PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

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PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Machines and Diamond Tools

Premium grinding tools since 1919
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit


TYROLIT is one of the world’s leading manufacturers
of grinding and dressing tools as well as a system
provider for the construction industry.

Since 1919, our innovative tools have made
an important contribution to the technological
development in many industries. TYROLIT offers
tailored grinding solutions for various applications, as
well as a comprehensive assortment of standard tools                                                TYROLIT headquarters in Schwaz (Austria)
for customers all over the world.

Headquartered in Schwaz (Austria), the family-owned
business combines the strengths of being a part of
the dynamic Swarovski Group with a century’s worth
of individual corporate and technological experience.

Facts & Figures

               80,000 +                                            29                                                  4,400 +
               products                                            production sites                                    employees worldwide

               36                                                  500 +
               sales locations                                     worldwide patents

Sales companies in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the UAE, the UK and the USA. Distributors in 65 other countries.
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit


Overview of technologies        4    Ring and hand sawing                16 - 17

Core drilling                5-7     Table sawing                        18 - 19

Wall sawing                  8-9     Floor grinding                          20

Wire sawing                10 - 11   Slurry collectors and power packs       21

Floor sawing               12 - 13   Grooving & grinding                     22

Dry cutting                14 - 15   Project Services                        23
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Convincing, technologies

 TYROLIT diamond tools with TGD® technology feature            P2® – PERMANENT POWER – is a high-frequency techno-
 intelligently distributed diamonds that enable even load      logy registered by TYROLIT, which combines the compact
 distribution, optimised cooling and a constantly high         design of electrical systems with the reliability and perfor-
 cutting performance. This significantly extends the tool      mance of hydraulic systems in a single machine to optimum
 lifetime and the load on the machines is reduced.             effect. This innovative drive concept is based on the prin-
                                                               ciple of drive motors with permanent magnets and enables
 Your advantages:                                              operation at a high torque, with simultaneously reduced mo-
 + Long lifetime                                               tor speeds. The maintenance-friendly layout of the compact
                                                               devices makes servicing easier and reduces costs.
 + High cutting ability
 + Enhanced efficiency              TGD® Segment               Your advantages:
                                                               + High reliability
                                                               + Powerful performance
                                                               + Compact design
                                    Conventional segment

 Thanks to the TYROLIT Modular System, individual com-         With the MoveSmart Technology, TYROLIT machines are
 ponents can be used for the same area of application and      connected to the Internet for the very first time. The techno-
 for different applications. This not only makes the work      logy processes real-time user data directly at the construc-
 easier and more efficient, it also saves on costs. One part   tion site and makes it available on various end-user devices.
 of the TYROLIT Modular System is the ModulDrill™ quick        The cloud-based MoveSmart Technology was developed in
 clamping system, for example, which enables our drill         collaboration with the Austrian start-up ToolSense and pro-
 motors to be rapidly attached to different TYROLIT drill      vides users and business owners with important machine
 rigs.                                                         and usage data, helping them to get the most out of their
                                                               equipment. Service hours, error reports and pending soft-
 Your advantages:                                              ware updates, for instance, can be recalled anywhere and at
 + High cost efficiency                                        any time. This enables better planning, as well as faster and
                                                               more cost-efficient operation based on real data.
 + Efficient working
 + Easy operation                                              Your advantages:

                                                               + Increased productivity
                                                               + Reduced service times
                                                               + Targeted product development
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Drill motors

                                                                                                         DME20PW/                       DME24MW/
            DME19DP                         DME17DP                   DME22SU
                                                                                                         PU                             UW
Up to Ø 162 mm               Up to Ø 200 mm              Up to Ø 180 mm                    Up to Ø 180 mm                  Up to Ø 250 mm
1.8 kW                       2.0 kW                      2.2 kW                            2.0 kW                          2.2 kW
with percussion              with percussion, 2 gears    3 gears                           3 gears                         3 gears

                                                                                           Drill hammer
                                                                                            NEW      from summer 2021

                                            DME52UW                   DGB1000              DHE32
Up to Ø 450 mm               Up to Ø 500 mm              Drilling gearbox                  Up to Ø 32 mm
3.3 kW                       5.2 kW                      Up to Ø 1 000 mm                  Universal drill hammer
3 gears                      3 gears                     Hydraulic and electric            SDS-plus
                                                                                           incl. 16 mm drill

Core drill bits
Wet                                                                         Deep Core Drills                        Dry

