Page created by Melissa Vaughn
Credit is due to many people who contributed to this document.

Project and stakeholders team:

•    Marco Palandella and Roberto Corradini, Lighting Design Workshop – Lighting Designers

The Working Group:
• Georgia MacMillan, Project Manager, Friends of Mayo Dark Skies
• Prof. Brian Espey, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin / Dark Sky
• Lynda Huxley, Swift Conservation Ireland
•    Fiona Hopkins, Mayo Dark Sky Festival Director
•    Liz McManamon, Newport Business Association
•    Deirdre Cunningham, Heritage Officer, Mayo County Council
•    Noelle Angley, Architect, Mayo County Council
•    Ann Moore, Administrative Officer, Mayo County Council
•    Ged Dowling, Terra Firma Ireland
•    Stephen McVeigh, Civil Engineer
•    Valentina Stella, Twistar, Graphic designer

                                       “This project received funding from the Heritage Council and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in 2020”

    Due to the pages’ size it has not been possible to incorporate scaled drawings into this document. Pictures are included for illustrative purposes only, if not otherwise declared.

    Prepared for Newport, Co. Mayo

    © 2020-2021 Lighting Design Workshop. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, without prior permission from the authors.
1. Introduction                           2.5 Dark Skies          and   Sustainable   4.6 LED lighting considerations             5.5 Recommendations       for   public
   1.1 Executive Summary                  Development                                                                             lighting

      Community Engagement                                                            5. Application Guidelines                         Suggested Product Specifications
                                          3. Evaluating the Night                                                                       for use
      Goals of the Lighting Master Plan                                               5.1 Design Principles for Good Lighting
                                          3.1 The value of the night – Circadian                                                        Design Considerations for Public
      Strategy and Principles Suggested                                               5.2 Design Criteria
                                          rhythm                                                                                        Lighting
      Priority of Interventions                                                             Sustainable Energy Community
                                          3.2 Existing public lighting                                                            5.6 Recommendations for Residential
      Recommendations                                                                       Landmarks as Town Memories
                                                                                                                                  & Commercial Premises Lighting
      Sustainable Development Goals       3.3 Suggested priority of interventions           Composing a Visual Hierarchy
                                                                                                                                  5.7 Design and Planning for Viaduct
      Summary                                   Urgent Priority                             The Nocturnal      Image     as   a
                                                                                                                                  and St. Patrick’s Church.
1.2 A message from our Patron                   Medium Priority                             Marketing Tool
1.3 Foreword                                    Low Priority                                Orientation and Way-Finding
                                          3.4 Lighting for Safety                           Enhancing the Sense of Security       Conclusion
      Why is this plan necessary?
      Foreword from the Lighting          3.5 Goals of the Lighting Master Plan             Revealing the Town Potential
      Designers                                 The spirit of place                         Costs and Maintenance                 Appendices
1.4 Introduction to Newport                     What are the goals for Newport’s            Quality Criteria                      • Appendix A – Swift report
1.5 Dark Sky Vision                             nocturnal landscape?                                                              •   Appendix B – Light levels
1.6 Scientific Perspectives                                                           5.3 Design Considerations           about   •   Appendix C - References          &
                                          4. Strategy                                 Quality of Lighting                             Bibliography
2. Consultation                           4.1 Street Typologies                             Colour                                •   Appendix D – Glossary
2.1 Stakeholder Consultation              4.2 Light Distribution                            Contrast                              •   Appendix E - Contacts & Photo
Statements                                                                                                                            Credit
                                          4.3 Light Sources                                 Texture
                                                Choice of Light Colour                      Urban vs Natural Scale
2.2 Population profile and comparative
                                          4.4 Controlling Light Pollution                   Spectrum
                                          4.5 Reducing Cost, Energy and Carbon        5.4 Design Considerations           about
2.3 Biodiversity
                                                    Use                               Quantity of lighting
2.4 Heritage of Newport
                                                Trimming and Dimming Adaptive               Light Levels - Illuminance
                                                Lighting Technologies Traffic               Light Levels – Luminance
                                                Adaptive Installation (TAI) or a            Uniformity
                                                Full Adaptive Installation (FAI)            Colour appearance and colour
                                                Dimming                                     rendering

