Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io

Page created by Samuel Reyes
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Moonshots for Europe

2.5 Days Executive Programme
Berlin, April 10 – 12, 2019

Learn about how to develop Moonshot Thinking
and the impact of Exponential Technologies for your
business strategy.

We will give you the strategic tools and insights with
access to a new platform of European innovators.

Chatham House Rules
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Moonshots for Europe

Exponential Technologies & Desirable Futures
Exponential technologies affect every industry much more comprehensive than any other
technological shift in human history before. The term ‘exponential’ describes a global
phenomenon which shifts the trajectory of social development from linear to exponential.
That means, once an exponential technology reaches the point of no return the change is
inevitable and therefore disruptively immersive for corporations and society.

Having this in mind, we have the chance to shape Desirable Futures for all of us based on
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN.

Our programme helps you to become fully educated using exponential technologies and
the Art of Moonshot Thinking to create Moonshots and Desirable Futures for your company
and our society.
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

What the Programme covers
The concept of exponential technologies is an emergent domain that is rapidly changing, and
often charged by diverse predictions and concerns for what this will mean for the future of
several industries.

• Will established corporates lose the market to new players working more efficient
  and offering a better product or service, or will they learn to use the power of
  exponential technologies?

• How will society and the citizens change when entire industries get disrupted and the
  way we think takes a turn we would not expect?

• What will happen to old infrastructures which are left behind because of the speed
  of change?

By attending this programme, you will gain recources and knowledge to craft your own exponen-
tial technology ventures. You will leave the programme equipped with the foundations to actively
steer your strategy instead of just follow others.

This programme examines current and emerging exponential technologies in detail and brings
them into context with markets, industries, society, and consumer experiences. Thereby, we will
expose core elements, principles, and basic frameworks to equip you with tools, strategies, and
knowledge to moonshot the future.

                Tuition Fee                                 Duration

                4,500 € including lectures,                 2.5 days from
                learning materials,                         April 10 to 12, 2019
                and lunch

                    “We are a on mission to help you to design Moonshots for
                    Europe. With our Futur/io Moonshot Framework you will
                    learn about new disruptive technologies, select industries
                    best practices and you will use practical methods and
                    tools to unlock a common mastermind to shape the
                    Desirable Future we want.”

                    Harald Neidhardt
                    CEO & Curator Futur/io
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

The Key Takeaways

                A detailed understanding of exponential technology markets, and the
                strategies needed to master them. You will also gain the mental tools and
                frameworks required to predict and leverage technological developments
                anywhere in the world.

                The ability to draft Moonshot strategies and develop disruptive innovati-
                ons based on our Moonshot Framework and the Art of Moonshot Thinking.
                Appropriate tools and techniques, hypothesise about the effect of a new
                technology will have on future markets and your company development.

                A certificate from Futur/io Institute to certify successful completion of the
                programme as well as our latest book “Moonshots for Europe”; a validation
                of your fresh knowledge and skills. With the certificate, you get an invitation
                to the exclusive alumni and faculty network community.

Who should attend the Programme?
Executives, CEOs, CxOs, innovation leaders, and founders who need to take decisions on new
technologies and uncertain outcomes are predestined to know about Moonshots for Europe.
All managers in charge steering companies towards future success should attend our
programme to learn from the best.

                    “As the future is uncertain as ever, we must discover the
                    right set of skills and techniques to master the next deca-
                    des of fundamental change. By listening to science and
                    using insights from successful corporates and individuals
                    in equal measure we give people the best available frame-
                    work for their journey.“

                    Prof. Dr. Gerhard Blechinger
                    Founder, Berlin School of Sustainable Futures
                    and Rector at University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

Agenda – Executive Programme

     Wednesday / 10                       Thursday / 11                        Friday / 12

                                                                                Module 4
                                             Module 2
                                                                              The impact of
                                        Moonshot Projects:
                                                                         exponential technologies
                                        What is a Moonshot?
                                                                            on key industries

                                             Module 3
                                                                                Module 5
                                           (Being) present
                                            in the Future              Part 1: The Future of Health
                                                                         Part 2: Corporate Culture

                                     Apply Moonshot Thinking
   Arrival & Happy Hour              and work with the Futur/io
                                       Moonshot Framework                  Moonshot Execution

                                         Panel Discussion                       Module 6
          Module 1
                                       Accelerate Moonshots               Moonshots for Europe
 Desirable Futures for Europe
                                             for Europe                     and what’s next?

