Open Banking Industry Innovation Guide - - Digital Scotland

Page created by Lance Wilson
Open Banking Industry Innovation Guide - - Digital Scotland
Open Banking
        Industry Innovation Guide
Open Banking Industry Innovation Guide - - Digital Scotland
Open Banking – Scotland’s Global

As the Scotsman writes the race is on for Open          Research from The Financial Brand shows just how
Banking, and there is a unique opportunity for          important and impactful the trend will be for the
Scotland’s Fintech innovators to lead it, a viewpoint   banking sector:
written by one of the local pioneers Money
                                                        Innovation and Best
The country has a deep history and presence in
banking, and a highly innovative tech sector – The      Practices
intersection of the two o ers a hyper-accelerating      Scotland experiences the same issues locally that
opportunity for Scotland’s economy.                     de nes market needs globally, presenting the
                                                        opportunity for a powerful bootstrapping cycle of

What is Open Banking                                    pioneering and proving them at home rst, then
                                                        exporting those solutions internationally.
The term refers as you might expect, to the use of
open standards within the banking sector, to            For example half of Scotland’s smaller rms believe
encourage and enable better interoperability            they get a raw deal from their banks, writes The
between the banks, to achieve more integrated           Press and Journal. The ongoing closure of branches
consumer services.                                      and ATMs impacts communities heavily especially
                                                        those that are remote.
Banking Technology explains What You Need to
Know, and Michael Gardner provides this excellent
overview,   highlighting    the   challenges   and
                                                        Featured Digital Scots
opportunities the trend will present, how banks will    Renovite is an example of a Fintech building
need to master better UI strategies and the use of      innovations for these types of challenges locally in
APIs. The Open Bank Project lists a plethora of         Scotland. They’re moving ATMs into the Cloud,
exciting startups pioneering di erent niches it         meaning entirely new ways of deploying them will
exposes.                                                be made possible, creating the potential for
                                                        innovative solutions to those needs.
The enabling catalyst is open standards. The Open
Banking Implementation Entity was created by the        Sharing of data between banks will encourage
UK’s Competition and Markets Authority to create        smarter services, better informing consumers about
software standards and industry guidelines that         more competitive o erings, and Edinburgh-based
drive competition and innovation in UK retail           The ID Co. is another startup pioneering this type of
banking, and they released Version 3.1 of the Open      integration-based service.
Banking Standard in Aug 2018.

                           Open Banking – Scotland’s Global Opportunity
Open Banking – Scotland’s Global

And not only are they bringing their own products
to market, they are actively cultivating an Open
Banking innovators forum for others to learn from
their experiences.

Open Standards
Importantly there is a wealth of resources to foster
this innovation around.

The Open Banking Initiative has begun the industry-
wide open standards work required to make this
capability scalable and of course, truly open, such as
publishing the      rst versions of the payment
initiation specs and Open Data speci cations.

These standards enable banks to adopt more
 exible API-based methods of systems integration,
highlighted by the perfect example of the point of
this article, a trend being pioneered by local Scottish

In this documentary experts including Kevin
Hanley of the RBS explain how they’ve shifted from
‘point to point’ integrations between business
systems, to APIs because these are more e cient
and critically, enable the open ecosystems that
stimulate creative innovations that power new
products that customers value.

                            Open Banking – Scotland’s Global Opportunity
Open Banking with Barclays

                                                     As ComputerWorld reports, one of the rst uses of
                                                     this interoperability is their own mobile app, which
                                                     now has the ability to aggregate views of multiple
                                                     bank accounts:

                                                     “As opposed to HSBC, which decided to launch a
                                                     new standalone app, rst as a Beta then as the
                                                     Connected Money app, Barclays has opted to
                                                     embrace open banking through its core mobile
                                                     banking app by releasing multiple account views as
                                                     a feature.
Barclays    o er      their
developer portal for Open                            The new feature is available immediately to
                                                     customers with the latest version of the mobile
Banking here.                                        banking app installed. It allows customers to view
                                                     their balances and transactions for other personal
They describe the vision and opportunity for Open    or business current accounts with Lloyds, Halifax,
Banking in this blog, where they describe how        Bank of Scotland, RBS, NatWest, Nationwide or
customers will have the option to give their         Santander once integrated through the new open
permission to share their account transaction data   banking APIs.”
with, or make payments through, other companies.

                                                     As the sharing of information is encouraged, the
                                                     expectation is that banking data can be utilised by
   Open Banking is a huge
                                                     FinTechs to create new nancial products – like
   opportunity for all sorts of tech                 funding platforms, supplier payment services, credit
   companies       to      introduce                 checks or insurance – that are more competitively
                                                     priced or better suited to customers’ needs.
   previously unimagined products
   and services.                                     Access to a person’s or company’s nancial data
                                                     should also greatly reduce the time it takes for
                                                      nancial services to be set-up; for example,
Single app, multiple                                 providers may be able to approve loans much more

                                                     quickly, as well as linking transactional information
                                                     to accounting software.

