Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site

Page created by Ruth Patel
Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site
The         Northern Exposure
                            Wednesday, February 7, 2018 VOL. XXIII, ISSUE V

Coach Lillygren Achieves
       400 Wins
Tricia Lillygren, math teacher and girls’ varsity basketball head coach, gained her 400th
 win on Monday, January 29, 2018. This is her 23rd year coaching the Lady Broncos.
Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site
In this Issue...
                  2017-18 Staff
Mindy Haesemeyer ..............................Adviser
Jack Langle...Co-Editor-in-Chief/Sports Editor                   February                                                                              The New Heart of Olathe
Blair Clark.....Co-Editor-in-Chief/Ad Manager
Cara Panarisi ........................... Opinion Editor
Marin Carey ...................................Web Editor
                                                             Table of Contents:
                                                             News                                                                                    S   ome people take on a new
                                                                                                                                                         endeavor every year, setting
                                                                                                                                                     some sort of goal. Many of
                                                             3: The New Heart of Olathe-Jacob Sellinger
Savannah Mullen ............................Staff Artist     4: Breaking News-Rhayla Huff                                                            these “new year resolutions”
Jillian Jamaleddin....News Editor/Junior Editor              Feature                                                                                 have to do with fitness, which
Rhayla Huff..........Feature Editor/Junior Editor            5: The Lion King Claws its Way to the LSN Theatre Program-Hannah Berry                  for many is a lofty goal. How-
Madi Smith.......................Entertainment Editor        6: These Bronco Alums Have Left the Stable: Making Marks Across The Globe-Jack Langle   ever, a new $305 million plan
                                                             7: Valentine’s Day Word Scramble-Marin Carey                                            for the redevelopment of the
Rebekah Panek...................Photography Editor
                                                             8: It’s All About You Being You-April Cowan                                             former Great Mall in Olathe
Jacob Sellinger............................Staff Reporter                                                                                            will be used and will have a
Hannah Berry..............................Staff Reporter     9: Tray to Trash: Students are Throwing Away More Food Than Ever-Maria Smith
                                                             Entertainment                                                                           heavy emphasis on sports and
Devin Carroll..............................Staff Reporter                                                                                            fitness.
                                                             10: The Free App “HQ Trivia” Allows People to Earn Cash-Cara Panarisi
April Cowan................................Staff Reporter                                                                                               On July 11, 2016, the Great
                                                             11: National Days to Brighten-Up Any Calendar-Madi Smith
Tiyah Gipson...............................Staff Reporter    Sports                                                                                  Olathe Center LLC that owned
Maria Smith................................Staff Reporter    12: Student Athletes Prepare for Spring Sports-Jillian Jamaleddin                       the Great Mall of the Great
                                                             13: The Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics-Tiyah Gipson                                   Plains filed for bankrupt-
                                                             Opinion                                                                                 cy. They demolished all the
       Northern Exposure Policy                                                                                                                      buildings on the site leaving
                                                             14: The Evolution of The Feminist Movement-Rebekah Panek
                                                                                                                                                     a vacant lot. The mall was

                                                             15: Listen In: Podcasts at Large-Devin Carroll                                                                                   The Summit Fair Shopping Center is set up similarly to how the new Olathe Outlet Mall will be constructed.
    he Northern Exposure will strive toward                                                                                                          expected to draw in millions of
                                                   Ads                                                                                                                                                                               Photo by Rebekah Panek.
    excellence by reporting news accurately,                                                                                                         visitors each year, but it never
objectively and thoroughly. Providing lead-                                                                                                          recovered from the 2008 reces-      circular path that lead to each       space; 300,000 square feet of           tice, and they have expressed
ership through editorials and establishing a                                                                                                         sion and a multitude of other       section of the mall, those being:     apartments; and two hotels.             interest in other activities such
forum. “Letters to the Editors” are accepted and                                                                                                     factors. The lot was put up for     fashion, home and hobby,                “Woodbury Corporation has             as interactive golf and rock
                                                                                                                                                     sale and had an uncertain future    sports and adventure, and tech-       been vested in Kansas City for          climbing.
encouraged, but should be written responsibly,
                                                                                                                                                                                         nology and entertainment.             years, and we are excited about           “I think it is a great idea and
in good taste, free from libel, obscenities and                      Follow us on Instagram and Twitter                                              ahead of it, until VanTrust Real
                                                                                                                                                                                           Now that this whole com-            this potential opportunity to           that it will be good for the
                                                                                                                                                     Estate LLC bought it. They are

invasions of privacy. “Letters to the Editors”                                                                                                                                           plex has been swept clean, the        work with the City of Olathe.           public and help spread the love
should be less than 300 words and must be                                                                                                            currently developing plans to
                                                                                                                                                     turn it into a thriving complex     question rises on what they           We are working with the cur-            of hockey to the community,”
signed. Letters may be delivered to room 2103.                                                                                                                                           should do with the roughly            rent land owners of the Great           Trevor Luzum, junior, said.
                                                                                                                                                     of business and commerce.
                 1st Amendment                                                                                                                                                           vacant 812,000 square feet. The       Mall site about a redevelop-              The city of Olathe has issued
                                                                                                                                                        “The new mall should be
  Congress shall make no law respecting an                                                                                                                                               VanTrust Real Estate LLC has          ment solution. However, as we           a precautionary statement that
                                                                                                                                                     a convenient place to get to
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free                                                                                                                                       applied for a STAR bond from          are in the early stages of this         these plans are very prelim-
exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of people
                                                                                        AND                                                          and should have great deals. It
                                                                                                                                                     should be a fun place to hang-      Olathe. They are also partner-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ing with the Woodbury Corpo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               project it would be premature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and irresponsible of us to talk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       inary and that diligence is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       required, however many people
                                                                                                                                                     out, and especially appeal to
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Gov-
ernment for a redress of grievances.
                                                                                     Chek out our                                                    teens. I like malls,” Jake Lally,
                                                                                                                                                     junior, said.
                                                                                                                                                                                         ration and Loretto Properties,
                                                                                                                                                                                         who owns the Mavericks, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               about any more details at this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               point,” Woodbury Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       would like to see these plans go
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       through. This will help revital-

