STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild

Page created by Daryl Sims
STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild
2020 USQ
STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild
         2020 ANNUAL REPORT

                    The USQ Student Guild provides a sense
                      of balance, belonging & community,
                     building lifelong memories, friends and
                       networks through a vibrant student

      Message from the Vice Chancellor.............................................1
      Message from the Chair....................................................................2
      Meet the Board.......................................................................................3
      Danny Clifford Bursaries - Meet the Recipients..................4
      Message from the Chief Executive Officer.............................6
      Message from the President...........................................................9
      Overview from the Student Advocacy.....................................12
      Overview from The Works Health & Recreation Club.....13
      Overview from the Events at CBRC...........................................14
      Overview from Fit & Well..................................................................15
      Overview from Student Guild Events.......................................16
      Meet the Team........................................................................................18

STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild


  Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its            Although many of its in-person activities were impacted
  operations during 2020, the USQ Student Guild                 by the pandemic, where and as it could, the Student
  continued to provide a range of services and support to       Guild continued to provide sport, recreational, cultural
  our students to achieve their academic and personal           and social services to all of our student body, no matter
  goals. Our University is guided by our three values of        whether their location. Our staff also take advantage of
  respect, integrity and excellence, and the Student Guild      the facilities and services offered by the Student Guild,
  assists us in many ways to live these values through its      with the gym and sporting facilities in particular helping
  services to our students, as well as staff and the broader    our staff to stay fit and well. In addition, the Student
  community.                                                    Guild facilities at our campuses support the University’s
                                                                relationships    with    our    wider    communities    in
  The Student Guild plays an important role in the overall      Toowoomba, Springfield, and Ipswich, through the
  experience of our students and the services and support       provision of sport and recreation facilities.
  provided by the Guild to assist our students is practical
  and designed with the best interests of students in mind.     My thanks go to the Student Guild Board, President,
  Importantly, the Guild provides free, independent advice      Chief Executive Officer and staff, for their continued
  with regard to students’ rights and responsibilities, and     commitment during 2020 to the provision of a range of
  in this way helps our students understand how University      high-quality services to USQ’s students, staff and
  policies and procedures apply, and how students can           community members.
  work within these to achieve their own goals.

                                               The Student Guild plays an
                                              important role in the overall
                                            experience of our students and
                                                the services and support
                                             provided by the Guild to assist
                                              our students is practical and
                                            designed with the best interests
                                                  of students in mind.

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                     PAGE 1
STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild

On behalf of the USQ Student Guild Board I would like                   The USQ Student Guild whilst in some ways just marked
to thank the USQ Council, USQ Vice Chancellor                           our time during the 2020 year, we did spend the year
Professor Geraldine Mackenzie, and the entire USQ                       strategizing and engaging with different stakeholders as
Student Guild Team for everything that has been done                    to where now for the USQ Student Guild and we have
in the year I am sure nobody will forget 2020!                          several projects we hope to roll out in the not-too distant
I would like to make special mention of our new CEO                     future that will really enhance the student experience.
Jennifer Rix, who commenced the position at the                         Working with the team at the University we hope that
beginning of COVID and I honestly cannot thank her                      we can continue to provide second to none service to
enough for the way that she has kept the Guild moving                   the students going forward and provide them with the
forward strategically and really pulling together the                   support they need.
operations of the Guild throughout the year with the
many changes that occurred and quick turn around on                     Thank you all for what we have been able to deliver in
some of these changes as well!                                          2020 and it has been great working with the team and
                                                                        the board throughout the year to deliver the services we
As we touched on last year COVID 19 has changed the                     have. It has been a tough year for some, an interesting
way that the USQ Student Guild had to operate and we                    year to say the least for others and it has been amazing
had to adapt to a very new way of connecting with the                   to work with such a dedicated and inspiring team that
students. We have I believe done this in numerous ways                  have gone above and beyond to deliver what we have
throughout the year and a positive from all of this, is that            done this year. I will finish by saying once again with an
our online services have continued to improve and                       amazing team you can achieve amazing things!
expand which has allowed a great access to services from
our external students.

                                            Working with the team at the
                                              University we hope that we
                                                can continue to provide
                                             second to none service to the
                                              students going forward and
                                            provide them with the support
                                                      they need.

