NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International

Page created by Ralph Barnes
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
                     Volume 29, Number 2
                     2021 June

                     A quarterly news magazine
                     and online digital blog published
                     by I-INCE and INCE-USA

                ■■   Updates on INTER-NOISE

                ■■   Machine relocation: How to
                     predict floor vibration

                ■■   Phenomena study on the
                     health benefits of noise

                ■■   NOISE/NOTES with noise
                     news from around the world
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
                                                                                                                                                                 Editorial Staff
                                                                                                                                                                 Eoin A. King, Managing Editor

                                                                                                                                                                 Amnet Systems, Editorial Assistant
                                                                                                                                                                 Luigi Maffei, European Editor
                                                                                                                                                                 Yeon June Kang, Asia-Pacific Editor
                                                                                                                                                                 Davi Akkerman, Pan-American News Editor

                                                                                                                                                                 A quarterly news magazine in PDF
                                                                                                                                                                 format with an Internet supplement
                                                                                                                                                                 published by I-INCE and INCE-USA

Volume 29, Number 2                                                                                                                   2021 June
                                                                                                                                                                 Advertising Sales Manager
                                                                                                                                                                 John Lessard, INCE Business Office
                                                                                                                                                                 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350
  Features                                                                                                                                                       Reston, VA 20191-4371

                                                                                                                                                                 Produced by
                                                                                                                                                                 The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of
  NOISE/NOTES.......................................................................................................................................... 5        the USA, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                 Business Office
  What Floor Vibration Will a Machine Produce When It Is Relocated?.......................................... 7                                                  11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350
                                                                                                                                                                 Reston, VA 20191-4371
  SAE International Honors Pranab Saha.............................................................................................. 9                           USA

  SoundPLAN’s Room Acoustics Module............................................................................................. 12                              Noise/News International is a quarterly news
                                                                                                                                                                 magazine published in pdf format only by
                                                                                                                                                                 the International Institute of Noise Control
  In Memoriam: Jim Chalupnik���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
                                                                                                                                                                 Engineering (I-INCE) and the Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                 Noise Control Engineering of the USA, Inc.
  The Association of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland....................................................................... 18                                   (INCE-USA). Noise/News International is
                                                                                                                                                                 available for free download to members of
  Potential Health Benefits of Noise Abatement Measures: Phenomena Study.......................... 23                                                            INCE-USA, the members of Member Societies
                                                                                                                                                                 of International INCE and others. Thus,
                                                                                                                                                                 the availability of NNI is a benefit to these
  Lessons Learned from a Career in the Noise Control Industry–Part 2......................................... 31                                                 members, and to the noise control engineering
                                                                                                                                                                 community. Advertising sales are handled by
                                                                                                                                                                 John Lessard. Feature articles for this magazine
  Report: NOISE-CON 2020���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
                                                                                                                                                                 are selected by the editors. Responsibility for
                                                                                                                                                                 editorial content rests upon the authors, and
  Announcement: INTER-NOISE 2021................................................................................................... 39                           not upon I-INCE or INCE-USA, the Member
                                                                                                                                                                 Societies of I-INCE, or their members.
                                                                                                                                                                 Product information is published as a service
                                                                                                                                                                 to our readers, and does not constitute an
  Departments                                                                                                                                                    endorsement by the societies or their members.
                                                                                                                                                                 SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Member Societies
                                                                                                                                                                 of International INCE and members of
  President’s Column.................................................................................................................................. 3         INCE-USA will be notified by email when a
                                                                                                                                                                 new edition of NNI has been posted on the
  Editor’s View���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4   NNI website and is available for download.
                                                                                                                                                                 Anyone who wishes to be notified by email
                                                                                                                                                                 of the availability of NNI for download
  International Representatives............................................................................................................. 40
                                                                                                                                                                 may go to the NNI website and sign up as a
                                                                                                                                                                 subscriber. Any problems related to sign-up or
  Acknowledgments................................................................................................................................ 43             other issues should be directed to the Institute
                                                                                                                                                                 of Noise Control Engineering Business
  Conference............................................................................................................................................. 43     Office, 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350,
                                                                                                                                                                 Reston, VA 20191-4371. EDITORIAL
                                                                                                                                                                 CORRESPONDENCE: Address editorial
  Directory of Noise Control Services.................................................................................................. 44                       correspondence to Eoin A. King,
                                                                                                                                                                 PhD, INCE-USA Business Office,
                                                                                                                                                                 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350, Reston,
                                                                                                                                                                 VA 20191-4371. Telephone: +1.703.437.4073;
                                                                                                                                                                 fax: +1.703.435.4390; email:

                                                                                                                                                                 ADVERTISING: For information about
                                                                                                                                                                 advertising, contact John Lessard,
Cover image courtesy of TNO.                                                                                                                                     INCE Business Office +1.781.876.8944;
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
International Institute of
Noise Control Engineering
Robert J. Bernhard, President
Luigi Maffei, President Elect
Marion Burgess, Immediate Past President
Paul R. Donavan, Secretary-General
Douglas Manvell, Treasurer

Vice Presidents
Catherine Lavandier, Europe-Africa
Yeon June Kang, Asia-Pacific
Davi Akkerman, Pan-America
Gijsjan van Blokland, Development and Outreach
Patricia Davies, Technical Activities
Stephen A. Hambric, Rules and Governance             This PDF version of Noise/News International and its blog are published jointly by the
Joe Cuschieri, Communications and Webmaster          International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and the Institute of Noise
Board                                                Control Engineering of the USA (INCE-USA). The PDF and blog formats mean that issues
Robert Bernhard, President
Marion Burgess, Immediate Past President             can made freely available to our readers. These digital formats reduce publication time, save
Luigi Maffei, President-Elect                        printing costs, and allow links to be included for direct access to references and other material.
Li Cheng, INTER-NOISE 2017
Charlie Moritz, INTER-NOISE 2018
Antonio Perez-Lopez, INTER-NOISE 2019                                                            I-INCE
Andre Fiebig, Director at Large                      The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) is a worldwide consortium
J. Stuart Bolton, Director at Large                  of societies concerned with noise control and acoustics. I-INCE, chartered in Zürich,
John Davy, Director at Large
                                                     Switzerland, is the sponsor of the INTER-NOISE Series of International Congresses on
                                                     Noise Control Engineering, and, with the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA,
                                                     publishes this quarterly magazine and its blog. I-INCE has an active program of technical
                                                     initiatives. It currently has fifty-one member societies in forty-six countries.

