NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...

Page created by Julio Thompson
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...

                                 NEWS & NOTES
                               M o n t h l y N e w s l e t t e r o f H i n e s h o u se P r o p e r t y
                                   Management & Maintenance Services

   To provide safe
  housing options
  that improve the
 quality of life for all
     residents of
   Liberty County

                           To ensure the Hinesville Housing Authority properties
                           remain safe and sanitary, several leases are at risk of
       Vision              being terminated for non-compliance of the HUD lease
To be a convener of
                           and/or house rules. This action was prompted by an
housing solutions in
   the Southeast
                           increase in fraud and illegal activities, admittance of
  Georgia region.          unauthorized guests in units, destruction of property,
                           and unsanitary practices by residents in recent months.
                           These evictions are necessary so we can properly house
                           people in need of affordable options in Liberty County.
                           There will continue to be changed to enforce these
                           rules and provide safe, affordable living environments
                           for current and future residents. Please review your
 Cedar Walk
                           house rules to ensure you remain in compliance.
Regency Place
                              Evictions will begin September 6, 2021
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
                                                                available for elderly,
                                                                   disabled, and
                                                                market-rate residents
                                                               If you would like to have your
                                                              name placed on the list for food
                                                                    delivery, please call
                                                               If available, food bags will be
                                                                 delivered on Wednesdays,
                                                                  Thursdays, and Fridays at
                                                                       10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

                                                               RESIDENT MEETING
                                                                 Thursday, Sept.30
Housekeeping will be conducted during monthly pest
control treatment and completion of work orders
                                                                at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom
                                                               Meeting ID 889 6544 1539
beginning Sept.1, 2021. Failure to maintain a well-kept
unit that meets housekeeping standards will result in             Passcode 301458
a lease violation and/or eviction. Remember, two (2) failed                or
housekeeping reports will result in eviction. Notices will       Call (646) 876-9923
be placed on your door.
                                                                AFTER HOURS CONTACT
PEST CONTROL SCHEDULE                                                  If you experience
Pest Control treatment will be performed on                       problems on the property
the interior and exterior beginning Sept. 7, 2021.                   after work hours, call
                                                              (912) 532-9117 or (912) 321-3651
                                                                   for 24-hour security and
EVICTIONS                                                     emergency maintenance services.
Evictions for lease violations will begin Sept. 7, 2021.
                                                              TRANSPORTATION SERVICES
RENTAL PAYMENTS                                               For medical transportation needs,
Beginning October 1, 2021, all rental payments for                please call a day prior to
                                                               your appointment before Noon.
HPMMS properties must be done via RentCafe.
                                                                 Coastal Regional Coaches
No more payments will be taken in the leasing office.
If you need help, please call 912-368-3466 and we will                  LogistiCare
gladly be of assistance.                                               800-580-6860
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
Hinesville Housing
Authority Board Meeting

  September 14, 2021           Reporting changes to your contact
       at 3:00 p.m.             information is your responsibility.
via Zoom. If you have any   If your phone number or email address
 questions in regards to            changes, please report this
 obtaining access to the       information to the leasing office as
  Zoom meeting, please       soon as possible so we can remain in
         contact                contact with you concerning your
 Melanie C. Thompson,                        housing.
          CEO at             A tenant information form is available
     912-622-1102 or         for you to submit to the leasing office
     adminassistant@                  at 100 Regency Place.        If you have questions, call or email
 prior to Sept. 10, 2021.
                                          Pamela Ogden
                                       (912) 368-34660 or

                                 As stated in House Rule 29, Section A:
                               All resident’s motorized vehicle(s) parked
     Follow us on               at this property must be registered with
     Facebook and             the apartment property office. Vehicles not
       Instagram            registered with management may be towed at
 for events, reminders,     the owner’s expense in accordance with state
    and community            and local law beginning September 1, 2021.
                                          Kevins Towing
   @hineshousing                       1875 HWY 196 West
  #morethanhousing                     Hinesville, GA 31313
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
According to House Rules Section 12, Subsection A: A resident may have guests visit his/her
residence. An “overnight guest” is defined as a person who is sleeping in the unit, staying in
the unit for longer than a 10-hour period (regardless of whether that occurs at night or
during the daytime) and/or keeping clothing or other belongings in the unit. A total of 14
days for any overnight guest(s) is the maximum allowed within a calendar year. For example,
one person may stay for a total of 14 calendar days, either all at once or in separate stays
during the year. Or several different guests may stay overnight as long as the total does not
exceed 14 days in the calendar year. Any individual staying more than 14 days in a calendar
year must be eligible to move into the unit and will be counted as a household member.
An appropriate recertification will be completed. Exceptions for extenuating circumstances
documented by a medical professional (i.e. short term care needed when recovering from
a medical condition) may be granted with the written consent of management. If you need
someone to stay with you for a medical reason, verification will be required from a licensed
medical professional, indicating the tasks that person must perform and the length of time
the person will be needed.

1. A scheduled appointment must be made with the property management office at least
48 hours or more in advance to request a guest pass.

