Page created by Sherry Lindsey
Serving: Carvel, Darwell, Duffield, Wabamun, Seba Beach, Gainford, Entwistle, Evansburg,
                      Wildwood, Tomahawk, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain & Drayton Valley

                                            November 20, 2018
 Submitted by Renato               ensured citizens have access to      vital public services and cleaned
Gandia | Lac Ste. Anne –           good-paying jobs as the prov-        up years of PC waste and cor-
Parkland                           ince diversified its economy, one    ruption, while making import-
                                   that works for everyone.             ant investments to repair aging
  Members of Lac Ste. Anne           “I am proud to fight for the       infrastructure and fighting rural
– Parkland NDP are sending a       needs of Albertans in this region    crime.
clear signal of support to Oneil   at the Legislature while serving       “Jason Kenney’s UCP doesn’t
Carlier by acclaiming him as the   in an NDP caucus that’s on the       have Albertans’ backs. He and
association’s official candidate   side of everyday Albertans,”         his members twice voted against
in the next provincial election.   said Carlier. “We are fighting       funding for rural crime-fighting
  Oneil has served as the MLA      for families by ensuring our kids    RCMP officers and have refused
for Whitecourt-Ste. Anne with      learn in good classrooms while       to support us in fixing the crum-
honesty and integrity. Alongside   our loved ones and seniors have      bling roads and bridges that are
Premier Rachel Notley, he stood    access to the care they need.”       critical for keeping our rural
for the marginalized, fought for     Carlier and the NDP have           communities moving.
the rights of Alberta workers      stood up to calls for deep cuts to              Continued on Page 3

  Submitted by Mackenzie           lands and BMO were pleased to        ence in their community and the
Parish, Event and Commu-           recognize 18 family-run farming      agriculture industry,” said Gor-
nication Specialist | North-       operations throughout Alberta        don Wilson, President, North-
lands                              for their outstanding contribu-      lands. “These families have all
                                   tions to agriculture and their       shown tremendous pride and
 EDMONTON, AB (November            community.                           commitment for their business
10, 2018) – At the 50th annual       “Northlands is proud to recog-     and their community.
BMO Farm Family Awards on          nize these farm families who are
Saturday, November 10, North-      working hard to make a differ-                 Continued on Page 4
Page 2 Community Voice                                                                                  November 20, 2018

                                          MARIJUANA FORUM
                          Submitted by Tipple Park         ple Park Museum will be hold-     areas.
                         Museum                            ing a marijuana forum.              The forum is open to anyone.
                                                             Four main topics are going      Please stop by and hear informa-
                           With marijuana now legalized,   to be discussed: School policy,   tion on this current topic. Ad-
                         there are probably a thousand     health effects, operation and     mission is free.
                         questions that people have or     growth and the history of mar-
                         need to be answered.              ijuana. Informed personal will
                           On November 29 at 7 pm Tip-     be talking about each of these
November 20, 2018                                                                                                    Community Voice Page 3

                       RIDING UPDATE
                 – WEEK OF NOVEMBER 12, 2018
 Submitted by Jim Eglins-           my 2018 Christmas card contest,      attended the Jasper Chamber of         the Yellowhead EDA Director’s
ki, MP – Yellowhead                 Abigail Mallory, a grade six stu-    Commerce AGM, and updat-               Meeting, and then on to Dray-
                                    dent from St. Anthony School.        ed everyone on the happenings          ton Valley for their 9th Annual
  It has been a month since I was   I was so pleased to present her      in Ottawa and on Thursday, I           Foundation Festival of Lights
able to spend a full week in the    with a congratulatory certificate.   helped tally votes at the UCP          Gala Dinner that evening.
riding. Much of the week was          Last Sunday, I attended the        vote in Edson.                           I will return to Ottawa on Sun-
spent in the Edson office, meet-    Remembrance Day ceremony               On Friday, I met with constitu-      day, as the House of Commons
ing with constituents, returning    in Thorsby. I also dropped in        ents and later spent time shovel-      is scheduled to sit for the next
phone calls and addressing im-      at the legions in Winfield, War-     ing snow. Isn’t winter fun! Oh         four weeks before the Christmas
portant riding issues.              burg, and for the “Ringing of the    well, look at the bright side --- it   break. Look for my update next
  Last Saturday, while in Dray-     Bells” at Pigeon Lake.               is good exercise for me.               Friday on the happenings of Par-
ton Valley, I met the winner of       On Tuesday of this week, I           Saturday morning, I attended         liament.