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                         PAGE 2
STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild

       AMANDA KENAFAKE                     GENE CLARKE             ASH WOODS
                                             PRESIDENT            VICE PRESIDENT
                 CHAIR                    STUDENT DIRECTOR       STUDENT DIRECTOR

           NON-STUDENT                    STUDENT DIRECTOR        STUDENT DIRECTOR

          THOMAS SMITH                    SHERRIE WILSON           DAVID JONES

         SHAHAB ABDULLA                       BEN DAY              JACOB OYAT

STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild

JESSICA LUSK                                                          HOLLY RENTZ
  I am Jessica Lusk and I am one of the recipients of the             Thanks to the Danny Clifford Bursary I was able to
  Danny Clifford Bursary for 2020. I am currently in my final         return   to    my    Bachelor   of   Early   Childhood
  semester   of   external   studies   with   a   Bachelor   of       Education . My husband and I have three young
  Communications and Media with a major in Journalism.                children, one with special needs. As her needs can
  My degree stands to hold a wealth of opportunities for              not be met by daycare, this ultimately affected
  myself in the future and, as I enjoy writing, will be very          my not being able return to the workforce and
  fulfilling. I have completed all of my studies externally           our financial position. As a stay at home mother of
  whilst continuing to work full time in between other                six years, my return to study is demonstrative of
  duties on a small cattle operation and feedlot at my                my commitment to ECE, and I am dedicated to
  home.                                                               building a career on supporting and advocating
                                                                      for young children with disabilities . I am truly
  The bursary assisted greatly with many of my everyday
                                                                      appreciative    of   the   Danny     Clifford   Bursary,
  costs, study related and otherwise, including fuel (usually
                                                                      allowing the purchase of a newer, more reliable
  using almost one full tank a week, travelling to and from
                                                                      laptop, as well as much needed text books.
  town for work), phone and internet bills, textbooks, and
  other costs related to allowing me to comfortably study.
  The bursary allowed me to have the savings put aside
  when these costs arose, taking a lot of pressure off of my
  shoulders to allow me to study without worrying about
  them. I am very grateful to have been awarded the
  bursary and the assistance it provided has been
  extremely wonderful.

                                                                                    Holly Rentz
          Jessica Lusk
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 DANIEL SALE                                                        OTHER RECIPIENTS
 My name is Daniel Sale and I am one of the 2020 Danny
 Clifford Bursary recipient winners. I am currently studying          Rachelle Jones
 a Bachelor of Nursing at USQ externally. I am studying my
 nursing part-time because I am currently an Enrolled
                                                                      Jessica Dunn
 Nurse working in Operating Theatres and found it difficult
 to manage the full-time study load with full-time shift
                                                                      Georgia Wylie
 work. The Danny Clifford Bursary allowed me to enrol in              Catherine Richard
 subjects that require clinical skill days and bank my
 annual leave hours atwork for the over 700 hours of                  Laura Devine
 practical placement required. By doing this I will have
 enough annual leave to allow me to attend practical
 placement whilst maintaining an income for my family. I
 have now completed 12 subjects, 2 of which required face
 to face sessions I wouldn't have been able to attend
 without this bursary. This has been invaluable for me as
 my family relies on my income. I am so grateful to the
 USQ Student Guild for their support and generosity
 especially during the height of the COVID pandemic.

           Daniel Sale

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 The challenges of 2020 have had a remarkable impact on               Our new strategy was presented to the USQ Council in July
 USQ Student Guild operations and the way we have                     with encouraging positive feedback. These were translated
 supported students in need. In many ways, these                      operationally into Guild Promises for our staff, which were
 challenges have crystallised the Guild’s core purpose and            then reinforced with Team Success goals to execute on our
 been a catalyst for change. I am proud of the vital                  strive for excellence.
 support, the Guild was able to provide throughout the
 uncertainty and growing need exacerbated by the                      Over the course of 2020, the Guild was privileged to build
 COVID-19 pandemic.                                                   strong relationships with many partners across the
                                                                      business, sporting, health, and education sectors. We
 This year, I have been grateful for many new beginnings. I           sought many opportunities to build a strong presence and
 commenced as CEO on 3 March and was immediately                      loyal   relationships,   reaching   out   and        assisting   the
 impressed with the important role the Guild provides                 community during a time of extreme adversity to build our
 through its student advocacy, the potential of the facilities        Brand and future membership base. For example, we were
 and the engaged and purpose-driven team. I have been                 excited to re-launch our expanded venue hire options by
 thankful for the resilience of our staff, who have                   hosting    a    Toowoomba       Chamber         of      Commerce
 persevered to help our members, students, and the wider              Business@Dusk, a number of their business workshops,
 community through unprecedented times.                               and featuring in the Chamber podcast series.

