"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman

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"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman

The Kingsman
                                                  “The Voice of Brooklyn College Since 1950”

Spring 2018 - Issue 6                                                     Thursday, March 22, 2018

             "NOT ONE MORE”

     students walk out for 17
    minutes against shootings
               p. 4                                                               Image Credit: Drew Pham

          Excelsior to stop   Shakespeare In the middle east      BC Tennis undefeated at 2-0
         Issues Over Budget                p. 7                               p. 8
                 p. 3
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
2\BULLETIN\thursday, March 22, 2018\THE KINGSMAN                                                                        KINgSMANBC.com/BULLETIN


  General Inquiries
                                                             Pell Grants return for BC students

   Editor-in-Chief                  The Office of Financial Aid has announced that year-round funding for Pell Grant scholarships has
   Dylan Campbell             been reinstated. So now students who were planning on registering for classes in the upcoming summer
   dylc23@gmail.com           session can get extra assistance to pay for the additional term. In order to be eligible for the bonus funds,
                              students must be registered as a full-time student for the fall 2017 or spring 2018 semesters, and they
                              must be registered for at least six credits in the summer semester. Payouts will be determined by how
  Business Manager
                              many credits the student is registered for, all per the office of financial aid.
    Ashley Matos
ashleymatos18@aol.com                                                                                                         by Ryan Schwach
                                                                                                                                   Staff Writer
     Layout Editor
    Joseph Modica
                                                                       Bedbugs enroll at BC

                                    On March 20, a student, Andrea Dee, posted a photo of armchairs captioned, “Hey guys, heads
    Arts Editor               up: Supposedly, there were bed bugs spotted in the Library Cafe in Whitehead.” The photo included
   Quiara Vasquez             armchairs with a cleaning sign attached, warning students to not sit. The post drew a slew of comments,
   quiara@zoho.com            adding more heat to an ongoing discussion about the lack of funding to fix the campus’ infrastructure.
                              The details of the situation has not yet been verified with any Brooklyn College officials.
Managing Digital Editor
    Kenji Yamada                                                                                                             by Zeus Sumra
yamada.kenji059@gmail.com                                                                                              Managing News Editor

Managing News Editor
    Zeus Sumra                                                                Correction
                                     In last week’s issue, the article “Town Hall Draws Bad Blood Over CUNY Injustices” mistakenly
     Sports Editor            stated that there are 35 CUNY campuses. There are in fact 24 CUNY campuses. Also, Peter M. Cohen
  Israel S Rodriguez          was erroneously credited as the president of Medgar Evers College, while Rudy Crew was credited as the
                              president of Kingsborough Community College. Peter M. Cohen is actually the president of Kingsborough
                              Community College and Rudy Crew is the president of Medgar Evers College. We apologize for the
     Staff Writers
   Jasmine Peralta
    Allison Rapp
  Alfonsina Venegas

   Faculty Advisor
   Anthony Mancini

      Club Hours
   Mondays 12-5
    Tuesdays 1-2
   Wednesdays 1-2
                                                                                      Talk to us!
 _____________                                                  Are you a CUNY student or faculty member with
                                                               something to say? The Kingsman’s Opinions section
                                                                   is accepting submissions. Send your op-ed to
 Got a photo? Wanna give
                                                                kingsmanbc@gmail.com before 11:59 PM Saturday.
 us a shout-out? Tag us on                                    (The Kingsman only publishes articles written by Brooklyn College students and
Twitter @TheKingsmanBC                                       faculty, related to goings-on at Brooklyn College or CUNY. We reserve the right to
                                                                    reject submissions which are off-topic, obscene, or excessively wordy.)
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
News/ Kingsmanbc.com                                                                                         THE KINGSMAN/thursday, march 22, 2018/News/3

         bc excelsior budget issues put spring
          semester paper editions in jeopardy