Oneil Carlier Acclaimed As NDP Candidate For
Lac Ste. Anne – Parkland
Continued from Page 1               NDP hosted a nomination meet-        ed in 2015:                            water access for Alexis First Na-
                                    ing to acclaim Oneil Carlier as        • Fought for safety at the dan-      tion
  Kenney’s scheme for a massive     the Lac Ste. Anne – Parkland         gerous intersection on Mayert-           • Fought for a dialysis unit in
tax giveaway to the rich would      candidate in the 2019 Alberta        horpe’s Hwys 22 ad 43                  Whitecourt ensuring those who
mean cuts to seniors care, firing   provincial election.                   • Advocated for repaving of          need the treatment can receive it
teachers and nurses, and harm         Oneil has a proven track re-       neglected infrastructures in the       in the community
Alberta’s economic recovery.”       cord of standing up for progres-     area such as Hwy 43                      • Assisted in ensuring busi-
  “We are fighting for Albertans.   sive values and championing the        • Ensured local communities          nesses locate in the area such as
We are fighting for you because     concerns and issues that matter      have safe water system                 the Pinnacle Pellet Plant in En-
we want everyone’s life to be       to his constituents.                   • Advocated for $25 day care         twistle.
better.”                              Here are some of Oneil’s           funding in Whitecourt
  On November 18, Alberta’s         achievements since being elect-        • Worked hard advocating for
Page 4 Community Voice                                                                                                        November 20, 2018

  Submitted by Michele                 place where Single Mothers can       you can enjoy your time while         Thursday, November 22 from
Shpakowsky & Melissa Kil-              feel safe and connect with other     the children can do the same.         6 – 8 pm. Free supper will be
lick                                   ladies that are facing the same      Closer to the event, advertise-       provided. If you are interested in
                                       struggles and successes.             ment will be available with dates     attending please phone 780-995-
 Are you a single Mom, Aunt or           Every month we will be offer-      and locations.                        4980 or 780-977-0062 to reserve
Grandmother? then this new, safe       ing a new and exciting program         This month we are proud to          a spot.
and exciting group is for you.         for single moms along with free      host a free pie making course at        Please don’t be shy! We would
 Side by side single Moms is a         and exciting childcare. This way     Entwistle Community Church            love for you to attend.

BMO Farm Family Award Winners Announced
Continued from Page 1                  Alberta economy.”                    da Johnson                            Roseanna Sheehan
                                         The following families are re-       • Lac Ste. Anne County: Donald        • Woodlands County: Robin &
  Northlands salutes all 18 win-       cipients of the 2018 BMO Farm        & Joyce Drews                         Charlene Hagman
ning farming operations and            Family Awards and will receive a       • Lamont County: Rudy & The-          About the BMO Farm Family
thanks them for their continued        commemorative gate sign signify-     resa Warawa                           Awards
dedication to the agriculture indus-   ing their accomplishment:              • Leduc County: Johan & Riekje        Since its launch in 1969, farm
try in Alberta.”                         • Athabasca County: Kelly &        Ter Borgh                             families from northern and central
  “BMO has a long standing com-        Anna Olson                             • Municipal District of Bonny-      Alberta communities have been
mitment to the agriculture indus-        • Big Lakes County: Dwayne &       ville: Murray & Linda Pikowicz        recognized as the recipients of the
try, and for many years, the BMO       Chris Pollack                          • Municipal District of Fairview:   BMO Farm Family Award. The
Farm Family Awards have recog-           • Brazeau County: Vant & Ethel     John & Heather Kerschbaumer           Northern and Central Agricultural
nized the leading business and en-     Hayes                                  • Municipal District of Wain-       Service Boards select outstanding
vironmental practices of Alberta’s       • County of Grande Prairie: Eu-    wright: Ken & Doris Ford              families who best represent values
farmers and ranchers,” said Vanes-     gene & Ruth Slette                     • Parkland County: Tony & Sue       of the family farm within their ru-
sa Laroque, Regional Vice Pres-          • County of Minburn: Larry &       Kirkland & Hazel Dandeneau            ral community. The award honours
ident, Business Banking, Alberta       Tracy Rudolf                           • Smoky Lake County: Barry,         both their farming business prac-
North Community. “We’re proud            • County of Northern Lights:       Frank & Emilee Feniak                 tices and community involvement.
to honour the leadership of these      Ken & Lynne & Bryan & Dyla             • Sturgeon County: Phillip &        Winners receive a commemorative
families in the agriculture sector     Kover                                Norma Soetaert                        gate sign and are honoured at the
and their unmatched support of the       • Flagstaff County: Roger & Lin-     • Westlock County: Terry &          BMO Farm Family Awards Gala.
November 20, 2018   Community Voice Page 5
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November 20, 2018                                                                                                          Community Voice Page 9

 Submitted by Stony Plain/             BONES). Julia was last seen in           • Indigenous
Spruce Grove/Enoch RCMP                Duffield on November 9, 2018.            • Brown hair and brown eyes
                                       It is believed that Julia may be in      If you have any information
  RCMP are requesting the              Saddle Lake, AB.                       on Julia’s whereabouts, you are
public’s assistance in locat-            There is a general concern for       asked to contact the Stony Plain
ing 14-year-old Julia BULL             her health, safety and well-being.     RCMP at 780-968-7267 or your
(also known as Julia BEAVER-             Julia is described as:               local police.