 Renewed collaboration with USQ also featured. The Guild              The partnership with Tennis Queensland was strengthened
 is very appreciative of support offered by the Chancellor,           with my appointment as Secretary on the South West
 Vice Chancellor, and key University stakeholders. We are             Regional Assembly. For the first time in 3 years, the Guild
 particularly proud to have also been invited for feedback            hosted a Junior Development Series Tournament at the
 on many important structural and policy changes within               Toowoomba Regional Tennis Centre. Hoopers Accountants
 the    University   as   an   important    collective      student   and Toowoomba Anglican School were major sponsors of
 representative, and to equally participated in key events            two Guild-hosted Tennis tournaments.
 including    Orientation      week,     Reconciliation      week,
 Harmony week, Virtual Open Day, and Stress Less week.                The Guild’s end of year, Christmas Tree Festival, was also a
                                                                      highlight, bringing together many sponsors, supporters,
 We welcomed 4 new student directors to our Board this                charities, donation beneficiaries and the wider community
 year   via   independent      student   elections.   All    Board    to celebrate the festive season.
 members were invited to participate in an introductory
 governance workshop and stakeholder strategy sessions.

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STUDENT GUILD 2020 USQ - USQ Student Guild
          JENNIFER RIX

 TASC (The Advocacy and Support Centre Incorporated)                    A Queensland Government COVID grant helped to fund an
 joined the Guild in its new student common areas to offer              upgrade   of   our   Advocacy    SharePoint     and   Wi-Fi
 extended assistance to students one day per week in a                  connectivity. Increased social media activity and the
 pilot program. This service complimented our existing                  introduction of dedicated Facebook groups has improved
 student advocacy services, particularly in the areas of legal          our ability to communicate with student and membership
 assistance and disability support.                                     bases. New post formats including videos and animations
 A developing partnership with Toowoomba Regional                       have appealed to audiences.
 Council culminated in a number of opportunities including
 inclusion in “The Change Project”, International and                   Student   demand     for   advocacy   support   peaked   at
 Interstate host sporting bids, Toowoomba Conferences                   historically high levels. 1411 students received direct
 marketing and Multi-cultural networks.                                 support (an increase of 28% from 2019) and over 36 700
                                                                        student engagements occurred.
 The Guild has been agile, innovating swiftly to adapt to the
 challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. There                   Increased enquiry continued in 2020 which was further
 have been innumerable new initiatives and processes                    fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic and USQ’s focus on
 introduced.      This has been particularly illustrated in             Academic Integrity. A 24% increase in general enquiry and
 relation to the Guild’s ongoing business continuity during             a 34% increase in cases was observed and supported by
 COVID restrictions. Working from home, our advocacy                    the Advocacy team. A three-fold increase (314%) in
 officers and fitness instructors were still able to assist             Academic Integrity cases was the main driver of this
 students and members. All three campus gyms complied                   demand and accounted for 371 of the 656 cases
 with government directives to close on 23 March and, in                (56.6%).Nearly half of the 2020 cases were referred by USQ
 rapid response, launched an online health and wellbeing                Staff.
 program, “TheWorks@Home” on 27 March. The Guild
 offered this application for free to members and the wider
 community alike and quickly amassed 250 subscribers at
 the height of COVID shutdowns.

 Additional      COVID   safe   protocols       were   also   swiftly
 instituted to allow for the resumption of events, social
 sports   and     gym    services   in   line   with   government
 restrictions.    Additional    sanitization,     contact     tracing
 records, supervision of entry and egress, and booking
 systems, online inductions, for example, have been
 instituted. An upgrade to the front-end membership
 system was also implemented. By the end of the year, as
 restrictions lifted, the stadium was booked every week day
 lunch and evening, and venue hire bookings returned to
 near normal levels.

