PDE identifies FMS as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement School

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PDE identifies FMS as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement School
The Student Newspaper of Freedom Area Middle School
 Volume 8 Issue 3            The Student Newspaper of Freedom Area Middle School                  January 2019

PDE identifies FMS as Additional
Targeted Support and Improvement
   Mason Geibel, Grade 8
       Copy Editor
    The Every Student Succeeds
Act (ESSA) is a Federal Act
that provides guidelines for the
education of students throughout
the United States. According to
the Pennsylvania Department of
Education (PDE), ESSA requires
each state to develop a plan
to identify schools in need of
support and improvement. This
year, Freedom Middle School was
designated as a school needing          Ms. Koutsourais’ eighth grade students take a math test during class on
support and improvement.                Jan. 24.
Specifically, we have been named        Photo by Mason Geibel
as an “Additional Targeted Support
                                            “We have to create an              Middle School.
and Improvement School” (ATSI).
                                        improvement plan that, combined            “We are saying that if we have
That is a scary looking title, so
                                        with parent input, teacher input,      gaps in our program, we want to
what does it really mean?
                                        and administrative input, will         find out where those gaps are,
     According to Mr. Ryan Smith,       determine how we can improve           define them, and make them
Freedom Middle School Principal,        upon that specific groups’ academic    better,” Smith stated. As the school
this means that a very specific         scores and growth.” said Mrs. Misty    makes a plan to help the students
group of students are not meeting       Slavic, Director of Curriculum and     who need improvement, they will
the achievement rate and growth         Instruction and Special Education,     see where we are falling short
rate as defined by the state. This      when asked what this designation       overall and be able to improve that
is determined by standardized           means for the school.                  too and this will be a benefit to
testing scores, specifically the PSSA
                                             This plan will be made to         every student in the Middle School.
scores. This means that some of our
                                        address those specific students who       We know what the school
students are not performing well on
                                        need it, but it will likely benefit
the tests, and are in need of extra
                                        all the students at Freedom Area                          See PDE, page 5
      @bulldogbarker                                                                 www.bulldogbarker.com
PDE identifies FMS as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement School
2                                             Bulldog Barker                                                                                              Freedom Area Middle School                                                     3
Schools take action as Juuls become                                                                                    Longest-ever government shutdown
more popular among students                                                                                            affects local citizens
Logan Bickerstaff, Grade 7                                                                                                 Alexa Davis, Grade 7                                                       shift, then the next day they’ll work
   Social Media Editor                                                                                                       Editor-in-Chief                                                          overnight. But what’s happening
  Dylan Scheel, Grade 7                                                                                                    On Friday, Jan. 25, President
                                                                                                                                                                                                      right now is there’s so many less
     Website Editor                                                                                                    Donald Trump signed a bill to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      employees because anyone who’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                      going through training right
    Juuls and juuling, a very                                                                                          reopen the government for three
                                                                                                                                                                                                      now, is not permitted to work. So
debatable topic, for the fact that                                                                                     weeks after a 35-day shutdown.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      they’re [the FAA] almost short on
Juuls are shown to the public as                                                                                       A partial government shutdown
                                                                                                                                                                                                      employees, and he’s having to go in
being healthy. But are they really?                                                                                    started in the United States on Dec.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      for extra shifts,” explains Mather.
                                                                                                                       21, 2018. A partial shutdown is the
     Juuling is a form of vaping                                                                                                                                                                          This can be incredibly
                                                                                                                       result when Congress fails to pass
that takes up 33 percent of the                                                                                                                                                                       dangerous, since the workers
                                                                                                                       a budget for the country. When
E-cigarette market, according to the                                                                                                                                                                  have to take so many long shifts
                                                                                                                       a shutdown occurs, many federal
Truth Initiative, a website dedicated                                                                                                                                                                 without the proper rest. Air traffic
                                                                                                                       employees are not able to be paid.
to stopping tobacco use among                                                                                                                                                                         controllers are the people who
                                                                                                                       Some of the employees, who are
teens. E-cigarettes are supposedly a                                                                                                                                                                  monitor where planes fly and make
                                                                                                                       considered essential to the country,    The Mather family, shown above,
“healthier” way of smoking, but                                                                                                                                                                       sure no planes crash into each
                                        A Juul device and mango-flavored pods are shown above. Juuls are illegal       continue to have to work, but           is one of many affected by the
they are just as likely to produce                                                                                                                                                                    other.
