Hatchery Practice International

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Hatchery Practice International

Volume 33 Number 4 (2019)    Practical information for better breeding and hatching

The importance of
prevention in laying hens

Ensure the correct egg
setting to maximise output

Minimising the impact on
breeder productivity

We look at options
from around the world

Using the right breed
for the right market

The ideal environment to
maximise laying potential
Hatchery Practice International
Hatchery Practice International
  Positive Action Publications Ltd
                   PUBLISHER & EDITOR
                              NIGEL HORROX

                                                                          oday, should breeder and        They are our industry’s dinosaurs and
                          MARKETING TEAM                                  hatchery managers around the    they have the potential to hold up
                                 COLIN FOSTER                             world be known as livestock,    progress.
                         cf@positiveaction.co.uk                  equipment or people managers              Our staff are changing. They are
                             ALISON BURDASS                       instead? Interestingly, most people     becoming better informed and
                                                                  would say they should be known as       better educated. Today, most staff
                                CLAIRE FUSSEY
                    claire@positiveaction.co.uk                   one of the first two options, with      have a mobile phone and by means
                         STEPH WEIGHTMAN                          most identifying hatchery managers      of it, or another route, have access
                   steph@positiveaction.co.uk                     as equipment managers. Some             to the internet.
                                                                  would probably cover their options        What they do not appreciate is
                                    PRODUCTION                    and say they are a combination of       that there are people in this medium
                                      SARAH DOVE
                                sarah@amneh.co.uk                 livestock and equipment managers.       who will consciously, or perhaps
                                                                     Interestingly, and somewhat          unconsciously, manipulate them and
                         DESIGN & DIGITAL                         worryingly, people managers usually     their views. Why not create a closed
                                 MATTHEW BAKER                    comes a poor third among the            intranet site for your hatchery and
                                                                  answers. As the number of staff         breeder staff? This will give you and
                               SUBSCRIPTIONS                      increase per unit of output, people     your senior managers an extremely
                                SALLY WALKER                      management skills appear to remain      effective management tool. Make
                        sw@positiveaction.co.uk                   static or even in decline in our        use of it to motivate and educate
                                                                  managers.                               your staff!
                                        ACCOUNTS                    This probably relates to the fact       What we want in today’s managers
                              ANNE SMITH
              accounts@positiveaction.co.uk                       that many of these farms and            are individuals who are aware of the
                                                                  hatcheries are in Africa and Asia       sensitivities of other people and
        The copyright for material appearing in International
Hatchery Practice is held by Positive Action Publications Ltd.
                                                                  where farm staff and managers have      their unique needs, aspirations and
  Production of editorial material, in whole or part, from this   been influenced by their colonial       goals. If we can satisfy these we will
     publication requires written permission of the copyright
      holder. Positive Action Publications, its editors and the   predecessors, many of whom saw          get motivated staff who want to
          contributors accept no liability for the contents of
International Hatchery Practice and the views expressed in it
                                                                  staff simply as a tool.                 make things work.
      are statements and opinions of the authors and do not         As a result of this, we see             We need to be sensitive to our
               necessarily constitute representations of fact.
                                                                  individuals who still think that ‘if    staff and when we see somebody is
   The publishers accept no liability for late or non-delivery.   that management style worked for        operating below par, we need to
         No refund can be made after fulfilment has begun.
                                                                  them, it should work for me’. It will   communicate with them and find
          International Hatchery Practice (ISSN 0959 9363) is     not! These individuals are in the       out what their problem is.
published eight times a year (January, March, April, May, July,
      September, October and December) by Positive Action         wrong job, in the wrong time zone.        Then, we must help them.          n
          Publications Ltd and distributed in the USA by UKP
     Worldwide, 3390 Rand Road, South Plainfield, NJ 07080.
     Periodicals postage paid at Rahway, NJ and at additional
                                                                                                                Quality hatching eggs
         mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to
International Hatchery Practice, Positive Action Publications,     Cover Picture:                         (photo courtesy of Hendrix Genetics)
              c/o 3390 Rand Road, South Plainfield NJ 07080.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                             3
Hatchery Practice International
Hatchery Practice International
The world’s unique technical
        and practical publication for
        everyone involved in poultry
              breeding and hatching
                                                                       worldfocus            An executive summary of key international issues

         International Hatchery Practice is
        published 8 times a year and your
subscription includes a free digital edition   Routine surveillance finds LPAI in Californian duck breeder
                                               H5 low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) has been detected in a commercial duck breeder
                   Subscription rate
                                               flock in Monterey County, California, USA. Some 9,750 birds have potentially been exposed
                     1 year – £UK60
                                               to the virus. We understand that the isolated H5 is an LPAI virus of North American wild bird
                    2 years – £UK90            lineage, but further characterisation is pending. There have been no clinical signs of illness or
                       inclusive of airmail    increased mortality on the premises. USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
                    Group & multiple title     (APHIS) and the California Department of Food & Agriculture are now undertaking a
                       discounts available     comprehensive epidemiological investigation and have implemented enhanced surveillance
                                               and testing related to this recent isolation. Results are also awaited on two additional farms.
    Subscribe online today @
                              or contact
                         SALLY WALKER
                                               Californian Newcastle disease spreads to Arizona!
For details of our digital edition contact:
                                               Virulent Newcastle disease has been found in an Arizona chicken flock. The disease was
                        SHARON WILSON
            sharon@positiveaction.co.uk        found near Flagstaff in a backyard flock of eight birds. Tests have shown the strain is part of
                                               the Southern California outbreak which began last year. The Department of Agriculture is
                       PO Box 4, Driffield,    endeavouring to control spread by setting up a 1km surveillance zone around the infected
                 East Yorkshire YO25 9DJ,      farm. One theory about the source is that an owner brought back birds from California to
                                  England.     avoid quarantine. Backyard poultry owners have been advised to practice extra biosecurity
                      Tel: +44 1377 241724     precautions when going from one person’s flock to their own and not to share feed
                     Fax: +44 1377 253640      between flocks. People and feed movements are two easy ways to spread the disease.
         We have five titles covering the
         pig, poultry, hatchery, dairy and
                    food & meat sectors.       Where next in California?
        Contact us for more information        The number of cases of Newcastle disease in backyard chickens in California has now
                                               reached over 430 since May 2018 and has affected at least three commercial egg layer
                                               operations. A further $45 million has been made available from central funds for APHIS and
                                               partners to address the ongoing situation. Their primary objectives are to contain the
                                               spread of Newcastle disease and to keep it out of commercial flocks. This funding will
                                               allow APHIS and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) to strengthen
                                               their joint efforts to stop the spread of this disease and prevent it from affecting additional
                                               commercial flocks. Currently, trade impacts are minimal but this could always change.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                             5
Hatchery Practice International
6   International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
Hatchery Practice International
The importance of
preventing salmonella
in laying hens
S     almonellosis belongs to the
      most important foodborne
      zoonoses throughout the
world. According to the European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA), each
                                               greatest hazard to public health
                                               include raw meat and raw meat
                                               products, unpasteurised milk
                                               products, eggs and products
                                               containing raw eggs, sprouted seeds
year over 90,000 salmonellosis cases           and fish products. The main
are reported in the European Union.            symptoms of salmonellosis include
While for the United States, the               fever, diarrhoea and abdominal
Center for Disease Control and                 cramps. In most cases people
Prevention (CDC) estimates that                infected with salmonella do recover,
about 1.2 million illnesses and 450            unfortunately in less than 0.1 % of
deaths occur every year.                       the cases it can result in death.

