Page created by Samuel Warner
The following are the preliminary minutes from the June 6, 2018, OHSAA Board of Directors Meeting. The Board is expect-
ed to officially approve them at its August 9, 2018, meeting.
                                 (June 6, 2018)
The Ohio High School Athletic Association Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled meeting at the OHSAA
Office on Wednesday, June 6, 2018. President Paul Powers called the meeting to order at 1:56 p.m.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Tony Deem; a prayer led by Kevin Katafias, and self introduc-
tions by audience members.
Board Members Present: Paul Powers, president; Rhonda Rickelman, vice president; Bob Britton; Tony Deem;
Kevin Katafias; John Kronour; Mark LaFon; Joe Roberts; Walt Skaggs, and Bruce Brown (ex-officio) and Jeremy
Marks (ex-officio).
Administrative Staff Members Present: Dan Ross, executive director; Bob Goldring, Jeff Jordan and Deborah
Moore, senior directors; and Steve Neil, Roxanne Price, Beau Rugg, Jerry Snodgrass and Tim Stried, directors.
Others Attending: Steve Craig, OHSAA legal counsel; Jeff Cassella, Leonard Steyer and Jan Wilking, incoming
Board of Directors Members; Kristin Ronai and Brenda Murray, OHSAA staff; John Johnson, Ohio Scholastic
Soccer Coaches Association; Eric Peterson, Ohio High School Swimming and Diving Coaches Association; Kim
Metz, Ohio High School Volleyball Coaches Association; Dave Axner, Buckeye Association of School
Administrators, and Ken Baker, Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators.
       Motion by John Kronour, second by Joe Roberts to adopt the agenda for the June 6, 2018, Board of
       Directors meeting.
       Motion passed 9-0.
       Motion by Bob Britton, second by Tony Deem to approve the minutes from the April 12, 2018, Board of
       Directors Meeting; the April 23, 2018, Board of Directors Special Meeting; the May 4, 2018, Board of
       Directors Special Conference Call Meeting, and the May 10, 2018, Board of Directors Special Conference
       Call Meeting.
       Motion passed 9-0.
  A. State Office Financial Report
     Senior Director Jeff Jordan provided the financial reports for the OHSAA state office for April and May. The
     reports are summarized as follows:
       Balance — March 31, 2018                                                                   $1,130,534.99
             Receipts — April 2018                                    $113,094.92
             Receipts — May 2018                                     $1,838,210.41
       Total Receipts                                                                             $1,951,305.33
             Disbursements — April 2018                               $950,595.39
             Disbursements — May 2018                                 $759,688.75
       Total Disbursements                                                                        $1,710,284.14
       Balance — May 31, 2018                                                                     $1,371,556.18
       Accounted for as follows:
             Checking Account Balance per 5/3 Bank (5/31/18)                                      $1,582,670.66
             Less Outstanding Checks                                                                $211,114.48
             Balance — May 31, 2018                                                               $1,371,556.18
       Available Funds — May 31, 2018
             Bank Balance                                                                        $1,371,556.18
             Savings Account                                                                       $259,254.04
                Minus Budget Stabilization                                                       — $800,000.00
             Working Capital                                                                       $830,810.22
       Designated Funds — May 31, 2018
             Budget Stabilization                                                                   $800,000.00
             Board Designated Reserve                                                               $692,597.34
             Building Fund                                                                          $346,888.93
             Total Designated Funds                                                               $1,839,486.27

Board of Directors Minutes (6/6/18) — 2
 B. District Athletic Boards Financial Report
    Senior Director Jeff Jordan provided the Board with the financial report for the six district athletic boards
    through April. The report is summarized as follows:
                                                                                    Yr. to Date     Yr. to Date     Yr. to Date
                                                                          Total           Gross           Gross             Net
