Page created by Jessie Vega
Pre-Season Meeting For Student-
Athletes and Parents

   Jill Green- Principal, jhgreen@rcps.us
   Mark Eubank- Athletic Director, meubank@rcps.us

   There will be a link to a form at the end of the PowerPoint that both the
    parent/guardian and athlete must sign.
Why this Meeting?

   This is simply an informational meeting for the upcoming winter sports
   This does not ensure your son/daughter will make the team they are
    trying out for.
Rschool/Activity Scheduler Access

   https://www.blueridgedistrictva.org/g5-bin/client.cgi?G5genie=358
   Click on the School you want to look up.
   The View Schedules tab is on the right side of the web-page.
   Click on the respective schedule you would like to view.
   Click on the view tab.
   You will be taken to a PDF format of the schedule.
   If you click on the Notify Me tab underneath the view schedules tab, you
    can sign-up to receive updates to schedules as I make them.
Northside Athletic Booster Club

   $20 fee to join the booster club.
   They have helped contribute items purchased from last year and this fall
    such as, but not limited to, Volleyball Equipment for NMS, Field Dedication
    sign for Lynn Richmond, Track Equipment for NHS, and State Tournament
Athletic Trainer

   Certified Athletic Trainer- Ricky LaPradd
        Concussion Protocol
        ATC       Coach            Athletic Director

   Must be cleared by a doctor/physician and meet the return to play
    protocol before participating.

     562-3900 Ext. 33029
Forms to Complete

   Consent to Treat Form- will be kept on file by the respective coach.

   Packet from Roanoke County.
        Tear out the last page and turn in to your coach or Mr. Eubank.
Winter Sports Head Coaching Staff

   Head Coaching Staff
       Sideline Cheerleading- Desirae Bowles
       Indoor Track- Kristin Hunt
       Boys Basketball- Bill Pope
       Girls Basketball- Corrie Cromer
       Swimming- Madison Williams
       Wrestling- Tyler Deacon
Seasons Lay-out

   Basketball and Sideline Cheer- officially begin on December 7th
   Wrestling, Indoor Track, and Swimming- officially begin on December 14th

   Minimum Practice Requirements (Individual not as a team)
        Basketball- 8
        Sideline Cheer- 20
        Indoor Track- 8
        Swim and Dive- 8
        Wrestling- 8
Seasons Lay-Out Continued

   Maximum Number of Regular Season Contests
       Basketball-14
       Indoor Track- 6
       Sideline Cheer- N/A
       Swim and Dive- 6
       Wrestling- 8

       Visit the VHSL website to see exact dates for beginning and end of the season
        including the postseason.
Student Athlete Participation

   Academic Eligibility- Take 5/Pass 5 for Groups 1, 2, and 3. Online
    Academy must pass 3 and take a minimum of 3. The online academy
    is on a 4 x 4 schedule compared to the A/B schedule for Groups 1, 2,
    and 3.
   School standing- student behavior/discipline record
   VHSL Age Restriction (28A-1-1)
       Shall not have reached the age of 19 on or before the August 1st.
   Physical- must be dated May 1, 2020 or after.
   Enrollment- must be enrolled at NHS/ resident or tuition paying
NCAA Eligibility

   Grade 9
       Ask you counselor for a list of your high school’s NCAA core courses to make
        sure to take the right classes.

   Grade 10
       Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
       https://web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3/
NCAA Eligibility

   Grade 11
       Check with your counselor to make sure you will graduate on time with the required
        number of NCAA core courses.
       Take the ACT and SAT and submit your scores to the NCAA using code 9999.
       At the end of the year, ask your counselor to upload your official transcript to the
        NCAA eligibility center.
   Grade 12
       Finish your last NCAA core courses.
       Take the ACT or SAT again.
       After your graduate, ask your counselor to submit your final official transcript with your
        proof of graduation to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Parent Contact with Coaches and

   Coaches are to be addressed first about issues involving students,
    preferably by the student themselves.
   If an understanding between parties at this level cannot be met, then the
    Athletic Director should be contacted. The Athletic Director will ensure
    that the first steps in this process have been followed.
   The Principal will only get involved in matters pertaining to athletics when
    the issues have been addressed by the Athletic Director. The Principal will
    also ensure that these steps have been followed.
Team vs. Athletic Department Rules

   Coaches will have the opportunity to set their own team rules.
   These will not be the same across the board between sports. Coaches
    should be allowed to run their program as they see fit.
   The coach is responsible for communicating these rules and enforcing
    these rules.
Playing Time/ Team Roles/ Conversation