        by Freek Thomassen,                    Salmonella and its relation
         Hendrix Genetics.                     to poultry
                                               The 1999 report from Steinback and
                                               Hartung revealed that approximately          mostly associated with the                program in place, one that has been
   The CDC estimated that food is              60-65% of human infections were              consumption of eggs, egg products         adjusted to the environmental,
the source for about one million               caused by salmonella arising from            and meat.                                 regional and organisational
illnesses in the USA. For Europe, a            poultry, eggs and egg products. Their          When looking at poultry,                conditions of your operations.
significant decreasing trend of                research also showed that this was           S. enteritidis was found in 59% of the      A well-defined and structured
salmonellosis has been observed                nearly exclusively linked to                 cases. The second most detected           biosecurity plan is needed so that
between 2008 and 2016. However,                Salmonella enteritidis. S. enteritidis       serovar, S. infantis, was found in less   the daily routines are steered in a
the recent Salmonella enteritidis              is markedly associated with laying           than 10% of the cases, and                comprehensive way.
outbreaks contributed to a change in           hens, broilers and broiler meat (Fig. 1      S. typhimurium was found in around          Often biosecurity is considered an
this decreasing trend in both humans           and Table 1).                                5% of the cases. The other serovars       additional expense, but we, as a
and poultry.                                     The European Union summary                 reached percentages between 1.5%          breeding organisation, are more than
                                               report on trends and sources of              and 4.4%.                                 able to see that it pays off fully! Not
                                               zoonoses, zoonotic agents and                                                          only for the general health of your
What is salmonella?                            foodborne outbreaks in 2016 reveals                                                    birds, but also for the health and,
                                               that in 2016, 1.47% of the EU breeding       How to control salmonella in              especially in the case of salmonella,
Salmonella is a bacterium that can             flocks were tested salmonella                your birds?                               the safety of the consumers.
cause an illness called salmonellosis          positive (versus 1.42% in 2015) and                                                      Below we list the most important
in humans. Salmonella is commonly              3.71% of adult laying hens flocks            When you look at the above                strategies that should be
found in the intestines of healthy             were tested positive (versus 2.67% in        numbers, you can clearly see that         implemented to prevent the spread
birds and mammals. In humans, the              2015). S. enteritidis seems to play a        there is a strong need to control         of salmonella.
risk of a salmonella infection is              dominating role in the European              salmonella in your birds. For poultry
associated with the consumption of             salmonellosis; in 48.5% of all the           producers, the first aim is to prevent    l Hygiene and disinfection:
contaminated food.                             cases, isolates that belong to               the salmonella bacteria from              This is the most obvious strategy, but
  The food categories posing the               S. enteritidis were reported and it is       entering their operations.                easy to miss. All buildings and
                                                                                              When present, the aim is to             equipment must be cleaned and
                                                                                            prevent salmonella from entering          disinfected before the new flock
Fig. 1. Reported isolations of Salmonella enteritidis from animals in EU                    the food chain via the eggs or the        arrives. The effectiveness of cleaning
member states and other reporting countries, 2011-2016.                                     meat they produce. The only               and disinfection should be checked
                                                                                            successful control of salmonella          via environmental sampling.
                                                                                            infection in your birds starts at the       Intensive cleaning and disinfection
                                     n Total isolations     n Isolations in Gallus gallus   hatchery and farm level!                  are needed when the previous flock
                    2000                                                                      Strict sanitary measures need to be     is found to be salmonella positive!
                                                                                            taken so that hatching eggs, day-old      The aim of cleaning and disinfection
   Reported cases

                                                                                            chicks, feed, water, litter, the barns    is to cut the circulating infection
                    1200                                                                    or rodents are not the source of a        chain after depopulation of the
                                                                                            salmonella infection. Environmental       farms if you make use of the ‘all-in,
                    800                                                                     sampling has been proven to be a          all-out’ principle.
                                                                                            highly effective tool in detecting          A well-managed barrier system
                    400                                                                     salmonella and to be used for the         around the hatcheries and barn
                                                                                            verification of your cleaning and         houses should also involve proper
                           2011   2012      2013          2014       2015       2016        disinfection.                             cleaning and disinfection steps to
                                                                                              It is highly recommended that you       prevent possible introduction of
                                                                                            have a proper working biosecurity                           Continued on page 9

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                                       7
Hatchery Practice International
Hatchery Practice International
Continued from page 7                                 Animals                   2011               2012           2013             2014          2015           2016
salmonella from outside via vehicles,
farm visitors, boots, etc.                 Gallus gallus (fowl)                 1381               1533            902             954           1237           852

l Feed and water:                          Other animals                            50              20             120              45            22            607
It is known that feed can be an            Cattle                                   23              62             60              148            170            10
important source of contamination
with salmonella. Grains and animal         Other poultry or game birds              5               96              16             141             6             12
meal are common sources of feed
contamination, as well as                  Geese                                    23              60              63              27            27             21
environmental dust.                        Turkeys                                  34              16              21              15            43             41
   Pelletising feedstuffs, or heat
treating the feed will destroy almost      Ducks                                    8               39              32              24            33             28
all bacteria present in feed, but there    Pigs and wild boars                      18              17              34             20             19             17
is always the chance of
recontamination.                           Cats and dogs                            8               20              3               2             10             10
   Recontamination of the feed can
occur in the cooling environment,          Other ruminants                          3                4              8                              3              7
via the transport trucks, or simply via    Reptiles                                 0                8              13              4              1              3
dust and insects present in and
around the feed mills. However,            Domestic solipeds                        8                4              5               6             19              3
pelletised feed or heat-treated feed       Other birds                              7                4              3               2              4              1
is not available or used everywhere
as it is more expensive.                   Total isolations in animals          1568               1883           1280             1388          1594           1612
   It often pays to have insight into
the audit-reports of your feed            Table 1. Reported isolations of Salmonella enteritidis from animals in EU member states and other reporting
supplier. Water hygiene, especially       countries, 2011-2016.
for the drinking water, is very
important as part of the biosecurity
program. Monitoring the drinking          important to keep them out of your             susceptible to an infection of             the birds are kept in an environment
water quality is as important as          poultry houses and hatcheries. The             salmonella as it takes time before         where there are no proper
purchasing safe feed.                     litter beetle is particularly known to         the intestinal flora is fully              biosecurity measures taken.
                                          be a common host for salmonellas.              developed. In general, the aim of
l People:                                    Disinfection should therefore be            vaccination for salmonella infections      l Breeding:
Hatchery and farm workers are a key       executed immediately after                     is the prevention or reduction of          General health and disease
factor in an effective biosecurity        depopulation of a house to prevent             intestinal colonisation.                   resistance are key traits of Hendrix
program. It is of major importance        the litter beetles from migration and            This will lead to reduced faecal         Genetics’ breeding programs. Via the
that they know and meet all the           hiding. Besides cleaning and                   shedding, and as a result, less egg        Feed4Food program, the company is
biosecurity standards and rules; it       disinfection, it is important that you         shell contamination. Besides,              working together with universities,
pays off if you can fully explain the     have measures installed to prevent             diminished colonisation of the liver,      feed companies and animal medicine
‘Why’? behind your biosecurity            rodents and wild birds from entering           the spleen and the reproductive            companies on understanding more
program.                                  your barns. Having bait stations               tissues with salmonella is a result of     about the birds’ gut health and
  Make sure that they know and            outside the poultry barns could be             the induced response by the                microbiota. This research will
respect the rules regarding the           one of these measures.                         adaptive immune system, leading to         hopefully lead to better insights in
shower-in procedures, the cleaning                                                       a reduced presence of salmonella in        managing a flock in a healthy and
and disinfection of their hands after     l Vaccination:                                 eggs.                                      sustainable way. With their intensive
every toilet visit and contact with       There is an increased interest in                It is known that S. enteritidis can      health control programs (weekly
food. They must also follow the           vaccinating poultry against S.                 persist in a vaccinated flock of laying    monitoring of the health status of
rules with respect to changing            enteritidis and S. typhimurium. With           hens, but a vaccination program can        the birds and their environment)
clothes and footwear between barns        vaccination, the bird’s resistance to a        be used as an additional tool to           combined with all the measurements
as well as respect the rule of 72         possible infection of salmonella will          lower the presence of S. enteritidis       that they take to maintain their high
hours free of contact with domestic       be further increased. The birds’               in eggs.                                   level of biosecurity, they keep the
birds before entering the premises.       natural resistance/first barrier                 In combination with the above-           Hendrix Genetics’ breeding stock
                                          against a possible salmonella                  mentioned strategies you can reduce        salmonella free.                     n
l Pest control:                           infection is via their well-developed          the chance of an infestation with
As all animals, including reptiles and    intestinal flora.                              salmonella drastically. Vaccination                References are available
insects, can carry salmonella, it is        Young birds are therefore most               against salmonella is useless when               from the author on request