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 It should be noted that since 2017 there has been year-on-   A surplus was achieved as a result of tight expense control
 year increases in general enquiry, and in 2020, the          and income from government stimulus in response to the
 Advocacy office fielded 2.4 times more enquiry compared      pandemic. Job keeper has been a critical protection from
 to 2017.                                                     adverse financial impacts as a result of COVID-19, and this
                                                              has enabled staff to be employed longer than would have
 The Danny Clifford Bursaries continued to be awarded to      otherwise been possible and to therefore remain focussed
 students in need and a renewed selection process             on the people we serve.
 featuring   more    Board   member      involvement   was
                                                              Despite a year impacted by COVID shutdowns and
 instituted. Students were also welcomed into our re-
                                                              restrictions, it has been a year of more starts than stops at
 vitalised common areas and social sport activities.
                                                              the USQ Student Guild. I look forward to another year
                                                              committed to helping students and the wider community
                                                              to thrive in the face of this ongoing pandemic.

                                    The Guild is very
                                 appreciative of support
                                     offered by the
                                    Chancellor, Vice
                                  Chancellor, and key

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                   PAGE 8
         GENE CLARKE

  It has been a challenging year for everyone. We have all               As Guild President I have been given many opportunities
  faced changes in our day to day lives and normality seemed             to represent the Guild and the USQ student body on the
  to be morphing into a bygone concept. I am proud to say                Academic Board and Academic Appeals Committee, and
  that despite the challenges The USQ Student Guild has                  had meetings with the Pro Vice Chancellor (Students) Josh
  managed to overcome the hurdles set by 2020, which is why              Pienaar to discuss collaborative steps that USQ Student
  it is my honor to be the President of such an ethical and              Life could take with the Guild in order to benefit and serve
  support driven not-for-profit establishment, working for               the student body with an ever-increasing pool of
  students, my peers and the community.                                  opportunities and services for enrichment and support.

  With the welcoming of our new CEO, Jenny Rix the Guild has             I'd like to acknowledge and thank all previous board
  consolidated its strategy and vision moving forward together.
                                                                         members, staff and individuals that were a part of the
  With our strong operational staff, dedicated advocacy team
                                                                         Student Guild’s work and activities. It is upon your
  and the diverse Board of Directors chaired by the respected
                                                                         shoulders we stand, continually growing to aid our student
  Power Tynan CEO, Amanda Kenafake, all the progress we've
                                                                         body. I would additionally like to extend thanks to all
  taken to not just adapt and overcome the changing times but
                                                                         current operational staff, the Advocacy team, the Board of
  also hold clarity in our focus for the future years is truly a feat.
                                                                         Student Directors and non-student Directors for their hard
                                                                         work, resilience, commitment and passion.
  The Guild empowers and provides opportunities and
  support for students. During the weight of COVID-19
  restrictions The Works at Home was launched, giving all
  our members the opportunity to keep exercising during
  the lockdown. This has been a huge success and is still
  running backed by student interest. Also, eight recipients
  were selected for the Danny Clifford Bursary providing
  equity support to students in various situations. I will be
  proud to shake each of their hands (or, more likely bump
  elbows) for such a worthy cause. The Guild trusts this
  money will assist them throughout their study, in their life,                      It is my honor to be the
  work and in support of their family and community. We
                                                                                  President of such an ethical
  are hopeful that more bursaries will be able to be provided
  in the coming years to meet the very real needs that exist.
                                                                                  and support driven not-for-
                                                                                 profit establishment, working
                                                                                for students, my peers and the

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                              PAGE 9