                                                                                                                                                                                         the development of the site.          for The Kansas City Star, real          ize the unused section and help
             On the Cover                                                                                                                               Their new plans will be
                                                                                                                                                     overshadowing the last mall,        The Woodbury Corporation              estate development team, said.          bring economic prosperity to
                                                                                                                                                                                         has outlined basic plans for the        Loretto Properties has ex-            the local community. The city

                                                                                                                                                     which emphasized convenience
      The LSN Girls’ Basketball team                                                                                                                 with 160 stores, a 16-screen        sight: 150,000 square feet of         pressed interest in the possi-          may not see the final product
 celebrates Coach Tricia Lillygren’s 400th                                                                                                           movie theater and four rest         multipurpose facilities; 250,000      bility of opening a 4,000 to            in its entirety for a couple of
 career win on January 29 against Staley.                                                                                                            areas. It had a large food court    square feet of entertainment,         5,000 seat hockey arena and a           years, but the community is
                                                                                                                                                     that was decorated with carpets     retail and restaurant space;          community ice sheet for youth           looking forward to it.
                                                                                                                                                     and posters surrounded by a         150,000 square feet of office         hockey tournaments and prac-
                Word Scramble Answers: Marriage, Chocolate, Candy, Lovers, Romance, Relationships, Cupid, Feelings, Valentines, Flowers

2    Wednesdsay, February 7, 2018
    Lees Summit North High School                                                                                                                                                       News-Wednesday, February 7, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lees Summit North High School                 3
Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site
The Lion King Claws its Way to the
                                                                                         Graphic by Savannah Mullen &
                                                                                            Photo by Rebekah Panek

                                                                                      S ir Elton John, a beloved musician of
                                                                                        70 years, has proclaimed retirement

                                                                                                                                            LSN Theatre Program
                                                                                    after decades of touring. He had been
                                                                                    travelling on tour since he was 17, and has
                                                                                    finally decided to stay home to take care
                                                                                    of his husband and their children. During
                                                                                    his time performing, he has accomplished
                                                                                    many things such as the original music of
                                                                                    Lion King, winning five grammy awards,
                                                                                                                                      T     he childhood movie that
                                                                                                                                            inspired many is now
                                                                                                                                      coming to life. LSN is putting
                                                                                    being knighted by the Queen of England,           on a junior production of the
                                                                                    having more than 60 songs on the Bill-            musical “Lion King” and they
                                                                                    board’s Hot 100 list and numerous other           are all working hard to make
                                                                                    achievements. He has now decided to take          sure it exceeds expectations.
                                                                                                                                         “It is really interesting since

C    offee is a drink loved by many americans, and              time for himself and his family after his three-year tour ends.
                                                                                                                                      we grew up with this movie
     the fact that it could dwindle out is strange and          He will begin the lengthy tour in September and performed at          and only one person in that cast
                                                                the Grammy Awards with Miley Cyrus.                                   had never seen it, which typ-
unfamiliar. According to recent studies (courtesy of
nature plants, a scientific journal) the fifth-largest                                                                                ically is not a thing. The fact
coffee producer could lose up to 60% of its farming
land. The reduction of coffee is caused by lower
                                                                T   he White House has held numerous discussions about De-
                                                                    ferred Action for Childhood Dreamers or DACA. A year
                                                                after President Trump’s vows to build a wall and deport all
                                                                                                                                      that it is so well known makes
                                                                                                                                      it so difficult to get it right and
                                                                                                                                      I think that is really cool [con-
rainfall and rising temperatures, and this could have           immigrants, the important decisions have yet to be made. For          sidering that] there are cultural
drastic effects on the country. As stated in a report           the entirety of last year, Trump pushed and shoved for immi-          differences and that it is a mu-
from World Coffee Research, consumers will have                 grants to leave; insisting that he (and the rest of the US gov-       sical and a junior production,”
doubled their interest in coffee by 2050, but recent            ernment) would force Mexico to pay for the Border Wall that           Bre Baughn, sophomore, said.
news has stated that the supply will not meet the de-           will keep “illegal immigrants from entering the US.” Rather              The actors and the behind-
                                                                                                                                      the-scenes crew have been pre-                 Scar (Alec Bridges) is consoling his nephew Simba (Catie Wolff) after the death of Simba’s father.
mand. A plus side to this, however, is that the prices          than any of these actions being put forth, the government shut
                                                                                                                                      paring for weeks to get things                                                      Photo by Rebekah Panek.
will most likely remain at a steady rate, but the man-          down in January for three days, until the Democratic Party            set up for the production.
ufacturing of the product will decrease immensely.              agreed to a deal that did not include a consensus about the              “If you are in props or cos-
                                                                immigrants raised in this country. As of January 25, the White                                              answers to those questions            lars in gross profit.                     Being in theatre is not only
                                                                                                                                      tume they have been working