Institute of Noise Control
Engineering of the USA, Inc.                         The Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA (INCE-USA) is a nonprofit professional
                                                     organization incorporated in Washington, DC, USA. The primary purpose of the Institute is
                                                     to promote engineering solutions to environmental noise problems. INCE-USA publishes the
2021 INCE-USA Officers
Mike Bahtiarian, President                           technical journal Noise Control Engineering Journal and with I-INCE publishes this quarterly
Steve Marshall, Past President                       magazine and its blog. INCE-USA sponsors the NOISE-CON series of national conferences on
Judith Rochat, President-Elect                       noise control engineering and the INTER-NOISE Congress when it is held in North America.
Christopher Morgan, VP – Board Affairs
Paul Burge, VP – Board Certification                 INCE-USA members are professionals in the field of noise control engineering, and many offer
Steve Sorenson, VP – Conferences                     consulting services in noise control. Any persons interested in noise control may become an
Dana Lodico, VP – Honors & Awards                    associate of INCE-USA and receive both this magazine and Noise Control Engineering Journal.
Jeanette Hesedahl, VP – Membership
David Herrin, VP – Publications
Kristin Cody, VP – Public Relations                                            NNI and Its Online Supplement
Tyler Dare, VP – Student Activities & Education                          
Hether Fedullo, VP – Technical Activities
Deane Jaeger, Treasurer                              The PDF and blog versions of NNI allow for links to references, articles, abstracts, advertisers,
Randy Rozema, Secretary                              and other sources of additional information. In some cases, the full URL will be given in
2021 INCE-USA Staff                                  the text. In other cases, blue text will indicate the presence of a link. The NNI blog contains
Joseph M. Cuschieri, Executive Director
James K. Thompson, Editor, NCEJ
                                                     additional information that will be of interest to readers, such as the following:
Jack Zybura, Representative to ANSI S12 Standards    • The current PDF issue of NNI available for free download
Patricia Davies, Liaison to the Acoustical Society   • Links to previous PDF issues of NNI
 of America
George C. Maling, Jr., Managing Director Emeritus    • An annual index of issues in PDF format
John Lessard, Business Manager, INCE-USA
 Business Office                                     • A conference calendar for upcoming worldwide meetings
2021 INCE-USA Directors                              • Links to I-INCE technical activities and I-INCE technical reports
Rui Cao           Yutong (Tony) Xue
Felicia Doggett   Chad Musser
Matt Golden       Robert O’Neal
Melinda Miller    Thomas Reinhart
Courtney Schoedel Pranab Saha
Kerrie Standlee
Mark Storm

NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
President’s Column
From the President of I-INCE: INTER-NOISE 2021
and the Future of Congresses
As I write this column, we are entering the                  participants from around the world are likely to be
home stretch for INTER-NOISE 2021. Abstract                  available at the same time. So, while travel expense
submissions were very robust and registrations are           and time argue for a hybrid international congress, the
trending in a way that mean the INTER-NOISE                  time zone challenges remain a significant obstacle.
2021 will be a very successful virtual congress.
I hope you will participate enthusiastically.                However, as with many things the pandemic forced
                                                             upon us that are not going away, I also believe
The Organizing Committee has done a very good                that our INTER-NOISE format will be changed
job. It wasn’t clear that the Congress would be virtual      going forward. Much depends on the infrastructure
until about last November. While the Committee               changes that will be available to us. Universities        Bob Bernhard
was faced with a significant number of decisions and         that were forced to move educational delivery to
revisions to their original plans, they were fortunate       on-line and hybrid modes now have the audio-
to have enough time and prior experience to develop          visual infrastructure available to host hybrid
a high-quality virtual congress with many features           congresses. It wasn’t long ago that INTER-NOISE
that should help participants to participate fully in the    congresses were hosted at universities. Is that
technical elements of the congress and enjoy some            possible again? Will traditional congress venues see
virtual social events with networking as well. It will       market pressure to add audiovisual infrastructure
be interesting to learn what worked and what didn’t          to their offerings such that showing presentations
work at INTER-NOISE 2021 and how that informs                live or recording them will be straightforward
future congresses.                                           and relatively inexpensive? INTER-NOISE is not
                                                             the only congress where these same pressures are
After INTER-NOISE 2020, the I-INCE Board
                                                             present. Some major congress hosts have reported
conducted a survey of participants to get feedback
                                                             significant increases in registrations when an
on their experiences and preferences for future
                                                             on-line version was possible. Will these market
congresses. A majority of the survey respondents
                                                             pressures be enough to make hybrid congresses
expressed a preference for in-person congresses
                                                             routine and widespread?
in the future. But a substantial minority said
they prefer on-line congresses. Reasons for their            While logistically it is hard to imagine a fully
preference were the substantial cost and time saved          hybrid international congress with a large number of
from not traveling as well as the flexibility to view        synchronous activities, I would not be surprised to see
presentations on their own schedule (including               a “mild hybrid” congress format emerge where on-
viewing more presentations than are possible for             line participants receive an “enhanced” Proceedings
the in-person format). It will be interesting to see if      that could include recorded presentations and a
participants feel the same after INTER-NOISE 2021.           virtual exhibition as well as on-line synchronous
                                                             access to session discussions and an assortment of on-
If so, given the large percentages with preference for
                                                             line networking events. I hypothesize that this mild
each format, one could say that the results argue for
                                                             format in its mature form wouldn’t be a substitute
a future “hybrid” conference format where on-line
                                                             for in-person attendance, but would have its own
participants are able to see papers and presentations
                                                             character, advantages, and followers.
and participate in some networking activities with
the in-person participants. However, to date the             It will be interesting to follow how this all plays
challenges of the hybrid format make it the most             out. We’ll learn a lot at INTER-NOISE 2021 and
challenging, most expensive, and highest risk option.        we’ll be interested in your feedback.
In addition, as I-INCE discovered in both 2020
and 2021, the time zones of international on-line            Bob Bernhard
participants offer only brief opportunities where            President, I-INCE NNI

