Page created by Phyllis Day
        ISSUE 02 I £1.50             KICK OFF 3.00PM

           FOOTBALL CLUB
          The Pure Stadium, Haig Avenue,
                 Southport, PR8 6JZ                              Can I start my notes today         North East referees curse
                Tel: 01704-533422                                by welcoming Russ Penn             struck again. We do always
                Fax: 01704-533455                                and his Kidderminster              seem to be on the end of
               Website:                          squad, officials and               some rough decisions up
               Twitter: @southport_fc                            supporters to The Pure             there. It was another good
                                                                 Stadium for this                   performance and I have no
           Directors: Ian Kyle, Liam Watson &                    afternoon’s match.                 complaints about the effort
                      Steven Porter
                                                                     We always knew we had a        the lads put in and it was
                 President: Sam Shrouder                         very tough start to the season     galling to come away with
  In accordance with paragraph 2.13 of rules of The National     and albeit we are only two         nothing. We should have gone
        League, the Club makes the following statement:
    Southport Football Club is a Company, limited by shares,     games in we welcome the very       2-0 up and that could have
              registered in England and Wales with               early pacesetters this             made a big difference but to
                 registered number 01486711.                     afternoon who are top of the       lead go behind then go in
      The following individuals hold a significant interest in
      Southport Football Club (defined as being more than
                                                                 table after a brilliant opening    level at half time in an
                   10% of the voting rights):                    day 2-1 win at York City was       excellent first half showed the
                          Ian Kyle
                                                                 followed up with a comfortable     character these lads have and
                                                                 3-0 home win against Blyth         I couldn’t ask for more.
                Manager: Liam Watson                             Spartans.                              Once again we had great
         Assistant Manager: Jon McCarthy                             Some people were saying        backing up there. It was a
     Secretary: Mark Lockyear 01704-533422                       after the Gloucester City game     horrible journey up in some
                              that they didn’t look that good    dreadful rain it’s a long way
Head Of Commercial: Steve Dewsnip 07956 780437                   but to go on and trounce York      and no coach so to see so
                                                                 4-0 at home isn’t bad going is     many of you there was really
Events Manager: Claire Kyle               it. Maybe we didn’t get the        appreciated. Thank you.
                Physio: Dan Gabrielson                           credit we deserved for that            The run of early season
                Kit: Hamish Morton (V)                           performance in our 2-2 draw.       tough games continues on
                 Groundsman: Vacant                              It was a great afternoon only      Monday with a trip to AFC
    Programme Editor & Sales: Rob Urwin (V)                      spoilt by not being able to find   Fylde the favourites for the
   contact 077900-41514                      the winner. It did show we can     title. Lots has been said about
              Club Chaplain: Paul Taylor                         give a good account of             AFC Fylde these last few
   Vice Presidents: Michael Braham, Paul Darwin,                 ourselves. I would like to         months but all that needs to
 Frank Hill, Suzanne Hill, Keith Mitchell, Andrei Le Roi,        thank everyone for their           be forgotten on Monday and it
        Sandy Tittershill, Trevor Vearncombe,                    support at that game, the          would be great to see as
               Steve West & Steve Wignall
                                                                 positive vibes from kick off       many of you there as
        Programme Design: Simon Cooper
                     Excel Print Ltd
                                                                 until the 95th minute really       possible. Get behind the lads
                                                                 helped the lads, you will never    for 90 minutes and let us do
      Website & Media Manager: Rob Urwin
                                                                 appreciate how much your           our talking out on the pitch.
  Matchday Media: Alan Jones, Amos Wynn, James                   support helps and we have a            Finally a reminder you can
            Pendleton & James Houghton (V)
                                                                 team of young lads here who        catch up with my post match
                  Video: Gaz Newton
                                                                 need your backing.                 thoughts from every game on
        Technical Services: Les Rooney (V)                           What can I say about the       our website at
         Club Shop Manager & Volunteer                           game at Spennymoor. The                Enjoy the game
        Co-ordinator: Christine Classon (V)
      Club Shop Matchday: Christine Classon,

                   Kerry Hartwell (V)
       Matchday Announcer: Nicola Cave (V)
   Photography: Julia Urwin (V) & Ian Fairbrother