   At no point will a coach or Athletic Director speak on these 3 areas:
        Playing Time
        Coaching Philosophy
        Another student-athlete
   24 Hour Rule

   Athletes are to ride the school activity bus to and from athletic events.
   Exceptions could be made to this if there is a written agreement between
    coach and parent(s).
   At no time should a student athlete drive themselves to an away athletic
        No driving of other athletes to events either.
   If the coach sets up a rule that they must ride the bus then this will be in
*Transportation arrangements are subject to change based on location of
events, JV and Varsity contests and away school policies.*

   Coaches are to supervise students at all times.
   Rules that apply to school travel also carry over to athletic travel.
   School disciplinary action is one of many consequences for poor behavior.
Roanoke County Return to Play

   The Roanoke County Schools Web-site has documents for:
   1) Roanoke-Alleghany Health District Return to Play Criteria.
   2) RCPS Return to Play Guidance (In-Season).
   3) RCPS Return to Play Guidance (Out of Season).

   Please check this frequently as it may change.
   https://www.rcps.us/domain/1613
Virginia High School League (VHSL)

   Please visit the VHSL web-site to look for information pertaining to athletics
    or academic activities.
   The Updated Guidelines for Return to Play (RTP) are located on the web-
    site in PDF form. These have been updated as of November 24th.
        Expectations of spectators can also be found in this document.
   https://www.vhsl.org/
Sportsmanship Rules (VHSL)

   27-11-1 SPORTSMANSHIP RULE-Member schools are required to conduct all
    their relations with other schools in a spirit of good sportsmanship. Acts
    which are prima facie evidence of failure to abide by this rule are those
    which are noted below and others of a similar nature which transgress the
    usually accepted code for good sportsmanship. All incidents of conduct
    relating to either athletic or academic activities that are violations of the
    Sportsmanship Rule must be reported to the Virginia High School League.
Transfer Rule (VHSL)

   28A-7-1 TRANSFER RULE-The student shall not have enrolled in one high school and
    subsequently transferred to and enrolled in another high school without a corresponding
    change in the residence of his/her parents, parent, or guardian. The original residence
    must be abandoned as a residence, that is sold, rented or otherwise disposed of as a
    residence, and must not be used as a residence by the immediate family. The entire
    family must make the change and take with them the household goods and furniture
    appropriate to the circumstances. The change must be made with the intent that it is
    permanent. The sending and receiving VHSL school principals are required to complete
    and file the VHSL Transfer Form, acknowledging that to the best of their knowledge the
    student has met all aspects of the transfer rule or its exceptions. Home instruction does not
    constitute enrollment in a public school. Home schooling is a process through which
    Virginia Code compulsory education requirements may be met, as is private schooling.
    Home schooling is the equivalent of school enrollment for Transfer Rule purposes and
    determining whether the student has met Scholarship Rule requirements of having passed
    five academic subjects recognized by the Virginia Department of Education in the most
    recent prior semester.
NHS Athletic Handbook/County
   These are merely a highlight of some important items/updated items.
        In School Suspension and Out of School Suspension- no participation in
         events or practices those days.
        Quitting a team- will not be permitted to switch to another team or
         attend workouts with a team of a different season until the team they
         quit completes their season.
        Misdemeanor/Felony Charges and Substance Abuse Violations.
             Please refer to Roanoke County packet.
        Accidental Insurance Plans (Can pick up from Mr. Eubank or contact
         Roanoke County School Finance Department.
             https://www.rcps.us/Page/2747
Admission to Events

   All events that require admission will be $5. We are limited to a maximum
    of 25 spectators per event until further notice.
   Post-season play prices determined by sport and number of games at the
   Ticket prices are non-negotiable and re-entry is not allowed.

*All spectators will be required to wear a mask during the duration of the
*All spectators, participants, and officials will be required to go through a
screening process when attending games.
*Determining attendance procedures at games will be done at a later date.
NCAA Clearing House and NAIA

   NCAA Eligibility Center
        https://web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3/

   Play NAIA
        https://www.playnaia.org/

     These provide the college-bound student-athlete with an understanding of the
     requirements to participate in college athletics.
Google Form (Link)

   Attached is the link to the Google Form that must be completed to get
    credit for viewing the PowerPoint.
   The student-athlete and parent/guardian must view this PowerPoint.
   If you are a multi-season/sport athlete, you may have to view a
    PowerPoint again this school year. This will be decided at a later time.

   https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=vbuA6IRezkqzXK3l
Thank You

      Mark Eubank
    Athletic Director
(540) 562-3900 Ext. 23020

  Northside Athletics
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