Selecting and Developing Advanced Alloys for Creep-Resistance for Microturbine Recuperator Applications

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Selecting and Developing Advanced Alloys for Creep-Resistance
                                 for Microturbine Recuperator Applications

                                       Philip J. Maziasz and Robert W. Swindeman
                                               Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                                                Metals and Ceramics Division
                                                 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6115
                                     Phone: (865) 574-5082, e-mail:

ABSTRACT                                                                    Microturbines have several design features that are unique
     Recuperators are considered essential hardware to achieve        relative to larger industrial engines. Microturbines operate at
the efficiencies desired for advanced microturbines. Compact          higher speeds and lower pressure ratios than larger gas
recuperator technologies, including primary surface, plate and        turbines, and they need recuperation of exhaust heat to achieve
fin, and spiral, all require thin section materials that have high-   desired efficiencies [1,2]. Low-cost materials are also a must
temperature strength and corrosion resistance up to 750oC or          for mass producing microturbines. Compact recuperators are
above, and yet remain as low-cost as possible. The effects of         heat-exchangers that boost the thermal efficiency of current
processing and microstructure on creep-rupture resistance at          microturbines to about 30% (about 20% without recuperation),
750oC and 100 MPa were determined for a range of austenitic           and are essential for advanced microturbines to achieve the
stainless alloys made into 0.1 mm foils. Two groups of alloys         desired efficiencies of up to 40%.            Recuperators also
were identified with regard to improved creep-resistance relative     significantly muffle the noise from turbines [2-4], which is
to type 347 stainless steel. Alloys with better creep-rupture         important in many potential applications.            Recuperators
resistance included alloys 120, 230, modified 803 and thermie-        represent 25-30% of the overall microturbine cost, so it is
alloy, while alloy 214 and 625 exhibited much better creep            extremely important to balance the need for high performance
strength. Alloys 120 and modified 803 appeared to have the            and durable materials with the need to make them as cost-
most cost-effective improvements in creep-strength relative to        effective as possible.
type 347 stainless steel, and should be attractive for advanced            There are several different kinds of compact metallic
microturbine recuperator applications.                                recuperator technologies available for microturbines, including
                                                                      primary surface, plate and fin, and spiral recuperators, each
                                                                      with a variety of final configurations designed for specific engine
INTRODUCTION                                                          applications [1-6]. While some envision ceramic recuperators in
     Microturbines are a new and increasingly exciting subset of      the future [1], most current compact recuperators are
combustion gas turbines being used and improved for                   manufactured from austenitic stainless steels like type 347 or
stationary power generation. Microturbines have generally             from heat-resistant Ni-based alloys like 625 [1,4]. Last year, the
evolved from automotive or aerospace small turbine                    Department of Energy initiated a new Advanced Microturbine
applications, or from efforts to make industrial turbines smaller,    Program [7] and awarded contracts to turbine manufacturers
and tend to fall in the 5 to 500 kW size range [1]. They are an       (Capstone, Honeywell, General Electric, United Technologies
important part of the evolving distributed power generation           Research Center and Ingersoll-Rand) to design and build
picture, both for stand-alone generation and for combined cycle       microturbines with efficiencies of 40% or more. The only way to
applications with fuel cells [2].                                     achieve that efficiency is higher operating temperatures. Such
                                                                      advanced microturbines will push the metallic recuperator
maximum temperatures to 750oC or higher and demand service              measurement and control of time and temperature and an
lifetimes of 45,000 h or more [7]. Although critical or life-limiting   argon-4%hydrogen atmosphere to produce a bright finish.
properties vary for each of the different compact recuperator                 Creep specimens were laser-cut from as -processed foil
technologies, they all require thin-section alloys with good            with 25.4 mm long and 6.4 mm wide gages. The specimens
resistance to oxidation in moist air or exhaust, and good               were creep-tested in special pin-hold grips designed for foils, in
resistance to creep, fatigue, or fracture at 750 oC or above.           dead-load machines with LVDT strain sensors and
They also need sufficient ductility at room-temperature for             computerized data acquisition systems. All specimens were
various component manufacturing processes and probably                  evaluated by creep-rupture testing at 750oC and 100MPa, with
need to be as close to the cost of type 347 stainless steel as          a few tests also being done at 800oC and lower stress. Several
possible. There is a range of commercial heat-resistant and             of the alloys were tested to evaluate differences in processing
corrosion-resistant alloys available that fall between type 347         conditions.
stainless steel and alloy 625, and there are comprehensive data              Optical metallography was performed on all the as -
bases, selection rules and design guidelines for such high-             processed alloys to determine the final grain size and observe
temperature alloys for thick-section pressure-vessels and piping        the amount of undissolved precipitates or other phases. More
applications [8-10]. However, there are few such data on most           detailed analytical electron microscopy (AEM) was done on a