 Submitted by Stony Plain/             stolen firearm.                        with:                                    • Possession of Stolen Property
Spruce Grove/Enoch RCMP                  Taylor ADMUSSEN, a 19-year-            • Possession of Stolen Property      over $5000- Section 355 (a) of the
                                       old female from Calgary, was           over $5000- Section 355 (a) of the     Criminal Code
  Alberta Beach, Alberta- On No-       charged with:                          Criminal Code                            • Possession of Stolen Property
vember 16, 2018 at approximately         • Possession of Stolen Property        • Possession of Stolen Property      under $5000- Section 355(b) of the
10:15 pm RCMP were called to           over $5000- Section 355 (a) of the     under $5000- Section 355(b) of the     Criminal Code
an attempted break and enter at a      Criminal Code                          Criminal Code                            ADMUSSEN, HARRIS, and
residence in Alberta Beach. With         • Possession of Stolen Property        • Resist Arrest- Section 129(a) of   DENNIS are scheduled to appear
the assistance of the home owners,     under $5000- Section 355(b) of the     the Criminal Code                      in Stony Plain Provincial Court on
RCMP were able to locate the sus-      Criminal Code                            • Driving while Disqualified- Sec-   December 5, 2018.
pect vehicle and subsequently the        • Resist Arrest- Section 129(a) of   tion 259(4) of the Criminal Code         A strong partnership between
suspects at another residence in Al-   the Criminal Code                        • Fail to Comply with Probation      citizens and the RCMP is critical
berta Beach.                             • Failure to Comply with Re-         Order- Section 733.1 (1) of the        to keeping our communities safe.
  Two males and two females were       cognizance- Section 145(3) of the      Criminal Code                          The RCMP would like to thank
arrested and a search warrant was      Criminal Code (x3)                       Lorne HARRIS, a 31-year-old          Albertans for continuing to report
executed on the residence. Police        Jacob DENNIS, a 29-year-old          male from Barrhead, was charged        suspicious activity in their neigh-
recovered two stolen vehicles and a    male from Edmonton, was charged        with:                                  bourhoods.
Page 10 Community Voice                                                        November 20, 2018

                          MAN CHARGED WITH
                           SEXUAL ASSAULT;
                           Submitted by Edmonton                 worthy, on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018.
                          Police Service                           The female reportedly met Nose-
                                                                 worthy, who she became acquainted
                            MRU #: 18R124                        with through Tinder, for a date. The
                            The Edmonton Police Service has      two then drove to a rural location
                          charged Vincent Noseworthy, 39, in     outside of Edmonton in the female’s
                          connection to a sexual assault and     vehicle where Noseworthy alleged-
                          believes there may be additional       ly confined her and violently sexual-
                          complainants.                          ly and physically assaulted her.
                            On Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018, an           Noseworthy was arrested on
                          adult female reported to police that   Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018 and has
                          she had been sexually assaulted by     been charged with aggravated sex-
                          a male, identified as Vincent Nose-    ual assault, sexual assault, choking
                                                                 with the intent to overcome resis-
                                                                 tance, assault and unlawful confine-
                                                                 ment. He has since been released on
                                                                   Noseworthy is active on online
                                                                 dating websites and may use the
                                                                 name “Vinnie Worth.” As a result,
                                                                 investigators believe there may be
                                                                 additional complainants and are
                                                                 concerned that he may commit an-
                                                                 other offence against someone while
                                                                 in the community.
                                                                   In the interest of public safety, po-
                                                                 lice are releasing a photo of Nose-
                                                                 worthy and are encouraging any
                                                                 additional complainants to come
November 20, 2018   Community Voice Page 11
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                    NOVEMBER 30TH
 Submitted by Gisele Hag-         The fun begins Friday, and lasts   780-727-3879. This event runs         There are many other events
man                               through until 10:00 p.m. at most   from 4:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.     to take in including hot choco-
                                  stores.                            A concession will be available.     late at the Yellowhead County
  Head on downtown to take in       The Evansburg Legion will          Angie Miko once again will        Fire Fighters Hall, having a free
Evansburg`s Moonlight Mad-        once again host the Home Based     be situated on the stage at the     hotdog and pop at the Evans-
ness on Friday, November 30th.    Business Fair. They will wel-      Legion, set up to take pictures     burg Drug store, visiting with
Stores will be rolling out some   come crafters, home-based          with our dear Santa Claus. For      the Grouch and Santa. As well
great deals, as we kickoff the    businesses and farmers ‘market     a mere $5.00 you can have your      as taking in the Christmas tree
Holiday Season. With prices       vendors. Tables are only 10.00     picture with Santa and receive      Light-up @ 7:00 p.m. in the
falling like snowflakes, come     each, and can be booked by call-   the picture right then and there.   corner of the bakery lot. Lumi-
out and take advantage of the     ing Marcy @ 780-727-0007 or        The photography runs from 6:00      naria will be taking place at the
offers and giveaways to be had.   the Legion (after 3:00 p.m.) @     until 8:00 p.m.                     museum from 7:30 – 10:00 p.m.