    I am writing to endorse conversations I have had with          and very welcoming when we come to sign in at the front
    many of the "oldies" that attend the fitness classes on the    desk. They go out of their way to help and advise. Brooke
    weekday mornings at 9am.                                       has always been a terrific instructor and gives a good, well
                                                                   balanced fitness class. We do miss her as an instructor,
    It is so often the case the Administration of businesses       but know she is enjoying her new role.
    and such groups will only hear the complaints, what's
    wrong, negatives from their clients (in this case us oldies)   Ethan is “the new kid on the block” and we thoroughly
    and rarely the positive what's good.                           enjoy his Boot Camps on Friday morning. He has a
                                                                   genuine, engaging personality and is very patient with us
    So in this case I am happy to advise the positive and          oldies - our lack of hearing and our misunderstanding of
    congratulate and pay tribute to the wonderful team of          instructions. We appreciate his warm up exercises and his
    Dee, Chloe, Brooke, Ethan and Juno for the great job they      cool down exercises. We also enjoy the activities he
    do with us. It is always a pleasure to arrive greeted with a   organises so that we can chat and socialise with our
    smile and then put through our paces in a great selection      fellow fitness colleagues, while we are exercising. Juno
    of fitness programmes. They put a lot of effort into           always gives 110% and encourages all of us to push
    providing a great mental, physical and social program so       ourselves to our limits. She is enthusiastic and explains
    suitable and necessary for our age group.                      why some of the “horrible” activities are so good for us - to
                                                                   retain our mobility and balance and physical strength.
    I look forward to a long association with the team as long     Juno not only works on our physical fitness. She
    as my aging will let me! It is with great pleasure that I      recognises that social interaction is just as important for
    write this having experienced the benefit of all they do       our physical and mental health.
    for over nine years.
    Richard Chiverrell | The Works Member                          For “oldies” who have recently retired or who have
                                                                   recently moved to Toowoomba, the 9.00 classes provide
    I am one of “the oldies” who has been attending the 9.00       not only a physical workout, but the chance to engage in
    weekday classes at the gym for 5 years.                        social interaction and many close
     I would like to let the Management Team know how              friendships have formed over the years. I really hope the
    much we oldies think of the great job that Dee, Chloe,         Management Team at the gym realises what a wonderful
    Brooke, Juno and Ethan do. So often people are only too        group they have. They are all real gems who make us
    happy to criticise and whinge about something. Very            “oldies” feel special and valued.
    rarely are people praised for the great job they do. Dee       Bev Quinn | The Works Member
    and Chloe are always friendly

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                      PAGE 10

 I like to say a huge thank you to you and your staff, we      Your team were great to work with.
 found   that   you    were    incredibly   organised   and    Your venue was recommended to us by a QTU member,
 accommodating. We would love to use your venue in the         and we will definitely be booking with you again, and
 future and hope to see you at our classes too!                recommending USQ Student Guild as an event venue.
 Rachel | Toowoomba Physie And Dance                           Thank you, and your team, for the assistance with all of
                                                               our events.
                                                               Leesa Bradford | Quest Professional Development |
Great set up with comfortable environment, we
                                                               Queensland Teachers' Union
 appreciate the staff and their support.
Emma and Kathy | The Works Members

 I really hope the Christmas Tree Festival was a success and
 thankyou for all the effort you have put into this
 community event, really hope it will be something that
 continues our clients really enjoyed doing this.
 Kylie Elisaia | Regional Manager YWCA Australia

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                    PAGE 11

 In 2020, the Advocacy office assisted a total of 1411     Throughout 2020, the Advocacy office had to change how
 students throughout the year. Compared to previous        it engaged with students and staff. As a result, we have
 years there was a significant increase in the number of   focused on building our social media image and building
 enquiries and cases that the Advocacy office assisted     our networks with USQ staff and external agents. These
 with. A large number of Advocacy Cases related to the     new networks have allowed us the chance to increase
 issue of Academic Misconduct, with some of these cases    awareness of our service and the chance to directly engage
 being a related to the changes caused by COVID-19.        in process that will affect students at USQ. One significant
                                                           outcome of this networking has been our involvement in
 The Advocacy team were able to award 8 Danny Clifford     the feedback process when it has come to USQ updating
 Bursaries in 2020, to students needing a hand up to be    or introducing new policy and procedure.
 able to continue or complete their studies.

                               I am really thankful to you for
                               supporting me during my hard
                               times, this would not have been
                               successful without your
                               guidance and support.Thank you
                               so much. I really appreciate and
                               value your kindness. Thanks a
                               lot, will remember you always.