F                                                                                                                House released                                             and think about how I can               Many of the cast and crew             about performances. Many
    or many decades, Rosie The Riveter has been                                                                                       for months now because not
                                                                                                                                                                            relate them to myself,” Alec          are hoping for a positive re-           people in the cast feel connect-
    an icon for women’s suffrage. Her unknown                                                                    its latest pro-      only are they renting broadway
                                                                                                                                                                            Bridges, senior, said.                sponse to their junior produc-          ed to each other.
identity was perhaps better for the idea of her,                                                                 posal; a path        costumes; they also have to
                                                                                                                                                                              The “Lion King” has been            tion of the show.                            “We are all a family. We
                                                                                                                 for citizenship      make the skirts for the grass
which was feminism during the 1940’s wartime                                                                                                                                putting productions on Broad-           “I am hoping that we make             all love each other very much,
                                                                                                                 that is available    and the clothing that goes
worker. She was known for her blue shirt and polka                                                                                                                          way since 1997. Since then,           a good impression, and I am             and as much as we drive each
                                                                                                                 to even those        along with masks they are rent-
dot headband, flexing her arm with the words “We                                                                                                                            many have enjoyed the movie           hoping that people will want            other insane it is the perfect lit-
                                                                                                                 who have yet         ing, so they have been working
Can Do It!” as a caption. The poster was created                                                                                                                            and the Broadway production.          to come see it. [That they will         tle family that you could ever
                                                                                                                                      for months to try to set that up
                                                                                                                 to apply for                                                  “I feel extremely lucky. It is     have] great reaction,” Tehya            want, and they all work really
by Pittsburgh artist J. Howard Miller, based on an                                                                                    for the actors,” Baughn said.
                                                                                                                 protection; $25                                            not everyday you get to work          Robinson, senior, said.                 hard for their goals and being
uncaptioned photograph of a woman standing at a                                                                                          With the “Lion King” being
                                                                                                                 billion for a                                              on such an incredible show              The theater family has all            assistant director that helps
lathe, published by a number of magazines in 1943.                                                                                    such a well known musical and
                                                                                                                 wall and border                                            in an venue like this. The fact       been working together to                a lot with my job because it
                                                                                                                                      movie, the cast has been work-
It was not until many years later that the identity                                                              security; an end                                           that we are able to put on such       make sure the show goes                 does not make it difficult with
                                                                                                                                      ing hard to get into character.
of the woman in the photo was discovered. Profes-                                                                to the visa lot-                                           an amazing show with the              smoothly.                               the things that I have to do,”
                                                                                                                                         “In order to find a relation
sor James Kimble, from Seton Hall University in                                                                                                                             resources that we have is truly         “My favorite part is being            Baughn said.
                                                                                                                 tery system; and     between myself and the char-
New Jersey, found her after six years of searching                                                                                                                          incredible,” Bridges said.            friends and being part of a               The “Lion king” will be
                                                                                                                 restrictions on      acter I find out three different
                                                                                                                                                                              The 1994 movie set the              huge family of people that              coming to life in the PAC. It
in 2015. Naomi Parker Fraley, the face behind the                                                                chain migration.     things. I find out what they
                                                                                                                                                                            stage for the Broadway musi-          help and support each other             will be debuting February 9,
name and the iconic woman known around the coun-                                                                                      want? Why do they want it?
                                                                                                                                                                            cal. The “Lion King” movie,           and we grow together,” Rob-             10, 16, 17 at 7p.m. and on the
try passed away on January 21, 2018.                                                                                                  And how far they are willing
                                                    “Rosie the Rivetor” was a large part of the feminist movement during WWII,
                                                                                                                                                                            made almost 6.2 billion dol-          inson said.                             11 at 2p.m. in the PAC.
                                                                             recruiting women to join the war effort.                 to go to get it. I look at the

4    Wednesday, February 7, 2018-News
        Lees Summit North High School                                                                                                                                 Feature-Wednesday, February 7, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lees Summit North High School                     5
Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site
These Bronco Alums Have Left the Stable:
                                                                                                                                                                      Making Marks Across The Globe
                                                                                                                                                         David Kravish (right) graduated from North in 2011. The former Courtwarming King and standout

T     housands among thousands of students have walked through the halls of LSN. Many who have after graduation
      gone on to do amazing things, carrying on a Bronco Legacy. These 10 individuals are a few of many alumni that
    have made their marks in their respective industries. They have made names for themselves, and it all started here.
                                                                                                                                                       on the basketball team went on to play in college at the University of California-Berkely. He now
                                                                                                                                                       plays for a basketball team in the VTB-United League oversees, which is one of the most acclaimed
                                                                                                                                                       leagues in the world outside of the NBA.
                                                                                                                                                         Kravish is also married to his high-school-sweetheart, Ashton (Pohlman) Kravish, who won court-
  Michael Hunsaker and Shawn Luchtel (right) were a part                                                     Chris Wedding (below) is a produc-        warming Queen with him senior year.
of LSN’s class of 2005. Since graduating the two have started a                                            er and camera man in Los Angeles that         “If you love somebody and you’re wondering if you can survive long distance during college, you
TV Show on the Outdoor Channel called, “Heartland Bow-                                                     graduated in 1998. Wedding moved            can. My wife and I started dating at North and we dated all through college, me at Cal and her at the
hunter” in which they both star. Along with this, Hunsaker and                                             to New York after high school before        University of Arkansas. Everybody is going to tell you it won’t work and that they tried long dis-
Luchtel produce two other shows as well as commericals and                                                 eventually moving to LA where he            tance, but if you actually love them, you will find a way to stay faithful and make it work,” Kravish
short films.                                                                                               has worked on a variety of projects.        said.
  “I think what made it so enjoyable was the great teaching and                                            Wedding also founded, “Chiefs Los
coaching staff that truly cared about their programs and the stu-                                          Angeles” which is an organization of
dents. They were the ones who made it fun and just not another                                                                                                                                   Elaina Levingston Thomas (left), from the class of 2009 was involved in both the step-team and
                                                                                                           Chiefs fans living in the LA area that
day at school. Being a part of the football program taught me                                                                                                                                  theatre as well as a variety of other things. Upon graduating she continued dancing, going on tour with
                                                                                                           meet together for games and events.
way more that just football. Many life lessons were instilled                                                                                                                                  both Beyoncé and Genuine.
                                                                                                             “When I think to 1998 and think
along the way - Hard work, perseverance, team leadership, and                                                                                                                                    She has recently stopped touring, becoming the head dance coach at multiple public, charter and
                                                                                                           about LSN – I remember all the people
many others,” Hunsaker said.                                                                                                                                                                   private schools in Kansas City and plans on opening her own studio in the near future.
                                                                                                           more than anything. My best friends in
                                                                                                           high school are still some of my best
                                                  Cory Jo Hawkins (left) was a very involved student at    friends 20 years later. I’m also still in
                                               LSN. From choir to orchestra to theater and cheerlead-      touch with some of my old teachers.            Najahe Sherman (right) has also found a way to make a career on television. Sherman graduated
                                               ing, she found a way to be a part of many groups. After     Lots of good times and life lessons          in 1997 and after spending time as a cheerleader and member of the debate team she became a Kansas
                                               graduating she found a place in the media production        were made with my LSN crew. High             City Chiefs cheerleader, followed by taking on the role of an anchor for ABC’s affiliate news station in
                                               industry.                                                   school contributed to some of the most       Nashville.
                                                  She owns the production company, Mammoth Media,          formative years of my life,” Wedding           “My advice to LSN students is to persevere. Whatever you are going through now is preparing you
                                               which works in both film in photography based out of        said.                                        for what is next,” Sherman said.
                                               Kansas City with her husband, Trevor.
                                                  Recently the two wrote, produced and directed the film
                                               “Lotawana”, a movie about a young man escaping busy
                                               life to live in nature on a sailboat on a rural Missouri
   Caroline Stanley (below) is one of a
                                               lake. The film is set to premiere this year.
 few 2011 North grads that found success
 in athletics. After a stint with the United
 States National Soccer Team, she played            Claire Coggins (right) was a leader on LSN’s
 four years in the National Women’s               only Girls’ Basketball state title team in 2002.
 Soccer League. Stanley announced her             Coggins graduated in 2003 and played at Kansas
 retirement in early 2018 and has moved           State. Success there led to a career in the WNBA
 into a career developing creative content        followed by coaching at her alma-mater.
 for companies’ social media platforms.             “I absolutely loved my time and experience at
                                                  LSN. I loved all the school pride surrounding
                                                  all the sports programs, particularly the women’s
                                                  basketball team. Our games were packed every
                                                  night, it was so fun to be a part of,” Coggins said.
                                                    Today she resides in Austin with her wife Karen
                                                  Aston, the head coach of the University of Texas
                                                  women’s basketball team and their seven-month
                                                  old daughter, Marilyn.