                                             By Steve Porter
Good afternoon and welcome to                                       fans back in the ground. Playing Gloucester had real meaning –
                                                                    Football is back, and things have really moved on. We all still
the Pure Stadium. Firstly, may I                                    feel that apprehension of possible disruption, of games being
                                                                    called off but for now we are being extremely careful and
welcome Kidderminster Harriers                                      sensible.
Directors, Staff, Players, and fans                                     Welcome back to you all.
                                                                        With the new players Liam has brought in, as well as Mark
to Haig Avenue. Enjoy your short                                    Lockyear (Secretary), Steve Dewsnip (Head of Commercial and
                                                                    Operations) it feels like a new start.
stay with us and a have a safe                                          With every new season, we have new players, and it takes a
journey home.                                                       few weeks/games to make a judgement of their ability and
                                                                    personality. Julia and I had a great chance to find out what type
                                                                    of characters we have when we did the team photos.
                                                                        We took all the players head and shoulder shots and a goal
                                                                    celebration photo. Believe me, it brought out real character
                                                                    from the lads. We just need to see a lot more of the goal
                                                                    celebrations on the pitch!!
                                                                        From the two games I have seen, we must be happy with the
                                                                    way our young team have responded to the opponents we have
                                                                    played. I don’t want to talk about bad decisions as we are
                                                                    always going to get them, for and against us over a season.
                                                                    Yes, it was very hard to swallow the decision at Spennymoor
                                                                    but it was still a great performance.
                                                                        At the Gloucester game we saw the opening of the new fan-
                                                                    zone. It’s going to be another asset to the football club.
                                                                    Jonathan, Kayley and Paul have worked really hard to get it
                                                                    finished. I have to say a big thank you to Jon and Kayley for
                                                                    handing over the keys to the fan zone. It will be of great
                                                                    benefit in many ways to both the fans and the football club.
                                                                        I also have to mention Rob Urwin and Dan Hayes for the
                                                                    online interviews they have been conducting. It’s been great to
                                                                    see some old familiar faces. Unfortunately, the day after Brian
                                                                    Kettle’s interview, I had a message from him to inform me that
                                                                    his Mum had sadly passed away. So, from all at Southport FC,
                                                                    we send Brian and his family our very sincere condolences.
                                                                        Enjoy today’s game and cheer the lads on. Come on the
    The last programme notes I wrote were for the non-event         port!!
game against Curzon Ashton on the 9th of January. (My wife

Jan’s birthday). A 60th birthday we will never forget. Not the
disappointment of missing Curzon - we both had Covid!! I’m
sure you are all aware, that was the start of my horrible Covid
illness so it’s with great pleasure that I am writing these notes
in better health.
    The Gloucester game had been a long time coming. Yes, we
had the pre-season games, and it was brilliant to see all our

                                   I am just approaching the end of my fourth
                                   week at the football club and wow, what an
                                       incredible and thoroughly enjoyable
                                         whirlwind of a time it has been.