                                                         Screenhot of bcexcelsior.com as of March 21, 2018

                                      correction (printing is expected            campus pay accounting fees;             restructuring of student fees. The
        By Zeus Sumra                 to resume in the fall) and an               the Kingsman, the Excelsior             board was greeted by a mass of
     Managing News Editor             apology.                                    and Broeklundian (the campus            angry students, staff and faculty.
                                        More tweets on the Excelsior’s            yearbook).                                 But should the publications on
     On March 13, the Excelsior       account suggested that the                    Students who are staff members        campus be responsible for paying
newspaper announced via its           publication had a difficult time            of these organizations are treated      accounting fees?
twitter account that it would print   managing the funds because of an            as employees of the college. The        On the Excelsior’s twitter account,
its final physical issue for the      added expense. Managing Editor,             accounting fees first started with      Zoie Koostra said, “journalists
Spring semester on Wednesday,         Zainab Iqbal, said in a post,               The Kingsman newspaper during           can’t do their job if they’re busy
March 14. Soon after, several         “we’re broke because we were put            the fall semester and was then          having bake sales to raise money.”
students flooded the Excelsior’s                                                                                            The matter took a positive turn
twitter account with questions,        “we’re broke because we were put into the BC                                       on March 18. In a surprise tweet,
condolences and support.                                                                                                  the Excelsior announced that
     The tweet stated that the
                                           payroll which kinda ruined everything”                                         it had raised the funds needed
publication had run out of funds             -- Samip Delhiwala / Editor-in-Chief                                         for four more prints although
to pay for more prints and as a                                                                                           it still needed to raise the funds
result will be fully online. The      into the BC payroll which kinda             applied to all other publications.      for the final two issues of the
Excelsior also stated that it would   ruined everything (we have to               The accounting fees are paid per        semester. When asked to how the
be having bake sales on March 22      pay accounting fees).”                      employees and is not a flat rate.       funds were raised, the Excelsior
and 29 to raise funds to possibly         Samip Delhiwala, Editor-In-             As a result, these organizations        declined to comment.
revert back to printing.              Chief of the Excelsior, shared his          would incur more expenses than              “The two bake sales should
    Some students retweeted the       sentiments on the issue. “I get it          other clubs on campus.                  be able to raise enough money
post to help promote the back         from their perspective with the                A request to find out from the       to cover printing one of the
sales and one student even            taxes but it’s unfair because we            college why a new policy, making        other issues,” Delhiwala said.
formatted a screenshot of the         have eleven people [on staff].              student organizations responsible       However, with no other means
tweet to share on snapchat.           It goes against our mission                 for accounting fees, was put into       in sight, Delhiwala said that the
      Following the Excelsior’s       statement.”                                 place, proved futile. The matter        last publication of the semester
announcement, the Kingsman                    Unlike most campus                  also raises an important issue at       will be online. To avoid a repeat
shared the news on their twitter      organizations, some members                 a time very critical for student        of the problem, the editor-in-
account. However, the tweet           of the staff for publications               organizations all across CUNY.          chief said he was working with
suggested that the Excelsior          on campus get paid. To the                    Last week, the CUNY board             CLAS to reach out to the CUNY
would cease printing indefinitely.    knowledge of the Kingsman                   of trustees met at Brooklyn             board of trustees with the hopes
The Kingsman has since posted a       only three organizations on                 College to continue discussing a        of removing the accounting fees.
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
4\news\THURsday, MARCH 22 ,2018\THE KINGSMAN                                                                                      Kingsmanbc.com/news