  James Andrisevic (right) graduated in 2000. While at North, Andrise-
vic fell in love with the game of basketball, a game he has continued to                                              Photos provided by
be a part of in his career.                                                                                            those interviewed
  After three seasons as a coach in the Golden State Warriors organiza-                                                  and the LSN
tion where he won a championship in 2015, he became the head coach
for a team in Japan, where he still is today.                                                                             Yearbook.

                                                                                                                                                                          Answers located on the bottom of page 2.

6   Wednesday, February 7, 2018-Feature
         Lees Summit North High School                                                                                                                                            Feature- Wednesday, February 7, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lees Summit North High School                    7
Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site
It’s All About You Being You
                                                                                                                                                                    From Tray to Trash:
                                                                                                                                                     Students are Throwing Away More Food Than Ever

                                                                                                                                                     F    ood waste is a growing
                                                                                                                                                          problem in America.
                                                                                                                                                     Where some some countries
                                                                                                                                                                                             which they then throw away.
                                                                                                                                                                                                “I do not eat all of my food
                                                                                                                                                                                             because it is mandatory to
                                                                                                                                                     are lacking food, America has           buy some of it, and it is not
                                                                                                                                                     too much. It takes thousands            always very good, or just not
                                                                                                                                                     of gallons of water to make             really what I want to eat. Like
                                                                                                                                                     all the crops that are made             carrots, I hate carrots, but
                                                                                                                                                     into the food that goes un-             they will make me buy them
                                                                                                                                                     eaten everyday, and one big             to meet nutrition standards,”
                                                                                                                                                     perpetrator of wasted food is           Luke Natali, freshman, said.
                                                                                                                                                     school cafeterias.                         While some students may
                                                                                                                                                       One of the reasons school             feel required to get foods that
                                                                                                                                                     food goes uneaten is that               they do not particularly like
                                                                                                                                                     better tasting, but less healthy        just to then throw away, there                             Photo by Jack Lamgle.
                           Recently, LSN has hung a variety of posters encouraging the “You Be You” idea, including these four.                      options are available else-             are other solutions.
                                                                Photos by Rebekah Panek.                                                             where, such as vending ma-                “I really wish that students
                                                                                                                                                     chines or the snack counter,            would give their extra food to       from the cafeteria, which         in the school is through