   With responsibility for both commercial activities and        We are blessed with a wonderful and ‘proper’ non-
operational matters, I knew that Ian and his fellow           league stadium that is the envy of many other clubs at
directors were not joking when they said it would be an       our level with not only attractive footballing facilities but
exceptionally busy role with many challenges ahead as         also impressive function rooms and lounges that we are
we start to move into the post-lockdown era. And, that is     seeing an ever-increasing interest in hiring. If we are to
certainly how it has proved to be thus far!                   meet our ambitions of maintaining and growing a
   As with any new job, there have been (and continue to      sustainable business to support the successful team on
be) so many different people to meet, get to know and         the pitch that we all so desperately want to see, then it is
build relationships with, but I am delighted to say that      vital that we not only provide an attractive matchday
the welcome I have received from so many different            experience to keep our fans coming back through the
quarters and the reaction I have had from pretty much         turnstiles (in increasing numbers), but also that we
everyone so far has been nothing short of fantastic and       further build our non-football related income streams
so very encouraging. If however, I have not yet had the       too.
pleasure of meeting you, do please feel free to get in           Turning back to matchday activities, we have a great
touch if there is anything regarding the club and its         range of ways that you can get involved in our exciting
commercial activity in particular, that you want to discuss   journey and show your support for the club by way of
with me.                                                      match and matchball sponsorships and stadium
   Southport Football Club has a fantastic history and,       advertising opportunities, each of which provide you with
quite rightly, a superb heritage and I am very much           fabulous brand awareness benefits. Additionally, why not
looking forward to playing my part in continuing to drive     take advantage of our matchday VIP hospitality package
the club forward off the pitch. I believe we have a great     which really is the best way to watch The Port in style.
opportunity to do just that and we have some very                There is a huge amount going on behind the scenes
exciting and successful times ahead.                          and so much more to come in the future. In the
   It has been brilliant to witness the genuine excitement    meantime, why not come and join us on this exciting
around the club and the ground on matchdays in                journey and help bring the good times back to
particular, about the return of being able to play            Southport!
competitive football and, crucially, having our wonderful
supporters back in the ground to cheer the team on.           #UpThePort #COYSandgrounders
   Liam and Macca are doing a great job with the exciting
young squad they have put together and this, coupled          Best wishes,
with the encouraging start we have made on the pitch
against two hotly-tipped sides in our first two league
games, really helps me in my efforts to rejuvenate and
drive forward the commercial activities and presence of
the club in the most professional way possible.

                                 Head of Commercial Steve Dewsnip
                      E T 07956 780437 or 01704 533422

MATCH DATA                                                         MAKE A PLEDGE
                                                                   Rob is running the Make A Pledge scheme again this season
Match 1                                                            and you can pledge on anything you want either over the
Southport 2 Gloucester City 2                                      season or in a particular game. Give it a go and add even
Saturday 14 August                                                 more to the matchday experience. Mail
Scorers: Carver 16 pen , Woods 68                                  with any pledge you care to make.
Line Up: Mason, Oliver (Vassallo 46), Doyle J, Benjamin, Anson,
Tharme, Woods, Carver (Archer 88) Doyle C, Hmami, Bainbridge
Unused Subs McMillan, Watson and Munro                             WALKING FOOTBALL UPDATE
Att: 801                                                           Our Walking Football Group return to play back at
Media MOTM: Connor Woods                                           Dunes Leisure on Wednesday September 1st.
                                                                      The sessions run from 11am to 12 every Wednesday and
Match 2                                                            everyone male and female over the age of 40 is welcome to
                                                                   attend with a £2 charge per session.
Spennymoor Town 3 Southport 2                                         We can accommodate a maximum of 20 people at Dunes
Saturday 21 August                                                 when we go back there. That is the ideal number to allow us
Scorers: Hmami 16, Carver 45+4                                     to play 4×5 a side games in a little round robin group. If less
Line Up: Mason, Doyle J,                                           turn up we are flexible with the teams.
Benjamin(Munro 26), Anson, Tharme,                                    All abilities are welcome. We try and make it fun, friendly
Woods, Carver, Doyle C, Hmami(Archer                               and welcoming.
85), Vassallo(Watson 66), Bainbridge.                                 The Walking Football is a Southport FC Community project
Unused Subs: McMillan & Oliver.                                    currently being looked after by Rob Urwin and you can
Att: 1312                                                          contact Rob by e-mail or call 077900-
Media MOTM: Marcus Carver                                          41514 to book a place if you have never been before, or for
                                                                   more details.
                                                                      Every player needs to register with name, contact number
FANZONE                                                            and an e-mail address when available.
                                                                      Come along and have a go, it’s a great way of keeping fit
                                                                   and the aching muscles soon disappear!

                                                                   THE SANDGROUNDERS BOOK
                                                                   The Sandgrounders-The Complete League History of
                                                                   Southport FC written by Geoff Wilde and Michael
                                                                   Braham is critically acclaimed as the best Football
                                                                   Club History Book ever written and we are delighted
                                                                   to have had a copy donated to the club to put up for
                                                                      The book has been very kindly given to the club by Colin
                                                                   Meakin’s wife Chris. Colin passed away in 2019 and his
                                                                   brother John who is a lifelong Southport fan has passed the
                                                                   book to us to raise money for the club with all the proceeds
Liam cuts the ribbon to formally open The Fanzone                  going directly to the club. The reserve price has been met
ahead of the game against Gloucester.                                 It is in excellent condition. Bids can be made
   A great facility for our fans to use on a Matchday. The         to or by phone 077900-41514 up
Fanzone provided by Trust in Yellow is now operated by the Club.   until 6pm on Tuesday August 31st.

