Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline

Page created by Shirley Marshall
Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline
Leadership Development Programme
                                                                               Children’s Social Work

Jenny, care leaver


      @frontline_sw   @FrontlineChangingLives   @FrontlineSW   frontline-org

           CHARITY NUMBER: 1163194 COMPANY NUMBER: 09605966
Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline
2    The 2018 Cohort

4    Dare to change with Frontline

     Your Frontline journey
     and beyond

10   Frontline locations

12   What’s the Fellowship like?

14   What’s in it for you?

17   The selection process

     Explore opportunities to
     start your career with us

Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline
THE FRONTLINE                                                                                CAREER
    2018 COHORT                                                                                CHANGERS
                                                                                                             have come
     of the 2018 Cohort were
      the first in their family
                                                          of participants hadn’t explored
                                                           other routes into social work
                                                                                                          from a variety
                                                                                                             of sectors,
        to go to university

                                  participants joined
                                   the 2018 Cohort
                                                                                                   What subjects did they study?
                                                                                                       Over 100 different degree subjects, including

                                                                                                               Economics              Law Psychology
                                                                                              Social Humanities Music
                                                                                              Science Art Politics Zoology
                                                        Just over

    25%                                                 1/3
                                                                           of this year’s
                              of this                                      cohort are
                                                                                                         Natural Sciences       Modern Languages Medicine
                              year’s                                       career changers
                              cohort                                       who graduated
                                                                           before 2014             Drama Mathematics English
                                                                                                    Religious Studies Accounting
    graduated in 2018 from 50 different
                                                                                                   Chemistry Advertising Finance

                                                                                                                Journalism Computing                        3
Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline

                                                                                                                            Approximately   One third of        60/0 of care    Children
THE PROFESSION                           THE PROGRAMME                             THE MOVEMENT
                                                                                                                            400,000         the homeless        leavers go      in need in
As a social worker, you’ll be joining    You’ll help to transform the lives of     By 2020, there will be over 1,000        children in     population          to university   England are
one of the most challenging, but         vulnerable children by developing a       Frontline alumni helping to shape the
most rewarding, professions. You’ll      range of invaluable skills including      children’s services social care sector
                                                                                                                            England         were in care at     compared to     over nine
work directly with children, families,   relationship-building, conflict           and building secure foundations for      get support     some point in       approximately   times more
schools, courts and the police,          resolution and leadership. Being a        some of our most vulnerable people.      from social     their lives.        400/0 of all    likely to be
to empower families to achieve           social worker on the programme
positive change.                         takes resilience, dedication and
                                                                                                                            workers.        (Barnardo’s 2016)   young people.   permanently
                                         qualities you didn’t even know you had.                                                                                (UCAS 2015)     excluded from
                                                                                                                                                                                (UK GOV 2015)

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Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline
                                           “I have worked with a range of professionals –
                                           teachers, doctors, police officers, lawyers and
                                           more, which has expanded my knowledge
                                           and given me greater confidence in different
                                           areas of social work.”

                                           I work in a busy inner London           When I first started working with her,
                                           borough and I like that I can relate    she really didn’t want to work with
                                           to some of the experiences that         me and didn’t see the point in having
                                           people have had.                        a social worker. Over time, we built a
                                                                                   really good relationship to the point
                                           I really appreciated going straight     where she would tell me things she
                                           into practice after the Summer          said she struggled to vocalise to
                                           Institute, because learning on the      anyone else. Giving me a card was
                                           job has allowed me to embed the         her way of saying that she appreciated
                                           theory into practice. I enjoy the       the work I had done with her and
                                           unpredictability and variety of the     that it had helped her, which is
                                           job. I work across a lot of different   always the aim.
                                           settings, such as schools, community
                                           centres, families’ and foster carers’   You learn so much, not just about
                                           homes and children’s centres.           working with people but also
                                                                                   about yourself. Doing the Frontline
Asha, 2016 Cohort, University of Warwick   My most rewarding experience was        programme has given me a passion
                                           getting a thank you card from a         I didn’t know I had and has opened
                                           teenage girl on my final visit.         up a world of opportunities.