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                                    9
Hatchery Practice International
10   International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
Ensuring the correct egg
setting to maximise
hatchery output
R     ound end upwards – this is the way to
      correctly position hatching eggs on
      incubation trays. When eggs are
correctly set the embryo’s head is located
towards the air chamber in the blunt end.
Just before hatch, it uses the oxygen in the
air chamber to breathe.

   by Miren Arbe, Vaccination Services
   and Equipment Corporate Manager,
    and Andras Medveczki, Veterinary
       Services Manager, Hungary,
          Ceva Sante Animale.

  However, when the eggs are set upside
down, the embryo locates the head away
from the air chamber and it can not reach it                Correct setting: The embryo’s head is              Upside down egg: The embryo’s head is
to breathe.                                                 towards the air chamber in the blunt end.          located away from the air chamber. The
                                                            The embryo will use the air chamber to             embryo can not reach the air chamber to
                                                            breathe at hatch.                                  breathe at hatch.
The impact of upside down eggs
at hatch
                                                            impact on hatchability. There was no               chicks at hatch (Fig. 1). Both groups,
A field trial on a 40 week breeder flock was                presence of blood during injection of              correctly set into incubation trays, show
conducted to analyse the impact of egg                      properly set eggs. It must be remarked that        approximately 3.5% of late embryo mortality
setting on hatchability and chick quality.                  when embryos are not properly positioned           and cull and dead chicks despite in ovo
  In the trial 1800 eggs were incubated – 900               at the time of in ovo (with the head under         injection. However, the groups set upside
eggs were properly set before storage and                   the right wing and towards the air chamber),       down before incubation show much higher
900 eggs were set upside down. At transfer                  there is an additional risk of poorly located      late embryo mortality and a higher presence
time, half of each group was injected in ovo                vaccine and, therefore, day old chick              of cull and dead chicks at hatch; three times
and the other half was transferred without                  protection can not be ensured.                     higher in the non-injected upside down
any treatment.                                                Results at hatch show that regardless of in      group (11%), and five times higher in the
  The first finding during in ovo was a high                ovo treatment at transfer, correctly set eggs      injected upside down group (15%).
presence of blood coming from the injected                  perform according to expectations because            Regarding chick quality, the results from
upside down eggs. This is a consequence of                  there is no difference in the percentage of        groups set upside down also showed a lower
accidental injections that might have an                    late embryo mortality and cull and dead                                       Continued on page 12

Correctly set eggs injected.        Fig. 1. Late embryo mortality and cull and dead chicks at hatch.                       Upside down eggs injected.

                                                               Correct egg setting           Upside down eggs
                                                       14     n Cull and dead chicks
                                                       12     n Late embryo mortality
                                       Mortality (%)

                                                            Non-injected      In ovo     Non-injected       In ovo

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                        11
                                                                   Correct egg setting           Upside down eggs


                                          Pasgar score
                                                                      9.14        9.17
                                                          9.0                                     9.00


                                                                Non-injected     In ovo      Non-injected       In ovo
Visual quality of chicks                                                                                                      Visual quality of chicks
hatched from correctly set                                                                                                    hatched from eggs set upside
eggs.                                 Fig. 2. Chick quality by Pasgar score.                                                  down.

Continued from page 11                                          level in the egg setting process. It has been      average hatch of 83%, and €0.35 selling price
Pasgar Score (Fig. 2), as well as lower visual                  monitored that in manual operations, upside        for day old chicks, the yearly cost of 0.5-
chick quality compared to chicks hatched                        down egg prevalence can reach up to 3% of          1.0% upside down mistakes can easily
from eggs that were set correctly.                              yearly egg production due to human error.          represent more than €100K.
  This fact will have an impact on the                          On the other hand, if eggs are set by a              Innovative technology available on the
performance of the chicks later on.                             rolling system, up to 1% of the yearly             market, such as the Ovosense Egg Setting
Therefore, it is concluded that upside down                     hatching egg production is expected upside         Analyzer, identifies and marks the upside
egg setting into incubation trays has clear                     down due to round eggs.                            down eggs on arrival at the hatchery to
consequences on hatchability and chick                                                                             relocate them in the right position before
quality.                                                                                                           incubation.
                                                                Maximise hatchery output for                         Therefore, in a highly competitive market,
                                                                healthy day old chicks                             where antibiotic free production is a
Prevalence of upside down eggs                                                                                     constant pressure, the Ovosense Egg Setting
                                                                The annual cost of upside down mistakes on         Analyzer maximises hatchery output by
The prevalence of upside down eggs in a                         the farm can be really high. For a hatchery        giving fertile eggs a 100% chance to produce
hatchery will depend on the automation                          producing 60 million eggs per year with an         a healthy day old chick.                    n

12                                                                                              International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
IB: minimising the impact
of variant strains on
breeder productivity
I nfectious bronchitis (IB) remains a
  common and costly challenge for poultry
  producers around the world, resulting in
widespread morbidity and variable mortality.
This highly infectious disease is caused by
                                                     Group               1 day

                                                                                              4 weeks                 8 weeks
                                                                                                                                         VN titer