2. A guest can only have a pass for 14 calendar days within a calendar year.

3. The guest must submit a copy of a driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance
to obtain a guest pass with a parking profile.

4. The guest pass must be placed on the driver's side on the back window. The vehicle
cannot be backed in the parking space so that the pass may be always visible.

5. The guest pass must be returned to the Property Manager when the pass has expired.
If the guest pass is not returned, no passes will be reissued to the head of household (HOH).

6. The HOH is responsible for the actions and behavior of their guest(s) and will be held
accountable in accordance with the lease and house rules.

7. After the guest pass has expired, the vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense if found
on the property. You will be referred to the towing company for detailed information.

8. All guests must park in a parking space. Parking around the circle is prohibited.
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
Thank you to our
partners 94.9 FM
   and Liberty
Prayer Chapel for
hosting a school
 supply drive for
  our students.
  Have a great
  school year!
NEWS & NOTES - Evictions will begin September 6, 2021 Cedar Walk Regency Place - Hinesville Housing ...
By October 1, 2021, Regency residents will be required to obtain
  wireless cable services due to loose cable wiring and satellites that
    are not being used creating issues on the property. Elderly and
     disabled residents are exempted. Please contact the property
  management office via phone or email if you have any questions.

       (912) 255-5070 or

          If you are in need of rental assistance,
      there are several organizations that can help.

          United Way of the Coastal Empire (912) 368-4282

  Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority (912) 264-3281

       Find Rent Assistance Programs

                      PLEASE BE ADVISED!
  The HPMMS staff will immediately contact the local Department of
 Family & Children Services and/or local authorities regarding minor
  children who are left unattended in the apartment and wandering
outside. According to the Georgia Division of Human Services, children
under 9 years old may NOT be left unattended; children 9-12 years old
   may be left unattended up to 2 hours; children 13 -15 may be left
  unattended but NOT overnight or to babysit infants; and children
                  16 and older may be left overnight.
Beginning October 1, 2021, all rental payments must be made online.
Please prepare for this change by signing up for our online portal
using the following instructions:
  1. Call the leasing office for your Registration Code
  2. Scan the QR code below using your smartphone or visit the
    Resident login section at
  3. Select "Click Here to Register" link
  4. Search by zip code 31313 or the property name
  5. Have your full legal name, phone number, and email address
  6. Create a password and select a security question
  7. Make sure you verify terms and conditions

                                              If you need
                                              assistance setting-up
                                              your online account
                                              or making payments,
                                              call (912) 368-3466.

                                              Also, don't forget to
                                              download the
                                              RentCafe app for
                                              easy use.

Cedar Walk                      Regency Place
   Benton, David            Allen, Tracy        Lovette, James
   Doomes, Zoya           Arocho, Jalynn     McDonald, Dav'Keya
  Gilmore, Tikeyah         Bell, Hesketh      Morrison, Angelina
   Keith, Peugeot        Daniels, Javarius   Pizarro-Rivera, Limary
 Lumpkin, MeKayla       DeBrossard, Jamal        porter, jaiden
   Nelson, Robyn       DeBrossard, Jasmine     Proctor, LaTasha
Richardson, Jeremiah       Ferrell, Grace    Randall, Christopher
 Simmons, Dayonna         Ford, Jaleigha       Thornton, Megan
  Solomon, Carlton     Goode Torres, Royal     Tremble, Zachary
     Winn, Troy           Grant, Aliyyah         Turner, Aazim
                           Hill, Princess       Turner, Megan
                         Holmes, Danielle     Walthour, Monique
                        Jenkins, Deandrea    Washington, Mitchell
                        Jenkins, Koneisha        Yearby, A'Zhia
Call us about any concerns
 or services.
 (912) 532-9117 Asset Manager                                              Hineshouse Property
 (912) 321-3651 Maintenance Supervisor                     Management & Maintenance Services
                                                           100 Regency Place Hinesville, GA 31313
 Business Hours (By Appointment)
 Monday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
 Tuesday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
 Wednesday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
 Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.                        September 2021
 Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sunday           Monday              Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday            Friday        Saturday

                                                                1                  2              3               4
Regency Place
                                                       Rent            Food               Food
                  Cedar Walk             Food
 Pest Control/   Pest Control/                         Due          Distribution       Distribution
Housekeeping     Housekeeping
 8;00 a.m. to     8;00 a.m. to        10 a.m. to       Food                            Offices
   5:00 p.m.        5:00 p.m.           4 p.m.      Distribution                       Closed

           5                     6            7                 8              9                 10           11
   Rent                                                Food             Food              Food
                 LABOR DAY
 Past Due          (Offices                         Distribution     Distribution      Distribution
 (late fee)        Closed)

          12                13                14               15             16                 17           18
                                       HHA              Food           Food               Food
                                      Board          Distribution   Distribution       Distribution

           19                20               21               22              23                 24          25

                                                       Food             Food              Food
                                                    Distribution     Distribution      Distribution

           26               27                28               29             30
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