         Students walk out                                                         BC and nyu students
            against guns                                                         discuss futures in stem
                                             “I moved here from Texas                                                 Director Sahni goes on to
         By Allison Rapp                in August so I have a healthy                   By Richard John               mention that recently, two
           Staff Writer                 skepticism of turnout when it                     Staff Writer                students who transferred from
                                        comes to political action,” said                                              Brooklyn       College    became
  Students at Brooklyn College          McCreary. “Even more so for a              Over 30 faces listen attentively   Tandon’s valedictorians for
walked out of class onto the            rally calling for gun reform. So        to presenters from New York           separate graduation classes.
quad last Wednesday in a protest        I was genuinely inspired by the         University’s Tandon School of         Although he loves to hear the
against gun violence, joining a         turnout. Easily the most proud          Engineering, thinking about           success of the students who have
growing movement of people              I’ve been to be part of this school.”   the prospect of becoming              crossed his path and shared their
across the country who have                     To both Edwards and             an engineering student of             interest for STEM, there is a
been fighting for stricter gun          McCreary’s surprise, a student          their respective fields at the        small tradeoff. These wonderful
regulations.                            named Jeremy Wein approached            private school. Viraht Sahni,         students take with them any
  The demonstration on campus           them during the walkout and             Brooklyn College’s Coordinated        trace of their genius and work
was part of a nationwide walkout,       told them he was a graduate of          Engineering Program Director,         into another school. But, he
                                                                                also looks on at the students         understands that this gateway
    “It is so far past the time for mass shootings to end”                      with high hopes for those who         into an engineering school is an
               --Emily Edwards / Orgainzer                                      are interested in continuing a        affordable option of earning a,
                                                                                discipline in STEM either at          “prestigious degree at no cost.”
                                                                                Brooklyn College or elsewhere.        The director firmly believes that
in which thousands of students          the Marjory Stoneman Douglas            In a conversation with the            this path is an “investment into
left their classrooms for 17            High School where the shooting          Director in his office surrounded     [the student’s] future.”
minutes at 10 a.m. EST, in honor        took place. Wein also addressed         by science and math textbooks, he         He urges many students to
of the 17 victims of the Parkland       the crowd, urging them that the         talks about Tandon’s relationship     consider mathematics classes,
shooting. March 14 signified            most important thing people can         with Brooklyn College, the beauty     “use math don’t limit yourself ”,
exactly one month since the             do to create change is vote.            of science and mathematics, and       because the stigma around
shooting. Among these schools              “I was happy to see folks turn       future plans for expanding STEM       learning math does scare off those
was Brooklyn College, as well           out to support my fellow eagles,”       at BC.                                who have the potential to do very
as neighboring Midwood High             Wein told The Kingsman. “If I               He describes the relationship     well along with dedicating some
School.                                 can leave one major point with          starting around 1988 when             time to do the work.
  “It is so far past the time for the   your readers: vote. Not just every      Polytechnic University was               Mathematics is at the base of
mass shootings to end,” says Emily      four years or two years: vote in        still operational, students from      all the subsequent sciences,
Edwards, one of the organizers.         local elections, vote for student       Brooklyn College would transfer       practically, it can unlock many
“We have been waiting too long,         government. The right to vote is        into the university and do            career opportunities where
but they have become normalized         the greatest right you have as a        extremely well academically. As       scientists and engineers are at
in an indifferent American              citizen of this country.”               the years progressed into the early   the forefront of new creations
society where they barely make a           Students gathered on the quad
dent in the daily news cycle.”          last Wednesday were reminded             “Investment into [the students] future ... use math don’t
   The Brooklyn College walkout         of the upcoming “March For                                   limit yourself”
itself was organized by two             Our Lives” event, beginning at
students, Edwards and Chris             10 a.m. on Saturday, March 24                         --Viraht Sahni / Director
McCreary, who put the event             at the 72nd Street entrance to
together in a mere 10 days.             Central Park, where thousands           2000s and Polytechnic was phased      that drive the huge tech firms
They registered their event             of students from New York City          out, the friendly connection          forward, impacting how people
with the National Women’s               are expected to gather in protest.      continued with NYU’s Tandon           live on a global scale; providing a
March website, printed flyers to         McCreary agreed that advocating        School of Engineering; noted by       pretty salary.
distribute to students and also         on the streets can sometimes be         the agreements on both sides of            Additionally, being a well-
posted on social media. In the          daunting, but critical.                 the institutions when regarding       rounded student should be
end, their hard work paid off, as       “It’s easy to be vocal on social        the transferal of credits for         preferred, everyone has differing
over 200 students gathered for          media, it’s easy to preach to the       specific curriculums.                 strengths      and     weaknesses.
the moments of silence.                 choir. It’s hard to stand up and           The presenters from Tandon         Scientists and engineers lay down
     McCreary, a theatre major,         raise your voice,” McCreary said.       also highlight this fact, talking     the basis for which artists and
led the crowd of BC students in         “Because it’s your voice.”              with high regard of the scholars
rallying cries such as “Enough is                                               from Brooklyn College that                CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
enough!” and “Not one more!”,                                                   showcase the talent that comes to
advocating for immediate reform.                                                CUNY’s BC.