                                                     In this video Truelayer shows a walk through demo
                                                     of the Barclays Open Banking authentication ow:

                           Open Banking with Barclays -
Starling Bank – Pioneering the
                Platformi cation of Banking

                                                         At 16m:40s Megan makes the seminal point, about

A Tech Start-up With a
                                                         the importance of their critical role of their
                                                         technology platform, and how this has enabled a

Banking Licence                                          ‘Banking as a Service‘ paradigm that is driving the
                                                         ‘Platformi cation’ of banking.
The headline video introduces how Starling Bank is
a pure Cloud-based, mobile only digital bank. They       This is central to their competitive advantage, not
believe Open Banking will increase competition and       only powering user-centric mobile only and Cloud-
innovation throughout the market and as a result         based services, but enabling a very low cost basis
give customers more choice, more products and            and high speed agility so they can outperform
better prices.                                           traditional banks. Within their rst 475 days of
                                                         production they published 377 platform releases
Megan Caywood, previously Chief Platform O cer           through Continuous Delivery practices.
for Starling now MD Global Head of Digital Strategy
for Barclays, describes them as “a tech startup with     Speaking at AWS re:Invent 2018 Megan and
a banking licence.” Megan describes the                  Starling’s Head of Back O ce Engineering Martin
fundamental transformation being the shift of data       Dow provide a detailed case study showcase of how
ownership, from the banks to the customers               they have built an entirely Cloud-based digital bank.
                                                         In the rst session Megan sets the scene, describing
This is the ‘Platformi cation’ of the banking sector –   how Starling was founded around a goal of bringing
The same type of intuitiveness that consumer tech        a technology-centric Platform model to the UK
companies like Facebook, Google and Apple have           banking sector. Traditional banks had fallen behind
brought to market via API-driven software                in terms of tech innovation and no longer compared
development, now being pushed forward into               well to the real-time, intuitive apps consumers had
banking by these regulations.                            come to expect.

Starling’s technical prowess is exempli ed through       It’s not just the use of the same technology
how they lead with features like Pulse Noti cations      innovations but importantly also the same business
and splitting the bill.                                  model. Inspired by Uber and Airbnb Starling is
                                                         seeking to replicate the same digital marketplace
                                                         approach, where outside of their core current
Platformi cation     –                                   account product other services like mortgages and

Banking as a Service
                                                         loans would be plugged in from partners from that
                                                         marketplace, via API integrations.

                                                         Real-Time Banking

                    Starling Bank – Pioneering the Platformi cation of Banking
Starling Bank – Pioneering the
                Platformi cation of Banking

A feature central to an improved user experience is     Highlighting the nature of the opportunity a number
‘the Pulse’, a real-time feed of the customers          of possible value add scenarios are suggested, from
account. Similarly seeking to eliminate other           integrated direct payments, account aggregation,
common pain points opening a new account can be         credit checks and loyalty card updates.
achieved in less than three minutes by downloading
from the app store, instant noti cations and rich       This program exempli es the Platform marketplace
data analysis of their spending, and Card Control       model applied to banking. Apps are interconnected
options to lock and unlock cards.                       via the OAuth protocol, making possible a plethora
                                                        of dynamic feature possibilities.
In contrast to their peers who also launched at
around the same time, Starling took on the full         For example loan providers can pre-qualify what
technology estate. Others would opt for a lighter       amounts you would be eligible for by reading your
tech   approach     and   no    banking    licence,     banking data, and partners like Raisin have
concentrating purely on the front-end app               embedded the new account opening process into
experience and building on an o -the-shelf banking      their online savings marketplace.
system such as Wirecard.

                                                        Cloud Native Banking
Instead Starling saw this backend system as another
opportunity for competitive advantage, gaining a full   From 8m:15sec Martin Dow walks through the
banking licence and building out their own              technology implementation that has made all this
capabilities so they could o er key features like       possible, in essence describing a scenario of ‘Cloud
faster payments and location awareness; this            Native’ banking, a term that has emerged from the
enables auto-detection of the customers location        tech sector to describe an approach to software
and adapting the data feeds accordingly, such as        development that is entirely built upon IaaS and
showing transactions in local and home currencies.      PaaS capabilities o ered by providers like AWS.