                                        to purchase if under 18 but vaping has become an increased problem in          without pay.                            government shutdown.
cancer as a regular cigarette. Many
                                        schools.                                                                           The 35-day shutdown first           Photo used with permission                 “He’s good at what he does,
people believe that Juuls are
                                        Photo by Jacob DiCenzo                                                         started when President Donald                                                  and there is a zero percent room
healthier than cigarettes and other                                                                                                                            the government, but how do they
forms of smoking or vaping. Here        their phone. Schools have looked       Mr. Ryan Smith, Freedom Middle          Trump made a request to Congress        get paid when the government’s         for error,” Mather states.
at Freedom Middle School, many          into the sensors, but few schools      School principal. Students have         for approximately 5.7 billion           not working? The answer is… they           This job can be very tough
students have joined the bandwagon      are taking the next step, due to       learned about vaping and smoking        dollars for his wall, extending all     don’t. Ms. Emily Mather, principal     during shutdowns, consider
and started Juuling in the              price. The average price for one       in their health classes so that they    the way across the U.S./Mexico          of Freedom Elementary School, has      working over 8 hours a day and
bathrooms or on school property.        sensor is about $75. There are eight can be informed of the health             border. Since Congress could not        firsthand experience because her       having no room for mistakes
The average “pod” of vape juice         student bathrooms and four faculty effects.                                    generate these funds for the wall,      husband works for the government.      whatsoever, with thousands of lives
contains five percent nicotine and      bathrooms in Freedom Middle                Juul pods come in different         and the parties could not agree on      He is an air traffic controller,       dependant on you. Mather says she
one pod contains the equivalent of      School. This means that if each        flavors, like fruit, candy or mint,     a budget, the government had to go      working for the Federal Aviation       and her family are very fortunate
twenty cigarettes worth of nicotine,    bathroom got a sensor, it would        which can make them even more           on a partial shutdown. Numerous         Administration (FAA). He is an         to have another source of income,
states Truth Initiative.                cost $900. According to a Truth        dangerous for young users. The          members of the Democratic               essential employee, so even when       but some families are not so lucky.
                                        Initiative survey, the two most        youth who Juul are more likely          party did not agree with the idea       the government shuts down, he          Numerous restaurants and stores are
    Truth Initiative,, took a survey
                                        popular solutions in schools are to to get addicted to vaping than             completely, and neither did the         has to go to work. There are many      reaching out to those in need in the
on kids who have obtained Juuls.
                                        simply put more surveillance near      smoking, because they might have        Congress, who will eventually have      dangers in working this job right      course of the shutdown. They are
The legal age to buy Juuls from a
                                        bathrooms and around the schools. flavors that suit them better. Some          to spend 5.7 billion dollars out of     now, because of a lack of other        offering everyday essentials to those
store is 18, but most people from
                                        However, only 12 percent of the        reasons students believe Juuling        their budget for the wall. President    employees that help fill the extra     employees who are quickly running
the age of 12 to 17 buy their Juuls
                                        schools surveyed are actually using    is more discreet than smoking are       Trump is very adamant with this         shifts.                                out of savings. When asked what
from stores, social sources, family,
                                        devices to monitor the air in their    because of how small the juul is        request, and is not letting the other                                          her husband’s motivation is to keep
friends and the internet.                                                                                                                                          “The schedules that air traffic
                                        school bathrooms.                      and how the smoke is scentless.         parties sway his opinion about                                                 working through this trying time,
    Schools are cracking down on                                                                                                                               controllers have is called a rattler
                                            “We want to show students the      This leads the students to believe      building a wall.                                                               Mather said, “Just taking pride in
vaping by putting smoke or vape                                                                                                                                system. What that means is they
                                        negative impact [juuling] can have     that they won’t get caught.                 As you may already know, a          will work one day where they have      your work, and showing our kids
sensors in the bathrooms. So, when                                                                                                                                                                    to take pride in their work, and to
                                        on their lives, so we can eliminate    Nevertheless, students still continue   lot of people in the community          more of a normal 7-3 shift. The
a Juul is being used the owner of                                                                                                                                                                     follow the rules.”
