October 2020 - Basehor Community Library

Page created by Jesus Wood
October 2020 - Basehor Community Library
October 2020

Monday, October 12 @ 6:30 to 7:15 pm
                             Musicians from the Kansas City
                             Symphony are coming to the li-
                             brary to perform a free outdoor
                             chamber concert in our parking lot
                             and lawn! We can’t wait to share
                                                                           Meet the Candidates Forums
                             wonderful music with you on a         Basehor Community Library has for the last several years
                             beautiful evening! The musicians      hosted Candidate Forums during election cycles. We would
                             will be playing on a stage in the     like to continue this tradition, but this year we are constrained
parking lot, so if you wish to sit please bring your folding       by the challenges of the pandemic. Our alternative to a live
chairs or blankets. To protect attendees, Library staff, and the   in-person forum is to hold the forums online, using the Zoom
musicians, all are asked to maintain social distancing and wear    platform. Meet the Candidates vying for the honor of
masks. See you there!                                              representing Basehor in the Kansas Legislature at two
We are combining the Concert on the Lawn with a Food               special forums, hosted by the library, to be broadcast live on
                                                                   Zoom. The programs will only be online. A moderated
Drive for Basehor-Linwood Assistance Service. During this
                                                                   question and answer session will follow each candidate’s
difficult time, food insecurity is a real problem in the Basehor
                                                                   opening remarks.
community. If you have something to spare, please bring
canned goods or personal hygiene items to the library during
the KC Symphony concert on Monday, October 12 . Special            Candidates for Kansas House District #38
needs are: canned soup, chili and stew, shampoo, conditioner,      Tuesday, October 6 @ 7:00-8:00 pm
and laundry detergent. Thank you!                                  The Kansas House of Representatives
                                                                   will have a new Representative from
Documenting the Dead:                                              District 38 in 2021. The two candidates
                                                                   are Sherri Grogan (D) and Timothy
Presented by Dustin Pari                                           Johnson (R). Please register to receive
Wednesday, October 7 @ 7:00-8:00 pm
                                                                   the Zoom link.
Please register to receive the Zoom link
Join us on Zoom for a look at the paranormal with Dustin
                                                                   Candidates for Kansas Senate District #3
Pari, member of SyFy television’s Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters
                                                                   Tuesday, October 13 @ 7:00-8:00 pm
                          International, and Destination Truth.
                                                                   Senator Tom Holland (D), Baldwin
                          With over 20 years of experience
                                                                   City, is the incumbent for the Kansas
                          researching the unknown, he brings
                                                                   Senate seat representing Basehor and
                          exciting and positive lectures about
                                                                   the surrounding area. He is being
                          the paranormal all across the
                                                                   challenged by Representative Willie
                          country. Dustin’s fascination with
                                                                   Dove of Bonner Springs (R). Please
                          the paranormal began with an
                                                                   register to receive the Zoom link.
                          encounter he had with a spirit in his
childhood home. In his efforts to better understand what had
                                                                   NOTE: Audience participants can submit questions before the
happened and why, he has traveled across the United States
                                                                   events by email (patronupdate@basehorlibrary.org) or during
to 23 countries upon six different continents, learning a little
                                                                   the event through Zoom’s chat feature.
more with each step of his journey.
Complete with historical stories, evidence, and some               We realize that many voters in our district may not have
“would-be” evidence, Dustin does a great job of presenting an      access to the technology needed to view these forums on
honest and respectful retrospective piece on contacting the        Zoom. So, we will record the events and have the record-
other side. Filled with anecdotal tales from his travels, and      ing available on the library’s BCLBuzz YouTube channel.
evidence from his investigations, the Documenting the Dead         We can also save the recording on a flash drive or DVD
lecture is just the right mix of educational, fun, and creepy.     so all voters can watch it in a format available to them.

