NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers

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NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers

James Carnes | CBN

                                                                                Shop at Home – Nails, Etc.
                                                                                                            Page 6
                       A community publication of

                     Volume 63 Number 24   Periodicals Postage Paid at Hayden, Arizona 85135   Wednesday, June 16, 2021   50¢
NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
2 | Copper Basin News                                                                                                                                          June 16, 2021

                                                       Pastor James ‘Jimmy’ Nelson Jr.
                          Pastor James “Jimmy” Leonard                            Ministry, Jimmy was working toward receiving Associate         a turn and prayed for the church, that God would bless
                        Nelson, Jr. died on Thursday,                             Membership in the Desert Southwest Conference. His             the work of the church and that God would raise up young
                        May 27, 2021.                                             achievement will be recognized posthumously during this        ministers to continue the work. His concern was always
                          Pastor Nelson was a local                               year’s ordination service.                                     for others.
                        pastor in the Desert Southwest                              Jimmy was passionate about ministry. He gave his               Memorial services will be held at a later date at the UMC
                        Conference. He was born in 1951                           entire heart and soul into reaching people with God’s          of the Good Shepherd in Kearny, AZ. Additional services
                        and later attended Northern                               love. Whenever there was a problem, Jimmy could see            may be held although information is not available at this
                        Arizona University. He became                             the possibilities and the hope in nearly any situation. He     time.
                        licensed as a local pastor in                             was always looking for the next new person to meet, strike     Condolences can be sent to: Doug Kubik, PO Box 729,
                        2006. He served at Tucson: Hope                           up a conversation with and make a new friend. His smile        Kearny AZ 85137. Memorial Gifts may be made to: UMC
                        UMC; Holbrook: Holbrook UMC;                              and laugh welcomed, warmed, and engaged everyone. All          of the Good Shepherd, PO Box 729, Kearny, AZ 85137.
                        Winslow: First UMC; Mesquite:                             he needed to engage in ministry was a community event            Donations received will be shared between the church’s
                        Mesquite UMC (Associate); and                             to bring his popcorn machine to and give a way popcorn         general fund and evangelism fund. The two represent
Kearny: United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd.                             with his smile, and a “howdy neighbor.” He reached new         Jimmy’s greatest hopes for the church – to keep it
 Working diligently with the Board of Ordained                                    people for Christ in his natural, approachable, and easy       financially viable and to keep the church reaching out and
                                                                                  way which drew folks in and made them well in their            making disciples for Jesus Christ.
                                                                                  soul. In a recent visit with Jimmy in the hospital, District     We join our hearts together in grief, acknowledging our

   The Copper Basin News                                                          Superintendent Susan Brims experienced Jimmy as every
                                                                                  bit the person everyone knew and loved. When asked
                                                                                                                                                 human loss. May God grant us grace, that in pain we may
                                                                                                                                                 find comfort; in sorrow, hope; and in death, resurrection.
                           USPS 132-320                                           if the two could have a word of prayer together, Jimmy         With gratitude for the life and ministry of Pastor Jimmy
 James Carnes….................................................Publisher          started praying. DS Susan laughingly said that she was         Nelson, Jr., please hold his family and friends in prayer at
 Michael Carnes....................................General Manager                there to pray for him; and after she did, Jimmy then took      this time.

                                                                                                         Michael Anthony Bova
 Jennifer Carnes.........................................… Managing Editor
 John Hernandez..............................................Reporter
 Mila Besich...........................................................Reporter

                                                                                   Michael Anthony Bova, 74, of Avondale, AZ passed away          Michael is survived by his
                                                                                  on Thursday, June 10, 2021. Michael was born on Nov.           children, son Stephen Davey,
                                                                                  7, 1946, in New York City to parents Frank and June            daughter Gina-Marie Bova, and son
                                                                                  (Beldegreen) Bova. This “Italian kid from Brooklyn” was a      Anthony Bova; his grandchildren,
                                                                                  straight shooting, sarcastic, funny, charming, charismatic,    Kenneth West, Destiny West,
                                                                                  generous man who loved his family, friends, and horse          Makayla Bova, Thomas Bova, and
                                                      racing.                                                        Nevaeh Bova; his sister, Susan
      Find us at                                                                                                         Kuskowski; and nieces, Cheryl-Ann
     Follow us at                                                                                                      Tucker and Joanna Develter. He
                                                                                                                                                 also leaves behind too many family
                                                                                                                                                 and friends to mention.
 Published each Wednesday at 46 Hayden Avenue, Hayden,
 Arizona by Copper Area News Publishers. Business office is                                                                                       Services for Michael will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, June
 located at 366 Alden Rd., P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.                                                                                       20, 2021 at Griffith Mortuary, 101 Johnston Dr., Kearny.
 Subscription rate in advance: $35.50 per year or $31.50 for 6                       Quality Work By Certified Applicators                       He will be laid to rest at Kearny Memorial Cemetery.
 months in Gila or Pinal Counties; $40.50 per year or $36.50 for                    Residential • CommeRCial • one time • monthly •
 6 months elsewhere in the U.S. Change of address should be
 sent to the publishers at P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.
                                                                                     QuaRteRly • teRmite inspeCtions & tReatments

            Member: Arizona Newspaper Association
                                                                                            Positive control of:
 Second class postage is paid at Hayden, Arizona. Postmaster: Address                  •   Scorpions               •   Black Widows
 changes to Copper Basin News, P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.                         •   Ants                    •   Bees
                                                                                       •   Wasps                   •   Roaches
  Telephone (520) 363-5554 • Fax (520) 363-9663                                        •   Centipedes              •   Termites
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 “There are numerous countries in the world where the                                       Bill Roten – Owner/Operator
 politicians have seized absolute power and muzzled the                                SERVING GLOBE - MIAMI & SURROUNDING
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NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
June 16, 2021                                                                                                           Copper Basin News | 3

                                                  COPPER CORRIDOR COMMUNITY CALENDAR
Please note: many events have
been canceled or postponed due
                                                JFK Kindergarten Registration                              JUNE
                                                                                                                                      28       Town Hall Meeting With
                                                                                                                                               Sheriff Mark Lamb

                                                  John F. Kennedy Elementary (Superior)
to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please                is accepting Kindergarten Registrations             Mammoth Swimming                   Pinal County Sheriff’s Office will host
                                                for the 2021-2022 school year. Children             Pool to Open                      a Town Hall meeting June 28, 6-7 p.m.
check with organizations when                   must be 5 years of age by Sept. 1, 2021.                                              at the San Manuel Substation, 28380 S.
planning to attend events listed.               Parents/Guardians will need to provide        The Town of Mammoth Swimming            Veterans Memorial Hwy. Sheriff Mark Lamb
                                                the child’s original birth certificate,      Pool will open for the season starting    wants to hear directly from members of
Sea Lions Swim Team Practice                    immunization record, and proof of           on Monday, June 14, for Adult Lap         the community. So bring your questions
                                                residency. Applications are available at    Swim only (7 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., Monday     and concerns.

