OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms

Page created by Derrick Carpenter
OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
The sound of waves
OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
    Company                             03
    Ocean                               05
      Midnight 5005                     09
      Arctic 5010                       17
      Lagoon 5015                       27
      Reef 5020                         37
    Features                            45
    Dimensions & Finishes               46
    25-year Warranty & Certifications   47

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OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms

    The group was born in 1981, thanks to the passion and artisan expertise of its founder,
    Domenico Luigi Scapin. Quartz agglomerate arrived on the market in the early nineties:
    an utterly innovative material with a natural appearance and unparalleled resistance,
    guaranteeing exceptional performance. We immediately recognised its potential, not least in
    interior design, and undertook to process and market the new material.
    In 2010 we launched Quartzforms S.p.A. and acquired a Bretonstone ® production facility
    in Germany, renowned for its excellent compliance with the most stringent safety and
    environmental standards. Today we offer the public, designers and architects the very best
    engineered stone, the result of our dedication, creativity and experience.

    Because the future lies in our roots.

    Die Gruppe wurde 1981 geboren dank der                 Il gruppo nasce nel 1981 grazie alle competenze
    Handwerkskunst und Leidenschaft ihres Gründers         artigianali e alla passione di Domenico Luigi Scapin,
    Domenico Luigi Scapin. Quarzkomposit kam               il fondatore.
    Anfang der neunziger Jahre auf den Markt: Es           L’agglomerato di quarzo compare sul mercato
    handelt sich um ein absolut innovatives Material mit   nei primi anni novanta: è un materiale del
    natürlicher Ausstrahlung, das über unvergleichliche    tutto innovativo, di effetto naturale, dotato di
    Beständigkeitseigenschaften verfügt und daher          ineguagliabili caratteristiche di resistenza e pertanto
    außerordentlichen Ansprüchen genügen kann. Wir         capace di garantire elevatissime prestazioni. Ne
    haben das Potential, auch im Einrichtungsbereich,      abbiamo subito intuito le potenzialità, anche
    sofort erkannt und uns die Transformation und          nell’ambito dell’arredamento, e ci siamo assunti
    Vermarktung zur Aufgabe gemacht. Im Jahr 2010          l’impegno di trasformarlo e commercializzarlo.
    haben wir durch den Erwerb einer Bretonstone ® -       Nel 2010 abbiamo creato Quartzforms S.p.A.
    Produktionsstätte in Deutschland Quartzforms           acquisendo in Germania un impianto produttivo
    S.p.A. gegründet, die sich durch strikte Einhaltung    Bretonstone ® contraddistinto dalla massima
    von Umwelt- und Sicherheitsstandards auszeichnet.      adesione ai più severi standard ecologici e di
    Heute bieten wir Privatkundschaft, Architekten         sicurezza. Oggi offriamo al pubblico, ai progettisti
    und Designern den optimalen Engineered Stone,          e ai designer la migliore engineered stone, nata
    entstanden aus unserem Engagement, unserer             dalla nostra dedizione, dalla nostra creatività e dalla
    Kreativität und unserer Erfahrung. Denn die Zukunft    nostra esperienza.
    liegt in unseren Wurzeln begründet.                    Perché il futuro è nelle nostre radici.

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OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms

    Even the upper
    end of the river
    believes in the

    William Stafford
    Essayist and poet
    1914 – 1993

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OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
                    The sound
                    of waves

                    Just as we ponder the mysteries of the celestial sphere and the infinite galaxies throughout
                    it, or contemplate lush woodlands, so our imagination is drawn to the expanses of the ocean,
                    the depths of the abyss and the hypnotic sound of waves.
                    Such impressions have inspired us to create a collection of expressive and luminous slabs.
                    Contemporary yet timeless, they enhance the environments in which they are placed with
                    a new light. A valuable resource for prestigious and innovative interior design projects.
     ARCTIC 5010