                                        that in and out of school.” said                                               and around the country work for         very next day, they’ll work a 3-11
the sensor gets a notification on                                                                See Juuls, page 9
     @bulldogbarker                                                                                                                                                                                       www.bulldogbarker.com
PDE identifies FMS as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement School
4                                              Bulldog Barker                                                                                               Freedom Area Middle School                                                   5
Sixth grade awaits                                                             Dr. Wargo                                Last super lunar eclipse of PDE
hatching of duck eggs                                                          nominated as                             century seen in its entirety                                                   Continued from page 1
     Sara Harp, Grade 6
    ALexa Hudak, Grade 6
                                                                               PA Teacher of                            by United States                                                               has to do, but what can we as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       students do to improve our PSSA
        Staff Writers
    On Jan. 8, 2019, the sixth grade
                                                                               the Year                                  Joanna Odebode, Grade 6
                                                                                                                               Staff Writer
                                                                                                                                                                                                            “I think the students just need
science teachers, Ms. Moore and                                                   Pogue Regan, Grade 8                                                                                                 to continue to work hard, and pay
Ms. Ging, received two dozen duck                                                     News Editor                            On Sunday, Jan. 21, there                                                 attention in class...come to school
eggs. They plan to keep the breed                                                  On Dec. 9 and 10, Dr. Brian          was a super lunar eclipse. It’s the                                            on time, prepare for testing, and
of the ducks a secret to surprise the                                          Wargo, physics teacher at Freedom        last lunar eclipse that our area                                               make sure you are taking the test
students. This has been assigned to                                            Area High School, was nominated          will see until 2021. A super lunar                                             seriously.” Slavic said. When asked
the sixth graders as a project for                                             for Pennsylvania Teacher of the          eclipse occurs when the moon is                                                if they thought our test scores
the past 14 years. Throughout those                                            Year. PATOY exemplifies the best         at its closest point to Earth in its                                           were an accurate depiction of the
years, the eggs have been alternating                                          teaching in Pennsylvania. The            elliptical orbit around our planet,                                            students at Freedom Area Middle
between chickens and ducks.                                                    Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year         which is called a “supermoon.”                                                 School, Smith and Slavic both
                                         January the chicken was born on       award is quite difficult to be           As a result of these special cases —                                           quickly responded, “NO.”
    Moore and Ging receive these
                                         Jan.30 in Moore’s science class.      nominated for. Only 12 teachers are      and because lunar eclipses are also
eggs from an unknown farm every                                                                                                                                                                             The school district has two
                                         Photo by Tyler Misencik               nominated for the award, and they        known as “blood moons” because
year. After hatching, the sixth                                                                                                                                                                        years to make improvements and
                                                                               don’t just pick any normal teacher.      of the red color that the moon
grade keeps the ducks for roughly                                                                                                                                                                      if they are not successful, then the
                                         placed into an incubator, where           Many high school students            turns when it is fully eclipsed by
two weeks and then returns them                                                                                                                                                                        state will have to step in and guide
                                         they develop. This process can take   told the FHS Press that they             the Earth— some are calling this        Full lunar eclipse turns red in
so that the farmer can raise them                                                                                                                                                                      the district through the process.
                                         up to four weeks. After incubation,   were not entirely surprised about        eclipse a “super blood wolf moon.”      the night sky over New Sewickley
properly. Unfortunately, not all                                                                                                                                                                       Smith says he is pretty confident
                                         the ducks break their way out of      his nomination. Some students                 The January full moon is           Township on Jan. 22.
of the ducks make it each year;                                                                                                                                                                        that as a team, the administration
                                         their shell with an egg tooth. An     even went as far as calling him a        sometimes dubbed a “wolf moon”          Photo by Chase Grable
the greatest number of ducks that                                                                                                                                                                      will be able to get through the
                                         egg tooth is something that falls     phenomenal teacher. “The process         in the folklore tradition because
have survived was six out of 24.                                                                                                                                However, the number of total lunar     improvement process locally,
                                         off when the duck is free of the      [of being nominated] brought             it occurs at a time of year when
Some of the ducks do not make it                                                                                                                                eclipses during a year varies. In      without intervention from the state.