  The Sea Lions Swim Team is now holding        JFK Elementary School, 1500 Panther         - Friday) and will open with the full
practices at the Mammoth Pool from 4            Drive, Superior. For more information,      schedule starting on Sunday, June 20,
                                                                                                                                               Open House Meeting in
p.m. – 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.            please call the Kennedy office at 520-689-    from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. The schedule is               Superior
Stop by the pool any time during prac-          3000 ext. 3049.                             similar to last year, but we are adding    On Wednesday, June 30, the Town of
tice hours to join the Swim Team. We                                                        a Friday Day Swim from noon – 3 p.m.      Superior and Pinal County Flood Control
welcome kids of all ages and all swim-          San Manuel Senior Center                    Admission is $3. Punch cards can be       will be hosting an open-house-style
ming abilities. We will teach you how to        Recycling Issues                            purchased for significant savings at       public meeting to share the results of
swim. Swim Meets are held on Saturdays                                                      Town Hall or at the Pool. The pool        the recently completed Superior Mine
throughout the summer.                                                                      schedule is posted on the Town of         Wash Letter of Map Revision (LOMR).
                                                  Folks who are bringing the San Manuel
                                                Senior Center cans, please know that the    Mammoth website (,       The LOMR, which will become effective
Superior Headstart Registration                 Recyclers will not take the bags of cans    the Mammoth Swimming Pool Facebook        on Aug. 5, 2021, redefines the limits of
  Headstart is a free preschool program in      if they have trash with them. San Manuel    Page, at the Mammoth Pool, and            the Special Flood Hazard Area and the
your area located at 150N. Lobb Ave. Our        Seniors had 120 lbs of cans when they       locations throughout the Tri-Community.   Floodway along the Queen Creek Wash
program promotes school readiness and           took them down recently that were not       We look forward to seeing everyone at     through the Town of Superior. The
prepares your children for kindergarten.        accepted and the recyclers sent back a      the pool!                                 meeting will be held 6-7 p.m. at the Town
                                                                                                                                      of Superior Council Chambers at 199 N

In our program your children will receive       note that said the group lost $50 because
meals, learning experiences that promote        of this. Please be careful when donating
                                                                                                    Food Business Workshop            Lobb Ave Superior, AZ 85173.
                                                                                                    at SM Community Center
growth in all areas of child development,
and individualized services for all
                                                cans for recycling. Thank you and thank
                                                you for continuing to save cans and
children. Headstart is currently accepting      donate them.                                 On Thursday June 17, 3:30 p.m. - 5
applications for the upcoming school year.                                                  p.m. at the San Manuel Community
If you’re interested you can start the          Dudleyville Burn Ban                        Center, 111 W 5th Ave. San Manuel
application process at or                                                     Revitalization Coalition will present
you can speak to one of the staff at the          Effective May 1 - Sept. 30 a BURN           the Starting a Food Business
site. 520-689-2812 is the number to call        BAN is in effect for the Dudleyville         Workshop. Chef Gabe Gardner from
for more information.                           Volunteer Fire District which includes      Local First Arizona’s Community
                                                the area of Dudleyville, Indian Hills       Kitchen will be onsite to walk anyone

Superior Farmer’s Market                        and Aravaipa. Burn permits for both         interested in starting or formalizing          Free Swimming, Food &
 Superior Farm to Fantastic Farmers             residential and agricultural purposes       a food business through the steps to
Market is open every Saturday 9 a.m. to         are not valid during this time.             do so. He will also address the Pinal          Prizes at Mammoth Pool
noon at the Food Court on Main Street.                                                      County Health Code and how to stay          The Town of Mammoth is sponsoring
Fresh produce baked goods and much              New Superior Food Bank Hours                compliant while selling food products.    Free Admission at the Mammoth Pool on
more. Follow us on Facebook.                                                                                                          Sunday, July 4 from 3 – 6 p.m. Stay cool
                                                  Clients can now receive food from 3                                                 in the pool and celebrate our Nation’s

Eagle One Veteran Outreach                      p.m. - 4 p.m. on the last Thursday and                                                Birthday with food, games, and prizes.
                                                Friday of each month at 99 N. Lobb Ave.                        VBS at Living
 Visit Eagle One Veteran Outreach Center        in Superior. Drive up or walk up with an                       Word Chapel
online at Eagle One
provides veterans a place to learn about
                                                adequate cart and receive food without
                                                human contact. Every means possible Living Word Chapel in Oracle will be
and apply for all services available to them.   is used to make the experience safe.

                                                                                  hosting an in-person VBS June 22-25,
                                                Volunteers have their temperature taken
                                                                                  from 6-8 p.m. for grades K-6. We hope            GED Classes Taught at
Wednesday Night BINGO                           and sign a consent form stating they are
                                                                                  your kids will join us for a wonderful           CAC
  Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for Wednesday         free from fever. Volunteers are always
                                                                                  time of water slides, jumping castles,
night bingo and play starts at 7 p.m., at       needed. Even an hour will be appreciated!
                                                                                  games, snacks and fun Bible stories.      Central Arizona College will have GED
San Pedro Valley Lions Club, 115 S. Main        Please contact, Sandy Van Gorp, atYou can register on the church’s        classes beginning Aug. 18, 5:30 to
St. in Mammoth. Come down and enjoy!   or 520-
                                                                                  website, or call the office 8:30 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays
Remember to wear a face mask. For               689-2202. if you have questions or want
                                                                                  Monday through Thursday at 520-896-     at Aravaipa Campus. Call the campus
information call 520-487-2000.                  to sign up to be a volunteer.     2771.                                   at (520) 357-2800 to register.
               Submit information to, online at or call 520-363-5554. Listings are free.
                 Copper Area News reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions. Submissions are due the Friday before Wednesday publication.
NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
4 | Copper Basin News                                                                                                       June 16, 2021