    District            Checking          Savings              CD          Cash       Revenue        Expenses       Profit/Loss
    Central            $265,784          $255,632              $0     $521,416        $730,513        $501,334        $229,179
    East               $482,333                $0         $50,000     $532,333        $378,166        $181,192        $196,974
    Northeast          $468,830                $0              $0     $468,830      $1,251,443      $1,071,393        $180,050
    Northwest          $280,343                $0         $20,010     $300,353        $985,583        $803,994        $181,589
    Southeast         — $10,775           $94,345        $198,494     $282,064        $203,465        $194,025           $9,440
    Southwest          $169,957           $97,912        $200,000     $467,869      $1,025,028        $832,832        $192,196
    Totals            $1,656,472         $447,889        $468,504    $2,572,865     $4,574,198      $3,584,770        $989,428
 C. Fall Sports Tournament Financial Reports
    Senior Director Jeff Jordan provided the Board with the financial reports from the following 2018 OHSAA
    winter sports tournaments: regional and state boys basketball; regional and state girls basketball; state
    bowling; state gymnastics; and district and state ice hockey. The breakdown for the tournaments from 2018
    and the previous four years is as follows:
    Tournament                              2018 Net           2017 Net           2016 Net         2015 Net            2014 Net
           boys regional basketball      + $235,054.17      + $260,201.57     + $308,432.94     + $310,064.91       + $261,891.34
           boys state basketball         + $735,569.19      + $819,023.32      + 926,944.52     + $800,416.19        + 930,738.16
    boy total basketball*                + $958,809.28     + 1,067,410.81   + $1,224,036.98   + $1,098,971.30     + $1,181,119.70
           girls regional basketball     + $137,947.44      + $136,326.32     + $112,520.27     + $134,923.34       + $120,001.18
           girls state basketball         + $20,247.00       + $18,473.81      + $21,631.38      + $11,371.74        + $24,720.42
    girls total basketball*              + $146,380.36      + $142,986.05     + $122,811.17     + $134,954.60       + $133,381.12
    state bowling                         — $8,246.81        — $7,315.09       — $5,282.39       — $7,936.63         — $7,198.10
    state gymnastics                     — $17,518.66       — $16,475.19      — $14,914.40      — $16,565.64        — $14,918.17
           district ice hockey            + $27,645.02       + $35,772.43      + $38,456.98      + $45,753.06        + $52,507.70
           state ice hockey               — $9,001.13       — $12,034.31      — $14,329.28      — $14,911.70        — $19,225.08
    total ice hockey*                     + $18,643.89       + $23,322.12      + $24,127.70      + $30,841.36        + $33,282.62
    * includes all expenses paid of the OHSAA office
 D. Approval of OHSAA 990
    Senior Director Jeff Jordan provided the Board with the OHSAA 2017 tax form (IRS Form 990), which the
    Association is required to file as a 501(c)(3) organization, and has been completed. The OHSAA annually
    obtains an extension for filing its tax form, and Mr. Jordan recommended that the Board approve the form.
    The Board annually approves the form in order for the OHSAA to be in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
    Motion by Walt Skaggs, second by John Kronour to approve financial reports III. A., III. B. and III. C. and finan-
    cial item III D. as presented.
    Motion passed 9-0.
    Mr. Jordan also thanked Director of Finance and Accounting Todd Boehm for his outstanding work on the
    items approved by the Board, especially in the absence of an assistant director of finance and accounting.
 A. Review of Athletic Discussion Meetings
    Senior Director Deborah Moore informed the Board that the annual OHSAA Athletic Discussion Meetings
    held at six sites throughout the state in April and May were well attended. The OHSAA Constitution
    requires the OHSAA staff to conduct these annual meetings in order to provide a review and answer ques-
    tions on the upcoming referendum issues. Other updates and reminders on key issues are also provided.
 B. Update on OHSAA Referendum Items
    Senior Director Deborah Moore reminded the Board that all eight referendum items for 2018 passed, with
    seven items for high schools and one for 7th-8th grade schools. Member school principals voted on the
    2018 referendum issues between May 1 and 15, and a simple majority vote was needed for an issue to
    pass. The results of the referendum voting are posted on the OHSAA website (www.ohsaa.org).