of these alloys processed into thin-sections or foils specifically      few of the alloys to observe and identify finer precipitates in the
for use in selecting materials for or designing recuperators.           matrix and along grain boundaries, using a Philips CM30
Processing variations can dramatically affect and improve the           (300KV, LaB6 gun), a Philips CM200 (200KV, field emission
creep-resistance of type 347 stainless steel foils at 700oC [11].       gun) or a Philips Tecnai 20 (200KV, LaB6 gun).
Therefore, the purpose of this work is to provide a preliminary
but systematic data base on a range of heat- and corrosion-
resistant alloys between type 347 stainless steel and alloy 625         RESULTS
processed appropriately into foils and creep-tested at 750oC                 Figure 1 shows the typical range of grain sizes obtained for
and above. These data should be useful to aid materials                 the more heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant alloys relative to
selection for microturbine recuperator applications. This work is       type 347 stainless steel. Both the type 347 stainless steel and
also intended to provide a sound physical metallurgical basis           alloy 214 had coarser grain sizes than desired (>20 µm), while
(processing, properties, microstructure correlations) for further       the grain size in the thermie alloy was finer and similar to the
modifying or developing alloys with improved performance that           other alloys processed at ORNL. Processing of alloys 214 and
are most cost-effective relative to type 347 stainless steel for        625 was varied to refine the grain size, but only the alloy 625
advanced microturbine recuperator applications. This work is a          had a much finer grain size (>5 µm).
portion of the new DOE Advanced Microturbines Program [7].                   The plots of creep strain versus time of the various alloys
                                                                        after creep-rupture testing at 750oC and 100 MPa are shown in
                                                                        Figures 2 and 3. The creep response can be separated into
EXPERIMENTAL                                                            two groups, with the thermie alloy being the dividing line
                                                                        common to both groups. The first group is the alloys that are
     All of the austenitic stainless steels and alloys were             somewhat better than type 347 stainless steel, with alloy 120
commercial grades obtained from production-scale plate stock            and modified alloy 803 lasting 2-3 times longer and also having
that was 1.5 – 6.5 mm thick. Type 347 stainless steel was               more than double the rupture elongation. Alloy 230 is a little
obtained from Allegheny-Ludlum, modified 803 developmental              weaker than the modified 803 (Fig. 2), but has about 5% more
alloys, thermie-alloy and alloy 625 were obtained from Special          rupture elongation. Clearly, thermie-alloy has much more creep
Metals, Inc., and alloys 120, 214 and 230 were provided by              resistance than this first group of alloy, lasting 2000 h instead of
Haynes International, Inc. Alloy compositions are given in              600-750 h, and still having close to 20% rupture elongation.
Table 1.                                                                The second group includes alloys 214 and 625, which are
     Pieces of each alloy were processed into 0.1 mm thick foils        considerably stronger and last much longer than thermie-alloy
using laboratory-scale processing equipment at ORNL. The                (Fig. 3). Alloy 214 is the best at these conditions, lasting almost
general processing steps were similar for most of the alloys, but       6000 h and still having close to 10% rupture elongation.
specific processing parameters, particularly the final steps, were           Two processing variations were included for alloy 625, one
tailored for each individual alloy, based on processing                 with a much finer grain size and the second with a finer grain
information for thicker products given by the materials                 size and a small amount of additional cold tensile prestrain
producers, and on experience in alloy processing at ORNL.               (2.5%) (Fig. 4). The fine-grained foil is significantly less creep-
Generally, the goal was to produce foils with about 5-10 grains         resistant relative to the coarser-grain foil, which is expected,
across the thickness. Alloys were reduced to 1.3 mm thickness           while the small amount of added prestrain actually improves the
by hot-rolling at 1150oC or above, and then further reduced by a        creep-resistance slightly. Two processing variations were also
series of cold-rolling and solution-annealing steps into foils.         included for alloy 214, with the shorter anneal producing a
Annealing times and temperatures varied from several minutes            slightly finer grain size than the longer anneal (Fig. 5). Both
to over 30 minutes at 1050 to 1200oC depending on the alloy,            show good creep resistance at 800oC and 80 MPa, with the
with final annealing temperatures being slightly lower and times        material having slightly coarser grains also being slightly better.
much shorter to control the final grain size. Anneals of thicker               AEM analysis was performed on the 347 stainless steel,
materials were performed in an argon muffle in a large box (air)        and alloys 625 and 214, with the latter two being shown in
furnace, whereas the final anneals of thin foils were done in a         Figure 6. The stabilized 347 steel has only some coarser NbC
special radiant-heating furnace (high-intensity tungsten-halogen        particles in austenite grains that are otherwise free of any other
lamps for very rapid heating and cooling), with precise                 types of carbides. The alloy 625 has some patches of very fine
particles and sparce clusters of much coarser particles in             consider in trying to assess reliability and durability during long-
otherwise austenite grains. High special resolution X-ray              term service, particular regarding resistance to cracking in an
energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) microcompositional               aggressive, corrosive environment.              In terms of tensile
analysis revealed that the coarse particles are all Ti- and Nb-        elongation for thick-section products, the modified alloy 803 and
