No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College

Page created by Tommy Santos
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Kaikorai Valley College                                                                                Newsletter

   500 Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, New Zealand Telephone: 453 6035 Fax: 453 1602 Email: Website:

                                        No. 39 - 06 December 2019
Principal’s Comment                                                        2019 like any other years, sees us farewelling some staff
                                                                           from our school. This is a natural part of any organisation
Kiaora koutou, greetings to all parents, caregivers and
                                                                           and provides opportunity for new blood and other ideas.
friends of the school.
                                                                           However, there is no doubt that those leaving us will be
Another year gone!
                                                                           sorely missed and will leave a gap while we get used to life
Here we are, at the end of what has been an incredible                     without them.
year. Next week we will finish on Wednesday morning with
                                                                           Mrs Lynda Mason came to
a further Prize Giving that celebrates the achievement of
                                                                           Kaikorai Valley High School
many of our students in Years 7 – 10 recognising the hard
                                                                           15 years ago as a canteen
work that has been put in by so many.
                                                                           manager. Over that time she
I invite you all to attend this last official function for the             has served food and drinks
school being held at 10am on Wednesday morning, 11                         to thousands of students
December. This is a formal function and therefore we expect                forming close relationships
all students to be dressed in very tidy full uniform, including            with some. Over the years
shoes.                                                                     she has employed some
There is no doubt it has been another good year for Kaikorai               as helpers in the canteen
Valley College. There have been some exciting things                       and I know they have really
happening behind the scenes that will see some changes                     enjoyed that opportunity.
being implemented in 2020. You will receive a brochure                     Lynda has decided to move
about this next week sometime.                                             on and we wish her all the
2019 has presented many special moments, all of which                      very best for what 2020
demonstrate the commitment of students, staff and                          might bring.
supporters of the school. We work incredibly hard to honour                At the beginning of this
our vision statement of “Opportunity and Success for All”                  year KVC was desperately
and I firmly believe this captures the ethos of what we do                 looking for a teacher of Te
here at the school.                                                        Reo Māori.        Initially we
The Urban Farm has                                                         found someone to fill in for
gone from strength                                                         a month, but were extremely
to strength this year                                                      fortunate to come across Ms
and it is really exciting                                                  Ale Jensen, who was at the
to see the number of                                                       time new to teaching. Ale
visiting groups that                                                       has done a fantastic job and
have come through                                                          we feel fortunate to have
to engage with the                                                         had her as part of the team.
farm and its many learning opportunities. My thanks to Dr                  Over the past nine months
McMillan and his team for the wonderful work that is being                 she has built some strong
done. One of the latest additions is the chicken house that                relationships with staff and
has been put together by students of the school under the                  students alike. Ale is moving
guidance of Mr Dodds. It is sheer luxury and I thought about               to the North Island in 2020,
moving in myself!                                                          where she will continue with
As this is the last newsletter for the year I would like to take the       her teacher training.
opportunity to thank all of you for your tremendous support                Ms      Rachel     O’Connell,
throughout the year. Without the help of the community so                  likewise came to us at the
many things would simply not happen. Likewise, without                     beginning of 2019, to fill
the passion of the staff, both teaching and support staff, KVC             in some part time hours in
would not be the wonderful place it is.                                    Mathematics. Throughout
This week senior students were issued with their school                    the year she has also taken on
magazine and junior students will receive theirs next week.                Social Studies as well as some
The life of the school has been captured beautifully in this               Visual Art. There is no doubt
magazine. Please take the time to look at this wonderful                   she is a talented teacher and
publication which is printed in full colour. Our thanks once               this has been recognised by
again to Mrs Marie Wright for her fine work in putting this                her appointment to a Head
                              KAIKORAI VALLEY COLLEGE                       Opportunity and Success for All
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
of Mathematics position at Mt Aspiring College in Wanaka             Year 9 Activities Day
in 2020. We wish her all the very best with her move back to     Kayaking on the Otago Boat Harbour
a beautiful part of the country that she calls home.
Another person I would
like to say farewell to is Mr
Murray Davidson. Murray
was a teacher and Head
of Department at KVC in
the past and then became
our NCEA Examination
Centre Manager, a job
that he has done for the
past seven years. This is
no small undertaking and
we attribute the smooth
running of these exams
to his expertise. It has
been great to have him in
the school every November/December and we will miss his
smiling face. All the best Murray.
All of the above staff have contributed to the fabric of
this school and have very much bought into our vision of
“Opportunity and Success for All.” We will miss them but
with people leaving come new faces and we look forward
to new staff joining us. They will be introduced in the first
newsletter on 2020.
To our students of 2019 a huge thank you for another
successful year. I hope that over the next six or seven weeks
you and the staff will get a chance to recharge the batteries
and spend time with family and friends. In signing off I would
like to wish you all a merry festive season, safe travels, and
a refreshing break. I look forward to working with you all in
Strategic Plan
A short time ago we called for any suggestions for our
strategic plan looking forward. On 18 December the Board
will get together to consider all responses and formulate our
goals for 2020. We will publish these early next year.
Rick Geerlofs

