Page created by Juan Robertson
                                                                  AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2020

                                                 AUDIO | VISUAL | CONTROL | COLLABORATION | UNIFIED COMMS

                                                                 MCI (P) 058/04/2020 PPS 1669/08/2013(022992)



 TECH TALK: Building an Open   SPOTLIGHT: BAP Technology           VOICE BOX: Steerable Sound
 Standard for an AV over IP    Consultants                         for Wider Applications


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CONTENTS                                                                            VOL. 19 ISSUE 6
                                                                                    AUG - SEP 2020

Volume 19 Issue 6: AUG - SEP 2020
04 FIRST WORDS                                   INSTALLATION
                                                 65 CHINA: EAW Takes Sound Quality to the Next
06 NEWS                                          Level at China’s Xi’an Olympic Sports Center

28 SOLUTIONS UPDATE                              66 CHINA: Smart City Science and Technology
                                                 Exhibition Hall Adopts Christie APS Series Laser
SPOTLIGHT                                        Projectors
40 BAP Strives on Customer Satisfaction and
Best Possible Service


46 Delta Electronics: Preparedness, Planning
Pepped up Pandemic Handling

                                                 68 SINGAPORE: d&b Powers Region’s Most
                                                 Talented Rising Acts at the Tin Box

                                                 70 AUSTRALIA: LSC Lighting Systems Offers
                                                 Power and Protection to NIDA

                                                 72 INDIA: MAYFAIR Lake Resort Features End-to-
49 LG: Digital Signage in the Era of COVID-19    end Integration with HARMAN

50 Sennheiser India Sings in Sync with the       Professional Solutions
German Major on their 75th Anniversary           74 DUBAI: Cooper Lighting Solutions at the Coca-
Celebrations                                     Cola Arena

COVER STORY                                      VOICEBOX
52 COVID-19: Manufacturers Give Their Take       76 The Post-Pandemic Future of the Workplace
About Possible New Workplace Requirements        by Prashant Govindan

EXHIBITION PREVIEW                               79 Steerable Sound Systems are Now Delivering
56 InfoComm China Beijing 2020                   Audio Intelligibility to a Much Wider Range of
58 Building an Open Standard for an AV over IP   82   ON OUR WEB

60 Kneura: A New Technology Learning Domain
To The Fore
                                        We are ready to see the industry’s first physical exhibitions, mainly taking place in
                                        China. Prolight + Sound Guangzhou is scheduled to take place from August 21 – 24,
                                        followed by LED China Shenzhen from September 1 – 3, LED China Shanghai from
                                        17 to 19 September and InfoComm China Beijing from 28 to 30 September. China
                                        which was the epicentre of the COVID-19 virus, worked hard to control the infection
                                        and though there are still cases, the situation seems to be very well under control. The
                                        Chinese, I believe, will actively support these exhibitions by participating and visiting. I
                                        am sure there is much anticipation as to see how it all turns out.

                                        The recent AV Industry Outlook and Trends Analysis (IOTA) produced by AVIXA, as
                                        expected, shows a decline in AV revenue across the globe. Pick up is expected in 2021
                                        with the pre-COVID-19 level forecasted revenues coming back online in 2022. It has
                                        been a challenging time for many in the industry, from distributors to manufacturers.
                                        Despite that, it is great to see that manufacturers are continuing to invest in R&D to
Thomas Richard Prakasam                 create updates or new technologies. This can be evidenced by the number of new
Publisher / Editorial Director          solutions we have covered in our Solutions Update pages in this issue.
                                        Enjoy the read.

EDITOR, INDIA AND ME                       ADMIN & CIRCULATION                                             MEDIA REP (Excluding China)
Ram Bhavanashi                             Julie Tan                                                       Daniel Ngiam                                                             Tel: +65 91830610

                                                                                                      OUR COLLABORATORS

                                                                                            Rosalind Tan                          Halim,
                                                                                            Website Management                    HTML Design and Coding
                                                                                            P.V. Anthony
MEDIA REP CHINA                            DESIGN & LAYOUT                                  Server and IT Security Guru
Judy Wang                                  Hazel Gundaya
Worldwide Focus Media

                                 Disclaimer: Systems Integration Asia is published 6 times a year. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine is to be
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4                                                                                                                                                AUG - SEP 2020
Premium Presentation Experiences
                                    with Analog Way

                                                                                                    Photo Credit: Jorrit Lousberg©
                                                 With   the   LivePremier™     and   Picturall™
                                                 series, Analog Way helps deliver uncompromising
                                                 presentation experiences to high-end staging and
                                                 premium system integration.