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Leadership Development Programme Children's Social Work - Frontline
                                                     JOURNEY                                                                                                                             AND BEYOND
                                                                                                                                                                                         AFTER THE PROGRAMME

We need resilient, motivated individuals who’ll stay committed to our mission after completing the two-year
programme. Whether you continue your social work career or use your leadership skills to make change in
broader society, you’ll have our ongoing support.
                                                                                                                                                                                         FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WHAT COULD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I DO AS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A FELLOW?
                                                              YEAR 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                               The majority of fellows continue in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the social work profession. Some
                                                                                                                                                                                         Once you’ve completed the two-year
                                                                            OVER 200 DAYS                                                                                                Frontline programme, you will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    move into consultant social worker
                                                                            WORK-BASED                                  YEAR 2:                                                          automatically become part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    roles and specialist areas such
                                                                            LEARNING**                                                                                                                                                                                              as youth offending or domestic
                                                                                                                                       MASTER’S DEGREE                                   Frontline Fellowship. This is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    violence, while others complete
       SUMMER INSTITUTE*:                                                   AND 46 TAUGHT                                              COACHING AND                                      movement of outstanding individuals
                                                                            STUDY DAYS                                                                                                                                                           SUPPORT FROM                       further qualifications.
                                                                                                                                       MANAGING YOUR                                     who are applying themselves to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE FELLOWSHIP
                    INTENSIVE                                                                                                          OWN WORKLOAD                                      address social disadvantage in                                                             Some move away from direct
                    FIVE-WEEK                                 You’ll work in a local authority child                                                                                     different ways.                                                                            practice to lead change in broader
                    RESIDENTIAL                               protection team with three other                          You’ll be a newly-qualified social worker                                                                                                                   society. Fellows have taken up roles
                                                              Frontline participants who make up                        employed in children’s services by your local                    The Fellowship also includes those    To support the Fellowship in their vital work,
                    PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with the Children’s Commissioner,
                                                              your unit. Supported and led by a                         authority, and supported to be responsible                       who have completed the Firstline      we facilitate opportunities within three areas:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Anna Freud Centre, Pause, Action
       Get ready for practice in a local                      consultant social worker (CSW), with                      for your own caseload. Continuing                                programme and those who have          practice, policy and innovation. Fellows lead
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for Children, as well as policy roles
       authority, as experienced social                       regular visits from your practice tutor,                  professional development includes coaching                       been consultant social workers.       and direct the movement to ensure that it has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    within the Department for Education.
       workers, world-renowned academics                      you’ll work to gain a postgraduate                        to develop your social work leadership                                                                 a positive impact on children and families.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    You might also work internationally,
       and leadership experts help you                        diploma by the end of this first year.                    skills and working towards a compulsory                                                                You’ll have access to individuals across social      set up your own social enterprise or
       develop the qualities needed to                                                                                  master’s degree qualification in advanced                                                              work and broader society, as well as the resource    even come to work with us
       bring about change.*                                                                                             relationship based social work practice.                                                               and support to lead positive change. Past activity   at Frontline.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               includes innovation brainstorming sessions,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               policy roundtables and a workshop about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               contextual safeguarding.

*The sensitive nature of our programme dictates that you must pass certain checks before the end of the Summer Institute. Final year students must supply their degree classification,
proof of which must be brought to the Summer Institute. **Work-based learning refers to a student placement for which you receive a tax-free bursary. The placement includes 170 days
in a child protection team in a local authority and 30 days of contrasting learning in an adult focused area.

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LOCATIONS:                                                                                                                 NORTH EAST
                                                                                                                           The North East of England has a population
                                                                                                                           of 2.6 million and covers an area of over
                                                                                                                           3,000 square miles. The region has the
                                                                                                                           highest proportion of public sector workers
                                                                                                                           and highest number of children living in
                                                                                                                           poverty at 30-52%.
                                                                                                                           1 in 4 children in the North East live
                                                                                                                           in poverty, compared to 1 in 5 nationwide.
JOINING US ON THE 2019                                                                                                     With extreme need comes extreme potential.
                                                                                                                           In 2018, we placed 46 participants here.
BE WORKING IN ONE OF                                                         NORTH WEST
THE FOLLOWING AREAS:                                                         The North West of England has a beautiful
                                                                             landscape, including the national parks       SOUTH CENTRAL
                                                                             of the Peak District and the Lake District.
                                                                             With 40% of children living in poverty,       The South Central region incorporates local
                                                                             Manchester has the second highest levels      authorities in the South East and East of
                                                                             of any local authority in the UK.             England. It is geographically diverse with
• London                                                                    In 2018, we placed 40 participants here.
                                                                                                                           a mix of rural and urban areas. 45% of
                                                                                                                           children in need are eligible for free school
                                                                                                                           meals across the region.
• Midlands                                                                                                                In 2018, we placed 63 participants here.