                HOMESTAYS WANTED
  We are looking for new Home stay families to
 host our short and long term KVC International
             students during 2020.
   Remuneration is currently $245 per week.

   If you are interested, please contact Brenda
          Clark, Home stay Co-ordinator,
              or phone 027 204 3747.
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Outdoor Education
                                                    Ravensbourne Beach
                                                 Year 9 at Harbour Cycleway

                                                   Urban Farm Activity
It has been a busy few weeks on the Urban Farm. Last
Tuesday we had our grand opening day, inviting local
primary schools and our Year 7s to enjoy a farm experience.
This involved ‘hands on’ Science experiments and Maths’
stations where student had the chance to survey the land,
build predator traps, understand solar energy and know
what to do with food and garden scraps and build a good
compost bin.
They also got to see inside the beehive and learn more
about the life of the hive as well as learn the waggle dance
and how bees communicate.
We had guest chickens for the day; three beautiful Silkies
- Helga, Olga and Helsinki, who helped to demonstrate
behaviour and egg laying. We learnt about the chemical
composition of egg shells, how they breathe, why some
are strange shapes and how strong they really are. Only
three eggs broken all day and over 100 pupils and teachers
trying to see if they were ‘stronger than an egg’!
The electric fishing is always a hit and the students were
                                       lucky enough to see
                                       a very large and very
                                       old eel that had been caught.
                                       What with the wheelbarrow races and the two adorable ponies topped off by a glorious
                                       day, we had the most wonderful time and, I for one, learnt lots and enjoyed working with
                                       all of the students who visited and were involved.
                                       Honey will be for sale next week - look out for the Kaika BeeCo logo.
                                       Wishing you all a wonderful
                                       holiday. Hopefully see more                                           100% Natural Honey
                                                                                                           Nutrient Information, 10g Per Serving
                                       of you at the farm next year.                                       Energy (kJ)
                                                                                                                                    Per 10g Per 100g
                                                                                                                                    122kj   1219kj
                                                                                                           Protein                  40g     0.4gm
                                                                                                           Fat, Total (g)           0g      0g
                                                                                                           Carbohydrate (g) Total 7.6g      76.5g

                                    Nicola Rushbrook                                   Bush Honey
                                                                                                                       – Sugars (g) 7.3g
                                                                                                           Sodium – less than 1mg per 100gm

