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New York Real Estate Journal -
Back Cover   December 15, 2020-January 4, 2021   New York Real Estate Journal
New York Real Estate Journal -
USA $4.95
         Dec. 15, 2020-Jan. 4, 2021

                                                              Project of the Month
                                                                           NY PAGE 6A

                                       Hastings Development completes renovations for
                                        7,000 s/f LI industrial and warehouse building
                                                    JNY Capital, United Hoisting                     Executive of the Month
                                                       to build 425,000 s/f                                      NY PAGE 11A

                                                        The Oasis–$175m                              Christopher Rotio takes a
                                                                                  NY COVER A
                                                                                                  hands-on, personable approach
                                                                                                        as executive VP at
                                                                                                        Town Title Agency
                                                                                                Question of the Month
                                                                                                      NY PAGE 10A

                                                   Stantec completes $14m project
                                                     at Good Samaritan Hospital
                                                                                                        Ron Lanzo
                                                                                                  AFR Furniture Rental Inc.
  Cronheim Mortgage secures                                                                        What’s a networking
$42.1m for multifamily portfolio                                                                 professional to do when
                                                                                                     COVID-19 shuts
           NYC COVER PAGE 27A
                                                                           D/B COVER PAGE 13A    down onsite meetings?

                   This Week’s Sections        DON’T
                                          Front Section           MISS
 Sign up for Daily RE Cap!                New York City
Visit                                         THE
                                      Featuring Finance & Retail YEAR IN        COMING
                                                                                            Robert Renda
  Volume 32 • Issue 24                      Design/Build         REVIEW         DEC. 22!
New York Real Estate Journal -
Inside Front Cover   December 15, 2020-January 4, 2021    New York Real Estate Journal          

                                                                                         ® Professional


                                                         NY/NJ SECURITY GUARDS
New York Real Estate Journal -
December 15, 2020 -
         January 4, 2021
        Volume 32 • Issue 24

   Quick Read
  Koenigsberg of
   American Inv.
 Properties brokers
    $2.45m sale

                                                                 LEE & ASSOCIATES HANDLING PRE-LEASING OF PASSIVE HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. IN LIC

                  SEE PAGE 4A                                  JNY Capital, United Hoisting to
 Stantec completes
    $14m project                                              build 425,000 s/f The Oasis–$175m
 at Good Samaritan                                           QUEENS, NY In a move that signals faith
                                                             in the future of NYC, JNY Capital and
                                                                                                                                                                                             feature 343,500 s/f of office space,
                                                                                                                                                                                             50,000 s/f floor plates, 17,000 s/f
      Hospital                                               United Hoisting Co. have teamed up
                                                             to bring a 425,000 s/f $175 million
                                                                                                                                                                                             of rooftop bar or restaurant, 30,700
                                                                                                                                                                                             s/f of event space, and 34,700 s/f of
                                                             commercial project called The Oasis                                                                                             ground-floor retail. The Oasis will
                                                             to Long Island City that will include                                                                                           also feature 30,000 s/f of terrace
                                                             office, retail, entertainment and event                                                                                         and exterior green space, dispersed
                                                             spaces.                                                                                                                         throughout each floor along with on-
                                                                The 11-story mixed-use devel-                                                                                                site parking for more than 650 cars.
                                                             opment, at 38-42 12th St., is located                                                                                              “As offices begin to repopulate in
                                                             in a prime opportunity zone and is                                                                                              the wake of COVID-19, the Oasis’
                                                             slated to be the largest spec office                                                                                            large open floor plates, passive house
                                                             “Passive House” construction project                                                                                            construction and generous outdoor
                                                             in the country, pursuing a voluntary                                                                                            green spaces offer a paradigm shift for
                                                             standard for energy efficiency by                                                                                               office space that will be attractive for
    SEE DESIGN/BUILD, PAGE 13A                               substantially reducing the building’s                              Rendering courtesy of Archimaera                             companies that want to entice work-
                                                             energy usage.                                                                                                                   ers away from their working from
                                                                The Oasis recently entered the          it as ideal for biotech, life sciences,      “The overall scale of the project,      home setups,” added Nick Liberis
                                                                                                                                                  with an excess of 50,000 s/f floor plans
Cronheim Mortgage                                            pre-leasing stage and the developers
                                                             –who will build to suit–have targeted
                                                                                                        media, engineering, commercial
                                                                                                        office and retail tenants.                and open green space enabling social
                                                                                                                                                                                             of Archimaera, the Brooklyn-based
                                                                                                                                                                                             architectural firm designing the Oasis.
  secures $42.1m                                                                                           The development is expected to
                                                                                                        break ground in the second/third quar-
                                                                                                                                                  distancing, are extremely unique to the
                                                                                                                                                  area,” said Moshe Pinsky,VP at JNY.
                                                                                                                                                                                                A Lee & Associates NYC team of
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mitchell Salmon, Corey Abdo, Cath-
  for multifamily                                                                                       ter of 2021 and slated to be delivered       With views of New York City and         erine O’Toole and Stephanie Moore
                                                             Community Preservation                     in the third/fourth quarter of 2022.      Long Island City, The Oasis will           is handling pre-leasing at the project.
      portfolio                                              Corp. achieves carbon
                                                             neutral operations
                                                             NEW YORK, NY        The Community                             14,030 S/F AT 1050 OLD NICHOLS RD. IN ISLANDIA
                                                             Preservation Corp. (CPC), a leading
                                                             nonprofit affordable housing and
                                                             community revitalization finance
                                                             company, has achieved carbon neu-
                                                                                                        Zere of Zere Real Estate Services sells
                                                             tral operations. CPC is the first real
                                                             estate nonprofit to set and achieve this
                                                             goal, demonstrating a commitment to
                                                                                                        class A office building for $4.2 milion
                                                                                                        ISLANDIA, NY    Marie Zere, president
                                                             industry leadership in sustainability,     and CEO of Zere Real Estate Ser-
   SEE NEW YORK CITY, PAGE 27A                               while providing innovative and prac-       vices, sold 1050 Old Nichols Rd.
                                                             tical financing solutions for building                         The sale price
                                                             owners and lenders.
                36 Pages
                                                                                                                            was $4.2 million.
                                                                CPC achieved carbon neutral                                 The building is a
                                                             operations in 2020, reflecting oper-                           14,030 s/f class
R. Renda................................................2A   ational emissions from activities in                           A commercial
                                                             fiscal year 2019. The company used                             office building
Project of the Month..........................6A             a three-pronged approach: Measur-                              situated on 1.4
IREON Member Profiles...................9A                   ing operational carbon emissions,                               acres off the
                                                             developing an emissions reduction               Marie Zere      Long Island Ex-
Question of the Month....................10A                                                                                                                             1050 Old Nichols Road - Islandia, NY
                                                             strategy focused on employee educa-        pressway (LIE) Exit 59 Service Rd.
Executive of the Month...................11A
                                                             tion and engagement, and offsetting        Built in 2012, the two-story elevator
DESIGN/BUILD............................12-25A               remaining emissions. The first step        commercial office building features a
Professional Profiles........................25A             was completing a Greenhouse Gas            security system, solar rooftop, energy    Axiom Capital arranges two loans totaling $25.3 million
NEW YORK CITY........................ 26-33A                 Assessment (also known as a “car-          efficient,ThinkLite Driverless LEDs,      MONTGOMERY, NY        Axiom Capital        improved with a 99,400 s/f building
                                                             bon footprint”) to measure and track       sprinkler system, 2,700 s/f basement      Corp. has arranged the following:          that was constructed in 1995.
Billboard.............................BackPage A             total emissions annually for Scope 1,      for storage, and public transportation      • $15 million in permanent financ-          • $10.3 million in permanent fi-
                                                             Scope 2, and select aspects of Scope       bus route.                                ing for the refinance of a grocery         nancing for the refinance of a grocery
          New York                                           3. CPC retained EcoAct, a respected           As one of the owners of the property   anchored retail plaza. The Property is     anchored retail plaza in Colonie. The
     Real Estate Journal                                     international sustainability consultan-
                                                             cy, to help develop and implement its
                                                                                                        Zere sold the building on behalf of       located less than half a mile from I-84,   90,953 s/f property has access and
                                                                                                        her partners directly with no other       a major local highway with a 42,634        visibility with more than a 16,000
                                          carbon neutral strategy.                   brokerage firm involved during the        annual average daily traffic count.The     annual average daily traffic count at
                                                                  For full story visit        COVID 19 Pandemic.                        property consists of a 14.30-acre site     its location on Albany Shaker Rd.
New York Real Estate Journal -
Inside Cover A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021   New York Real Estate Journal                                 