2021 June            • •                                               3
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
Editor’s View
 Welcome to the June 2021 issue of Noise/News           in the future. While nothing can replace those
 International.                                         face-to-face meetings or random chats over a cup
 In this issue we learn about a brand-new               of coffee, I was very impressed with how simple
 professional society in Ireland (the Association       it was and how smoothly it all ran. On the back of
 of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland), which was         this I’m really looking forward to INTER-NOISE
 founded less than two years ago, and earlier           2021 in August, which of course will mark the
 this year formally became the EEA membership           50th International Congress and Expo on Noise
 society for the Republic of Ireland. We also hear      Control Engineering.                                     Eoin A. King
 from SoundPLAN, who write to tell us about a           As I’m writing this, some parts of the world seem to
 newly developed Room Acoustics module, while           be getting over the worst of the pandemic, whereas
 Eric Ungar returns with a tutorial describing what     others are still fighting. I hope wherever you are
 happens when a vibration-producing machine is          in the world that you are safe, and the end of the
 to be moved. We also remember the life of one of       pandemic is near, and someday we will all return to
 the founders of INCE-USA, Jim Chalupnik, with a        normal, or the new normal, whatever that may be.
 contribution from Ulf Sandberg.
                                                        I hope you enjoy this issue of NNI, and don’t
 This issue also includes a review of NOISE-CON         forget to listen to our companion podcast, The
 2020, which was held as an online event in late        Noise/News, available wherever you get your
 2020. I thoroughly enjoyed the event, and with         podcasts.
 the success of NOISE-CON 2020 I do wonder if
 there is a place for hybrid online/in-person events    Eoin A. King, PhD NNI

4                                             • •  2021   June
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
Eoin A. King, NNI Editor
NNI is on Facebook and Twitter. We             zero pollution monitoring and outlook         Council highlighting the importance
try to keep our readers informed with          and the other on digital solutions for        of sound and related sciences and
noise news from all across the globe by        zero pollution. It sets out an integrated     technologies for all in society.
highlighting interesting research and          vision for 2050: a world where pollution
projects. Here is a roundup of some of the     is reduced to levels that are no longer       Just for Fun…Lego and 10,000
stories that have been making headlines.       harmful to human health and natural           Tiny Instruments
Follow @NNIEditor to stay up to date           ecosystems, as well as the steps to get       The Guardian (United Kingdom) reports
with all noise-related news!                   there. The action plan sets key 2030          on Lego White Noise—an album made
                                               targets to reduce pollution at source, and    by Lego (yes, that Lego), spanning 3
UECNA Launch Aviation                          includes a target related to noise—to         hours and 29 minutes, which provides
Briefing                                       reduce the share of people chronically        recordings of someone building with
UECNA (Union Européenne Contre les             disturbed by transport noise by 30%.          Lego. It is a streaming-only album,
Nuisances Aériennes/European Union                                                           which is described as a collection
against Aircraft Nuisance) is the only         Drones Creating Quiet Zones!                  of soundscapes designed to promote
Europe-wide organization that represents       Dronelife recently reported on a really       relaxation and mindfulness. You should
airport communities at the European            cool idea—a new USPTO patent                  check it out.
Parliament, the European Commission,           application from Sony proposes using
and the International Civil Aviation           drones for noise cancellation. The            The Sounds of Mars
Organization. UECNA also aims to               idea is to use a networked system of          Ever wonder how you would sound on
support these communities with expert          drones, equipped with specialized audio       Mars? NASA has developed a playlist
advice and the sharing of best practice and    equipment, to cancel out the noise of         outlining the subtle differences between
information through their network: https://    the environment and develop a virtual         the sounds on Earth versus how they In May they launched            noise cancellation barrier. In this way the   would sound on the Red Planet. Grab your
their first Aviation Briefing, a newsletter    drones could create a mobile quiet zone…      headphones, sit back, and have a listen.
to keep readers informed of aviation           imagine the possibilities!
developments at a European level.                                                            Noise Is Bad for Your Health
                                               The International Year                        Here is another article, this time
European Green Deal                            of Sound Extended through                     from the BBC, outlining the now very
The European Commission recently               2021                                          well-established links between exposure
adopted the EU Action Plan “Towards            Due to the impact of the COVID-19             to noise and adverse health effects. We
Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil,”       pandemic, the International Year of Sound     can only hope that articles like these
entitled “Pathway to a Healthy Planet          has been extended beyond 2020, through        will elevate the issue of noise so it is no
for All.” The action plan is accompanied       the year 2021. Here is an interesting         longer considered a forgotten or ignored
by two staff working documents, one on         article from the International Science        pollutant. NNI

2021 June         • •                                                       5
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International

    NDT   &CM2021
    PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC                                                                                             FOUR NDT, CM AND SHM
                                                                                                                         EVENTS IN ONE WEEK
    OCTOBER 4-8, 2021                                                                                                         IN THE MIDDLE
      BETTER CM & NDT – WARRANTY OF QUALITY,                                                                                 OF THE EUROPE

    Following the 1st ENDT Days in 2007 and the highly successful 11th European Con-     This event represents a great opportunity for a select group of interested par-
    ference on NDT 2014 (ECNDT 2014) in Prague, the Czech society for NDT in             ties to be actively included in sponsoring and promoting the event and their
    cooperation with other NDT and CM Societies is preparing another important           business.
    meeting of experts and users from the NDT, including Condition Monitoring            This will be the event of the decade; we hope to see you there!
    and Structural Health Monitoring areas for the year 2021.
    The 2nd European NDT & CM Days in Prague (October 2021) will consist of – 11th
    workshop NDT in Progress, International conference NDE & CM for Safety, 51st
    annual CNDT conference Defectoscopy 2021 and NDT&CM Expo. During these
    days you can visit four different events at the Cubex centre Prague. It will be an
    exceptional opportunity to meet people interested in research & development,
    as well as in practice, standardization and the application of all NDT/NDE, CM
    and SHM methods with an emphasis on areas of modern Industry.
    These „Days“ will be one of the most important NDT, CM, SHM and related
    branches European events in 2021. We hope that the 2nd European NDT&CM
    Days 2021 will not only be an opportune time for exchanging research findings
    but also an occasion for strengthening existing contacts and establishing new
    ones for all participants. Naturally, seminars, workshops, excursions and other                Libor Topolář                           Pavel Mazal
    social events will be organized.                                                                CNDT president                   member of CNDT presidium

