Opening Doors Stewarding Change - Pakistan Country Programme Strategy 2016-20
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Opening Doors Stewarding Change Pakistan Country Programme Strategy 2016-20 WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 1
Our vision is of a world where everyone has access to safe water and sanitation. Our Mission is to transform lives by improving access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world’s poorest communities. We work with partners and influence decision makers to maximise our impact. Contents Introduction.............................................................................................. 3 Getting to Everyone Everywhere ............................................................ 5 Redefining the Challenge ........................................................................ 9 Road to Change .................................................................................... 12 Delivering Change ................................................................................. 15 Approaching Change ............................................................................ 17 Sustaining Change ................................................................................ 19 Measuring Change ................................................................................ 20 Bibliography............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 2
Introduction Lack of access to WASH services and awareness directly affects the health and well-being of a country’s most vulnerable citizens. WaterAid in Pakistan (WAP) carries WASH service delivery, for hygiene forward global organisational mission education and for coordinating inter- of ensuring universal access to safe sectoral coordination. water; sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to “everyone everywhere by 2030”. Our strategic aims will be realised by creating informed opinion, The availability of WASH as a human knowledge-sharing, and right is an essential determinant of demonstrating viable WASH models quality of life in a population. It is a in partnership with community-based measure of a nation’s priorities. It counterparts, augmented by strategic reflects social equity and good investments in technical assistance governance; policy direction and and inter-disciplinary collaboration with resource allocation. government and other stakeholders. In Pakistan’s fast-changing and Grounded in WaterAid’s Rights-based sometimes challenging work approach, our five strategic aims will environment, we are positioning to deliver lasting change that we open doors for stewarding change. believe, will bring universal WASH Our envisioned change will strengthen access to Pakistan’s most vulnerable existing state systems including groups WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 4
Getting to Everyone Everywhere WAP’s work environment in Pakistan is dynamic and often challenging, but remains predictable for the purpose of our five-year strategy. Ensuring WASH rights to the 50 have transitioned to cities in 2030, percent Pakistanis living on less further stretching water and sanitation than 2 US dollars a day, is an systems. important step towards pulling them out of poverty, and enabling them to Inadequate public investments in the enjoy an acceptable standard of well- maintenance and renewal of public being. infrastructure in mushrooming urban settlements particularly affect water Pakistan loses 343 billion Rupees to and sanitation services. Patronage- healthcare costs and lost income driven alternatives are available only to because of water-borne disease. This the rich. money is better spent on social services that add to the quality of Every year 3 million Pakistanis suffer life for citizens. from Human Development waterborne Pakistan is currently ranked Pakistan is culturally and linguistically diseases out 146th out of 187 countries in human development. diverse, with an equally varied set of of which 1 Half the population lives in political viewpoints. A third of its 186 million die. poverty, with 30% more being million inhabitants, are classified as 25-30 vulnerable. Access to opportunities for ‘desperately poor’, and despite their percent of women imperceptibly agrarian heritage, comprise the most the country’s increasing rapidly urbanising population in hospital 30% of education targets have been achieved. South Asia. Half the population will beds are Half the people in Pakistan have transitioned to urban areas. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 6
occupied by patients suffering from But perhaps the most serious issues in water-borne disease. Overall 53,000 Pakistan that stand in the way of children die each year due to diarrhoea change are related to its socio-political and 60 percent of all infant deaths milieu. Any improvements to apex- occur due to unsafe water. level accountability, policy consistency, resource-allocation The economy is edging back up from and civic participation would the strains of internal strife, buoyed by transform the political landscape for major foreign investments. Long- the better. stagnating human development indicators show revival but still lag in A major proportion of national comparison to neighbours. Pakistan resources goes to non-development appears 146th on the Human uses at the expense of much-needed Development Index. investments in human development and social services infrastructure. The steadily emerging climate change Allocations often remain under- factors are adversely affecting utilised. geographic landscape and seasonal cycles. Natural calamities, such as the Meanwhile, the access gap continues 2005 Kashmir earthquake, take their to widen, leaving more and more toll. Pakistan’s sizeable flood plains people without essential WASH remain at a high risk of flooding. The services. This exacerbates inequality 2010 mega-flood inundated one fifth of and discrimination that has led to the country, and uprooted 20 million violent reactions over recent years. people. Smaller floods returning every year, continue to destabilise On balance, Pakistan’s overall livelihoods, deplete frayed situation has remained largely infrastructure and add to the burden unchanged in terms of national policy of disease. direction, economic environment, or human development. Pakistan’s Economy From a steady 7%-plus annually through the 1990s, economic growth dipped to 1.6% in 2010 before its present 4.24%. Income per capita, currently USD 1,512, traditionally higher than its neighbours, has fallen behind. Foreign direct investment, which peaked at USD 5.4 billion in 2007-08, saw only USD 87 million in the first quarter of 2013. External debt, during this time has risen to over USD 50 billion, as a result of a balance-of-payment bail-out by the International Monetary Fund. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 7