CD                                     CD                                   CDNX                                    DDL
PREMIUM TGD®:                          STANDARD: CDL / CDM                  PREMIUM: CDNX-DCI                       PREMIUM TGD®: DDL / DDL-HH /
CDL / CDL-C2 / CDM                     BASIC: B1 / B1M                      ø 20 - 252 mm (300 mm on                DDL-RM / DDE
TGD®-Technologie from Ø 47 mm                                               request), extension rods 250, 500       STANDARD & BASIC: DDL
PREMIUM: CD660 / CD640 /               Ø 12 – 1 500 mm
                                                                            and 1 000 mm lengths                    Ø 32 – 300 mm
CD840 / CDXM/H                         Roof segments
                                                                            Deep coring up to 40 m depths           rig mounted (RM):
Ø 10 – 1 500 mm                                                                                                     for reinforced concrete
roof segments from Ø 47 mm                                                                                          handheld (HH):
                                                                                                                    for brick materials
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

                                                         + Deep Core Drills in                     + Scarper as support for abrasive
                                                           interchangeable system                    materials

                                                         + For deep hole drilling                  + Core catcher for removal of drill
                                                           up to 40 m                                cores

                                                         + Ø 20 - 252 mm (300 mm on                + Chain spanner for changing the
                                                           request)                                  screwdrill bit

                                                         + Complete system with 11/4"              + Drill stand for deep hole drilling
                                                                                                   + Extensions in 250, 500 and
                                                         + Drilling direction stabilisers            1 000 mm

Segment overview for wet drilling

TECHNOLOGY                                    EFFICIENCY                                     CUTTING PERFORMANCE

TGD® – optimal grain distribution             Perfect working results                        High cutting ability thanks to U-Cuts
PREMIUM CDL, CDM, CDL-C2                      PREMIUM CDXH, CDXM                             PREMIUM CD840, CD640, CD660
                                              STANDARD CDL, CDM                              BASIC B1M
                                              BASIC B1

                       Segment diameter ranges [mm]                                                Segment widths [mm]

               10     42    47      76        289        1 500                        2,5   3,0    3,5        4,0   5,0   5,5   6,5   7,5

               CDL RING                      CDL                                     CDL RING       CDL-C2
                                    CD660, CD640, CDXM                                                        CDL
                                            CDXH                                                  CDM, CD660, CD840
                                         CDL-C2                                                                CD640
                                     CDM, CD840                                                                 CDXH

               CDL RING                      CDL                                     CDL RING                 CDL
                                             CDM                                                          CDM

                                    B1                                                                   B1

    Low (< 2.4 kW)                  Medium (< 3.5 kW)            High (> 3.5 kW)
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Core drill rigs

               DRS162                           DRS250                   DRA150                         DRU160                DRA/U250

Up to Ø 162 mm                   Up to Ø 250 mm             Up to Ø 150 mm                 Up to Ø 160 mm          Up to Ø 250 mm
Drill system                     Drill system               Clamping collar 60 mm          Clamping collar 60 mm   ModulDrill™
incl. 2.5 kW drill motor         incl. 2.5 kW drill motor   Dowel foot                     Dowel | Vacuum          Dowel | Vacuum

               DRU350                           BY                       DRA/U400                       DRA500                BC-2

Up to Ø 350 mm                   Up to Ø 350 mm             Up to Ø 400 mm                 Up to Ø 500 mm          Up to Ø 1 000 mm
360° rotation, ModulDrill™       ModulDrill™                ModulDrill™                    ModulDrill™             2-column-guiding
Telescoping system               2-column-guiding           Dowel | Vacuum                 Extendable              Modularity with wire saw

Tile drill-sets

               Tile drill-sets                                            Paraffin Tile drills

HEX Ø 5-14        M14 Ø20+         XL                       HEX Ø 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 mm
Kit HEX           M14                                       individual or as a set
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Wall sawing
Product highlights

                     + THE electric wall saw for everyday   + USB interface
                       use at the construction site
                                                            + Small and compact control unit
                     + Quick assembly and disassembly
                                                            + Redesigned, lightweight blade
                       thanks to tool-free motor
                                                            + Available with MoveSmart
                     + Extremely compact motor
                     + Radio remote control with display

                     Combination of drive holes
                     + For all 12M109 TYROLIT wall saw heads in Central Europe
                       (except WSE811 MKII)