                                 Do you want to write                           like a King?
                                 The Kingsman is always                         looking for writers!
                                 For more information,                          come to
                                 118R Roosevelt Monday                          3-5 P.M.,
                                 or email KingsmanBC@                           gmail.com .
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
news/kingsmanbc.com                                                                                                THE KINGSMAN/thursday, MARCH 22, 2018/news/5

 Library to open exhibit BC and nyu students
   on women activists discuss futures in stem
                                                                                                                                   an engineering club at Brooklyn
                                                                                                       FROM PAGE 4                 College that is eagerly awaited to
                                                                                                                                   start Fall 2018.
                                                                                             others can take the knowledge         This new culmination of minds
                                                                                             uncovered and create something        and great love of generating talent
                                                                                             more out of it. Where there is        in STEM is exactly what Stephen
                                                                                             beauty in an artist’s creations,      Hawking would look forward
                                                                                             the same beauty and awe is            to with his recent passing and
                                                                                             found when a mathematician            serves well as a parting gift to his
                                                                                             or physicist is able to prove or      contributions in science.
                                                                                             find something extremely new.            As the presentation wraps up,
                                                                                             Something, “only one human            everyone in the room understands
                                                                                             being” has seen before unleashing     the work and dedication required
                                                                                             it to the world.                      to complete their engineering
           Lilia Melani spoke in the library about 80’s women’s activism / Jasmine Peralta     Director Sahni is very interested   degree      requirements,       and
                                                    too be given to the Women’s              in a future four-year degree in       through this the torch is passed
        By Jasmine Peralta                          Development and Research Fund.           Materials Science at Brooklyn         on to upcoming young future
           Staff Writer                               Melani and the 25 other women          College, a degree very close to       bright minds, hungry to leave an
                                                    who were apart of the Women’s            that of engineering. Adding more      impact.
“Women make policy, not coffee!”                    Collation, not only minimized the        to the robust STEM arsenal at the
  That was the rallying cry of a                    pay gap between men and women            school.
movement led by former English                      in CUNY but, also advocated for              He is always urging students,
professor Lilia Melani 35 years ago.                the creation of a women’s center,        especially more women, to pursue
   “I wanted to transform the                       childcare centers, and a Women’s         a STEM discipline; potential of
whole system!” said, former                         Studies     degree      program.         new minds should not be wasted.
English professor Lilia Melani on                     On March 24, 1990, the CUNY            To group these upcoming students
                                                                                             into a cooperative community, a
                                                                                             band of engineering students have
              “Women make policy, not coffee”                                                acquired signatures and filed the
            --Lilia Melani / English Professor                                               documentation necessary to start

Thursday, at the commemoration                      Women Students Bill of Rights
of the new exhibition in the                        and the Demands of Women
Brooklyn College library, The                       Students of the City University of
Women in the Archives for her                       New York was created to provide
role in the history and legacy of the               an institutional environment
class action lawsuit, Melani et al.                 free from bias against sex in
v. The Board of Higher Education.                   all New York City campuses.
   The exhibit highlights archival                        Both documents are also
collections of documents, photos,                   on display at the exhibit.
and flyers giving a glimpse of                             Among the changes the
activism on campus created 35                       Women’s       Coalition     made,
years ago by (or) about women                       Melani pointed out that there
who are alumni of Brooklyn                          is still, “more to be done. There
College. Melani is featured in the                  are a lot of underlying systemic

                “We work together as women.
                   We are women together”
             -- Lilia Melina / English Professor
exhibition as a tribute for her work                things that have to be changed.”
in the CUNY Women’s Coalition                            The exhibition honors the
and their action in the class action                victory of the class action and
lawsuit, which fought against                       the changes the CUNY Women’s
the discrimination of women in                      Coalition has created in history
CUNY for getting paid $1,800                        for all the women (employees and
less than men in equal positions.                   students) in the CUNY system.
  Ten years later in 1983, Federal                           Melani concluded, “We
Judge, Lee P. Gagliardi ruled a,                    work together as women.
$7,500,000 settlement to be given                   We are women together.”
any women who applied or were
employed by CUNY. A portion
of the settlement was also set
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
6\features\thursday, MARCH 22, 2018\THE KINGSMAN                                                                                   Kingsmanbc.com/features