Analog Way’s high-performance live presentation systems and media servers provide advanced
processing technologies, which accommodate a large range of applications, from massive video wall
installations to large corporate events.

LG’S Immense LED Digital Signage Project is Turning Heads in Busy

KOREA:Whether at home, in a                  featuring pixels only 8.3mm apart is        display products such as TVs, monitors
shopping mall or out on the street, big      located in front of the one of the most     and laptops, LG’s Gangnam LED
screens always attract a lot of attention.   well-known landmarks on Teheran-            digital signage features extremely small
A prime example of this comes from LG        ro, the Grand InterContinental Seoul        bezels so that passersby see only
Electronics’ Business Solutions              Parnas Hotel.                               the stunning images displayed on the
Company, which recently installed its                                                    screen.
new extra-large,high-definition LED          LG’s customized sign is a freestanding
digital signage on one of Seoul’s most       double-sided billboard, a rarity even in    With the company’s outstanding display
bustling streets in Gangnam.                 a city as fast to adopt new technology      technology in the heart of famous
                                             as Seoul. LG oversaw the entire project     Gangnam,LG’s immense commercial
Running through the center of the            from start to finish,including the design   signage project is definitely hard to
iconic district, Teheran-ro (“ro”            and construction of the entire structure.   miss and hard to take one’s eyes off of.
meaning “street” in Korean) is often         And consistent with LG’s many other
referred to as Korea’s version of                                              
Times Square due to the abundance
of state-of-the-art screens displaying
advertisements of every brand
imaginable. Designated as a free
outdoor advertisement zone by the
Government of Korea, the street acts as
something of a public arena where
major entertainment houses, clothing
brands and corporations vie for the
attention of the estimated 100,000
pedestrians who traverse its sidewalks
every day of the week.

LG’s eye-catching LED digital signage
solution is hard to miss. Two strikingly
vibrant 10,000 nit displays – 21.8
meters tall by 12 meters wide – are
embedded in a structure that measures
an imposing 26 meters in height.
The custom-built dual-sided display

 6                                                                                                               AUG - SEP 2020
EXPAND 80   With a premium scalable

Unite       Unite colleagues with a premium scalable speakerphone
            for up to 16 in-room participants.
            Thanks to six adaptive, beamforming microphones that

your team
            isolate the human voice from reverb and ambient noise,
            everyone in the room can be heard and colleagues out of
            the office are closer to the conversation. Connect easily
            the way it suits you and enjoy rich, natural sound.
            Finished with a sleek, high quality Scandinavian design,
            you can align with your team through perfect audio and
            superior style.


Chulalongkorn University Goes New School with Sony’s Optical Disc Archive

THAILAND: In 2016, Chulalongkorn           overcome archiving challenges with          a revolutionary disc-based storage
University, Thailand’s oldest higher       a flexible, affordable and intuitive        system, the ODA is built to perform
institute of learning, turned to Sony to   platform.                                   under extreme conditions, it is scalable
help with its ever-growing demand for                                                  and like the NVX also future-proof.
managing and storing its academic          Dr. Srosri and his team identified
resources, which covered everything        Sony’s proprietary Mediabackbone            Ideal for smaller and medium-sized
from learning activities, classroom and    NavigatorX (NVX) as the answer to the       environments, the other key selling
lecture capture to audio/video capture     university’s pressing needs. “From the      point of the NVX is its ability to improve
of life in the university.                 onset we knew that we needed the            productivity with its automated workflow
                                           gold standard in content and archiving      – from ingest, catalogue and editing
Four years on, the success of its          management.” One of the NVX’s main          to review, approvals, distribution and
migration to Sony’s Optical Disc           selling points was its ability to manage    archive.
Archive solutions speaks for itself.       high resolution data efficiently.
The task of managing this enormous                                                     Both the NVX and ODA can seamlessly
endeavour was entrusted to the Office      “As the university creates a huge           integrate with the university’s existing
of Academic Resources, which was set       amount of audio and video content that      array of Sony equipment including
up in 1978.                                needed to be shared quickly between         cameras and camcorders.
                                           students and teachers and vice
“When we first started, we used mostly     versa, it is important that our media       “When we started reviewing media
tape data and used a timeline method       management tool is able to handle high      management solutions, two words were
to ensure consistency,” Dr. Banphot        volumes and more importantly, it is         key – affordability and expandability.
Srosri Acting Director of Multimedia       easy to use,” Dr. Srosri highlighted.       Sony scored in both areas. What we
Information Service Division Office of                                                 also liked about the NVX and ODA was
Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn          Dr. Srosri and his team were also           the ease of use from its implementation
University explained. “When digital        impressed with the NVX’s open               to daily usage. Of course, it helped that
become more commonplace, we were           platform system. This meant the             we were investing in a platform that
faced with a new problem – how do          university could easily upload almost       could run for the next 100 years. We
we archive and manage the ever-            any file format for video, audio,graphics   have invested in the future,”Dr. Srosri
increasing volume of data? We found        or documents and it provides an             concluded.
the answer in Sony’s Optical Disc          unprecedented level of Metadata
Archive solutions.”                        management.                       