Redefining the Challenge WASH successes stand alongside sobering statistics about poor water quality and unimproved sanitation and hygiene practices that cause widespread disease and death. Pakistan 1.6 million disability- Pakistan has ramped up WASH adjusted life years (DALYs). performance in recent years. It reported meeting targets for the Access notwithstanding, safe water is Millennium Development Goals, and the main challenge. Water quality is tops the current WASH Performance at the root of Pakistan’s poor health Index released by the Water Institute statistics. at UNC Chapel Hill. Less than 20 percent of the Overall, 91 percent of Pakistanis available water is safe for drinking. have access to improved water, and Overall, 70 percent of Pakistanis use 64 percent to improved sanitation. untreated water. Only 8 percent of Examples of community-led sanitation urban sewage and less than 1 services such as the Orangi Pilot percent of industrial effluent are Project, and lately, open defecation- treated before disposal. free (ODF) communities, have achieved wide recognition. Pakistan features among the top 5 victims of diarrheal deaths. 4 percent These successes indicate a positive of the national GDP is lost to trajectory. But they stand in sharp substandard WASH systems. That’s contrast to the overall state of almost 244 billion Rupees. health and wellbeing in the country. The burden of disease costs The total economic burden of substandard WASH systems is 343 WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 9
billion rupees. That’s almost 4 percent From legislators, policymakers and of the national GDP. Health costs top-level officials to government offices amount to 87 percent of this total and local administrations, to local economic cost (299 billion rupees). opinion leaders, media and the person That’s 800 million rupees per day. on the street, our strategic objectives will address everyone. Something has to change. And it has to do with how people understand the Our actions will focus on building relationship between WASH and greater understanding that leads to a health. That WASH is not simply an change in thinking about WASH. This engineering or public health or changed thinking will drive behaviour change issue alone. collective action. And the resulting critical mass will build momentum for This change in understanding is lasting change in the way people central to WAP’s strategy. Our entire demand WASH rights, and the way effort over the coming five years, WASH services are delivered. therefore, will be on building understanding among all Redefining the challenge this way stakeholders and mobilising them to drives our strategy for change. play active role in the change process. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 10
WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 11
Road to Change A rights-based approach and existing alliances position WAP at a relative advantage and places our vision of desired change within grasp. Pakistan’s WASH sector reality is Our understanding of Pakistan’s characterised by relatively weak WASH reality and our experience of sector governance, lax policy advocacy and technical support as implementation mechanisms, a strategic investments towards culture of patronage, fragmented change indicate three critical areas of service delivery, unclear delegation programme competence to strengthen of responsibility, and inadequate over the coming five years. technical capacity to mount integrated WASH initiatives among key The first, is promoting innovative and stakeholders. replicable WASH models and approaches that can be scaled up Changing any of these is clearly through strategic multi-level beyond any single actor. However, partnerships, backstopped by WAPs experience indicates two experience in a number of countries, principal conditions, which when technical expertise, and a uniquely met, help usher in change. One is a WASH-focused mandate. continued emphasis on effective and culturally appropriate advocacy The second, is being able to cross- approaches and opinion-leadership. integrate WASH with other relevant The other is high quality technical disciplines for wider, more sustainable support to refining and testing service- impact, particularly in healthcare and delivery models and effective education, reducing duplication or outreach. redundancy. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 12
The third, is a capacity to lead organisations to be to deliver discourse on WASH rights and build inclusive WASH services cost coalitions around approaches that effectively and accountably. inspire others by demonstrating the 3. Bridging disciplines for WASH quality of their impact. impact: responses to WASH issues lie in diverse disciplines WAP is clear that converting these such as health, nutrition and particular strengths into programme education that do not routinely success requires articulating a interact. There is a need to build convincing change pathways that lead cross-disciplinary linkages so that to WAP’s desired change in a manner practical WASH solutions can be that fits the unique Pakistani context, developed jointly and delivered while remaining true to the direction set seamlessly. by WaterAid’s Global Strategy 2015- 4. Enhancing WASH sector 20. coordination: with understanding As such, WAP will realise its vision of and awareness increasing, change by working to meet five institutions developing to respond strategic objectives that deliver impact seamlessly, delivering WASH by meeting five needs: solutions, the need arises for improved coordination among 1. Ensuring WASH rights for the peers and counterparts in the most vulnerable: WAP sees WASH sector. WASH as a rights issue, and sees an acute need for helping bring 5. Promoting WASH as continued about greater understanding national priority: with WASH among right-holders as well as sector stakeholders better aware, duty-bearers about their respective integrated, equipped, and rights and responsibilities. motivated, there is a need to establish and maintain ownership 2. Developing institutional and stable resourcing of WASH capabilities for WASH: in tandem services delivery by government with increased understanding, decision-makers so the growing emerges the need for state momentum is sustained. institutions and community WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 13