                                                                                                                                         14 weeks

                                                     1              Massachusetts                  793B         Inactivated IB vaccine      8.3
the IBV, a coronavirus which mainly affects
both the respiratory and urogenital tract.           2              Massachusetts          Massachusetts        Inactivated IB vaccine      6.9

                                                   Table 1. Average level of neutralising antibodies (2log) resulting from two different
            by Dr Aris Malo,                       programs against IBV Q1, Variant 2, QX, Arkansas, Mass/M41 and 793B.
          Boehringer Ingelheim,
       Vetmedica GmbH, Germany.
      www.boehringer-ingelheim.com                 different serotypes based largely on virus-        levels of antibodies and therefore long-
                                                   neutralisation (VN) tests in several               lasting immunity.
                                                   laboratory systems. IB isolates can also be          In spite of the large number of variants
  The most severe clinical signs are seen in       identified molecularly (RT-PCR and RFLP test       there are ways of improving the vaccination
chicks younger than six weeks of age. Signs        or nucleotide sequencing). Different               program in order to broaden protection.
of IB in affected birds include depression         serotypes can co-circulate in the same area        Broad protection can be provided against
and respiratory signs such as gasping,             at the same time. Some are found                   most variants using existing live and
coughing and nasal discharge; when the             worldwide, but others have a more                  inactivated IB vaccines.
kidneys are affected, birds may also have          restricted geographical spread.                      Research demonstrates that a vaccination
increased water intake. Scouring and wet             Extensive surveys reveal many different          protocol, which features vaccines of more
litter are then common findings. The               serotypes of IBV in different parts of the         than one serotype, can provide broad
mortality rate will also increase.                 world. Among the known IB serotypes, the           protection against a variety of strains. An
  IB infections in layers and breeders can         most important are the Massachusetts and           example would be a vaccination protocol
result in drops in production and poor egg         Arkansas serotypes in North America,               that includes a live IB vaccine of the
quality; in these birds, infections during the     Variant 2 in the Middle East and the Q1, QX        Massachusetts serotype plus a live vaccine
first weeks of life can result in false layers,    and 793B serotypes in Asia, Europe and other       based on a different (variant) serotype.
which are birds that look and behave like          parts of the world.                                  Broadening protection in layers and
normal hens but are unable to lay eggs.                                                               breeders is essential to safeguard egg
                                                                                                      production. This can be achieved by
                                                   Vaccination and broad protection                   administering heterologous live priming
IBV types                                                                                             followed by the use of the inactivated IB
                                                   Both live attenuated and inactivated (usually      vaccine. This was evaluated in a study in
IBV has the ability to change rapidly in           oil-adjuvanted) vaccines are used to control       which the level of neutralising antibodies
nature and new serotypes may emerge as a           IB infections.                                     against different types of IBV was measured.
result of small changes in the amino acid            It should be kept in mind that IBV strains         Neutralising antibodies have the
sequence of the S1 gene of the virus spike.        with different antigenic or genetic features       characteristic of inhibiting or neutralising
This can result in new variant viruses.            may still cross-protect in vivo, in the bird.      any effect a virus may have biologically. The
  Traditionally, IBV strains are classified into     Such is the case for the Massachusetts           higher the level of neutralising antibodies
                                                   serotype. Vaccines based on this serotype          found in the blood of immunised birds, the
                                                   provide a fairly broad spectrum of                 higher the chance of blocking the virus and
Conjunctivitis and excessive tearing of the        protection against other serotypes.                preventing the damage that results from
eyes are symptoms of IB infection.                   Nevertheless, controlling IB is challenging      infection.
                                                   because new strains of the virus continue to         As shown in Table 1, a program featuring
                                                   emerge and the development of a new                vaccination with live attenuated vaccines of
                                                   vaccine for every important pathogenic strain      the Massachusetts and 793B types resulted
                                                   is unrealistic, time consuming and costly.         in the highest average level of neutralising
                                                     Live attenuated vaccines are used both to        antibodies against different strains (Q1,
                                                   protect young chickens and also to prime           Variant 2, QX, Arkansas, Mass/M41 and 793B)
                                                   future layers and breeders prior to the            included in the study.                       n
                                                   administration of an inactivated vaccine.
                                                     Vaccination usually starts in the hatchery,
                                                   by coarse spray. The use of an inactivated                    References are available
                                                   vaccine in layers and breeders leads to high                from the author on request

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                13

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 14                                           International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
Effective antibiotic-free
broiler breeder
A       t the beginning of the last
        century, the discovery of
        antibiotics revolutionised
modern medicine. Humans found a
way to kill harmful bacteria and cure


                                                              • Competitive


                                                                                                   • Gut health improvement

                                                                                                                                     • Some are sensitive to water
                                                                                                   • Performance improvement
diseases responsible for thousands                              complete flora                                                       • No curative effect
                                                                                                   • Reduction in pathogenic
of deaths. It was soon applied to                             • Live microbial                       bacteria colonisation             Strain selection is key
food animals too. The growth of the                             supplement                         • Immunity boost
human population led to a
significant intensification of food                                                                • Can be associated with
                                                                                                     prebiotics (i.e. synbiotics)
production, making the use of
antimicrobials more frequent in both         Prebiotics       • Non-starch             Orally      • Gut health improvement          • No curative effect
animals and humans, not always in a                             polysaccharides                    • Performance improvement
sustainable manner.
                                                                                                   • Immunity boost
                                                                                                   • Can be associated with
       by Dr Olivier Leon,                                                                           probiotics (i.e. synbiotics)
     Animal Health Director,                 Phytogenics      • Essential oils,       Orally/      • Measurable in vitro efficacy    • Strong dependency on plant
        Hubbard, France.                                        plant extract          Spray       • Potential curative effect         quality (affects the
    www.hubbardbreeders.com                                                                                                            concentration in active
                                                                                                                                     • Selected part (leaves, stem,
  Through time, infections once                                                                                                        whole plant)
easily cured became more difficult
to treat, due to increasing antibiotic                                                                                               • Type of extraction
resistance (ABR). The mechanisms of          Organic acids    • Lactic,                Orally      • Measurable in vitro efficacy    • Lack of consistency
ABR have been and still are the                                 propionic,                         • Potential curative effect       • Potentially buffered in the
subject of extensive research all over                          formic etc                                                             digestive tract
the world. In that scope, the ‘One
Health’ concept is being promoted           Table 1. Short summary of alternatives for antibiotics (adapted from Gadde et al., 2017).
by international human and animal
health organisations.
  Stakeholders, from regulation             direct link to ABR as a risk in the      on maintaining a proper hygiene at         which is still under development for
bodies to industry operators, have          human food chain), clonal transfer of    farm level.                                about a week after hatching (notably
started taking major steps towards          specific resistant bacterial clones        Grandparent stock health, egg            temperature regulation: accessible
the monitoring and reduction of             through the broiler production           management, hatchery hygiene and           fresh feed and water, clean litter,
antibiotics usage. But more needs to        pyramid has been described and           control of the whole supply chain          pre-heated house, temperature and
be done on a global scale: antibiotics      shows the importance of ABR              belong to the process as well.             humidity control, light intensity, light
are still used in numerous countries        control at all levels.                     It is not the purpose of this article    uniformity and duration, ventilation
as growth promoters, a perfect                Secondly, raising broiler breeders     to describe all the steps taken            and air flows are key factors in this
example of a short-term economic            involves numerous technical              before delivery to ensure maximum          respect.
benefit with a long-term detrimental        constraints which can unbalance the      PS chick quality, but all these steps         If the above mentioned
effect.                                     bird’s homeostasis when not              have a significant impact on the           requirements are applicable to any
  It is now widely accepted that            performed appropriately.                 future breeder’s health and                type of poultry, broiler breeders do
antibiotics should only be used               This article looks at the main         susceptibility to infection.               have specific constraints which can
when animals are sick from bacteria,        points to consider.                        Assuming the above steps have            directly impact antibiotic use, as
which can be achieved with a change                                                  been fulfilled, and a fit and healthy      illustrated by the two examples
of paradigm in the way broiler                                                       day-old PS chick is delivered to a         below:
breeders (PS) are raised.                   Hygiene and husbandry                    thoroughly cleaned and disinfected         l Ad libitum feeding of a
  To achieve antibiotic-free                good practice                            house, the importance of proper            conventional broiler breeder will
production, the key prerequisite is to                                               brooding conditions in this critical       lead to very poor egg output (low
provide the most suitable                   The development of a disease in a        phase cannot be emphasised                 peak, no persistence). Feed
environment to the birds. Gut               bird is a result of the interaction      enough. All suppliers have published       restriction is therefore mandatory in
health, environmental conditions            between a pathogen (specific             extensive documentation on what            order to keep growth on a
and the promotion of birds’                 virulence or pathogenicity), the host    ideal brooding conditions are for a        controlled path leading to a
immunity are the pillars of the             (immunity, age, genetic make-up) and     specific cross or line, but they           homogenous development of sexual
strategy.                                   the environment. The ubiquitous          should always be adapted to the            maturity. Feed distribution becomes
  Unlike broilers, the broiler breeder      nature of bacteria and the structure     local conditions.                          key for that purpose. When feed
case has its specificities: Firstly, even   of poultry production make it easy         Focus should be placed on                distribution is not optimal, due to
though its economical purpose is            to understand that a reduction in        providing both quality and quantity        lack of space, low distribution speed,
not meat production (hence a less           antibiotic use does not only depend      to day-old chicks, the physiology of                        Continued on page 16