  orth East
  orth West                                                                 The Midlands region includes both the
                                                                             East and West Midlands. The area has          LONDON
• South Central                                                              a population of around 10.4 million and
                                                                                                                           London is the largest area that we work in.
                                                                             contains the second most populous city
                                                                                                                           It is a diverse, exciting and vibrant city with
                                                                             in the UK, Birmingham. Over 50% of
                                                                                                                           a population of almost 9 million people.
                                                                             children are living in poverty in some
                                                                                                                           The city faces complex challenges in
                                                                             parts of the Midlands.
                                                                                                                           improving the lives of vulnerable children.
                                                                             In 2018, we placed 100 participants here.     London contains 11 of the top 20 local
We are currently working with local authorities across England in                                                          authorities with the highest rates of child
these regions. All of the regions offer excellent training, development,                                                   poverty across the UK.
support and the chance to make a real impact on children and their
                                                                                                                           In 2018, we placed 91 participants here.
families’ lives. Participants will need to display a degree of flexibility
with where they are placed.

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WHAT’S THE                                       “I knew I wanted to work with children and

     FELLOWSHIP LIKE?                                 families and Frontline appealed to me as an
                                                      exciting way to get into social work.”

             “The Fellowship                          On the programme, I developed my          I get to manage my own time which
             is really flexible                       understanding of leadership. When         I like as well. Flexibility and freedom
             and allows you to                        I came into the programme I had a         in a job is really important to me.
                                                      very linear, authoritarian view of        Having completed the Frontline
             stay engaged in                          leadership and I didn’t really            programme I have remained in
             Frontline’s mission                      understand the complexity of the          social work and the support through
             in different ways.”                      word and what it means in practice.       the Fellowship has helped me
                                                                                                progress professionally.
             Because the Fellowship has such          I’ve become more adaptable and more
             a diverse range of activities to get     reflective in terms of how I work – not   “The great thing
                                                      just with families but with colleagues.
             involved in, it allows you to pursue
                                                      A lot of leadership isn’t about making
                                                                                                is, because I’ve
             the things that are most interesting
                                                      tough decisions, it’s about learning      completed the
             and relevant to you.
                                                      from and utilising others and working     programme, I get
             Through the Fellowship, I’ve been able   in partnership with people to get the     to be part of
                                                      best out of them.
             to stay in touch with developments in                                              the Fellowship.”
             the social work profession through       The Fellowship has played a big part
             the leadership series and develop                                                  It’s really focused on developing
                                                      in my continued development as a
             my interviewing and assessment                                                     you as a practitioner. I’ve enjoyed
                                                      practitioner and leader. There have
             skills through work at the Frontline                                               lots of opportunities and support
                                                      been many different opportunities
             assessment centre. It has also given                                               to progress my ideas.”
                                                      and you get lots of support – I have
             me access to a range of professionals    taught on the Frontline programme,
             and resources, while developing an                                                 “I recently spoke to
                                                      run a workshop, met with journalists,
             idea for my own charity.                 spoken with a CEO over coffee and
                                                                                                the CEO of Frontline
             Nikita, fellow, 2014 Cohort              begun to develop two innovative           about one of my ideas
                                                      ideas. It helps me consider how           over coffee, which
                                                      I can contribute to the mission
                                                                                                was great.”
                                                      outside of my day-to-day job.
12                                                    I enjoy that variety. In addition,        Ryan, fellow, 2014 Cohort                 13
WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?                                                            EARN AS YOU LEARN