   Available via phone and email: Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm  Fri-Sat 9am-5pm  Sun 1pm-5pm
October 2020 - Basehor Community Library
Adults                                                                         Welcome to the Tutor.com
                                                                                Adult Education Center
Dementia Support Group                                                         Free, on-demand, anonymous tutoring
Thursday, October 1 @ 6:30 pm in person and on Zoom                          available online through Basehor Library!
Join us in this safe, supportive environment for caregivers. Dr.           Are you returning to school, working towards
Martiza Buenaver, Geriatric Psychiatrist specializing in dementia
education, is our guide. We have been meeting on Zoom and                  your GED, or refreshing your skills for work?
anyone is welcome to join us as we share our experiences. Please           Get anonymous, private, online tutoring for any
call the library for more information.                                     kind of academic question in math, science,
                                                                           English, social studies, and writing anywhere
Coffee Klatch                                                              you have an internet connection with
Monday, October 12 @ 9:30-10:30 am at the Library
Sorry, no coffee (or tea!) at this time. (Bring                            Tutor.com—FREE through your library!
your own sweet something to nibble if you                                  Expert tutors are available to you seven days a
wish.) But, please, do come and hear about some                            week, 1:00-8:00 pm.
of the new books available here at the library.
Learn what’s hot at the library and maybe                                  Visit www.tutor.com/basehor from any Internet
discover a title or two you missed. We will be                             connected device. Enter your library card to get
socially-distanced and wearing masks. If the                               started. Tutor.com’s expert tutors can help you
weather is nice, we will meet outside.
                                                                           on anything from learning how to add fractions
                                                                           to understanding your college-level statistics
 Thursday Evening Book Club                                                class.
 Thursday, October 29 @ 6:30-7:30 pm at the library
 The Lost Man                                                              You can choose to connect with a tutor right
 by Jane Harper                                                            away or use one of the other great features of the
                  Brothers Nathan and Bub Bright meet for the first        service, including practice quizzes to help study
                  time in months at the remote fence line separating
                  their cattle ranches in the lonely outback. Their        for an exam, online resources from the
                  third brother, Cameron, lies dead at their feet. In an   Tutor.com SkillsCenter Resource Library,
                  isolated belt of Australia, their homes a three-hour     and the Drop-Off Writing Review service
                  drive apart, the brothers were one another’s nearest
                                                                           where expert writing tutors review and give you
                  neighbors. While they grieve Cameron’s loss,
                  suspicion starts to take hold, and Nathan is forced      feedback on your writing assignments before
                  to examine secrets the family would rather leave in      you have to turn them in!
                  the past.
 Because if someone forced Cameron to his death, the isolation of the      If you’d like a demonstration of how to use the
 outback leaves few suspects.                                              service, please visit the library or ask your tutor
 A powerful and brutal story of suspense set against the formidable        for a tour of the classroom at the start of your
 landscape of the Australian Outback. Copies of the book are
 available at the library. Please join us for a mask-wearing, socially     session. Don’t be afraid to get the (FREE!) help
 distanced in-person discussion.                                           you need. Create your FREE account using your
                                                                           Basehor Library card number and password.
                                                                           Improve the quality of your education—and
                                                                           your life—by logging in today!

The Friends of the Basehor Library regret having to cancel the Fall
Booksale, but are hopeful things will be better in time for the Spring
Sale. If you have books you want to donate, please visit the Basehor
Library website’s Friends page, and you will find a Donate Books
button. Fill out the questionnaire and they will get back with you to
set up a donation appointment. Donations will only be accepted by
appointment. The Friends are a small group of volunteers (who would
love to have you join them!). Thank you for your understanding.
October 2020 - Basehor Community Library
20’s & 30’s
                                                    Books n’ Beverages Book Club
                                        Thursday, October 8 @ 7:00 pm @ the library
                                                    by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
                          Whoever is born here is doomed to stay 'til death. Whoever settles, never leaves.
                      Welcome to Black Spring, the seemingly picturesque Hudson Valley town haunted by the Black
                      Rock Witch, a seventeenth century woman whose eyes and mouth are sewn shut. Muzzled, she
                      walks the streets and enters homes at will. She stands next to children's beds for nights on end.
   Everybody knows that her eyes may never be opened or the consequences will be too terrible to bear.
   The elders of Black Spring have virtually quarantined the town by using high-tech surveillance to prevent their
   curse from spreading. Frustrated with being kept in lockdown, the town's teenagers decide to break their strict regu-
   lations and go viral with the haunting. But, in so doing, they send the town spiraling into dark, medieval practices of
   the distant past.
   The book is available at the library. Contact Amy @ the Library if you have any questions.
   Since we’re going to be meeting in person, social distancing and masks will be required. Discussion will be held
   outside so bring a lawn chair.