This Lighting Master Plan, funded              Community Engagement                         Strategy and Principles                      For example, wet surfaces reflect more
by the Heritage Council, seeks to
                                                                                                                                         light into the night sky than intended.
provide best practice design and               Information and evidence are key to          This plan complies with the principles
guidelines for artificial lighting in the      making     effective    decisions     that   of the International Dark Sky Association    CONTROLLED – Light should be used
town of Newport, County Mayo, the              place the community at the core of           which are as follows:                        only when it is useful.
gateway town to Mayo International             the process.         In preparing this
Dark Sky Park. This is the first plan of its   document we have engaged a                   USEFUL – All light should have a clear
                                                                                                                                         Use controls such as timers or motion
kind in Ireland, driven by the needs of        number of community groups in the            purpose.
                                                                                                                                         detectors to ensure that light is available
the community. It is intended to form          Newport area encompassing interests                                                       when it is needed, dimmed when
a template for other areas seeking dark        of   the    residents    and     business    Before installing or replacing a light,
                                                                                                                                         possible, and turned off when not
sky status or wishing to implement a           community. We have featured the              determine if light is needed. Consider
lighting policy.                               themes          of         environmental     how the use of light will impact the area,
                                               education, wellbeing, heritage, and          including wildlife and the environment.
                                                                                                                                         COLOUR – Warmer-coloured lighting
The strategies within these pages are          sustainable tourism.                         Consider using reflective paints or self-
                                                                                                                                         should be used whenever possible.
intended to act as a reference tool                                                         luminous markers for signs, curbs, and
                                                                                                                                         Limit the amount of shorter wavelength
for    councillors,   town     planners,                                                    steps to reduce the need for
                                                                                                                                         (blue-violet) light to the least amount
engineers, architects, residents and           The goals for this plan are:                 permanently installed outdoor lighting.
community groups. Our goal is to
provide practical solutions as well as a       •   Increase comfort and a sense of          TARGETED – Light should be directed
solid   base     for   setting  feasible           safety for the community                 only to where needed.
                                                                                                                                         This report also references guidelines
technical and aesthetic guidelines             •   Compliance with National Lighting
                                                                                                                                         laid out in European Standard EN
for coordinating future lighting plans.            Standards                                Use shielding and careful aiming to
                                                                                                                                         13201-1:2015 adhering to the street
If the designs detailed within this plan       •   Reconnect values of the night and        target the direction of the light beam so
                                                                                                                                         lighting classes     appropriate    to
are       implemented,         Newport,            natural darkness                         that it points downward and does not
                                                                                                                                         the    Newport    area, Institution of
County Mayo, will become the first             •   Provide an ecologically sensitive        spill beyond where it is needed.
                                                                                                                                         Lighting Professionals “Guidance note
Dark Sky Friendly town in Ireland.                 lighting scheme for the town
                                                                                                                                         for the reduction of intrusive light”,
                                               •   Enhance the nocturnal atmosphere         LOW LIGHT LEVELS – Light should be
Guiding principle                                  of Newport after dark                    no brighter than necessary.
The guiding principle of this document is      •   Improve street lighting uniformity
that lighting should be designed               •   Reduce energy use                        Use the lowest light level required. Be
elegantly and in a natural way, as if it has   •   Enhance Dark Sky Tourism Potential       mindful of surface conditions.
always been there.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 1
Recommendations                               Longer term - public lighting on the       Summary                                     Within the pages of this document you
                                              N59 through the town has recently          Unlike other sources of pollution,          will find the following:
This plan provides key actions and            been replaced, at the time of this         taking    action   to    combat     light
recommendations on lighting design for        publication, with compliant warm toned     pollutioncan have an immediate              •   An assessment on the existing
built   heritage    structures,     private   fixtures at a Correlated Colour            effect. If the recommendations with             lighting in Newport, identifying
domestic lighting, commercial lighting        Temperature (“CCT”) of 2700 kelvin.        these pages are carried out; a                  problematic areas;
and       public      street      lighting.   Should any retrofits be required to        restoration of natural sky conditions in    •   Evidence of community consultation
Recommendations         for    landscape,     these lights, they should be in keeping    the Newport area by a mere 10% will             with letters of support from local
festive events and sports events are          with the strategy and guidelines           lead to approximately five hundred              associations, environmental groups
also provided within the section on           provided in this plan.                     more stars becoming visible in the              and stakeholders;
“Controlling Light Pollution”.                                                           surrounding       countryside,      plus    •   An evaluation of the need for
                                              It should be noted that the installation                                                   appropriate levels of artificial light
                                                                                         improved conditions for nature, a
Suggested Priority of Interventions:          of these lanterns has been welcomed                                                        and the impact of excessive light;
                                                                                         reduction in energy consumption
Following an evaluation of existing           by the community and is a leading                                                      •   Designs for lighting the key
                                                                                         and security for the natural asset
lighting practices, the needs of the          example of lighting a national road in                                                     structures of Newport Church
                                                                                         that is Mayo Dark Sky Park.
community and the goals of this plan,         the country.                                                                               and Viaduct Bridge together with
the following priorities arise from this                                                                                                 nightscape renders showing light
plan:                                                                                                                                    designs within the town;
                                                                                                                                     •   Recommendations for light policy
Urgent – Implementation of lighting           Sustainable Development Goals                                                              and best practice to qualify as a
designs for the Viaduct Bridge spanning                                                                                                  Dark Sky Friendly Town
                                              The concept of a dark sky policy aligns
the Newport River, and St Patrick’s           with a number of the UN’s Sustainable
Church on Barrack Hill.                       Development Goals as detailed later
                                              in this document.      Recognition of
Medium - Public lighting on residential       these alignments will assist local
and commercial roads intersecting with        authorities in future decision making
the N59 in the town of Newport are            on planning for artificial light in our
listed as a medium priority intervention,     communities.
with dark sky specifications provided.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 2

I am delighted that the Heritage Council
have found this project worthy of funding.
Light pollution threatens the future of Mayo
International Dark Sky Park and the natural
heritage of this ecologically sensitive region.

Newport is an historic town, providing a natural
habitat both by day and by night. This, along
with its proximity to Wild Nephin Ballycroy
National Park and the Nephin Beg mountain
range form a unique wilderness in Ireland,            I congratulate Mayo County Council on
including the Marine Institute’s research facility    embracing this initiative, by replacing and
and Fishery at Burrishoole catchment, which           installing  low-kelvin    light  fittings  on
is one of Ireland’s premier Lough fisheries for       the approach roads into Newport and I look
salmon.                                               forward to their continued works to transform
                                                      Newport into Ireland’s first dark sky friendly
Newport also acts as a ‘gateway’ to a unique          town.
tourism destination and nature experience,
which is complemented by this valuable                •My This is thethoughts
                                                          summary     first community
                                                                               are:   driven plan of its
sustainable initiative. It is a very appropriate          kind to consider redesigning the nocturnal
place to demonstrate sensitive artificial lighting        landscape – often overlooked yet our
that is compatible with its Dark Sky designation,         revolving world depends on darkness.
helping to protect and restore its native insects      • It will enhance the built heritage of the
and wildlife.                                             town, whilst also preserving natural heritage
                                                          in tandem with community needs and
Light pollution is destroying natural darkness            wellbeing.
with severe consequences. Scientists link light       • It provides a framework of collaborative work
pollution to global insect decline, the death of          including the local authority, international
millions of migrating birds, increased carbon             experts, evidence-based research and
emissions, and disruption of human wellbeing.             community needs.
This Lighting Master Plan will benefit nature
and enhance the ‘dark sky’ experience for             Mayo is leading the way on this unique dark sky
visitors and the local community alike with           initiative, and with the support of the Heritage
examples of sensitive lighting. It will also act as   Council, this is presented as a ‘living lab’ and
an exemplary demonstration for other Irish            a transferable plan for other areas to follow.
County Councils to follow and could become a          I compliment the Heritage Council for their
‘game-changer’ for outdoor lighting techniques        support for this project.
across Ireland.

                                                                                     Duncan Stewart
                                                                         Producer ‘Eco Eye’ TV series

                                                                                                           This photo was taken prior to the N59 lighting upgrades, showing a
                                                                                                                          mixture of light sources and glare from white LEDs.