                           Shakespeare in Gaza:
                      Pamela Laskin’s “Ronit and Jamil”
        By Quiara Vasquez            for the novel during a trip to                  the same story.”                         Even the book jacket depicts
           Arts Editor               Israel in 2015, where she was                      Throughout the book, Laskin        Ronit and Jamil as twins -- two
                                     surprised how similar Israelis                  deliberately mirrors the two          teenagers with the same chestnut
  There is no story in the Western   and Palestinians were when they                 lovers, and by extension, their       skin and dark curls, floating above
canon more imitated than             shared the same streets.                        cultures. Each page switches          Israel’s infamous “Green Line” of
“Romeo and Juliet”. Its earnest           “The people in Israel and                  viewpoints between the Israeli        checkpoint barricades, holding
and fevered description of young     Palestine really got along much                 Ronit as Juliet and the Palestinian   hands. As Ronit tells Jamil in the
love torn apart by petty family      better than I expected,” Laskin                 Jamil as Romeo, whose lives are       book, “you could be my brother;”
rivalry -- and its ubiquity on                                                                                             to which Jamil responds, “you
ninth-grade English curricula        “[Israelis and Palestinians] are two sides of the same                                could be my sister.”
-- has made it a frequent subject    coin. ... Then ‘Romeo and Juliet’ came up, because                                       Both while writing and while
for parody and homage, some                                                                                                promoting “Ronit and Jamil,”
better than others. (Remember
                                                    they’re the same story.”                                               Laskin has had to navigate one
“Gnomeo and Juliet”? No? You’re                     --Pamela L. Laskin, Author                                             of the most notoriously difficult
not missing out.)                                                                                                          issues facing our modern world:
    The latest entrant to throw      told The Kingsman. “I couldn’t                  surprisingly similar. They both       getting teenagers interested in
their hat into the ring is Pamela    really tell the difference, unless              love poetry, and they both love       poetry.
L. Laskin, an English lecturer       a woman wore a burqa or a man                   and hate their parents in equal          “I started out as a poet, so I
at City College of New York,         wore a yarmulke. They really                    measure (as teenagers do). Even       liked the idea of it not just being
whose 2017 book “Ronit and           weren’t that different.”                        when they speak their respective      a Romeo and Juliet story, but also
Jamil” plucked the star-crossed          From there, the idea to use                 languages, they sound the same:       using it as a vehicle to teach form
lovers out of Verona and into the    this setting as a backdrop for a                Laskin takes care to pair Hebrew      to children,” said Laskin.
modern-day West Bank. Laskin         Romeo and Juliet pastiche came                  words with their Arabic cognates,        While “Ronit and Jamil” is a
and a group of City College of       almost instantaneously.                         drawing a connection between          love story first and a formalist
New York students are putting          “It was so evident,” said Laskin.             the two Semitic languages.            exercise second, at several points
on a staged reading of the book      “[Israelis and Palestinians] are                  “At first I thought I wouldn’t be   in the book Laskin eschews free
in the Woody Tanger auditorium       two sides of the same coin. First               able to execute [both] the male       verse and writes in archaic
this Thursday, March 22, as part     the idea was ‘how am I going to                 part and the female part because
of Brooklyn College’s “We Stand      address the topic of peace in the               they’re so different,” Laskin             CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
Against Hate” series.                Middle East?’ Then ‘Romeo and                   admitted. “But then I realized
      Laskin first got the idea      Juliet’ came up, because they’re                they’re really one and the same.”

                                                    Author Pamela L. Laskin pictured / Courtesy of Pamela L. Laskin
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
features/Kingsmanbc.com                                                                                   THE KINGSMAN/thursday MARCH 22, 2018/features/7