                   ORGANISER’S                                                                                  PARTNER’S

                                                                         ORGANISING SECRETARIAT: GUARANT International spol. s r.o. European NDT&CM Days 2021:
                                                                                Českomoravská 2510/19, Praha 9 - Libeň, Česká republika
                                                                                         E-mail: Tel: +420 284 001 444, Fax: +420 284 001 448

6                                                         • •  2021                                 June
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
What Floor Vibration Will a Machine Produce
When It Is Relocated?
Eric E. Ungar, Acentech, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts
The Problem
In an often-encountered situation, a
vibration-producing machine is to be
moved from its present location to a new
one without changing how the machine
operates and one wants to predict the
expected vibrations of the floor in the
new location. If the floor structures are
the same at the machine’s present and
new locations, then the vibrations that the
machine will produce in its new location
will be the same as those it produces in
its present location. But what if the floor
structures at the two locations differ
                                                 Relation between mounting foot’s force and velocity

Basic Considerations
                                                 The foregoing expression permits one to         least approximately by assuming a linear
The following discussion focuses on              take account of changing of the mounting        relation between the mounting foot’s force
vibrations in the vertical direction, in         foot’s force as the foot acts against a         and its velocity—that is, taking the force/
which direction floors are most easily           different floor impedance. If that force        velocity relation as corresponding to a
set into motion. However, the approach           does not change when the machine is             straight line (see figure).
discussed below can be applied for any           relocated, then the velocity V2 expected
                                                                                                 One readily established point on that
direction.                                       in the new location may be ascertained
                                                                                                 line indicates the velocity V1 measured
The vibration velocity V of the floor under      simply from the floor impedances Z1 and
                                                                                                 at the machine’s foot in the machine’s
a mounting foot of the machine depends           Z2 and the velocity V1, all of which can
                                                                                                 initial location (with the machine in
on the vertical force F that the mounting        be measured relatively easily. (Note that
                                                                                                 operation, of course) and the related
foot exerts on the floor as V = F/Z, where Z     the floor impedances need to be measured
                                                                                                 force F1 exerted by the foot. That force
represents the floor’s impedance at the point    without the machine in place—or at
                                                                                                 may be calculated from F1 = Z1V1 using
                                                 least without the mounting foot under
under consideration. (All symbols represent                                                      the floor impedance Z1 measured at the
frequency-dependent magnitudes.) The             investigation in contact with the floor.)
                                                                                                 mounting foot location (without the
vibration velocity of the floor at the                                                           mounting foot making contact with the
machine’s future location then is related to     Accounting for Change of the                    floor). One may find a second point on
that of the floor at its present location by     Vibratory Force                                 the line by having the mounting foot act
                                                 One may expect that in the general case         against a structure with a new measured
                                          (1)   the mounting foot will vibrate with a           or known “test impedance” ZN, measuring
                                                 smaller amplitude and exert a greater           the corresponding new velocity VN, and
Subscript 1 refers to the machine’s initial      force as it is made to act against structures   determining the force FN = ZnVN. A test
location and subscript 2 to its future           that impede its motions to a greater extent.    impedance may be realized, for example,
location.                                        This change can be accounted for at             by inserting a soft pad or mount with

2021 June          • •                                                          7
NOISE/NEWS - Noise News International
known properties between a relatively               For the case where Z1 = Z2, the two               d.   Calculate the force FN = ZNVN. If the
 rigid floor and the mounting foot. (In              foregoing equations yield V2 = V1, as one              methodology of step (c) was used
 a test configuration that is particularly           would expect.                                          where the mounting foot was made to
 convenient if it can be implemented                                                                        have no contact with a structure, take
                                                     From equations (1) and (4) one may
 practically, the foot is kept out of contact                                                               FN = ZN = 0.
                                                     determine that
 with any structure. In this case Fn = Zn = 0                                                          e.   Measure the impedance Z2 of the
 and the mounting foot’s velocity Vn can be                                                                 floor at the machine’s planned
 measured relatively easily.)                                                                               location.
    The force/velocity line indicates that the                                                  (6)   f.   Calculate the floor velocity V2 at the
    mounting foot’s force F is related to the                                                               new location using equation (4). If FN
                                                     This relation indicates that assumption of
    foot’s velocity V as                                                                                    = ZN = 0, use equation (5).
                                                     a constant force results in overestimation
                                                     or underestimation of the velocity the            In the most general case this procedure
                                                     machine induces in the floor at the               would need to be carried out for each of
                                                     new location, depending on whether                a machine’s mounting feet. However, if
 If one applies this relation to the
                                                     Z1 is greater than or smaller than Z2,            all of a machine’s mounting feet behave
 machine’s new location, identified by
                                                     respectively—in agreement with intuitive          similarly, this procedure needs to be
 subscript 2, and combines the result with
                                                     expectations.                                     carried out for only one mounting foot.
 equation (1), one obtains
                                                                                                       All velocity and impedance measurements
                                                                                                       should be made over the frequency range
                                              (3)   Summary of Evaluation/
                                                                                                       of concern, but in cases where the machine
                                                     Prediction Steps
By solving this expression for V2/V1 one                                                               produces significant vibrations only at a
may determine the sought-for relation                a.   Measure the velocity V1 of the floor         few frequencies, the measurements and
of the velocity V2 at the machine’s new                   and mounting foot at machine’s               calculations discussed here need only be
location to the velocity V1 at its initial                initial location.                            carried out at these frequencies.
location:                                            b.   Measure the impedance Z1 of the
                                                          floor at machine’s initial location,         Some Background
                                                          without the machine (or mounting             Vibration sources with linear force/
                                              (4)        foot) in contact with the floor.             velocity characteristics are discussed in
                                                     c.   If possible, measure the velocity V0         “High-Frequency Vibration Isolation,” by
 In the special case where the test impedance             of the mounting foot as it makes no          E. E. Ungar and C. W. Dietrich, Journal of
 ZN = 0 (e.g., where the mounting foot was                contact with the floor. Otherwise,           Sound and Vibration, 1966, based in part
 allowed to vibrate with no significant                   measure the velocity VN that the             on “The Evaluation of Mounts Isolating
 contact with any structure), FN = 0 and the              machine produces on a support                Nonrigid Machines from Nonrigid
 foregoing equation reduces to                            with known impedance ZN. (If a               Foundations,” by A. O. Sykes, Shock
                                                          measurement is done with an isolator         and Vibration Instrumentation, ASME,
                                                          or pad that is much softer than the          1956, and “Isolation of Vibrations,” by
                                              (5)        supporting floor, take ZN as the             D. Muster and R. Plunkett, Noise
                                                          impedance of the isolator or pad.)           Reduction, McGraw-Hill, 1960. NNI