                                                                                 YEAR 1 – Tuition fees and Summer Institute
                                                                                                                                            WORK IN PARTNERSHIP WITH
                                                                                                                                            A VARIETY OF ORGANISATIONS
                                                                                 accommodation will be covered by Frontline. In your
2018 Cohort, Summer Institute                                                                                                               In the second year of the programme, you’ll work
                                                                                 first year you will receive a tax and NI exempt bursary
                                                                                                                                            with a wider network of professionals outside of
                                                                                 between £16,756 - £19,591 depending on location.
                                                                                                                                            your unit to bring about positive change in the
                                                                                                                                            lives of vulnerable children and families.
                                DEVELOP AS A LEADER                              YEAR 2 – Earn a newly qualified social work
                                                                                 salary between £25k - £35k depending on local
                                                                                 authority and location. Complete a fully-funded
                                                                                 master’s degree.
      MAKE A DIFFERENCE                               RECEIVE QUALITY TRAINING
                                                                                                                                            JOIN THE FRONTLINE

                                                                                 WORK AS PART OF                                            •    Keep in contact with your cohort and other
                                                                                 A DYNAMIC TEAM                                                  Frontline Fellows.
                                                                                                                                            •    Invitations to Frontline events, including
                                                                                                                                                 leadership seminars and conferences.
                                                                                 In the first year of the programme, you’ll work on cases   •    Professional development opportunities.
                                                                                 with your peers led by your consultant social worker.      •    Ongoing support for your work, contributing
                                                                                                                                                 to transforming the lives of vulnerable children.

                                                                                 QUALIFY AS A PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                                                                            HIGH LEVELS OF SUPPORT
                                                                                 Qualify as a social worker after your first year and
                                                                                 register with the Health and Care Professions              Receive support from experts – your consultant
                                                                                 Council. Study for an MSc in Advanced Relationship         social worker, practice tutors, qualified coach and
                                                                                 based social work practice in your second year.            the Frontline team.

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WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR                                                                                                THE SELECTION PROCESS

We’re looking for your potential to become an outstanding children’s                                                    STAGE 1 –                                    STAGE 2 –                             STAGE 3 –
                                                                                                                        SELF-ASSESSMENT                              REGISTRATION +                        ONLINE TESTS
social worker, and will be exploring the evidence of your ability through                                               ACTIVITY                                     APPLICATION FORM                      Once you have submitted your
the following competencies:                                                                                             Designed to give you further insight         Answering competency-based            application, we’ll ask you to complete
                                                                                                                        into social work, this will help you         questions, you’ll need to             a combined test. You will respond
                                                                                                                        decide whether this is the right             demonstrate your commitment           to some realistic scenarios and we
COMMITMENT TO                                 WORKING WITH                         LEADING WITH                         career path for you.                         to the Frontline mission and          will assess your aptitude for social
                                                                                                                                                                     your experience of working well       work, your ability to understand
CHILDREN AND FAMILIES                         PEOPLE                               SOUND JUDGEMENT                                                                                                         information and to use logic to
                                                                                                                                                                     with others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           solve complex problems.
                   Motivation                           Effective                                      Analysis and
                                                        communication                                  adaptability
                                                        Empathy and                                    Leadership
                                                        relationships                                                 You can find more detailed information about the selection process on our website:

 APPLY AT THEFRONTLINE.ORG.UK                                                                                           STAGE 6 –                                    STAGE 5 –                             STAGE 4 –
                                                                                                                        INDUCTION +                                  ASSESSMENT                            VIDEO INTERVIEW
                                                                                                                        FINAL CHECKS                                 CENTRE
To be eligible to apply for the Frontline Leadership Development                                                                                                                                           Recording your responses to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           pre-recorded questions (at home
                                                                                                                        If you successfully complete the             A group exercise, role play and
programme, you need:                                                                                                    assessment process, you’ll receive           other activities, including meeting   in your own time), you’ll showcase
                                                                                                                        a conditional offer for the Frontline        a care leaver, give you the chance    both your motivation for working
• A 2:1 or higher in your undergraduate degree          • Your application must also demonstrate competence           programme, subject to security               to experience real social work        with children and families and your
   (predicted or obtained).                                 in IT as well as spoken and written English.                and health checks to ensure                  situations. It’s an opportunity to    communication skills.
                                                                                                                                                                     establish whether this is the right
                                                                                                                        you’re fit to practice.
                                                                                                                                                                     career path for you and if you’re a
• At least grade C (or equivalent) in GCSE              • Unfortunately we’re unable to accommodate those                                                          good fit for Frontline.
   Maths and English.                                       already studying towards a social work qualification
                                                            or who are already qualified.