                            Shakespeare in Gaza:
                       Pamela Laskin’s “Ronit and Jamil”
                                                                                  That felt very important to me.”                     said Laskin, “but so many hands
                                                                                          Sometimes the positive                       went up.” Despite the specificity
                                                                                  responses to the book were more                      of the book’s setting, the story
                                                                                  disappointing than the negative                      still resonated with her teenage
                                                                                  ones, as was the case with                           audience.
                                                                                  feedback Laskin received from                                “That was a wonderful
                                                                                  some Palestinians.                                   experience,” said Laskin. “They
                                                                                       “What’s interesting is some                     were so grateful and appreciative.”
                                                                                  of them feel that they couldn’t                        Perhaps it was the book’s happy
                                                                                  end up with an Israeli person,                       ending that drew them to the
                                                                                  that that would be out of the                        story. In a digression from the
                                                                                  question,” said Laskin. “That’s                      original Romeo and Juliet story,
                                                                                  a little disappointing to me. In                     where (spoilers!) the two lovers
                                                                                  my mind, if we’re going to create                    die, Ronit and Jamil instead
                                                                                  a bridge, we need to be open to                      change their names and escape
                                                                                  the other person. They love the                      to America.
                                                                                  concept of the book, but they                             “I didn’t want them to die,”
                                                                                  wouldn’t date the other.”                            said Laskin. “I had thought that
                                                                                     Surprisingly, the most positive                   Hillary Clinton would be elected,
                                                                                  reaction to “Ronit and Jamil”                        and that they could escape to
                                                                                  came not from Jewish or Arab                         America and that would be a
                                                                                  students, but from a group of                        good thing. Now, in the aftermath
                                                                                  Puerto Rican high schoolers. In                      of the election, America doesn’t
                                                                                  2017, Laskin went to Puerto Rico                     feel like a safe place anymore,
                                                                                  as a volunteer, reading to groups                    and that’s upsetting.” Indeed,
                                                                                  of students.                                         in the age of Trump, it almost
                                                                                    “I brought a book, “Homer the                      looks naive to assume a Muslim
                                                                                  Scrawny Little Cat, to the little                    Palestinian refugee would be
                                                                                  kids, but I didn’t have anything                     better off in the U.S.
                                                                                  for the bigger ones,” Laskin                             But despite a hostile political
                                                                                  recalled. She did have several                       climate, Laskin still holds out
                                                                                  copies of “Ronit and Jamil,”                         hope.
                           The cover of “Ronit & Jamil”                           but she was worried the book                            “A lot of people in Israel would
                                           bridge between the two cultures.       wouldn’t resonate on an island                       like to see peace,” said Laskin.
  CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7                          It’s a fitting metaphor for      so far removed from both the                         “The government might not want
                                           the book itself, which Laskin          Israeli-Palestinian conflict and                     it, but the people do. And a lot of
poetic structures. Ronit and               hopes will start a dialogue. She’s     the English literary tradition --                    American Jews and Arabs -- the
Jamil each give a trio of ghazals,         staged readings of the book at         or so she thought.                                   more progressive ones, at least --
a sort of lyric poem endemic to            various religious institutions and          “When I said, ‘has anyone                       want peace too.”
the Middle East where each line            colleges, including at Brooklyn        read Romeo and Juliet?’, I didn’t
ends on the same word. Towards             College back in 2017.                  expect so many hands to go up,”
the back-half of the book, their              “I do a lot of school readings,
fathers get a word in, delivering          and the discussion generated
a series of sonnets, mirroring             has focused more on the politics
one another perfectly as their             than the art and the craft,” Laskin
children’s do.                             said. Surprisingly, despite the
   “I loved the hard work that it          book’s notoriously thorny subject
took to write poems in forms,”             matter, she’s mostly avoided
said Laskin. “Writing poetry isn’t         accusations of bias.
as easy as it looks, but form also            “I think I gave fair weight to
requires some extra hard work.”            both sides, as was my intention.
   Most impressive is Laskin’s use         The response has been that I’ve
of “pantoum,” a form of sonnet             been very fair,” Laskin added. “I
which repeats eight lines in an            didn’t want anyone to be seen as
ABAB BCBC CDCD DADA                        the culprit. They’re both innocent
rhyme scheme. “Discover light              and they’re both guilty. That’s the
inside his hazel eyes / a cease-fire       truth.”
already taking place,” says Ronit,           “I read at a school in Jersey that
in rhyme, “my body rustles and             was primarily a Jewish school,
it cries / dreams begin to run a           and they asked, ‘how as a Jewish
race.” Beyond giving Laskin a              person could I present the other
chance to flaunt her poetic skills,        side?’” recalled Laskin. “My
the pantoum form has roots                 response was, ‘how as a Jewish
in both Western and Eastern                person of conscience could I
                                                                                        Author Pamela L. Laskin pictured next to copies of her book. / Courtesy of Pamela L. Laskin
traditions, making it an ideal             NOT present the other side?’
"NOT ONE MORE" spring 2018 - issue 6 The Kingsman
8\SPORTS\thursday, MARCH 22, 2018\THE KINGSMAN                                                                                      Kingsmanbc.com/SPORTS

