Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School

Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
Love Children                             Spring 2 Week 2
                                                                   Love Learning
             Open Gates

School Value Focus: curiosity

Dear Parents,

We have literally landed into Spring 2 and hit the ground running! The children and staff are in full-
swing of learning in all curriculum areas with planned, purposeful and creative activities taking place
across the school.

The school value we are focusing on this half term is CURIOSITY. The children
understand that being curious is important in every aspect of life if we want to
know more and remember more.
We will be making links to this across all our learning this term as well as
celebrating examples of showing curiosity.

Our World Book Day events were thoroughly enjoyed by the children and staff and a particular highlight
was the annual character dress-up day and book fair last Friday. Thank you for supporting your children
and the school; reading is fundamental to every aspect of learning. ‘If we teach them to read, we open
up the world to them’.

You may have noticed some vegetable stickers appearing on your children’s uniforms - this is because
we are taking part in the ‘Eat them to Defeat them’ Caterers’ Challenge again this year. Children who
have school meals will be encouraged to eat a range of vegetables over the half-term. If your child has
a packed lunch, you can join in too by providing the vegetable of the week in their lunchbox. The
children have taken home some promotional materials including their own ‘mission pack’ containing a
reward chart.

Nursery applications:
If you have a child who will turn 3 years of age this term or during the summer term, please check the
admissions page of the website for information regarding registering them for a place at our nursery.
Please follow the link for details: Nursery Admissions information

Ukraine Appeal
Thank you for the teddies you have generously donated; please keep them
coming - the deadline is Friday 18th March.

In addition, please see a letter below from Richard Gill, CEO of the ATLP about a collection all schools in
the partnership are arranging as part of an international response.

If you have any concerns or questions, please remember that we are here for you; just call the office on
01827 213 855 or e mail

You can also follow news and events in real time on our Twitter page @2gatesprimary

Mrs Llewelyn-Cook
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers
As a family of schools Arthur Terry Learning Partnership want to support the
people of Ukraine during this desperate time for them. Within our schools, staff
will be supporting children to understand what is happening in Ukraine. We are
now reaching out to our school communities to support an appeal for Ukraine.
We will be supporting the international response to the growing refugee crisis.
All of our 19 schools will be collecting items which the Red Cross and Unicef have
identified as being essential. These items can be seen on the flyer on the next
page. We will be collecting over the next week, with items to be in school by
Thursday 17th March. The items collected will be delivered to a regional
collection hub, where they will be transported directly to Poland to support the
refugee effort.
Our motto is
‘Together we are
Stronger’ and as
our school
come together to
support this
appeal we can, in a
small way, offer
our solidarity and
support for the
people of Ukraine.
We will share with
you the results of
our appeal once
we have all of our
items ready for
collection and
then share when
they have arrived
in Poland.

Take care and stay
Richard Gill
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
               NSS W/C 28/02/2022

  Robins - Teddy B        O R KER
  Kingfishers- Daria S
  Doves - Daisy J
                   Falcons - Freddie J
                   Eagles - Poppy L
                   Swans - Corey W
                   Kites - Blake R
                   Buzzards - Mason B
                   Kestrels - Ronnie J

      ROCKSTARS                           BRILLIANT
 Well Done to Mrs Dodds'
                                            Robins - Florence C
       Maths Group!
                                          Kingfishers- Bradley G
 Year 5 Battle of the Bands
                                              Doves - Joseph S
 Champions for February!                     Falcons - LarnA T
                                            Eagles - Florence B
 Awesome work everyone!                       Swans - Daniel F
                                              Kites - Samuel R
                                          Buzzards - Kailen B-H
                                             Kestrels - Nieve E



      Doves - 96.30%


      Kites - 98.24%
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
Nursery children took
                   their daily 'rhyme time'
                      to the forest. The
                    children loved singing
                  outside and exploring the

Nursery pupils using
their observational
fine-motor skills to
   paint daffodils

                         They had a little
                         turtle, his name
                        was... Leo! Nursery
                       loved meeting a new
                        hard-shelled friend!
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
The Nursery children enjoyed making
                                  bubble wands from pipe cleaners. We
                                   were blown away by the size of the
                                          bubbles they made!

                                   their gross-
                                  motor skills in

 Nursery have enjoyed
sowing seeds in empty
eggshells this morning.
What's going to happen

                            Nursery have been reading 'Handa's
                            Surprise' by Eileen Brown We further
                          explored the story by trying exotic fruits
                             like those mentioned in the text!
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
Reception used their
                        'fabulous Fred talk' to
                          read words and find
                         the matching picture
                              around the

What topping would
    you choose?
 Traditional lemon
   and sugar or
 chocolate syrup?
             Y   !

                       Nursery children have
                          been very busy
                     repurposing old resources
                      to make flowerbeds for
                     the bees. We can't wait to
                      watch the flowers grow!
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
What are these beautiful smiles for?
 Because Year 2 are so proud of their wonderful
  descriptive writing! They have been applying
    their learning about adjectives and noun
phrases to create incredible setting descriptions.
                 Awesome work!

  And the winner is... Mrs Dodds' Maths Group!
   Year 5 Battle of the Bands Champions for
      February! Awesome work everyone!
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
Check out the Times Tables Rock
                                                   Congratulations to
 Stars Most Valuable Players in
                                                 Summer and Olivia for
Year 5 for Battle of the Bands! In
                                                successfully completing
 Mrs Dodds' class, winners were
                                                        level A!
   Logan, Kara and Dylan. Top
  players in Miss Parsons' class
  were Jack, Gabe and Sam. We
      can't wait to see your
 performance in the next battle
          coming soon!