                     + For all 6M207 HILTI and HUSQVARNA wall saw heads

                                       WSL-FAST CUT
                     + Wide-tooth C7-version                + Laser-welded segments
                                                              for highest security up to
                     + TGD®-Technology for consistent
                                                              Ø 1 200 mm
                       cutting rate and smooth cutting
                       through rebar
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Wall saws

              WSE811 MKII                  WSE1621                       WSE2226            DZ-S2

Up to Ø 825 mm               Up to Ø 1 600 mm                Up to Ø 2 200 mm               Up to Ø 1 200 mm
11 kW (P2®-Technology)       20 kW (P2®-Technology)          26 kW (P2®-Technology)         Ideal for 20 kW power pack
Electric                     Electric                        Electric                       Hydraulic
MoveSmart Technology         MoveSmart Technology

                                                             Wall saw blades

FZ-4S                                                                    WS                              WS

Up to Ø 2 200 mm                                             WSL-FC, WSL-FC-LL, WSL,        WSL, WSM, WSM-FC
Ideal for 40 kW power pack                                   WSL-SILENT, WSM, WSM-SILENT,   Ø 600 – 1 200 mm
Hydraulic                                                                                   TGD®-Technology
                                                             Ø 450 – 2 200 mm
                                                             TGD® up to Ø 1 200 mm

Wall saw accessories

Rails                        Trestles & Stopper              Blade Guard                    Blade Guard WSE1621

Aluminium rails              Swivel rail trestles, stopper   Blade guard All-in-One         Blade guard All-in-One linear
Steel rails
PRODUCT PROGRAMME CONSTRUCTION 2021 - Machines and Diamond Tools - EN - Tyrolit

Wire sawing
Product highlights

                     + Universal wire saw

                     + Simplified wire guidance

                     + Ergonomic and light components

                     + Reduced weight of components

                     + Vitrified wire for concrete

                     + Very fast cutting performance

                     + Noticeable smooth running due to optimized bead and wire construction

                     + High level of safety due to robust construction

Wire sawing

               SB-E | SB                  WCU17                        WCE18                           WCE30                        CCE/H25

Gross wire length 15.5 m     Gross wire length 17 m        Gross wire length 19 m        Gross wire length 31,5 m      Circular wire saw, Ø 500 –
Electric and hydraulic       Electric and hydraulic        Electric                      Electric                      2,500 mm

SB: ATEX certified                                                                                                     Electric and hydraulic

Diamond wire
Concrete                                                                  Steel

               DW                                  DW                                  DWH -S/S-ATEX/SL                      DWM-S/SL

DWM / DWL                           DWM / DWL                             DWH-S ATEX: ATEX certified            For steel
For concrete                        For concrete                          For steel / non-ferrous metals        Electroplated, also as loops (SL)
Electroplated and sintered          Electroplated and sintered            Electroplated, also as loops (SL)     As loop in yellow rubber
Ø 10.2 and 8.5 / 11 mm              Ø 10 / 11 mm                          Ø 11 mm                               Ø 10.2 mm

Wire saw accessories

Hand press                          Connections

80 kN                               Cardanic and repair connectors

Floor saws

           FSG513               FSG620               FSE811               FSD930

Up to Ø 450 mm       Up to Ø 600 mm       Up to Ø 800 mm       Up to Ø 900 mm
8.2 kW               15 kW                7.5 kW               22 kW
Petrol               Petrol               Electric             Diesel


           FSD1049              FSE1022              FSE1240              FSD1274 3-GEAR

Up to Ø 1 000 mm     Up to Ø 1 000 mm     Up to Ø 1 200 mm     Up to Ø 1 200 mm
36 kW                22 kW                30 kW                55 kW
Diesel               Electric             Electric             Diesel

Floor saw blades
Cured concrete                                            Asphalt

           FS-C                         FSC                          FS-A                  FSA

FSL, FSM, FSH-C, FSX-C3    Ø 300 – 800 mm                 FSL-A, FSM-A, FSH-A   Ø 300 – 800 mm
Ø 350 – 1 200 mm           For low powered machines       Ø 300 – 1 200 mm

Green concrete

           FS-G            Chamfering

FSL-G3/G4 | FSM-G3/G4/G5   For various widths of joints
Ø 300 – 600 mm             Chamfer cutter 45°
                           Diameter 280 mm, two-part

Dry Cutting Assortment

Increased performance by up to 30%                              New look
+ Powerful tools, extremely high cutting speeds                 + Re-designed segments, clear labels and updated
  and outstanding durability                                      packaging

Compact assortment                                              Highest product safety
+ Streamlined product palette with solutions                    + Complete assortment in compliance with OSA
  for all common construction materials                           and EN13236 regulations

Innovative and user-friendly
+ Entirely tailored to current market demands
  and today’s powerful machines

Upgraded segments
for outstanding results

  New, even more intelligent diamond pattern                          Increased cooling effect
  allows for more efficiency                                          due to new U-shaped cuts

  Performance increase                                                Reduced segment surface
  due to new segment shape                                            ensures a higher cutting rate

The composition of the segments is different for all quality lines.