 C. Update on District Athletic Board Elections
    Executive Director Dan Ross reviewed with the Board the voting results from the District Athletic Boards
    elections. Elected to fill expired terms (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2024) were: Central Class AAA Representative:
    Molly Feesler, athletic administrator, Pickerington High School North; East Class AA Representative: Jeff
    Wheeler, athletic administrator, Byesville Meadowbook High School; Northeast Class A Representative: Bill
    Nye, superintendent, Grand Valley Local Schools, Orwell; Northwest Class AA Representative: Jeff Snyder,
    superintendent, Lincolnview Local Schools, Van Wert; Southeast Class AAA Representative: Bo Arnett, ath-
    letic administrator, Waverly High School, and Southwest Class A Representative: Matt Macy, athletic admin-
    istrator, Ansonia High School.
    Elected to fill unexpired terms were: Central Ethnic Minority Representative: Bill Warfield, principal,
Board of Directors Minutes (6/6/18) — 3
    Powell Olentangy Liberty High School (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2020); East Class AAA Representative: John
    Harris, principal, Dresden Tri-Valley High School (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2019); Northwest Class A
    Representative: Jeremy Kuhlman, principal, Defiance Ayersville High School (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2023);
    Southeast Class AAA Representative: Mark Rose, athletic administrator, Portsmouth Clay High School (Aug.
    1, 2018-July 31, 2020), and Southwest Female Representative: Jan Wilking, athletic administrator,
    Cincinnati Wyoming High School (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2020).
 D. Review of Appointments to the Board of Directors
    Executive Director Dan Ross provided an update on Board of Directors members who will begin their
    terms August 1. Per OHSAA Constitution Article 5-4-1, District Athletic Boards select their respective clas-
    sification representatives to serve on the Board of Directors following the established rotational schedule,
    while the female, ethnic minority and 7th-8th grade positions follow the established statewide rotational
    schedule. Appointed to Board of Directors positions (two-year terms, August 1, 2018, to July 31, 2020)
    were: Jeff Cassella, athletic administrator, Mentor High School (Class AAA representative, Northeast
    District); Dan Leffingwell, superintendent, Noble Local Schools, Sarahsville, (Class A representative, East
    District); Leonard Steyer, principal, Chillicothe Southeastern High School (Class AA representative,
    Southeast District), and Jan Wilking, athletic administrator, Cincinnati Wyoming High School (Female
    Representative, Southwest District).
  E. Reminder on OIAAA Summer Institute; OHSAA New Administrators Workshop and OHSAA Regional Update
     Board member Bruce Brown and Senior Director Deborah Moore provided reminders on various upcom-
     ing training opportunities and meetings that are available for school administrators. The OIAAA Summer
     Institute for current and new athletic administrators will be held at the OHSAA Offices June 12-14. The
     annual OHSAA New Administrators Workshop will be held August 14 in Columbus. Dates and sites have
     not been finalized for the Regional Update Meetings, which will likely be scheduled in September at six
     sites across the state. Further information and registration materials for the OHSAA New Administrators
     Workshop and Regional Update Meetings will be sent to the membership later this summer.
  F. Reminder on Board Resolution Cards
     Executive Director Dan Ross provided a reminder that Board Resolution Cards were mailed to the member-
     ship this spring and are due in the OHSAA Office by July 31. Schools must return these to continue their
     membership with the OHSAA and to confirm the requirement to follow OHSAA regulations.
 G. Update on Eligibility Guides, Preseason Meeting Materials and Eligibility Bylaws Guidance
    Senior Directors Bob Goldring and Deborah Moore provided a reminder on updated OHSAA information
    that has been emailed to the membership and posted on the association’s website. Updated information
    includes student eligibility guides for both high school students and 7th-8th grade students, a preseason
    meetings PowerPoint presentation and sample preseason meetings agendas. Guidance on OHSAA bylaws
    that have been modified following the May referendum voting will be posted on the OHSAA website soon.