   Saturday, October 17 @ 7:30pm
   Teen Outdoor Movie: Gremlins
   Get out of the house for a TEENS ONLY NIGHT and join us for an
   outdoor showing of Gremlins. Bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on. Social
   distancing and masks will be required.

   Tuesday, October 27 @ 4:00 pm
   Teen Scavenger Hunt @ Basehor City Park
   Teens, bring your phones to the Basehor Park for a massive scavenger hunt. When you arrive you’ll be
   given a list of things to locate in the park. Instead of collecting the items, take a picture with your
   phone as you find each thing. Prizes will be given to the first few teens who finish.

 Teen Tuesdays w/ Amy
 Tuesdays, October 6, 13, & 20 @ 3:30 pm on Zoom
 In-person programs might be on hold for right now, but we have a solution to bring the Teen Program to
 you. Come chat with Amy every Tuesday at 3:30 pm. Hear about the newest books & comics and talk about
 whatever you’d like. If you’d like to join, email Amy at aschaffer@basehorlibrary.org for the weekly link.

 Teen Netflix Parties
 Wednesdays (Anime Club!) and Thursdays @ 3:30 pm
 Join us virtually each week on Wednesdays and Thursdays for a Netflix party…we’ll
 watch a movie and chat with each other while it streams. To join in, email Amy at
 aschaffer@basehorlibrary.org and you will be sent a link to the Netflix Party close to the
 time of the meeting.

 Participants must have a Netflix account and have the Netflix Party extension downloaded on a
 Chrome browser. Need help? Let Amy know and she’ll get you set up.
October 2020 - Basehor Community Library
Babies - 5                        Grade
                                                                       Storytimes with Sir Patrick
On a Dark, Dark Night: Scary Stories
Featuring Storyteller Priscilla Howe                                     OCTOBER SPECIAL EVENT:
(all ages)                                                                OUTDOOR STORYTIME!
Wednesday, October 21 @ 6:30-7:30 pm
                                                                Tuesdays October 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 10:00-10:30 am
Please register to receive the Zoom link
                                                                Yes, you read right! Before it gets cold, let’s try some
Join us for a sit down on Zoom with                             outdoor Storytimes.
storyteller Priscilla Howe as she thrills and                   We will be practicing social
chills us with some scary stories for the                       distancing, so we'll have the front
Halloween season. The On a Dark, Dark                           yard blocked off for a family blanket
Night stories will have just enough thrills                     or chair spots. Please bring your own
for shivers, but not enough for nightmares. Try hooking your    means of seating. You haven’t had
computer up to a TV and the whole family can enjoy the          Storytime like this with Mr. Patrick,
stories…just make sure to have your safety blankie handy!       so save your spots for the in-person
                                                                event at your Basehor Community
                                                                Seating is limited so registration is

                                                                LIVE Storytimes Wednesdays and Thursdays
                                                                @ 10:00-10:30 am
                                                                We will continue to have our
                                                                storytimes each week on
                                                                Facebook Live at 10:00 am
                                                                on both Wednesdays and
                                                                Mr. Patrick is always getting
                                                                in new books and is very
                                                                happy to share stories each week. Not able to watch live,
                                                                no worries, as each week the videos will stay on Facebook
                                                                until the next week’s live storytime.

                                                               A NEW Story Stroll at the Library:
                                                               Stellaluna by Janelle Cannon
                                                                                Miss Becca: It is getting close to Halloween
                                                                                and so we thought we would bring a
                                                                                SPOOKY story…
                                                                                Mr. Patrick: Stellaluna
                                                                                isn’t spooky.
                                                                                Miss Becca: Well it is
                                                                                about a bat!
       1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
                   Now on Beanstack!                            Come and enjoy this classic story as
                                                                you walk around the outside of the
                  With the Beanstack app, you and your          library. Look for the Start Here flag
                  child will enjoy all the benefits of this     for page one. The story ends at the
                  wonderful program! Just sign up, log your     butterfly garden!
                  books, and show us your progress to get
                  your child’s rewards. Happy Reading!

                        1400 158th St., Basehor, KS 66007  basehorlibrary.com  (913) 724-2828
October 2020 - Basehor Community Library October 2020 - Basehor Community Library October 2020 - Basehor Community Library October 2020 - Basehor Community Library October 2020 - Basehor Community Library October 2020 - Basehor Community Library
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