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If you’re a university student, there are a number of exciting ways you can
                        engage with Frontline. Whether you’re interested in working in the charity
                        sector, want to train as a social worker or gain valuable experience while you
                        study, we offer a range of outstanding opportunities to kick-start your career.

                        INSIGHTS INTO                                career in a third sector organisation        FROM BRAND MANAGER
                        SOCIAL WORK                                  after you graduate. You’ll gain valuable     TO TRAINEE SOCIAL WORKER
                                                                     experience by taking on important            NICK, 2016 COHORT
                        Our insights are the                         responsibilities and contributing directly   “I am one of those people who went
                        perfect opportunity to learn                 to achieve our mission as a vital part       to university hoping that one day
                        more about our programme,                    of our award-winning recruitment team.       I’d have an epiphany about my career
                        hear from qualified social workers                                                        path. Flash forward four years and
                        and meet with our recruitment team.          ON-CAMPUS PAID ROLES                         I found myself graduating, knowing
                        We’ve designed diversity insights to                                                      where I wanted to go and feeling
                        put a spotlight on a more diverse            As one of our brand managers, you’ll         inspired about my future career in
                        range of talent, to tackle under             play a key role in raising awareness of      social work. This all began when
                        representation and attract a                 Frontline on campus by engaging the          I met a Frontline brand manager so
                        workforce that reflects the communities      wider student body with our mission,         when the opportunity came up to be
                        we serve. Our undergraduate taster           supporting at key events, whilst             one myself I snapped it up without a
                        days are for students who want to            developing valuable skills for your          second thought! The best thing about
                                                                     future. You will build your professional     the role was that I sold the Frontline
                        deepen their understanding of social
                                                                     experience in a flexible part-time paid      programme to myself. I felt as though
                        work as they start thinking about what
                                                                     job that will fit around your study.         I already had a head start for the

                        career path to pursue.                                                                    application process and the
                                                                                                                  assessment centre in particular gave
                        INTERNSHIPS                                  Visit www.thefrontline.org.uk
                                                                                                                  me insight into what life as a social
                                                                     to find out more.

                                                                                                                  worker will be like: working in a team,
                        Our student internship for penultimate
                                                                                                                  forming meaningful connection
                        year students is just the thing if you are
                                                                                                                  with people and, most importantly,
                        passionate about the work we do and

                                                                                                                  trying to make a difference to those
                        have an interest in social work. We also                                                  that need it most.”
                        offer six-month graduate internships
                        within our recruitment team, offering a
                        unique opportunity to launch your
18                                                                                                                                                  19
                                            “I really enjoy having the opportunity to help
                                            people. It’s the feedback from families and
                                            young people that keeps me going. As a trainee
                                            social worker I worked in a safeguarding
                                            team, which gave me the opportunity to build
                                            relationships with children and families.”

                                            I really like the systemic model that   Through the first year, the support
                                            the programme teaches. It means         and encouragement from the
                                            the focus is on relationships and       consultant social worker is vital to
                                            involves weekly meetings with the       development. The support from your
                                            other Frontline participants and your   unit is also essential and being able
                                            consultant social worker. We discuss    to share the ups and the downs with
                                            cases and have the space to reflect     people around you is so important.
                                            on what is going on for the family.     This model allows you to forge close
                                            Systemic practice encourages you        relationships with colleagues who are
                                            to think outside of the immediate       in the same boat as you, with these
                                            ‘problem’ and ensures you do not        relationships enduring long after the
                                            get stuck with one idea about what      two years of the programme. These
                                            is going on. This way of training is    elements are unique to the Frontline
Esther, 2016 Cohort, University of Oxford   distinct to the Frontline programme.    training model and are invaluable.

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