 H. Update of OHSAA Infractions, Appeals and Legal Issues
    The Board was provided with a list of schools that have violated OHSAA bylaws or sports regulations since
    the last Board of Directors Meeting on February 15. Dayton Dunbar High School had seven student-ath-
    letes in boys junior varsity basketball violate NFHS Rule 10-12-PENb., Leaving the Bench, and OHSAA
    General Sport Regulation 14.1 note 1, Ejection for Unsporting Conduct. The school also violated General
    Sport Regulation 13, Ejection Procedures for Schools, by failing to respond to the ejection report.
    Pursuant to the basketball playing rules and General Sports Regulation 14.1, the seven players involved
    were to be ineligible for the next two contests. However, none of the student-athletes sat out as a result
    of the incident and one student-athlete participated as an ineligible student during an OHSAA tournament
    contest with the varsity team. In accordance with General Sport Regulation 14.1, Bylaw 10-2-1,
    Forfeitures, and Bylaw 11, Penalties, the school was required to forfeit the victorious contests in which
    the ineligible students participated; was removed from the 2018 OHSAA boys basketball tournament; and
    was instructed to forward $2,500 of the original $10,000 fine levied on May 10, 2017, due to a violation of
    Bylaw 3, Administrative Responsibility and Institutional Control. Furthermore, following subsequent legal
    intervention, Dunbar was also removed from the 2019 boys basketball tournament; the Dayton Public
    Schools system was required to reimburse the OHSAA’s court costs, fees and expenses; and the Dayton
    Public Schools’ probationary period has been extended through June 2020, and through June 2022 for
    Dunbar High School. Fostoria High School had a student-athlete in boys varsity track and field violate
    Bylaw 4-4-1, Scholarship. In accordance with Bylaw 10-2-5, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit the one
    contest in which the ineligible student participated. The ineligible student-athlete must forfeit his points;
    however, eligible individual athletes may keep their points, places and any awards earned. Westlake High
    School had two student-athletes in boys junior varsity lacrosse violate Bylaw 4-4-1, Scholarship. In accor-
    dance with Bylaw 10-2-1, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit the two victorious contests in which the inel-
    igible students participated. 4. Cleveland Whitney Young High School failed to comply with Constitution
    Article 3-3-4 and/or 3-3-5, Continuing Membership - Participation in 50% of Maximum Allowable Regular
Board of Directors Minutes (6/6/18) — 4
    Season Contests, Two Sport Minimum and OHSAA Post Season Tournament, during the winter sports sea-
    son. As a result, the school has been placed on probation. During the probationary period all sports teams
    sponsored by the school shall remain ineligible for OHSAA sponsored tournaments through, at least, the
    2018-19 school year and the school may reapply to become a full, active member during the 2019-20 school
    year. Cincinnati Oyler High School failed to comply with Constitution Article 3-3-4 and/or 3-3-5, Continuing
    Membership - Participation in 50% of Maximum Allowable Regular Season Contests, Two Sport Minimum
    and OHSAA Post Season Tournament, during the winter sports season. As a result, the school has been
    placed on probation. During the probationary period all sports teams sponsored by the school shall remain
    ineligible for OHSAA sponsored tournaments through, at least, the 2018-19 school year and the school may
    reapply to become a full, active member during the 2019-20 school year. Bay Village Bay High School had
    a student-athlete in boys junior varsity tennis violate Bylaw 4-4-1, Scholarship. In accordance with Bylaw 10-
    2-5, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit the two victorious contests in which the ineligible student partici-
    pated. The ineligible student-athlete must forfeit his points; however, eligible individual athletes may keep
    their points, places and any awards earned. Geneva Middle School had a student-athlete in boys track and
    field violate Bylaw 4-4-5, Scholarship. In accordance with Bylaw 10-2-5, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit
    the one victorious contest in which the ineligible student participated. The ineligible student athlete must
    forfeit his points; however, eligible individual athletes may keep their points, places and any awards earned.