e Space: 71 500 sf
imension: 25' x 100'NYC SPACE AVAILABLE
          22-07 41st Avenue, Long Island City
                                                                                             INVESTMENT* OFFICE * INDUSTRIAL
rnd                                                                                          Available Space: 7,500 sf
rd                                                                                           Building Dimension: 25’ x 100’
                                                                                             Ceilings: 10’
th                                                                                           Floors:
                                                                                             2,500 sf Grnd
                                                                                             2,500 sf 3rd
t Ave                                                                                        2,500 sf 4th

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                                                                                               just north of Queens Plaza
                                                                                             • All floors are separately metered and
                                                                                               have their own HVAC unit.
                                                                                             • A large elevator services each floor.
                                                                                             • Competitively priced Basement
                                                                                              Storage is available to tenants.

          87-83 139th Street, Jamaica, Queens
                                                                                             8,000 sf
                                                                                             2 Stories
                                                                                             Back Office
                                                                                             Light Manufacturing
                                                                                             Professional/Flex Space

                                    Sholom & Zuckerbrot Realty LLC
                      For more information                   John G.J. Ritter                         Melissa Grasso
                     contact 718-392-5959                        

                                                                         Tel: 781-878-4540
New York Real Estate Journal -                                 New York Real Estate Journal       December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021 1A

                                  1524 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230
                                  1524 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230

             Looking to
                     to buy trouble
                             apartment collecting
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                                          buildings or
                                       718-951-0090   or
             COVIDcomplexes       anywhere
                      19 has created
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                                              in the
                                            many      USA
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               preferably class
                          class bb or
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                                      better 300
                                              300 to
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Looking      OFapartment
         to buy  ALL YOUR          HEADACHES!
                              buildings   in the 5 Boros
            and   Brokers
                apartment Welcome
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             buy office       CLOSE
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   Looking       office buildings        tristate
        Looking to buy
            Looking   to
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                                                    any   5 Boros
                  in the Brokers
                         Tri-State Welcome
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                                       buildings   or
                         Please Contact Nathan Blatter
Looking             tocomplexes
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                         Please     buildings
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                                        Nathan in  theUSA
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                 We do hard Money
                 We do hard Money  b orsame
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                     Whitestone is aggressively looking to purchase additional
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                          Please     Contact
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              We do hard Money   loans same day approval great rates
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                                1524 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230
            If you need money 718-951-0090
                              for a deal cal us; we”ll put up the money
                 Whitestone is aggressively looking to purchase additional
New York Real Estate Journal -
2A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021                                     New York Real Estate Journal                                                                                                                      

                WHAT DO THESE C OMPANIES                                         Robert
                                                                          Nassau Cty. reassessment:
                                                                          What we know so far
                                                                                                                                           Kristine Wolf, x245                                  John Picard, x250
             RELOCATE TO BROOME NY                                           On November 1, 2020, the 2020/21
                                                                          School Tax bills were mailed to prop-
                                                                          erty owners across Nassau County.
                                                                                                                                           Publishing Director
                                                                          These were the first tax bills to be
                                                                                                                                         David Sullivan, x210                                 David Denelle, x283
                                                                          based upon the much anticipated
                                                                                                                                        Chief Financial Officer                                General Manager
                                                                          “Nassau County Reassessment.”
                                                                          The Reassessment was the first
                                                                          countywide reassessment in nearly                                                     Roland Hopkins, Founder

                                                                          a decade. From tax year 2011/12
                                                                          through 2019/20, real estate tax as-                      Phone: 781-878-4540 | Toll Free: (Outside Mass.) 1-800-654-4993

                                                                          sessments were based on a “frozen
                                                                          roll” in Nassau County. While real                                                       Section Publishers
                                                                          estate tax assessments were subject to
                                                                                                                        New York State............................................John Picard, x250,
                                                                          change as a result of assessment chal-
                                                                          lenges, as well as the construction and       Design/Build.............................................Jeff Wallace, x240,
                                                                          destruction of improvements, Nassau           Long Island .....................................................Kristine Wolf, x245,
                     START YOUR CONVERSATION TODAY.                       County did not update property tax            New York City...............................................John Picard, x250,
                     6O7.584.9OOO                        assessments to reflect the ebb and flow       Owners, Developers & Managers.....Jeff Wallace, x240,
                                                                          of the real estate market.                    Billboard, Auctions & Classified.............John Picard, x250,
                                                                             As a result, the 2020/21 School
                                                                                                                        Spotlights ........................................................Kristine Wolf, x245,
                                                                          Tax was not only a source of great
                                                                          anticipation and angst, it was also           Upstate ............................................Michael Campisi, x284,
                                                                          viewed as a bellwether for commer-
                                                                          cial real estate taxes for the years                                                     Section Schedules
                                                                          to come. So, what have we learned
                                                                          from the recently issued tax bills?
                                                                                                                                            Week 1                                                              Week 3
                                                                                                                            Owners, Developers & Managers                                                    New York City
                                                                          The answer is, unfortunately, we have                      Long Island
                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Featuring Finance and Retail)