   Dinner & Speed Dating                       Dinner                   Closing Session & Dinner

                     “We have an opportunity to change the course of our
                     future history. The time is now, but to do that we need to
                     assemble the brightest minds, the greatest visionaries and
                     the most powerful technology, all in concert, to meet the
                     challenges and opportunities that face our species, and
                     our planet. futur/io is just the kind of place where this
                     could happen.“

                     Maurice Conti
                     Chief Innovation Officer & Head of Moonshot Ideation, Telefónica Alpha
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

The Programme Agenda
The 2.5 Days Executive Programme takes place from Wednesday to Friday, April 10 to 12, 2019. We
created intense courses for each day. We created intense courses for each day to make learning
a special experience.

Wednesday, April 10
  06:00 pm – Snacks & Registration at Telefónica BaseCamp, Mittelstraße 51-53, 10117 Berlin

  06:30 pm – Harald Neidhardt, Opening

   Module 1 – Desirable Futures for Europe

             Dr. Monique Calisti​                    Sten-Kristian Saluveer                 Jennifer Schenker
             ​CEO,                                   CEO & Founder,                         Editor in Chief,
              Martel Innovate                        Storytek                               Innovators Magazine

             Bart de Witte
             Founder, HIPPO Institute
             for Future Medicine

   At Futur/io Institute we have a Mission for Europe: We strive to inspire and help create Desirable Futures for
   all of us. This is a challenge, and especially in the wake of the upcoming European Parliament election from
   May 23-26 it is more than ever necessary to take a stand for Europe. For that reason, we are going to discuss
   Desirable Ideas to improve, strengthen, and foster the European spirit.

  08:00 pm – Red Bull Futur/io

   Top 3 participants present their desirable futures

   Cristian Ioan, Human Emotions as a new Renewable Energy Source
   Hannah Drobir, My Future Project
   Peter Jones, Nanoearth 2030

   These participants are three out of 22 finalists who attended the Red Bull Futur/io Academy 2019 in Lisbon.
   We invited the winner of the Grand Prize and two finalists to show the diversity of the submitted videos. They
   will share their visions for Desirable Futures and we like to support them to spread their ideas.

  08:15 pm – Dinner & Speed Dating
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

The Programme Agenda

Thursday, April 11
 09:00 am – Coffee at Bötzow Brewery, Prenzlauer Allee 242, 10405 Berlin

 09:45 am – Harald Neidhardt, Welcome

 10:00 am – Lecture - Moonshots for Europe & Coffee Break

  Module 2 – Moonshot Projects: What is a Moonshot?

            Roxy Güllmeister                         Torsten Kriening                        Yuri van Geest
            Specialist Modelling Group,              Chief Commercial Officer,               Co-Author, Exponential
            Foster + Partners                        PT Scientists                           Organizations

  A Moonshot is visionary and ambitious idea which will grow exponentially and remain relevant over the next
  10 to 20 years. Guiding a project through an uncertain future and convincing the right people to collaborate
  requires strong arguments, deep knowledge, and the right tools. The attendee will receive knowledge about
  real Moonshot projects as well as the power of exponential technologies.

 12:00 pm – Desirable Futures Lecture

  Module 3 - (Being) present in the Future

            Dijana Galijasevic &                     Julia von Winterfeldt
            Co-Founder,                              CEO & Founder,
            Positive Business Lab                    Soulworx

  Presence, Purpose and comPassion are the hidden keys to successful self-leadership. The more present we are
  in ourselves, the more present we can be with someone else. The more self-aware and self-understanding we
  are of ourselves, the more we will be able to guide ourselves into the future we desire and visualise. The more
  we exercise kind inner dialogue the more we actually motivate and encourage ourselves and others. Join our
  one hour deep dive to connect with and explore your own self, through reason and intuition. Prepare yourself
  mentally on change and prepare your mind for new encounters. Envision your contribution to a Desirable
  Future and mark what is holding you back to shape that future you so deeply desire.