                                         egg—the ducklings use it to break     attention to our science department      hungry wolves howled outside
because they are not strong enough                                                                                                                              general, the amount of total lunar     The school’s formal plan to address
                                         their way out of the shell. This      at Freedom Area School District.”        villages. The January 2019 lunar
to support themselves after they                                                                                                                                eclipses in a year ranges from none    the achievement and growth of the
                                         process can take 3-24 hours. The      Wargo said. He also stated that his      eclipse began at 9:36 p.m. Sunday
hatch. The reason that the science                                                                                                                              to three. Lunar eclipses are less      students’ score is due to the state
                                         ducklings are led to water within     participation in the events helped       and lasted until 2:48 a.m. Monday
teachers do this project every year is                                                                                                                          common than solar eclipses, with       by June 30, 2019, and will begin
                                         a day of hatching, and after two      showcase the science conference          (Eastern time), starting and ending
so the sixth graders can learn how                                                                                                                              a maximum of three occurring           implementation at the start of the
                                         months they can fly. After a year,    at the high school, something            as the moon passed through the
to care for animals, where our food                                                                                                                             in any given location per year,        2020 school year.
                                         they are able to mate so that they    that doesn’t happen at any other         penumbra, the lighter part of
comes from and the development                                                                                                                                  though some years there can be
                                         can continue the process for years    school. He later told the Bulldog        Earth’s shadow.
of ducks.                                                                                                                                                       none. However, each lunar eclipse
                                         to come.                              Barker that Freedom students
    According to sciencing.com,                                                                                              The last total eclipse of the      is visible from more than half the
                                                                               can be assured they’ll have a            moon occurred on July 27, 2018,         Earth. This eclipse was rare,because
the life cycle of a duck starts with
                                                                               place in Pennsylvania’s future as        and was visible across Africa and       it lasted for so long. The moon
an egg. The laying of eggs starts
                                                                               scientifically literate adults, saying   parts of Asia. This year’s total        was in the Earth’s shadow for four
in mid-March and ends in early
                                                                               that, “...no scientist makes it          eclipse was be the first to be seen     hours and totally eclipsed for one
July. Typically, female ducks lay
                                                                               without a solid liberal education.”      in its entirety in North America        hour and 43 minutes.
about 12 eggs per clutch (group).
                                                                               He encourages our students to take       in nearly three and half years. A
She will lay 1-2 eggs a day until the
                                                                               advantage of what Freedom has to         full lunar eclipse will usually occur
clutch is complete. Once the clutch
                                                                               offer because, the future is yours       around twice every three years.
is complete, the ducks have to be
                                                                               for the taking!
      @bulldogbarker                                                                                                                                                                                       www.bulldogbarker.com
PDE identifies FMS as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement School
6                                              Bulldog Barker                                                                                             Freedom Area Middle School                                                    7
                                                                                                                        The history of Martin Luther King, Jr Day
                                     Features                                                                             Logan Larrick, Grade 7
                                                                                                                               Staff Writer
New Year’s resolutions: long-standing                                                                                       Martin Luther King, Jr. was

tradition still popular today
                                                                                                                        a civil rights activist who wanted
                                                                                                                        equality between white Americans
                                                                                                                        and African Americans. He is
  Tyler Misencik, Grade 6                                                                                               well known for his “I Have a
        Staff Writer                                                                                                    Dream” speech and the March On
                                                                                                                        Washington. A bigger reason King
     Every year on Jan. 1, as the ball
                                                                                                                        is honored and well known is that
drops in Times Square and we toast
                                                                                                                        his statements, though were very
to our New Year’s resolutions, do
                                                                                                                        controversial, were never put in
you ever wonder where this odd
                                                                                                                        a violent way. He was a leader on
tradition came from? According to
                                                                                                                        the peaceful push towards equality
History.com, New Year’s resolutions                                                                                                                            40th President, Ronald Regan, signs the bill commemorating Martin Luther
                                                                                                                        and that had positive and negative
originated over 4,000 years ago                                                                                                                                King Jr.’s birthday as a federal holiday on Nov. 2, 1983 in the White House
                                                                                                                        consequences. The good news was
and people still do it the same                                                                                                                                Garden. Photo by White House Photo Office [Public domain], via
                                                                                                                        that he got well known, but the
now as they did over 4,000 years                                                                                                                               Wikimedia Commons
                                                                                                                        bad news was that some did not
ago. The Babylonians are said to
                                                                                                                        agree with King. That caused him     making a federal holiday for King.           The bill was finally passed by
have been the first people to make
                                                                                                                        to be murdered on April 4, 1968.     Year after year of attempts to           Congress and signed by president
New Year’s resolutions. They would
                                         Ms. Ging, sixth grade math and science teacher, with her Diet Mountain         But King’s legacy was not going      make Congress agree to instate the       Ronald Reagan on Nov. 2, 1983, to
have a massive 12 day religious
                                         Dew along with her New Year’s resolution on Jan. 16, 2019, to start off the    to just end there. Some wanted to    holiday proved to be unsuccessful        make Martin Luther King Day an
festival known as Akitu, where
                                         new year. Photo by Tyler Misencik                                              honor him. So Martin Luther King,    until Conyer got followers of his        official federal holiday. This was
the Babylonians would crown a
                                                                                                                        Jr Day was created. But it did not   cause and created the Congressional      the first federal holiday of which to
new king, make promises to gods          lose weight which is 54%. While         Year’s resolutions.                    simply just become a holiday in      Black Caucus, or CBC. The CBC            honor an African American.