                                                                          not learned enough. While there are                                                                                                 Design/Build
                                                                                                                                              Upstate                                                          Spotlight
                                                                          property owners who have experi-
                                                                          enced dramatic changes in their tax
                                                                          bills as a result of the Reassessment,                                                     Production Staff
                                                                          the Reassessment’s full impact has                                  Heather Devaney, Managing Editor,;
                                                                          not yet been felt. This is due to state                               Jeanne Hardman, Art Director,;
                                                                          and local statutes which require the                                      Kathi Ferry, Art Specialist,;
                                                                          Reassessment to be “phased-in” over                                         Tuyen Pham, Billing,;
                                                                          a 5-year period. Consequently, while
                                                                          the 2020/21 School Tax bills provide
                                                                          some insight as to what can be expect-
                                                                                                                                                                       NYREJ Events
     Contact us for a FREE consultation                                   ed, they do not paint a complete picture                                             Rick Kaplan,,
                                                                                                                                                               John Picard,
                                                                          for property owners. Over the next five
      when buying or selling real estate                                  years, things will continue to change
                                                                                                                                                           New York Real Estate Journal
         investment property or to                                        for property owners, in some cases
                                                                          significantly, as the Reassessment is
                                                                                                                                       Published semi-monthly for $99 per year by East Coast Publications
                                                                                                                                                17 Accord Park Dr., Unit 207, Norwell, MA 02061
        learn how to PAY NO TAX                                           “phased-in”.                                                             Printed by: Graphic Developments, Inc.
                                                                             Given the uncertainty that con-                        80 Mayflower Dr., Hanover, MA 02339 |
           using a 1031 Exchange                                          tinues to linger relative to the full                   Periodicals postage paid at Norwell, MA and additional mailing offices.
                                                                          impact of the Reassessment, it is                     $4.95 Single Copy; $5.95 Special Issue. Subscriptions are non-refundable.
                                                                          more important than ever for property                           Publication # ISSN: 1057-2104 | USPS #6603 | Vol. 32, No. 24
                                                                          owners to speak with a tax certiorari                             Mailing Address: P.O. Box 55, Accord, MA 02018
                                                                          attorney to ensure they are taking all of            Express & Overnight Mail: 17 Accord Park Dr., Unit 207, Norwell, MA 02061
                                                                          the necessary steps to minimize their           Phone: 781-878-4540 | Toll Free: 1-800-654-4993 | Fax: 781-871-1853 |

               PROOF NE NY Tel: 781-878-4540
                     REAL ESTATE JOURNAL
                                                                          commercial real estate tax burden.

                                                                          Robert Renda is a tax certiorari and
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                                                                          real estate attorney at Forchelli Deegan           New York Real Estate Journal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion.
               Size: 2x4                 Section: NY ROP                  Terrana LLP in Uniondale, N.Y.
                                                                                                                      Disclaimer: The views expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily representative of the New York Real Estate Journal.

               From: KW
               Run Date: 08/18/20

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                                                                                            United Rentals, CRESA, Alexander Marketing and Rampart Insurance

                                            Tel: 781-878-4540
New York Real Estate Journal -                                             New York Real Estate Journal                   December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021 3A

     US Bankruptcy Court EDNY • In Re: 720 Livonia Development LLC, et al. • Case # 19-47797 (CEC)


                                                                                                         Qualification Deadline:
                                                                                                              December 21st

    Pending Further Court Approval, a Lease Modification & Extension has been
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            Gregory Messer, Chapter 7 Trustee • LaMonica Herbst & Maniscalco, LLP, Attorneys for the Chapter 7 Trustee

       516.349.7022 | |                               AUCTIONS.. .Your Liquidity Solution ®
New York Real Estate Journal -
4A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021                                                     New York Real Estate Journal                                                                        

                                                                                                PART OF 22-ACRE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT, PACIFIC PARK
Koenigsberg of American Inv.
Properties brokers $2.45m sale                                                           Greenland Forest City Partners and
                                                                                         Brodsky Org. top out 18 Sixth Ave.

HICKSVILLE, NY American Investment         East Hills, and mixed use building
Properties completed the sale of 313       in Cold Spring Harbor.”
W Old Country Rd.The sale price was           The buyer and seller wish to remain
                  $2.45 million.           anonymous at this time.
                     Ron Koenigs-             “With success on the two previous
                  berg of Ameri-           listings, it came time to sell his office
                  can Investment           building on 313 W. Old Country Rd.,          BROOKLYN, NY Greenland Forest City         livering a transformative mixed-use
                  Properties was           Hicksville. We signed the exclusive          Partners and The Brodsky Organiza-         project for all New Yorkers.”
                  the broker.              right to sell for the property on Febru-     tion celebrated the topping off of con-       “The Brodsky Organization is
                     According to          ary 1st, 2020. Within days the climate       struction at 18 Sixth Ave. (parcel B4)     delighted to see the topping out of
                  Ko e n i g s b e rg ,    for doing business began to change,          at Pacific Park, the new 22-acre mixed-    18 Sixth Ave., the ongoing progress
 Ron Koenigsberg “This is the third        COVID-19 looked to be a game                 use project. The milestone comes on        of Pacific Park, and proud to play a     AECOM Tishman, the construction
assignment from the same seller. We        changer. I had to sell this building so      schedule despite the pandemic and          role in keeping New York’s economy       manager on the project.
exclusively represented the seller         the tenant could move out and focus          created more than 500 construction         moving safely during this challenging      At over 500 feet tall, 18 Sixth Ave.
before on his retail strip center in       on his business,” said Koenigsberg.          jobs. Pacific Park’s largest residential   year,” said Dean Amro, principal at      offers 360-degree views of the bor-
                                                                                        building will deliver 858 mixed-in-        The Brodsky Org. “Along with our         ough. Designed by Perkins Eastman,
                                                                                        come residential units, including 258      investment at 662 Pacific St., we are    the residence will bring amenities
Largo secures two loans totaling $4.7 million                                           units of affordable housing.               proud to bring much-needed afford-       to its over 800 mixed-income resi-
ROCHESTER, NY Ned Perlman of Largo         tions out of Largo’s Albany office,             “The topping off of 18 Sixth Ave.       able housing and a public school to      dential units. Located on Sixth Ave.
Capital’s Buffalo office arranged a        arranged $2.3 million to refinance the       is another major milestone for Pacific     this community.”                         and Atlantic Ave., 18 Sixth Ave. will
$2.4 million permanent loan for a          existing debt on a retail/office devel-      Park,” said Scott Solish, executive           “The topping out of 18 Sixth Ave.     be a dynamic addition to the area’s
portfolio of multifamily properties.       opment in Schenectady. The property          vice president of development at           is a tremendous milestone at Pacific     ever changing skyline. The Brodsky
Perlman negotiated 80% acquisi-            features 22,989 s/f of rentable space        Greenland Forest City Partners. “Pa-       Park Brooklyn. Our team has worked       Org. has also recently topped off
tion financing at a low ten-year fixed     and is occupied by a mix of national         cific Park is a landmark project for       tirelessly to ensure that work contin-   construction at 662 Pacific St. (parcel
rate, 25-year amortization and no          and local tenants. Guidarelli secured        Brooklyn and New York City, and the        ued this year safely and productively,   B15), which includes a mixed-income
prepayment penalty.                        a competitive ten-year rate with a           progress at 18 SixthAve. demonstrates      helping to create hundreds of jobs       rental residential building and a new
   In a second transaction, Matthew        25-year amortization on behalf of            our ongoing commitment to providing        when New York needs them the             public school.
Guidarelli, vice president of origina-     the borrower.                                modern affordable housing and de-          most,” said Jay Badame, president of          For full story visit

                                                                              Financing for the
                                                                              22,813 sq. ft.
                                                                              medical office
                                                                              building was
                                                                              arranged by the
                                                                              undersigned with
                                                                              Ameritas Life
                                                                              Insurance Corp.,
                                                                              whom we represent
                                                                              as mortgage loan

    12 Greenridge Avenue                                                                                                               A Full Service Law Firm
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                                                                          Correspondent to the
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                                                                                                                                                        NE NY Tel: 781-878-4540
New York Real Estate Journal -
96648_5_NG_CI_NewOppAD_NYREJ             ( New York Real Estate Journal ) T: 10.25” x 13.25”   B: NA      L: 10.25”x 13.25”        4c                                                                  New York Real Estate Journal                                                        December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021 5A