                                                                                                                                                               Page 3

The Friends of Mayo Dark Skies is a         Finally, may we express our thanks to          also lost sight of this natural night sky
voluntary group, established by local       the lighting design team led by Roberto        phenomenon and this figure is rising
people from Newport, Mulranny and           Corradini     and     Marco     Palandella.    rapidly due to the increase in domestic,
Ballycroy to promote the goals of Mayo      Completing this work remotely and              commercial and public lighting over
International Dark Sky Park and to raise    during the pandemic period, has been           recent years.
awareness of light pollution. Our motto     a challenge for us all but especially to
is “Let’s raise children who can name       the team based in Italy. Having visited        Without taking action to protect our
more stars in the sky, than stars on the    Newport on just one occasion in the            night sky heritage, there is a risk of losing it
screen”.                                    past, their passion for dark skies of Mayo     due to the growth of light pollution.
                                            is very evident.
We wish to acknowledge The Heritage                                                        The recommendations provided within
Council for enabling us to commission       Why is this plan necessary?                    this plan, promote informed change
the    designs    and     specifications    There is no doubt that artificial lighting     through       evidence-based          research
within this Lighting Master Plan and        has its place in our world and is invaluable   solutions to create harmony and social
we are very grateful for their support.     to our businesses, homes, roads and            ambience in our nocturnal environment.
Our working group dedicated many            recreation. However, when used                 As such, we promote the Danish lifestyle
hours on a very tight deadline for          inappropriately or excessively, artificial     concept of “Hygge” which means a cosy,
research,    consultation   and      the    lighting can cause light pollution. Many       warm and welcoming environment.
contribution of content for this plan       of us are not aware that light pollution       In Irish we refer to this as “Teolaí”.
and we sincerely thank them for             has adverse effects on the environment,
their time and expertise.              In   our health, biodiversity, and through          This encapsulates the spirit of our dark
particular, may we thank Professor          energy waste, on our climate.                  sky ethos and the tone for the content in
Brian Espey for the ongoing support                                                        the forthcoming pages.
he has shown to our project here in         In the UK over 80% of the population
Mayo and the countless hours he             can no longer view The Milky Way from          Georgia MacMillan
has contributed to the technical detail     their home due to light pollution. In          For and on behalf of the Friends of Mayo
found within these pages.                   Ireland, over 50% of the population has        Dark Skies

                                                                                                                                              Page 4
Foreword from the Lighting                   are intended to be consistent with the
Designers                                    ongoing dark sky movement and help
                                             to protect, maintain and improve
Recognising the threat of light pollution    the beauty of the dark sky, which is
to the night in West Ireland, a group        enjoyed by Ballycroy National Park
of enthusiasts within the Friends of         visitors and, at the same time,
Mayo Dark Skies, a community group           improving the quality of life in
affiliated with the Dark Sky Ireland         Newport’s      urban     and      rural
network and a chapter of the                 environmental settings.
International Dark Sky Association
asked      Marco      Palandella      and    Finally, we want to recognise
Roberto Corradini, Italian lighting          the     visionary leadership of the
designers of Lighting Design Workshop,       Friends of Mayo Dark Skies. Since we
to        address         the       issue.   first met, they have sought to
Thanks to the financial support of           preserve the beauty of the night sky at
The Heritage         Council     –     An    all of this wonderful part of Ireland.
Chomhairle        Oidhreacthta         we    Our work has been continuously
joined the team in September                 shared      with them utilising their
2020 and began a concentrated                insights and cultural experience of the
effort on research about biodiversity,       territory and, therefore, we hope the
heritage, traffic, lighting, astronomy,      benefits of this Lighting Master Plan
learning the development in dark sky         can be shared with other Irish towns.
philosophy and illumination science
                                               Roberto Corradini & Marco Palandella
allowing us to share this Lighting Master
                                                                 November 23, 2020
Interestingly, the short time allowed
for some amazing results. Our project
team shared the views of various
stakeholders aiming         to   find   a
bespoke solution for Newport. Thus
these Guidelines

                                                                                       Page 5

The beautiful Heritage town of Newport       construction companies and made his
is situated in the barony of Burrishoole,    family’s fortune. Grace’s path through life
County Mayo, on the shores of Clew           eventually brought her back as royalty to
Bay. The Newport River (also referred        the Newport area in 1961 accompanied
to as the Black Oak River) flows through     by her husband, Prince Rainier Grimaldi
the centre of the town before entering       of Monaco. During a number of visits
the Atlantic Ocean. There are pleasant       to Newport in the 1960s and 1970s,
walking paths along its grassy banks,        Princess Grace became familiar with the
continuing over the iconic Seven Arches      birthplace of her forebears and even
viaduct bridge, built in 1892 to carry the   purchased the family homestead. Many
Westport to Achill railway line, which       Newport people fondly recall meeting
ceased operating in 1937. Newport            the Princess when she visited Newport.
town is a fantastic base for exploring
the many natural and built heritage sites    Of a number of beautiful buildings
as well as walking and cycling routes in     in Newport the most dominant is St.
close proximity.                             Patrick’s Church, which was built in
                                             1918 in the Irish Romanesque Style
One of the neighbourhood walks to the        and has an entrance doorway that is
west of the town passes through Princess     modelled on the one in Clonfert
Grace Park by the edge of the Black          Cathedral, Co. Galway. The highlight
Oak river. The park commemorates the         of the church is the stained-glass
Hollywood actress Grace Kelly who had        window at the East end by the
a special connection to the area as her      famous artist Harry Clarke. The
paternal grandfather hailed from the         church dominates the skyline from all
townland of Drimurla near Newport. He        approaches to the town and with
emigrated to Philadelphia in 1887, where     the     appropriate    lighting  the
he founded one of that city’s leading        architecture    of this magnificent
                                             building would be greatly enhanced.

                                                                                           Grace Kelly The photo is from MGM and before her 1956 marriage
                                                                                            Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

                                                                                                                                                Page 6
Other features of interest in the               For walkers, there is the 39
neighbourhood of Newport include the            km waymarked Bangor trail which
ruins of the fifteenth century Burrishoole      starts in Newport and finishes in
Abbey just outside the town. The                Bangor     Erris,  Co.   Mayo.     This
Abbey was founded in 1469, but was              challenging trail follows an old
abandoned in 1698 with the expulsion            drover path (a path for moving
of the Catholic clergy under the penal          livestock) which may date to the
                                                                                                                   Photo source
laws. It is situated in an idyllic setting on   Iron Age. The trail passes through all
the shores of Clew bay and provides             types of terrain, including the
a convenient venue for the Newport              most remote mountain range in the
Astronomy Club to host observation              country, the Nephin Beg Mountains.
evenings.                                       The remoteness of this location
                                                allows hikers to experience a solitude
For those seeking more active holidays          no longer available elsewhere in
two major routes in the vicinity are of         Ireland. Part of The Bangor Trail
interest. The Great Western Greenway            traverses   through    Wild    Nephin
is a 42km cycling and walking route             Ballycroy National Park, which is
which follows the old railway line from         home to Mayo International Dark Sky
Westport to Achill and passes                   Park.
through Newport over the Seven
Arches bridge. The Greenway is a
major tourist attraction which has
brought many visitors to the area and
provided income to          the    local

                                                                                                                     Page 7
                                                                                          Photo by Mike Kinsella
Countryside view from the heart of Newport town. Photo by Ged Dowling   Page 8