With apologies for a touch of self indulgence here but a little pic of
my grand-daughter Elsie Rose in her Southport kit which Collo and
Claire (her other grandparents) got for her. They grow so quickly
she is already too big for it. I’m not sure how Daddy, sadly a Man
United fan, felt about it but he was outnumbered.
                                                                         Our double mascots this week are Harry
                                                                         Cottam and Leighton Hock who
                                                                         supporters may remember were the two
                                                                         boys who did the sponsored bike ride
                                                                         completing 50 laps of the pitch
                                                                         perimeter and raised over £2000 for
                                                                         Club funds. Enjoy your day noys.
                                                                            Harry Cottam aged 9 (10 on 29th August )
                                                                         attends St Patrick’s School plays for Southport
                                                                         FC U 11s and his favourite Southport player is
                                                                         Jack Bainbridge.
                                                                            Leighton Hock aged 8 attends St Aidens in
STAT OF THE WEEK                                                         WIgan plays for Southport FC u10s and his
                                                                         favourite Southport player is Cam Mason.

Josh Hmami became the 400th Southport player to score a Non
League League goal when he found the back of the net at
Spennymoor last week and gets the congratulatory hug from

2021-22 Fixtures
                   V   OPPONENTS                COMP   R   SCORE   ATT    PTS   POS   SCORERS
Sat    14-Aug-21   H   Gloucester City          Lge    D   2-2     801    1     *     Carver (pen), Woods
Sat    21-Aug-21   A   Spennymoor Town          Lge    L   2-3     1312   1     13    Hmami, Carver
Sat    28-Aug-21   H   Kidderminster Harriers   Lge
Mon    30-Aug-21   A   AFC Fylde                Lge
Sat    04-Sep-21   H   Gateshead                Lge
Sat    11-Sep-21   A   Brackley Town            Lge
Sat    18-Sep-21       FAC 2Q
Sat    25-Sep-21   H   Chorley                  Lge
Sat    02-Oct-21       FAC 3Q
Sat    09-Oct-21   A   York City                Lge
Sat    16-Oct-21   H   Alfreton Town            Lge
Sat    23-Oct-21   A   Kettering Town           Lge
Tue    26-Oct-21   H   Darlington               Lge
Sat    30-Oct-21   H   Chester                  Lge
Sat    06-Nov-21   A   Guiseley                 Lge
Sat    13-Nov-21   H   Boston United            Lge
Sat    20-Nov-21   A   Leamington               Lge
Sat    27-Nov-21       FAT2
Sat    04-Dec-21   H   Hereford                 Lge
Sat    11-Dec-21   A   Blyth Spartans           Lge
Sat    18-Dec-21       FAT3
Sun    26-Dec-21   A   Curzon Ashton            Lge
Tue    28-Dec-21   H   Farsley Celtic           Lge
Sun    02-Jan-22   H   Curzon Ashton            Lge
Sat    08-Jan-22   A   AFC Telford              Lge
Sat    15-Jan-22   H   Bradford (Park Avenue)   Lge
Sat    22-Jan-22   A   Gloucester City          Lge
Sat    29-Jan-22   H   Guiseley                 Lge
Sat    05-Feb-22   A   Chester                  Lge
Sat    12-Feb-22   A   Boston United            Lge
Sat    19-Feb-22   H   Leamington               Lge
Tue    22-Feb-22   H   Blyth Spartans           Lge
Sat    26-Feb-22   A   Hereford                 Lge
Sat    05-Mar-22   H   Brackley Town            Lge
Sat    12-Mar-22   A   Chorley                  Lge
Sat    19-Mar-22   H   York City                Lge
Tue    22-Mar-22   A   Darlington               Lge
Sat    26-Mar-22   A   Alfreton Town            Lge
Sat    02-Apr-22   H   Kettering Town           Lge
Sat    09-Apr-22   A   Kidderminster Harriers   Lge
Fri    15-Apr-22   H   AFC Fylde                Lge
Mon    18-Apr-22   A   Farsley Celtic           Lge
Sat    23-Apr-22   H   Spennymoor Town          Lge
Sat    30-Apr-22   A   Gateshead                Lge
Mon    02-May-22   H   AFC Telford              Lge
Sat    07-May-22   A   Bradford (Park Avenue)   Lge