App store partners                                      Pioneered by digital natives like Net ix it re ects
                                                        Megan’s core thesis of bringing this type of tech-
From 40m:30s Megan walks through Starling’s             powered business model innovation to the banking
developer portal, where partners can sign on and        sector.
begin developing their own apps for inclusion in
Starling’s marketplace, following a process of due
diligence to ensure they implement the required         For another degree of more technical detail this
compliance best practices such as encryption.           presentation from Jason Maude, Senior Developer,
                                                        explores the details of the role of Java in this

                   Starling Bank – Pioneering the Platformi cation of Banking
Starling Bank – Pioneering the
                Platformi cation of Banking

                                                        There’s certainly no doubting the powerful

Open Banking 2.0 -
                                                        paradigm they have de ned, what they describe as
                                                        ‘Open Banking 2.0’ in this Rebank podcast, and the

Building the Bank of                                    resulting progress they have consequently achieved.

the Future                                              This includes expanding their white label o ering,
                                                        signing deals with Telleroo, PelicanPay and Vitesse,
Not all digital banking innovators see this approach    with MoneyHub to integrate Starling into their
as the way forward.                                     payments gateway, and working with Anorak to add
                                                        a life insurance product. Anorak analyses their bank
In this 2018 Hong Kong FinTech Week discussion          transactions to o er advice on how much life cover
panel Megan and Chad from Revolut Bank share            they need and from this matches the user with the
their    di erent    experiences      and   strategic   best policy from the major insurers.
considerations for starting up challenger banks; for
example how Starling decided to acquire a full          A particularly inspiring example is their integration
banking licence to launch versus their competitors      with YoYo. This demo walks through a very
who opted instead to concentrate rst on customer        compelling example of how it enables retailers to
acquisition through early digital products.             build a highly integrated and personalized rewards
From 8:00m Chad makes it very clear he doesn’t
believe in the marketplace approach, to the extent      They said it couldn’t be done. But quite clearly it can,
he feels it is bullshit, and instead believes           and it is driving the wholesale transformation of
consumers want the digital banks to proactively         banking.
 gure out these types of value add features and
directly build them into their apps, eliminating the
hassles for customers to sign up to additional third
party services.

However it’s quite likely both are right – There will
be a plenitude of di erent types of customers who
have di erent preferences that each is better suited

                   Starling Bank – Pioneering the Platformi cation of Banking
API Maturity Model for Open Banking

Open Banking                                            API Platforms for
Platforms                                               Enabling FinTech
Open Banking is a keynote trend that showcases the      Innovation Ecosystems
potential for these exciting developments. FinTech
Futures describes how it will impact the banking        In their Open Banking article Cap Gemini highlights
sector                                                  how an API platform will provide the foundation for
                                                        cultivating a developer innovation ecosystem:

   “This development emerges out                        “This involves the creation of secure APIs by the
                                                        banks that will be able to perform these activities on
   of a perfect storm of shifting                       your account. This will allow third-party providers,
   customer behavior, regulatory                        such as FinTech companies, to be able to write
   changes, the threat from digital                     applications that consume these APIs and perform
                                                        these nancial transactions on your account.”
   ecosystems such as Google,
   Apple, Facebook and Amazon                           In their article Data Sharing and Open Banking
   (GAFA), and the quest for new                        McKinsey de ne three distinct types of API:
   business models are driving
   banks toward open banking.”

The Open Banking Initiative has begun the industry-
wide open standards work required to make this
scalable and of course, truly open, such as
publishing the      rst versions of the payment
initiation specs and Open Data speci cations.

In this documentary experts including Kevin Hanley
of the RBS explain how they’ve shifted from ‘point to
point’ integrations between business systems, to
APIs because these are more e cient and critically,
enable the open ecosystems that stimulate creative
innovations that power new products that
customers value.

                                 API Maturity Model for Open Banking
API Maturity Model for Open Banking

 Model type                       Attributes                     Explore data-sharing agreements with ntech
                                                                 and non nancial services rms to stay ahead
                                                                 of the curve.
 Public / open                    Innovation      through        Develop a perspective on APIs and their
 APIs    used   by   external     engaging     developer         bene t to the bank’s service model, both in
 partners and developers who      community
                                                                 leveraging mandated third-party access and
 build innovative apps and        Extended market reach
 products.                                                       potentially extending access beyond statutory
                                                                 Fully understand both existing data privacy
 Partner / B2B                    Reduced partner costs
                                                                 mandates and likely changes, and determine
 APIs used by business            API monetization               their institution’s appetite for a less
 partners, including suppliers,                                  conventional approach. And examine how
 providers,    resellers,  and
                                  Enhanced security
                                                                 customer messaging would best facilitate any
 others for tighter partner                                      such change.
                                                            Banks will need to address the potential loss of
                                                            revenue from existing payments revenue streams
 Internal                         Cost reduction            resulting from the lowered barriers to competition.
 APIs are used by developers      Operational e ciency      Change is rarely comfortable, but as market
 within enterprise.                                         evolution in the United States and other countries
                                  Enhanced security         illustrates, the forces of change are inevitable.

                                                            Banks are better served getting ahead of and
                                                            de ning the trend rather than waging a futile
They conclude with this strategic recommendation:

“Regardless of location, over the next 18 to 24
months banks should capitalize on their incumbent
advantages by taking the following actions:

                                       API Maturity Model for Open Banking
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