Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent

Page created by Freddie Roberts
Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent
Caring for our
                  environment and you

                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |                                                                        Health & Safety
                                                                    Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent
Health & Safety | Page 2

          No health or safety risk to
          consumers, guests or workers
          IFRA/RIFM compliant, Hyscent fragrances do not contain any TLV
          restricted chemicals and at such low concentrations in the air
          pose no health or safety risk to consumers, guests or workers.

          What is IFRA?
          The IFRA (International Fragrance Regulatory
          Association) Standards form the basis for the
          globally accepted and recognized risk management
          system for the safe use of fragrance ingredients
          and are partof the IFRA Code of Practice. This is
          the self-regulating system of the industry, based
          on risk assessments carried out by an Independent
          Expert Panel. The Expert Panel is made up of
          renowned independent experts from the fields
          such as dermatology, toxicology, pathology and
          environmental sciences. Their role is to evaluate
          the data on a fragrance to see if it supports the
          current use level, to make sure that there is no
          risk for the consumer. In cases where the safety
          assessment does not support the current use,
          the Panel instructs IFRA to issue a Standard either
          restricting or banning a material.

          What is RIFM?
          RIFM (Research Institute For Fragrance Materials)
          is the international scientific authority for the
          safe use of fragrance materials. RIFM generates,
                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

          evaluates and distributes scientific data on the
          safety assessment of fragrance raw materials
          found in personal and household care products.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent
Health & Safety | Page 3

                                           Why the allergy scare?
                                           Concerns about ambient scenting have                                per million. (n.b. Olfactory awareness and
                                           developed because of previous and on-                               recognition occurs at 1 PPM).
                                           going experience and effects of aerosol
                                           and hydro-carbon formulations used in                               The important and the only safety issue in
                                           commercial scent distribution systems                               the use of any environmental enhancement
                                           for ambient scenting.                                               in a public space is whether the known
                                                                                                               safety limits are strictly observed. Users
                                           Aerosols are 60% or more comprised of
                                                                                                               of scenting services are urged to insist
                                           alcohol, which is subject to TLV and BEI
                                                                                                               that their scent service vendors certify
                                           restrictions. Hyscent ambient scenting
                                                                                                               compliance with the TLVs and BEls. Users
                                           formulations have no alcohol. Parties
                                                                                                               of public space ambient scenting machines
                                           concerned about safety may not be
                                                                                                               are encouraged to ascertain whether
                                           aware of this important safety-related
                                                                                                               their appliances are capable of creating
                                           distinction. Another consideration is that
                                                                                                               the desired effect with the ultra-low
                                           the HYscent diffusion system creates
                                                                                                               concentrations described above.
                                           a scent effect with a small quantity of
                                           actual compounds in the air – less than                             Hyscent’s fragrances are created
                                           20 parts per million. By comparison, an                             to have optimal efficacy at the
                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

                                           aerosol sprayer may generate short-term                             concentration levels subject to
                                           concentrations as high as 10,000 parts                              TLV and BEI restrictions.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent
Health & Safety | Page 4

The healthier air freshener
Hyscent vs. other brands

                                                          Aerosol / Wick / Gel

 Product material                                        Liquid / propane / gas                                         Dry vapor

 Harmful ingredients                                 Alcohol, acetone, solvents

 Skin irritation

 Respiratory irritant

 Spillage and residue

Hyscent refills                            Are they flammable?                          Are they safe?                               How do refills
The Hyscent refills are made               No. The Hyscent refills rate                 Yes. These fragrances are safe               combat malodor?
from a Proprietary Polymer Blend           a zero (0) in both the HMIS                  under conditions of anticipated              All Hyscent refills contain
infused with pure essential oils.          and NFPA ratings system. The                 use. In addition to a long history           Odoraxe™, a Malodor Technology
The essential oils in our refills          flammability rating for Gels,                of safe use, a well-established              scientifically designed and
are infused at the molecular               Liquids and Aerosols vary from               program exists within the                    tested to effectively counteract
level and are released evenly              two (2) to four (4).                         fragrance industry for objective,            unpleasant odors, actually
throughout the life of the refill.                                                      scientific evaluation of the                 neutralizing malodors rather than
Over four years of development                                                          safety of its materials and this             simply “masking” them. Odoraxe™
have allowed Hyscent to offer              Do they contain                              is supported by governmental                 is effective against malodors
one of the most technologically            harmful VOCs, leave                          requirements that establish                  such as tobacco smoke,
advanced fragrance products in             residue or cause                             expectations for safety                      bathroom smells, body
use today. Absent of propellants,          corrosion?                                   substantiation of fragrance                  malodor, pet, mildew, kitchen
Petroleum Distillates and harmful                                                       products. Hyscent complies with              and cooking smells. Even when
solvents, we deliver pure, natural         All Hyscent refills are VOC                  the industry standards set by                you can no longer smell the
“Essential Oil” fragrance untainted        compliant and ecofriendly. They              IFRA, the International Fragrance            fragrance Odoraxe™
by chemicals with no spills, mess          leaves= no residue whatsoever                Association and (RIFM) Research              continues to be effective and
or wasteful evaporation.                   and has no corrosive effects.                Institute for Fragrance Materials            counteract malodors.

