News Update - Marist Football Club

Page created by Darryl Barnes
News Update - Marist Football Club
Edition 6, 8 September 2017

                                         News Update

 Football Club

 Venue: Marist
 Newman College
 Sports Complex
 Date: Wednesday 13th
 Time: 6.30pm

The club needs to fill the
following positions for season
                                                  Marist Year 5 Blue Team enjoying the awards night
- Merchandise Sales Manager
- Marketing and
Communications Coordinator            Marist Juniors wrap up season
- Social Secretary
- Sponsorship assistants          Marist Junior teams ended the footy         There will be more presentations to
Nominations can be made           season on a high note last week,            people who have played a significant
directly to John/Jack Penniment   with their Annual Awards Night held         number of games for the club during
at        at the Clubrooms.                           the Marist Seniors Awards night on
                                                                              Friday 15th September. (Full Juniors
                                  Team trophies and photos were               report on page 4)
Marist Seniors                    handed out to all players in the
Awards Night                      Junior age group, with everyone
………………………….                       very happy to be going home with a
                                  momento of their season.
 Venue: Marist Clubrooms
 Date: Friday 15th
                                  A special presentation was made to
                                  Jack Penniment who coaches the
 Time: 6.30pm
                                  Year 6 team alongside Jaxon Creed.
                                  Jack was given the Price Medal for
                                  playing 150 games for the club,
                                  which will serve as inspiration to the
                                  Juniors as they move through the
                                  ranks. The medal was presented to
                                  him by Club President, John/Jack
                                  Penniment, who happens to be his            John/Jack Penniment presenting his son,
                                  Dad.                                        Jack with the Price Medal.
News Update - Marist Football Club
Support our teams
                                                                                in the finals

                                                                            Marist Black Year 8 V Carine Cats
                                                                            Preliminary Final
                                                                            Sunday 10 Sept - 10am
                                                                            A.S Luketina Reserve

                                                                            Marist Year 9 V Claremont Tigers
                                                                            Preliminary Final
                                                                            Sunday 10 Sept - 11am
                                                                            Claremont Oval
              The Year 11s playing Wanneroo

                                                                            Marist Year 10 V TBA
   Finals fever abounds for                                                 Grand Final
         the Youthies                                                       Sunday 17 Sept - Time TBA
                                                                            Claremont Oval
Congratulations to the Yr 8s, 9s and 10s for their
qualification into the finals rounds. Last weekend saw the
Yr 10s continue their rampaging year with a great win
over North Beach in their 2nd semi final to move straight             Marist coaches in the
into the grand final. The Yr 8s and 9s went down in the              running for top awards
their respective 2nd semi finals and will play this week in
the preliminary finals. Be sure to give all the support you   All but 3 coaches and assistants (who are in finals) are now
can to both teams.                                            putting their feet up wondering what they are going to do
To our other teams who have finished for the year, well       with their spare time and Sundays.
done on completing another season of our great game.
Our Yr 11 team narrowly missed out on making the finals,      A rest well deserved by all of our coaches.
with the Yr 7s and 12s having a hard fought season
without a great deal of success.                              The passion and leadership shown by coaches at the junior
                                                              trophy night shows the Marist spirit is in safe hands for the
As this will be my last newsletter I would like to thank      future.
everyone who has helped make running the youth
division so easy. I am not going to name everyone as I        Four of our
will miss someone for sure. To all the coaches and            coaches are also
managers thank you once again for your commitment. I          finalists in the
still remember all my junior football coaches to this day     district Coach of
and I am sure you have created a lasting impression on        the Year Awards.
your teams. To all the parents thank you for your             We wish Josh
assistance every week to make sure we have someone            Murphy (Auskick) ,
for all the jobs required to make the day happen. All the     Amy Woods
best                                                          (Girls), Scott
                                                              Prentice (Youth)
Dave Creed - Vice President - Youth
                                                              and Jaxon Creed
                                                              (Young Achiever
                                                              Award) all the best
                                                              when the winners
                                                              are announced on
                                                              Friday 22nd

                                                              Grant Hankinson
                                                              Coach                     Jaxon Creed nominated for Young
                                                              Coordinator - Juniors     Achiever Award
News Update - Marist Football Club
Wright Real Estate/
            Bob Taylor
      Volunteer of the Month

                Pam Benetti

                                                       West Coast Eagles stars putting the Marist Girls through drills was
                                                       definitely a season highlight.