                                                                                                              Kaikorai Valley College,
                                                                                                           500 Kaikorai Valley Rd, Bradford
                                                                                          NET 250g              Phone 03 453 6035
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
The Bee Card is Coming to Dunedin                          CAREERS
The Bee Card is coming to Otago! This is the new tag on                                                   University of Otago
tag off bus card that will replace the GoCard on the Orbus                                                Year 10 Careers
network by winter 2020.                                                                                   Programme – on
                                                                                                          Tuesday 20 of our
                                                                                                          Year 10 students
                                                                                                          were part of a
                                                                                                          pilot programme
                                                                                                          introducing       the
                                                                                                          University to our
                                                                                                          students.         The
                                                                                                          purpose of the
                                                                                                          programme        was
                                                                                                                 provide     an
                                                                                                          opportunity        to
                                                                                                          inspire and get
                                                                                                          students thinking
                                                                                                          about          future
As well as Otago, the Bee Card will become the bus card for                                               tertiary educational
eight regions in New Zealand. Benefits include the ability        opportunities. Greg Heller KVC’s University Liaison Advisor
to add concessions and manage cards online, for example           provided us with an interesting and stimulating day,
setting up automatic top ups. More to come in the New             which included listening to a variety of presentations,
Year! Meanwhile, you can find out more here www.orc.govt.         while exploring the University. The day started in the
nz/bee-card I @orbusDN I @OrbusQT I #betterbybus.                 Humanities department where the students learnt about
                                                                  what Sociology was. The students completed a number of
              Brathwaite Centre News                              interesting activities while learning more about Sociology,
This week we are farewelling our senior students who are          Gender Studies and Criminology. We then walked to the
transitioning out of school – Anna Canning, Grace Moreton         Dental School and visited the newly refurbished building
and Willem Rolston.                                               where students enjoyed sitting in the new dental chairs. We
                                                                  also heard about not only studying to be a Dentist but about

Willem has been following up with his transition plans since
the seniors left in November. Anna and Grace have been
continuing on at school while keeping up with transition
activities and work experience. Today we enjoyed a café
style farewell with food, presentations and our own mini
concert. We wish our leavers all the best for their futures.
We will miss them.