“No one will protect what they don’t care   together with social ambience and           events for all the family to enjoy. This
about; and no one will care about what      create an attractive design for Newport     much-loved event is a highlight on the
they have never experienced”                after dark. This vision will allow all      county calendar, attracting significant
                                            members of the community to safely          business and visitors to the area
                 Sir David Attenborough     enjoy the town’s unique architectural       during the off-season period. Adapting
                                            heritage, against a beautiful backdrop      Newport’s lighting to “dark sky friendly”
                                            of a natural night sky, free from light     complements the festival ethos of a
In May 2016, a Gold Tier standard of        pollution.                                  welcoming, sensitive environment and
International Dark Sky Park was awarded                                                 showcases the town’s built heritage for
to Wild Nephin Ballycroy National Park,     The project vision extends to public        visitors to enjoy, creating an excellent
accredited as Mayo International Dark       lighting and we have worked closely         base to explore Mayo Dark Sky Park.
Sky Park (Mayo Dark Sky Park). The dark     with Mayo County Council. We applaud
sky certification process is modelled       their decision to rollout ecologically
on conservation programmes, such            sensitive/dark sky friendly lighting on
as UNESCO World Heritage Sites and          the N59 surrounding the Mayo Dark
Biosphere Reserves and a Gold Tier          Sky Park, with warmer toned lighting
award is the highest possible accolade,     of improved quality in order to protect
meaning that Mayo is now internationally    this sensitive environment. This lighting
recognised as one of the best places in     project is the first of its kind in the
the world to view the wonders of the        country and shows great commitment
night.                                      to the region and to preserving the dark
                                            skies of Mayo.
Newport is the gateway town to Mayo
Dark Sky Park and this flagship project     Since 2016, the Mayo Dark Sky Festival
to create a Master Lighting Plan will       has been hosted in the town of
safeguard the future of the International   Newport, as well as the neighbouring
Dark Sky Park, which has become a           communities of Mulranny and Ballycroy
valuable sustainable tourism asset to the   (known collectively as the “Dark Sky
area. The plan also aspires to become a     Communities”). The festival celebrates
leading example of nightscape design.       the night skies of Mayo with a three
                                            day experience exploring the realms of
Saving energy is not enough: the plan       Science, Astronomy, Cultural Heritage
must address the needs of biodiversity      and the Environment in a fusion of

                                                                                                                                                       Half the Park is After Dark
                                                                                                                                    Commissioned Artwork by Tyler Nordgren, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                         Page 9
This map illustrates Newport’s proximity to the Mayo Dark Sky Park along
                           with our neighbouring Dark Sky Communities

“It is indeed a feeble light that reaches   needs to be carefully maintained and          sensitive, is particularly detrimental
us from the starry sky. But what would      managed if it is to remain pristine           and leads to a dramatic decrease in
human thought have achieved if we           as it is very sensitive to artificial light   the sky’s appearance to the unaided
could not see the stars?”                   contamination. As anyone who has              eye.
Jean Perrin [French Physicist, 1879-        looked up at the skies within the Park,
1942]                                       it is a basic fact is that there are many     In a more positive vein, a decrease in
                                            more faint stars than bright ones, with       sky brightness through a reduction in
                                            most of these making up to four or            light pollution leads to a linear increase
Although         our         proposal       five thousand stars which are                 in the number of visible stars and light
addresses    lighting changes only          potentially visible in a dark rural sky.      pollution is unusual amongst pollution
within the town of Newport, these                                                         sources in that an improvement
will have an impact on the visibility       The light from stars, diffuse clouds          will lead to an immediate effect. As
of the environment and night sky            and the Milky Way, which has                  an example, near Newport every
farther afield. In terms of light           travelled hundreds or thousands of            reduction in the light output – and
impact, Newport is not the only             years to us or from galaxies, which           hence improvement in the natural
contributor to light pollution in the       has traversed space for millions of           sky brightness – by 10% will lead to
area surrounding Mayo Dark Sky              years, is exceedingly weak when               approximately five hundred more
Park although it is the brightest           it reaches Earth. Because of the              stars being visible in the surrounding
town within ten kilometres of the           feebleness of these faint objects,            countryside.
National Park boundary and so is an         even a small percentage of emission
important player in the preservation        from a poorly-constrained light will          A reduction in light level can be
of the dark sky conditions in its           drown the natural sky under a haze            achieved by improved shielding
surroundings                                of artificial light. Even a relatively        of existing lights, but the best
                                            small increase in background light            improvements are obtainable with
                                            levels can have a dramatic effect in          better designed modern luminaires,
The development of Mayo Dark Sky            terms of the appreciation of the night        reducing the time of use, and using
                                                                                                                                       A colour-coded version of the light emitted to space in 2016
Park has showcased the beautiful            sky. Poorly controlled light, such as         light with a smaller blue content:
natural skies of Mayo and has had a         produced by older light fixtures and/         our proposal aims to improve the
major impact in the county. However,        or poorly controlled blue-rich light,         lights of Newport on all three counts.
just like other resources, this sky         to which our night vision is especially       Blue-rich light, such as is produced

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 11
by conventional LED lighting, scatters        impression of overbrightness and glare
strongly in the atmosphere and this           of such lighting when compared with
is the effect that leads to the clear         older sodium lighting. The LED lighting
daytime sky being blue due to scattered       recently installed along the N59 has
sunlight. Our proposal requires the use       a dark sky impact approximately 30%
of better controlled emission as well         smaller than that of the majority of
as less blue (“warmer”) lighting over         LED lighting currently being installed      Photographs taken from the same position showing the appearance of
most of the town. Within the town limits      nationally, and the LED lighting proposed   the sky before (left) and after (right) the 2003 Northeast blackout in the
the reduced glare, better spectrum,           for residential areas will be only 50% of            USA, a massive power outage that affected 55 million people.

and controlled emission will lead to          that level. When light is dimmed or the                                                    Photo by of Todd Carlson
improved appreciation of the sky above        timing trimmed, this will reduce light
the town.                                     levels further during these times. Within
                                              Newport itself, the additional benefit of
The effect of full cutoff lighting will       these improved lights is the reduction
result in reduced light travelling into       of the blue light which can suppress
the surrounding countryside due to            the body’s sleep hormone melatonin,
restricted emission near or at the            to half or one quarter of that for a
horizontal, reducing the overall light        4000 Kelvin LED light.
background beyond the town boundary.
However, to obtain the best views of the      The combination of reduced light
sky the human eye needs to be dark-           travelling beyond the town boundary
adapted in order to make use of our           and a reduced blue component will
sensitive night vision. Since this vision     therefore have an important impact
is blue-sensitive any (bluish) white          in the sky above the surrounding
lighting – such as that from most LED         countryside by reducing the apparent
road lighting with a correlated colour        light dome over the town and also
temperature (CCT) of 4000 Kelvin – will       enabling a better view of the dark sky
have an impact on this dark adaptation.       above the National Park area.
Indeed, it is this sensitivity to the blue-
light emissions which results in the

                                                                                                                                                    Page 12
The current status of the light pollution in Mayo is provided by the map at:

                                                             Page 13
15th Century Burrishoole Abbey, site of Newport Astronomy Club’s night
sky observing sessions.                                                  2. CONSULTATION
                                                                                      Page 14

                                                                   St. Patrick’s Church

Inform, Engage and Support Communities
in the Protection of the Night Sky

As this project is driven by the needs
of the community in and around the
town of Newport, a consultation phase
was critical to analyse the needs of the
various stakeholder groups and
secure     the     support     of    the

The statements in the following
pages represent the diverse interests                              Castlebar St. “Weavers Row”

behind     this    plan,   yet    are
underpinned      by      a   common
objective to promote and enhance
the nightscape of Newport.