APPS & SCORERS   League Match Stats

Player   21
                  Sponsors 22 Sponsor a player shirt in 2021-22 for £300 inc VAT
                              for the home shirt payable in full or by
                              12 x £25 instalments or £180 inc VAT
                              also payable in full or 12 x £15 instalments
                              for the change shirt.
                              Contact Steve Dewsnip via e-mail
                              or call 07956-780437 to book your player.

Player                   Home                              Change
Cam Mason                The Jack Carr Lads
Charlie Oliver           Manchester Sport Rehab
Jack Doyle               Southport FC U9’s
Russell Benjamin         Oliver Cowan Bridge Club
Adam Anson               Suzanne Hill
Doug Tharme              Mike Corcoran
Connor Woods             Rich & Kerry Hartwell
Charlie Munro            Pinetree Garden Maintenance
Jordan Archer            Corridor Bar
George Newell            Frank Hill
Marcus Carver            Eckersley Blinds
Isaac Buckley-Ricketts   Warwick Thomson                   Chrissie Lockyear
Tony McMillan
Chris Doyle              Barsigns UK                       Barsigns UK
Josh Hmami               Mike Corcoran                     Mason Partners
Dylan Vassallo           John Hardisty                     Rob & Julia Urwin
Niall Watson             Nicola & James Cave
Jack Bainbridge          DC Law                            Just Wings
Liam Watson              Pinetree Garden Maintenance
Jon McCarthy             Frank & Suzanne Hill

LUKE SIMPSON                                                        KEZIAH MARTIN
Talented goalkeeper made the number one jersey at Aggborough        Keziah is one player hungry to stamp his authority on the
his own after signing on the eve of the final game of pre-season.   Harriers team after being only able to show glimpses of his
   The former York City and Barrow man kept clean sheets            talents last season. The former Burnley man signed a new, one-
aplenty during the brief 2020/21 season and is signed on for        year deal in the summer.
the campaign ahead.                                                     He enjoyed a strong 2021 summer programme, netting his
                                                                    first goal in a Harriers shirt in the friendly at Halesowen.
Ex Southport 9 games 2017-18                                        NYAL BELL
Caleb enjoyed a hugely fruitful first season at Aggborough on       Harriers boss Russ Penn has landed his first new recruit for
loan from Norwich City, despite the relative shortness of the       2021/22 with the addition of striker Nyal Bell.
campaign.                                                              The all-action forward joined the club following the end of his
   He opted to shun interest elsewhere to return to                 time at Stockport County. Nyal was a product of the Rochdale
Worcestershire on a permanent basis in the summer, joining on a     youth system and made his professional debut there before
free transfer from the Canaries having featured as an almost        spells at the likes of Gateshead and Altrincham.
ever-present under Russ Penn in 2021/22.                               He joined Stockport in 2018 and spent three years there.
   A powerful full-back, Caleb impresses at both ends of the        Part of their National League North title winning side, he became
pitch.                                                              an Edgeley Park regular thanks to his pace and eye for a goal.