                                                                                  Cleaning up after the

Team Rubicon, a veteran-led global disaster response organization, began fire response operations this past week to support residents of Dudleyville due the recent
Margo Fire. The operation began on Monday, June 7, and is expected to last 2 weeks. In coordination with the Pinal County Department of Emergency Management,
approximately 40 Team Rubicon volunteers have provided tree and limb cutting, debris removal, as well as fire response cleaning services. In conjunction to assisting
the community of Dudleyville, Team Rubicon is utilizing proficient heavy equipment operator skills to advance their nation-wide deployable efforts. The work is taking
place at residences and community grounds in Pinal County. Team Rubicon is a nonprofit organization that serves communities by mobilizing veterans to continue their
service, leveraging their skills and experiences to help people prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises. Programs and services are made
possible by the support of individual donors, corporate partners, and the dedication of volunteers across the country. To join or support Team Rubicon’s mission, visit
NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
June 16, 2021                                                                                    Copper Basin News | 5

Margo Fire in Dudleyville

The Arizona Southern Baptist fed the clean up crew and the San Pedro Valley Baptist provided a place for them to rest.				       James Carnes | CBN
NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
6 | Copper Basin News                                                                                                                                                                      June 16, 2021

                                                                        Shop at Home: Nails, Etc.
   n April 2020, COVID-19 brought much                                                        Arizona didn’t survive the lockdown. The         appointment. Joanne has been a certified       Copper Basin area. No need to travel out of
   of Arizona’s economy to a screeching                                                       businesses that did survive are hanging          nail technician for more than 20 years and     town for those mani/pedis. Shop local and
   halt. All businesses not deemed                                                            on as best they can. Copper Area News            has been microblade certified for the past     support local.
“essential” were ordered closed by                                                            wanted to give something back to the             three.                                          For an appointment with Joanne, please
Arizona’s governor Doug Ducey.                                                                local business community. Over the next           All of this is great news for ladies in the   call (480) 717-0990.
  The lockdown continued for nearly two                                                       several weeks, our newspapers (Copper
months. When Gov. Ducey finally gave                                                          Basin News, Superior Sun and San Manuel
the go ahead to reopen, businesses slowly                                                     Miner) will be featuring local businesses
began the road to recovery. Even those                                                        and non-profits, encouraging our readers
listed as “essential” had a challenge with                                                    to Shop at Home, stay local and support
this economic recovery.                                                                       our local businesses. To date, Copper Area
  Many small businesses and non-profits in                                                    News has featured 69 businesses in the
                                                                                              Copper Corridor.
                                                                                               It is hard enough starting a business or
                                                                                              expanding one during normal times. But to
                                                                                              start one during or just before a pandemic
                                                                                              adds an entirely different twist to things.
                                                                                               Nails, Etc. opened 18 months ago, just
                                                                                              before the pandemic hit. Joanne Lerma,
                                                                                              who is the owner and operator, is back to
                                                                                              work, making women’s nails look beautiful
                                                                                              and her clients gorgeous.
                                                                                               Nails, Etc. offers manicures, pedicures,
                                                                                              sculptured nails, gel manicures, dip
                                                                                              powder and eyebrow microblading.
                                                                                              The shop is located at 1105 Industrial
                                                                                              Rd., Suite C, Kearny, and is open by

                                                                                                                                               Joanne Lerma starts the other hand while the customer drys the hand she just
                                                                                                                                               completed.						                                             James Carnes | CBN

                                                                                                   Tuesdays: 2X Points
                                                                                                   Thursdays: Comps or point to cash
                                                                                                   Saturdays: Hourly hot seat drawings

    Must be 21 years old and over. Must not be barred or excluded to participate. Must be present to
    win. Management reserves the right to alter or cancel this promotion at any time. See Apache
    Legends Players Club for more details and rules. Same-day base points required.

                                                                                                                                               Joanne Lerma does her creative work on a customer’s nails.          James Carnes | CBN
NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
June 16, 2021                                                                                                            Copper Basin News | 7

                      Telegraph Fire proves relentless
 The Telegraph Fire that started in the     Sunday night.                               Miami reopened on Friday evening and          provide funding for the communities
early afternoon of Friday, June 4, 2021,     The fire has kept residents throughout     Highway 177 reopened on Thursday              affected by the Telegraph and Mescal fires.
south of Superior in the Tonto National     the Copper Corridor on their toes as Set    morning. Highway 77 re-opened briefly,        His speech focused on the needs of Gila
Forest has consumed 104,755 acres and       and Go evacuations orders were issued for   but was closed again on Sunday due to the     County. Pinal County officials have said
at press time was 68 percent contained.     Superior, Top of the World, Miami, Globe    expansion of the Telegraph fire.              that the special session will also include
There are more than 1,000 people fighting   and on Monday, the areas of El Capitan        At press time Superior, Miami and Globe     support for the areas of Pinal County
this fire. The fire lost some containment   and Dripping Springs were ordered to        have returned to Ready. Top of the World,     affected by the fire. Additional media
after the fire expanded aggressively        GO. Highway 60 between Superior and         and many of the canyons near the Pinal        reports have indicated the Governor is
                                                                                        Mountains remain on Set.                      going to ask for $100 million dollars for
                                                                                          As the fire traveled east through the       relief and recovery efforts. Mayor Mila
                                                                                        Tonto National Forest it burned through       Besich has declared an emergency to cover
                                                                                        the Pinal Mountains; and as the vegetation    any recovery efforts the town may need to
                                                                                        turned from Sonoran Desert to tall pines      cover.
                                                                                        and manzanita the fire grew. Lack of           Senator Mark Kelly also visited the area
                                                                                        humidity and high temperatures have not       and received in person briefings from the
                                                                                        been in the favor of the crews fighting the   Incident Commands of the Telegraph and
                                                                                        fire. Speaker of the House, Rusty Bowers      Mescal Fires. He also met with elected
                                                                                        lost his cabin South of Pinto Valley and      officials of Superior, Miami, Globe and
                                                                                        Rep. David Cook lost his vacation cabin in    San Carlos.
                                                                                        the Pinal Mountains. Over 20 structures        The Telegraph Fire has become one of
                                                                                        have been lost, but there have been no        the top 10 largest fires in Arizona’s history.
                                                                                        significant injuries or deaths.               Copper Area News provides a variety
                                                                                          The fire and its footprint have been        of updates regarding the fire on our
                                                                                        visited by Governor Doug Ducey, which         Facebook pages; residents can also follow
                                                                                        followed a press conference where the         the Telegraph Fire Incident Command
                                                                                        Governor promised to call a special           Facebook page and website for additional
                                                                                        session of the legislature to address and     information.