                       New opportunities
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 96648_5_NG_CIMF_NewOppAD_NYREJ.indd 1                                                                                                                                                       12/7/20 9:45 AM
6A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021                                            New York Real Estate Journal                                                                         

                                                                           Project of the Month
  Hastings Development completes renovations for
   7,000 s/f LI industrial and warehouse building
WEST BABYLON, NY       Hastings Devel-
opment has completed renovations to
it’s 7,000 s/f industrial and warehouse
building at 70 Bell St. The company
has owned the building for ten years,
and the project, undertaken originally
to address maintenance issues, was
expanded to include all exterior
elements including all new brick
cladding. The result transforms the
late 1960s industrial building into
a refreshed, inviting classic brick
structure that will endure for decades.
    “The building had an old style        adding ornamental features includ-     were in the building during construc-   on the building exterior.             appeal, was upgraded. “The tenants
industrial feel, of brick and block and   ing rosettes, a diamond pattern, and   tion. “We found out that they had         In addition, the roof was removed   are very happy and we have gotten
was tired looking. We stripped every-     various flourishes.                    a very good sense of humor,” said       and replaced with a rubber roof, as   strong words of praise from the town
thing down to bare bones, performed          Outside exterior walkways have      Birnbaum. “The tenants were very        well as all metal work around the     building department,” said Birnbaum.
roof and masonry repairs–demolished       all new pavers, new aprons for the     cooperative,” he said. While there      outside.
block walls, the roof, certain joists.
And then we worked on revamping
                                          driveways, and decorative lighting
                                          by each entrance door.
                                                                                 were some interior improvements,
                                                                                 the bulk of the work was completed
                                                                                                                           The landscaping–which serves
                                                                                                                         to create a welcoming, professional
                                                                                                                                                                70 Bell Street Project Team
the exterior in a classic brick design       The building contains three units                                                                                   John Cruz & Son Asphalt Contractors
that would be attractive at the street    and is fully occupied – housing a                                                                                      RS Paint
level,” said Bob Birnbaum, of Hast-       security company, a food service                                                                                       Designs by Vera
ings Capital.                             distributor, and a fleet maintenance                                                                                   Arditto Mason Contractors
    Hastings chose classical designs      company. Two of the three tenants                                                                                      Milicia Electrical Contractors
for the brick patterning–adding saw                                                                                                                              Ira Levine, Esq.
tooth, herringbone, bump-outs with                                                                                                                               Six G’s Roofing
fluted columns, and a 20-ft. retaining                                                                                                                           Wood Art Construction
wall in the front.                                                                                                                                               Bob Graham Plumbing & Heating
    “The goal was to create a timeless                                                                                                                           HJR Landscape Architects
building, that will last for decades to                                                                                                                          Ronald’s Fence Co.
come. The brick is durable, and the                                                                                                                              Impact Media Productions
patterns are classic,” said Birnbaum.                                                                                                                            JM2 Architects
In addition the company added a new                                                                                                                              Catering by Kathy
brick sign box, detailed the exterior                                                                                                                            House of Color Painting
with faux finishes on the cast stone,



                                                                          Construction / Development
                                                                       Brownfields / Site Remediation
                                                                                  Complete Turn Key
                                                                           All Phases of Construction

                                                                            Thank you to the entire
                                                                                       project team
                                                                            for all their hard work!

                                                                                                       Tel: 781-878-4540                                          New York Real Estate Journal                  December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021 7A

                              NYC MURRAY HILL
                         ULTRA VACANT TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE
                                        232 E 35th Street, New York, NY 10016

                                                                                   Amenities & Low Expenses:
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        MOVE RIGHT IN                                                                    MIXED-USE
            NOW                                                                         TOWNHOUSE
                                                                                     by 1994 Builder-Owner

            8,240 sf on 2,074 sf lot, 20’ wide & 100' long, 5 new elevatored floors with 2 car curb-cut garage;
            TOTAL 8,240 sf of floors 1, 2, 3 built 20' x 100'/6,000 sf & floors 4 & 5 built 20' x 56'/2,240 sf;
                 plus buildable / engineered 2,163 sf FAR - "1 family MIXED USE - 6 & Club" CO:
                                   Block 915 & Lot 45, R8B zoned - communications.

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     For owner's acceptance, consummated closing, title transfer & full collection -buyer's broker 6% commission.

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                                WILLIAM J. HILL Founder Chairman, DONNA Z. HILL President
                                       232 EAST 35 ST., NYC NY 10016, 212.889.7077
8A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021                                              New York Real Estate Journal                                                                            

CREWNY collaborates with CREW Foundation and
NEW for “DIG This: A CREW Careers Program
                                          journeys. It included CRE Jeopardy
                      Barbara             and other educational segments, as
                     Champoux             well as CREWNY Conversations
                                          facilitating relationship-building
                   Champoux Law           among CREWNY members and
                    Group PLLC            NEW graduates.
                                             The Program culminated on No-
  CREWNY DIGs This                        vember 7th with a Mock RFP Team
                                          Challenge, in which teams of NEW
   During three Saturdays in October,     graduates developed, and presented
CREWNY proudly presented “DIG             to a panel of judges, exceptional
This: A CREW Careers Program,”            proposals responding to a Mock
an amazing collaboration among            RFP for the fictional development
CREWNY, CREW Foundation and               of new headquarters for NEW. The
NEW (Nontraditional Employment            proposals reflected knowledge gained
for Women). The program focused on        throughout the program, as well as
the Development Lifecycle to educate      the innate talent and abilities of NEW
NEW graduates about:                      team competitors.
   • Substantive elements of that            CREWNY’s 2020 DIG This
Lifecycle;                                competition winners were: Olivia
   • Where their roles as tradeswomen     Walsh and Kim Spicer of Team Elite                 Olivia Walsh and Kim Spicer of Team Elite Women Developers, one of the Mock RFP Team Challenge winners
fit in it;                                Women Developers. Team Achieve-
   • How their acquired jobsite skills    ment Award winners included: Loli        be recognized in the next issue.
and knowledge can be translated to        Cheung; Elsie Ingabire; Esther             We are profoundly grateful to
other CRE roles; and                      Minton; Leslianette Ramirez; Linda       program sponsors:
   • CRE career opportunities beyond      Ramirez-Gonzalez; Keana Rivas and          Gilbane Building Co.;
the trades.                               Robin Sokoloff.                            Zetlin & DeChiara LLP;
   Its overarching goal was to inspire,                                              JLC Environmental Consultants;
encourage and motivate all partic-           46 CREWNY members and CRE               Phase Integration;
ipants to pursue and achieve their        leaders invested time, wisdom and          Arbor Realty Trust; and
full potential.                           experience in the program’s success,       Welby Brady & Greenblatt, LLP.
   The program was comprised of           encouraging and supporting NEW
10 extraordinary featured speakers,       women in the CRE pipeline, including          To comment on this story
including CREW Network CEO,               featured speakers Heidi Blau, Leisa                visit
Wendy Mann, who focused on CRE            Crawford, J.J. Falk, Linda Foggie,
thought-leadership from develop-          Wendy Mann, Ines Olesen, Kasey           Barbara Champoux is the principal of
ment industry leaders, as well as         Pace, Carrie Pianin, Kennetha Pettus,    Champoux Law Group PLLC, New York,
inspiring stories from senior CRE         Karen Ramos, Beatrice Sibblies and
executives on their respective CRE        Alana Sliwinski.All contributors will
                                                                                   N.Y.                                                         Speakers for Session 1, Development Panel