NATHAN CAMERON                                                      OMARI STERLING
Commanding central defender Nathan Cameron joined Harriers          Livewire wide man Omari Sterling bagged four goals in his first
after spending time with the squad during pre-season.               Harriers season last time around, including a brace in the away
   Cameron has previously been with the likes of Coventry City,     win at Chorley.
Bury and Wigan Athletic, and has more than 200 EFL                     The St Kitts & Nevis International has had a busy summer
appearances to his name while also being an England U20             representing his country and will no doubt enjoy performing in
International earlier in his career.                                front of the Harriers faithful this term.
                                                                       Before joining the Reds, he featured for Cheltenham, Solihull
JOE FOULKES                                                         Moors and Gloucester among others.
A summer loan acquisition from Walsall, penning a six-month stay
at Aggborough just days after featuring against the Reds for his    ALEX PENNY
parent club in a friendly.                                          Penny is itching to finally get his Kidderminster Harriers career
   The 18-year-old is a strong, competitive full-back who has       off and running after two false dawns.
been part of the Saddlers Academy from the age of seven.               Joining the club just weeks before the 2019/20 season was
                                                                    curtailed, Penny was a regular feature the following term before
MARK CARRINGTON                                                     the campaign was shelved after just 17 matches.
                                                                       With a little bit of luck, it should be third time lucky for the
The vastly experienced Mark Carrington joined Harriers as a
                                                                    former Boston defender.
summer signing in 2021.
    At home in the heart of midfield but also more than
comfortable across the back line, Carrington will also bring        JAIDEN WHITE
versatility to the Harriers squad. He comes to Worcestershire for   Always an eye-catching performer, Jaiden showed serious flashes
a fresh start after leaving Wrexham. He’d made almost 250           of what he’s capable in the early parts of 2020/21, and will be
appearances there, becoming a fans’ favourite during an eight-      keen to continue that progress in the coming campaign.
year spell at the Racecourse Ground.                                   Jaiden is a graduate of the Harriers Academy and first signed
                                                                    a pro deal in 2019.

Player Pen Pics
LEWIS MONTROSE                                                       home – and goalscoring touch – last season.
                                                                       Former Boston and Leamington man Sam scored six goals in
Former Gillingham man Montrose wasted no time settling into life
                                                                     2020/21, by far his best return. The haul included screamers
with Harriers after joining last summer, and played all bar one of
                                                                     against Darlington, Farsley and Curzon to name a few.
last season’s matches.
   He ended the term as skipper and signed a new deal soon
after, with Penn saying: “It’s massive for us to have him with us    ETHAN FREEMANTLE
next season, it’s a boost to the team and the club as a whole.”      Another Academy graduate, Ethan began to make his mark on
   The influential midfielder counts York, Wycombe and Stockport     the first team last season with some tireless performances,
among his other former clubs.                                        notably on the road for Russ Penn’s men.
                                                                        Ethan netted his first professional career goal with a fine
ASHLEY HEMMINGS                                                      header at Gloucester in January.
Popular performer Hemmings inked a new one-year Harriers deal
back in February, having already made 38 appearances and             KAI LISSMORE
scored 12 goals.                                                     Kai enjoyed a fine first season with our Academy last year,
   Hemmings himself said he’d felt “loved” at Aggborough since       winning our U23 Coaches’ Player of the Year award and spending
his arrival in 2019, and Russ Penn added: “I’m grateful to have      time with the England Colleges National Team in 2021.
been able to tie Ash down as he’s a big player for us – it offers       The 17-year-old was part of a number of Academy players to
him security but also gives us the boost of knowing he’ll be a       spend the full pre-season with the first team, with the midfielder
Harriers player for a while yet.”                                    now taking his place in the first team squad.
   His previous clubs include Wolves, Dagenham and Boston.
                                                                     JAMIE EMERY
KEITH LOWE                                                           Young 18-year-old goalkeeper joined to push Luke Simpson and
Arguably ‘Mr Kidderminster Harriers’, Keith Lowe now has 150         give competition between the sticks at Aggborough with Tom
appearances in a red shirt under his belt across three spells at     Palmer out on loan.
Aggborough.                                                             Jamie is a product of the West Bromwich Albion youth system.
   The evergreen defender, formerly of Wolves, York and
Cheltenham, is one of the most experienced campaigners in the
entire division, and missed just 32 minutes of action in the
2020/21 season.
   The composed defender is a favourite with players, staff and
fans at Aggborough..

Man mountain Cliff Moyo will again bring power and experience to
the Harriers side after signing a new deal in the summer.
   The former Halifax and Alfreton man has one shy of 50
appearances for the Reds since signing in 2019, but will
unfortunately begin his season a little later, having injured his
Achilles in pre-season.