                                                                                                         Go down and enjoy all the lights
                                                                                                         along the paths.
                                                                                                           Come on down and participate
                                                                                                         in all the many events and get
                                                                                                         some early Christmas shopping
November 20, 2018                                                                                                    Community Voice Page 19

           Classified Ads - Call 962-9228
                                                                                               who showed such compassion
    Classified Policy                  Lake Romeo PeaVine Hall, 785-2700
                                                                                     Obituaries                  and provided amazing care for
                                                                                                                 Norm throughout his illness.
CLASSIFIED RATES INCLUDE GST.          Magnolia Hall, 727-2015                                                   For those who so desire,
1st 20 Words: First Insertion =
$6.00; Subsequent insertion = $3.00
                                       Manley Goodwill Community Hall,                                           memorial contributions in
each. (Eg: 2 insertions = $9.00; 3     963-9165 or 916-0146                                                      Norm’s name may be made
insertions = $12.00; 4 insertions =    Mayerthorpe Diamond Centre, 786-                                          directly to the Drayton Valley
$15.00; etc) Each additional word      4044                                                                      Health Services Foundation –
is 20 cents per word, per insertion.                                                                             Cancer Clinic or Palliative Care
BOLD/CAPITAL text available for an     Moon Lake Community Hall, Nikki
additional $1/line. Lost & Found       Berg 780-898-1390                                                         – 4550 Madsen Avenue, Drayton
and To Give Away (up to a max. of                                                                                Valley, Alberta T7A 1N8.
25 words) are free of charge. Ads      Park Court Hall, call or text Karyn                                       Condolences may be sent to
must be paid in advance either by      780-712-3918
cheque, cash, Visa or Mastercard.      Parkland     Village  Community                                           in care of Joelle Valliere,
No Refunds Allowed on Classified       Centre, 780-298-9155 @PVCCentre
Ads. DEADLINE: is Thurs. 4:00 pm                                                                                 Funeral Director at:
(Wed. 4:00 pm on long weekends).       Ravine Community Hall, 325-2391                                           SERENITY FUNERAL SERVICE
Classified ads may be called in                                                                                              5137 50 Avenue,
to the COMMUNITY VOICE office          Rich Valley Community Hall, 967-      Norman Rudolf Dusterhoft
                                                                                                                             Drayton Valley, AB
at (780) 962-9228, emailed to:         3696 or 967-5710                      July 7, 1953 – November 8,
                                                                                                                             780.542.3338,             Rosenthal Community Hall, 963-        2018
dropped off at Onoway Registries,                                                                                  
                                       7984                                  It is with broken hearts that we
or mailed with your ad and                                                                                       (1) 20-11
                                                                             announce the passing of an
payment to: COMMUNITY VOICE,           Seba Beach Heritage Pavilion, 797-
                                                                             amazing father, grandfather
BAG 3595, SPRUCE GROVE, AB T7X         3863
                                                                             and wonderful friend.         On
3A8. Ads may also be placed on
the web at          Smithfield Community Hall, 892-       Thursday, November 8, 2018
classified.htm                         2390                                                                      FREE COMPUTER REPAIRS for
                                                                             Norman Rudolf Dusterhoft, life-
                                                                                                                 Single Parents - Low Income.
                                       Tomahawk & Dist Agra Center, 898-     long resident of Rocky Rapids,      Repairs NOT over $50 for Public.
       Hall Rentals                    3443                                  passed away at Drayton Valley       Good Refurbished Laptop $100.
                                       Wabamun Jubilee Hall, 892-2699.       Hospital and Care Centre at the     Leave Message, 780-892-4993
Bright Bank Hall, 780-968-6813                                               age of 65 years. Norm will
                                       Wildwood Community Hall, 325-                                             (15) 28-08
Camp Encounter, Vincent Mireau                                               forever be remembered and
                                       2180 or 780-514-6105
- Camp Director. director@
                                       Wildwood Rec Complex 325-2077
                                                                             extremely loved by his children,             For Rent C: 780-504-                                               Danielle (Dwight) Jonzon, Dean
2012 W: 780-967-2548                   or 514-8944                           (Jessica) Dusterhoft, Dale          FOR RENT - 3 Bedroom, 1
Cherhill Community Assoc. Hall,        Wildwood Senior’s Hall, 325-3787      Dusterhoft, Dana Dusterhoft         bathroom, attached garage,
Debra 780-785-2907                     or 325-2391                           (Jawad Vazirmuhammad) and           double lot in quiet community,
                                                                             Darcy                 Dusterhoft;   N/S, N/P, references required.