8                                                   • •  2021        June
SAE International Recognizes Dr. Pranab Saha with
the Organization’s 2021 Medal of Honor
Award Honors an Active SAE Member for Unique and Significant
Contributions That Strengthen SAE’s Ability to Advance
Mobility Knowledge and Solutions
SAE International recently announced
that Dr. Pranab Saha, cofounder and
principal consultant at Kolano and Saha
Engineers, Inc., is the recipient of the
2021 SAE International Medal of Honor.
As SAE International’s most prestigious
award, this honor recognizes an SAE
International member for their unique and
significant contributions to the industry
and organization.
“Dr. Saha has demonstrated an exemplary
commitment to supporting both SAE
International and the entire mobility
industry through his contributions
and leadership. This commitment has
distinguished him among his peers, and
we are proud to honor his commitment
with this award,” said Lori Gatmaitan,
director of the SAE Foundation. “Dr.
Saha’s efforts are reflective of SAE’s
entire 138,000-plus membership base,
                                               directed and participated nationally and    presented several technical papers and
who lend their time and expertise to
                                               internationally in numerous advanced        has organized and chaired numerous
support our mission of advancing mobility
                                               noise control engineering programs          technical sessions sponsored by SAE
knowledge and solutions for the benefit of
                                               and training seminars for various OEM       and other professional organizations. Dr.
                                               companies and suppliers worldwide.          Saha was previously honored with SAE’s
In his role as principal consultant at                                                     Forest R. McFarland award twice and the
                                               As a contributor to SAE International,
Kolano and Saha Engineers, Inc., Dr. Saha                                                  Technical Standards Board certification of
                                               Dr. Saha led the development of the
leads automotive, commercial vehicles,                                                     appreciation.
                                               SAE document “How to Write an SAE
other transportation systems, appliances,
                                               Technical Paper” and has helped develop     Dr. Saha is a member of SAE
and product noise-related programs in
                                               several SAE standards on acoustics. He      International, ASA, ASME, ASTM,
addition to serving as the direct link
                                               is a professional development instructor,   ESD, INCE-USA, and NSPE/MSPE.
between the client and company’s staff
                                               lead faculty member of the SAE Vehicle      Previously, he was the chair of the
and resources.
                                               Interior Noise Academy and is currently     SAE Engineering Meetings Board
Dr. Saha is a well-known authority on          serving as an associate editor for the      (EMB), Technical Quality Response
automotive noise, body interior systems,       SAE International Journal of Vehicle        Team chartered within EMB, SAE
and sound package materials. He has            Dynamics, Stability and NVH. He has         Noise and Vibration Conference, and

2021 June        • •                                                     9
SAE Acoustical Materials Committee          Engineering and has been named an SAE       mobility professionals to enable safe,
 and contributing editor of Sound and        Master Instructor.                          clean, and accessible mobility solutions.
 Vibration magazine. He served on SAE                                                    We act on two priorities: encouraging
 International’s Executive Nomination                                                    a lifetime of learning for mobility
 Committee and on the Fellows
                                             About SAE International                     engineering professionals and setting the
 Committee.                                  SAE International is a global association   standards for industry engineering. We
                                             committed to advancing mobility             strive for a better world through the work
     Dr. Saha is a fellow member of SAE      knowledge and solutions for the benefit     of our philanthropic SAE Foundation,
     International and ESD, a practicing     of humanity. By engaging nearly             including award-winning programs like
     professional engineer (PE), and an      200,000 engineers, technical experts,       A World In Motion® and the Collegiate
     INCE Board Certified in Noise Control   and volunteers, we connect and educate      Design Series™. More at NNI

10                                         • •  2021   June
Unattended Noise Monitoring

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2021 June   • •                       11
Noise Mapping Specialist SoundPLAN Launches
  Newly Developed Room Acoustics Module
  Noise mapping software specialist
  SoundPLAN GmbH has launched
  a newly developed room acoustics
  module, available in its world-leading
  software SoundPLANnoise. The tool
  has incorporated noise calculations for
  indoor environments for many years, but
  this update takes calculating sophisticated
  acoustic scenarios with arbitrary geometries
  to another level—even in complex

  The module is designed for application
  in the fields of occupational health
  and safety, and room acoustics. The             SoundPLANnoise room acoustics software, sound level.
  specialized software supports engineers,
  architects, and planners in the design                                                         Possibilities and Scope of
                                                  This poses a great challenge to achieving
  process. Modern architecture is based           pleasant acoustics that are suitable for the
  upon new and innovative technologies and        intended use of the room, and failure to do    The algorithm used for this purpose is the
  is characterized by exposed concrete and        so often results in annoyance, stress, and     sound particle diffraction (SPD) method,
  glass facades and open room concepts.           poor work performance.                         which is an extension of the well-known

          Example of interior office space (Source: Pixabay).