in order to pay their debts, and         they seem like doable things,               “My New Year’s resolution was      one day. It has a story of it’s own. was first made to help make Martin           Although the holiday took
return objects they had borrowed         according to Business Insider only      to eat less chocolate, and I gave          The struggle for this holiday    Luther King Day a holiday but            effect in 1986, it was not until 2000
from others. The promises made           8% of people accomplish their           up as soon as the ball dropped.”       started on April 4, 1968, the        now it has a mission to increase         that the holiday was celebrated
could be considered forerunners of       resolution by the end of the year       said sixth grader, Joanna Odebode.     date Martin Luther King Jr. was      the number of African Americans          in all 50 states. Through much
our New Year’s resolutions. If the       and over 80% of people fail by          Some people look down on New
Babylonians kept their promises to       February.                                                                      assassinated at a motel in Memphis, in Congress. For 15 years, Conyer         struggle and years of attempts,
                                                                                 Year resolutions though, “I don’t      Tennessee, and news broadcasters     and the CBC tried countlessly the        Martin Luther King Day became a
the gods, the gods would bestow              “Make your resolution doable.       have a resolution because they
favor on them for the new year.                                                                                         from all around covered his horrific get the holiday approved with no         federal holiday and was put to be
                                         Don’t make it unrealistic,” said        don’t matter.” said sixth grader       death. Just four days after his      progress until 1983, the year of         observed on the third Monday in
    Even though the tradition            Ms. Ging, sixth grade math and          Jaylin Cousar. Though he doesn’t                                            the 20th anniversary of the March
                                                                                                                        assassination, African American                                               January, to honor King’s birthday
seems very religious, New Year’s         science teacher. Ging states that she   have a resolution for this year,                                            On Washington and the 15th
                                                                                                                        Congressman, John Conyer, took                                                on Jan. 15.
resolutions nowadays are mostly          will never be able to give up Diet      Landon Fehir thinks they are still a                                        anniversary of the assassination of
                                                                                                                        the floor of Congress to insist
wishes you hope to succeed. Instead      Mountain Dew. Well, she is not          good idea.                                                                  Martin Luther King, Jr.
of making promises to gods,              giving that up for her resolution,           New Years is a time to start
people mostly make promises to
themselves, such as to save money
                                         it being “To be Healthier”. Ms.
                                         Strati, sixth grade ELA and social
                                                                                 over and leave the past in the past.                         For additional news, pictures, and more,,
                                                                                 It is a time to start spending time
or lose weight. Some of the most         studies teacher, said her New Year’s    with the family, working harder,                                         visit our website!!
common New Year’s resolutions            resolution is to exercise more,         and maybe even start doing charity
are, to eat healthier, which is 71%,     which is also in the top three New      work. Happy New Year everyone.
exercise more, which is 65% and
     @bulldogbarker                                                                                                                                                                                       www.bulldogbarker.com
PDE identifies FMS as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement School
8                                            Bulldog Barker                                                                                             Freedom Area Middle School                                                    9
2018 Rewind: Year in Review                                                                                           MathCounts team places                                                       Juul use
 Joanna Odebode, Grade 6
       Staff Writer
                                       and players became trapped when
                                       rising waters flooded the cave’s
                                                                              first-ever meeting between leaders of
                                                                              the United States and North Korea.