Darwell Hall, 780-721-2690
                                                  Services                   grandchildren, Chase Jonzon,        $1000/month + DD Same.
Darwell Seniors, Phone Debra 780-                                            Shaye Jonzon, Tori Jonzon,          Contact          780-305-7077,
785-2907                               Best-Cistern-Septic-Solutions.        Dandaline Dusterhoft and            Available Immediately. (4) 30-
Duffield Hall, 892-2425 or 963-6887    Cistern and Septic Inspection,        Delilah Dusterhoft; as well as by   10
Entwistle Hall, Contact Tracey at
                                       Installation and Repair! New          many        extended      family,   Available Immediately: Large 2
780-898-2317 or Cheryl at 780-515-     Installs Available. Plastic,          colleagues and great friends.       Bedroom in 12 Unit Apartment
1755                                   metal, fiberglass or concrete.        He is predeceased by his            building in Entwistle. Includes
                                       We clean them all! Your cistern       parents, Rudolf and Rose            Heat, Water & Parking. Rent
Entwistle Senior’s Drop In Centre,
Barb 727-2108 or Glennis 727-4367
                                       will be vacuumed, cleaned             Dusterhoft and brother, Alvin       $765/month + DD $300. Please
Mon-Fri                                and sanitized with our high           Dusterhoft. A Funeral Service       Call Ivka 780-807-1300 or
                                       pressure, hot wash, sanitizing        was be held at Immanuel             email: jakovljevicivka@yahoo.
Evansburg Senior’s Heritage House,     system. Reasonable Rates, Call        Lutheran Church, Tomahawk,
Dennis 727-4186                                                                                                  ca (4) 13-11 OG
                                       780-668-4306 (7) 16-10 OG             Alberta       on     Wednesday,
Evansburg Legion, upper hall 250                                             November 14, 2018. Interment
people, lower hall 80-100 people,
                                                  For Sale                   followed at Rocky Rapids
                                                                             Cemetery. Norm’s family would
Fallis Community Hall, 892-3150        Birch,          Spruce/Pine,          like to extend their heartfelt
Gunn Hall (G.A.R.S.) 780-951-9452      Tamarack & Poplar - 4x4x8             gratitude to Dr. Cody Thomson,
                                       cord. Delivery or pick up at          Jocelyn Calihoo, Tanya Hines,
Keephills Hall, 731-3761                                                     Lonnie Hartley, Bonterra, all of
                                       wood yard. Call 780-967-5835
Lake Isle Community Hall, PH: 780-     (14) 20-11                            the staff at Value Drug Mart and
892-3121 or Email: lakeislehall@                                             all other Doctors and nurses
Page 20 Community Voice                                                                                                                                                   November 20, 2018

If you are a LICENSED, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, you are welcome to submit your announcement FREE of charge, space permitting.
    You are required to submit your non-profit number. Call (780) 962-9229. Please note that all submitted event listings must be
 limited to 200 characters or less (including spaces). DEADLINE: 12 noon Friday prior to publication (Thursdays on long weekends).

 NOV 24 - MURDER MYSTERY NIGHT at Parkland Village Community                                          members. Contact Cindy 780-963-7170.               Evansburg, Liz 727-3872 Brenda 727-4476
                                                                                                      EVANSBURG ART CLUB: meet & paint Thurs             DARWELL & DISTRICT AG SOCIETY: 8pm, 1st
Centre. Doors open: 6:30pm; Show starts: 7pm. Dinner is provided by                                   1-4pm Rec Plex. 727-4340 or 727-4098               Mon, Community Hall.
State and Main. Tickets go on sale soon, $45/ticket, $40 /members                                     EVANSBURG GUIDES & PATHFINDERS: Mon                DDRA MEETING: 7pm, 2nd Mon, Darwell
                                                                                                      6pm, Camp Evansburg.                               Community Hall 892-3099. *Except Jul/Aug/
 NOV 30 - 4TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE, 10am-2pm at Peace                                           EVANSBURG SENIOR’S HERITAGE HOUSE:                 Dec
Evangelical Lutheran Church (303 Church Rd, Spruce Grove), Main                                       Floor Curling Mon & Thurs, 1pm. Court Whist        DRAYTON VALLEY BRANCH OF ALBERTA
Level. Come & get your favourite goodies for the Christmas Season!                                    Thurs, 7pm.                                        GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: meets 7pm at
                                                                                                      EVANSBURG TIPPLE PARK HISTORICAL                   Municipal Library (5120-52 St.) every 3rd Wed of
 DEC 1 - SANTAS BREAKFAST & FLEA MARKET at Duffield Hall.                                             BUILDING TOURS: Wed - Sat, 10:00-5:00pm.           month. Call (780) 542-2787
Breakfast: $7/person 10-2pm. Raffle Tickets: $5/ea or 3/$10. FOR                                      HEALTHY AGING NURSE & FOOT CARE                    ENTWISTLE COMMUNITY LEAGUE GENERAL
                                                                                                      PERSON, Wabamun Seniors Centre, 2nd Thurs          MEETINGS: 2nd Thursday monthly 7:30pm.