rich MC carbides (about 80% Ti, 20% Nb), while the fine                alloy 625 have the highest ductility, which gives alloy 625 the
precipitates are Nb-rich eta silicides (roughly equal parts of Nb,     highest combination of UTS and total elongation of the alloys
Cr, Si and Ni). AEM analysis of alloy 214 shows that there is a        considered. The other alloys all show >40% elongation, with
very fine and uniform dispersion of coherent Ni3Al (γ’)                thermie alloy having 30% and alloy 214 having only 15%. As
precipitates in the austenite grains and along grain boundaries,       finer grained foil products, type 347 steel and alloys 214 and
clearly identified by electron diffraction. AEM analysis of all the    625 have creep-rupture ductilities of about 10% or less. Alloy
other as -processed alloys is in progress and some of the creep-       214 maintains its ductility after creep, despite being a relatively
tested specimens will also be analyzed to determine the nature         coarser grained foil. Alloy 625 shows much lower creep-rupture
of their creep-resistance. The fine γ’ precipitation prior to creep    ductility relative to its total tensile elongation, and even very fine
in alloy 214 is clearly a difference relative to the other primarily   grained foil has about the same rupture ductility. The other
solid-solution alloys, and is consistent with the robust creep-        austenitic alloys all show > 20% creep-rupture ductility (about
resistance this alloy exhibits. Knowing and understanding the          twice that of type 347 steel), with alloy 230 having the best
high-temperature strengthening mechanisms in each of these             (about 25%).
different alloys provides important feedback as to whether or                 When considering rough relative cost estimates of these
not further processing modifications or alloy development are          stainless alloys compared to type 347 stainless steel, the
likely to improve the observed creep-resistance.                       modified 803 and alloy 120 appear to be about 3 times more
                                                                       expensive than type 347 [13], which is significantly less than
                                                                       alloy 625 which is about 5 times more expensive. Since alloy
DISCUSSION                                                             230 and thermie-alloy would fall closer in cost to alloy 625
      Creep-rupture testing provides just one measure of               (based mainly on alloy composition without regard to
performance for ranking or selecting materials at elevated             processing), and alloy 214 is even more expensive, the most
temperatures, but above 600-650oC where creep can limit the            cost-effective alloys with improved performance for microturbine
lifetime of Fe-Cr-Ni stainless steels and alloys, it can be a better   recuperator applications in the temperature range of 700-750oC
indicator than tensile properties alone. Ultimate tensile strength     appear to be alloy 120 and the new modified alloy 803. Since
and total elongation of the various alloys considered in this work     both alloys have about 25% Cr supported by higher alloy Ni
are given in Table 2, and are taken from either alloy data sheets      contents, they should also have much better oxidation/corrosion
available from the various materials producers (Allegheny              resistance than type 347 stainless steel, even in a moist
Ludlum, Special Metals or Haynes International) or the literature      exhaust environment.
[12]. For thin-section compact recuperators for microturbines,              Clearly these data are very preliminary, and there is a need
both creep and oxidation resistance, particularly with water           for long creep-tests at lower stresses as well as appropriate
vapor effects included, are important life-determining                 corrosion testing in water vapor, but both of these alloys warrant
parameters h   t at must be considered for materials selection         further investigation, particularly with regard to specific
[4,13-15].    However, for the different kinds of compact              recuperator component fabrication issues such as formability,
recuperators, other properties, including cyclic and thermal           welding or brazing. In terms of even higher metallic foil
fatigue, and thermal expansion are also important, and relative        performance, both alloys 625 and 214 should be able to
cost is an essential consideration. With regard to oxidation           withstand temperatures of 800oC or above, but the same
resistance, studies in 4-15% water vapor at 700-800 oC indicate        component fabrication issues must also be addressed.
that above 700oC, stainless steels and alloys with over 20 wt.%              Finally, another consideration for selection of these alloys
Cr will perform better than stainless steels with lower Cr [14,15],    in various compact recuperator applications is thermal
and that alloys like 625 (22 wt. Cr) and 214 (16 wt.% Cr + 4.5 %       expansion [4,13]. Type 347 stainless steel has relatively higher
Al) show very good behavior under such conditions [16]. With           thermal expansion than the other austenitic alloys considered
the exception of alloy 214 which contains both Cr and Al, all of       here, with the relative expansion decreasing with increasing Ni
the heat-resistant alloys included in this study have 22-25 wt.%       content. Alloy 625 has 20-25% less expansion than type 347
Cr and Ni levels of 35% or more (Table 1).                             stainless steel in the temperature range of 600-800oC, with alloy
      Ranking the alloys according to creep-rupture resistance at      120 and modified alloy 803 falling about half way in between.
750oC as foils is generally consistent with the relative               Although the specific effects of thermal expansion are different
differences in their ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) as thicker       in each of the various microturbine recuperator technologies,
wrought products, but there are several important exceptions.          there is a definite benefit to lower thermal expansion, which
While thermie-alloy has the highest UTS at 750oC, its creep-           provides an added benefit when considering replacement of
rupture resistance is significantly lower that alloys 625 and 214,     type 347 stainless steel with alloy 120 or modified alloy 803.