12                                               • •  2021    June
Example of auditorium space (Source: Pixabay).

and frequently used ray-tracing method.          software contains a selection of official      sound particles carry different energies per
It allows the user to analyze and evaluate       specifications and loudspeakers.               frequency band.1 On their way through
the acoustic properties of a room and any                                                       the acoustic landscape, they are reflected
room acoustic optimization measures                                                             specularly or diffusely (according to
extensively and in detail.                       How Does It Work?                              Lambert’s distribution) at boundary surfaces
                                                 For the interior calculation, in addition to   or obstacles, depending on the surface.
In addition to the frequency-dependent
                                                 the geometry, the user simply enters the       When the sound particles pass through
sound pressure level values, all commonly
                                                 essential acoustic properties (absorption      receivers on their flight, these detect the
used room acoustic parameters according
to ISO 3382, such as reverberation time,         coefficients, scattering coefficients if       time and energy. In this way, an energetic

Definition—D50, and speech decay rate            available, and transmission coefficients)      impulse response is formed in the course of
                                                 of the boundary surfaces and furnishings.      the simulation. From this, all further room
can be calculated. It is also possible to
                                                 A new interface to the Sarooma acoustics       acoustic quantities can be calculated.
calculate the increasingly popular speech
transmission index (STI) and listen to how       database gives direct access to data from      In the sound particle method with
recordings sound in a room (auralization).       over 3,200 commercially available sound-       uncertainty-based diffraction, particles are
By storing the corresponding evaluation          absorbing acoustic products from many          additionally deflected to a greater or lesser
criteria according to VDI 2569 and DIN           well-known manufacturers. This, together       extent depending on the bypass distance
18041, the user can quickly check whether        with the improved, intuitive room editor,      at diffraction edges. This approach,
the room acoustics meet the selected             leads to easy and fast model creation.         empirically derived from Fraunhofer
requirements.                                    A detailed overview of the results, and        diffraction, allows the extension of
                                                 the possibility of producing meaningful        the sound particle high-frequency
The room acoustics module is designed                                                           approximation to lower frequencies and
                                                 graphics such as color maps of all
for use across a range of room types,
                                                 room acoustic parameters, simplifies           has already been able to offer advantages
where the demands on the acoustic quality                                                       in numerous studies/investigations.
                                                 the comparison and evaluation of
may vary greatly. This includes open plan
                                                 the measures and makes it easier to            For more information about the room
offices, conference and lecture theaters,
                                                 communicate results with customers.            acoustic module and SoundPLANnoise
concert halls, restaurants, and doctors’
practices.                                                                                      software, visit:,
                                                                                                email SoundPLAN’s distributor in
                                                 Proof of Principle
The program also has features to                                                                Canada and the USA at forschner@
help accommodate electro-acoustics.              The calculation is based on state-of-the-art, or contact the team
In addition to frequency-dependent               scientific methods. In the sound particle      at SoundPLAN’s headquarters at
directivities, all sources have a delay          model, the source emits sound particles, For press
setting, and the Source Library within the       taking into account the directivity. These     enquiries please contact Michelle

2021 June         • •                                                            13
SoundPLANnoise room acoustics software, speech transmission index.

  Eastty at Ceris Burns International, t:    and software development. Its               status of the market leader for more than
  +44(0)1506 857790, e: michelle@cbipr.      interdisciplinary team consists of          35 years.
  com, w:                     engineers, geographers, physicists, and
                                             computer science specialists. The team
                                             generates cutting edge engineering          1. U. M. Stephenson, “An energetic ap-
  About SoundPLAN                            solutions delivered to the global market    proach for the simulation of diffraction
  SoundPLAN GmbH in Backnang,                in the format of our SoundPLAN              within ray tracing based on the uncertain-
  Germany, is an engineering company         software. Its SoundPLAN noise               ty relation.” ACUSTICA United with Acta
  with the main focus on noise control       modeling software has maintained the        Acustica 96, no. 3 (2010): 516-535. NNI

14                                         • •  2021   June
New Floor Impact Sound Test Data available from Ecore

      Floor impact sound levels from Ecore’s Vinyl Rx were 13dB lower than those from generic VCT and LVT. This
      makes Vinyl Rx an excellent choice for uses like hospitals where the standard flooring choice to reduce noise,
      carpet, presents many maintenance and health issues.

                                                                                                           Floor Impact Sound Levels (per ASTM E3133)



                                 Sound Power Level (dB)






                                                                                         Concrete                   VCT                   LVT                Ecore Origins                        Ecore Vinyl Rx

                                                                 0        5     0     0       0         5       0     0         0     0         00     50     00     00       00        50     00      00     00     00        0
                                                               10    12       16    20      25        31      40    50      63      80     10        12     16     20       25        31     40      50     63     80       00
                                                                                                                                    Frequency (Hz)

                                                                                     Floor Impact Sound Levels (per ASTM E3133)

  Sound Power Level (dBA)

                                                                                                 90                       90
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ecore’s Vinyl Rx
                            80                                                                                                                       81


                                                                Concrete                     VCT                          LVT               Ecore Origins                 Ecore Vinyl Rx