                                                                                         460 horsepower

                                                                                                                                                                  . Remote Start

                                                                                                                                           FOLDING                         While
                                                                                                                                                                        supplies last.
                                                                                                                                                                         Products not
                                                                   Mila Besich | Sun
Smoke rises over Apache Leap.
NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
8 | Copper Basin News                                                                                           June 16, 2021

                                                                                              Service Suspended
                                                                                              Recycling will be suspended in Kearny starting July
                                                                                              1, ‘due to circumstances out of our control’. Access to
                                                                                              the dumpster has been blocked. James Carnes | CBN

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NEWS - Shop at Home - Nails, Etc - Copper Area News Publishers
June 16, 2021                                                                                                                                                     Copper Basin News | 9

                                                                      COPPER CORRIDOR CHURCH DIRECTORY
       Casa De Salvacion                           Church of Jesus Christ                 Church of Jesus Christ                       Church of the Good                              Family Life Christian Center
       201 E. Kino (& Catalina)                                                                                                                                                             56 Kellner Ave., Superior
                                                    of Latter-day Saints                   of Latter-day Saints                            Shepherd                                     “When Life Hurts – Only God Heals”
              Mammoth                                        Kearny Ward                  San Manuel Ward • 101 S. Giffin Ave.          Bottom of School Hill, Kearny
                                                                                                                                                                                         Pastors Dennis & Sandy VanGorp
           Carlos Gonzalez                                 200 Hammond Dr.                       Bishop Jim Bingham                         Pastor Jimmy Nelson                                   520-689-2202
            520-487-2219                                Bishop Brian Coleman                        520-385-4866                               520-363-7283
 Domingo: Escuela Dominical 10-10:45 a.m.                                                                                                           Sunday Prayer 9:45 a.m.
                                                       Sunday Morning Meetings:               Sunday Morning Meetings:
    Servicio de Alabanza 11 a.m.                                                                                                           Sunday Worship 9 a.m.                               Worship 10:30 a.m.
                                                           Sacrament 10 a.m.                       Sacrament 10 a.m.
 Lunes: Servicio de Oracion 6:30 p.m.                                                                                             UMC in cooperation with the Episcopal Church & the    2nd Sunday Miracle Service 6 p.m.
                                                         Scripture Study 11 a.m.                Scripture Study 11 a.m.
  Miercoles: Estudio Biblico 6:30 p.m.                                                                                                 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America            Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                   We stand in awe of God and of one another           Everyone is Welcome • Assembly of God

     First Baptist Church                             First Baptist Church                                                           Infant Jesus of Prague                             Kearny Church of Christ
      103 W. Galiuro, Mammoth                         1st & Nichols, San Manuel                                                         Catholic Church                                     103 Hammond Dr., Kearny
        Pastor Joe Ventimiglia                           Pastor Kevin Duncan                                                            501 Victoria Circle, Kearny                         Minister George Randall
            520-405-0510                                      385-4655                             Advertise                        Rev. Fr. George Kunnel (Pastor)                              520-363-7711
        Sunday School – 9 a.m.                        Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.                Your Church                                520-363-7205                                  Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m.
       Sunday Worship – 10 a.m.
   Prayer Meeting Wed. – 5:30 p.m.
                                                           Worship 11 a.m.                           Here!                        Daily Masses Tues. 5:30 p.m.; Thurs. 8:30 a.m.            Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
  Movie Night Last Friday of the Month – 7 p.m.
                                                   Sunday Evening Discipleship 5 p.m.                                              Saturday Vigil 6 p.m.; Sunday Mass 9 a.m.                Evening Worship 6 p.m.
                                                    Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m.                                                   Sunday Religious Ed for Children, Youth               Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.
        “The Church on the Hill”
                                                   Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6 p.m.                                                Ministry & Jr. High Youth Groups 10:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Serving All of the Copper Basin Area

    Lighthouse Assembly                               Living Word Chapel                    Living Word Chapel-                    Oracle Assembly of God                              Oracle Church of Christ
           of God                                      Copper Corridor                             Oracle                                      1145 Robles Rd.                                     2425 El Paseo
   Hwy. 77, MP 134, 1/2 mi S of Winkelman                Love God, Love People              Casual, Relevant, Contemporary                         Oracle                                             Oracle
           Pastor David Wade                              Pastor James Ruiz                        Pastor James Ruiz                       Pastor Nathan Hogan                                    Richard Ferris
             520-356-6718                                  520-896-2771                              520-896-2771                                                                                 520-818-6554
                                                                                              Join us at 8:45 or 10:30 a.m.              Sunday Prayer 10 a.m.
 Worship Service 9 & 11 a.m.; Evening 6:30 p.m.            Join us at 5 p.m.
      Wednesday Family Night 7 p.m.                                                                 3941 W. Hwy. 77                    Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.                           Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m.
                                                       402 Danbury Rd., Kearny                                                                                                               Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
          We Welcome You!                                                              Find us on Facebook @              Find us on Facebook @ LWC Oracle
                                                                LWC Kearny

     Oracle Seventh-Day                              Oracle Union Church                       Pathway of Hope                         Presbyterian Church                                  St. Francis of Assisi
      Adventist Church                                   705 E. American Ave.                 Foursquare Church                            of Superior                                       Catholic Church
               2150 Hwy 77                                      Oracle                      3270 E. Armstrong Ln., Tucson               100 Magma Ave., Superior                            11 Church Ave., Superior
                  Oracle                                 Pastor Dr. Ed Nelson                    (Behind Golden Goose)
                                                                                                                                                520-689-2631                                    Fr. Samuel Jandeh
                                                            520-784-1868                         Pastor Karen Kelly
          Pastor Michael Soto                                                                                                                                                                     520-689-2250
                                                                                                   520-344-4417                      Worship Service Sunday: 10 a.m.
  Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.                      Sunday Service 10 a.m.                                                             All are welcome.                              Weekday Mass Tues.-Fri. 8 a.m.
                                                                                               Saturday Worship 9 a.m.
  Saturday Worship Service 11 a.m.                  Wednesday Bible Study 11 a.m.                                                                                                      Saturday 5 p.m. • Sunday 9 & 11 a.m.
                                                                                         A House of Prayer, Healing & Salvation      Anonymous prayer box located at
                                                  Thursday Prayer Time 11 a.m. to Noon                                                                  Confession: Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. or by req.
                                                                                                                                  Save Money Market. We will pray for you!