                    Stationery 2020
                                                                          Rebecca Barnard (10Cg) in the dental chair
                                                                  the Bachelor of Dental Technology where students train in
                                                                  maxillofacial reconstructions, orthodontics, prosthodontics
                                                                  and material science research. Some students found passing
                                                                  around a prosthetic eye a challenge. After lunch we went to
                                                                  the Psychology department where the students completed
Stationery lists will be included with the final school reports   some hands-on activities. Finally, we went to the Geography
which will be given out on the last day of school - Wednesday     department and discussed a number of environmental
11 December 2019 for Years 7 to 10. Years 12 and 13 should        issues. Our thanks to Ms McKenzie who joined us on the
have picked up a list on Clearance Day at the Student Office.     trip and pointed out the various pieces of Art work that was
Pamphlets were given out a few weeks ago to take home             on display around the University and in particular our local
                                                                  Otago artists, which added another dimension to our day.
with information about buying online from Office Max.
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Kaikorai Valley College 2020 Year Dates
            Kaikorai Valley College 2020 Dates
Back to School Dates
Monday 27 January           Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 28 January          Peer Support Training (10am-3pm in the hall foyer)
Wednesday 29 January        Junior College students commences (Years 7 and 8)
Thursday 30 January         All school commences (Years 7-13)
Term Dates
TERM                    START DATE               END DATE
Term 1 (11 weeks)       Tuesday 28 January       Thursday 9 April
Term 2 (10 weeks)       Tuesday 28 April         Friday 3 July
Term 3 (10 weeks)       Monday 20 July           Friday 25 September
Term 4 (9 weeks)        Monday 12 October        Tuesday 8 December
Public Holidays
DATE                                         HOLIDAY
Wednesday 1 January                         New Year’s Day
Thursday 2 January                          Day after New Year’s Day
Thursday 6 February                         Waitangi Day
Monday 23 March                             Otago Anniversary
Sunday 5 April                              Daylight Saving ends
Friday 10 April                             Good Friday
Monday 13 April                             Easter Monday
Tuesday 14 April                            Easter Tuesday
Saturday 25 April (observed Monday 27)      Anzac Day
Monday 1 June                               Queen’s Birthday
Sunday 27 September                         Daylight Saving starts
Monday 26 October                           Labour Day
Friday 25 December                          Christmas Day
Saturday 26 December (observed Monday 28)   Boxing Day
Term Holidays
                    START                         FINISH
Term 1              Friday 10 April               Monday 27 April
Term 2              Saturday 4 July               Sunday 19 July
Term 3              Saturday 26 September         Sunday 11 October
Term 4              Wednesday 9 December
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Māori and Pasifika News
                 Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula Vanaka, Namaste, Mālo ni, Kia Orana, Kia ora and warm
                 Pasifika greetings to you all.
                 This year Kaikorai Valley College introduced a new role of Cultural Mentor to support our
                 students of Māori and Pasifika descent. It has been my pleasure to be in this role in 2019.
                 The philosophy was to promote Polynesian values and support our tamariki and whanau/aiga
                 through a variety of initiatives. Much of this year has been implementing these with the view
to build on them for the future. Some initiatives were:
Morning registrations: which provided a connection with our Māori Pasifika students. It promoted an opportunity to liaise with
our students, inform them of upcoming events, Māori Pasifika support opportunities with subject choices, agency support and
planning ideas for future Māori Pasifika initiatives.
Whānau hui/fonos: The focus was to bridge the gap between school and families with to support each other and to establish
collaborative networks.
Newsletter articles: Section in our weekly newsletter to further promote awareness and pride for our Polynesian cultures.
Kapa Haka: Our group continues to serve us well at a variety of events. eg, mihi whakatau, opening school events (talent quest,
                                                      sports, and cultural prize-givings), tautoko at Mana Pounamu Awards and,
                                                      of course, their contribution to Polynesian Fusion, Kaikorai Valley College’s
                                                      Polyfest performance. Acknowledgment has to go to Whaea Ale for her
                                                      huge influence and support for our Kapa Haka.
                                                      Polyfest: Polynesian Fusion performance was an eclectic arrangement that
                                                      reflected some of our Polynesian cultures and had students performing
                                                      from all ages.
                                                      Overall, the initiatives for 2019 have been very successful in their
                                                      implementation and I look forward to continued growth in Māori Pasifika
                                                      values at Kaikorai Valley College.
                                                      Finally, I would like to acknowledge and pay tribute to Dr Claudine Tyrell,
                                                      our colleague and dear friend. She dedicated much of her time at Kaikorai
                                                      Valley College to celebrate and embrace Māori and Pasifika cultures. Even
                                                      in her last few weeks of treatment, she was still thinking of us and our
                                                      Kapa Haka rōpu. Prior to our Polyfest performance, Claudine was aware of
                                                      the time pressures that go into applying moko, her problem-solving skills
                                                      and creative nature had her design a stamp with a pattern for our moko.
                                                      Unfortunately, we did not receive the stamp till after
                                                      Polyfest, however we look forward to using it in years to
                                                      come. Rest in love Claudine.
Fa’afetai lava mo le alofa ma le tapua’i mo lenei tausaga, 2019.
Manuia le Kerisimasi ma le tausaga fou.
Karina Nafatali (Māori Pasifika Mentor) ,

                  Office Housekeeping                                            Unusual Words
                                                                    abbozzo: preliminary sketch
If you have changed any of your                                     bismer: shame, disgrace, scorn
contact details - phone numbers,                                    epeolatry: worship of words
address, email, please advise the                                   gamophobia: fear of marriage
office by emailing                               hypnagogia: the transitioning state from
nz or phone 453 6035 with your child’s                              sleeping to awake
name and form class.
                                                                    jettatura: the evil eye
                                                                    latipinnate: having broad wings
                                                                    nanocephalous: having an extremely small head
  Kaikorai Valley College                                                        Psychopomp: A guider of souls
    is proudly sponsored by                                                      quindecasyllabic: having fifteen syllables
        OfficeMax NZ Ltd                                                         tectiform: shaped like a roof
         p: 0800 577 700                                                         ulosis: formation of a scar
    w:                                                       yuke: to itch
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
City of REAdERs
      Children’s Summer Reading
      Programme DEC 2019 – 31 JAN 2020
      Register with your local library to join the 2019-20
      Children’s Summer Reading Programme. Fill the booklet
      with details of all the books you’ve read over the summer,
      then return it to your local library by Friday 31 January
      2020 for a chance to go into the grand draw for some very
      cool prizes!
      You can find ideas for books to read, or some special
      challenges by talking to the librarians at your local library.
      Come back and see us every time you complete a page
      of your reading record and you’ll receive a special sticker
      for your City of Reader’s passport. And if you visit another
      library, we’ll stamp your passport with a special ‘visitor’s
      visa’ – see how many you can collect! You can set your own
      goal for how many books you want to read this summer,
      and then when you’ve reached your goal bring in your
      reading record to be signed off by the librarian and entered
      into the prize draw.