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                                                                                                                                           NE NY Tel: 781-878-4540                                                                       New York Real Estate Journal                                           December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021 9A

                                                               IREON New Member Profiles

                                                         Brian Earley                                                                                      Adam Kapner
                                                    Client Account Executive                                                                                  Principal
                                                     Metropolis Group, Inc.                                                                          NYC Apartment Management

Name: Brian Earley                                                                                 Name: Adam Kapner
Title: Client Account Executive                                                                    Title: Principal
Company: Metropolis Group, Inc.                                                                    Company: NYC Apartment Management
Location: 22 Cortlandt Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10007                                       Location: 157 Columbus Avenue, 4th Floor, NY NY 10023
LinkedIn:                                                           Birthplace: Long Island, NY
Birthplace: New Haven, CT. Grew up in Hamden, CT.                                                  Education: New England College
Education: Southern Connecticut State University – BA - Communication; University of               First job: Bond analyst at Fidelity
New Haven – M.ed - Education                                                                       First job in real estate or allied field: I was a junior property manager for a large real
First job: 6th Grade Math Teacher in Hamden, CT                                                    estate fund with over 10,000 units across the country; with over 750 units in NY.
First job in real estate or allied field: Working with Metropolis Group in the Certificate         What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:I’m currently oversee-
of Occupancy Division as a project manager.                                                        ing the management of 50 buildings across NYC and Brooklyn. We hope to grow our
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:Work closely on                       business to over 100 buildings over the next two years. We offer boutique property
developing relationships with our clients, both existing and potential new, along with             management services. Our hands-on approach allows us to be selective in the build-
serving as a liaison between our clients and our operations. Help identify and pros-               ings we bring on board.
pect client leads and qualify new opportunities.                                                   How do you unwind from a busy day?:A three-mile run. My goal is to always run in
How do you unwind from a busy day?:Most days unwind with a daily gym workout                       under 24 minutes. I’m constantly pushing myself. I find it’s important to let out your
followed by dinner and family time before bed.                                                     stresses in the most useful way running.
Favorite book or author: James Patterson                                                           Favorite book or author: “Am I being to subtle” by Sam Zell
Favorite movie: “Miracle”                                                                          Favorite movie: “Wall Street”
Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded?:Country music is a favorite, cur-                   Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded?:“Free Fallin” by Tom Petty
rently Chris Stapleton or Luke Combs                                                               One word to describe your work environment: Relentless
One word to describe your work environment: Challenging                                            Rules to live by in business: Treat others how you would like to be treated
Rules to live by in business: I believe that we become what we are surrounded by.                  If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who
By surrounding yourself with positive mentors, driven, hardworking people, you will                would it be and where would you go?:Warren Buffett and we would go to Peter
succeed. Additionally, never stop learning or become complacent.                                   Lugers
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who              What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job):There is no dream
would it be and where would you go?:Herb Brooks in Lake Placid, New York.                          job, I’m living it. When you come from corporate America you learn to appreciate the
What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job):Professional golfer                freedom you have of running your own business.
on the PGA Tour. Only need to shave another 36 strokes off the handicap!

                                                    Dimitri Mortsakis                                                                                 Michael Nerenberg
                                                          Owner                                                                                                 Partner
                                           CRS Corporate Relocation Systems, Inc.                                                                     Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler,
                                                                                                                                                         Nahins, & Goidel, P.C.

Name: Dimitri Mortsakis                                                                            Name: Michael Nerenberg
Title: Owner                                                                                       Title: Partner
Company: CRS Corporate Relocation Systems, Inc.                                                    Company: Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins, & Goidel, P.C.
Location: Queens, NY                                                                               Location: New York, NY
LinkedIn:                                              LinkedIn:
Birthplace: Athens, Greece                                                                         Birthplace: Syosset, NY
Education: Gettysburg College                                                                      Education: B.A. Political Science/Journalism, George Washington University; J.D.
First job: Bartending                                                                              Brooklyn Law School
First job in real estate or allied field: Relocation sales                                         First job: Camp counselor
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:Helping companies                     First job in real estate or allied field: Summer intern, International Real Estate Law Firm
move in NYC and around the U.S.                                                                    What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:I practice in trans-
How do you unwind from a busy day?:Read                                                            actional real estate–sales and acquisitions of residential, commercial, and industrial
Favorite book or author: “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson                                 assets, office/retail leasing, coop/condo board representation, and landlord/tenant
Favorite movie: The Harry Potter series                                                            matters. I look forward to further expanding mine and my firm’s practices to touch on
Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded?:”Inside In/Inside Out” album by                     areas of real estate law that we currently do not service.
The Kooks (Naïve)                                                                                  How do you unwind from a busy day?:Reading, watching sports, attending live events
One word to describe your work environment: Exciting                                               Favorite book or author: Colum McCann
Rules to live by in business: Always strive to provide more value to others than you               Favorite movie: “The Descendants”
receive                                                                                            One word to describe your work environment: Immersive
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who              Rules to live by in business: Practice law in a manner so that you can sleep at night,
would it be?:Gary Vaynerchuk                                                                       ensure that you can work with your adversaries after the deal is done, and ensure that
What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job):Musician                           clients never have any issue getting their calls answered and concerns alleviated.
                                                                                                   If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who
                                                                                                   would it be and where would you go?:Shimon Peres, and after the pandemic, I’d be
                                                                                                   open to virtually anything.
                                                                                                   What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job):Travel writer
10A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021                                                New York Real Estate Journal                                                                          

                                                                            Question of the Month
           What’s a networking professional to do
         when COVID-19 shuts down onsite meetings?
                                           Sarah Marsh of Marsh Architects.          Only Networking Breakfast,” which         went virtual thanks to the new video      request be it an incoming lead, an
                                           This group met on the third Friday of     was held on the second Thursday of        streaming technologies like ZOOM          existing customer or a referral we’re
                     Ron Lanzo             the month, 11 months per year. The        each month, and yes it too was held       and Microsoft TEAMS. In the nine          contacting the client’s promptly. Also
                    AFR Furniture          month of August was the exception         at 8:00 AM. We made lots of close         months since this pandemic literally      following up with specific informa-
                     Rental Inc.           due to the number of members on                                                                                               tion about the project to include an
                                           vacation during this summer month.        Our sales efforts continue using the phone and email                                accurate rental proposal, complete