                    So wie wir uns Fragen zu den Mysterien des            Così come ci interroghiamo sui misteri della volta
                    Himmelsgewölbes und der unendlichen Galaxien          celeste e delle infinite galassie che la punteggiano,
                    darin stellen oder unseren Blick über üppige          o contempliamo le lussureggianti superfici boscose,
                    Waldflächen streifen lassen, genauso wird unsere      allo stesso modo la nostra immaginazione è attratta
                    Fantasie von den Weiten der Ozeane, den Tiefen        dalle distese oceaniche, dalle profondità degli
                    der Meeresgründe und dem hypnotischen Klang           abissi, dal suono ipnotico del moto ondoso.
                    der Wellenbewegung angezogen.                         Queste sensazioni ci hanno ispirato una collezione
                    Diese Empfindungen haben uns zu einer Kollektion      di lastre espressive e luminose, contemporanee
                    von ausdrucksstarken und hellen Platten inspiriert,   ma senza tempo, che arricchiscono di una luce
                    zeitgemäß, doch zeitlos, die die Umgebungen, in       inedita gli ambienti nei quali vengono inserite.
                    die sie eingefügt werden, in einem völlig neuen       Una preziosa risorsa per progetti di interior design
    LAGOON 5015     Licht erstrahlen lassen. Eine kostbare Ressource      prestigiosi e innovativi.
                    für edle und innovative Innendesignprojekte.

      REEF 5020

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OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
Dimension: 320 x 155 cm (126” x 61”)
                                                                        Thickness: 2 cm - 3 cm (¾” - 1 ¼”)

                                                                                                                                                              The sea can hypnotize

                                                                                                                                                              Black, impenetrable and deep, the surface of Midnight slabs is illuminated by white through
                                                                                                                                                              veins of varying thickness, from narrow to wide, tracing an undulating pattern of markings
                                                                                                                                                              that evoke the age-old action of time. For projects inspired by formal elegance, ideal for
                                                                                                                                                              contexts in a classic or a more contemporary style.

                                                                                                                                                              Die schwarze, undurchdringliche und tiefgründige         Nera, impenetrabile e profonda, la superficie delle
                                                                                                                                                              Oberfläche der Platten Midnight wird durch               lastre Midnight è illuminata da bianche venature
                                                                                                                                                              durchgehende weiße Äderungen unterschiedlicher           passanti di diverso spessore, da sottile a marcato,
                                                                                                                                                              Stärke, von schmal bis ausgeprägt, erhellt, die sie      che tracciano un ondeggiante reticolo di segni
                                                                                                                                                              mit einem wellenförmigen Netz überziehen, das            che evocano l’azione millenaria del tempo.
                                                                                                                                                              die Zeichen von Abertausenden von Jahren in sich         Per progetti ispirati all’eleganza formale, adatta
                                                                                                                                                              trägt. Für Projekte, die nach einer formellen Eleganz    sia agli ambienti di impronta classica che a quelli
                                                                       The slab simulates natural stone so, some changes are possible in the final product.

                                                                                                                                                              streben, sowohl für klassisch als auch für zeitgemäßer   di stile più contemporaneo.
                                                                                                                                                              ausgelegte Umgebungen geeignet.
     Colours and brightness of printed reproductions are indicative.

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OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
Ocean Midnight: kitchen island,
     drawers, top and backsplash.
     Brazilian Canadian White: floor.

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OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
Ocean Midnight: kitchen island,

     drawers, top and backsplash.

14   Brazilian Canadian White: floor.   15
OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
Ocean Midnight: vanity top,

     cabinet doors and wall shower.

16   Absolute White: wall.            17
OCEAN COLLECTION The sound of waves - Quartzforms
Dimension: 320 x 155 cm (126” x 61”)
                                                                        Thickness: 2 cm - 3 cm (¾” - 1 ¼”)

                                                                                                                                                              Every drop in the ocean counts

                                                                                                                                                              The white colour of this deep, compact slab, brings unique luminosity to interiors. It is adorned
                                                                                                                                                              with an elegant pattern of grey veins, alternately finer or thicker, that attract and capture our
                                                                                                                                                              attention, like the lines created by waves on sand. This reflects the great mastery achieved by
                                                                                                                                                              Quartzforms ® in processing quartz agglomerate, interpreting nature and its gifts.

                                                                                                                                                              Das tiefe und kompakte Weiß dieser Platte verleiht      Il colore bianco di questa lastra, profondo e
                                                                                                                                                              den Umgebungen eine einzigartige Helligkeit. Sie        compatto, conferisce agli ambienti una singolare
                                                                                                                                                              ist durch einen eleganten Verlauf teils feiner, teils   luminosità. È decorato da un elegante tratteggio
                                                                                                                                                              stärkerer grauer Äderungen geprägt, die den Blick       di venature grigie, ora più fini ora più spesse,
                                                                                                                                                              anziehen und verführen, so wie von den Wellen           che attirano e seducono lo sguardo, come i disegni
                                                                                                                                                              in den Sand gezeichnete Muster. Ein Beweis der          che le onde creano sulla sabbia. Una prova della
                                                                                                                                                              großen Meisterschaft, die Quartzforms ® in der          grande maestria raggiunta da Quartzforms ®
                                                                       The slab simulates natural stone so, some changes are possible in the final product.