          San Pedro Valley                              Set Free Church                  Superior Harvest Church                           Vista United
           Baptist Church                                302 Danbury, Kearny                Hill St. & Stone Ave., Superior              Methodist Church                                 To be included in
     Dudleyville Road, Dudleyville                       Pastor Daniel Sostre
                                                                                            Pastor Albert M. Rodriguez
                                                                                                 480-354-4499 H
                                                                                                                                               JOIN US ONLINE
                                                                                                                                             Sunday live at 10 a.m.                       the weekly church
       Pastor Anthony DaCunha
            520-357-7353                                 Sunday Service 10 a.m.                  480-329-3647 C                               (Or stream anytime)
                                                                                                                                                                                           listing, please call
                                                   Followed by Fellowship Luncheon
      Sunday School 9:45 a.m.                          Food Boxes Upon Request
                                                                                           Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m.
                                                                                            Wednesday Bible Study 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                            Facebook/Vista UMC                            520-363-5554 or
      Morning Worship 11 a.m.
       Evening Service 6 p.m.
                                                                                                    Victory in Jesus
                                                                                                                                     Community, Friendship & Faith
                                                                                                                                             Fred Baum, Pastor
                                                           Sinners Welcome
   Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.                                                                                                             520-825-1985
10 | Copper Basin News                                                                                                                                                                             June 16, 2021

  Ray Junior                                    Public Notice
                                                                                              Public Notice
                                                                                         JACKSON WHITE ATTORNEYS AT
                                                                                                                                               (520) 385-2266
                                                                                                                                               (520) 363-5554
 High School
                                                                                         LAW A Professional Corporation 40
                                           Notice is hereby given that Hayden-           North Center Street, Suite 200 Mesa,
                                           Winkelman Unified School District #41
                                           will accept written proposals for the
                                                                                         Arizona 85201 T:(480) 464-1111 F:
                                                                                         (480) 464-5692 Email: centraldocket@
                                                                                                                                                                                        Buy Online:
                                           following:                                 Attorneys    for
                                             RFP – 01 Psychological Services             Personal Representative By: Ryan K.
                                             RFP – 02 Speech/Language Services           Hodges, No. 026639 IN THE SUPERIOR
                                             RFP – 03 School Facility Consultant         COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA
                                                                                                                                                    1. Automobile                             20. Help Wanted              20. Help Wanted
its honor roll
                                             RFP – 04 Special Education Director         IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GILA
                                           Deadline for submitting written proposals     In the Matter of the Estate of Laurel M.
                                           will be 12;00 Noon – Thursday, June 24,       Rogers, Deceased. Case No.: PB2021-
                                           2021, in the District Office at PO Box 409    00055 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (For

  for second
                                           – 824 Thorne, Winkelman, AZ 85192             Publication) Notice is hereby given that
                                           Further details and specifications, please                                                  DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive
                                                                                         Arthur N. Rogers has been appointed           maximum value of write off for your taxes.
                                           contact Jeff Gregorich, Superintendent        Personal Representative of this Estate.
                                           at District Office at PO Box 409 – 824                                                      Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free
                                                                                         All persons having claims against the

                                           Thorne, Winkelman, AZ 85192 PH: 520-                                                        pickup. Call for details. 866-932-4184 (AzCAN)
                                                                                         Estate are required to present their
                                           356-7876 EXT. 1310                            claims within four months after the date
                                           CBN Legal 6/9/21, 6/16/21                     of the first publication of this notice or

 Ray Junior High                                Public Notice
                                                                                         the claims will be forever barred. Claims
                                                                                         must be presented by delivering or
                                                                                         mailing a written statement of the claim
                                                                                                                                            10. Business Services
School has announced                         NOTICE OF SEALED BID FOR SALE
                                                                                         to the Personal Representative at Arthur
                                                                                         N. Rogers ℅ Ryan K. Hodges Jackson                                                                  SaddleBrooke HOA#1 is Hiring!!
                                           OF DECLARED SURPLUS PROPERTY                  White, PC 40 N. Center St., Suite 200
the students that have
earned their place on the
                                           The Town of Kearny (the “Town”) is
                                           accepting sealed bids for the purchase
                                                                                         Mesa, AZ 85201 DATED: 15 April 2021
                                                                                         /s/ Arthur N. Rogers Arther N. Rogers                DASCH IN                                     • F/T Golf Course Landscaper
Honor Roll for the second
                                           of the following real property (the
                                           “Property”) as described in this Notice of
                                                                                         JACKSON WHITE /s/ Ryan K. Hodges
                                                                                         By: Ryan K. Hodges, No. 026639
                                                                                                                                             Thrift Shoppe                                 • F/T Janitor
                                           Bid Opening:
semester of their 2020-21                  • Property
                                                                                         CBN Legal 6/9/21, 6/16/21, 6/23/21
school year.                               2002 FORD F350 AMBULANCE                                                                                                                            Competitive starting wages with
 The 7th grader who made
                                           VIN# 1FDWF36F12EA34617 Mileage:
                                           210,444                                            Public Notice                               375 E. American Ave., Unit 1
                                                                                                                                                  Oracle, AZ                                benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision, 401(k),
the Honor Roll is: Veronica                The sale of the Property shall be awarded,
                                           at the discretion of the Town Council, to
                                                                                         FILED PINAL COUNTY SUPERIOR
Baez.                                      the bidder submitting a bid in accordance
                                           with the terms outlined below:
                                                                                         COURT APACHE JUNCTION REBECCA
                                                                                         PADILLA JUNE 08 2021 LAW OFFICES                                                                              Employee Golf)
 Those 7th graders who                                                                   FULLER & STOWELL, P.C. STAPLEY