TABLES ($10) phone Linda at 780-963-9664.                                                             of month, 9am.                                     *Except June, July, August
 DEC 7 - STONY PLAIN ROTARY CLUB FESTIVAL OF CAROLS, 7:00                                             OPEN HOUSE for socializing & card playing at       ENTWISTLE LIONS CLUB: 2nd & 4th Tues, 8pm,
                                                                                                      Entwistle Senior Center, Every Sunday from         Entwistle curling Rink. Jim 727-3573
PM at St Matthew Lutheran Church 5021-52 Ave. Stony Plain. Support                                    1-4pm.                                             ENTWISTLE SENIORS: Ladies: 10am 2nd & 3rd
the Parkland Food Bank by bringing a donation. Coffee after show.                                     PARENT & TOT PLAYTIME: PERC Building               Wed, Floor Curling: Tue & Fri, 2pm
                                                                                                      Stony Plain Wed 10–11am; Holborn Community         ENTWISTLE SENIORS 55+ CLUB: Tue & Fri,
FARMERS MARKETS		                                 United Church. Susan (780) 968-0869                 Hall Thurs 9:30–11am; Parkland Village Tues        1:30-4:00pm at Entwistle Hall
                                                  SPRUCE GROVE: Wed 8:45am at Anglican                9:30–11:30am.                                      EVANSBURG SENIOR’S HERITAGE HOUSE: 2nd
DRAYTON VALLEY: Evergreen Farmers’                Church, 131 Church Rd. Christiane 960-1109          POT LUCK every Tues 12:00pm, Wabamun               Tues of Month, 1:30pm. Dennis, 727-4186.
Market, Wednesdays at the Mackenzie Center        WILDWOOD: Thurs at Wildwood School, 5pm.            Seniors Centre. Come on down!                      FALLIS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 3rd
of the Omniplex from 10:30am-1:30pm. *Ends        Connie (780) 325-2420                               SEBA BEACH SENIORS CENTER: Yoga, mon,              Tuesday, 7:00pm.
Dec. 19                                                                                               9:30am, $10/session. Bridge thurs, 1pm. Jams       GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA: Poplar Hollow
EVANSBURG: Sat, 10am-2pm, Tipple Park
                                                  YOUR COMMUNITY		                                    every Wed night, 7pm. Thrift Shop every Wed        District Guides-Pathfinders, Mon 6-8pm.
Museum. Call 727-2240 for tables.                 ALBERTA PARENTING FOR THE FUTURE                    & Sat at 10-3pm.                                   Sparks-Brownies Tues 4-5:30pm. Meet at Camp
SPRUCE GROVE: at the Elevator, Sat 9:30-          ASSOC: Call 963-0549 or visit to        SEBA BEACH QUILTERS & FIBER ARTS:                  Evansburg. Brenda 780-727-4476
1:30pm, tables (780)240-5821                      register. All programs are confidential & free.     Wednesdays 9:30am, Seniors Center.                 LAC STE. ANNE & LAKE ISLE WATER QUALITY
STONY PLAIN: Sat, 9am-1pm, Downtown, Stony        ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS IF Drinking is a               SENIORS 50+ LUNCHEON: 3rd Wed, 12pm at             MANAGEMENT SOCIETY: 3rd Fri, 7pm, Alberta
Plain. Phone Nancy 780-962-3993.                  Problem! 780-236-1043                               Stony Plain United Church basement hall. Call      Beach Council Chambers.