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                                 15
Continued from page 15                     performed in an accredited               l When high antimicrobial                vitro, it lacks consistency when used
inconsistent quantity or poor feed         laboratory, where the tests              resistance is observed.                  in vivo in field conditions.
structure, there will be                   sensitivity and specificity are up to    l When the same pathogen is found          Future alternatives include
consequences on gut health and             standard and cross-contaminations        flock after flock.                       bacteriophage therapy, which are
uniformity, opening the door to            are controlled. Regular laboratory         Last but not least, vaccine failure    viruses targeting specific species,
superinfections by opportunistic           tests with standardised samples          should be thoroughly investigated,       strains or serotypes of bacteria.
bacteria.                                  should be regularly conducted to         from delivery cold chain to vaccine      Though the efficiency is widely
l Male management is another               make sure there is no drift in the       storage, preparation and vaccination     documented, the spectrum is very
example. In case of artificial             performance.                             procedure, including the way animals     narrow, which is also why it is
insemination, untrained staff can          l Staff training:                        are held during the process.             extremely safe on the microbiota.
create injuries within the distal part     Observance of biosecurity protocols        Systematic blood sampling at
of the oviduct. In case of natural         is now being studied and shows that      around 20 weeks to measure
mating, mixing mature-enough males         it is one of the main potential          antibody titres is imperative to make    Conclusion
to sexually receptive females is           breaches.                                sure birds are thoroughly protected
required to avoid behaviour issues         l Contingency plan:                      and that the rearing farm staff know     An antibiotic-free strategy can only
leading to culls, scratches, over-         Biosecurity breaches do occur. The       how to perform the job correctly.        be successful if good husbandry,
mating, lameness, cellulitis and so        point is to be ready to deal with it,                                             hygiene and biosecurity practices are
on.                                        and be prepared: quarantined                                                      implemented by skilled staff.
  It appears that skilled staff, able to   shed(s), dedicated staff, arranging      Staff awareness                            Alternatives exist, and many have a
identify abnormal behaviours or            feed delivery orders, etc.                                                        preventive effect rather than a
environmental conditions, are a key                                                 Previously we have emphasised the        curative one, reinforcing the
asset in the strategy to reduce                                                     importance of empowering the farm        importance of providing a proper
antibiotic use. Mastering global           Vaccination                              managers on the fundamental              environment.
hygiene and proper breeding                                                         physiological and technical                At the broiler breeder level, the
conditions better controls                 Ensuring birds’ optimal immunity is      requirements of broiler breeders.        task is complicated by the inherent
opportunistic superinfections.             one of the keys to avoid the use of      A key parameter, called observance,      stress imposed on the bird due to
                                           antibiotics. Let’s not forget that       describes the probability of the         specific physiological and technical
                                           viruses, on top of their own             actual implementation of rules and       constraints: feed restriction, male to
Biosecurity                                virulence, can serve as a door opener    procedures.                              female behaviour and lifespan to
                                           for opportunistic bacteria: avian          The drivers to obtain observance       name a few.
Biosecurity encompasses the steps          metapneumovirus is an infamous           have been studied mostly in the            The misuse of antibiotics can lead
taken in order to prevent a pathogen       example.                                 marketing or medical field, but also     to the development of resistant
from entering the shed, from going           Vaccines will not usually prevent      in poultry biosecurity. Observance       bacteria impairing the success of sick
out of a shed or from spreading to         infections, but will dramatically        depends on education, experience,        poultry treatments. On a larger scale,
nearby sheds. It proceeds from a           reduce the clinical consequences,        motivation and personality traits.       antibiotic resistance is now
thorough analysis of the flows in and      and generally reduce shedding.             Modern poultry companies have to       considered as one of the major
out of the farm, in order to identify      Vaccination against salmonella has       invest in improving communication        threats to human health. The trend is
the potential sources of                   been a key pillar of salmonella          and training, in order to make sure      inevitable: the poultry industry and
contamination and implement the            control in some European countries       procedures are properly applied.         the whole food animal industry in
cheapest most efficient control            for example.                                                                      general have to find ways to reduce
procedure.                                   The development of autogenous                                                   and better use antibiotics.
  Potential sources include people,        vaccines has been a significant help     Alternatives to antibiotics                The global demand for ‘free of’
pests (rodents and mites),                 in the management of specific                                                     markets is on the rise, and pushes
equipment, transportation, feed,           pathogens. They consist of the           Many well-written reviews can be         the industry to adapt. Several
water, litter and surrounding              development of a custom-made             found to list products that partially    countries have identified an
environment. Because it is adapted         inactivated vaccine containing the       or totally mimic that of antibiotics.    increased risk in imported broilers or
to each specific context, there is         specific strain or multiple strains of   Table 1 is a non-exhaustive list of      broiler meat compared to locally
unfortunately no copy and paste            pathogens. There are different           available alternatives. The majority     produced products.
miracle recipe. There are however          contexts in which autogenous             of them are distributed orally, which      It is only with an integrated
three areas which should not be            vaccines can prove very useful:          emphasises the importance of gut         approach involving all stakeholders
overlooked:                                l For bacteria against which cross-      health management for the success        and policy makers that a reasonable
l Laboratory reliability:                  immunity between different strains       of an antibiotic-free strategy.          objective can be set in order to
To ensure the biosecurity plan is          (different serotypes for instance) is      Phytogenic products can also be        tackle the threat globally.          n
efficient, a regular monitoring of         not protective enough, like E. coli.     administered by spray, to specifically
significant contaminants is needed         l When commercial vaccines show          target respiratory stress. There is a
(salmonella, mycoplasma, influenza,        inconsistent results or are not          certain unanimity to admit that even            References are available
etc). This crucial step has to be          available.                               though efficiency has been proven in          from the author on request