Whether it’s an institute of learning,     To optimize the NVX’s full potential,
national broadcaster or production         the university teamed it up with Sony
house, there is a long- term need to       Optical Disc Archive (ODA). Using

 8                                                                                                            AUG - SEP 2020

Brompton Technology Expands Operation in China

CHINA: Leading LED processor               Calibration. Helping to run the office is   The proactive approach from both
manufacturer, Brompton Technology,         new Office Assistant, Noora Xu, who         existing and new team members
has expanded its operation in China,       has valuable experience in international    meant that, once the Hydra cameras
moving to larger offices and hiring        trade and purchasing and takes over         were available, Gou and Lee already
three new members of staff to further      the role from Summer Zhang.                 had an in-depth knowledge of the
support its customers in the territory.                                                system. Meanwhile Summer Zhang,
The expansion follows the development      “The decision to increase both our          thanks to her professional development
of Brompton’s highly acclaimed HDR         office space and staff was made             during her time with Brompton, has
technology and the successful roll out     pre lockdown,” says Elijah Ebo,             been promoted to the role of Project
of its new Hydra measurement system,       Brompton’s General Manager (Asia).          Manager.
which unlocks the power of Dynamic         “The incredible interest in Brompton
Calibration, the enabling technology for   HDR and panel recalibration, following      “It’s always important to choose the
Brompton HDR.                              its launch at the end of last year,         right people,” concludes Ebo. “Whilst
                                           had meant we were getting busier            this this has been a difficult time for
The new office is adjacent to              and busier, so we needed additional         everyone, knowing we have a strong
Brompton’s previous facility in High       calibration specialists. They are very      team in China while travel is restricted
Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan, in          hard to find. We had to search for the      has been invaluable. It means that
the modern metropolis of Shenzhen,         right people and were very lucky to find    we are in a great position to be able
Guangdong Province. This facility is       them.”                                      to continue to provide the support
double the size, allowing space to                                                     Brompton is known for and to respond
calibrate and test prototype panels        Whilst the intervening months have          to our customers’ current and future
on site. New Calibration Support           been understandably quiet, Brompton’s       needs.”
Engineers, Alex Guo and John Lee,          China team has used the time
both have an extensive understanding       constructively, with Guo and Lee now
of the LED screen industry and are         fully trained on Hydra, and Xu fully
ideally placed to assist Brompton          immersed in Brompton’s processes.
customers in China with Dynamic

                                                                                          Hydra measurement system

12                                                                                                              AUG - SEP 2020