are on the High Honor Roll
are: Makayla Barajas, Mia
                                           If in the judgment of the Town Council
                                           the bids submitted do not represent the
                                           fair value of the Property, the Council
                                                                                         PROFESSIONAL PLAZA 1116 E.
                                                                                         Greenway, Suite 103 Mesa, Arizona
                                                                                         85203-4399 Telephone (480) 833-
                                                                                                                                                Oracle                                             If interested, please contact
Barajas, Camille Bentley,
                                           reserves the right to reject any and
                                           all bids. Should any bid be accepted,
                                           payment shall be made by earnest
                                                                                         0709 E-Mail
                                                                                         Randal L. Stowell, SBN 007513 Attorneys
                                                                                         for Petitioner     IN THE SUPERIOR
                                                                                                                                                Electric                                                  John F. Hoehne
                                                                                                                                                                                           64500 E SaddleBrooke Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85739
Kyleigh Reidhead, Jaxon                    money deposit, subject to closing,            COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA                   Residential, Commercial
                                           and shall be deposited with the Town,
Cude, Tomas Rivera, Jaysin                 cashier’s check or money order payable
                                                                                         IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PINAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (520) 917-4373
Thomas, George Wade;                       to the Town of Kearny within three days
                                                                                         In the Matter of the Guardianship and
                                                                                         Conservatorship of CHARLES SMITH,
                                                                                                                                          Kevin Brandt, Owner
and, with straight A’s is:
                                           of the award notice.
                                           Provisions of the sale of the Property
                                                                                         An adult. CASE NO. GC2020-00054
                                                                                         NOTICE OF HEARING ON REPORT                           520.603.4800                              
                                           shall include:
Joslyn Garcia.                                                                           ON SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND                        ROC 198813 CR11
 Eighth graders who
                                           1. Minimum Price of $4,000.00
                                           2. For the purchase of the property is in
                                                                                         PETITION       FOR      CONFIRMATION
                                                                                         OF SALE AND FOR RELEASE OF                       Licensed, Bonded, Insured                            “It’s a Beautiful Day at SaddleBrooke”
                                           “AS IS” and “WHERE IS” condition;
made the Honor Roll are:                   3. For the Buyer to pay all fees,
                                                                                         RESTRICTED ASSET (Assigned to the
                                                                                         Honorable Kevin D. White) NOTICE
Jonathan Beede, Vanessa
                                                                                                                                                                                           High School English Teacher Wanted
                                           commissions and costs associated with         IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jane Anne
                                           transfer of title and removal of Town         Geisler, LF 20123, President of Managed
Bui, Analina Montijo,                      Equipment (if any);                           Protective Services, Inc., LF 20124, has
                                                                                                                                       G&M Neighborhood
Isabella Montijo, Analysia                 4. Execute Bill of Sale and Purchase of
                                                                                         filed with the above referenced court a
                                                                                         Report on Sale of Real Property and
                                                                                                                                        Barber shop                                        Hayden High School has an opening
Nunez, Ethan Sullivan and                  The Property will be sold “AS IS” with        Petition for Confirmation of Sale and          Specializing in haircuts for men and boys
                                                                                                                                                                                           for an English Teacher for the 2021-
                                           no warranties or representations as
Josiah Warren.                             to suitability for any particular use. By
                                                                                         for Release of Restricted Assets. The
                                                                                         real property is described as follows:
 Those on the High                         submitting a bid, each bidder agrees          312 East Canyon Rock Road San Tan                      Beard Trims
Honor Roll are: Monica
                                           to waive and does hereby waive any
                                           claim the bidder has or may have
                                                                                         Valley, Arizona 85143 aka Pinal County
                                                                                         Assessor Parcel No. 210-76-019 The                       & Shaves                                 22 School year. Starting pay is highly
                                           against the Town of Kearny, Arizona,
Arredondo, Mark Chester                    and the Town’s respective employees
                                                                                         proposed sales prices for the property is
                                                                                         $399,000.00. The name and telephone                                                               competitive and there are many
III, Faith Rabb, James Ruiz                and representatives for the award of          number of the Petitioner’s attorney is        Ask about our gift certificates
III; and, with straight A’s
                                           damages or attorney fees, arising out of
                                           or in connection with the administration,
                                                                                         set forth above. For further particulars
                                                                                         those concerned should refer to the
                                                                                                                                             Good for 1 year                               opportunities to work beyond school
is: Graciela Rivera.                       evaluation, or recommendation of any                                                          6515 E. Main St., #123, Mesa, AZ 85205
                                                                                                                                                                                           hours and throughout the summer.
                                                                                         report which is on file with the court.
                                           bid, waiver, deletion or amendment of         A hearing has been set to consider the        Open Tues-Sat 9am-8pm; Sun & Mon 11am-5pm
 Congratulations on all                    any requirements under this Notice of Bid     petition on the 15th day of July, 2021, at
your scholarly efforts,
                                           Opening, acceptance or rejection of any
                                           bids, and award of the bid.
                                                                                         3:00 p.m. before the Honorable Kevin              480-924-5053                                    It’s a great opportunity for someone
                                                                                         D. White, at the Pinal County Superior
students!                                  The Town reserves the right to waive,         Court, 971 North Jason Lopez Cir, Bldg
                                           delete or amend any of the requirements
                                           connected with this bid.
                                                                                         A, Florence, Az 85132. The Court, at the                                                          interested in working in a small
                                                                                         hearing, may consider other bids. Anyone
                                           Bids shall be delivered in writing a bid

     Public Notice                         proposal letter, signed by the bidder or an
                                                                                         interested in the estate may appear at
                                                                                         the time of the hearing and show cause                                                            rural school district with small class
                                           authorized representative, and enclosed       whether the sale should or should not
           TOWN OF HAYDEN                  in a sealed envelope to the Town of           be confirmed. All parties must appear                                                             sizes. If you are interested in being
                                                                                                                                           TIRE SHOP
           2021-2022 BUDGET                Kearny, Town Clerk,                           telephonically at the hearing and shall
                                           PO BOX 639 Kearny, AZ 85137 mailed,
HAYDEN TOWN HALL, 520 VELASCO              or in person at 912-C Tilbury Dr. Kearny,
                                                                                         provide the Court’s Judicial Assistant,
                                                                                         Judy: 520-866-5425, with a land-line                                                              a part of a great team of dedicated
AVE.,     HAYDEN,      ARIZONA.     THE    Arizona 85137. All bids shall be plainly      telephone number,not less than two and                136 W. 8th Ave.,
                                           marked “SEALED BID TO PURCHASE
                                           REAL PROPERTY.” Bids must be
                                           received before 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
                                                                                         not more than five judicial days prior to
                                                                                         the hearing, the Court initiate the call as             San Manuel                                teachers and staff, please contact Jeff
                                                                                                                                                                                           Gregorich at 520-356-7876, Ext. 1310.
on the financial tab.                                                                    near the scheduled time as the Court’s
                                           June 22nd, 2021, and any bid received
THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE                                                                calendar permits. An objection to the
BUDGET, PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND              after that time will not be considered.       Petition may be made either by filing a
                                           Town staff will publicly open, read
TRUTH IN TAXATION WILL BE HELD                                                           written response with the court at least
JULY 19, 2021 AT 5:30 PM AT THE            and tabulate the bids at 5:00 p.m. on
                                           Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021, Town
                                                                                         three (3) days prior to said hearing date
                                                                                                                                                                                           HWUSD is an equal opportunity
                                                                                                                                                Car & Truck
HAYDEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 520                                                             or by appearing in person or through
                                           Council Chambers, Town of Kearny, 912-
Persons     with    disabilities needing
accommodations or alternative formats
                                           C Tilbury Dr., Kearny, AZ 85137.
                                           Bidders may contact the Town of Kearny,
                                                                                         an attorney at the time and place set
                                                                                         forth herein. Dated this 7th day of June,
                                                                                         2021. FULLER & STOWELL, P.C. /s/ By                    Tire Repair
should contact Laura Romero, Town          Town Clerk at (520) 363-5547 for              Randal L. Stowell Randal L. Stowell 1116
                                           clarifications and questions.
                                                                                                                                          520-385-4265                                     Call 520-385-2266 or 520-363-5554 to place your ad.
Clerk. If possible, such requests should                                                 E. Greenway, Suite 103 Mesa, Arizona
be made 24 hours in advance.               Notice Advertised on 6/9/2021 and on          85203 Attorney for Petitioner
CBN Legal 6/16/21, 6/23/21                 6/16/2021                                     CBN Legal 6/16/21
                                           CBN Legal 6/9/21, 6/16/21
June 16, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                         Copper Basin News | 11