with 214 being clearly the best of the alloys tested. Alloy 230               Microturbine recuperator design and performance should
has UTS similar to alloy 625, but the creep-resistance is only         be enhanced by continued development of a systematic data
somewhat better than type 347 stainless steel, and a little less       base of alloy properties derived for appropriately processed
than the creep resistance of the modified alloy 803, which has         thin-section or foil, and including a range of stainless alloys and
about half the UTS of alloy 230. Clearly, alloy 230 ranks lower        superalloys.        Moreover, metallurgical insight into the
in relative creep resistance as a foil product than alloy 120 or       microstructure/processing relationships and the effects of such
modified alloy 803. Both total tensile elongation and creep-           microstructures on creep and aging mechanisms of thin section
rupture elongation at 750 oC are also important factors to             alloys should at least allow performance optimization for given
alloys like alloy 120 or modified 803. Such data may also            5. Oswald, J.I., Dawson, D.A., and Clawley, L.A., 1999, “A New
enable significant modifications to develop new, more cost-          Durable Gas Turbine Recuperator,” ASME paper 99-GT-369,
effective alloys in between these standard alloys and type 347       Am. Soc. Mech. Engin., New York, NY.
stainless steel. Such data will also be applicable to the other      6. Child, S.C., Kesseli, J.B., and Nash, J.S., “Unit Construction
thin section hardware that supports the compact recuperator          Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger,” U.S. Patent no. 5,983,992 (Nov. 16,
cores, including containment, ducting and flexible connectors.       1999).
                                                                     7. Advanced Microturbine Systems – Program Plan for Fiscal
                                                                     Years 2000 – 2006, Office of Power Technologies, Office of
                                                                     Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of
CONCLUSIONS                                                          Energy, Washington, D.C. (March 2000).
      A group of heat-resistant and oxidation/corrosion resistant    8. Swindeman, R.W. and Marriott, D.L., 1994, “Criteria for
austenitic stainless alloys have been processed into 1.3 mm          Design with Structural Materials in Combined-Cycle
foils and creep-rupture tested at 750oC and 100 MPa. Alloys          Applications Above 815oC,” Transactions of the ASME, 116, pp.
230, 120 and modified 803 lasted several times longer than           352-359.
type 347 stainless steel, while thermie-alloy was almost ten         9. Kane, R.H., 1991, “The Evolution of High Temperature
times better. Alloys 625 and 214 showed much better creep-           Alloys: A Designer’s Perspective,” in Heat-Resistant Materials ,
rupture resistance than thermie-alloy, with alloy 214 showing        eds. Natesan, K., and Tillack, D.J., ASM-International, Materials
the best behavior observed for this entire group. Thermie-alloy,     Park, OH, pp. 1-8.
and alloys 625 and 214 probably have the potential for use at        10. Stringer, J., 1995, “Applications of High-Temperature
low stresses at 800 oC and above.          These alloys are also     Materials,” in Heat-Resistant Materials II, eds. Natesan, K.,
sensitive to variations in processing parameters.       Because      Ganesan, P., and Lai, G., ASM-International, Materials Park,
alloys 214 and 625 are considerably more expensive than type         OH, pp. 19-29.
347 steel, alloy 120 and modified alloy 803 may be the most          11. Maziasz, P.J., et al., 1999, “Improved Creep-Resistance of
cost-effective alternatives to type 347 steel for microturbine       Austenitic Stainless Steel for Compact Gas Turbine
recuperator applications, particularly if they demonstrate good      Recuperators,” Materials at High Temperatures, 16, pp. 207-
resistance to oxidation in moist exhaust gas. Minor alloying or      212.
processing modifications may also further improve the creep          12. Stoloff, N.S., 1990, “Wrought and P/M Superalloys,” in
resistance of both of these alloys                                   Properties and Selection: Irons, Steels and High-Performance
                                                                     Alloys , Vol. 1, Metals Handbook (10 th Edition), ASM-
                                                                     International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 950-980.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                     13. Harper, M.A., Smith, G.D., Maziasz, P.J., and Swindeman,
     We want to thank Allegheny-Ludlum (an Allegheny-                R.W., 2001, “Materials Selection for High-Temperature Metal
Teledyne Company) for providing type 347 stainless steel,            Recuperators,” paper to be presented at Turbo Expo 2001
Special Metals, Inc. for providing modified 803 alloys and           Conference, sponsored by ASME.
thermie-alloy, and Haynes International, Inc. for providing alloys   14. Pint, B.A. and Rakowski, J.M., 2000, “Effects of Water
120, 230 and 214. We also thank K.S. Blakely and others at           Vapor on the Oxidation Resis tance of Stainless Steels,”
ORNL for expert processing of the various alloys into foils, H.      Corrosion 2000 paper 00259, NACE International, Houston, TX.
Longmire for metallographic analysis, and J.W. Jones for TEM         15. Rakowski, J.M., and Pint, B.A., 2000, “Observations of the
specimen preparation. Research was sponsored by the U.S.             Effects of Water Vapor on the Elevated Temperature Oxidation
Department of Energy, Assistant Secretary for Energy                 of Austenitic Stainless Steel Foil,” Corrosion 2000 paper 00517,
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Power                     NACE International, Houston, TX.
Technologies as part of the Microturbines Materials Program,         16. Pint, B.A., Swindeman, R.W., More, K.L., and Tortorelli,
and by Office of Fossil Energy, Advanced Research Materials          P.F., 2001, “Materials Selection for High Temperature (750-
Program as part of a CRADA (ORNL98-0529) between ORNL                1000oC) Metallic Recuperators for Improved Efficiency
and Special Metals, Inc., under contract DE-AC05-00R22725            Microturbines,” paper to be presented at Turbo Expo 2001
with UT-Battelle, LLC.                                               Conference, sponsored by ASME.