CLSPL Uses Downtime to Expand Offerings

SINGAPORE: Control Logic Systems            CLSPL has come up with a package           David Seow of CLSPL comments, “This
(CLSPL) has ventured into the video-        for Small and Medium Enterprises for       is a great product that is easy to use
conferencing space by taking on             their video conferencing needs. “We        with zero set-up time. We envision it
distribution for Neets AV Control           have combined the Solvo Hub with the       being used for gatherings in churches,
Systems for Singapore, Indonesia,           Neets Sound Bar and a LED display          schools, community spaces and fire
Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar and           and a video conferencing camera – all      drills.The sound coverage can reach
Brunei. Neets offers paperless E-ink        integrated into a mobile system. The       around 20 to 25m in an open space,
digital display for wall-mounted control,   user just needs to connect his laptop      and it provides excellent quality for the
Sound Bar as well as Touch Panel            to the hub, and everything comes into      purposes it is intended to serve.”
control. Besides, Neets has introduced      play, making it easy and convenient.
Solvo – an intelligent AV systems hubs      Most importantly, it is a cost-effective   Complementing the Micker Pro is
for video-enabled huddle rooms.             system.”                                   the portable UVS UV Sterilizer. Tests
                                                                                       indicate that the sterilizer offers
“We were already in discussion with         To complement Pro-Audio                    99.9% sterilization. “It is a simple to
Neets at ISE. We foresaw that video-        requirements, CLSPL is also now            use product that is easily chargeable
conferencing would be a growing             offering EBST Co., Ltd’s all-in-one        through the UCB-C connection. You
market. Of course, the COVID-19             microphone and speaker as well as          put it onto the microphone head, switch
pandemic has accelerated the growth         a portable UV-based microphone             it on and let it do its job. Indicators
of VC. The Solvo hub offers easy            head sterilizer. EBST is a Korean          keep you informed of the status of the
connection of your choice of video          manufacturer.                              sterilization process. It goes hand in
conferencing equipment to create a                                                     hand with the Micker Pro though it is
powerful automated system with CEC          The Micker Pro all-in-one microphone       not just for the Micker Pro and can be
technology. It just needs a single USB      and speaker features a 10W dual-           used for sterilizing any microphone
connection from your laptop to the hub,     speaker that provides a convenient         head.”
which then automatically turns on/off all   and stable quality of sound with no
the connected devices. Our objective        directional loss. It also offers howling
is to offer a simple and fuss-free one      suppressor technology, 3-level volume
button start for your video conferencing    adjustment and even a buzzer to attract
needs.”                                     attention. Charging is made convenient
                                            with an internal charging circuit
David also is thrilled with the touch       connected via USB-C to the charger.
panel control from Neets. “You do not       Offering good grip the rigid material
need any programming specialist. It is      provides excellent durability.
a drag and drop software that enables
easy configuration.”

14                                                                                                            AUG - SEP 2020

Touchless User Interface Market Will Exhibit Significant CAGR
INTERNATIONAL: In the recently published "Touchless                             have the most companies: Voice command has 110
Human-Machine-Interface HMI Technologies, Supply Chain                          companies and camera-based gesture has 69 companies
and Market Forecast 2020 Report, 3rd edition" Touch                             working on them.
Display Research Inc., a market research and consulting
firm, analyzed all the touchless human-machine interaction                      Figure 2. Touchless Human-Machine-Interface
(HMI) sensor technologies and market applications. The                          technologies attracted over 390 companies
touchless HMI market will exhibit significant CAGR from
2019-2030. This report profiles over 390 touchless sensor
suppliers, system integrators, and brand companies working
on touchless control.

Figure 1. From touch to touchless human-machine-

                                                                                Source: Touchless HMI 2020 report, 3rd edition, Touch Display Research, 2020

                                                                                Touchless technologies can be used in dozens of
                                                                                applications, we organized them into seven categories, see
                                                                                the table here:

Source: Touchless HMI 2020 report, 3 rd edition, Touch Display Research, 2020   Figure 3. Touchless Human-Machine-Interface in 7
                                                                                application categories
Touchless Human-machine-interaction Provides Many

* Hygiene/cleanness. Hand-free operation for hospitals,
bathroom, kitchen etc. People are hyper-cautious in public
areas now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
* Safety. Voice-control in automotive could keep drivers
hands on the wheel, eyes on the road.
* Security. Home/building automation uses motion and
infrared sensor to detect person at night.
* Power/resource saving. And many other benefits.

"Touchless control is in high demand. COVID-19 has made
people adverse to touch surfaces that could transmit the
disease, especially in public areas. With many regions
reopening their economy, the development of touchless
interfaces is accelerating. Your company's strategic                            Source: Touchless HMI 2020 report, 3rd edition, Touch Display Research, 2020
planning in the next six months could decide your success
or lack of it for the next several years, and this report                       Touchless HMI will enjoy accelerated growth in the next 10
could empower your business planning," said Dr. Jennifer                        years. The touchless HMI market provided billions of dollars
Colegrove, CEO and Principal Analyst at Touch Display                           opportunities for semiconductor companies, OEM/ODMs,
Research and author of the reports.                                             proximity touch suppliers and software companies.