                                                                   Railway Viaduct Black Oak River

                                                                                                     Page 15
                                             Photos: David Moran
                                                                   Main Street Newport
Our Community Groups

Burrishoole Parish                             by interest in the Dark Sky Festival. This   lighting on approach roads and main            untapped resource and wish the group
The parish of Burrishoole is very proud        festival has brought many new visitors to    shopping/ business streets.                    every success not only with developing
of our magnificent church which from           the area which is of great advantage for     We look forward to having a proactive          the plan, but in implementing it in the
its elevated location on Barrack Hill has      the town and its businesses. We think it     engagement in relation to the lighting         town in the not too distant future.
been a feature of the Newport Skyline          is important that we do all in our power     Plan & we are available to meet as
for over 100 years. Its commanding             to ensure that the Dark Sky designation      appropriate to discuss options and to          Burrishoole Community Partnership
structure is both a testament to the           is maintained and improved and so            facilitate smooth implementation &             We are pleased to support this Lighting
faith of our people and a symbol of the        give the Light Management Plan our           rollout of the plan.                           Master Plan for Newport and the work
central place that faith continues to play     full backing. It is hoped we can lead the                                                   of the Mayo Dark Skies group. Our plans
in our lives. We are proud of our Church       way in showing other areas the benefits      Newport and District Development               to build a new community centre in
and of what it means to our community          of living in harmony with nature.            Company (NADDCo)                               Newport are now underway and hope
and its illumination at night is a comfort                                                  NADDCo is delighted to support the             to be able to open the doors of the
and sight of great beauty for the local        Newport Business Association                 Friends of Mayo Dark Skies’ mission to         new building in late 2021. We plan to
community. However, as a parish we are         Newport        Business       Association    develop a dark sky friendly lighting plan      incorporate the recommendations for
very concerned about the environment           welcomes the proposed Newport                for Newport. As a company we have              dark sky friendly lighting into our new
and are therefore keenly aware of the          Lighting Masterplan. Newport is an           worked diligently for over 25 years to         build and look forward to welcoming
detrimental effect the current lighting        exceptionally beautiful heritage town,       develop Newport in a sustainable way,          future dark sky events.
system is having on the natural life           which has benefitted greatly from the        helping to make it a better place to live
surrounding the Church and the natural         Dark Skies Project thanks to our location    in, work in, and visit, and we see the         Newport National School
skyline. We are pleased to learn of the        in close proximity to the Mayo Dark          clear benefits of improving the current        Newport NS welcomes the plan to adapt
Light Management Plan for Newport              Sky Park in Wild Nephin. The business        lighting, not only for our residents, but      the lighting in Newport to eco-friendly
and give it our full support.                  community acknowledges the hard              also for our visitors, local businesses        lighting. Our school has benefitted
Getting artificial lighting levels right       work put in by the team behind the plan.     and potential investors.                       from hosting many educational events
is important for the parish; we think          The Lighting Master Plan will enhance        We view our beautiful heritage town as         associated with the Dark Sky festival in
it will improve safety for drivers and         the town in many ways, and the               the gateway to Wild Nephin and Mayo            the past.
pedestrians alike while giving our local       businesses in the town are excited to        Dark Sky Park and, with one of the             The school is embarking on a building
wildlife a greater chance of survival.         see Newport become a model town for          largest astronomy clubs in the country         programme in early 2021, part of which
Having seen some of the proposed               best practice in environmentally friendly    located in the town, we are very keen          will include the reconfiguring of our
designs for our church it is clear they will   lighting.                                    to support any initiative that aids in their   lighting plan to dark sky friendly lighting.
only enhance the architectural features        We are delighted to see that different       local stargazing events.                       We are delighted that this initiative
while allowing the beautiful night skyline     lighting options can be used in              NADDCo also manages the local                  is gaining traction and are happy to
to remain as God intended it.                  different parts of the town, taking into     community tourist office and, through          support it.
There is an increasing interest in our         consideration     biodiversity,   energy     this, we have witnessed first-hand the
environment and the attraction of our          conservation, tourism and social &           increase in interest from visitors in our
night skies which has been manifest            heritage ambience, as well as effective      stunning skies. We see it as a heretofore

                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 16
Cuan Modh Day Centre                       Newport Tidy Towns                            Newport Historical Society
Cuan Modh and St Dominick’s Housing        Newport Tidy Towns are pleased to             Newport Historical Society feels that
Association are delighted to support the   learn of the Lighting Master Plan and         the lighting of two of the most historic
Friends of Mayo Dark Skies’ Mission and    welcome the plan to adapt the lighting        structures in the town, the railway
Lighting Masterplan plan for the town of   in Newport to reduce light pollution and      bridge and St. Patrick’s Church adds
Newport. We already provide a lighting     save energy. It is important to our group     significantly to the visual impact of the
policy around the Centre, which reduces    because artificial light interrupts the       town after dark. However the present
pollution and saves energy, while          natural cycle of both plants and ecology.     lighting has deleterious effects on
also keeping our tenants and visitors      These artificial lights are concentrated      wildlife and causes light pollution.
safe. We wish success to the group in      along roadsides, hedgerows, and in            We would be in favour of the Lighting
developing the implementation of its       gardens of the town environments,             Management Plan, provided the bridge
plans in the not too distant future.       which represents a significant threat.        and church are still illuminated.

Dr. Brian Lennon                           Newport Astronomy Club
As someone who works as a GP in            Newport Astronomy Club is very
Newport Health Centre, I would like        pleased to support the Friends of Mayo
to add my support to this initiative of    Dark Skies’ initiative to develop a dark
Friends of Mayo Dark Skies to improve      sky friendly lighting plan for Newport.
the lighting in the town. The Mayo Dark    The club uses Burrishoole Abbey
Sky Festival has been a tremendous         (approximately 2.5km from Newport) as
success for the town in recent years       the site for its regular observing sessions
and it would be fitting that Newport       and is very conscious of the light spill
would lead the way in developing an        from the town. Any improvement is to
eco-friendly lighting system. The Health   be greatly welcomed, not only for the
Centre in Newport is owned by the HSE      benefit of the club but also to improve
and adequate lighting is necessary for     the appeal of the whole area as a dark
health & safety and security reasons,      sky destination.
but I feel a more energy efficient
and ecofriendly lighting system is
compatible with these objectives.