(520) 385-2266 & (520) 363-5554                           Buy Online:                                CLASSIFIED                                    Deadline Friday 5 pm

       20. Help Wanted                          20. Help Wanted                              25. Instruction                                 45. Misc.                                          80. Rentals                                     80. Rentals
                                                                                 TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING!         NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® to
                                                                                 Become a Medical Office Professional
                                                                                 online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified &
                                                                                                                             schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting
                                                                                                                             & Flooring. Call Today! 877-591-3539 (AzCAN)          Oracle Apartments                                 Dalton Realty
                                                                                 ready to work in months! Call 866-459-
                                                                                 5480. (M-F 8am-6pm ET) (AzCAN)              Miscellaneous BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in                 1256 W. Neal St., Oracle, AZ 85623
                                                                                                                             as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No
                                                                                                                             payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty &
                                                                                                                                                                                    “Good things are happening!”                    Superior, Kearny & Top of the World Rentals
                     Northeastern Pinal County, AZ
                                                                                             44. Yard Sales                  professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts
                                                                                                                             available. Call: 888-709-0796 (AzCAN)
                                                                                                                                                                                  39 modern 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for
                                                                                                                             LONG DISTANCE MOVING: White-Glove
                                                                                                                             Service from America’s Top Movers. Fully             individuals, families and seniors, families,
              ARC�NEPC IS HIRING                                                                                             insured and bonded. Let us take the                  and disabled. Subsidy depending on
                                                                                    Make more $$$$
                                                                                                                             stress out of your out of state move. FREE
                                                                                                                             QUOTES! Call: 877-706-1204 (AzCAN)                   availability and eligibility. Certain income

                                                                                     Advertise your                                                                                                                                 APARTMENTS
ARC/NEPC is hiring a substitute for the day program;                                                                                                                              restrictions apply. Federally subsidized.
                                                                                                                                                                                  • On-Site Managers Office
day treatment and training and group supported
                                                                                     yard sale here!                                                                              • On-Call Maintenance
employment. You must be 21 years or older and have
experience working with developmentally disabled
                                                                                                                                            80. Rentals                           • Playground/Basketball Hoop
                                                                                                                                                                                  • 30 Minutes from Tucson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WE ARE
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Lease, Security Deposit Required                   CURRENTLY
individuals. Must get certified for requirements through
the Division of Developmental Disabilities, Driver’s
                                                                                                45. Misc.                                                                          This institution is an equal opportunity            ACCEPTING
                                                                                                                                                                                           provider and employer.
license, pass a Fingerprint clearance, CPR, First Aid, and                                                                                                                                                                            APPLICATIONS
                                                                                 Never Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again!              Got a house                                An equal opportunity employer, committed
Article 9 classes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FOR OUR 1 & 3
                                                                                                                                         to rent?
                                                                                 Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS
                                                                                 ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES.                                                                 to ensuring non-discrimination in all terms,
ARC/NEPC is hiring van Drivers daily for different                               30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF 2 FREE
                                                                                                                                     Get it rented fast.                                    conditions and privileges.               BEDROOM UNITS.
                                                                                 Months! 1-877-565-0239 (AzCAN)
routes in the Tri-Community. Must be 21 years or older                                                                               Use the classified.                           For information and application, come in or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Please contact Rafael for details
                                                                                 DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Channels!
and have experience working with developmentally                                                                                                                                              call (520) 896-2618
disabled individuals. Must have a valid Driver’s License
                                                                                 Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where
                                                                                 available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa           Call 520-363-5554 or                                    T.D.D. (800) 842-4681                      575-300-9825
                                                                                 Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD               520-385-2266 today!                                          Office Hours:                     Or
and complete all certifications required through the                             DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices.
                                                                                 Call today! 1-855-722-2290 (AzCAN)                                                                  EQUAL Wednesday-Thursday
Division of Developmental Disabilities.                                                                                                                                             HOUSING
                                                                                                                                                                                  OPPORTUNITY    9 a.m.-2 p.m.                         Section 8 accepted
Pick up applications at the ARC/NEPC Center located
at 316 Alden Road in Kearny or call Frances Chavez
(Director) at 520-363-5581 for further information.                                        20. Help Wanted                               100. Real Estate                                   100. Real Estate                                 100. Real Estate

    Find your next job in the classified!
                                                                                                                                                              Amy Whatton Realty
 Worley Field Services North America is accepting resumes for potential work at its’                                                                    Phone: 928-812-2816                                                 Helping families find their
 operation near Globe, AZ for the following position:                                                                                                 Email:                                             dream homes since 1986.
                                                                                                                                                                SAN MANUEL
                                      ELECTRICIAN #AR10003
 The Electrician will work as a part of a team to install, test, troubleshoot and repair electrical wiring, fixtures,
                                                                                                                              • 124 Ave A 2 bdrm 2 bath home.
                                                                                                                                                            SALE Enlarged kitchen, Ceramic tile flooring, Block
 control devices and related equipment in a manufacturing/mining environment. This individual must have                        walls in back yard and huge garage. $115,000
 the ability to read and interpret drawings, blueprints, schematics and specifications in order to provide
                                                                                                                              • 110 4th Ave. Cute as can be with ceramic tile flooring and matching kitchen
 troubleshooting and repair services. The Electrician will also routinely perform highly skilled preventative                                                     SOLD
 maintenance on all equipment and components in order to ensure the continued safe, efficient and effective
                                                                                                                               and bath backsplash. Includes stove and refrigerator. Great views! Must see!
 operations of all equipment and fixtures utilized by the organization. Electrical work may be performed in a                  $85,000
 number of areas including heating, refrigeration, motors, and generator equipment. Requirements include
                                                                                                                              • 111 5th Pl. 2 bdrm 1 ba. with added laundry room. Remodeled kitchen and
 high school diploma or equivalent, Journeyman Certification, and a minimum of 3 years mining experience.                                                         SOLD
 Rotating call out duties required.
                                                                                                                               bath, new wood and tile flooring, new  windows, she-shed, workshop. Fenced
                                                                                                                               front and back yards. $112,000
                         If qualified, please fax resume to (928) 402-4792                                                                                       MAMMOTH
                                                                                                                              • 723 Dungan Beautiful 2 bdrm 1 bath home on lg. fenced lot. Lots of trees,
 The full job description and employment application can be found at:                                                          shrubs and garden areas. Must see! $92,500

                                                                                                                                                                                  Amy Whatton Broker
 Worley Field Services NA is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Applications are
 invited from minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities. EEO/AAP
                                                                                                                                                                                    (928) 812-2816
U.S. EPA Offers
12 | Copper Basin News                                                                                                 June 16, 2021

      Free EPA    Offers
             Job Training
     Free toJob
                                   U.S. EPA Offers
                to       ResidentsFree Job Training
                                     to Residents

         Would you like to earn certifications? Are you interested in environmental work?