16                                                                                          International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
breeder nests

Unique design offers smart
solution for breeder nests
The new Agromax Smart Manual           contamination. The egg belt, made
Nest (ASMN) shares most of the         from plastic, is easy to clean and the
advantages of an automatic roll away   perforations keeps the eggs apart
community nest due to its unique       and prevents them from cracking or
design.                                breaking.
                                         The Agromax Smart Manual Nest is
           agromax.nl                  made especially for markets where
                                       labour costs are low.
  Advantages include:
l Maximum production of high
quality hatching eggs.
l Minimum cracks and hair cracks.
l Minimum floor eggs.
l No need for nest bedding
material which can bring
infection with it.
                                                                                Excellent technical results provided
  The eggs are collected
from a central egg belt, which is a
                                                                                by high quality laying nests
short distance, resulting in quick
cooling of the eggs and reduced                                                 For the poultry industry, Van Gent        them off at the end of the day. This
                                                                                laying nests and slats (hardwood and      prevents broody hens and soiled
                                                                                plastic) are known for their high         nests, and the benefit is clean eggs.
                                                                                quality and durability.                   With the unique two part expulsion
Enhanced welfare with unique                                                      The products are fully designed in
                                                                                order to balance efficiency of use,
                                                                                                                          fence, the entire nest surface can be
                                                                                                                          used, which results in a familiar and
shape of automatic nest system                                                  while promoting the natural
                                                                                behaviour of the birds.
                                                                                                                          comfortable place to lay eggs.
                                                                                                                          l Open Astro-Turf mat ensures that
                                                                                  This approach is visibly rewarded       the nests stay free of dust and
The Tavsan Comfort + automatic           Thanks to the specific design the      in the excellent production results       droppings.
nest has a unique shape that is        breeders cannot reach the eggs after     achieved.                                 l Two separate egg belts of 25cm
completely different from              they are laid so damage to the eggs                                                makes the roll distance as short as
conventional automatic nests on the    is avoided.                                        vangentnl.com                   possible and limits cracked shells to
market.                                  Advantages include:                                                              a minimum. The nests are available
                                       l Nest with high air volume (0.42m³         The structure of the laying nests is   with woven or perforated egg belts.
           tavsan.com                  per cell).                               simple. They are stable as well as        l The roof of the laying nest is
                                       l Slat heights can be manufactured       easy to clean and, because of the         partly hinged for nest inspection.
  Due to the specially constructed     in 300, 350, and 400mm according to      design, they have an easy and             Another portion of the roof can be
design there is far more air volume    customer preference.                     modular assembly system.                  lifted off for inspection of the egg
and a wider area that greatly          l Up to 50% labour saving.                  Features of the Van Gent Standard      belt.
contributes to bird welfare during     l Improved hygiene.                      nest include:                             l The egg belt cover prevents
egg laying.                            l Number of cracked eggs are kept        l Film faced plywood ensures easy         draughts in the laying nest as well as
  The Tavsan Comfort + is almost       at a minimum level.                      cleaning and guarantees a long            dust soiling the belt and eggs.
completely made of plastic             l Specially selected shape and           lifespan.                                    Van Gent automatic roll away
materials, which is the other          colour for less floor eggs.              l The nest is characterised as user-      laying nests are a successful concept
important difference from existing     l High litter quality.                   friendly and easy and quick to            from a company with over 45 years
automatic nests on the market. This    l Eggs can be collected any time         assemble.                                 of practical experience. The nests
all virgin plastic structure makes     during the day.                          l The expulsion system removes            are available in different
Tavsan Comfort + far more durable      l The expel system prevents the          the hens from the nests and closes        configurations.
in the long term, prevents bacterial   birds sleeping in the nest during the
growth forming on the integral side    night. This offers more clean eggs.
walls and adds flexibility and         l The nest top is hinged so that the
strength to the body.                  user can open and check inside the
                                          nest at any time.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                         17
Group and single-hole nest systems
                                                        for breeders
                                                        For those desiring a group nesting       provides a sturdy, quiet environment
                                                        solution, Chore-Time offers its          for birds that is easier to clean and
                                                        Valego nest system for breeders,         more bacteria resistant than a plastic
                                                        which features a sturdy, quiet, clean    or steel construction. Its ability to
                                                        and spacious environment in which        quickly dissipate moisture also
                                                        breeders thrive.                         makes it an ideal material for use in
                                                                                                 nest systems.
                                                                 choretime.com                     For those who prefer an individual-
                                                                                                 hole nest, Chore-Time also offers its
                                                          Valego nests include Chore-Time’s      side- and centre-belt nests. The
                                                        patented Rack-Drive Expulsion (RDE)      nests are available with two nest
              E  AY                                     system for superior egg protection,      hole widths, 24 or 30cm, providing
            IB                                          helping a higher percentage of eggs      flexibility in matching the hole size
           R    D
        BS TO
          C                                             reach the egg belt safely versus         to the bird size for increased bird
       U                                                floor-lift systems.                      comfort.
      S    E
       LIN                                                With the Valego System, Chore-
                                                        Time’s egg belts, expeller and
                                                                                                   Chore-Time’s side- and centre-belt
                                                                                                 nests feature hinged galvanised nest
     ON                                                 controls comprise a total egg
                                                        collection system that ensures a safe
                                                                                                 lids to help with training hens not to
                                                                                                 roost in the nests. An automated lid-
                                                        trip for the egg from the hen to the     closing kit permits scheduled
                                                        collection table. A control unit         operation of the nest lids for cleaner
                                                        programs the daily opening and           nest bottoms and cleaner eggs.
                                                        closing of the expeller to optimise        Nest lids can be winched manually
                                                        the period when hens have access to      or using a whole-house control such
                                                        the nests.                               as Chore-Time’s Chore-Tronics 3
                                                          The control also initiates slight      controller.
                                                        movement of the expeller during            A natural step-up slat is
                                                        egg collection, which permits birds      incorporated on the side- and
                                                        to stay in the nests, while helping to   centre-belt nests’ egg tray cover to
                                                        prevent accidental bird damage to        ease entry to the nest. Side-belt
                                                        the eggs.                                nests also include hinged egg tray
                                                          The RDE system is strong enough        covers for easy access to the egg
      The targeted publication for                      to eject any dead birds. It
                                                        significantly reduces labour needs,
                                                                                                 belt when needed. Collection tables
                                                                                                 are available for both side- and
        professionals seeking the                       which helps to reduce production
                                                        costs, while also minimising the
                                                                                                 centre-belt models.
                                                                                                   When used with Chore-Time’s
            latest global technical                     burden of finding employees in
                                                        tough labour environments.
                                                                                                 innovative feeding, drinking and
                                                                                                 climate control systems, Chore-
                       information                        The walls and roofs of Valego
                                                        nests are made with durable, A-
                                                                                                 Time’s group and individual-hole
                                                                                                 nesting systems provide an ideal
                                                        grade, film-faced plywood, which         solution for breeder production.