                                                                                                                                     Page 17
Conservation Groups

Wild Nephin Ballycroy National Park/         Bat Conservation Ireland                       appropriate in the context the Mayo          feeding and breeding requirements of
National Parks & Wildlife Service            Bat Conservation Ireland supports the          Dark Sky Park.                               all urban wildlife and that can potentially
(management of Mayo Dark Sky Park)           ‘Friends of Mayo Dark Skies’ initiative to     The use of high-intensity lighting not       be replicated in all towns across Ireland.
The town of Newport is an important          develop a wildlife-friendly lighting plan      only has a negative effect on Swifts but
gateway into the Wild Nephin Ballycroy       for Newport, Co. Mayo. Artificial light        on other species of bird and wildlife        BirdWatch Mayo
National Park and Ireland’s first Dark Sky   at night negatively impacts on many            such as moths and bats. With regard          The Mayo Branch of BirdWatch Ireland
Park. This lighting management project       wildlife species. A number of Irish bat        to Swifts, they come to Ireland to           are delighted that ‘Friends of Mayo
is not just important for maintaining        species avoid lit areas, possibly as a         breed and thus ensuring successful           Dark Skies’ have identified the need
the Gold Tier Award received by the          result of increased predation risk and         breeding is extremely important to the       for developing wildlife friendly & eco
Mayo International Dark Sky Park, but        because their eyesight is adapted for          long-term survival of the species. Over      lighting for Newport.
it also demonstrates best practice in        low and dim light conditions, among            centuries, they have adapted their nest      Clew Bay is an internationally important
environmental management where               other reasons. In addition, artificial light   site location and today over 90% of their    area for birdlife, especially in relation
communities are minimising light             at night can profoundly impact on the          nest sites are located in old buildings in   to overwintering and migration. It is
pollution and lessening their impacts        life cycles of bats’ insect prey.              our urban areas. High-intensity lighting     internationally accepted that artificial
on the environment. Dark Sky friendly        Therefore, Bat Conservation Ireland            shining onto a building and from a           light can impact negatively on circadian
lighting is important for maintaining        welcomes a lighting plan that takes into       building where a nest site is located,       rhythms and bird’s ability to migrate
more natural conditions for our nocturnal    account the needs of wild species by           can hinder the entry and exit of the         successfully due to disorientation
biodiversity and will prevent light          avoiding the use of artificial light where     parent birds to the nest to feed their       caused by inappropriate lighting. These
trespass into the Dark Sky Park. Recent      it is not needed, and where it is needed,      young. Furthermore, many Swift chicks        disruptions can mean the difference
improvements to the N59 road lighting        by appropriately applying best practice        fledge after dark and they have this         between a bird’s success and failure to
around the Dark Sky Park, e.g. Ballycroy     guidelines such as those developed by          one and only opportunity to leave the        survive.
village, are already very noticeable,        EUROBATS and/or BCT (UK).                      nest and fly away successfully. If they      Any positive changes in the delivery of
where shielded warmer toned street                                                          are hindered in any way and become           lighting for Newport will have beneficial
lights are protecting the night sky. The     Swift Conservation Ireland                     grounded they will usually be doomed         impact on the birds of the area and
Newport lighting management plan will        Swift Conservation Ireland is in full          to die because few Swifts can take off       should be encouraged.
be a further beacon to other towns and       support of the ‘Friends of Mayo Dark           from the ground - they have evolved for
villages in the vicinity of the Park, who    Skies’ initiative to produce a model           a life on the wing.                          The Vincent Wildlife Trust
will see the positive results of more        adaptive lighting plan for Newport             Therefore, Swift Conservation Ireland        Vincent Wildlife Trust supports the
environmentally friendly lighting that       town in Co. Mayo that is sensitive to          fully supports a town lighting plan for      Lighting Master Plan for Newport being
will protect our pristine skies.             the surrounding environment and                Newport that will be sensitive to the        developed by The Friends of Mayo Dark

                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 18
Skies. All our bat conservation work in        Friends of Mayo Dark Skies, who work
the west of Ireland is focused on the          to reduce light pollution and protect
lesser horseshoe bat, which is extremely       the night sky for present and future
sensitive to artificial light, so we welcome   generations. This plan will include the
initiatives to reduce the extent and           design of sky friendly lighting for St
nature of outdoor lighting. There is now       Patrick’s Church and the Viaduct Bridge
a substantial body of evidence showing         and provide a vision for lighting that is
how illuminated areas are barriers to the      aesthetically pleasing, safe and better
movement of bats, which prevents them          for biodiversity and the environment.
from accessing suitable roosting sites         This project will contribute to
or foraging areas. A darker environment        safeguarding the accreditation of
will benefit a range of wildlife, including    Mayo International Dark Sky Park, a
other bat species, invertebrates and           valuable asset in sustainable off-season
birds that migrate at night.                   tourism, as well as being an excellent
                                               conservation project. Leave No Trace
Marine Institute Furnace, Newport,             Ireland wishes the project well and
Mayo                                           hopes that the continued work of the
Based in Furnace, just outside Newport         Friends of Mayo Dark Skies will result in
Town, the Marine Institute welcomes the        a transferable plan for best practice in
plan to adapt the lighting in Newport to       environmentally sensitive lighting that
more Dark Sky and eco-friendly lighting.       will benefit many communities in the
Artificial lighting is known to impact on      future.
many aquatic ecosystems, including
hatching       and     migrating  salmon,
migrating eels and feeding bats. We
welcome any initiative to reduce such
impacts. The Institute has recently
adapted the lighting of its premises in
Furnace to dark sky friendly lighting.
                                                                                           Local playground in Newport’s town centre
Leave No Trace Ireland
Leave No Trace Ireland is pleased
to support the Lighting Master Plan
for Newport being produced by The