                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent
Health & Safety | Page 5

Safety & quality assurance
For the Hyscent fragrance ingredient palette, we ensure
that any fragrance materials our perfumers use meet the
Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and the
International Fragrance Association (IFRA) standards.

Hyscent perfumers adhere to the standards set by the Research Institute for
Fragrance Materials (RIFM), which has the most comprehensive database
worldwide of safety evaluations for fragrance materials. It’s an industry
organization, and it uses an independent expert panel. Industry safety
standards are maintained by IFRA, using data from RIFM.
                                                                                                                                          No harmful chemicals
We require our fragrance suppliers to abide by IFRA’s Code of                                                                              No allergic reactions
Practice and its standards, which take into account numerous                                                                                      No toxicity!
factors including chemical composition, variety of use, volume of
use, usage concentration and more. The IFRA standards currently
restrict the use of more than 170 substances due to their
chemical profile.

                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Caring for our environment and you - Health & Safety - Hyscent
Health & Safety | Page 6

                                                                             How are Hyscent
                                                                             fragrances made?
                                                                             A typical Hyscent fragrance could have as
                                                                             many as 50 different ingredients. Hyscent
                                                                             Perfumers combine fragrance ingredients
                                                                             to create a scent. They select from our
                                                                             approved palette of materials, which can
                                                                             include ingredients that are:

                                                                             •    Naturally occurring, meaning extracted from plants
                                                                                  and flowers

                                                                             •    Nature-identical, meaning synthetic materials used to take
                                                                                  the place of naturals where allergens within the naturals
                                                                                  can cause serious human side effects. In addition, they
                                                                                  are used to provide consistent quality and safety, but are
                                                                                  made in a laboratory restrict the use of more than 170
                                                                                  substances due to their chemical profile.
                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Health & Safety | Page 7

Environmental health & safety
Hyscent Product Safety Requirements

Hyscent air fragrancing products do not contain any
carcinogenic ingredients. The finished consumer
product is void of any California Prop 65 materials:
California’s Proposition 65, also called the Safe Drinking
Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, was enacted in
November 1986. It was intended to protect Californians
from chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects,
or other reproductive harm. The Act also helped
tell people about exposures to chemicals that are
“known to the State of California to cause cancer or
reproductive toxicity.” The list is updated at least once
a year and now contains about 800 different chemicals.                                  The following general guidelines shall
                                                                                        be met for all ingredients used in HYSO
Hyscent air care products are not classified as                                         polymer based projects.
VOC’s (volatile organic compounds). The finished
                                                                                        All fragrances must comply with the most recent version of
consumer product meets all the requirements of                                          the IFRA Code of Practice. Use of any ingredient found on the
Title 17, California Code of Regulations, Division 3,                                   California Prop. 65 list is prohibited.

Chapter 1, Subchapter 8.5, Article 2, CONSUMER
                                                                                        THE FOLLOWING INGREDIENTS ARE PROHIBITED:
PRODUCTS,Sections 94507-94517 commonly
referred to as the CARB VOC Standard. Hyscent air                                       Phthalates, nitro-musks, alkyl phenol ethoxylates, diacetyl, rose
                                                                                        crystals/halogenated materials, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
care products do not contain any toxic or hazardous
                                                                                        (and corresponding acetate), ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (and
ingredients. In addition, the fragrances used in HYSO                                   corresponding acetate), furfural, peanut oil and derivatives, animal
air care products do not block smell receptors or                                       derived materials.

interfere with the normal olfaction process.                                            All fragrance submissions must be CARB VOC compliant for the
                                                                                        intended application and dosage.

                                                                                        REACH: cannot contain any chemical(s) identified in Substance of
                                                                                        Very High Concern (SVHC) list.

                                                                                        The Consumer product must not result in a carcinogen, mutagen,
                                                                                        orreproductive toxicant classification as a result of the fragrance
                                                                                        addition. Flash point for all fragrance submissions must be greater
                                                                                        than 140ºF. In addition, the following inventory requirements are met
                                                                                        based on the country(s) of intended product sale:

                                                                                        USA: all ingredients registered in compliance with Section V, TSCA.

                                                                                        European Union: all ingredients on EINECS, ELINCS or in
                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

                                                                                        compliance with Article 6 of Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH).