             THE VOICE OF BROOKLYN COLLEGE SINCE 1950 - Kingsmanbc.com - Thursday, MARCH 22, 2018

      Bulldogs blown                                                                         Men’s tennis
      away by ravens                                                                          scores 2-0
                                                                                       By Israel S Rodriguez
                                                                                           Sports Editor

                                                                                     The Brooklyn College men’s
                                                                                 tennis team have cruised their
                                                                                 way to a perfect 2-0 start to the
                                                                                 season, picking up a win against
                                                                                 CUNY        opponent      Lehman         Photo Credit: Brooklyn College Athletics
                                                                                 College and non-conference            conference match over the
                                                                                 opponent         Rutgers-Camden       weekend, as Brooklyn came
                                                                                 University.                           out victorious on the road 7-2.
                                                                                        After their season opener      Brooklyn would take two out
                      Photo Credit: Brooklyn College Athletics
                                                                                 against Purchase College was          of three doubles matches of the
                                           pitched a perfect game against        postponed due to the winter
      By Elijah Hamiliton                  the Bulldogs.                                                               day before they went on to win
                                                                                 snowstorm the Bulldogs opened         five out of six singles matches.
          Staff Writer                        In game two, Senior Infielder,     their season at home against
                                           Breanna Maresca, who had a hit                                              Bulldogs     freshman,       Justin
                                                                                 Lehman College, who they              Vasquez, won his first singles
  The Brooklyn College Women’s             for the Bulldogs in the bottom of     handled easily with a 7-2 victory.
softball team opened their season          the fourth inning, but it provided                                          match as a Bulldogs. Sophomore,
                                                                                 After losing the first single’s       Julian Calame-Mars, dominated
at home last Wednesday, as they            a small spark for Brooklyn, as        competition Brooklyn would go
came up short in their season              the Ravens steamed rolled past                                              his singles match with a shutout
                                                                                 on to win the following six singles   victory over his opponent.
opener against the Rosemont                the Bulldogs in another shutout       matches. The fourth match didn’t
College Ravens.                            victory, 0-11. It was a great debut                                                The Bulldogs will look
                                                                                 come easy for the Bulldogs as they    to continue their perfect start
  In both games, The Rosemount             for Brooklyn freshman, Brittany       battled for a pair of tie-breaking
Ravens prove to be too much as             Lay, who allowed five hits and                                              to the season as they welcome
                                                                                 wins with freshman, Arie Monas,       St. Joseph’s College on Tuesday.
the Bulldogs got shutout, failing          struck out five batters in five       winning a super tie-breaker 10-5.
to put points on the board. In             innings.                                                                    The non-conference matchup is
                                                                                 The Bulldogs brought the same         scheduled to start at 4 p.m. at the
Game 1, The Bulldogs were                      The Bulldogs start off their      momentum into the doubles
blown out of their home field,             season 0-2, following both loses                                            Roosevelt Tennis Courts.
                                                                                 match-ups as they continued to
losing 0-19. The Ravens started            to the Ravens. The Raven on the       their winning ways by winning
off hot going for eight runs in the        other hand start off 2-0 on the       the first two matches. Lehman
second inning to open the game             season. The Bulldogs will look        would win the final double match
out. Starting pitcher, Junior, Uena        to bounce back on the road this       8-5, but it wasn’t enough to pick
Xaro, pitched for all five innings         weekend as they participate in        up the victory over Brooklyn.
in the first game. While Ravens            the Fastpitch Dreams Spring                  The Bulldogs took on
Pitcher, #27 Autumn Sharkey,               Classic, in Myrtle Beach, South       Rutgers University in a non-

                                                             Upcoming Athletic Events
                    March 14, 2018                                                              March 23, 2018
                     Men’s Tennis                                                                Men’s Tennis
                                                                                              VS Hamilton College
                 VS Rosemont College                                                              Orlando, FL

                      March 22, 2018                                                            March 16, 2018
                         Softball                                                             Men’s Tennis
                   at Purchase College                                               Western New England University
                      Purchase, NY                                                               Myrtle Beach, SC
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