                                                                                                                 To feature
                      For more details please contact
                                                                                                              your products
                 www.positiveaction.co.uk                                                                Contact: +44 1377 241724

18                                                               International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
breeder nests

The perfect group laying nest
for broiler breeders
Big Dutchman’s group laying nest        l Clever, wood-free nest design for
Relax was developed specifically for    optimal hygiene and cleaning.
broiler breeders. It helps maintain a   l Use of high-quality materials,
high hygienic standard. The eggs’       perforated nest insert made of
roll-off distance from the nest to      plastic.
the longitudinal egg belt is very       l Easy to clean with minimal labour
short.                                  requirements.
                                        l Simple and almost screw-less
        bigdutchman.de                  plug-in design for quick and easy
  Another feature is the automatic      l Solid nest legs made of plastic.
and reliable nest-closing system for    No danger of corrosion.
the night that keeps hens from          l Manure pit with plastic slats for
sleeping and brooding inside the
nest – and therefore from soiling it.
                                        healthy feet, good manure
                                        penetration, and thorough cleaning.
                                                                                Winchable nest system for broiler
  The divided roof with anti-roost
rocker permits optimal monitoring
                                          To improve hygiene inside the
                                        house, part of the house should be
                                                                                breeder housing
of the nest and the egg belt. The       used as a manure pit and equipped
special nest insert made of plastic     with slats made of plastic. These       A hen has the natural desire to            The Grando Condor suits both
has a comfortable surface easily        plastic slats, specially developed by   breed. To enhance her chance for         natural and tunnel ventilated houses.
accepted by the hens.                   Big Dutchman, have the following        offspring she will look for a safe,      The layout is comparable to a layout
  With the Relax nest, Big Dutchman     advantages:                             clean and sheltered place to lay her     for manual nest boxes. It exists of
provides ideal conditions for a high    l Comfortable and soft for the          eggs. She will demonstrate this same     two rows of nest-blocks and
share of hatching eggs, and thus for    birds and the secure foothold           behaviour in a breeder house.            walkovers. The change from manual
successful broiler breeder              facilitates fertilisation.                                                       to automatic egg collecting system
production.                             l No sharp edges or corners so no            vencomaticgroup.com                 will be a small change in
  Advantages of the Relax nest          danger of injury and chest bruises.                                              management.
include:                                l Very small surface, similar to wire     For successful hatching egg              The winchable nesting system
l Excellent hatching egg quality, low   flooring for optimum manure             production it is therefore essential     facilitates bird training and cleaning
percentage of cracked and hair-         penetration; the slats stay clean       to create the conditions that allow      of the house and nesting system in
cracked eggs.                           throughout the batch.                   this behaviour. A comfortable and        between rounds. All these features
                                                                                clean nest that fits the natural         result in better economic
                                                                                behaviour of a hen is essential.         performances and lower operational
                                                                                  Vencomatic Group has launched a        costs.
                                                                                new nest type for broiler breeders,        All Vencomatic nests are equipped
                                                                                the Grando Condor. The Grando            with a unique tipping floor. The
                                                                                Condor is the winchable nest system      tipping floor mechanism pushes out
                                                                                for broiler breeder housing. This nest   the birds to prevent broodiness and
                                                                                is especially developed for hot,         soiling of the nest. It also makes dust
                                                                                severe climate conditions. Its strong    and dirt fall down leaving a clean
                                                                                solid construction and choice of         nesting area. The tipping floor, in
                                                                                materials together with the unique       combination with the special
                                                                                features of a Vencomatic nest ensure     Vencomat flooring, provides security
                                                                                optimal hatching egg quality.            for perfect egg quality.

                                                                                        HATCHING EGG WASHERS
l Low nest entrance height. High        l No contact surface between the
nest acceptance, fewer eggs on the      slats for prevention of hotbeds for             HATCHER TRAY WASHERS
floor.                                  mites and other vermin.
l Nest depth of 47cm. Short rolling-    l Quick and easy assembly.                  COUNTERS-SEPARATORS-UNSTACKERS
off distance and gentle egg               Another great new feature is the
transport.                              nest-integrated bird scale Nesca.
l Egg channel available in two          When the hens visit the nest to lay
widths: 400 or 500mm or with            their eggs, their weight is now
divided egg belt (2 x 200mm).           determined during this visit.
l Automatic and reliable nest-            Whether the hens are heavy, light
closing system for the night. High      or lazy, Nesca measures the weight
functional reliability, low             of nearly all females.                                         KUHL CORP.
maintenance requirements.                 Without any additional effort,
l Divided and very light nest roof      farmers can thus record a very large          FLEMINGTON, NJ 08822 – USA
for optimal monitoring of nest and      weight range of the birds in their         www.kuhlcorp.com                             hyk@kuhlcorp.com
egg belt.                               flock.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                         19
Co-hosted by Positive Action Publications Ltd and VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific

                  WE ARE EVOLVING

                            NEW                                   13-15th
                            DATES                              January 2020
      Day 1                              Day 2                                 Day 3

                                     Single Species Sessions               Single Species Sessions
Opening Ceremony
                                   Management 1                          Management 2

Keynote Presentations                Mini Symposium 2
                                                                           Single Species Sessions

                                                                              Health 2                NEW
         Lunch                              Lunch

  Single Species Sessions            Single Species Sessions
   Nutrition 1                          Health 1
                                     Single Species Sessions
 Mini Symposium 1
                                      Nutrition 2

                                                               AVANI Riverside
                        VENUE                                   Bangkok Hotel
                                                                Bangkok, Thailand

4. Using the right breed for the right market
                                                                                                            by Paul Kelly, Kelly Turkeys. www.kellybronze.co.uk

W          hat is currently happening in the turkey breeder world? As in all
           livestock sectors the advances in turkey breeding over the past
           50 years has been phenomenal. The industry has done a
spectacular job in producing affordable quality meat in the most efficient
way possible. The continuous increase in growth rates year on year brings
with it some challenges for some of the various sectors of the turkey