First joining Harriers in 2016, Sam Austin now has 172
appearances in a red shirt under his belt. He has played in
virtually every position since then, and more than found his

LAST WORD                Without wanting or looking for
                     any sympathy as I do it all for the
                     love of the club to give you an
                                                              gave up waiting for the login at
                                                              11pm but got up early Sunday to
                                                              see if it had arrived. It hadn’t. The
                     idea of what happens post match          funny thing was I contacted the
                     this was my Saturday night after         help desk to get the login and
                     the Gloucester game.                     they gave me an e-mail to contact
                         Match finishes 4.50, match info      which came back out of office until
                     sheet for PA completed. Interviews       Tuesday!! The login eventually
                     with Liam and Josh Hmami carried         arrived at 8.40 on Tuesday
                     out, programmes sorted in the            morning. I am just waiting on
                     shop to see who had collected,           getting a fine from the National
                     home via Busy Bee for tea (I do          League for failing to comply with
                     have to eat) and home by 6pm.            the requirement to have the
                         The interviews then have to be       footage uploaded by 8am Sunday!
                     put together and edited if                  Right I’ve got that off my chest
                     necessary (not on this occasion).        and on to the football. I have really
                         Website to be updated and all        enjoyed the first two games and
                     the stats.                               even though we have just the one
Life is calming          The coup de gras comes with          point, we knew they would be hard
                     the match footage! We were               and all we can ask is the lads to
down a bit after a   advised at 6.15 on the Friday that       give 100% effort on the pitch and
frantic few weeks    there is a new partner we have to        they have so no complaints from
                     upload the footage to with very          me.
getting things on    little guidance coming our way.             I missed what had actually
track for the new        They want it uploading within        happened at Spennymoor which
                     15 hours (by 8am Sunday) which           caused all the furore at the end of
season.              sounds easy enough but if you            the game. It’s hard typing and
                     don’t have a login it is rather          keeping up when you are solo at a
                     difficult. They also want whole          game. Liam explained it in his post
                     match, not in pieces so we have to       match with me and I could then
                     pull it all together into one file and   see why everyone had got
                     then save it which takes as long         annoyed. The referee Mr Urwin is
                     as the match runs. You then have         no relation of mine by the way!
                     to upload the footage which can             It’s Fylde on Monday, one we
                     take another hour plus as long as        are all looking forward to! Talks of
                     you have a decent internet               boycotting the game? No. Lets all
                     connection. Luckily I do. That’s         go and get right behind the lads.
                     Saturday night taken care of. I          Could be an interesting afternoon!!

                Southport                Kidderminster Harriers
            MANAGER: Liam Watson            MANAGER: Russ Penn

01    Cam Mason                n   01    Luke Simpson         n   MATCH OFFICIALS
02    Charlie Oliver           n   02    Alex Penny           n           REFEREE
03    Jack Doyle               n   03    Caleb Richards       n        Kristian Silcock
04                                 04    Nathan Cameron       n
      Russell Benjamin         n   05
                                                                    ASSISTANT REFEREE
05    Adam Anson               n
                                         Keith Lowe           n        Martyn Mitchell
                                   06    Lewis Montrose       n     ASSISTANT REFEREE
06    Doug Tharme              n   07    Sam Austin           n         Karl Buckley
07    Connor Woods             n   08
                                         Mark Carrington      n
      Charlie Munro            n   09    Amari Morgan-Smith   n
09    Jordan Archer            n   10                         n
                                         Ashley Hemmings                               n
10    George Newell            n    11   Omari Sterling       n
 11   Marcus Carver            n   12    Joe Foulkes          n
12    Isaac Buckley-Ricketts   n   13    Tom Palmer           n
13    Tony McMillan            n   14    Nyal Bell            n
14                                 15    Keziah Martin        n
      Chris Doyle              n    17
15    Josh Hmami               n
                                         Ethan Freemantle     n         /SouthportFC
                                   18    Kai Lissimore        n
16    Dylan Vassallo           n   19    Jaiden White         n
 17   Niall Watson             n   20
                                         Cliff Moyo           n
      Jack Bainbridge          n   21    Jamie Emery          n        @southport_fc
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