For more information on our new dry cut range,
please see our range flyer.

Dry cutting saw blades
 NEW                            NEW                            NEW                               NEW

Universal                      Hard Stone                     Concrete                          Asphalt & Concrete
DCU TGD® Ø 230 – 400 mm        DCH Ø 115 – 125 mm             DCC                               DCA+C
DCU Ø 105 – 400 mm             DCH TGD® Ø 230 – 400 mm        Ø 115 – 400 mm                    Ø 115 – 450 mm
Ø 400 mm for flush cutting     Ø 400 mm for flush cutting     Also in FC & LL
Also in DCE-SILENT in TGD®     Also in FC

 NEW                            NEW                                                              NEW

Cut-All                        Universal                      Tiles & Marble                    DCP Porcelain stoneware
Cut-All                        Roofer’s                       PREMIUM: DCT, DCM                 Ø 115 – 125 mm
Ø 115 – 350 mm                 Ø 230 mm                       BASIC: DCT

For all materials                                             Ø 100 – 350 mm

Cup grinder                    Specials                       Brick grinder

                                            DCCI COMBI        DGBM / H / X

PREMIUM: DGU / DGU Turbo       DCCI Combi for plastic pipes   Brick grinder for hollow bricks
STANDARD:                      Ø 125                          Ø 500 – 900 mm
DGU double row / single row,
DGU Turbo, DGU-T Continuous,                                  TGD®-Technology
DGU-FC L-Segment, DGAB,
Ø 100 – 180 mm

Ring and hand sawing
Product highlights

                       + 6.5 kW P2® motor

                       + Intelligent ergonomics – handle can be rotated 90°
                         for horizontal cuts

                       + Modular use with WSE1621 wall saw system

                       + For concrete and reinforced concrete

                       + Universal use and very fast cutting performance

                       + RSL without U-Cuts

                       + Perfectly adapted for TYROLIT Hydrostress
                         ring saw HRE410

Hand saws
                                                      NEW     from summer 2021    NEW     from summer 2021

             HBE400                   HRE410         AGE125                      AGE230

Up to Ø 405 mm            Up to Ø 405 mm             Up to Ø 125 mm              Up to Ø 230 mm
Cutting depth up 150 mm   Cutting depth up 300 mm    900 W                       2.1 kW
Flush cutting function    Modular use with WSE1621   Soft start                  Soft start
                          wall saw system

Hand saw blades

             HS                       HSL-FAST CUT                HSX-FAST CUT

HSL, HSM, HSX             HSL-FC                     HSX-FC
Ø 405 – 416 mm            Ø 350 mm                   Ø 416 mm
TGD®-Technology           Pre-cutting blade          TGD®-Technology

Ring saw blades

             RS                       RSL

RSL & RSM                 RSL-FC & RSL-C
Ø 366 – 506 mm            Ø 306 – 406 mm

Cellular concrete band saw
Product highlights

                       + For processing of aerated concrete and for various
                         types of brick

                       + Fast and hassle-free changing of saw bands

                       + Automatic saw cut off

                       + High lifetime and automatic saw band tensioner

                       + Low maintenance intensity thanks to direct driver
                         of saw band rollers

Table saws

            TRE250                             TBE400                        TME700                TME1000

Tile saw                          Masonry saw                   Masonry saw           Masonry saw
Up to Ø 250 mm                    Up to Ø 400 mm                Up to Ø 700 mm        Up to Ø 1 000 mm
Cutting length 1,050 mm           Swivelling saw head           Mitre stop            Mitre stop

Table saw blades

            TSU/TSU-SILENT                     TSH/TSH-SILENT                DCT                   ES-T

Universal                         Hard stone                    Tiles                 Marble
Ø 250 – 1000 mm                   Ø 300 - 350 mm                Ø 180 – 350 mm        Ø 250 – 350 mm