                    WOW! 50,000 words read by Leo, Gracie and Harper.
                     Also, a huge well done to James for completing
                            Level B. We just can't stop reading!

                            Year 5 taking on the
                             role of journalists;
                                directing and
                            recording their news
                             reports to 'publish'
                                their writing.
Open Gates Love Learning - Two Gates Primary School
Year 5 practising their
                                      ‘Dance by Chance’ action
                                      and dynamics... Gabe was
                                       clearly impressed with
                                       Blake’s ‘Butterfly kick’!

 As part of their PSHE learning,
 Year 5/6 enjoyed talking to Mr
Hyde about what it's like to be a
 local town councillor and the
  impact that his role has on
     residents in his town.

                                    We are working hard in Year 6
                                       to edit and improve our
                                    already fantastic information
                                        texts about Victorian
                                     Workhouses. Miss Ford and
                                    Mrs Bishop can’t wait to read
                                           the final drafts.
Investigating different types
       of mechanisms.                We are D&T
                                 problem solvers in
                                      Miss Ford’s
                                   classroom. Will
                                  cardboard work?
                                    How could we
                                    make it even
                                  better? What will
                                     happen if we
                                 change the shape?

  Kestrels LOVED
   learning about
  mechanisms this
afternoon! We used
   lego to explore
 cams and how the
   shape of them
affected the motion
  of the follower.

     Thank you to Morrisons
  Tamworth for your wonderful
 donation of books for our school
  library. We can't wait to read

                             WOW!! We are very popular - EVEN MORE
                               DONATED BOOKS- this time from our
                             partners @AVFCFoundation -Thank you!!!

World Book Day stands in
solidarity with the people
 and children of Ukraine.
 This year we hope World
 Book Day brings joy and
   hope at a time when
  children need it most:

                              Happy World Book Day. How lucky are
                               we? Even more lovely books for us to
                             read - kindly donated by Spalding Books
Now guess which
                              Professor is hiding
                                 behind this
                              classroom door in
                                 Year 5..........

                                           Check out Mrs Hughes' Class door
                                            for our school competition. can
                                             you guess which book they've
                                              chosen for their class read?

                                        Surely this World Book Day Door
                                       Competition entry should read 'The
                                            World's Best Teachers"?

  Year 2 have LOVED reading this
 series of books. Their door entry
shows off their latest class read...
Year 6 couldn’t possibly
                                                  choose one book that
                                                   has inspired us - we
                                                       chose lots!

 Giraffes can't dance-      When World Book Day fever has even
YET! The importance of     swept across the cleaners! Thank you to
 a 'can do' attitude is     our wonderful cleaning team for their
growing in Year 1. Look        entry into the door decoration
  at their wonderful      competition- the children love it! And a big
  door decorations!           thanks for keeping our school so
                                 wonderfully clean and tidy.

                                                     Miss Parsons' class
                                                     have decorate their
                                                      door with lots of
                                                        characters to
                                                      celebrate World
                                                         Book Day.
                                                     Who can you spot?
Year 5's workshop with
   author Judy Brulo        We had a
 today- inspiring us to     wonderful
    read and write.        World Book
                           Day with our
                          special visiting
                           author Judy

                          Wow! Look at Kestrels’ amazing
                           world book day costumes!

                                 Who's who in Year 2?

                             Mrs Greenway has been
                            playing 'Where's Wally' on
                               duty this playtime!
Can you guess which book Miss
                                  Denton's class have been
                               enjoying? Another amazing class
                                 entry to our World Book Day
                               decorate your door competition!

Year 3 had a wonderful World
          Book Day
    Their classroom door
     looks fabulous too!

                                  Miss Milligan's class have been
                                     enjoying World Book Day
                                  They've been reading Winter's
                                Child in VIPERS and chose this text
                                 to decorate their classroom door
Children across school have been taking part in our Book Sale. There were
lots of fantastic books to choose from. Thank you for your donations. We
 hope you enjoy story time at home and the new additions to your book

  Congratulations Y3 and Nursery on winning our World Book Day door
  decorating competition! Enjoy choosing and reading your new books!
 MARCH 2022
Red Nose Day is coming. And
 whatever you do, no matter
   how small, you can help
people live free from poverty,
 violence and discrimination.
     This includes funding
     organisations that are
 supporting people right now
     in Ukraine, and those
    attempting to cross the
border. Because you have the
     power to change lives.

             Come to school
             dressed in RED.

        Don't forget your
          £1 donation!
Chartwells may                    Follow us on Twitter
                                          We are going to be
      experience food                     sharing many more
        shortages                               pictures
                                        and videos of the work
                                          we are completing
  If our menu changes we                         CLICK HERE
      will let you know.                           @2gatesprimary

Please ensure that children
bring a spare pair of shoes   Diary Dates
  into school so they can
    change after being
         outdoors.                   Friday 18th March
                                 Comic relief / Red Nose Day

         Thank you            Wear RED to school for £1 donation

                                     Friday 25th March
                              Non school uniform for donation of

                                    Monday 28th March
                                    PTA - Chocolate Bingo
                                    Doors open at 4:15pm

                                     Thursday 7th April
                                       Last Day of term

   Safeguarding Alert                  Friday 8th April
                                        School Closed
      Slender Man
                                Wednesday 27th - 29th April

   Click Here for more          Year 5 visit to Whitemoor Lakes

                                  Monday 9th - 13th May
          details                   Year 6 SATS week
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