There are over a dozen touchless HMI technologies, and                          Table of contents and report sample are available upon
Touch Display Research put them into 9 categories. See                          request. Please email:
the table here. The newly published Touchless HMI 2020
report found that the touchless human-machine-interface                         The report is available to be purchased from Touch Display
technologies have attracted over 390 companies working                          Research
on touchless sensor, touchless software, and system
integration. Voice command and camera-based gesture                   

16                                                                                                                                      AUG - SEP 2020
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Singapore Turf Club Upgrades to Shure Digital Wireless Microphone Systems
                                                                                       (Sales & Distribution) at Electronics &
                                                                                       Engineering Pte Ltd. “The new wireless
                                                                                       system needed to be stable, robust
                                                                                       and reliable,” he continued.

                                                                                       There are eight channels of Shure
                                                                                       ADX2/SM58 running on Quadversity.
                                                                                       The Shure AXT600 Spectrum Manager
                                                                                       consistently scans and deploys the
                                                                                       next best frequency in real-time during
                                                                                       operations. This gives the technical
                                                                                       crew better mobility and ease of mind,
                                                                                       especially during the live shows.

                                                                                       Shure Axient Digital has a flat
                                                                                       frequency response and accurate
                                                                                       transient response including AES-256
                                                                                       encryption, and an impressive 2ms
                                                                                       latency from the mic transducer to
                                                                                       the analogue output. With Wireless
                                                                                       Workbench software that helps monitor
                                                                                       RF performance, remote adjustments
                                                                                       to transmitter and receiver, Wireless
SINGAPORE: The Singapore Turf Club         Quadversity mode that assigns four          Workbench allows remote monitoring
(STC) is the only horse-racing club in     different antennas for greater coverage     and manages the system without
Singapore that features quality horse      and signal quality. Frequency Diversity     interrupting the production. Frequency
racing as sports entertainment at the      enables audio transmission from a           calculation and analysis for supported
Singapore Racecourse on most Friday        single source onto two independent          devices allows the user to coordinate
evenings and Sunday afternoons             radio frequencies and actively detects      the entire show from one application.
throughout the year. The club also         & avoids interference by switching
boasts a rich culture and history of       channels in real time. Coupled with         The additional benefit for the facility
over 177 years, having been founded        the AD610 that provides wireless            personnel is the comprehensive
in 1842.                                   ShowLink connection between all             interface provided with the system that
                                           linked transmitters and receivers,          manages every aspect of performance,
Sitting on 133 ha of land in Kranji        flawless connection is further              including battery life, signal strength,
and with a magnificent five-story          reinforced. ShowLink technology offers      and RF interference.
Grandstand that accommodates up            unprecedented remote control and
to 30,000 racegoers and boasting a         monitoring for easy coordination of         “If something happens to cause
seating capacity of about 13,000, the      clean, usable frequencies.                  concern, such as low battery life, the
overall experience of spectators is                                                    user can quickly locate the precise
integral to the successful operations      The Shure Wireless System allows            bodypack or microphone that needs
of the club. The key requirement from      interviews to be conducted in multiple      recharging. The ability to monitor the
Singapore Turf Club was to have a          areas. The system serves a 5 square         battery and RF status gives continued
reliable system that would provide ease    kilometre range of coverage at key          confidence throughout the show’s run,”
of operations and flawless connection      broadcasting points from the Turf           continued Gerald Chew.
during a live broadcast. Bearing this in   Track, Prize Ring, Grandstand,
mind, the operator decided to upgrade      Horsewalk, Parade Ring areas,               E&E also supplied the Shure wireless
their digital wireless microphone          including the Weighing Room                 PSM900 in-ear monitoring system
systems late last year.                    and Champagne Room along the                which helps interviewers receive
                                           Horsewalk.                                  information and instructions from the
Established systems integrator,                                                        broadcast room.
Electronics & Engineering Pte Ltd          “The Singapore Turf Club wanted to
(E&E) was responsible for the supply       invest in technology that has intelligent
and integration of the wireless            capabilities to avoid interference and
microphone systems. The Shure Axient       audio drop outs which they were facing
Digital wireless microphone system         with their previous system.” said
was recommended as it features             Gerald Chew, Business Unit Head,