    Dayton Edwin Joel Brown Middle School had a student-athlete in boys basketball violate Bylaw 4-3-1,
    Enrollment and Attendance. In accordance with Bylaw 10-2-1, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit the seven
    victorious contests in which the ineligible student participated. Cincinnati St. Xavier High School had a stu-
    dent-athlete in boys varsity tennis violate General Sports Regulation 7.2.2 and Tennis Sport Regulation 2.2,
    Non-Interscholastic Participation, when he participated in a non-interscholastic event after the non-inter-
    scholastic date while a member of the school team. In accordance with General Sports Regulation 7.2.2 and
    Bylaw 11, Penalties, the student must sit out two regular season contests for every one non-interscholastic
    contest in which he competed while a member of the boys’ varsity tennis team. However, prior to fulfilling
    the ‘sit-out’ consequence, the student competed in four interscholastic scholastic contests. In accordance
    with Bylaw 10-2-1, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit the four victorious contests in which the ineligible
    student participated. Further, in accordance with Tennis Sport Regulation 2.2, the student is ineligible to
    compete in the 2018 OHSAA Boys Tennis Tournament. Columbus St. Francis DeSales High School had a stu-
    dent violate Bylaw 4-7-2, Transfer, by failing to fulfill the full transfer consequence prior to resuming partic-
    ipation. In accordance with Bylaw 10-2-1, Forfeitures, the school must forfeit the one victorious contest in
    which the student participated. Further, the student must sit out one additional contest prior to resuming
    The Board was also provided with a list of the appeals that have been heard by the OHSAA Appeals Panel
    during the 2017-18 school year along with historical data that showed the number of appeals held since
    the 1980-81 school year, and Assistant Director Kristin Ronai reviewed the highlights. She said there have
    been 62 appeals heard this school year on 16 dates. Eighteen appeals have either been granted or the
    penalty was modified. In addition, Steve Craig, the OHSAA’s legal counsel, provided the Board with an
    update on legal issues.
 A. Approval of Two Schools for Membership Beginning With 2018-19 School Year
    Executive Director Dan Ross informed the Board that two schools (Willoughby Andrews Osborne Academy
    and East Dayton Christian School) have met the requirements of Constitution Article 3, Section 2, includ-
    ing having gone through the probationary period, and it is recommended that they be approved for mem-
    bership beginning with the 2018-19 school year.
    It was noted that Olentangy Berlin High School will be opening in 2018-19; Cincinnati Mercy McAuley will
    be opening in 2018-19 following the merger of Mother of Mercy and McAuley high schools, and Gahanna
    Christian Academy will not be renewing its membership.
 B. Approval of Appeals Panel for 2018-19 School Year
    With the passing of a revision to Constitution Article 5-6-1, Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors,
    during 2012 referendum voting by member school principals and the modifications approved in May
    2017, the Board of Directors is permitted to appoint an Appeals Panel that will have jurisdiction over
    appeals pertaining to all rulings made by the OHSAA Office, including student eligibility. The Article also
    says that decisions by the panel will be final and bylaws cannot be waived, amended or set aside and
    must be applied as written. The Board was asked to approve appointing such a panel for the 2018-19
    school year as it had for the past six school years.
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  C. Approval of 2018 Football Tournament Regulations Including Regional Assignments
     Director Beau Rugg provided updates to the 2018 football tournament regulations. Most changes in the
     regulations were editorial in nature. He said a proposed modification is that the OHSAA utilize state or
     province governing bodies to provide enrollment data for out-of-state or Canadian opponents of Ohio
     schools rather than relying on the individual schools to provide the data. It was recommended that
     Divisions I, II, III and VI play on Fridays during the first four rounds of the 2018 tournament; Divisions IV,
     V and VII play on Saturdays during the first four rounds, and starting times on both days be 7:00 (in
     2017, all divisions played on Fridays during the first four rounds of the tournament and those games
     kicked off at 7:30). The Board was also provided each school’s regional assignment for 2018. Mr. Rugg
     noted that the Board had previously approved the divisional dividing lines, which changes annually due
     to inclusion of Competitive Balance factors to enrollment.