   As a career sales professional and
                                           Sarah liked to start off the meeting
                                           with, “…Marshland Connections is a
                                                                                     to stay in touch with our customers. We’ve seen                                     literature on what’s being quoted,
                                                                                                                                                                         verifying the inventory is available
now more than 12-year veteran here at      non-fee-based networking group that       many new opportunities arise using this distance                                    and scheduling the delivery date. It’s
AFR Furniture Rental, Inc., network-       meets promptly at 8:00AM.”Another         sales approach. Of course, we’re being hyperactive                                  because of this effort to both continue
ing was a mainstay for developing new      group BNI, or Business Networking                                                                                             networking and to stay in touch with
business. I had become dependent           International, was not a free group,      and responsive to each request be it an incoming                                    our customers that we’ve managed
upon several networking groups             and many of their chapters met at         lead, an existing customer or a referral we’re con-                                 to maintain at least a portion of our
or organizations to meet potential         7:30 AM! I made a few of these as                                                                                             previous pre-pandemic business.
new customers. Networking was an           an invited guest but catching a train     tacting the client’s promptly.                                                         In conclusion, we’re as committed
integral part of my efforts to find        at 4:30 AM didn’t provide me enough                                                                                           today to our basic sales principals
and develop new business. It was a         motivation to make me beat the            personal friends, and to this day, the    shut down most of our office complex-     that customers come first, and that
critically important part of my annual     roosters up in the morning to attend.     same familiar faces can be seen at        es across the nation, we were quick to    we will go the extra mile however
sales plan, which I often shared with      With the annual membership fee, I         networking events across the city of      adopt this new technology and put on      difficult that might be to provide our
our sales team, “Networking Works!”        felt was a large commitment when          New York. Well that was before the        a nice shirt and a happy face! Rumors     customers with timely, rental furniture
   Networking is not a guaranteed          you factored in both the membership       Coronavirus, or COVID-19 pandemic         ran rampant about many attendees still    solutions that help them continue in
way of uncovering new business, and        fee and the weekly attendance costs.      struck. We enjoyed many personal          in their pajama bottoms or shorts as      business generating revenues. As a
if done incorrectly will not produce       It was also a bit too structured for      referrals that turned into long-term      the summer months approached, but         sales force, the commercial segment
the desired results. A major commit-       my sales style, and so I never chose      customers as a result of these rela-      with a nice shirt, a broad smile and      here at AFR Furniture Rental, Inc.,
ment and dedication are required to        to become a member, but still recog-      tionships.                                hopefully some nice lighting (we’re all   remains committed to providing ex-
consistently attend these sessions.        nize how valuable this organization          The commitment one makes to            now just discovering the importance       ceptional service to all our customers,
Since most of my networking groups         has been for those who have actively      joining, and to attending on a regular    of lighting) we’re able to continue       and we look forward to helping you
were very early morning events which       participated.                             basis makes networking work! Mem-         networking with the same people           with your next requirement.
started at 8:00 AM, it required getting       Another organization of which I        bership in the right organizations and    each month only virtually.
up early, well before first light! Sales   was a member, was the New York            networking are critically important          Our sales efforts continue using the         To comment on this story
professionals usually attend a mini-       Chapter of IFMA (The International        aspects to achieving your goals of new    phone and email to stay in touch with                visit
mum of 3 to 4 networking sessions per      Facility Management Association). I       relationships built and new business      our customers. We’ve seen many new        Ron Lanzo is the National Account
month! I was a member of two groups        chaired the Networking Committee          developed. As I had previously, men-      opportunities arise using this distance
quite seriously, Marshland Connec-
                                                                                                                                                                         Manager for AFR Furniture Rental Inc,
                                           for more than two years, and religious-   tioned all of these in person meetings    sales approach. Of course, we’re being
tions, founded, organized and run by       ly attended the monthly “Member’s         became a thing of the past, as they all   hyperactive and responsive to each
                                                                                                                                                                         New York, N.Y.

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                                                                           Executive of the Month

    Christopher Rotio takes a hands-on, personable
    approach as executive VP at Town Title Agency
                                           important to us. From sponsoring             Rotio: Town Title is a leading pro-
                                           seminars for young lawyers, to help- vider of title insurance and settlement
                                           ing fund scholarships for law school services in the markets we serve. In
                                           students, to holding a seat on the addition to some 200 monthly residen-
                                           Bergen County                                                 tial purchase and
                                           Bar Foundation’s “Our company has a                           refinance clos-
                                           Board of Direc- hands-on, personable                          ings, Town Title
                                           tors, Town Title                                              insures many
                                           continues to invest approach with our cli-                    notable com-
                                           and make a differ- ents that has allowed us mercial transac-
                                           ence in the local                                             tions. This year,
                                           legal community. to be successful in such                     our most notable
                                           We are also ded- a competitive market.”                       deals involved
                                           icated to working                                             commercial
                                           alongside the Hackensack University spaces, especially for retail net
                                           Medical Center Foundation in its lease spaces and logistics company
            Christopher Rotio              cardiac research efforts, while also transactions.
                                           providing financial support to the           In the third quarter, alone, we’ve
NEW YORK, NY The New York Real             Tomorrows Children’s Fund and the insured over $197 million in deals
Estate Journal (NYREJ) recently            Diabetes Research Institute, among throughout the East Coast and
sat down with Christopher Rotio,           others.                                    Mid-Atlantic.                            idential offerings.                       to be a driving force in 2021.
executive vice president at Town Title        In 2016, we hosted our first major        NYREJ: What industry and types            NYREJ: How does New York                  NYREJ: What do you expect to
Agency, for a question and answer          fundraising event, our inaugural golf of assets have you been seeing the            City commercial current deal flow         see in the commercial market for
session.–                                  outing. In its first four years, we raised most activity in?                        compare to other regional markets?        2021 nationally?
   NYREJ: Can you tell us a little bit     over $300,000. The outing continues          Rotio: Locally and nationally, we         Rotio: Unfortunately, commercial          Rotio: Retail net lease spaces, in-
about Town Title Agency?                   to be a highly anticipated annual event are seeing net-lease deals trending         volume in NewYork City remains low.       dustrial assets, and logistics company
   Rotio: We are a full-service title      and in October, we hosted the golf upward for certain property types,               However, in other regional markets,       transactions will continue to stay
insurance agency with more than 100        outing at The Ridgewood Country including gas and convenience stores,               such as Bergen and Essex Counties         strong into 2021. We will likely see
years of combined experience in resi-      Club and raised over $125,000 for logistics companies, and tractor sup-             in New Jersey, and across the East        a lot of refinancing or restructuring of
dential and commercial title services.     three programs of Hackensack Me- ply stores. We are also seeing heavy               Coast Mid-Atlantic, we are seeing         loans in the hospitality industry next
Since 2001, we have processed in           ridian Health.                             activity in multifamily apartment        strong deal flow that is being driven     year, but I’m confident hospitality
excess of 20,000 title searches—and           NYREJ: What have some of your developments, locally and nationally,              by favorable commercial lending,          will make a comeback in New York
we’re still growing. In addition to        most notable transactions been this with many warehouse and industrial              interest rates and distressed oppor-      City. I expect healthcare to experience
some 200 monthly residential pur-          year?                                      properties being developed into res-     tunities. These factors will continue     success into the new year as well.
chase and refinance closings, Town
Title Agency insures many notable
commercial transactions across a
wide array of industries, with par-
ticular expertise in healthcare, retail
net-lease, logistics company and car
dealership properties. Town Title has
also had the privilege of insuring some
of the largest transactions in NewYork
and New Jersey, which speaks loudly
to the trust and confidence that our
clients have in our agency.
   Our company has a hands-on,
personable approach with our clients
that has allowed us to be successful
in such a competitive market.
   Over the last 19 years, we have
developed and perfected a com-
prehensive service delivery model
that allows us to provide an array of
services that cover the full spectrum
of our clients’ needs. In addition, our
Settlement Division gives our clients
the opportunity to use our experienced
staff of attorneys and paralegals to
assist with any step of the closing pro-
cess – or even to handle the transaction
completely from inception to closing.
   NYREJ: Town Title launched a
community relations initiative. Tell
us more about that.
   Rotio: In 2015, we launched the
#TownTitleGivesBack initiative. We
are committed to giving back to the
local community.The agency’s goal is
to continuously build up the character
of our team while also building up
the community it serves. We strive
to make what’s important to them,
                                                                                          Town Title Agency’s 5th Annual Golf Outing at the Ridgewood Country Club
14B March 24 - April 6, 2020                                                                                             Design/Build                                                                                           New York Real Estate Journal
12A December 15, 2020 - January 4, 2021                                                                                  Design/Build                                                                                           New York Real Estate Journal