Circular concrete
band saw


Cutting height up to 510 mm
Quick fastening band saw change

Floor grinding

            FGE250                                FGE400                                                  FGE450                             FGE530

Grinding width 250 mm                Grinding width 400 mm                                    Grinding width 450 mm              Grinding width 530 mm
2.2 kW                               4 kW                                                     2.2 kW                             4 kW
Swivelling grinding head             Single grinding head                                     3 grinding heads                   3 grinding heads

Floor grinding tools

S-LINE                       M-LINE                                           H-LINE                        X-LINE                      C-LINE
Soft concrete                Moderately hard concrete                         Hard concrete                 Extremely hard concrete     Removing
Single- and double           Single- and double                               Single- and double            Single- and double          Single- and double
segments                     segments                                         segments                      segments                    segments
For Schwamborn ETX1 &        For Schwamborn ETX1 &                            For Schwamborn ETX1 &         For Schwamborn ETX1 &       For Schwamborn ETX1 &
ETX2, HTC EZchange™,         ETX2, HTC EZchange™,                             ETX2, HTC EZchange™,          ETX2, HTC EZchange™,        ETX2, HTC EZchange™,
Husqvarna REDI LOCK®         Husqvarna REDI LOCK®                             Husqvarna REDI LOCK®          Husqvarna REDI LOCK®        Husqvarna REDI LOCK®

Grinding wheel depictions are sample images

For more information on our floor
grinding range, please see our
range flyers.
                                                       TYROLIT ASSORTMENT
                                                       FLOOR GRINDING
                                                       Machines for floor preparation
                                                       EN | 2021

                                                        Premium grinding tools since 1919

Slurry collectors

             SPP400                         SPP600                           SPP1200

Capacity 2.4 l                 Capacity 6.4 l                Capacity 30 l
Recycling of 400 – 600 l/hr    Recycling of 400 – 600 l/hr   Recycling of 2,000 l/hr
Mobile solution for small      Mobile and stationary use     High filter capacity for industrial use
construction sites                                           on large-scale construction sites

Power packs

             PPH25                          PPH25RR                          PPH40RR

25 kW                          25 kW                         40 kW
2 stages                       4 stages                      4 stages
                               Radio remote control          Radio remote control

Presses                                                      Crushers

             CP-110 / BTH350                Power pack AU                    Crusher BZ                            Power pack BW-2

Pressing force 108 / 260 t     Up to 2,000 bar               For wall thicknesses of                   Up to 750 bar
                                                             120 – 300 mm
3 / 2 cylinder strokes

Grooving & grinding

PC4504CE                                                                                BGX-C3 in TGD®
+ Bump grinder for concrete and asphalt                                    + Exceptional and consistent cutting performance

+ Performance 426 kW / 575 PS                                              + Very long life time

+ Blade shaft speeds: 1,315 RPM to 1,900 RPM                               + Noticeable smooth running with TGD® technology

+ Up to 250 diamond saw blades                                             + Innovative diamond segment design

+ For blade diameters up to 485 mm (18"), bore 203.2 mm                    + Clean cutting edges

+ Width of the grinding shaft: 127 cm (50 inch)                            + Various specifications for different concrete
+ 9 m lenght, 3 m hight, 25.4 t weight

+ CE certified

Find more products for grooving and grinding on

Machine range

     PC4504CE Groover & Grinder                   PC1504 Pavement Grinder & Groover                PC6004EC Highway Grinder

     CG-1 Mini Groover & Grinder                        CG-2E30 Walk Behind
                                                        Mini Groover & Grinder

Your reliable partner
for customized solutions
Alongside the standard assortment, TYROLIT also
offers machines, tools and project support for special
construction projects like the controlled decommissioning
of offshore facilities and nuclear power plants, as well as
the construction and reconstruction of tunnels.

Tailored products

For special applications in small or large complex
projects, the TYROLIT Project Service team delivers
ingenious solutions that get our partners to their goals
quickly and efficiently. In addition to a wide range of
products, the TYROLIT Project Service Team supports
its customers with:

+ Feasibility studies

+ Planning concepts

+ Principle sketches

+ Customised products for machines & tools

+ Project management

+ Training courses

You can find even more information in our Project
Services Brochure or at

Tyrolit Construction Products GmbH
Swarovskistraße 33 | 6130 Schwaz | Austria
Tel +43 5242 606-0 | Fax +43 5242 63398

Our worldwide subsidiary companies can be found
on our website at
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