                                                                                                                       Page 19
Tourism | Local Authority |
Professional Groups

Fáilte Ireland (Wild Atlantic Way)          to support this plan to create a vision   Electric Skyline Limited (Public           Axo Architects
We are fortunate in Clew Bay to have        for lighting at night in the town of      lighting contractors)
                                                                                                                                 As architects of the recent extensions
many unique and compelling visitor          Newport. This is also highlighted as      Electric Skyline fully supports and is
                                                                                                                                 to Newport National School, and the
experiences which will help us position     an important action in the up-coming      delighted to be associated with the
                                                                                                                                 architects appointed to design the
the area as a great place for visitors      Clew Bay Destination and Experience       ‘Friends of Mayo Dark Skies’ initiative.
                                                                                                                                 next extension phase of the school (the
to come and explore. One of these is,       Development Plan which is due to be       This is a very unique project that would
                                                                                                                                 provision of two additional classrooms),
of course, Wild Nephin National Park        published in Q1 2021.                     not have come to fruition without the
                                                                                                                                 Axo Architects is delighted to support
and the Mayo International Dark Sky                                                   hard work and dedication of local
                                                                                                                                 the Friends of Mayo Dark Skies’ Newport
Park.                                       Mayo County Council                       Mayo people and state agencies
                                                                                                                                 Master Lighting Plan, and our intention
Fáilte    Ireland     has     conducted     Mayo County Council welcomes              that worked so well together. To be
                                                                                                                                 is to ensure that the lighting elements of
extensive research into the potential       the development of the Newport            internationally recognised as one of
                                                                                                                                 the new extension will comply with the
of dark skies tourism and while niche,      Lighting Masterplan. The international    the best places in the world to view
                                                                                                                                 recommendations of the Lighting Plan,
it can significantly increase tourism       recognition of Mayo Dark Sky Park         the wonders of the night in our very
                                                                                                                                 with regard to intensity, direction and
revenues in the largely rural areas         is a tribute to the combined efforts      own County Mayo is something all
                                                                                                                                 timing, as well as location. We are also
they are located as well as in the          of the communities, businesses and        involved should be very proud of. The
                                                                                                                                 keen to build in swift nest boxes at the
gateway towns surrounding the parks,        organisations. The heritage town          scenery in Mayo is second to none
                                                                                                                                 construction phase.
particularly in the off-season.             of Newport is the gateway to Mayo         during the daylight and now the Dark
As a consequence, it is vitally important   Dark Sky region and the Lighting          Sky project also reconnects us with
that we move to protect the integrity       Masterplan represents a significant       the natural beauty of the night.
of our Gold Tier International Dark         milestone.                                As the Public Lighting contractor for
Sky Park and secure this designation        The plan will help provide guidance       the area we will ensure all design and
into the future. As the gateway town        to enhance the cultural heritage and      new lighting supplied and installed
to Mayo International Dark Sky Park,        natural beauty of the Newport area.       by Electric Skyline will comply with
Newport is perfectly positioned on          Mayo County Council will continue         requirements for dark skies by
the Wild Atlantic Way to support the        to collaborate and engage on this         using energy efficient lights that are
growing interest in astro-tourism.          positive and sustainable community        both kind to the environment and
Well-designed lighting will enhance         project.                                  aesthetically pleasing.
the visitor experience to the town
after dark and help protect the natural
resource that is Mayo International
Dark Sky Park. Fáilte Ireland is pleased

                                                                                                                                                                              Page 20
Neighbouring Dark Sky Communities

Mulranny Tourism                              Ballycroy Community
Mulranny Tourism supports the Newport         We are proud to be a founder member
Lighting Management Project as it is very     of the dark sky community groups
important for maintaining the Gold Tier       supporting Mayo International Dark
status of The Mayo Dark Sky Park which        Sky Park. The beautiful night skies over
is increasingly attracting ‘Astro’ Tourists   Ballycroy and our neighbouring dark
to Mulranny and its neighbouring towns        sky communities is a rare sight for many
and villages during the off peak season.      visitors who travel to Mayo to enjoy an
Mulranny is a gateway village to the          evening of stargazing away from the         Newport’s River – a harbourside view towards the
Mayo Dark Sky Park and is part of its                                                     Viaduct bridge and town centre.
                                              bright lights of an urban environment.
‘Dark Sky’ community. Three European          It is therefore essential that we protect
designated Natura 2000 sites converge         this natural resource from the growth of
at Mulranny and the environmental             light pollution. The proposed Lighting
impacts of light pollution on the plants      Master Plan for Newport will help
and animals contained in these sites          protect Mayo Dark Sky Park for present
are as yet unknown, though effects            and future generations to enjoy and we
of light pollution are numerous and           fully support it.
are becoming more known over time.
The Newport Lighting Master Plan
will also encourage Mulranny and all
neighbouring towns and villages in the
vicinity of the Park, in collaboration with
the Mayo Dark Skies Group, to develop
their own lighting management plans as
they will see the positive environmental
results of this project.

                                                                                                                                             Newport National School
                                                                                                                                                      Page 21

To examine the potential impact of light    population of Balla, has approximately
changes on the residents of Newport         50% higher light emissions. However,
(population 626 in 2016), census records    despite the higher light output, the
were reviewed to obtain population          potential for improvement in conditions
and age grouping statistics and these       around Newport is higher as Balla’s
were compared to those for Balla, a         proximity to Castlebar results in higher
similarly sized town in Mayo (population    overall skyglow conditions beyond the
769 in 2016). The histograms of the age     town’s immediate control. Conversely,
profiles for both locations are shown in    although conditions are worse in
Figure 2.2.a, 2.2b and indicate an ageing   Newport they are more susceptible                   Figure 2.2a                                                             Figure 2.2.b
Newport population, particularly with       to improvement through local light                  Age profile for Newport showing an increase in the age profile of the   A similar age profile for the town of Balla showing a relatively
residents of 65 or over. This result is     changes and controls.                               population between 2011 and 2016.                                       stable age profile.

significant for our current project as
contrast and glare become significant
issues for ageing eyes and hence care
should be taken to minimise glare and
encourage uniformity in any lighting

A further comparison we can make
is in relation to the light emissions
from both towns which we take to be
representative of light pollution levels.
Satellite data for 2019 shows that
Newport, despite having 80% of the

                                                                 Satellite       observations
                                                                 showing light emission from
                                                                 the Newport to Balla region.
                                                                 Note the relative darkness
                                                                 in proximity to Newport and
                                                                 the concentration of light
                                                                 from its town centre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 22