                                UNVEILS NEW LOBBY MEZZANINE AMENITY LEVEL
Pestana Hotel opens,
iBUILT launches: New design  NEW PREBUILT SUITES RANGE FROM 1,000 S/F TO 45,000 S/F

by Gene Kaufman  Architect  MKDAGinsburg
                                      unveils   Development
                                                  1501    Broadway      Co.with
design-build-operate firm reinvents 50 Main St. office building
NEW       NY iBUILT, a new
                            Rosemark, Levin Mgmt. & Newmark
MANHATTAN, NY The Gene Kaufman
Hotel located at 23 company
                         East 39th St. powered
                                          is now
                                                       buildings are built—a large-scale
                                                       offsite factory, new proprietary tech-            WHITE PLAINS, NY Ginsburg Develop-
by  technology,
open.   The 27-story officially
                                     from Por-  to     nologies, and a C-Suite of innovative             ment Cos. principal
                                                                                                         MANHATTAN,          Martinin
                                                                                                                      NY Newmark   Ginsburg
tugal-based  thePestana
                   world’s Hotels–dubbed
                             largest industry          leaders across the design, construc-               celebrated
                                                                                                         nation     withthe    grand
                                                                                                                            1501          openingowner-
                                                                                                                                    Broadway            of the
Pestana NY East–is    Thethe
                           new     company
                               second    projectis     tion, technology, development and                  first phase
                                                                                                         ship            of his reinvention
                                                                                                                have unveiled       new enhancementsof the 50
focused    on    solving    the
in the city from the Pestana Group.developer’s         automation industries.”                            Main
                                                                                                         of  thisSt.    office
                                                                                                                    asset  and building
                                                                                                                                 the next phase that stands
                                                                                                                                                          of its
pain   pointsin
    Located     inMidtown
                    the development
                                East between pro-         iBUILT is redefining the construc-              at the gateway
                                                                                                         exciting      capitalentrance
                                                                                                                                  improvement to the city.plan.
MadisonTo achieve
            and Fifththis,Aves.,thethecompany
                                         40,000        tion value proposition by re-imagin-              Ownership
                                                                                                             The new unveils
                                                                                                                          mezzanine  a series     of prebuilt
                                                                                                                                            amenity       level
aims    to redefine       the96construction                        Pestanadesign,
                                                       ing the entire        Hotel lobby
                                                                                      development        units,
                                                                                                          featuresbrand   new turn-key
                                                                                                                      a modernized              options and
                                                                                                                                             cafeteria,      fit-
s/f structure   contains         hotel rooms,
gym for guests, a barend-to-end
             by    using     and an outdoortech-       and  construction      processes
                                                       have full-length rotating mirrors    to create
                                                                                                 with    new
                                                                                                          ness corridors
                                                                                                                 center with   designed
                                                                                                                                  yoga motion  by MKDA, room,
nology    and offsite
patio. Rooms             manufacturing
                    feature    bespoke inte-    to     end    products—buildings—that
                                                       hangers attached, TVs, USB sockets          are   and
                                                                                                          lecturenames       Newmark’s
                                                                                                                    hall, lounge                   Matthew
                                                                                                                                      with billiards        and
eliminate   inefficiencies
riors and large      windows,    at some
                                    each stage
                                            with       more    sustainable,
                                                       and high-speed           meet the highest
                                                                            wifi.                        Leon,       Stephen
                                                                                                          private dining      andGordon,
                                                                                                                                     meeting rooms. Andrew
of the building
balconies    andlifecycle,
                     views oftothe  build  high-
                                        Empire         standards
                                                          “With thenationally   and areof“smarter”
                                                                        introduction         new ho-     Margolin
                                                                                                             Ginsburg    and
                                                                                                                                 unveiled   Kropp       as the
State Building. Design features the
   quality  smart     buildings     in  half   in-     than
                                                       teliers to New Yorkfrom
                                                             those  that result  City,athetraditional
                                                                                               design    leasing
                                                                                                          of the new  agents    forwhich
                                                                                                                           lobby,       the reimagined
                                                                                                                                                 will begin
cludeand    at significant cost
        Portuguese-made          lightsavings.
                                        fixtures       development
                                                       of amenities and approach.    iBUILT’s pro-
                                                                            room configurations          850,000      s/f property.
                                                                                                          reconstruction       soon and will feature
andachieve    approximately
       headboards                   20% lower
                        and photography                prietary
                                                       continues software
                                                                    to evolve and
                                                                                in process
                                                                                    new andensure
                                                                                                excit-    theRosemark
                                                                                                              same level of   Management,
                                                                                                                                 finishes and artwork  Levin
construction      cost and
by Cátia Castel-Branco. All 50%     faster  con-
                                          rooms        each   project’s  financial
                                                       ing ways that ultimately givesviability   with
                                                                                             travelers   Management
                                                                                                          as the amenity      andmezzanine.
                                                                                                                                     Newmark “When    collab-
struction, iBUILT uses technology                      guaranteed     budgets    and   timelines.
                                                       more choices in where they stay,” said            orated     with into
                                                                                                          people walk       MKDA50 Main  to create
                                                                                                                                               St., weawantpre-
and controlled offsite manufacturing,                     iBUILT has launched with $150
                                                       Kaufman.                                          built
                                                                                                                  to feelcampaign
                                                                                                                            the energy   thatandreflects
                                                                                                                                                   vibe of   thea     Shown (from left) are: GDC Principal Martin Ginsburg; ArtsWestchester CEO Janet
                                                                                                                                                                      Langsam; Business Council of Westchester president and CEO Marsha Gordon and
Mahady joins AKF
and integrates design, detailing, fab-
rication and onsite assembly.
                                                       million in signed deals and $600
                                                       million of new deals in negotiation,
                                                                                                          be activated
                                                                                                                      to the
                                                                                                                               where the
                                                                                                                           as aArt
                                                                                                                                       Deco history
                                                                                                                                yet another
                                                                                                                                                              of                               White Plains mayor Tom Roach
NEW“The    development
       YORK,    NY According     process
                                       to AKF,has      reflecting interest from developers               the  landmarked
                                                                                                          gathering             building.
                                                                                                                        space within        theInbuilding,”
been    dysfunctional        for   developers          and owners. Upcoming iBUILT                       to
                                                                                                          saidthe    upgraded design, the new
            Mahady, P.E.,
         the firm’s
                   for healthcare
                                         AP, has
                                                       Triton     Construction
                                                       work includes       a multifamily condo
                                                                                                             A keysuites,
                                                                                                                                  of the new  in sizeentryfromto
are always over budget    With and       behind
                                   experience          launches
                                                       project in BrooklynTriton     Interiors
                                                                                leveraging      smart    1,000
                                                                                                          50 Main  s/f St.
                                                                                                                        to 45,000
                                                                                                                             will bes/f,       will feature
                                                                                                                                          a monumental
schedule. While other            sectors have
                          designing          me-       building
                                                       NEW    YORK,technology;         a 100-unit
                                                                      NY Triton Construction             the  latest COVID-19
                                                                                                          sculpture     in front of the safety     measures
                                                                                                                                             building      that     FCA selected to conduct Hoboken Feasibility Study
improved efficiency            with systems
                          chanical      techno-        affordable
                                                       has  launched housing
                                                                         Triton development
                                                                                 Interiors, a new   in   and
                                                                                                          will protocols.
                                                                                                                 be chosenNew    from  turn-key       options
                                                                                                                                           three finalists          NEW YORK, NY According to            Francis     to upgrade the city’s infrastructure
logical advances, the            construction
                          for healthcare       fa-     Baltimore;     and   a  80,000    s/f
                                                       division specializing in diversified    market    also