L    SN has begun a new program
     called “You Be You” and it is
all about accepting yourself, others
                                                   They will have days like Sunshine day,
                                                   High-five day and just things like that,”
                                                   Sydney Allen, Student Council sopho-
                                                                                                           “You Be You” should not be something
                                                                                                        that stops after high school but continues
                                                                                                        thoughtout your life. Self-positivity can
                                                                                                                                                     so students are opting out of
                                                                                                                                                     a real lunch in favor of the
                                                                                                                                                     better tasting snacks.
                                                                                                                                                                                             someone else who needs it, or
                                                                                                                                                                                             take maybe two of what they
                                                                                                                                                                                             do like, like an extra milk or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  leads them to throw some of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  it away.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     “It kind of depends where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    students throwing away their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    unwanted food, because of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    how the cafeteria calculates
and bringing this school together as a             more, said.                                          lead to a longer happier life.                 “I honestly think that it             juice to meet the meal re-           your classroom is in propor-      how much food to make each
whole. “You be You” is a sponsored                   In order for this program to have any                 “If you are not yourself then who are     would just be that most                 quirements instead of getting        tion to the cafeteria if you      day there is almost never any
program for schools to help with self-             impact the students have to make it                  you going to be? What’s the point in be-     students would buy more                 something that they do not           have enough time to eat your      extras.
worth and unity.                                   move along. Without the student body                 ing someone else? You have to be true to     snacks, instead of lunch,”              like and throwing it away,”          lunch and go through lines.         “We use a production sheet
  “It’s a foundation called ‘Speak Up’             the program will never work and then                 yourself because it makes you better and     Jill Bruce, assistant manager           Johnna Hess, prep assistant          My class is really close to the   which tracks day to day how
that is based out of Kansas City that is           nothing will change. Student Council                 our whole school better,” Shelby Wise-       nutritionist, said.                     nutritionist, said.                  cafeteria most days, but on       many people get each item,
run by scientists, a couple actually, that         encourages people to tell them about                 man, Student Council senior, said.             Some students feel required              Some students say that they       Wednesdays with the block         like macaroni, we look and
lost a son to suicide,” Dr. Jeff Meisen-           ideas to help better “You Be You”.                     The purpose behind “You Be You” can        to get foods that they do not           just do not have enough time         schedule it is hard to go all     see how many people bought
heimer, head principal, said.                        “I think we need to change our                     mean something different to everyone.        like to fill a requirement,             to eat all of the food they buy      the way across the school and     macaroni last week and
  “You Be You” is all about being                  attitude towards school. Our school                  Everyone has a different way to be true                                                                                   have time to eat and come         make that. What does not
comfortable with yourself. This new                doesn’t have much school spirit so if                to themselves and help others be who                                                                                      back,” Natali said.               get bought we usually eat,
program helps make high schools a                  we did I think this program would work               they are. “You Be You” is meant to help                                                                                      While some students feel       because there is a lot of us
comfortable place for students to be               a lot more,” Kate Martin, sophomore,                 everyone be comfortable with what                                                                                         like they sometimes do not        and after we eat lunch there
themselves.                                        said.                                                makes them who they are.                                                                                                  have enough time to eat, oth-     is not really anything left,”
  “With this program I hope I get to                 The Broadcasting staff put together a                 “I’m in color guard and winter guard.                                                                                  ers just do not think that they   Bruce said.
learn new things about myself before               video for “You Be You” that was shown                I try to get as many people involved in                                                                                   have time to add a wait in          Whatever the reason, the
I graduate,” Emma Cothran, Student                 on January 17. The video has insight to              that as possible,” Haley Jahn, sopho-                                                                                     line to their lunch schedules.    amount of food thrown away
Council sophomore, said.                           the program and shows people through-                more, said.                                                                                                                  “I have heard students say     on a daily basis is a concern-
  In the next few months Student Coun-             out the school being a part of “You Be                  The most important part of this pro-                                                                                   that they would buy their         ing issue in America. It is
cil is looking to implement things into            You”.                                                gram is being you. Spreading self-love                                                                                    lunches if they had more          wasted money, with fairly
LSN that help move the message of                   “All the teachers went to a meeting                 and love for the everyone at school is                                                                                    time, because they would          simple solutions. The hard
“You Be You” along. Student Council                and saw a video from Blue Springs.                   only the beginning. Hopefully these                                                                                       have to go through the line       part is acting on these po-
will continue to do more for “You Be               When seeing this video it was nice to                good habits will continue through life                                                                                    and everything, and it all        tential food waste solutions
You” as the years go on.                           see all the familiar faces,” Jill Hummel,            and make this world a better place to            The trash can in the lunchroom after fourth lunch full of wasted food.   takes time,” Bruce said.          and turning them into good
  “We will be having a spirit weeks.               art teacher, said.                                   live.                                                                   Photo by Rebekah Panek.                              Almost all of the food waste   results for a better future.

8   Wednesday, February 7, 2018-Feature
         Lees Summit North High School                                                                                                                                           Feature-Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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The Free App “HQ Trivia” Allows People to Earn Cash
                                                                                                                       National Days to Brighten Up Any Calendar