1. McDonald, C.F., 1996, “Heat Recovery Exchanger
Technology for Very Small Gas Turbines,” International Journal
of Turbo and Jet Engines, 13, pp.239-261.
2. Massardo, A.F., McDonald, C.F., and Korakianitis, T.,
“Microturbine/Fuel-Cell Coupling for High-Efficiency Electrical-
Power Generation,” 2000, ASME paper 2000-GT-0175, Am.
Soc. Mech. Engin., New York, NY.
3. McDonald, C.F., 2000, “Low Cost Recuperator Concept for
Microturbine Applications,” 2000, ASME paper 2000-GT-0167,
Am. Soc. Mech. Engin., New York, NY.
4. Ward, M.E., 1995, “Primary Surface Recuperator Durability
and Applications,” Turbomachinery Technology Seminar paper
TTS006/395, Solar Turbines, Inc., San Diego, CA.
Table 1 – Compositions of Heat-Resistant Austenitic Stainless Alloys Processed into Foils (wt.%)

Alloy/vendor             Fe      Cr       Ni      Mo       Nb       C      Si     Ti      Al       Others
347 steel                68.7    18.3     11.2    0.3      0.64     0.03   0.6    0.001   0.003    0.2 Co

modified 803            40      25        35      n.a.     n.a.     0.05   n.a.   n.a.    n.a.     n.a.
(Special Metals, developmental)