 01:00 pm – Lunch break

 02:30 pm – Moonshot Workshop

  Workshop – Apply Moonshot Thinking and work with the Futur/io Moonshot Framework

            Friederike Riemer
            Co-Creation Future Scientist
            Frida Futura

  In this workshop, the attendees will create their own Moonshots based on our Moonshot Framework.
  Moonshot Thinking is the capability to think exponentially into the future and define a vision. You will learn to
  accept uncertainty and give any idea a chance to be a good idea. Any idea or future scenario can come true
  when the relevant technology arrives; it is better to think of the future now than wait until competitors have
  done it instead. Moonshot Thinking also means that there are many Desirable Futures you can help shape.
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

The Programme Agenda

Thursday, April 11
 06:00 pm – Happy Hour & Transit to the SAP Data Space, Rosenthaler Str. 38, 10178 Berlin

 07:00 pm – Panel Discussion

  Hidden Champions x Moonshots for Europe

           Martin Wezowski
           Chief Designer & Futurist,

  Holger Weiss, Founder, German Autolabs
  Anna Ritz, CEO, weview
  Stefan Schöpfel, Vice President, Digital Business Services EMEA North, SAP
  Axel Sturm, COO, SAP Labs Berlin

  How can startups, SMEs, and Hidden Champions accelerate Moonshots for Europe? The goal of a Moonshot is
  far beyond today’s stage of development and it focuses to shape Desirable Futures that might only come to full
  fruition in a decade from now. We discuss strategies, ethical obligations and the need for a European innovation
  agenda making to pave the way for Moonshots and Desirable European Futures shaped by the market.

  This after hour panel is a side event of Futur/io’s Executive Programme featured & supported by SAP.

 08:15 pm – Flying Dinner

                                                                                                     Bötzow Brewery
                                                                                             Otto Bock Innovation Lab
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

The Programme Agenda

Friday, April 12
 09:00 am – Coffee & Opening at Bötzow Brewery, Prenzlauer Allee 242, 10405 Berlin

 09:45 am – Harald Neidhardt, Intro

 10:00 am – Exponential Technologies Lecture

  Module 4 – The impact of exponential technologies on key industries

            Maks Giordano

  Exponential technologies are rapidly accelerating and shaping major industries and all aspects of our lives.
  Business leaders often disregard or do not notice technologies during their deceptively slow growth phases, and
  continue to neglect them until they begin to change the way we live and do business. We give you deep insights
  about the latest exponential technologies and let you know what you can expect from them.

 11:00 am – Break

 11:30 am

  Module 5 - Part 1: The Future of Health

            Bart de Witte                           Sarik Weber
            Founder, HIPPO Institute                CDO,
            for Future Medicine                     Otto Bock

  AI and Robotics are key technologies and a driver for a paradigm shift as well as a milestone in the interplay
  of humans and machines. AI and robotic assisted medicine and healthcare will have various advantages
  fighting diseases and helping people to have an exponentially better life. Our experts discuss the future
  transformation from a corporate and research point of view to reveal common strategies how the future of
  health might look and what patients can expect from these exponential technologies.

 12:00 pm

  Module 5 – Part 2: Corporate Culture

            Dr. Torsten Wingenter
            Digital Catalysts

  How to innovate in corporate environments and gain a global competitive edge? To apply Moonshot Thinking
  in corporate organizations where you have to break it down to daily tasks, it is important to understand the
  different digital innovation models.These operating models make also visible what tools and methods work and
  what not. What is the key differentiator for European companies in global competition?

 01:00 – Lunch Break

 02:00 pm – Malte Kosub, CEO & Co-Founder, Future of Voice
Moonshots for Europe 2.5 Days Executive Programme - Futur/io
Desirable Futures

The Programme Agenda

Friday, April 12

 02:30 pm

  Workshop: Moonshot Execution

           Kathrin Haug
           Managing Director,
           Deloitte Digital

  After attendees have spotted Moonshots they must start to execute them. This effort is long journey with a lot
  of challenges and obstacles. Here you learn how to overcome these challenges and what it needs to work on a
  future which is yet uncertain today.

 04:30 pm – Closing Discussion

  Module 6 – Moonshots for Europe and what’s next?

  We’ll reflect on the Art of Moonshot Thinking with our attendees. The attendees get the chance to ask questions
  and receive thereby knowledge which was not pre-scheduled by Futur/io. The more you ask Why the more you
  will understand the Art of Moonshot Thinking.

 05:00 pm – Certificate Celebration & Books for all

 07:00 pm – Closing Dinner (optional), Restaurant „La Soupe Populaire Canteen“
Desirable Futures

Faculty Members & Programme Lecturers
Our programme lectures and experts are home across all industries and bring a very diverse set
of knowledge.