  The international turkey breeders     l Stage 3:
are, of course, breeding for the        Skeletal growth.
mainstream world market, which is
for deboning into turkey primal cuts    l Stage 4:
for further processing.                 Muscle development.
  There are though various markets
in the world that require whole birds   l Stage 5:                                Fig. 2. Many turkeys are killed when
and crowns and saddles for seasonal     Laying down of fat.                       they are simply the right weight and
markets. In world terms they are                                                  not when they are ready to eat!
niche, but of course important for        As the commercial turkey has been
the countries that have these whole     bred for processing and meat
bird markets.                           stripping at heavy weights the result     quality carcase weights at under 6kg
  These whole carcase markets           is a bird that reaches popular whole      then a smaller slower growing breed
require a breed that produces a         carcase weights at a very young age.      is needed to supply a good quality
quality carcase at popular table          Currently in most markets the           carcase. The pictures in Fig. 1 show
weights. Popular eviscerated carcase    females from standard large breeds        the differences.
weights for the whole bird fresh        are used to produce whole carcase           The turkey industry needs to
market are 3.5-6.0kg.                   and bone-in crowns and saddles.           accept that in order to keep and
  The whole carcase requires              The females take between 9-11           maintain the whole carcase market
different selection pressures and       weeks to get to these popular             then it must not supply a product
parameters to those for the further     weights; the male just 7-10 weeks.        that is not fit for purpose. Many
processing market.                        In my opinion killing turkeys at this   turkeys are killed when they are
  To understand why different           age produces a product that is            simply the right weight and not
breeds are needed for the whole         simply not good enough and gives          when they are ready to eat!              smaller breeds supplies, in most
carcase market a simple lesson in       turkey a bad reputation for eating          The pictures in Fig. 2 highlight       cases, the perfect weight profile and
physiology is needed.                   quality. The turkey is still in stage     these differences.                       therefore does not lead to the waste
  There are five main stages of         three of development and is just a                                                 and perceived welfare issue of
development in all species:             bag of bones.                                                                      destroying surplus off sex.
                                          The large breeds were dual              NOTES
l Stage 1:                              purpose in many ways in that the                                                   l The costs of production are
Development of blood supply and         male was perfect for further              l To supply these whole bird             slightly higher but the reduction in
nervous system.                         processing and the female was             markets in the volumes needed in         downgrades in the factory (broken
                                        perfect for the whole carcase             the seasonal peak weeks requires         wings are not an issue) and the lower
l Stage 2:                              market.                                   more females than males. So more         mortality of the smaller breeds more
Development of vital organs.              This has changed and to produce         eggs are set to supply the females       than compensates for the slight
                                                                                  and the males are, in many cases,        increase in live weight costs.
                                                                                  surplus to requirements so therefore
Fig. 1. To produce good quality carcase weights at under 6kg, then a smaller      destroyed.                               l Using the smaller breeds gives a
slower growing breed is needed.                                                                                            much larger meat to bone ratio. Fig. 3
                                                                                  l An as-hatched program using            shows 50% more breast meat.        n

                                                                                  Fig. 3. Using the smaller breeds gives a much larger meat to bone ratio.

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                          21
22   International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4
Providing the ideal
environment to maximise
laying potential
T     he industry has seen a large
      increase in the construction of
      modern environmentally
controlled houses across regions
where open sided housing was the
                                            With ever increasing numbers of
                                          broiler breeders being placed in
                                          regions of the world with high
                                          summer temperatures, the approach
                                          to providing the ideal environment
norm, especially in the tropical          to maximise production should be
regions of the world. One of the          focused on the nesting, house
primary reasons for these changes in      structure and environmental control
housing is the need for higher levels     systems.
of biosecurity, especially in countries
with high concentrations of both
commercial and domestic poultry           Improving labour utilisation
and ongoing outbreaks of diseases
such as avian influenza.                  The adoption of mechanical
                                          community nest systems across the
                                          industry is being driven by the need
        by Andrew Bourne                  to improve labour utilisation and
           Cobb, USA.                     biosecurity, which in turn has led to
      www.cobb-vantress.com               increases in stocking densities from
                                          4.5 to 5.0-6.5 hens/m².
                                            Higher stocking densities means       Minimise the height difference between the ceiling and the slat scratch
  The drive for ever higher levels of     higher house heat loads and pressure    areas. The lower the difference the better the airspeed distribution. The
efficiency and rising labour costs, has   on ventilation systems to maintain      lower the pitch on the roof or drop ceiling the better.
seen the broiler breeder housing and      hen comfort and welfare. These
equipment industry continue to            higher stocking densities require
develop, introducing modern               more efficient ventilation systems in   The assumption still prevails that in a   most important aspect of any new
technologies in line with trends in       both the hot and cold seasons.          hot climate insulation is not             broiler breeder house and insulation
modern management, commun-                  Furthermore, the mechanical           important and the benefits do not         choice is critical to optimise bird
ication and ventilation systems.          nesting and feeding systems have        outweigh the high cost.                   comfort and welfare.
  As expected with these                  unique ventilation requirements due                                                 The vast majority of tunnel
developments, early adoption has          to their influence on air movement      l Lack of perimeter inlets for            ventilated broiler breeder houses in
been in markets such as Europe and        dynamics.                               minimum and transition ventilation.       most tropical or sub-tropical regions
North America, with their                   Many new investment decisions                                                   of the world will have a non-
historically high labour and utility      are often made without taking into      l Inadequate static pressure              insulated drop ceiling, constructed
costs, which easily justified             full consideration the high levels of   controls due to poor sealing of           of sheet metal or plastic.
investment in and adoption of these       environment control needed to           houses – often through poor                 While this design helps to reduce
modern technologies.                      ensure optimum bird performance.        roof/ceiling and curtain installations.   solar heat penetration and affords
  Due to the market volatility              Some common mistakes, especially                                                small amounts in terms of insulation
experienced by most poultry               in tropical countries to reduce                                                   value compared to an uninsulated
growers in many of the developing         investment costs, include:              Total heat load                           open truss metal roof, the
countries financial constraints                                                                                             advantages of insulation cannot be
continue to limit access to improved      l Poor or no insulation in either the   The total heat load in any broiler        understated.
equipment and housing designs.            roof or on top of the drop ceiling.     breeder house is a function of how          The thermal image in Fig. 1 is of a
                                                                                  much heat is transferred to the           house under construction with a
                                                                                  house through the building surfaces,      plastic drop ceiling installed below
Fig. 1. Thermal image of a house under construction.                              the heat entering via the ventilation     the metal roof with some insulation
                                                                                  system and most importantly the           material already in place. The
                                                                                  amount of metabolic heat produced         thermal image spot temperatures Sp1
   Measurements                                                                   by the birds.                             and Sp2 are intended to illustrate
                                                                                    Heat flows through surfaces from        the value in terms of surface
    Sp1      30.5˚C                                                               hot to cold, entering the house           temperature reduction of the
                                                                                  through the ceiling, side walls and       insulated versus non-insulated
                                                                                  curtains. The higher the resistance to    surfaces: Sp1 (no insulation) 30.5°C
    Sp2      26.6˚C                                                               flow or higher the R value of the         compared to Sp2 26.6°C.
                                                                                  surface, the lower the emissivity. As       These lower surface temperatures
    Sp3      25.6˚C                                                               well as entering the house through        indicate significantly improved
                                                                                  all surfaces, heat is also produced by    insulation or heat transfer. During
                                                                                  the birds which is by far the greatest    hot days this differential will be even
    Sp4      27.4˚C                                                               contributors to heat load in a well-      more extreme.
                                                                                  designed and insulated tunnel house.        A broiler breeder house in a hot
                                                                                    The roof is probably the single                          Continued on page 24

International Hatchery Practice • Volume 33 Number 4                                                                                                           23
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