I  n 2015, the iPhone application
   “Trivia Crack” went viral. The
                                        question 4 or 5, I am forced
                                        to take a random guess. As
                                                                                                                       E     very day there is a fun
                                                                                                                             and unique holiday
                                                                                                                       that makes the day special.
                                                                                                                                                        “National Get Up Day”
                                                                                                                                                        and it was meant as a
                                                                                                                                                        reminder to pick oneself
                                                                                                                                                                                           pets, and they want to give
                                                                                                                                                                                           recognition and love to
                                                                                                                                                                                           them,” Eryn Throneberry,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           that day, like kite day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Maybe someone had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           something important occur
game consisted of answering gener-      far as the prize money goes,                                                   With National Mason Jar          up when they have fallen           junior, said.                   on February eighth when
al questions and each person could      you could win anywhere                                                         Day, Fettuccine Alfredo          and to try again. This day           All of the days come          they were flying their
play against friends, family or even    from $3 to $2,000. It all de-                                                  Day and many more,               is also an opportunity to          with suggestions on how         kite,” Jessica Carnnahan,
random players across the world.        pends on how many winners                                                      calendars can be filled          share stories of persever-         to celebrate or observe         junior, said.
  Although people soon grew tired       there are, and how much the                                                    with hundreds of different       ance to inspire one                them. February 19th,               Often, each day comes
of playing this new craze, a new        prize money is worth,” Kyle                                                    little holidays.                 another. Other days are            National Chocolate Mint,        with multiple different
trivia app has recently emerged         Rock, junior, said.                                                               “The day that stands out      simply to remember and             can be celebrated by bak-       National Days attached to
in popularity by the name of “HQ           A video of Rock and his                                                     the most to me is National       show gratitude towards             ing a chocolate cake and        it. From two to more than
Trivia.” This free application hosts    family emerged on Twitter                                                      Create a Vacuum Day be-          people and things. For ex-         decorating it with mints.       six, the picked days can be
live games twice a day; once at 2       showing everyone celebrat-                                                     cause I’m curious on why         ample, “National Battery           Another National Day,           random, silly or serious.
p.m. central and another game at 8      ing his HQ Trivia victory.                                                     or what you should create        Day” on February 18th is           National Tell a Fairy Tale         These small National
p.m.                                    In the video, Rock and his                                                     a vacuum for. According          a day to show appreciation         Day on February 26th, can       holidays that occur all
  Those who are serious about           family are jumping up and                  Graphic by Savannah Mullen.         to my complete guess, I          to the convenience and             be celebrated by telling a      throughout the year can
playing get push notifications in       down yelling with joy as the                                                   think this is a national day     everyday use of batteries.         story, specifically, a favor-   make any ordinary day a
order to get notified when the next     HQ Trivia host announces the final                                             because someone probably           “I think Love Your Pet           ite fairy tail.                 little more exciting. All
game is about to begin. If you          correct answer.                          TV show, a mobile game, and an
                                                                                 advertising and product giveaway      created a vacuum that did        Day stands out to me the              “I’m not sure there is       of these National Days
are late to the start of the game,         “It was honestly more shock                                                 something unique,” Jiaxin        most because I have three          really a method beyond          and more can be found at
then you are stuck on the outside       than anything else, considering I        platform,” (Courtesy of the verge.
                                                                                 com).                                 Liu, sophomore, said.            dogs, all of which I love          just picking something
watching people answer the multi-       guessed on the last 7 questions. It                                               Many of these Nation-         more than anything else            random. It could be             Be sure check it out and to
ple-choice questions.                   took me around 20 minutes to final-        The release of this application
                                                                                 creates a new vast idea of trivia     al Days are intended to          in the world. I think it           because something import-       lighten up the daily
   Each game is 12 questions of in-     ly settle down, because it felt pretty                                         inspire people, like             could be a National day            ant happened on that s          calendar.
creasing difficulty the further along   surreal. I heard the host eliminate      applications for the iPhone. People
                                                                                                                       February first, which was        because many people have           pecific day to represent
each individual player gets. Get        one of the answers that I hadn’t         now have the chance to win money
one wrong and automatically get         picked, so I thought to myself:          within the comfort of their own
booted from winning the prize for       ‘Man it would really suck if I made      home.
that game. If someone happens to        it this far just to lose,’” Rock said.     “Honestly, I would assume no
make it to the end, without missing        As HQ gains more popularity,          other applications like this will
a single question, then they get ei-    the winner(s) of the grand prize for     be released. Partially because
ther all of the money to themselves,    each game will only start to receive     they probably would not have the
or they often have to split the pot     smaller and smaller portions of this     money to fund it, and because HQ
with other players who share the        money pot. In the end, sometimes         is already so well-known, people         1st: National Get Up Day             11th: National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day   21st: National Sticky Bun Day
winning title. Not only does each       winners only receive cuts as small       would most likely play that over         2nd: National Groundhog Day          12th: National Plum Pudding Day                  22nd: National Cook a Sweet Potato Day
person have 10 seconds to answer,       as $1.50.                                any other app that may be like it,”      3rd: National Carrot Cake Day       13th: National Tortellini Day                     23rd: National Tile Day
                                                                                                                          4th: National Create a Vacuum Day 14th: National Ferris Wheel Day                     24th: National Skip the Straw Day
but also once an individual selects        Besides the money aspect of the       Rock said.                               5th: National Weatherperson’s Day 15th: National Gumdrop Day                          25th: National Chocolate Covered Nut Day
an answer, there is no going back to    game, the idea and concept of this         The application is available for       6th: National Lame Duck Day          16th: National Do a Grouch a Favor Day           26th: National Tell a Fairy Tale Day
change the selected answer.             unique application is a huge turning     any Apple iOS device, and the            7th: National Fettuccine Alfredo Day 17th: National Cabbage Day                       27th: National Polar Bear Day
                                                                                                                          8th: National Kite Flying Day         18th: National Battery Day                      28th: National Public Sleeping Day
   “In my opinion, it is incredibly     point in the media industry.             company has stated that an An-
                                                                                                                          9th: National Pizza Day              19th: National Chocolate Mint Day
difficult to win HQ. Usually by            “The app is simultaneously a          droid version will be coming soon.       10th: National Umbrella Day           20th: National Love Your Pet Day
                                                                                                                                                                             Graphics by Savannah Mullen.

10     Wednesday, February 7, 2018-Entertainment
                   Lees Summit North High School                                                                                  Entertainment-Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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Student Athletes Prepare for Spring Sports
                                                                                                                                        The PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics

W      ith the Spring sports season
       approaching, more and
more students are beginning to
                                       other peers
                                       and friends
                                       from school.
prepare themselves for tryouts.        This is
The Spring season is the last          especially
opportunity for students to            important
participate in a sport for the         because
school year.                           it’s good
  One aspect people look forward       competition
to with the Spring season is being     for the
able to play a sport outdoors after    season,”
being inside for winter. However,      Logan
even with the temperatures rising,     Leslie,
there are still some weather           junior, said.
conditions that interfere with the        Tryouts
                                                                    Girls lacrosse team conditioning for the upcoming season.
activities.                            present                                       Photo by Rebekah Panek.
  “The spring season is awesome        a mix of
because we finally get to be           emotions for the student athletes.          to expect and how to do their best.
outside after the long, cold           On one hand, students can be eager             “My best piece of advice would be to not                                                                Graphic by Savannah Mullen.
winter. ‘Sometimes you win,            and excited for the season to start. get frustrated. Most new students trying out
sometimes you lose, sometimes it       On the other hand, students can
                                                                                   get frustrated easily because lacrosse can be            his year the 2018 Winter     there will be 102 events,        ver medalist for Bobsleighing,      Luzum, junior, said.
rains!’” Michael Westacott, head       also be anxious or nervous for their very challenging at times,” Shannon Buehre,                     Olympics will be held in     there is also up to 11 medal     Elana Meyers Taylor; bronze           Another thing, it is now known
baseball coach, said.                  tryouts.                                    junior, said.                                        South Korea. The games will      events contested. Biathlon       medalist going to the Olym-         that North and South Korea will be
  The Spring sports include               “This being my first time trying            Along with that, the coaches are looking for      begin February 9 at the Pyeo-    is a winter sport combining      pics for her forth time for luge,   marching under the same flag, and
baseball, track and field, girls       out, I am nervous, excited, and             students with a lot of passion and heart. The        ngchang Olympic Stadium.         cross country skiing and rifle   Erin Hamlin and World Cham-         the women’s ice hockey team will
lacrosse, girls soccer, boys tennis,   anxious to start, but I know I will         best chance for a student to get noticed by a        The first ever Winter Olympics   shooting. Curling is a winter    pion in Cross country skiing,       be the first combined team from the
and boys golf. Tryouts for these       be alright if I just do my best and                                                              in 1924 was held in Chamo-       sport where the athletes will    Jessie Diggins.                     Koreans. People say there are many
                                                                                   coach is showing how much work they are
sports are around the end of           have fun. I am nervous about the                                                                 nix, France. The Winter Olym-    be sliding stones towards          There is an estimated             good teams fighting, it will be pretty
                                                                                   willing to put in and giving it their best effort.   pics are a major international   a target separated into four     amount of 90 nations compet-        interesting to see how things play
February.                              season since I am new and I do                 “We, as coaches, have a very limited              sporting event held once every   different parts. Nordic          ing. Out of those South Korea,      out and hopefully nothing will esca-
  To prepare for tryouts,              not know everybody. I am not                amount of time to evaluate each player. So,                                                                                                                late further than it already has.
                                                                                                                                        four years for sports on snow    Combined is the winter sport     Germany and France are the
student athletes are doing             sure what to expect, but I am still         everyone who is coming out must do so with           and ice. Many new sports and     where people are combining       top three countries that have a       “There are safety concerns based
several different things such as       looking forward to it,” Olivia Fee, the mindset that I must put my best effort out               events have been added since     cross country skiing and ski     bid going, South Korea being        on what is going on in South Korea
conditioning and practicing their      freshman, said.                             there. If I am competing against everyone else       1924.                            jumping and then there is        the highest with 63 votes.          to make sure the teams are safe,”
technique. Even with the cold             For students new to trying out, it at this tryout than I am going to out-hustle                 The sports involved in the     Skeleton which is a winter       There is a speculation that         Michelle Eurich, Spanish teacher,
weather, students are finding          can be very intimidating to compete and out-work every one of them. Never lose                   Olympics include the top 10      sliding sport where an athlete   there is evidence about the         said.
ways to make sure they play their      against other students. With this in an opportunity to show a coach what you can                 most popular: Alpine Skiing,     will ride a small sled face      Russians cheating, but it is yet      A future host of the Winter
best when the time comes. There        mind, there are no-cut sport options do,” Westacott said.                                        Bobsleighing, Short Track        down on a frozen track.          to be discovered whether or         Olympics will be Beijing in 2022.
                                                                                                                                        Speed Skating, Ski Jumping,        Last year for some sports,     not the Russians are actually       People say the outcome of the
are also conditioning sessions         such as boys golf or boys and girls            For the best results at a Spring sports tryout,                                                                                                         games should turn out good and the
                                                                                                                                        Ice Hockey, Luge, Speed Skat-    there were players that          cheating. If so, they will not
available at school and some of        track and field.                            student athletes should have a positive attitude     ing, Freestyle Skiing, Figure    ranked higher than oth-          be allowed to compete in this       U.S. will pull through. The Olympic
the Spring sports hold their own          To add, not all students are new         and outlook of the season to come. If the            Skating and Snowboarding.        ers, some of those players       year’s Winter Games.                games will wrap up February 25.
conditioning sessions.                 to trying out for a school sport.           players hustle and are coachable, along with         Then there is Biathlon, Cross    include: Gold medalist and         “I feel tensions are gonna be     Fans can watch the Games by going
  “I’m practicing every Monday         Some students have already gone             good sportsmanship, the team has the best            country Skiing, Curling,         the youngest American to         elevated and people are gonna       to NBC either online and seeing it
at Metro East Tennis Club with         through the process and know what chance of having a successful season.                          Nordic Combined and Skel-        win a crown at 16 for Alpine     be scared, but if everything is     live or on TV.
                                                                                                                                        eton. Out of those 15 sports,    Skiing, Mikaela Shiffrin; sil-   calm it will be fine,” Trevor

12      Wednesday, February 7, 2018-Sports
            Lees Summit North High School                                                                                                                   Sports-Wednesday, February 7, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lees Summit North High School                  13
Northern Exposure - LSNHS Main Site
The Evolution of The Feminist Movement
                                                                                                                                               Listen In: Podcasts at Large
                                                                                                                                                DevinCarroll-StaffReporter    form of entertain-
                                                                     Rose Mc-                                                                                                 ment is one of the
                                   march. The women’s march
                                   was on January 21, 2017 the       Gowan,                                                                                                   largest of all time,
                                   day after President Donald        Tarana                                                                                                   covering roughly
                                   Trump’s inauguration.             Burke,                                                                                                   34 percent of all the
                                     “One of the takeaways was       Alyssa                                                                                                   United States.
                                   that you are not alone because    Milano                                                                                                      There are also
                                   a lot of people thought that      and Tay-                                                                                                 a variety of ways
                                   after the election that our       lor Swift.                                                                                               podcasts can be
                                   voices would not be heard         On the                                                                                                   listened to as well.
                                   and that our rights would be      edge of                                                                                                     “I listen to it