                                                           Marist Girls celebrate a
                                                              successful year
                                                        The girls footy season was capped off on Friday 1st
                                                        September with the end of season windup. This was
                                                        great recognition for the players, parents, coaches,
                                                        managers and helpers of the junior and youth girls
                                                        teams following another successful year of Marist Girls

                                                        The night included trophy presentations to all the girls
                                                        followed by the very first presentation of Best and Fairest
                                                        and Runner(s) up in the Youth Girls inaugural year. Big
Pam Benetti has worked tirelessly for the club for      congratulations to Anastasia Berti who was named Youth
many years, and filled a number of roles.               Girls Best and Fairest player; congratulations also to joint
                                                        Runners Up Mikala Tutungis and Jayne Danaher. Well
She’s currently the Club Manager Co-ordinator on        done to all the junior and youth girls for doing the club
the Marist Committee, and was responsible for
                                                        proud in 2017.
putting together a user-friendly Team Manager
Manual. This has proven very beneficial as the role     Big news on the Marist Girls footy front; the coaches of
can be quite complex and technical.                     the Junior and Youth Girls teams, Amy Woods and Scott
                                                        Prentice respectively, have both been named as finalists
Pam is no stranger to the issues of Team Manager        in the 2017 Awards of Excellence for the Claremont
and has experienced them first hand as the              District! Amy is nominated for Female Coach of the Year
Manager for her son, Jake’s team (Yr 11). She’s
                                                        and Scott for Youth Coach of the Year, they will both
filled that role for three years.
                                                        attend the Metro North Region Awards of Excellence
                                                        presentation night on 22nd September. All at Marist wish
In addition to this, Pam is also the Club Secretary,
and has been a great support to President John          them both the best of luck and congratulate them on
Penniment over the last year.                           their tireless contribution to girls footy.

                                                        With the girls footy over for another year we are all ready
We thank Pam for the many hours she has
                                                        looking forward to continuing the great momentum at
dedicated to the club since her son was in
                                                        the club into 2018. If you are keen on being a part of
Auskick! Congratulations on your award.
                                                        girls footy for 2018 please express interest to Dale at
News Update - Marist Football Club
Fun at Auskick Awards Day
                                                          The end of the 2017 season for Auskick was a fantastic
                                                          day with players dressed up in team coloured costumes.
                                                          Coaches also got into it with some unique outfits for the
                                                          day, a great way to finish the season with fun, laughter and
                                                          some great footy!

                                                          As part of the wind up festivities, appreciation was
                                                          extended to the boys Adam Raas and Jason Afflick for
                                                          manning the BBQ all season, they did an incredible job in
                                                          cooking around 400 sausages each week with the help of
                                                          volunteer parents. Including the Friday Gala Day and
                                                          wind up where all the kids got a free snag and drink from
                                                          the club, the boys cooked a whopping 6000 sausages for
                                                          the season. We sincerely thank you.
    Marist Juniors end the
     season a high note                                   Josh Murphy received the Peter O’Dea Volunteer of the
                                                          Year trophy, for his amazing effort as a committee member
                                                          and for his great assistance to me in my role as Auskick
The Junior Trophy night was held on Friday 1              Coordinator. The Spirit of Marist award this year went to
September, where all players from Year 3 to 6             the Year 1 Giants, all dressed to impressed in orange,
celebrated the end of season. It was a great              including the coach. This inaugural award recognises the
opportunity for everyone to get together and talk         core values of Marist – Mates Always Respect Inspire Strive
over the season that was and to acknowledge the           Team.
                                                          The Year 3s moved into Junior Football this year across
All teams across all year levels showed exceptional       the district, with modified rules and home and away
development throughout the season and the club            games each week. Learning game plans, skills and
and coaches are looking forward to next season for        positions rather than three zones, tackling and a bigger
this to continue.                                         grounds were a lot of changes for them to take in, but they
                                                          all did extremely well and loved the experience. I was very
On behalf of the club I would like to thank everyone      proud of all the players for their efforts and skills they have
who committed their time and effort to make 2017          shown this year.
another successful season. All our coaches and
managers committed numerous hours behind the              With the end of my time with Auskick - after coaching for
scenes, at training and on game day to ensure teams       four years, coaching coordinator for two years and Auskick
had a wonderful experience.                               Coordinator this year - I want to thank all the parents,
A huge thank you to all our committee for their           committee and
tireless work and to our parents for volunteering their   the club for their
time to run the canteen, goal umpire, run water and       amazing support
all the other jobs required to make game day              and time they all
happen.                                                   put in to ensure
                                                          Marist is the
To our Year 6 teams, all the best in your transition to   most successful
Year 7 and Youth Football and playing for                 Auskick club in
premiership points in 2018.                               WA. All the best
                                                          for 2018!
To all players and parents, enjoy the break from early
Sunday mornings while you can because before we
know it, it will be footy season again!                   David Bornmann
Matt Mazzuchelli                                          Coordinator
Vice President – Juniors
News Update - Marist Football Club
Farewell from the President                                                                           John/Jack
              Time to say good-bye                                                                    Penniment
We’ve had another successful season which has been                                                    0439 988 533
reflected in the the number of players in Auskick,
Juniors and Youth. Here are some highlights ..

