                                                                                                                              L-Max® Feed        Recovery to
  Phase 1 L-Max® process facility in Eastern Canada due to:                                                   Element
                                                                                                                                 Grade             Product
   - Close proximity to abundant, low-cost sources of bulk consumables                                         Lithium            2.10%              94%

   - Location adjacent to markets for bulk by-products (particularly SOP                                     Potassium            6.77%              85%
     and sodium silicate)                                                                                      Silicon           23.10%              85%
   - Established infrastructure (particularly road, rail and port                                             Caesium             0.05%              81%
                                                                                                              Tantalum            0.03%              70%
   - Close proximity to a skilled labour force with competitive labour
     rates                                                                                                 Expected Construction Costs
                                                                                                           Item                                         US$M
 Feasibility Study and Mineral Resource delineation program                                               Feasibility Study and 2017 Owners Costs       5.0
  commenced April 2017                                                                                     L-Max® plant direct costs                     16.2
                                                                                                           L-Max® plant services                         4.6
   - A$3.7 million raised April/May 2017 via pro-rata non-renounceable
                                                                                                           Infrastructure                                2.6
     Rights Issue                                                                                          Indirect costs                                6.7
                                                                                                           Contingency at 20%                            6.0
*Refer to ASX Announcement, Positive Phase 1 L-Max® Plant Pre-Feasibility Study”” dated 27 February 2017
for further details                                                                                        Total                                         41.1

Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
Phase 1 L-Max® Plant Project Progressing to DFS
 Key metrics for the Feasibility Study scope* will be:
                                                                                                                                       Project Planning Key Metrics
                                                                                                                                       Key Parameter                                                Key Metric
     - Plant throughput rate 3.6tph of lithium-mica concentrate
                                                                                                                                       Lithium Carbonate (>99.5%) Production                           3,000 tpa
       (annualised rate of 29,000tpa – 91.4% operating time)
                                                                                                                                       SOP (>95% K2SO4) Production                                 3,000-4,000 tpa
     - Battery grade lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE)                                                                                Sodium Silicate (40wt% solution at SiO2:Na2O ratio of 2.0)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  40,000-50,000 tpa
       production of c. 3,000tpa
                                                                                                                                       Caesium (as metal contained in formate) Production             10-100 tpa
     - Average C1 Costs nil to negative after by-products                                                                              Tantalite Con (30% Ta2O5) Production                            20-25 tpa
                                                                                                                                       Li-Carbonate C1 cost after by-products credits
Creative Resources Leadership - Corporate Presentation October 2017 - Mines and Money Americas
The L-Max® Advantage
 L-Max® leaches lithium from certain micas and phosphates without
  roasting – conventional processing of spodumene requires capital and
  energy intensive roasters to extract lithium, often with no by-products

 L-Max® reagents and operation have straightforward health, safety and                                  Lepidolite       Zinnwaldite    Ambygonite
  environmental characteristics                                               K(Li,Al,Rb)3(Al,Si)4O10(F,OH)2 KLiFeAl(AlSi3)O10(OH,F)2   (Li,Na)AlPO4(F,OH)

 L-Max® utilises common use, inexpensive reagents & is energy efficient
 L-Max® is novel but utilises conventional equipment and straightforward                                80

                                                                                  Metal extraction (%)
  processes – a series of agitated tanks, crystallisers and filters
 By-products include potassium sulphate fertiliser (SOP), sodium silicate,                              40
  gypsum and potentially caesium and rubidium formates                                                   20
 Fast leach kinetics, high recoveries and moderate process cost estimates                                 0
                                                                                                               0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
  make for compelling economics
                                                                                                                         Time (hrs)
                                                                                   Element leach curves under L-Max® - PFS sample
Peer Analysis
Phase 1 L-Max® Plant is Favourably Placed on the Global Cost Curve*

*Lithium Carbonate Cost Curve 2016 co-product basis (Source: Roskill). Ref: ASX Announcement “Positive Phase 1 L-Max® Plant Pre-Feasibility Study”, 27 February 2017

Business Model
           Operating Business                            Royalty Business

                      L-Max® process plant
                       (wholly owned/JV)

    Integrated with                                                 third-party
    concentrator                                                     licences
                                      concentrate feed

    and mines
                            Third-party mine ore feed

Mining and processing sustainably for 21st century products
                                  2017               2018        2019         2020   2021
                                                                                            Phase 1 L-Max® Plant
Phase 1 L-Max® Plant          Mini-plant trial & due diligence
                     PFS                                                                    c.3,000t pa LCE
      Permits & Approvals                           FID                                     H2SO4 ~50,000t pa
        Early Works/FEED                                                                    DFS ~US$5M
               Operation                                                                    Development ~US$40M
Full Scale L-Max® Plant
              Scoping Study                                                                 Full Scale 1 L-Max® Plant
                        PFS                                                                 @ c. 20,000t pa LCE
       Permits & Approvals                                              FID                 H2SO4 ~400,000t pa
          Early Works/FEED
                                                                                            Studies ~US$10M
                 Operation                                                                  Construction ~$Pending

Directors and Senior Management Team

 Mr. Gary Johnson                  Mr. Joe Walsh              Mr. Tom Dukovcic                     Mr. Mark Rodda                 Ms. Shontel Norgate               Mr. Gavin Becker
                                                                                                                                                                     ARSM, BSc (Eng), MBA,
    MAusIMM, MAICD                     BEng, MSc               BSc (Hons), MAIG, MAICD                     BA, LLB                          B.Bus                   FAusIMM, CP(Met), GAICD
      Chairman                  Managing Director              Director Exploration            Non-Executive Director Chief Financial Officer                     Business Development

Gary has over 30 years          Joe is a resources industry   Tom is a geologist with over     Mark is a lawyer with 20 years    Shontel is a finance executive   Gavin is a metallurgist with
experience in the mining        executive and mining          25 years experience in           experience in the resources       with over 20 years commercial    40 years industry experience.
industry as a metallurgist,     engineer with over 25 years   exploration and                  sector including the              experience in the resources      During that time he has
manager, owner, director and    experience working for        development. He has worked       management of local and           industry including debt and      worked in senior operational,
managing director possessing    mining companies and          in diverse regions throughout    international mergers and         equity finance, financial        R&D, feasibility study and
broad technical and practical   investment banks. Joe also    Australia, including the         acquisitions, divestments,        reporting, project management,   consulting roles on lead/zinc,
experience of the workings      has extensive equity market   Yilgarn, Kimberley, central      exploration and project joint     corporate governance,            gold, uranium, copper and
and strategies required by      experience and has been       Australia and northeast          ventures, strategic alliances,    commercial negotiations and      nickel/cobalt/scandium
successful mining companies.    involved with the technical   Queensland. Tom is a             corporate and project financing   business analysis                mines and/or projects.
                                and economic evaluation of    Member of the Australian         transactions and corporate
                                many mining assets and        Institute of Geoscientists and   restructuring initiatives.
                                companies around the world.   a Member of the Australian
                                                              Institute of Company
Lepidico Strategy

 To become a fully integrated lithium business through the value chain
 from mine to battery grade lithium chemical

   by leveraging its registered L-Max® technology to process concentrate
    from high-quality lithium mica Resources

   via high-return, strategically located developments in low risk jurisdictions.


Creative Resources Leadership

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