                                                                                                                      third in Beaver County                                                       increasing
    With 2018 in the rearview
                                       passageways. Luckily, all the boys
                                       were pulled out safely along with
                                                                              They signed a joint statement,
                                                                              agreeing to security guarantees
mirror and 2019 being our next
stop, here are some of the most
                                       the assistant coach, on July 10,
                                       2018, and were dispatched from
                                                                              for North Korea, new peaceful
                                                                              relations, the denuclearization of                                                                                   students
interesting things that happened in    the hospital a day early. Sadly, one   the Korean Peninsula, recovery of                                                                                    Continued from page 2
2018.                                  retired Thai Navy Seal, Saman          soldiers’ remains, and follow-up
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to get caught.
                                       Kunan, who assisted with the           negotiations between high-level
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Students think that if they
       World News                      rescue, died during the rescue. The
                                       boys are healthy and have returned
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Juul, they will become cooler, when
The Royal Wedding                                                             “Black Panther”
                                       home.                                                                                                                                                       in reality Juuling is killing them
    On May 19, Prince Harry,                                                      “Black Panther” was the first                                                                                    slowly. Studies have shown that
the seventh in line for the British                                           Marvel film with a predominantly                                                                                     Juuling can cause cancer. Juuling
throne, and Meghan Markle, an                    U.S. News                    black cast. Released on February 16,                                                                                 under the age of 18 in some places
American actress, tied the knot at     U.S. Pulled out of the Iran            “Black Panther” did well in the Box                                                                                  is illegal while in other places it is
the medieval Windsor Castle with       Nuclear deal                           Office, raising over $631 million                                                                                    legal. At Freedom, anyone caught
                                                                              dollars in North America. The           Freedom Middle School MathCounts team competed at the Beaver County          with possession of alcohol, drugs,
their 600 close family and friends          On May 8, President Donald        sales surpassed 2012’s “ Avengers”,     competition at Penn State Beave on Sat., Feb. 2.                             or mood altering substances can be
in attendance. Although it has         J. Trump announced that the            previously the highest-earning          Submitted Photo. Used with Permission.                                       suspended, expelled, and face legal
happened before, it was a big deal     U.S. would pull out of the Iran
for a member of the royal family to                                           superhero movie, which earned             Connor Tavern, Grade 8 graders Alexis Mulroy and Luke                      action, according to the school
                                       Nuclear Deal. The Iran Nuclear         $623 million.
marry a “commoner,” let alone an       Deal, formally known as the Joint                                                         Staff Writer               Snavely. In all, Mulroy took 6th       handbook.
American actress.                                                             The iPhone XR                                                                 place, while Snavely took 5th place.       The FDA even went to the
                                       Comprehensive Plan of Action,                                                      The students of Freedom
                                       offered Tehran, the capital of Iran,        The iPhone XR was released on                                            The team’s average was high enough     extent of temporarily shutting
The Rescue of the Wild Boars                                                                                          Middle School’s MathCounts team for them to get 3rd place in total.
soccer team in Thailand                billions of dollars in sanctions       September 12, 2018. The iPhone          have participated in the annual                                              down Juul. The FDA gave Juul
                                       relief in exchange for agreeing to     XR (stylized as iPhone Xr, Roman        MathCounts chapter competition.            They also had a practice          and 4 other e-cigarette companies
     The Wild Boars soccer team
                                       curb its nuclear program. In a joint   numeral “X” pronounced “ten”)           The Chapter Competition is the        competition   that prepared the team   60 days “to prove they can keep
disappeared in the Tham Luang
                                       statement responding to the U.S.       is a smartphone designed and                                                  for the chapter competition. This      their products away from minors”
cave in the northern province                                                                                         competition which decides if the
                                       withdrawal, the leaders of France,     manufactured by Apple, Inc. It                                                competition will also decide you       as of Sept. 12, 2018, according
of Chiang Rai on June 23. They                                                                                        team goes to states or not. The
                                       Germany and the United Kingdom         is the twelfth generation of the                                              will be on the A team and the B        to The New York Times. If these
were discovered on Monday, July                                                                                       students who participated on the
                                       stated that United Nations Security    iPhone. The iPhone XR is Apple’s                                              team. The person on the team who       companies failed to or refused to
2, having spent nine days without                                                                                     MathCounts Team attended the
                                       Council resolution endorsing the       best-selling iPhone. In an interview                                          got the most points at the practice    do this task, their products would
fresh water or food. The Wild                                                                                         competition on Saturday, Feb. 2.