Numbers in this age group are very strong and I’d like
to thank David Bornman and his team for their fantastic
efforts in coordinating Auskick. The Year 3 competition      Footy Champs
has also started its transition into junior footy and will   Footy champs had another great year for our special
be fully incorporated into juniors in 2018. Juniors will     needs players. While the rain got in the way of a few
then be Years 3 to 6 for 2018.                               nights, we all had fun. Thank you to my assistant coaches
                                                             Oliver, Matt, Joel and Chelsea. And a special mention to
And congratulations to our Yr 2 Auskick coach, former        Nicole Milne for her assistance as manager. We are
West Coast Eagle Darren Glass (pictured below), who          looking forward to another fun year in 2018.
has got the job as assistant coach at Hawthorn. We
must be doing something right at Marist for coaching         Youth Footy
pathway!!                                                    Youth footy has been a very successful year on the park,
                                                             with Years 8,9 and 10 all making finals. All of these teams
                                                             were promoted to higher grades, and to make the finals is
                                                             an outstanding effort by all, vindicating the club decision
                                                             to promote our youth coaches policy.

We’ve again had strong numbers in Juniors, with
special thanks to Grant Hankinson for his outstanding
work as Coach Coordinator and writing the coaching
manual handbook. A mammoth amount of work that
will be our yardstick for coaches for many years to
come. Thank you again to all the coaches and                 Special Thanks
managers who put in many hours to encourage our              I have many people to thank. Firstly, David Creed, who’s
juniors to play and enjoy our great game.                    been Vice President Youth for the last three years. He
                                                             has often been there for counsel and has been a great
Girls Footy                                                  back up as part of the executive committee. Matt
Girls footy, continues to grow, with the expansion from      Mazzuchelli has also been great support as Junior VP
one to two teams this season. The Club now has both          this year along with the help of Treasurer Russell
Junior and Youth teams competing in girls football.          Roberts, Property Manager Jarron Maisey and the rest
The youth girls had a fantastic season making the            of the committee. Matt has picked up the ball on many
Grand Final, but unfortunately not quite making the          football operations. The club is in good hands, and I
final hurdle. Well done again to coaches Amy and Scott       wish Matt the best for future seasons.
and their assistants. And of course Dale Scally for his
tireless efforts in running and promoting the girls          Pam Benetti continues to work tirelessly, not just as
competition and maintaining our link with Maddie             Team Manager for the Year 11s but as Club Secretary
Riewoldt Vision which raises awareness of bone               and Club Managers’ Coordinator. Pam has written a
marrow cancer.                                               manager’s handbook as a guideline for all managers.
News Update - Marist Football Club
Also thanks to our wonderful Registrars, the forgotten      For all of you whom I have been on the journey with,
job! But to Sue Spyvee and Maria Manning, without           thank you. There is a fantastic dedicated group of
your dedicated effort the club could not operate.           volunteers already working together to continue the
Thank you also to Anthony Deans who organises the           success of this club into the future. Please consider
team photos and Hilary Sitas for looking after St John’s    joining with them on the committee to maintain and
and our First Aid kits. Phil Kavenagh has done a            improve our MARIST Club.
fantastic job with sponsorship for a number of years
now, and we do require an assistant for him. The            It is difficult to put all my thoughts and experiences into
season enjoys the Club Sponsors, Life Members, Past         a few words and I am sure that I have forgotten some,
Players and Officials’ Night as a highlight on our social   but going back to our early days of planning ‘5 Year
calendar. Well done Kav, without the sponsorship            Plans’ to make Marist a destination club have
dollars revenue, we would struggle to be the club we        materialised. I think we are on our third ‘5 Year Plan’. To
are.                                                        all of you, and to those lifelong friends, thank you for
                                                            being a part of it.
Congratulations to our newest life members Gemma
Hoyne ,Esme and Adam Prentice well deserved for             Also my family, thankfully they are a FOOTY family,
many years of tireless service to our club.                 thank you for your support and your input. It is not a
                                                            single individual that makes a difference at a club, it is a
                                                            team effort, thank you to all my teammates. There is no
                                                            ‘I” in TEAM

                                                            John/ Jack Penniment
                                                            President 2017

Adam and Esme Prentice, Gemma Hoyne, John Penniment

This will be my last year as President and committee
member. I have had a fantastic journey over my time
with the club both as coach and in administration. It
has had its challenges, but the positives have always
far outweighed the negatives. The installation of the
lights and the electronic scoreboard, are just two
major projects that have materialised. The amazing
growth of numbers and retention in our club is the
envy of all clubs across the district and beyond.

I have enjoyed watching many players starting in
Auskick and progress through our ranks, not just to
become good footballers, but more importantly good
people and now great contributors to our community
and society.
                                                            Melbourne's Jesse Hogan returned to Marist last year for a
                                                            special presentation - pictured here with Jack and John
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