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2021 June                                                          • •                                                                                                             15
In Memoriam: James (Jim) Chalupnik
     By Ulf Sandberg, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
  It is with great sadness that we announce    from the University of Texas (UT) in 1960      a pioneering study for a still relevant
  that James (aka Jim) Chalupnik passed        and his PhD from UT in 1964.                   issue. As of January 1, 2021, Dr Anfosso-
  away on January 14, 2020. Jim was one of                                                    Lédée is the convener of the ISO WG that
                                               While at UT, James met Janet Connor.
  the original Founders of INCE-USA.                                                          develops the CPX and a few other ISO
                                               They soon married, and in 1963 adopted
                                                                                              standards, so it is fair to say that she got an
  James Dvorak Chalupnik was born in Bay       a baby boy they named Kenneth Henry.
                                                                                              excellent start in this career thanks to Jim.
  City, Texas, in 1931 to Czechoslovakian      They moved their small family to
  immigrants. He is survived by his wife       Pasadena, California, where James worked       I got to know Jim in the late 1980s when
  Janet, his children Kenneth Henry            for the Lockheed Missile and Space             he was appointed US member in an ISO
  Chalupnik and Karen Ann Chalupnik, and       Company Research Labs in Palo Alto. It         standardization group (ISO/TC 43/SC1/
  grandson Tyler James Chalupnik.              was in this job that he became interested      WG 33) that I convened. He had valuable
                                               in what would be his primary professional      experience in measuring noise emission
  Jim grew up to attend Texas Tech,
                                               focus: acoustics and noise control.            from the tire-pavement interaction, partly
  where he received his BS in Mechanical
  Engineering in 1953 while also serving as    In 1964, James got a job at the University     based on using what we now call a CPX
  a naval officer during the Korean War. He    of Washington (UW) as assistant professor      trailer that he had developed, and his
  received his MS in Engineering Mechanics     of mechanical engineering and the family       advice was appreciated in the group. He
                                               moved to Seattle. He was promoted              took part in developing ISO 11819-1 (the
                                               to associate professor in 1968 and             SPB method) and in designing the first
                                               professor in 1977. He and Janet adopted        unofficial but widely used version of the
                                               their second child during this time, a         CPX method, later to become ISO 11819-
                                               girl they named Karen Ann. The family          2. After Jim’s retirement we continued to
                                               spent many years in Seattle, and James         stay in contact via frequent emails.
                                               served a rewarding and distinguished 31        Jim was not only a skilled researcher in
                                               years at UW. He was a favorite among           acoustics and vibration. Humor was also
                                               professors and was appointed professor         a substantial part of his life. Whenever we
                                               emeritus in the Department of Mechanical       had some relaxing times in conjunction
                                               Engineering on his retirement in 1995.         with our ISO meetings, Jim liked to joke
                                               Jim wrote at least three books about tire      and made us laugh really hard many
                                               noise and the acoustic characteristics of      times. After his retirement in 1995, and
                                               roadway surfaces. Two are out of print         until one month before his passing, Jim
                                               and one is still available on Amazon (and      and I continued to have fun conversing
                                               in my bookshelf): Transportation Noises:       about various aspects of life. Jim was also
                                               Symposium on Acceptability Criteria.           a generous person, which I enjoyed when
                                                                                              some of the ISO group members and I had
                                               In regard to Jim’s expertise in the acoustic
                                                                                              the opportunity to visit him and Janet in
                                               characteristics of roadway surfaces, Dr.
                                                                                              their home in Seattle in 1994. I cherish
                                               Fabienne Anfosso-Lédée recently shared
                                                                                              many fond memories of our time together.
                                               that in 1987 she was doing a two-month
                                               internship with Jim’s team at UW. The          It was during his time at UW that Jim co-
                                               work consisted of participating in a Close     founded INCE-USA in 1971. He was later
     Fig.1. Jim, as he is remembered by
                                               ProXimity (CPX) tire/road measurement          appointed fellow of the institute, based on
     many: smiling and sharing his knowledge   campaign for the monitoring of acoustic        his service as founder and former director of
     and humor. (Photo courtesy of Karen       properties of several road sections amid       INCE-USA, as well as for his contributions
     Chalupnik)                                the beautiful scenery of Washington State,     to education in acoustics and noise control

16                                            • •  2021        June
engineering and research in roadway noise,
modal analysis, shock and vibration, and
stress analysis. Jim was also recognized for
leadership in community noise control and
abatement and volunteer service in noise
control at all levels of government in the
United States and internationally.
In retirement, Jim and Janet moved to
Edmonds, Washington. They traveled
often, and, while home, were very active
in their community and in Edmonds
Unitarian Universalist Church.
Finally, I want to add condolences from
some present or previous ISO WG 33
members, Fabienne Anfosso-Lédée,
Truls Berge, Jørgen Kragh, and Heinz
Steven, who have asked me to mention
that they loved working with Jim and                 Fig. 2. The last time the author met with Jim, at NOISE-CON 2011 in Portland. Jim was 80
                                                     then. (Photo taken with Ulf’s camera by an unknown colleague)
sharing a beer here and there while having
fun, mostly in Europe. We all knew and               scene but also as a truly gentle and joyful        Note: Part of this remembrance is copied
forever will remember Jim, not only as               person. Jim is deeply missed and our               from the obituary written by Jim’s
a professor who made an impact on the                sincere thoughts go to Janet, Jim’s wife           daughter Karen Chalupnik, who reviewed
US and international noise engineering               for so many years, and to their children.          and approved this article. NNI


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2021 June            • •                                                            17
The Association of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland
     Damian Brosnan
                                                                                                  calibrating sound level meters in a field
                                                                                                  at night, and checking their notes before
                                                                                                  presenting evidence in the case of Mr.
                                                                                                  & Mrs. Longsuffering -v- Noisy Factory
                                                                                                  Ltd. Sure, I’d heard of these consultants.
                                                                                                  I had met many of them over the years
                                                                                                  at various conferences and talks. I’d
                                                                                                  reviewed reports written by some of them
                                                                                                  and looked at them across the courtroom.
                                                                                                  I’d even collaborated with some of them
                                                                                                  on large projects. But I didn’t realize that
                                                                                                  they were experiencing the same issues as
                                                                                                  I did. It turns out that we all suffer from
                                                                                                  impostor syndrome.
                                                                                                  The AACI was formed in 2019 out of
                                                                                                  discussions among a few acquainted
                                                                                                  acoustic consultants who ultimately
     I’m an acoustic consultant in the Republic   difficult project lands on your desk that
                                                                                                  became founding members. The genesis
     of Ireland (ROI). I’ve been a sole trader    can be approached in a number of ways.
                                                                                                  of the association would most likely
     since 2015. Prior to that, I was a partner   Which way is best? How do you know
                                                                                                  have been slower if not prompted by
     in a multidisciplinary environmental         that your interpretation of a standard is the
                                                                                                  two factors. Coincidentally, both factors
     consultancy for 15 years. I was the sole     right one? What averaging window should
                                                                                                  originated outside of the ROI.
     noise guy in the consultancy. Although       you use? And who was Maekawa anyway?
     being a sole trader and being a sole                                                         The AACI project was particularly driven
                                                  There are other drawbacks too. It is
     noise expert in a larger team are very                                                       by current chairman Diarmuid Keaney.
                                                  difficult to keep tabs on the standards that
     different, they share one common feature:                                                    Diarmuid and the similarly experienced
                                                  are being revised and updated all the time.
     Where does a sole noise operator go                                                          Ted Dalton had both encountered
                                                  It can be even more difficult to contribute
     to for support? In a team with several                                                       difficulties in winning various acoustic
                                                  to the development of standards. You
     experienced acoustic consultants, junior                                                     testing contracts in completed residential
                                                  might be an expert on the relationship
     members can approach others for advice.                                                      developments. They were being regularly
                                                  between vehicle speed, asphalt type, and
     A casual discussion around the coffee                                                        denied the opportunity to quote by
                                                  noise level, but what standard review
     machine can resolve any noise issue.                                                         potential clients because of the clients’
                                                  committee is going to listen to you?
     The knowledge that an experienced                                                            misinterpretation of a policy statement
                                                  Why should that department official or
     practitioner picks up over the years is                                                      issued in Northern Ireland (NI)—not even
                                                  environmental regulatory body pay any
     not taught in university, or at seminars,                                                    the same jurisdiction. Diarmuid and Ted
                                                  heed to your little opinion?
     or in online continuing professional                                                         had been trying to get the issue resolved
     development (CPD) sessions.                  Enter the Association of Acoustic               with the relevant government department
                                                  Consultants of Ireland (AACI). The              in the ROI. They had also raised the issue
     The poor acoustic consultant who operates    question that sticks in my mind is, Why         with the Irish branch of the Institute of
     solo does not have access to such an         didn’t we think of it sooner? You see, I        Acoustics (IOA), which had an indirect
     incredible resource as the wily old expert   was not alone. There were other acoustic        involvement in the original NI policy
     who has encountered every possible           consultants across the country, beavering       statement. Their frustration with progress
     noise issue under the sun. For instance, a   away on noise impact assessments,               convinced them that there was a need for