 D.   Approval of Contract Extensions for OHSAA Administrative Staff Members
      Executive Director Dan Ross recommended that contract extensions be given to administrative staff
      members Bob Goldring (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2022); Beau Rugg (Aug. 1, 2018-July 31, 2021); Jeff Jordan
      (Aug. 1, 2019-July 31, 2022); Steve Neil (Aug. 1, 2019-July 31, 2022), and Roxanne Price (Aug. 1, 2019-
      July 31, 2022).
      Motion by Walt Skaggs, second by Rhonda Rickelman to approve New Business Consent Items VI. A., VI.
      B., VI. C. and VI. D. as presented.
      Motion passed 9-0.
 A.   Recommendation to Give Approval to the OHSAA Office to Execute a Contract with Ares Sportswear to
      Serve as the OHSAA’s Official Licensing, Branding and Merchandising Company
      Director Steve Neil said the OHSAA staff recommended that the Board give approval to the OHSAA Office
      to execute a contract with Ares Sportswear to serve as the Association’s official licensing, branding and
      merchandising company beginning with the 2018-19 school year. The contract would be for three years
      with a mutual option for two additional years.
      Motion by Bob Britton, second by Mark LaFon to approve the recommendation as presented.
      Motion passed 9-0.
      It was noted that the Board had the opportunity to ask questions about the contract during various
      Board of Directors Work Sessions and that Ares will be available to answer additional questions from
      District Athletic Board members during the annual All-Districts Boards Meeting June 11 and 12.
 B.   Recommendation to Give Approval to the OHSAA Office to Execute a Contract with Visit Canton and the
      Pro Football Hall of Fame to Host the 2018 OHSAA State Football Finals
      Director Steve Neil said the OHSAA staff recommended that the Board give approval to the OHSAA Office
      to execute a contract with Visit Canton and the Pro Football Hall of Fame to host the 2018 OHSAA State
      Football Finals Nov. 29 and 30 and Dec. 1 at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium in Canton.
      Motion by Kevin Katafias, second by Paul Powers to approve the recommendation as presented.
      Motion passed 9-0.
 A. Outgoing Board of Directors members Rhonda Rickelman, Paul Powers, Walt Skaggs and Tony Deem said
    farewell as they completed their final official meeting as members of the state board.

 B. Board President Paul Powers recognized Executive Director Dan Ross, who completed his final official
    Board of Directors meeting prior to his departure from the OHSAA Office later this summer, and thanked
    him for his 14 years of service to OHSAA member schools and student-athletes. The Board accepted Dr.
    Ross’s resignation in January. Mr. Powers also thanked the Buckeye Association of School Administrators
    along with Ken Baker, executive director of the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators, for
    their service in assisting the OHSAA in the selection process for Dr. Ross’s successor.
The Board unanimously approved a motion to go into executive session at 2:40 p.m.
Board of Directors Minutes (6/6/18) — 6

 A. Board President Paul Powers asked for nominations for the position of president of the Board of Directors
    for the 2018-19 school year.
    Paul Powers nominated Joe Roberts to serve as president of the Board of Directors for the 2018-19 school
    year. Kevin Katafias seconded the motion. Walt Skaggs nominated Bob Britton to serve as president of the
    Board of Directors for the 2018-19 school year. Mark LaFon seconded the motion. Following a motion by
    Tony Deem and a second by Paul Powers, there was a unanimous motion to close nominations.
    Mr. Roberts and Mr. Britton were dismissed from the room, a roll call vote was held and Joe Roberts was
    elected president of the Board of Directors for the 2018-19 school year.
    Board President Paul Powers asked for nominations for the position of vice president of the Board of
    Directors for the 2018-19 school year.
    Joe Roberts nominated John Kronour to serve as vice president of the Board of Directors for the 2018-19
    school year. Paul Powers seconded the motion. Following a motion by Bob Britton and a second by Tony
    Deem, there was a unanimous motion to close nominations.
    John Kronour was unanimously elected vice president of the Board of Directors for the 2018-19 school
Bob Goldring, recorder.
(All meetings on Thursdays in the OHSAA Board Room at 9:00 a.m. but are subject to change.)
2018-19 School Year: August 9, September 20, October 25, January 17, February 14, April 11 and June 5 (the
June date is tentative).
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