                                           Student Testimonial


 2020 was a test of innovation, resilience and                        Towards the second half of the year, staff training was a
 comradery for the entire business, staff and its                     focus point. Staff being cross-trained in various reception
 members. The year kickstarted off with a substantial                 duties and sports set-ups/pack-downs allowed for them
 change in management. We also welcomed new work                      the   opportunity      to       develop   further   organisational
 colleagues who integrated seamlessly into the team.                  knowledge     and     skills.    Team     Success   Factors   were
                                                                      introduced into the Works department: Welcoming,
 With the sudden impact of the lockdown, it became                    Empowering, Professional, Caring, Appreciative and Fun.
 apparent just how important physical exercise was for                Each company value is represented in various workplace
 mental health. All members were offered extended                     actions all in aim to reinvigorate the team's performance
 suspension of their accounts. The focus was then to                  and amplify the customer experience within the gym.
 continue to provide members with health and fitness
 stimulation but, at home. Within a single week, the                  It was apparent by the end of the year that Yoga, Pilates
 gym was able to initiate a new online service, The                   and   Low    Impact     classes     had    blossomed    and   saw
 Works@Home. Instructors worked tirelessly during the                 significant increases in numbers. This warranted offering
 gym lockdown to create a pool of online exercise                     more of these services the following next year. In 2021, the
 resources from their backyards to their loungerooms.                 Works will see more accessibility for our community
 Interactive zoom classes meant that our members were                 members, improved customer experience and innovative
 able to stay connected and active. In the following                  solutions.
 weeks, the Works migrating over to a new gym
 management     software.    This    gave   instructors    the
 capability to operate zoom classes through a scheduled
 online timetable. Between the Works@Home, online
 Zoom classes and Facebook/Instagram we saw over
 three   hundred     individuals    reaching   out   to   gym
 instructors’ week to week to keep their body and mind
 healthy.                                                                             2020 was a test of
                                                                                   innovation, resilience and
 After months of been in lockdown, we were able to
                                                                                    comradery for the entire
 rapidly reopen the gym and rollout scheduled gym
                                                                                     business, staff and its
 session via our online booking system. This enabled the
 Works team to disinfect the gym between groups and                                       members.
 maintain a high standard of cleanliness for members
 and staff. Immediate reviews of existing processes took
 place. This identified key areas that required members
 to have more flexibility and so changes such as
 permitting 24-hour barbell access and online gym
 inductions   were     introduced     creating   very     high
 satisfaction amongst attendees and even had past
 members returning. All membership forms were
 updated and modernized creating a simplified process
 for our reception team.
2020                                                             PAGE 13
        AT THE CBRC

 Due to Covid - 19 our events team at The Clive Berghofer        Throughout 2020, although heavily impacted by the
 Recreation Centre saw a significant decrease in the             pandemic, we saw some of our regular events return
 number of bookings from 2019, we commended our team             to the centre including the Disability Expo. Along with this,
 for their resilience and positivity shown through what          we   held   the   September    Toowoomba       Chamber     of
 was a difficult year. The team provided a high level of         Commerce Business at Dusk event and our first Christmas
 service to all customers and events that we were lucky          Tree Festival in December.
 enough to hold throughout the year.
                                                                 We would like to extent a warm thank you to our
 Sports bookings remained the favourite during 2020 with
                                                                 customers for their ongoing support especially through the
 mostly    small    community    groups    including   Futsal,
                                                                 tough year that was 2020.
 Basketball, Netball, Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis and
 Hockey booking the space. We continued to to grow our
                                                                 In 2021, we look forward to welcoming our returning
 strong relationships with local sporting clubs such as
                                                                 customers back to the centre and establishing new
 Toowoomba         Indoor   Hockey,      Toowoomba     Tennis
                                                                 partnerships as we move forward.
 Association, Sporting Wheelies, South West Queensland
 Futsal, and several USQ sporting clubs.

                                      TOTAL EVENTS BOOKINGS
                                             AT CBRC.

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                    PAGE 14
       FIT & WELL

 The Fit and Well Corporate Health Program for                     Instructors regularly heard feedback by USQ staff about
 University of Southern Queensland Staff has seen much             how the programs were valuable to them in the way for
                                                                   which it kept them “sane” during such uncertain and
 support and enthusiasm this year even with the many
                                                                   disruptive times. It was also regularly mentioned that
 obstacles which hindered the availability of usual
                                                                   there was much appreciation for the alternative fitness
 services.                                                         platforms and how efficiently they were released.