                                                                                        Canada: all ingredients present on the DSL or NDSL list

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Health & Safety | Page 8

Environmental health & safety
NFPA Rating + HMIS

Flame spreading and off gas analysis: NFPA 704 is a                                     wafer, wick and gel systems are rated: Health-2,
standard maintained by the US-based National Fire                                       FIammaibiIity-2.
Protection Association. It defines the colloquial “fire
diamond” used by emergency personnel to quickly and                                     What this means is that that the Hyscent EVA will not
easily identify the risks posed by nearby hazardous                                     burn or produce any toxic by-products. When exposed
materials. This is necessary to help determine what,                                    to direct flame, EVA will melt but not ignite. Since the
if any, special equipment should be used, procedures                                    EVA does not burn, there is no off-gas produced.
followed, or precautions taken during the first moments
of an emergency response...                                                             The Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) is
                                                                                        a numerical hazard rating that is in compliance with the
Hyscent’s proprietary polymer cartridge has the                                         OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. While the NFPA
following NFPA ratings: Health-1, Flammability-0,                                       rating is designed for emergencies HMIS used to convey
Instability-0. Aerosols are rated: Health-2,                                            broader health warning information. The Hyscent refill
Flammability-2 TCells and like products including                                       HMIS ratings are outlined in the diagram below.

                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
Health & Safety | Page 9

Environmental, Health and
Safety Statement of Compliance
All Hyscent products meet or exceed the highest level of global regulatory
compliance and legislation. All Hyscent products adhere to the standards set
forth by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and meet the most
current version of the lFRA Code of Practice.

What is IFRA?                                                                           Operation of IFRA
The International Fragrance Association (IFRA), incorporated                            IFRA has two arms: a scientific arm and an advocacy/communication
in Geneva and with offices in Brussels, was founded in 1973. It                         arm. The scientific arm is the Research Institute for Fragrance
represents the collective interests of its members and supports                         Materials (RIFM), which is a non-profit scientific institute, founded
those of the finished fragrance products community. IFRA develops                       in 1966 for the purpose of generating and evaluating safety data
and implements a Code of Practice (the Code) that provides                              on fragrance ingredients. The scientific foundation of RIFM is built
recommendations for good operating practice and guidelines on                           around its independent Expert Panel (REXPAN), which is made up
fragrance ingredient safety assessment, and includes fragrance                          of toxicologists, pharmacologists, dermatologists and environmental
safety Standards which may limit or ban the usage of certain                            scientists, none of whom has any other connection to the fragrance
fragrance materials. The Code has been utilized worldwide since                         industry, and whose work involves the safety evaluation of fragrance
1973 and is binding on all members.                                                     ingredients under conditions of intended use. The results of their
                                                                                        evaluations are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and
The mission of IFRA                                                                     their decisions regarding restrictions of use are promulgated
                                                                                        through the IFRA Standards.
To encourage the compliance of fragrance manufacturers and
their products and practices with all relevant legislation – national                   The IFRA Scientific Committee (SC) and the independent RIFM Expert
or international – and with applicable industry codes as well as to                     Panel form the core of the IFRA process upon which the assurance of
promote the highest standards of conduct and safety in the                              safe use of fragrance materials is based. The SC provides
fragrance industry, worldwide, through:                                                 information to the REXPAN regarding use levels of fragrance raw
                                                                                        materials in perfumes for specific product applications; the SC is
1. Establishment and maintenance of a consistent system of Standards for
                                                                                        also responsible for conducting an ongoing series of “volume of
safe use of fragrances, based on broadly recognized scientific principles
                                                                                        use” surveys. Both of these metrics are key elements in the
with the final objective of protecting the consumer and the environment;
                                                                                        REXPAN analysis of safety data, and risk assessment, for individual
2. Maintenance of the high standards necessary to protect and enhance the               fragrance materials. REXPAN decisions regarding any necessary
credibility of the industry through self-policing;                                       use restrictions for the materials reviewed are communicated to
                                                                                        the IFRA membership via Standards that are prepared by the SC,
3. Development and maintenance of open communication and cooperation                    and these are typically released to the membership once a year.
with national and international government bodies, concerned elements of                It is the responsibility of individual companies and their employees,
the medical and scientific community and other stakeholders;
                                                                                        with the aid of their IFRA member associations, to determine how
                                                                                        to apply the lFRA Standards and recommendations, in accordance
4. Support of the independent safety assessment of ingredients used
                                                                                        with applicable law and other requirements of the countries in
by the industry;
                                                                                        which they operate.
5. Provision to the membership of timely and comprehensive information on
matters of relevance to the industry, consistent with the main mission of IFRA;
                                                                                        All Hyscent products comply with the most current
6. Promotion of the merits of fragrances in their general enhancement of
                                                                                        IFRA Code of Practice and comply with all levels of
                                                                                                                                                                             © 2021 HYSO LLC.

quality of life;
                                                                                        safety standards on a global, regional and local level.
7. Advocacy of regulatory principles that protect the intellectual property of          Hyscent products are deemed safe and effective
its members.                                                                            when used appropriately.

Made in the USA | Phone: +1.201.635.9555 | Fax: +1.866.682.8078 |   Address: HYSO LLC, 430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor, Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA | Email:
A new wave in fragrancing


      430 Gotham Parkway, 2 nd Floor,
     Carlstadt, New Jersey, 07072, USA

              © 2021 HYSO LLC.
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