18                                                                                                            AUG - SEP 2020
Digital        Digital Menu     Guest Room
                                                         Signage           Boards        Entertainment

                                                         Video on         Enterprise     World Class
                                                         Demoand        Video Platform   Media Player

            Digital Signage, IPTV & Video Streaming

 Book        Find Free             ID Card      Edit
Meetings       Room                Check In   Meetings

               Title   Time

                                     FREE         YOUR

  Issue      Summary                Digital   Customise
Reporting     Content              Signage      Logo

              Transforming Meeting Room Booking

New Study from Shure Provides Deeper Look at the Future of Conferencing
                                                                “As we continuously    of speech and side conversations.
                                                                try to learn more      Overall, poor audio quality is a leading
                                                                about the needs of     cause of meeting room problems
                                                                the industry, this     based on the findings.
                                                                survey provides
                                                                great insight          Impact on IT Resources
                                                                about how today’s      When technical issues occur, it
                                                                companies are          means IT staff, already stretched
                                                                looking to prepare     in many businesses, is called upon
                                                                for tomorrow’s         to respond quickly. The survey
                                                                business needs.”       found that 68 percent of executives
GLOBAL: Shure, a global provider of         The survey included feedback from          elevate meeting room issues to IT at
audio conferencing equipment and            IT and business professionals in a         least weekly. Overall, 82 percent of
solutions, has launched a dedicated         wide range of industries including         business professionals surveyed have
portal to help businesses improve           healthcare, banking, financial services,   experienced a negative impact of poor
their conferencing capabilities. The        manufacturing, retail, technology,         audio quality, with lost time and
portal, Effortless.Shure.Com, explores      transportation, energy, agriculture and    productivity leading the list.
the considerations and advantages           real estate.
of a robust audio conferencing                                                         Benefits of Flawless Audio
infrastructure in the age of virtual        The findings paint a picture of the        According to business professionals,
collaboration derived from a study          importance of technology – especially      the biggest factor in improving virtual
commissioned by Shure and in                audio – in providing effective virtual     meetings is providing flawless audio,
partnership with Illuminas, a leader in     meetings:                                  with a whopping 81 percent saying
technology industry market research.                                                   this is the main culprit. They believe
                                            * 87 percent of IT and business            that these improvements would lead to
The study involved 401 business             professionals surveyed said that virtual   better productivity (65 percent), less
professionals and IT decision-makers        meetings were critical and/or very         time spent in meetings (61 percent)
and provided some surprising numbers        important                                  and higher employee engagement (56
about the future of conferencing and                                                   percent).
included eye-opening insights in the        * 86 percent confirm that virtual
following categories:                       meetings are growing in importance         Driven by these findings from the study,
                                             * Three out of four IT professionals      the Effortless.Shure.Com portal aims to
- Benefits of Flawless Audio in             said their businesses plan to allocate     enable a more seamless transition into
Conferencing                                bigger budgets in the next year to         the age of virtual meetings by providing
- Perception Gaps Between Executives        better accommodate virtual meetings        complimentary access to resources
and Staff on Conferencing Quality                                                      and tips for effective conference room
- Employee Frustrations with Virtual        “Not having the right equipment can        set-ups, white papers on building the
Meetings                                    negatively impact several factors for      best audio, and overviews of products.
- Impact on Workplace Productivity and      businesses – workplace efficiency,
IT Resources                                cost savings and even morale,” said        “Shure has a distinguished history as
- Future Technology Investment to           Merrick.                                   the trusted provider of audio equipment
Support Virtual Meetings                                                               and solutions for the world’s biggest
- Importance of Audio vs. Video             Productivity                               stages which has hosted world leaders
                                            Respondents said that technical            and music legends in their time,” said
One of the most interesting findings is     difficulties during virtual meetings       Eric Ong, Director, Sales at Shure
that only 36 percent of the business        caused several issues for the              Southeast Asia. “Now, we are not only
professionals surveyed believe that         workforce. The top problems listed         bringing that quality to boardrooms and
their organizations currently have the      include the need to re-schedule            meeting rooms in Southeast Asia but
right technology to support virtual         meetings, miscommunication resulting       also sharing our knowledge and tips
meetings. Three out of five felt their      in reworking projects and decreased        on the portal so that users across the
employers had the basic technology in       employee satisfaction.                     board can seamlessly and effortlessly
place but need to make improvements.                                                   set up, operate, and manage our
                                            Employee Frustrations                      systems.”
“With the continued growth of global        Even when virtual meetings are able to
business and remote employees,              take place without “technical issues”,     For more findings and analyses, visit
virtual meetings are more important         the in-room sound technology can be        Effortless.Shure.Com
than ever,” said Chris Merrick, Director,   a factor. Among the top frustrations,
Marketing Global Systems at Shure.          respondents listed background noise,
                                            echoes, only hearing partial pieces