                                       nuclear deal remained the “binding     with Reuters Wednesday Morning                                                competition will be the team leader    have been pulled from the market.
Boars soccer team, made up of                                                                                         They went to Penn State Beaver to
                                       international legal framework for      Briefing, Greg Joswiak, Apple’s VP                                            for Team A. Team A consists of         The FDA reportedly also sent
boys from several schools in the                                                                                      face against 6 other schools.
                                       the resolution of the dispute.”        of product marketing said that the                                            the top 4 scorers on the team, and     warning letters to multiple “brick-
Chiang Rai province of northern
                                                                              iPhone XR is currently Apple’s              At the chapter competition,       Team B consists of scorers 5-8.        and-mortar” retailers as a way to try
Thailand, and their assistant coach    Trump Kim Summit
                                                                              “most mainstream product and our        Team A and Team B both competed Freedom’s top scores were, in order,         and crack down on e-cigarette sales
were pulled out of a flooded cave in       The 2018 North Korea–United        most popular iPhone.”                   in the first two rounds, then they    Luke Snavely, David Denkovich,         to minors.
Thailand, bringing an end to a near    States summit was a June 12,                                                   were separated into teams during      Dylan Scheel, a tie for 4th between
three-week ordeal that prompted        2018, summit meeting between
an international rescue effort and                                               For more 2018 Rewind,                the Team Round. Team A worked         Connor Tavern and Makenna
                                       U.S. President Donald Trump and                                                hard, they got 4 out of 10 points,
captivated audiences around the        North Korean Supreme Leader Kim          including School News,                                                      Barrett, Alexis Mulroy, Brandi
                                                                                                                      while Team B got 2 points. The
world. The boys and their assistant    Jong-un, held at the Capella Hotel,         visit our website!                                                       Bonzo, and Rachel Campbell.
coach went spelunking in the cave                                                                                     team also had two kids qualify for
                                       Sentosa, Singapore. This was the         www.bulldogbarker.com                 the Countdown Round, eighth
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10                                              Bulldog Barker                                                                                                   Freedom Area Middle School                                              11
                                                                                                                            able to function better at school.         So, here are six other ways to     is to eat breakfast in the morning.

                  Freedom Voices                                                                                                 “I only get six and a half
                                                                                                                            hours of sleep at night. I would
                                                                                                                            feel better if I came later. Also if
                                                                                                                                                                   help you wake up in the morning
                                                                                                                                                                   and function better, according to
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Food gives you the energy you need
                                                                                                                                                                                                          throughout the day. Breakfast is
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the most important meal of the

School start time should change to 9 a.m.                                                                                   we did change the time I think             One way to fix being tired is      day. It gives you most of the energy
                                                                                                                            it should be about 45 minutes          to use an alarm clock and set it 90    you have to start off the day. So
                                                                                                                            later.” said Mrs. Suleski, middle      minutes before you wake up then        if you don’t eat breakfast in the
                                                                                                                            schoolguidance counselor. These        again for when you need to wake        morning, you will be tired until
        Staff Editorial                                                                                                                                                                                   lunch time. You also should not
                                                                                                                            same questions were asked to sixth     up. Researchers say it helps you
    Do you think you get enough                                                                                             grader Christopher Denkovich and       to be less tired in the morning.       eat sugar until lunch time. Eating
sleep to get through the school day?                                                                                        sixth grader Joanna Odebode. They      Another thing it says you can do       something sugary for breakfast in
According to Sleep.org, research                                                                                            also said they wish they got more      is drink a glass of water in the       the morning actually drains you of
studies have found that kids from                                                                                           sleep at night and thought that        morning. Sometimes being tired         energy quicker. So be wise and eat
the age of six to eleven need eleven                                                                                        school should start about an hour      can be a sign of dehydration. It       something healthy for breakfast.
hours of sleep. Kids go to bed at                                                                                           later.                                 says to keep a water bottle by your    Last but not least, have something
an average time of 10:30 p.m, said                                                                                                                                 side all day because dehydration       to look forward during the day.