F    eminism; the advocacy of
     women’s rights on the ba-
sic of equality of the sexes. In
                                   taken away and seeing the
                                   amount of people who has
                                                                     the page
                                                                     there is an
                                                                     arm of an
                                                                                                                                             P    odcasts are a fun and
                                                                                                                                                  interesting way to
                                                                                                                                                                              [podcasts] on my
                                                                                                                                                                              iPhone, so I go
                                   the same belief system as you                                                                             consume media. People can        through the podcast
the last year alone, the fem-      do is heartwarming,” Anna         unknown                                                                 listen to podcasts on phones,    app, and I will play
inist movement has come so         Donaldson, senior, said.          woman                                                                   computers, car radios.           it on my bluetooth
far. From the women’s march           To me the women’s march        who is                                                                  Podcasts have even become        speaker at home
in Washington in response          was to show everyone that we      there to                                                                one of the most common           or I will take the
to Trump’s election, to the        are women and we are pow-         represent                                                                                                                               A Blue Yeti microphone set up; a common microphone for most podcasts.
                                                                                                                                             ways of relieving boredom.       speaker in my car,”                                  Photo by Rebekah Panek.
#MeToo and the #TimesUp            erful, we are not going to let    all the
movements about the sexual
                                                                                                                                             For example, on a rainy          Kristen Falkenberg,
                                   anybody silence us. We will       people                                                                                                                                     possibly learn new informa- said.
assault in Hollywood.                                                                                                                        day, an hour long commute        science teacher, said.
                                   stand up for what we believe      who                                                                                                                                        tion ,” Cecilia Nord, senior,           People can open up new
   Many people in America                                                                                                                    to work or even throughout          Since so many people listen
                                   in and also fight for it. The     suffer                                                                                                                                     said.                                 ways of thinking through
and all over the world iden-                                         through                                                                 an uneventful school day.        in to podcasts, there is a wide
                                   march was a peaceful protest                                                                                                                                                   These audio shows can be podcasts and do it at their
tify as a feminist, wanting        that will mark a day in history   sexual                                                                  Podcasts can always pass the     variety of shows to listen to,
                                                                                    Linda Donaldson showing off her women’s march sign in                                                                       informational, entertaining           own leisure.
to create equality between         and will not be forgotten.        assault and                                                             time.                            such as NPR’s programs, or
                                                                                              front of the Washington Monument.                                                                                 and even offer a way to pass            Another benefit to podcasts
men and women everywhere.            One of the more recent          harassment               Photo courtesy of Anna Donaldson.                Although podcasts have         other shows like the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the time. Any person can find is the nature of the medium.
Sometimes, the world fem-          movements going around is         in silence.                                                             gained a lot of popularity       “Joe Rogan Experience” or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                new and exciting avenues              Podcasts are an audio only
inist comes with a negative        the #MeToo movement that             At the Golden Globes on              I have always been an           among all age groups, the        “The Ben Shapiro Show”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                such as learn about rocket            experience, which makes
connotation. Some believe          is surrounding actresses and      January 7, 2018 everyone             advocator for survivors of         medium of entertainment             Podcasts can mean many
that feminism is women                                                                                                                                                                                          science or keep themselves            them versatile and easy to
                                   actors in Hollywood coming        wore black in response to            sexual assault and I know          has not been a long standing     different things, be they the
trying to make themselves                                                                                 that trying to talk about or                                                                          updated on the current news consume.
                                   out and talking about sexual      the #MeToo and #Timesup                                                 mainstay like television or      value of information through
the sex that is more powerful,                                                                            overcome an experience of                                                                             cycles or political climate.            “I like listening to podcasts
                                   assault and harassment in         movements. The black color                                              radio.                           podcasts to the detriment of
rather than equality for both                                        represented a silent declara-        sexual assault and harass-                                                                              Podcasts can also be a              because it is a convenient
                                   show business. The beginning                                                                                Podcasting has only been       political talks about world
sexes.                             of the #MeToo movement            tion standing up against sexu- ment is hard and takes great                                                                                way to keep a diversity in            way to hear something, and
                                                                                                                                             around since 2004, picking       views, and these views can
   “I would say that feminism      started when accusations          al assault and harassment.           strength. Women are scared                                                                            thought and be able to view           I do not necessarily have to
                                                                                                                                             up massive popularity over       be interpreted from any
is being seen more positively      came out about Harvey               The #TimesUp Movement              to walk alone at night in cities                                                                      both sides of any argument            watch it to understand it, es-
                                                                                                                                             just a few years, even at-       person of any age group, eth-
than it has in the past. I hope    Weinstein sexually assault-       is the second half of the            and are worried about getting                                                                         rationally.                           pecially when I am driving,”
                                                                                                                                             tracting the attention of then   nicity, or social background,
the general public now rec-        ing actresses he had worked       #MeToo movement. The                 cat-called walking down the                                                                             “I will listen to NPR on the Kayli Green, senior, said.
                                                                                                                                             president George W. Bush.        and thus, podcasts can be a
ognizes that feminism is not       with while filming shows and      #MeToo movement is relating sidewalk. Every day, little                                                                                    road when I am driving, not             Podcasts can be a great
                                                                                                                                               With the fast development      good or a bad thing to some.
a fight against men (and men       movies.                           to the women standing up             girls are taught to always                                                                            necessarily the podcasts, but way to learn, entertain, and
                                                                                                                                             of podcasts, not many have       Most podcasts are harmless,
can be feminists), but a fight       The silence breakers were       and coming forward whereas           go in pairs and to be alert if                                                                        on the radio, and then I will         gather insight into more
for equality,” Jessica Struck-                                                                                                               considered the benefit or        but others offer deep thought
                                   also a huge part about the        #TimesUp points to the peo-          someone is following them.                                                                            probably go on the other ex- information, current events,
hoff, FACS teacher, said.                                                                                 Feminism was the beginning         detriment of podcasts on the     or political commentary,
                                   #MeToo movement they were         ple doing the action, taking                                                                                                               treme, a little more libertar-        and even grab the comedic
   In Washington D.C, and in                                         away someone else’s liberty          of a new and empowering era        lives of people.                 which means an opinion can
                                   named as the Times Magazine                                                                                                                                                  ian with Ben Shapiro, I just          side of life, which is why
all other parts of the coun-                                         to say no and taking away            for women that will only get         112 million people listened    be attached to them.
                                   Person of the Year. On the                                                                                                                                                   like to think about things in         people should be exposed to
try, millions of people came       cover of the magazine there       their property by physically         stronger from now on.              to a podcast in 2017, which         “I think podcasts are nice,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                different ways,” Falkenberg, podcasts as a good thing.
together for the women’s           are five women; Ashley Judd,      assaulting them.                                                        means the relatively new         and, on occasion, you could

14    Wednesday, February 7, 2018-Opinion
          Lees Summit North High School                                                                                                                         Opinion-Wednesday, February 7, 2018
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