            The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is offering
            a program to train local residents for environmental                           Program Requirements
                 jobs in the area. This program   Would willyou
                                                                  like to    earn   certifications?    Are you    interested in environmental           work?
    Wouldthem    you
               youforlike      to
                           with    earn
                                  multiple certifi   cations?
                                           certifications    and          Are
                                                                     prepare     you
                                                                                 you    interested
                                                                                          interested         ininenvironmental
                                                                                                                   environmental             work?
                         careers in environmental cleanup work.
      The U.S.  Environmental
           Participants                 Participants
                          will be trained    in:
                                                    The will
                                                          U.S. be
                                                     a program
                                                                                  Protection Agency is offering
                                                                        train local residents for environmental         Program Requirements
        The1.U.S.    AgencyWaste
               Hazardous       is       1.  Hazardous
                                       Operations   and     Waste
                                                          jobs   in theOperations
                                                           Emergency                      andwill
                                                                          area. This program     Emergency
        a ering
                 a program
           program      to(40-hr
                               to HAZWOPER) Response
                                     local residents
                                                                   careers                             Program Requirements
                                                                                     certifications and prepare
                                                                             in environmental cleanup work.
              jobsresidents    for
                     in theAidarea.
               CPR/First                2. CPR/First
                                       This  program      Aidwill will
                                                    Participants    provide
                                                                          be trained in:
           3. OSHAjobs
        participants   10-hrin Construction
                          with  the     3. OSHA
                                 multiple           10-hr Construction
                                               Outreach Hazardous   and prepare
                                                                        Waste        Outreach
                                                                                Operations   • and
                                                                                                    years or older.
      area.4.This for
               Fall    careers
                    Protection     in environmental
                              willand   4. Fall Protection
                                       Confined    Space     cleanup
                                                        Response      (40-hr
                                                                   and Confi
                                                    2. CPR/First Aid
                                                                                  ned Space  •  Unemployed      or looking for work.
           5. participants    with      5. Safety
                                            Trench                                           • Eligible for employment
                                                    3.and    Excavation         Safety
               Trench and Excavation                                                                                       in the U.S.
       Participants      will  be   trained    in:      OSHA     10-hr Construction     Outreach
                                                                                             • Willing to participate in
                                                                                                                         • 18 years or older.
                                                                                                                         • a  3-week or looking for work.
           6. certifi
               Workcations      and 6. Work Zone
                      Zone Flagging                 4. FallFlagging
                                                             Protection and Confined Space                                 Unemployed
               Asbestos     Waste      Operations
                    for careers         7. Asbestos
                                                    5. Trench    Emergency
                                                                         Training Safety unpaid training program
                                                                 and Excavation                                             in July
                                                                                                                         • Eligible  for employment in the U.S.
           8.  Leadcleanup
   environmental          (40-hr
                      Worker        HAZWOPER)
                                                    6. Work Zone Flagging
                                        8. Lead Worker Training
                                                                                                2021.                    • Willing  to participate in a 3-week
                                                                                                                           unpaid training program in July
                                                    7. Asbestos Worker Training           • Physically able to lift up2021.  to 50
        2.To be
               Toconsidered Aidforfor
                  be considered       the program,
                                   the program, you 8.youMUST
                                                        Lead MUST
                                                              Worker attend
                                                                   attend     ONE of thepounds.
                                                                       Training               90-min.
        3. OSHA ONE of 10-hr   Construction
                          the 90-min.           Outreach
                                       information   sessions  held
                                                      To be considered    for the program,• you
                                                                                                    • toattend
                                                                                                        18   years or• older.
                                                                                                                            Physically able to lift up to 50
                                                                                                          work all
             Fall Protection     and    Confined      Space
                                                       ONE of the 90-min. information sessions      •   Unemployed
                                                                                                      held at:
                                                                                             weather conditions.         •   or   looking
                                                                                                                            Willing             for work.
                                                                                                                                     to work outdoors   in all
        5. Trench      and Excavation
                Location                DatesSafety              Times
                                                 Information Session
                                                                                          • Able to •Times
                                                                                                       pass   a drugfortestemployment
                                                                                                                            and                 in the U.S.
                                                       Location                                                          • Able to pass a drug test and
        6. 824
             Work     Zone                                                                          • Willing
                                                                                             background participate         in a 3-week
                        Ave. Flagging
                                                                                                                            background check.
                Thorne                             82410
                                                       Thorne  Ave.
                                                         am, 1 pm or 3:30   Wed.,pm
        7.   Asbestos
        Winkelman,         WorkerWed.,
                      AZ 85192            June 23
                                     Training   Winkelman, AZ 85192                June 23 10 am, 1 pmunpaid
                                                                                                         or 3:30 pmtraining program in July
                                                                                          Entry into SuperJTI is on a competitive
                                                                                                                         Entry into SuperJTI is on a competitive
             Lead                                                                                       2021.
                 Hall Worker
                      Building Training           Town  Hall Building                     basis. Job placement is not basis.
                                                                           Tues., June 22 10 am, 1 pm or 3:30 pm
                                                                                                                               Job placement is not guaranteed
        199 N. Lobb Ave.
                                                   199 N. Lobb Ave.
                                              10 am,
                            Tues., June 22 Superior,    1 pm or 3:30 pm
                                                     AZ 85173
                                                                                     • Physically
                                                                            after completion           able
                                                                                             of the training   to lift ofupthetotraining
                                                                                                       after completion
                                                                                                              program.             50 program.
        To be considered
       Superior, AZ 85173  for the program, you MUST attend                             pounds.
         ONE of the 90-min. information sessions held at:
                                              TO  REGISTER,    CALL: (520) 222-7718
                 TO REGISTER,
          TO REGISTER,    CALL: (520)  CALL:
                                         222-7718   �520� 222�7718                   • Willing to work outdoors in all
                                               OR VISIT https://superfund-job- weather conditions.
   Information   Session
                 VISIT https://superfund-job-
            Location             Dates           
                                                              Times                                      • Able to pass a drug test and
                                                                          background check.
You can also read