BINGO			                                          FREE HOME MEAL DELIVERY PROGRAM,                    Audrey (780) 963-7582                              LAKE ISLE HALL COMMUNITY HALL BOARD
                                                  for Wabamun Seniors & Wabamun Lions.                SENIORS WEDNESDAY* AFTERNOON 1-4pm                 MEETINGS: 3rd Wed of each month @ 7:30pm
ENTWISTLE COMM. LEAGUE BINGO: Every               Arrange for meal preparation through a local        at Parkland Village Community Centre. Games,       at the Lake Isle Hall (Hwy 633 and RR55) Ph #
Wednesday, Doors Open 6pm.                        restaurant. Call Darlene, 892-2551.                 Crafts & more! Call Sheryl 780.695.7032            780-892-3121
STONY PLAIN SENIOR’S DROP-IN CENTRE:              PEMBINA SKATING CLUB (Evansburg Arena),             *exceptions incl. Weather.                         LOBSTICK 4-H BEEF & MULTI CLUB: 1st Mon,
public bingo every Tues, 7pm. All ages            offers Learn-to-Skate, CanSkate & STARSkate.        SPIRITUAL        LIVING       STONY       PLAIN    Evansburg Arena, 7pm, Shannon 727-2358
welcome. Phone (780) 963-6685                     All ages. Call Lisa 727-2729. *RUNS Sept-March      INSPERATIONAL CINEMA & DISCUSSIONS                 LOBSTICK GARDEN CLUB: 1st Mon, Evansburg
TOMAHAWK: every Mon at Agra Centre, doors         PROBLEMS WITH DRUG OR ALCOHOL                       at PERC Building (5413-51 St). 2nd Friday of       Baptist Church, Charlotte (780) 325-3787
6pm, Bingo 7:30pm. Info 339-2423 or 339-3747      ADDICTION in a loved one? Contact Drug              month at 7pm. Popcorn provided, donations          MEN FOR SOBRIETY: Wednesdays at 7:30pm,
WILDWOOD: Mon night. 6:30pm, bingo starts         Rehab Resource for a free confidential              appreciated. Contact 780-940-3032                  FCSS Building (#105, 505 Queen Street, Spruce
7:30pm, Early Birds & Lucky 7.                    consultation. 1-866-649-1594 or www.                SPIRITUAL LIVING STONY PLAIN GATHERING             Grove). Mike (780) 965-9991.
MEAT DRAWS		                                                          at PERC Building (5413-51 St). Every 2nd           MS SOCIETY DRAYTON VALLEY COMMUNITY
                                                                                                      & 4th Sunday of month. Meditation 10am,            GROUP meets 1st Tues of month, 6-8pm at
                                                  LIBRARY EVENTS		                                    inspirational sharing 10:30am. PH 780-940-         Norquest College. Terra Leslie, 1-403-346-0290.
Darwell: Put on by Alberta Beach & District
Lions Club, 4:00pm, bi-weekly, Darwell Lounge     AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB at Keephills Library.           3032                                               *Sept-June
& Restaurant                                      2nd Tues of every month, 1:30–3:00pm. Visit         SPRUCE GROVE ELEVATOR TOURS: Tues-Sat,             MS SOCIETY PARKLAND COMMUNITY
Evansburg: Evansburg Legion, Friday 8-10pm & for info.                        9-3pm. 960-4600.                                   SUPPORT GROUP: Are you diagnosed with
Saturday 3-5pm                                    FAMILY GAMES NIGHT: 3rd Wed of every                STONY PLAIN’S 5TH MERIDIAN GOOD SAMS               MS and have questions? Last Tues of month,
                                                                                                      RV CHAPTER: Ecole Meridian Heights School.         7-9pm, Westview Health Centre. Contact Cassy
JAMBOREE		                                        month, 6-8pm. Located at Entwistle Library,
                                                                                                      3rd Tues of Month, 7pm. Call Pat at 780-963-6976   780-471-3034
                                                  Duffield Library and Tomahawk Library. In
CHIP LAKE: Ravine Comm Hall, 1st Sat 325-         partnership with Parkland School Division.          or Ruth at 780-288-9829.                           NA MEETING: Tuesdays, 7:00pm. 514-6011
2119 or 325-2391                                  Visit for more info.             MEETINGS		                                         PEMBINA AL-ANON FAMILY GROUP: meets
DUFFIELD: 4th Sat, Duffield Community Hall.       HATCHET CITY READERS at Tomahawk                                                                       Tuesdays @ 7:30pm. at Evanburg Catholic
6:00pm Supper. *Sept - May.                       Library. 3rd Tues of every month, 10-11am. For      2ND TIMERS: A support & confidential group for     Church Hall. Call Patty H. (780) 727-4516 or
DRAYTON VALLEY: Last Sunday of month.             what we’re reading next, visit our website,         Grandparents Parenting. 1st Thurs of month,        Cheryl (780) 727-6671
Upstairs @ the “55 Rec. Center” Doors at 12pm,                                 6:30pm. Grand Trunk High School (meet in           PEMBINA PORCUPINES - JUNIOR FOREST
Starts at 1pm. 780-542-3768                       INVENTORS CLUB: 2nd Thurs of every month,           Lobstick Literacy & Learning room). Child care     WARDENS: Entwistle Porcupine gathering:
ENTWISTLE: at Entwistle Community Hall, 3rd       3:30–5:00pm at Entwistle Library. 4th Thurs         provided at the Evansburb Public Library.          7pm, 1st Tue. Len & Tineke at 727-2020.