                                                                                                                                                              Bearbeitung des Quarz-Agglomerats erlangt hat,          nella lavorazione dell’agglomerato di quarzo,
                                                                                                                                                              indem es die Natur und ihre Gaben interpretiert.        interpretando la natura e i suoi doni.
     Colours and brightness of printed reproductions are indicative.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
Ocean Arctic: kitchen island,
     drawers and wall.
     Veined Africa: doors cladding.
     Cloudy Portland Grey: floor.

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Ocean Arctic: kitchen island and drawers.

     Veined Africa: doors cladding.

22   Cloudy Portland Grey: floor.                23
Ocean Arctic: table top.
     Cloudy Beige: wall.
     Planet Saturn: floor.

24                              25
Ocean Arctic: table top.

     Cloudy Beige: wall.

26   Planet Saturn: floor.      27
Dimension: 320 x 155 cm (126” x 61”)
                                                                        Thickness: 2 cm - 3 cm (¾” - 1 ¼”)

                                                                                                                                                              Sky above, sand below, peace within

                                                                                                                                                              The luminous background of the Lagoon slab is crossed by an impressive pattern of fine
                                                                                                                                                              grey-green veins. It recalls fine, classic style marbles, given a decorative, contemporary twist.
                                                                                                                                                              Like all Quartzforms ® slabs, it can be used to clad walls, floors and any other surface in
                                                                                                                                                              rooms, bringing luminosity, elegance and uniqueness to every space.

                                                                                                                                                              Der leuchtende Untergrund der Platte Lagoon ist     Il luminoso fondo della lastra Lagoon è attraversato
                                                                                                                                                              von einem kaum wahrnehmbaren Geflecht aus           da un’impalpabile trama di sottili venature grigio-
                                                                                                                                                              schmalen grau-grünen Äderungen durchzogen.          verdi. Rammenta i grandi marmi di stile classico,
                                                                                                                                                              Sie erinnert an die großen Marmore im klassischen   reinterpretati in chiave decorativa e contemporanea.
                                                                                                                                                              Stil, nur in dekorativer und zeitgemäßer neuer      Come tutte le lastre Quartzforms ®, si presta
                                                                                                                                                              Auslegung. Wie alle Platten von Quartzforms ®       a rivestire pareti, pavimenti e qualunque altra
                                                                                                                                                              eignet sie sich zum Verkleiden von Wänden,          superficie degli ambienti, apportando ovunque
                                                                       The slab simulates natural stone so, some changes are possible in the final product.

                                                                                                                                                              Böden und sämtlichen anderen Oberflächen von        luce, eleganza e unicità.
                                                                                                                                                              Umgebungen und sorgt überall für Licht, Eleganz
                                                                                                                                                              und Einzigartigkeit.
     Colours and brightness of printed reproductions are indicative.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       29
Ocean Lagoon: kitchen island, drawers
     and table top.
     QF Light Beige: wall.

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Ocean Lagoon: kitchen island and table top.

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Ocean Lagoon: countertop bar, top,
     snack zone and boiserie.
     Fossil Nacre: floor

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Ocean Lagoon: countertop bar, top,

     snack zone and boiserie.

36   Fossil Nacre: floor                  37
Dimension: 320 x 155 cm (126” x 61”)
                                                                        Thickness: 2 cm - 3 cm (¾” - 1 ¼”)

                                                                                                                                                              The voice of the sea speaks to the soul

                                                                                                                                                              Fine dark red veins alternate with more fleeting ones in a delicate grey colour with golden
                                                                                                                                                              shimmering effects. They create a refined texture that interrupts and embellishes the pearly
                                                                                                                                                              white background, rich in depth. A skilful interpretation of natural stone, evoking classic
                                                                                                                                                              Breccia Capraia marble, which architects and interior designers can use to enhance any type
                                                                                                                                                              of context and make it unique.

                                                                                                                                                              Schmale dunkelrote Äderungen wechseln sich mit       Sottili venature rosso scuro si alternano ad altre,
                                                                                                                                                              flüchtigeren Linien in einem zarten Grau ab, das     più sfuggenti, in un delicato grigio impreziosito
                                                                                                                                                              durch goldene Anklänge veredelt wird. So wird eine   da bagliori dorati. Creano una raffinata texture,
                                                                                                                                                              erlesene Textur geschaffen, die den perlweißen       che interrompe e decora il fondo bianco perlaceo,
                                                                                                                                                              Untergrund voller Tiefe durchbricht und schmückt.    ricco di profondità. Una sapiente interpretazione
                                                                       The slab simulates natural stone so, some changes are possible in the final product.