      VISIT or call into your local
      library to find out more.
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Curious Christmas Notions                                        Help for Australian Wildlife
                     Santa has a real postal zip code. Every    Recently Ms Flett ran a min-
                        year, post offices across America,       sewing bee to cut and sew
                        Canada and other parts of the world      items to send to Australian
                        are flooded with letters from kids       wildlife rescues centres that
                        addressed to Santa Claus. The Canadian   have been needing help with
                        Post Office receives so many that some   all the injured animals from
    postal workers started answering the letters. As the         recent bushfires and ongoing
    demand increased, the postal service set up a special        areas of drought. We made
    zip code for Santa as part of their annual ‘Santa Letter-    koala mittens to cover their
    writing Programme’ literacy initiative. The zip code? H0H    bandaged       paws,     cotton
    0H0, of course.                                              pouches to house various
   Wassail is from the Old Norse ves heill, meaning “good       marsupials (sugar gliders,
    health.”                                                     koalas, kangaroo and wallaby
   In 1914 during World War I there was a now famous            joeys) and some bat wraps
    Christmas truce in the trenches between the British and      (keep baby bats warm and protected) and did you know
    the Germans. They exchanged gifts across a neutral no        Australia has 90 species of bats and they do an important job
    man’s land, played football together, and decorated their    helping the pollination process of many flowers and keeping
    shelters.                                                    pests numbers down. Thanks to those who came along and
   According to old English folk tales, the                     also donated 100% cotton fabric to the cause.
    Devil died when Jesus was born. So
    some towns developed a Christmas                                  Christmas Charity Shoeboxes are on their way!
    Eve tradition of ringing the church bells                                                      More than 20 Christmas
    near midnight to announce the Devil’s                                                          Charity shoeboxes were
    demise. In England this custom was called tolling or                                           collected this year and they
    ringing “the Devil’s knell.”                                                                   are now on their journey
   In the 18th century Christmas trees began being decorated                                      to children in South-East
                      with candles. Electric Christmas tree                                        Asia and also remote areas
                      lights were first used in 1895.                                              of the Pacific. Thank you to
                    In Hawaii, Santa is called Kanakaloka.      students, staff and whānau who generously provided items
                    Perhaps one of the most unorthodox          or full shoeboxes to Ms Flett for this venture.
                      Christmas Eve traditions can be found
                      in Norway, where people hide their                                       Quote of the Week
                      brooms. It’s a tradition that dates back                        Remember the five simple rules to be
    centuries to when people believed                                                 happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred.
    that witches and evil spirits came out                                            2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live
    on Christmas Eve looking for brooms                                               simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less.
    to ride on. To this day, many people
    still hide their brooms in the safest                                      This Day in History
    place in the house to stop them from                                          06 December
    being stolen.                                                1534: Quito, Ecuador, founded by Spanish.
                                                                 1631: 1st predicted transit of Venus (Kepler) is observed.
                   9 Letter Puzzlegram
                                                                 1735: First recorded appendectomy performed by Claudius
                            Words must be 4 letters or
                                                                 Amyand at St George’s Hospital in London.
                            more and contain the letter
    F       O        H      E. Your list must have one 9-