Saturday. For more info call Diann at 780-514-    of every month, 3:30-5:00pm at Tomahawk             *Starts October                          
0045. *Starting Oct - May.                        Library. Ages 8-13. To register: Call the library   299 ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADETS CORPS                SOLVE: Community Enviro issues discussed
MAGNOLIA: at Magnolia Hall. Every 2nd             at 780-339-3935.                                    MACKENZIE: Stony Plain Comm Center, Wed            at Smithfield Hall (N of Hwy 16 on RR34). 2nd
Saturday, Supper at 6pm. 727-2015 or www.         SEBA BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK CLUB                 6:30pm. Youths 12-18, 963-0843                     Thursday. Jana 892-0006, Call to confirm.        – meets the 4th Tuesday of the month in the         755 PARKLAND AIR CADETS Thurs, 6:30-               STONY PLAIN FISH & GAME ASSOCIATION &
*October - May; NO Dec Jamboree                   library at 10:30am. For info call 780-797-3940      9:30pm Muir Lake School, ages 12-18. Info call     WABAMUN GUN CLUB: 2nd Mon, Stony Plain
RAVINE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 1st Sat of          or E-mail us at         405-6585 or                  Comm Center, 7:30pm.
each month. Info 780-325-2391 *Sept - May.        EVANSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK CLUB:                 AA: Friday at 8pm, Evansburg. Call 325-2204,       SUNDOWNERS TOASTMASTER CLUB: Mon
SEBA BEACH: 2nd Friday 7pm, Seba Senior’s         4th Thurs, 7:00pm Grand Trunk High 727-2030.        727-2466 or 727-6652.                              (excl. Holidays) 7:30-9:30pm. St. Matthew’s
Centre, Toni 797-4233                                                                                 AHS: Addiction Services provides assessment        Church, Spruce Grove. Judy 960-5258
                                                  SOCIAL EVENTS		                                     and counseling for alcohol, other drugs,           TOMAHAWK SENIORS (50+) meets every
SPRUCE GROVE: at Sandhills Community Hall,
3rd Sunday, 1-5pm. Info Florence 780-962-3104     50+ YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON for                     tobacco and gambling in Breton on court day        Thursday from 1-4pm at the Tomahawk Agra.
Margaret 780-962-3051 *Sept - June.               Parkland County Seniors. 12pm at Stony Plain        Wednesdays. To make an appointment, please         W.E.E COMMUNITY FOOD BANK: Call (780)
STONY PLAIN: Stony Plain Seniors Drop In          United Church Basement, $8/plate. 3rd Wed of        call 780-542-3140.                                 727-4043 for emergency food needs. Monthly
Center, 5018 - 51 Ave. Every 2nd & 4th Thurs of   Month. Call Audrey 780-963-1782. *Sept-June         AL-ANON: Wed 8pm. Spruce Grove United              Meeting: LAST Monday of month at 7:00pm
month, 7pm, $2. PH: 587-989-7214 or 963-7920.     AEROBICS: Low impact, Mon/Wed,11am-12pm,            Church, 1A Fieldstone Drive. 962-5205              at the Food Bank (Old fire hall in Entwistle).
TOMAHAWK: Tomahawk Agriplex, 3rd Friday of        Wildwood Senior’s Centre,$1/session.                CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (Evans/Ent): 7:30pm            *Except December
month. 7pm. PH: 780-339-3755. *Starts Oct 21st.   BREAKFAST SOCIAL: 9:30am-Noon, Parkland             3rd Thurs, Heritage House.                         WILDWOOD & DIST AG SOCIETY: 2nd Wed of
WILDWOOD: Wildwood Community Hall, 3rd            Village Community Centre - 3rd Sunday. PH:          C.H.I.L.D. (Citizens Helping In Life’s Defence)    each month 7:00pm at the Wildwood Complex.
Wed Each Month, 7pm. 325-3749 *Oct - June.        780.298.9155 Social Media: PVCCentre. *NEXT:        Please join our Pro-Life meetings once a month     Wilma 325-2424
                                                                                                      in Stony Plain. For info call Chris 963-6997.      WILDWOOD & DIST ROD & GUN CLUB: 2nd
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)                   December 16
                                                                                                      CITIZENS ON PATROL: The Pembina                    Thursday, 7:30pm at the range clubhouse,
                                                  COME PLAY CRIB: Fridays, 7:30pm at Darwell
ENTWISTLE: Wed 5:15pm weigh-in, 5:30-             Seniors Hall; lite lunch is served. All ages!       Community Watch Patrol Meets 2nd Thurs of
6:30pm meeting, upper level Lions Hall. 780-      COUNTRY QUILTERS in Stony Plain house a             each month at 7:30pm, at the West Central          WILDWOOD SENIORS: 4th Wednesday at
932-2695.                                         “Sew in Tuesday”, 2nd Tuesday of every month,       Forage Association Office 5009 45th Avenue,        2:00pm. PH: 325-3787 or 325-2391. *No meeting
STONY PLAIN: Thurs evening, Stony Plain           from 10-3pm. Drop in $5/member, $6/non-             Entwistle. Contact 780-727-2000                    July/Aug/Dec.
                                                                                                      COMMUNITY QUILTERS & CRAFTERS: 3rd Tues.
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