20                                                                                                            AUG - SEP 2020
ColorSource Spot jr
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visual environment technologies |

AVIXA Forecasts Global Pro AV Industry Will Decline to $239 Billion in 2020
with Growth to Resume in 2021
                                                                                       The fastest-growing solution is security/
                                                                                       surveillance/life safety, with an 11.4
                                                                                       percent CAGR. Government and
                                                                                       military, education, and corporate are
                                                                                       three industries that will generate the
                                                                                       most demand for this solution area,
                                                                                       due in part to pandemic response.
                                                                                       City surveillance is also a significant
                                                                                       market for security cameras. Typically,
                                                                                       this requires significant storage and
                                                                                       server systems to support the camera

                                                                                       Among product segments, streaming
                                                                                       media, storage, and distribution
                                                                                       (SMSD) is projected to be the single
                                                                                       largest component of pro AV revenues,
                                                                                       generating $68.5 billion in 2020. SMSD
                                                                                       includes all the generic and specialty
GLOBAL: The global pro AV industry         timetables for recovery. For example,       servers and storage used to manage
reached a peak of $259 billion in          Asia-Pacific will weather 2020 better       AV content in the back end. Even more
2019. Due to the global pandemic,          than others, because it was the first to    impressive than the size is the growth,
the industry is expected to decline to     be impacted by COVID-19 and the first       which at 9.6 percent, is one of the
$239 billion in 2020, according to the     to re-open its economies.”                  highest of the categories.
new 2020 AV Industry Outlook and
Trends Analysis (IOTA) produced by         APAC will have the strongest growth of      The IOTA report is produced by AVIXA
AVIXA, the Audiovisual and Integrated      all regions, with a 7.4 percent CAGR        in conjunction with Omdia (formerly
Experience Association. IOTA shows         from 2020 through 2025 — compared           IHS Markit), a global research firm
the industry recovering back its pre-      to 4.7 percent for the Americas and         with specialty across a number of
COVID levels in 2022 before growing        4.5 percent for EMEA. In 2025, APAC         underlying supply chain markets,
to $315 billion in 2025. This represents   pro AV revenue will amount to $126          many of which overlap with the
a 5.8% five-year compound annual           billion, compared to $108 billion for the   principal components of the pro-AV
growth rate (CAGR) and will drive          Americas and $81 billion for EMEA.          industry. This specialization provides
industry revenue $56 billion beyond its                                                connections with manufacturers,
2019 level.                                The corporate market continues to           distributors, integrators, and larger
                                           be the single largest application area      end-user firms that provide and
The 2020 IOTA explores the global          for pro AV products and services,           consume pro AV products and
trends within the pro-AV industry,         capturing $52 billion in revenues           solutions. This translates into sources
providing an overview of AVIXA’s           globally in 2020. While a much smaller      of data that are modelled in conjunction
current five-year forecasts of revenues    revenue opportunity, at just $7.3           with key macroeconomic data to
for products and services along with       billion, the energy and utility business    generate the forecasts shown herein.
the predominant trends driving these       will generate much higher growth,
forecasts.                                 with revenue rising at a CAGR of            To learn more about the 2020 AV
                                           10.4% from 2020 through 2025 thanks         Industry Outlook and Trends Analysis
“The COVID-19 pandemic has broadly         to investments in smart grid and            (IOTA), visit the link below. Regional
impacted the near and longer-term          sustainable energy sources.                 IOTA reports for the Americas, Asia-
outlooks for economic growth and                                                       Pacific, and EMEA will be released in
business activity. Those who have          Conferencing and collaboration              July and August.
followed AVIXA’s previous forecasts        solutions, which form the crux of
will note the new estimates represent      meeting spaces in corporate or other
a significant downward revision,”          markets, remain the largest solution
said Sean Wargo, Senior Director of        area, generating $38 billion globally
Market Intelligence, AVIXA. “Regions       in 2020. As employees return to
and industries are being impacted at       work in a limited capacity, AVIXA
different degrees and are on different     analysts anticipate even more need for
                                           collaboration among on-premise and
                                           remote workers.