                                                                                                                                                              Eine gekonnte Interpretation von Naturstein, die     della pietra naturale, che evoca la classica Breccia
                                                                                                                                                              an den klassischen Breccia Capraia denken lässt,     Capraia, con la quale i progettisti e gli interior
                                                                                                                                                              mit dem Planer und Innendesigner jede Art von        designer potranno valorizzare e rendere unico
                                                                                                                                                              Umgebung zur Geltung bringen und zu etwas            qualunque tipo di ambiente.
                                                                                                                                                              Einzigartigem machen können.
     Colours and brightness of printed reproductions are indicative.

38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        39
Ocean Reef: kitchen top, backsplash,

     drawers and wall unit.

     Cloudy Portland Grey: floor.

40                                          41
Ocean Reef: kitchen top, backsplash,
     drawers and wall unit.
42   Cloudy Portland Grey: floor.           43
Ocean Reef: tub cladding, walls and floor.

44                                                45
                                 the best features

                                  Quartzforms ® offers a          Quartzforms ® is       Quartzforms ® is available
                                 25-year warranty on all           non-toxic and            in a wide range of
                                       its products           environmentally friendly   colours, shades, textures
                                                                                               and finishes

                                 Quartzforms ® is resistant       Quartzforms ® is           Quartzforms ® is
                                   to the stains of many         heat resistant and        resistant to external
                                 liquids and is non-porous        non-flammable                  damage

                                   Quartzforms ® is not       Quartzforms ® does not         Quartzforms ® is
                                     easily scratched              absorb liquids           resistant to knocks

     Ocean Reef: tub cladding,

46   walls and floor.                                                                                                 47
DIMENSIONS                                                                                                         GUARANTEED OVER TIME

                                                                                                                        Thanks to our impeccable production process, we are able to offer you a 25-year warranty
                  Dimension                                 Thickness                      Weight*
                                                                                                                        on the exceptional performance and resistance of our Quartzforms ® worktops,
                                                                                                                        on condition you follow our guidelines for correct use, which you can find on the
                                                            2 cm - ¾”                  240 kg - 529 lb                  quartzforms.com website.
                320 x 155 cm
                 126” x 61”
                                                           3 cm - 1 ¼”                 360 kg - 794 lb
                                                                                                                        DAUERHAFTIGKEIT GARANTIERT                         GARANTITO NEL TEMPO
                                                                                                                        Dank des einwandfreien Produktionsprozesses,       Grazie all’impeccabile processo produttivo,
                                                                                                                        der hohen Leistung und Beständigkeit der           alle elevate prestazioni e alla resistenza delle lastre
                                                                                                                        Quartzforms ® -Tafeln können wir Ihnen eine        Quartzforms ®, possiamo offrirvi una garanzia di ben
     LARGE SLAB                                                                                                         Garantie von 25 Jahren gewähren, gemäß unseren     25 anni, a fronte della conformità alle nostre linee
     *Indicative weight, variable according to the specific weight of the slab.                                         Richtlinien über die ordnungsgemäße Verwendung,    guida per la corretta modalità d’uso, che potete
                                                                                                                        die Sie auf der Website quartzforms.com einsehen   consultare sul sito quartzforms.com.

     FINISHES                                                                     155 cm - 61”
     Polished /brushed

                                                                                                                        Made in Germany                 Europe Union            CE marking                            NSF

                                                                                                                        Greenguard Gold                  Greenguard           Öhmi ISO 9001                     Öhmi ISO 50001
                                                                                                         320 cm -126”

                                                                                   4,96 sqm
                                                                                   53,39 sqft

                                                                                                                        Breton Tech Inside            ASTA World-Wide             KOSHER

48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   49
     Burger Str. 10
     D-39126 Magdeburg
     ph. +49 (0) 39 1 53 888 000
     fax +49 (0) 39 1 53 888 010

     Pictures, descriptions, dimensions and technical
     data have to be considered as purely indicative.
     This catalogue cannot be copied, scanned or
     reproduced by any means.
     All rights reserved.

     A comprehensive list of certifications is available
     on our website: www.quartzforms.com

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