                                                                 1768: 1st edition of “Encyclopaedia Britannica” published in
                            letter word. Proper names and        1865: 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution is
    S       E         K     foreign language words are not
                            allowed. Answers will be in
                                                                 ratified, abolishing slavery.
                                                                 1882: Atmosphere of Venus detected during transit.
                            next week’s newsletter. 8 words      1897: London becomes the world’s first city to host licenced
    O       B         L     = good; 15 words = great; 21
                            words = excellent; 27 words =
                                                                 1912: China votes for universal human rights.
                            outstanding!                         1956: Nelson Mandela and 156 others arrested for political
Last Week’s Puzzle Answers: agin, amin, gain, gamp, gang,        activities in South Africa.
gaum, gaun, giga, guan, magi, main, maun, mina, nazi, nipa,      1966: Polio vaccination becomes obligatory in Belgium.
pain, pang, pian, pima, pina, puma, puna, unai, aging, aping,    2017: “Supermassive” most distant black hole discovery
gamin, nizam, amping, gaming, gaping, gazing, gazump,            announced by astronomers in journal “Nature”, 13 billion
mazing, mizuna, paging, gauming, upgazing, GAZUMPING             light-years away, 800 x bigger than the Sun.
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Year 8 Genetics Workshop
Mrs Biondic joined Dr McMillan last Friday morning with a group of our Year 8 students (30) at the Biochemistry Department
Otago Uni. Our students were superb: polite, asked great questions and were into it. From the moment we left, through the
workshop and then return they were just wonderful and excellent representatives of our school. Hunter Moreton was asked,
at short notice, to give a thank you speech on our behalf and really measured up. The Biochemistry staff were very impressed
by our group too.
No. 39 - 06 December 2019 - Kaikorai Valley College
Sports News
This is the final newsletter for the year. It has been a great      Touch - Kensington Oval
year with so many of our students playing sport and getting         Jnr Girls (4) vs Queen’s Gold (2)
involved. A highlight is the large number of Year 7 and 8           Snr Girls (4) vs OGHS Snr A (6)
students (72%) playing a sport for the school this year. We         Snr Boys (6) vs Tokomairiro (3)
hope to keep that momentum going so that it follows through         Snr Mixed lost to OBHS Battlers
to our Year 9 and 10 and on into the senior school.                 Wednesday 4 December
                                                                    Handball - Kavanagh Gym
Best of luck to Nirvana Hepi-Breen who is travelling to             KVC (13) vs OBHS (7) Placed 3rd in A Grade
Auckland this weekend to compete at the New Zealand                 Theresa Johnson
Secondary Schools’ Athletics Championships. She will be
                                                                    Sports’ Coordinator
throwing Shot Put, Discus and Hammer.
Good Luck also to Lachie Colquhoun, who will travel to
                                                                    c: 027 543 4251
Auckland in January 2020 to trial for the NZ U18 Men’s
Handball Team.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the parents
who have been game day supervisors, taxi drivers, managers
and coaches. Without your help many of our students would
not be able to get involved in sport.

Two parents in particular, who have given up their time to
train and coach every week, throughout Terms 1 and 4, are
Laszlo Peter (Waterpolo) and Lisa Broderick (Futsal). You
have put many hours in to coaching and you truly represent
the school’s values of P.R.I.D.E. We are so very grateful for
your continued support for KVC sport.

To all the staff members who have assisted in some way
throughout the year, thank you very much! You give up your
free time to ensure our students get to upskill and compete
at their best possible level.

A reminder to please continue to return all borrowed sport’s
equipment such as shin pads, rugby and touch boots, tennis
rackets and borrowed P.E. tops and shorts as well as sport’s
uniforms. Students will not be granted clearance if they have
not returned all borrowed items.

I would like to wish everyone safe and happy holidays. See
you all back next year for another busy and fun filled year
of sport!

Friday 29 November
Senior Waterpolo
KVC lost to King’s Cambridge
Tuesday 3 December
Year 7 and 8 Futsal - Edgar Centre
KVC Red (2) vs Tahuna Warriors (2) POD Ethan
KVC Blue (3) vs Abbots 9 (4) POD Ben van Blerk
KVC Green (3) vs Taieri Blue (3) POD Magnus
Tuesday 3 December
You can also read