                                                                                                                                The school should most likely                                             Sometimes all you need is a little
Sleep.org. At our school, if middle                                                                                                                                makes you tired. You could also
                                                                                                                            change its start time to 9 a.m.. The                                          excitement in your day.
and high school students wake                                                                                                                                      splash your face with cold water in
                                                                                                                            school staff always say that they
at 6:30 a.m., they would only get                                                                                                                                  the morning. Research has found            These are a few tips to help
                                                                                                                            want the students to function better
eight hours out of the 11 hours                                                                                                                                    that doing this also reduces staying   you. Although they will not help
                                                                                                                            and go to sleep earlier. However,
recommended.                              Sixth grader Tyler Misencik falls asleep while editing newspaper articles on                                             home because of sickness. If just      students as much as more sleep
                                                                                                                            currently a student would need to
    Last year Seneca Valley School        Feb. 6 due to lack of sleep. Photo by Joanna Odebode                              go to bed at 7:30 p.m. to get the      doing it once in the morning           would, they could still be helpful.
District decided to change their                                                                                            recommended 11 hours of sleep,         doesn’t work then you could keep       Changing the school time would
start time based on a biology study       high school to 9 a.m.?                     high school students could not         and this is not practical. One way     a spray water bottle next to your      help so many students and parents
of adolescent sleep and its effect on         There are a lot of benefits and        fit on the same bus. Another           to fix this would be to start at 9     bed so you could spray water on        in so many ways. So, we should
how well kids do in school. For           disadvantages to starting school           disadvantage is we all would come      a.m..                                  yourself with your eyes closed at      change the school’s start time to 9
grades K-6 they are starting at 8:55      at 9 a.m. One benefit is that for          home later, although we would get                                             night! Something else you can do       a.m.
a.m., and for grades 7-12 they are        parents with multiple kids, students       to wake up later. It makes sense for
starting at 8:09 a.m. Whereas, for        would all go to and come back              students to get more sleep. So we
our school grades K-4 start at 9          from school at the same time. A            should all go to school at the same
a.m., and for 5-12 starts at 7:50         disadvantage is that the school            time and wake up to start at 9 a.m.
a.m.. Should our school switch the        would have to pay for more buses           Though the school may have to pay
start time for middle school and          because elementary, middle, and            for more buses, students would be

                                          Bulldog Barker Staff
       Alexa Davis                  Jacob DiCenzo                  Logan Bickerstaff                Connor Tavern
      Editor-in-Chief              Managing Editor                Social Media Editor                Chase Grable
                                                                                                     Logan Larrick
    Carter Altvatter                    Mason Geibel                 Dylan Scheel
  Arts & Features Editor                Copy Editor                  Website Editor                   Mason Lewis
                                                                                                      Alexa Hudak
      Chaz Chandler                     Pogue Regan            Christopher Denkovich                 Tyler Misencik
    Photography Editor                  News Editor                 Sports Editor                   Joanna Odebode
                                                                                                       Sara Harp
                                      Sara Miller
                                    Faculty Adviser                                                 Samantha Young
                        Bulldog Barker is the student news publication of Freedom Area Middle School.
                       To submit questions or comments, please email bulldogbarker@freedomarea.org.

     @bulldogbarker                                                                                                                                                                                           www.bulldogbarker.com
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    Valentine’s   Day
            Valentine's Day Crossword
                            Crossword Puzzle Puzzle
                                                                                    Alexa Davis, Grade 7

                                              2             3



                                                            6                   7




                   4 a shape that represents love
                   5 a color that represents this holiday (three letter word)
                   6 the god of love, he shoots arrows
                   8 a small candy with Valentine's Day messages on them
                   9 the month of Valentine's Day
                   10 another Valentine's Day color (four letter word)

                   1 the man who Valentine's Day is named after
                   2 the day Valentine's Day occurs on (the number in word form)
                   3 you might receive a box of these on Valentine's Day
                   5 a common flower one receives on Valentine's Day
                   7 the emotion that is shared on Valentine's Day

                 Middle School Valentine’s Day Dance
https://www.puzzle-maker.com/crossword_FreePuzzle.cgi                                                        1/1

            Friday, February 8 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
                                                   $5 per person

          @bulldogbarker                                                             www.bulldogbarker.com
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