18                                               • •  2021       June
a trade body for acoustic professionals          members will contribute and bring their       full membership of the IOA. All current
working in the ROI.                              own unique skills to bear.                    AACI members are also IOA members
                                                 It is intended that our association will      and have completed the IOA postgraduate
The second factor was Brexit, which we
                                                 fulfill a role similar to that provided by    diploma in acoustics and noise control.
all thought was the worst thing that would
                                                 the Association of Noise Consultants          Several AACI members also sit on the
affect our lives this century. Those were
                                                 (ANC) in the United Kingdom. The ANC          IOA Irish branch committee and actively
simpler times! Being members of the
                                                 describes itself as a representative body     participate in the advancement of
IOA, we were entirely unsure how Brexit
                                                 for acoustic consultancies. We see our        acoustics in the ROI.
would affect us. The only thing we were
sure about was that we should not be sure        role as similar, meeting a need in the ROI    In the short time that the AACI has been
about anything. We did not know how the          that the IOA cannot. We see the AACI as       in existence, some major goals have
departure of the United Kingdom from the         a professional association for qualified      been achieved. At the start of 2021, we
European Union would affect the IOA’s            acoustic, noise, and vibration consultants,   registered with the European Acoustics
role in the ROI, or our daily use of the         as well as other professionals working in     Association (EAA) and have now
wide range of excellent British Standards        the field of acoustics in the ROI.            formally become the EEA membership
in circulation. We still don’t, in fact. We      One major difference between the ANC          society for the ROI. We have reached out
needed a voice to represent us among all         and the AACI is that we decided, after        to several acoustic researchers spread
this upheaval.                                   some discussion, to award membership to       across ROI colleges and universities, with
                                                 individuals rather than companies. This       a view to potential collaborative work in
And so the AACI was quickly born. Since
                                                 allows tighter control on membership.         the future. A code of ethics has also been
2019, several more acoustic consultants
                                                 The chief AACI membership criterion is        prepared.
have been invited to join. Membership
now stands at 10, which is not bad for a
country of only 5 million. It will continue
to grow as more consultants ask or are
invited to join. The 10 current members
probably have a combined total of 200
years’ experience, across environmental
noise, occupational noise, and building
acoustics. Each member excels in a
certain area, such as traffic noise, building
insulation, impact assessment, wind farm
noise, and so on. It’s like the world’s
greatest acoustic team!

The wide range of expertise is not
just confined to acoustics. Some are
great at social media. Some are great
at presenting. Some are really good at
writing articles such as this; unfortunately
they were busy, so I stepped in. I’ve
noticed that one member is astoundingly
good at picking out minute but critically
relevant details in guidance documents,
the kind of details that I miss, even after
I’ve been told where they are. These
skills are essential when promoting a new
professional entity. With only a small
number of members at present, everyone           The founding members of the AACI are (clockwise from top left) Diamuid Keaney,
pitches in to help grow the association.         Chairperson; Damian Brosnan, Guidance Document Coordinator; James Walsh, Ethics
As the AACI grows, it is hoped that new          Committee Member; and Ted Dalton, Group Secretary, Finance and Membership.

2021 June          • •                                                       19
One of our biggest achievements has          First up will be a document relating to          One AACI feature that was completely
  been the preparation of the ROI’s first      sound testing measurements, one of the           underestimated at the outset is a
  substantial noise guidance document          objectives of which will be the setting          WhatsApp group for members, where
  issued outside of the ROI government or      out of clear guidance on competence              advice can be sought on any acoustic
  the EPA. The document, aimed at local        with a view to finally resolving the issues      issue. This has been a godsend on
  authorities, provides guidance on drafting   identified by Diarmuid and Ted previously.       complex projects. Why spend hours
  noise conditions for inclusion in planning   The AACI has been in discussion with the         trying to determine the relevance of some
  permission and identifies key issues to      relevant government department regarding         parameter in a formula that begins with Σ
  look out for when reviewing impact           the issue in the meantime.                       and ends with four closing brackets when
  assessment reports. It also summarizes                                                        a quick question on the WhatsApp group
                                               Another area where the AACI has excelled
  all the noise guidance documents                                                              will shine a light? Members are only too
                                               has been the provision of short training
  currently available. The document has                                                         happy to help.
                                               courses and seminars, which go toward
  been well received in the absence of
                                               CPD. Members cannot get enough of these.         This is fundamentally what the AACI is
  any governmental guidance, and several
                                               Through the collective power of networking       about: improving the standard of acoustic
  local authorities make reference to the
                                               and purchasing, approximately 10 such            assessment and surveys in the ROI
  document in their noise action plans.
                                               seminars have been held to date, mostly          through collaboration. As I mentioned
  It is the AACI’s intention to prepare        online. This will continue to be a big part of   earlier, why didn’t we think of this
  further guidance documents in the future.    the AACI’s raison d’être in the future.          sooner? NNI

20                                            • •  2021      June
Up to 9 dB noise reduction
                                      by using diffraction


2021 June   • •                      21
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22                                 • •  2021   June
You can also read