thermie-alloy            2.0     24       48      0.5      2.0      0.1    0.5    2.0     0.8      20 Co
(Special Metals)

alloy 120                33      25       32.3    2.5 max 0.7       0.05   0.6    0.1     0.1      3 Co max, 3 W max,
(Haynes International)                                                                             0.2 N

alloy 230                3 max 22         52.7    2        -        0.1    0.4    -       0.3      5 Co max, 14 W,
(Haynes International)                                                                             + trace La

alloy 214                3.0     16       76.5    -        -        -      -      -       4.5      + minor Y
(Haynes International)

alloy 625                3.2     22.2     61.2    9.1      3.6      0.02   0.2    0.23    0.16
(Special Metals)

n.a. – not available

Table 2 – Typical Tensile Properties of Heat-Resistant Austenitic Stainless Alloys Wrought Plate
          or Tube at 750 C

Alloy                    Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa)                   Total Elongation (%)

347 stainless steel              240                                              45
modified alloy 803               310                                              63
alloy 120                        485                                              45
alloy 230                        590                                              45
thermie-alloy                    795                                              30
alloy 214                        690                                              15
alloy 625                        620                                              70

(data from the literature or data sheet from materials suppliers)
Figure 1 – Optical metallography of polished and etched specimens
of as-processed 0.1 mm thick foils to show grain sizes of a) type 347
stainless steel, b) thermie-alloy, and c) alloy 214


                                               Foil Creep
                                             750°C 100 MPa

                                                 reference 347 SS
                                                 alloy 230
                                                 modified alloy 803
                      20                         alloy 120
   creep strain (%)


                           0   500    1000            1500            2000

                                     time (h)

Figure 2 – Plots of creep strain versus time for creep-rupture testing
of foils ranging from type 347 stainless steel to thermie-alloy at 750 C
and 100 MPa.

                                                                               Foil Creep
                                                                             750°C 100 MPa

                                                                                  reference 347 SS
                                                                                  alloy 625
                                                                                  alloy 214
   creep strain (%)


                                  0                1000         2000     3000          4000          5000           6000

                                                                       time (h)

Figure 3 – Plots of creep strain versus time for creep-rupture testing of
foils ranging from type 347 stainless steel to alloys 625 and 214 at 750 C
and 100 MPa.

                                                  625 FG foil
                                                                                                               625 foil
                                                                 625 FG CW
                      creep strain (%)



                                                                                                       creep rupture
                                                                                                       750°C 100 MPa
                                                                                                                   625FG CW

                                              0            1000          2000             3000              4000              5000

                                                                               time (h)

Figure 4 – Plots of creep strain versus time for creep-rupture testing at
750 C and 100 MPa of foils of alloy 625 processed at different conditions
(FG = fine grained) or with 2.5% cold prestrain.

                             Foil Creep
                             800°C 80 MPa
                             Alloy 214
     creep strain (%)


                                                       2s @ 1150°C
                                                       30s @ 1100°C

                         0    500             1000      1500          2000

                                            time (h)

Figure 5 - Plots of creep strain versus time for creep-rupture testing at
800 C and 80 MPa of foils of alloy 214 processed at different conditions
that slightly vary final grain size, with 2s at 1150 C being finer.

Figure 6 – TEM images showing the microstructures within grains and along grain boundaries for
as-processed foils of a) alloy 214 with a final solution anneal (SA) of 30s at 1100 C, and b) alloy 625
(FG) with a final recrystallization anneal of 30s at 900 C. The superimposed diffraction pattern shows
the characteristic extra spots from the γ’ (Ni3Al) coherent precipitates shown as black spots in the
image. The alloy 625 had coarser precipitate particles of Ti- and Nb-rich MC carbides and finer η phase silicides.
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