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Delivering Change Five strategic objectives that lead to desired change in a manner that fits the unique Pakistani context, remaining true to WaterAid’s Global Strategy 2015-20. The change we envision is all about creating the widest impact for the We are convinced that by investing most marginalised. We visualise five effort and resources in achieving our 5 distinct but fundamentally integrated strategic objectives, we will change the strategic objectives that we believe, present environment into one where will achieve the desired change. the least empowered can freely access WASH services. At the end of the strategy period we wish to see WASH services within Strategic objective 1: To ensure that reach of even the most vulnerable of those most vulnerable are able to populations. exercise their rights to WASH services, and learn to assume We wish to see these services responsibility for sustaining them. delivered through well-integrated This objective comprises of three lines state-run systems in partnership with of action packages that will help local communities, in ways that are promote WASH rights for the most inclusive and cost-effective. vulnerable. The first will be to assist legislators to mobilise and articulate These pathways emerge from our for WASH reforms in parliament. The understanding of the WASH context second will be technical inputs into in Pakistan, and our experience with state mechanisms for increasing government, civil society, academia, awareness and capabilities among and entrepreneurs in a dynamic stakeholders. The third will be environment. developing criteria for engagement in humanitarian situations. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 15
Strategic objective 2: To strengthen the benefits of cross-disciplinary institutional capabilities of key collaboration. stakeholders for delivering inclusive WASH services effectively and Strategic objective 4: To contribute sustainably. tangibly towards an enhanced state of The objective addresses institutional coordination within the WASH sector. capabilities, with two specific lines of The objective seeks a line of action that action helping strengthen delivery contributes tangible inputs into partners to offer inclusive and cost- enhancing sector coordination effective WASH services. One will mechanisms between the various contribute to defining roles and government departments, community responsibilities for WASH partners, and funders engaged with governance and implementation. WASH-relevant initiatives, by The second will develop and contributing meaningfully to ongoing document WAP’s district-wide dialogue. approach (DWA) model in a form that it can be shared for replication. Strategic objective 5: To help secure and sustain priority status for the Strategic objective 3: To actively WASH sector within Government seek to cross-integrate WASH best agencies and programmes. practices through partners in relevant The objective pursues two lines of disciplines and sectors, particularly action seeking to secure and sustain Health & Hygiene. priority status for the WASH sector The objective focuses on a line of action within government. The first engages that builds cross-disciplinary with decision-makers in government so cooperation to achieve WASH impact, they continue to champion WASH as particularly hygiene & public health, a development and fiscal priority. The and education & WASH knowledge second lobbies for WASH-specific management, culminating in joint budget allocations at the national, WASH programmes that demonstrate provincial, district and local government levels. WAP’s DESIRED CHANGE Those most vulnerable are able to realise their rights to access sustainable WASH services, effectively delivered through collaborative, well-integrated mechanisms WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 16
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Approaching Change Our global vision, deriving relevance from critical analysis, delivered through community-focused models, and advocacy for behaviour influence at key levels. WaterAid’s programming emphasises partnerships, rigorous analysis, and All three are guided by a globally cross-innovation so essential to consistent normative framework, driving change. We see underscored by WAP’s internal transformational change as actions capacity to define, design, implement that address causes of uneven or and learn. compromised WASH services within A critical cross-cutting driver for the context. Our strategy prepares us for three programme thrusts is further it. building internal capacity – Our programme approach stands on systems, processes and individual three mutually reinforcing thrusts. skill-sets – for staff and organisation. The first one is to motivate and As we gear up for delivering on our inspire, the second is to demonstrate strategic targets over the next five viable programme interventions, and years, we rely on the quality of these the third is to implement them with very internal resources. partnerships and outreach by providing technical assistance to relevant government institutions. WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 18
Sustaining Change Resource plan summary in two sentences here. Placeholder to add content WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 19
Measuring Change M&E plan summary in two sentences here WAP Country Programme Strategy 2016 -2020 20
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