Roxy Güllmeister                 Friederike Riemer               Martin Wezowski               Maks Giordano
Architect, Analyst & Innovator   Co-Creation Future Scientist,   Chief Designer & Futurist,    Co-Founder,
at Specialist Modelling Group,   Frida Futura                    SAP                           Kreait
Foster + Partners

Julia von Winterfeldt            Dijana Galijasevic              Yuri van Geest                Dr. Torsten Wingenter
CEO & Founder,                   Co-Founder,                     Founder,                      Founder,
Soulworx                         Positive Business Lab           Singularity University NL     Digital Catalysts

Holger Weiss                     Bart de Witte                   Sten Kristian Saluveer        Kathrin Haug
CEO,                             Founder, HIPPO Institute        CEO & Founder,                Managing Director,
German Autolabs                  for Future Medicine             Storytek                      Deloitte Garage

Malte Kosub                      Torsten Kriening                Dr. Monique Calisti           Sarik Weber
CEO & Co-Founder,                Chief Commercial Officer,       CEO and Head of Media &       CDO,
Future of Voice                  PTScientists                    Consulting, Martel Innovate   Otto Bock
Desirable Futures

Coordination of the Programme
Our curator will guide you through the Executive Programme as the moderator.
For detailed information about your participation or eligibility for an Early-Bird discount
please contact Christiane Gillissen.

                     Harald Neidhardt                                         Christiane Gillissen
                     CEO & Curator                                            Brand Experience &
                                                                              Partner Manager
                     +49 160 944 77 555                             
                                                                              +49 160 966 529 78

 As curator and CEO of Futur/io Harald is desig-         If you are interested in partnering with
 ning the modules with the faculty content.              Futur/io or supporting our Institute in any
 During the programme, Harald will moderate              way Christiane would be happy to help.
 and guide you through seminars, workshops,
 lectures, and breaks.

                    Felix M. Wieduwilt                                     Mirja Trimbos
                    Programme Office &                                     Event-Management
                    Faculty Contact
                                                   +49 176 78014922
                    +49 151 40417219

 For any questions or inquiries regarding the            For any requests regarding hotels, travel or
 curiculum please contact the programme                  other logistical questions, please get in touch
 manager Felix. He takes care of the faculty             with Mirja.
 contacts and pulls together the necessary
 information you need to know for a successful

                      “Unparalleled networking, real top league speakers that
                      also participate in the whole event and a very inspiring
                      setting at the H-Farm made this some of the best days of
                      my professional life.“

                      Harald-J. Melwisch,
                      Chief Digital Officer Unilever DACH & Country Leader Austria,
                      Unilever Deutschland GmbH
Desirable Futures

Moonshots for Europe – About Futur/io
Futur/io is a new European education and research institute focused on Exponential
Technologies and Desirable Futures. We offer executive training, curate bespoke ideation
experiences and conduct future scenario research – to support a new leadership in
exponential times.

Now is the time to unlearn, to widen your lens and to hone your skills and tools to
develop a framework for your strategic decisions for a better tomorrow.

Our think tank is led by a tribe of leaders from science, industry, and government –
our faculty is here to unlock your best future opportunities.

Our network of alumni & partners will set us apart.

How to engage with Futur/io

Executive Programmes                  Customized Programmes                  Future Research

Our Executive Programmes              Our bespoke Executive                  We offer custom research
cover exponential technologies        Programmes are built to fulfil         on specific topics or future
and how to apply Moonshot             your specific needs and goals.         scenarios boosting your com-
Thinking within your company.         We help you create your own            pany goals, content marketing
You also gain access to our           desirable future workshop,             and corporate narrative. Our
faculty and growing alumni            learning programme or                  research cross-pollinates future
network.                              develop future scenarios for           scenarios and delivers scientific
                                      your industry.                         information for your future

   Moonshot Labs & Launches
                  Do you have a special project in mind to develop or launch a Moonshot initiative?

                  We are open to collaborations that go beyond the status quo and offer an opportunity
                  to co-create and communicate your Moonshot initiative. Together with the expertise
                  of our faculty, research fellows and partner platform we are eager to help you launch
                  your Moonshot.

                  Our first example to help shape Desirable Futures is the partnership with Red Bull.
                  Learn more at
Desirable Futures

Founding Partners              Premium Partner


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