The small picturesque town of Newport       In addition to the impacts on many
nestles on the north-east corner of Clew    individual  species,  light    pollution
Bay, with the Newport River (also known     can also affect biodiversity (Bennie et
as the Black Oak River locally) flowing     al 2018).
through the centre of Newport town,
merging with the sea to form a very fine    Newport supports a wide range of
protected harbour. Clew Bay and part of     habitats due to its coastal position.
the Newport River are each designated       Within the town boundary is Newport
as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC).    River and its estuary and within three
This designation is part of the Natura      kilometres of Newport, both Furnace
2000 network and indicates an area          Lough and Lough Feagh are important
of European importance and covers           ecological areas containing sensitive
aquatic and shoreline parts of Clew         insect and fish life.
Bay as well as the river and environs
upstream.                                   Habitats include marine and coastal
                                            habitats and a diversity of terrestrial
Light     pollution   has     ecological    habitats from grasslands to woodlands.
implications on a whole range of bird,      Newport River and estuarine habitats
bat, plant, aquatic and insect life.        support Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar),
Most wildlife is sensitive to blue light,   Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) and the
although some species are better            Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera
adapted to cope with higher and/or          margaritifera). Both salmon and sea trout
bluer light (Pendoley et al, 2020). The     have been shown to be sensitive to light
result of changes from natural light        conditions, with both smolts and adult
can be a reduction in biodiversity and      salmon being sensitive to light down to
damage to ecosystems.         In recent     0.2 lux. To put this in perspective, the
studies, species of grass and weeds         light from a full moon is 0.3 lux. Other
have been found to be affected by           species such as the European eel (found in
LED lighting, leading to follow-on          nearby       Burrishoole)      synchronise
changes in insect populations (ffrench-     migratory patterns with the new moon;
Constant et al 2016).                       the darkest phase of the lunar cycle.

                                                                                                   This image shows the impact that colour temperatures can have on insects at night.
                                                                                         The lamp on the left is a warmer toned light, than the right hand side, containing blue-rich light.
                                                                                                                                                                            Page 23
Swift photo credit - Michael Casey

In terms of importance, the Atlantic           whilst protecting the species that are       in houses, but also in hollows in trees
Salmon is a species, which is already in       sensitive to light, particularly blue-rich   and ivy. Daubenton’s bats can be
decline and the Pearl Mussel is an             white light. Moths and other night flying    seen foraging on insects over the
endangered species. Lighting on the            insects have been long-overlooked in         river after dark. The Leisler’s bats
Viaduct spanning the Newport River             terms of their importance as pollinators     echo-locating call may sometimes
has been carefully considered in order         and the resulting potential impact on        be heard as it is just about audible
to protect biodiversity of the species         plants due to light pollution. Note also     to human hearing. All nine Irish bat
that pass along, or make their                 that light attraction or avoidance also      species are protected under Irish and
home in, the river.         These are          has an impact on species distribution        EU legislation.
compelling reasons to illuminate the           in the surroundings. As the number of
riverside area sensitively.                    those insects in adjacent darker areas       A solution to both insect and bat
                                               is altered from that expected under          light sensitivity is to use better
Walkways through the woodland that             dark sky conditions biodiversity as well     controlled lighting with a warmer
forms Princess Grace Park provide a            as overall numbers can be affected.          spectrum and also lower intensity.
view of the town and the river as well as of                                                Of special interest to this plan is the
a good variety of native trees. Some of        Over two thirds of mammals are active        visiting    population     of      Swifts
these trees are very mature and                after dark as are many other species. .      (Apus apus) that arrive in Newport
possibly dating from the 18th century          It is well known that many species of        to nest in the façade of St Patrick’s
when Newport House was built. This             bats are sensitive to light, either being    Church each year. Swifts spend
woodland is just a few minutes away            attracted where there is a source of         most of their lives in the air, sleeping
from the town centre and provides an           prey, or avoiding lights due to the fear     and feeding on the wing and only
excellent amenity, providing a chance          of predation. Light barriers can block       landing when at their nesting site.
for people to reconnect with nature.           access routes from roosts to feeding         Swifts breed between the months of
Learning about different species               areas and have an impact far beyond          May and September and spend the
deepens appreciation for the inter-            the lit area. There is a variety of bat      rest of the year in southern Africa.
connectedness of nature and shows              species in Newport including Common
how plants and animals depend on               and Soprano Pipistrelles, Leisler’s, and     The Lighting Master Plan takes
others        for      their       survival.   Daubenton’s. The Pipistrelles can be         account of current lighting impacts
This Lighting Master Plan provides a           seen flying around soon after dusk           such as the floodlights installed
guide     for     adequate     levels     of   and are easily identified by their rapid     at St. Patrick’s Church, which
illumination for the community,                twisting flight: they frequently roost       directly illuminate the swift nests.

                                                                                                                                                          Page 24

In 2020 Newport was 300 years old.          early 20th century. Nearby, Main             today the 42km long Great Western
The intervening years have wrought          Street shows its Georgian heritage           Greenway, linking Westport to Achill
much change to the town, however,           through some of the old doorways             provides the longest such trail in
there is much that remains of the old       which are still visible and also the         Ireland.
town’s architecture. It is interesting to   exquisite stone work which can be
trace the evolution of the town through     seen on DeBille house. South of the          Over the centuries, there were
its buildings and infrastructure.           river the oldest of the original 18th        numerous people who contributed
The town was founded by the                 century artisan houses remain on             to the importance of the town. Many
Medlycott landlords through their           Medlicott Street and their exposed           of these people were responsible for
lessee, a Captain Pratt, in the early       stone facades testify to their great         the buildings we see today. Newport’s
years of the 18th century. The site of      age. These dwellings were originally         greatest benefactors in the early 20th
the town was chosen by Captain Pratt        occupied by Quaker linen workers             century were Martin Carey, a local
because of its green field nature and       from 1719 who set up a linen industry        merchant, and the Parish Priest of
its potential for shipping. Although        that thrived until the early part of the     the time, Canon Michael McDonald.
subject to tidal influences, the quay       19th century when it fell into decline       Mr. Carey’s lasting memorial is St.
can provide up to 4.5 metres of water,      with the rise of the town of Westport        Patrick’s Church of 1912, designed
enough for 18th century trading ships       to the south.                                by R. M. Butler in the Celtic Revival
of 500 tonnes or less. This meant that                                                   style, which derives from 13th century
Newport harbour could be used for           One of the iconic sights of Newport is       Hiberno-Romanesque,          tempered
docking when shallower ports such           the railway viaduct. This magnificent        by the simplifications of the Modern
as Westport were unsuitable.                red stone seven arch bridge was              Movement.
                                            constructed in 1896 to carry the rail        The frontispiece is inspired by the
Newport is rich in architecture             line from Westport to Achill. For a time     doorway of Clonfert Cathedral. Another
dating back to the Georgian period.         the trains trundled across the bridge        lasting legacy is that of Father
Overlooking the quay from the north         carrying passengers and freight back         McDonald who gave his life insurance
is Newport House, a fine building           and forth, but by 1937 the economic          gratuity towards the commissioning in
constructed by the O’Donel family           viability of the line was in serious doubt   1926 of the three-light east window,
who superseded the Medlycotts as            and it closed. In 2010 the first stage of    now regarded as the final masterwork
the major landlords in the area from        the line was reopened as a walking           of the Irish stained-glass artist Harry
the late 18th century through to the        and cycling trail to boost tourism and       Clarke.

                                                                                                                                   Page 25
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