                                                                                                          that include     full-floor
                                                                                                                participated       in anboutique         tower
                                                                                                                                             international          Cauffman Architects (FCA), they                  and provide lasting solutions for
industry has largelycilities,remained       stag-
                                       Mahady          residential
                                                       interiors      building inMark
                                                                  construction.       NewCherchio
                                                                                               Haven,    suites    with views
                                                                                                          competition             ranging in by
                                                                                                                             coordinated           sizeGDCfrom      have been selected by the city of                Hoboken’s future.
nant. The COVID-19        haspandemic        and
                                 built a port-         Conn.lead
                                                       will     iBUILT
                                                                    the new is also    designing
                                                                                division      as theya   2,000     to 3,500 s/f.
                                                                                                          and ArtsWestchester.                                      Hoboken, the Hoboken Public Li-                     The firm will work alongside East
current economic recession            have only
                          folio spanning               numberinto
                                                       break      of the
                                                                      branded     hotels
                                                                           interior         in North
                                                                                      construction           “This
                                                                                                             “With is  thisanexciting
                                                                                                                               iconic building
                                                                                                                                            new space      with
                                                                                                                                                              in    brary, Stevens Institute ofTechnology,           Egg Project Management (East Egg
accelerated the industry   North disruption
                                      America,         and   South   America.     The
                                                       market while continuing to providecompany’s       a50rich   history    and    character
                                                                                                              Main, we are creating a common         that   has     resent
                                                                                                                                                                    and      the highest
                                                                                                                                                                          Propelify     LLCvalue
                                                                                                                                                                                              to leadproposition
                                                                                                                                                                                                      an innova-     ments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PM) toincluding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               carry out a new  lobby that was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a six-month-long
 Christina Mahady
underway    to developEurope,
                           more productiveAsia,        unique with
                                                       clients   approach      to designing and
                                                                       the professionalism        and    been
                                                                                                                      area totobeembrace
                                                                                                                                    enjoyedits    byart
                                                                                                                                                           ten-     of any
                                                                                                                                                                    tion      building
                                                                                                                                                                          center          in Midtown.”
                                                                                                                                                                                   feasibility  study in the city.   relocated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     study fundedfrom byBroadway    to 43rdEco-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the New Jersey     St.,
and Australia. to construction.       Today, it’s
                     Mahady’s healthcare               constructing
                                                       dedication        sustainable,
                                                                     expected             “smarter”
                                                                                  from Triton.           past
                                                                                                          ants ininthe
                                                                                                                     a building
                                                                                                                        modern,that   forward-thinking
                                                                                                                                           reflects today’s            1501
                                                                                                                                                                    With         Broadway’s
                                                                                                                                                                           an estimated             landmarked
                                                                                                                                                                                            completion    of May     new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nomicoperable      windows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Development          throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Authority.   The
more   importantexperience
engineering          than ever to find     ways
                                      includes         buildings     will transform
                                                          Triton Interiors               the devel-
                                                                                 will specialize         fashion,”
                                                                                                          warmer casual  said Leon
                                                                                                                                 work of         Newmark.
                                                                                                                                            environment,            exterior
                                                                                                                                                                    2020,    theisstudy
                                                                                                                                                                                    known    forenable
                                                                                                                                                                                           will   its four-faced
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the city    the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     goalbuilding,    newiselevators
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of the project              and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to understand   es-
to  build  more     efficiently,
large-scale critical and ambulatory effectively        opment    process    across    asset
                                                       in outfitting commercial, retail       classes,
                                                                                                  and    “Tenants      will  appreciate
                                                                                                          punctuated by beautiful art through- the  efficient       clock
                                                                                                                                                                    to      topped
                                                                                                                                                                       secure          by anstate
                                                                                                                                                                                  further     ornamental
                                                                                                                                                                                                   funding glass
                                                                                                                                                                                                             for a   calators,  upgraded   common     corridors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     physical, programmatic, and policy
caresafely,”   saidAyall
       facilities,           Schanzer,infra-
                      campus-wide          chief       including      affordable
                                                       educational buildings with the and     market
                                                                                                  full   layouts
                                                                                                          out. We are introducing manyfocus
                                                                                                                    and   hospitality      design       of thein    globe,   and    its iconic  marquee
                                                                                                                                                                    master plan that will help breathe     facing
                                                                                                                                                                                                              new    and   restrooms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     initiatives         and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  necessary        installation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to support   en-
              upgrades,at iBUILT.         “With
                               and multiple            housing, student
                                                       capabilities         housing,support
                                                                       of Triton’s      hospitality,
                                                                                                  and    asame
                                                                                                            storied   property
                                                                                                                  resort   class that     is conveniently
                                                                                                                                   amenities        found in        Times
                                                                                                                                                                    life intoSq.
                                                                                                                                                                                     area. Thisin  2018,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 news     owner-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       comes   on    of  Macchiato Espresso
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     trepreneurship               & Wine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and innovation   inBar
iBUILT,    we areprojects.
proton therapy        bringing together all            retail and along
                                                       services,    more. with their bonding             located
                                                                                                          our luxury and well-priced.”
                                                                                                                            residential properties,”                shipheels
                                                                                                                                                                    the    kickedof off   a $50 redevelopment
                                                                                                                                                                                      massive    million capital     as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     citya and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  drink  and lounge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hudson    Countyamenity
the  critical
EHI half  page pieces    to transform
                 ad v2 4/5/06
      For full story visit how
                                   11:37 AM Page     1       For full
                                                       and insurance  story  visit
                                                                          resources.                         Gordon
                                                                                                          said Ginsburg. said, “These new suites rep-               improvement
                                                                                                                                                                    projects    acrossproject     with enhance-
                                                                                                                                                                                          the city—with     plans    for tenants.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           For full story visit

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      • Phase I & II Environmental Site Inspections & Assessments
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      • Expert Witness Testimony

                            655 West Shore Trail • Sparta, NJ 07871                                                                                                                                                        Interiors
                                  Phone: 973-729-5649                                                                                                                                                                      Planning
                                       Web site:

                                                        NE NY Tel: 781-878-4540                                                                                                               NE NY Tel: 781-878-4540
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