 The Works team found that Fit and Well members                    2020 observed Fit and Well members welcoming back
                                                                   group sports such as badminton and volleyball which
 embraced     our   alternative   online   offerings.   The
                                                                   saw an influx of participation and support.
 Works@Home’s online platform offered personalised
 fitness programs and connectively features such as direct
 chat with trainers and member groups. Midday Fit and
 Well exercise classes continued to be offered online via
 the Zoom platform and saw stable participation even
 after the gym reopened. The Works found that majority of
 the participants for The Works@Home and Zoom exercise
 classes were USQ staff.

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                   PAGE 15

         KEY EVENTS

   The Regional Disability Expo was held at the
   CBRC on 8th and 9th of October 2020. The
   Expo is a congregation of businesses, clubs,
   services and people that are dedicated to the
   disability     sector        throughout        Regional
   Queensland. Regional Disability Expo gives
   businesses     an      excellent      opportunity      to
   showcase their products and services as well
   as be connected to their specific target

   The USQ Student Guild hosted it's first Junior
   Tennis tournament in 3 years during October,
   November        and        December        2020      with
   sponsorship         from     Toowoomba         Anglican
   School (TASS).         The      Junior Development
   Series (JDS) was a very successful event with
   media      coverage.       62   students    registered,
   travelling from Brisbane, Roma, Toowoomba,
   and    surrounds.       USQ      Student       Outreach
   assisted     with    the     supply   of   a    Student

   Rob Barty was a guest speaker at the
   Toowoomba           Regional    Tennis     Centre,    he
   shared his remarkable story of bringing up a
   grounded world class athlete in Ash Barty,
   world No.1. at just 23 years of age.

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                         PAGE 16

        KEY EVENTS

 The USQ Student Guild held their first Annual
 Christmas Tree Festival       during the month of
 December 2020. 20 real pine trees were kindly
 donated to the Student Guild by a local Toowoomba
 business and these were decorated by our schools
 and community groups . This event was run over 3
 days and funds received from the gold coin entry fee
 were donated back to the schools and community
 groups who decorated the trees.

 The public voted for their favourite tree and prizes
 were awarded for first, second and third place for
 best decorated tree. The Student Guild were also
 fortunate to have the previous hosts of the festival
 Middle Ridge Uniting Church donate decorations and
 Christmas Trees.

 The community were delighted that this annual
 event was bought back to life after many years of not
 having a host, we are looking forward to hosting the
 next Christmas Tree Festival in 2021.

2020 USQ STUDENT GUILD | ANNUAL REPORT                   PAGE 17


                  Shania Brown                      Alicia Newman
                 Membership Sales                  Fitness Instructor

                     Delia Zenke
                   Membership Sales                     Juno Lui
                                                   Fitness Instructor



                    Marita Tomlinson                    Isabelle Chassain
                Student Advocacy Officer             Student Avocacy Officer

                 Kimberley Spencer
               Senior Advocacy Officer                 Stafford Mortensen
                                                     Student Advocacy Officer



              Rhiannon-Lea Edwards
          Administration & Finance Manager                                 Lynette Magisana
                                                                           Fitness Instructor

                                                   Brooke Martin
                                         Facilities & Operations Manager



                        Linda Pike                                Jobin John
                    Marketing Manager                   Operations & Cleaning Attendant

                                         Jennifer Rix



               Annaliese Van Bekkum                        Nikki Franz
            Administration Support Officer             Fitness Instructor


        We Support. We Advocate. We Connect.
             We are dedicated to supporting,
        representing and enriching the experience
                       of students.

     Directors Report .............................................................................................................3-4
     Auditor's Independence Declaration..................................................................5
     Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income........6
     Statement of Financial Position.............................................................................7
     Statement of Changes in Equity............................................................................8
     Statement of Cash Flows............................................................................................9
     Notes to the Financial Statements.......................................................................10-18
     Directors' Statement.....................................................................................................19
     Independent Auditor's Report................................................................................20-22

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