22                                                                                                            AUG - SEP 2020

Lightware Reorganization in Asia Sees Lightware China Taking Up Bigger
                                                                                    of our new office, we are strengthening
                                                                                    our presence in the Asian market
                                                                                    which has strategical importance
                                                                                    for us. With Charles and his team on
                                                                                    board, we immediately provide the
                                                                                    right experience and knowledge for
                                                                                    our Chinese customers,” commented
                                                                                    Krisztian Taivainen Head of Global

                                                                                    “Thanks to their dedication and
                                                                                    continuous efforts, Lightware’s devices
                                                                                    are steadily replacing our competitors’
                                                                                    equipment in many applications all
                                                                                    across China,” said Krisztian. He adds,
                                                                                    “Their recent project with Zhongwang
CHINA: As a result of Lightware’s          of the local market. Lightware has       Group, the world’s leading R&D
reorganization process in Asia, Charles    stated that Charles experience and       manufacturer is a great example of this
Wang and his team at Lightware             resourcefulness, combined with his       pioneering expansion, where more than
China are taking over to directly serve    unique understanding of product          80 meeting rooms have been served by
partners and customers in mainland         promotion and sales in the Chinese       various Lightware devices.”
China and in Taiwan exclusively from       market guarantees that any local AV
their new office in Beijing, and they      project is in safe hands.                “We are confident that Charles and his
can also be contacted for projects in                                               team at Lightware China will not only
Macau and Hong Kong.                       He is supported by a great team of       continue our on-going development
                                           industry professionals, who together     in the Chinese market but will also
Charles has been closely cooperating       hold more than 25 years of combined      thrive to ensure every partner and
with the recently closed Lightware         experience within the field of AV        project is served with the highest
Asia office in Hong Kong over the          technology.                              level of professionalism and diligence
past years, allowing him to gain                                                    associated with the Lightware brand,”
comprehensive knowledge of Lightware       “We are proud to welcome Charles         said Krisztian.
products, and also to establish            Wang and the whole Lightware China
great relationships with key partners      Team in our family! With the opening     Lightware China can be contacted via

Exertis ProAV Australia Appointed to Distribute Joan Meeting Room Booking
                                           ProAV and Stampede, to serve as its      President & CEO Kevin Kelly, “Joan
                                           distribution partner in Australia and    is so much more than a device. It is
                                           New Zealand.                             a complete scheduling and meeting
                                                                                    management solution that helps to
                                           “The appointment of Exertis ProAV        create efficient meetings and facilitates
                                           Australia to represent Joan in           focused work. “We are excited to bring
                                           Australia and New Zealand signals        Joan to our resellers and their end-user
                                           the expansion of a very successful       customers throughout Australia and
                                           relationship that began two years ago    New Zealand. Joan is without a doubt
                                           in North America,” Rok Zalar, CEO of     the most advanced, energy efficient
AUSTRALIA: Strengthening its existing      Visionect, the developer of Joan, said   meeting room scheduler available
North American distribution agreement      today.                                   on the market today. Our in-region
with Stampede, Joan, the simplest,most                                              customers have been looking for an
energy-efficient and completely            “The combined power and reach of         environmentally friendly, easy-to-install
cable-free solution that helps to          Stampede and Exertis ProAV Australia     wireless solution and Joan is precisely
reserve and manage meeting rooms,          will help us to bring the benefits of    that.”
has announced the appointment of           Joan to an entirely new audience of
Exertis ProAV Australia, part of Exertis   consumer and commercial customers.”
                                           According to Exertis ProAV Australia

24                                                                                                         AUG - SEP 2020

AVkraft and QSC Help Spread the Message at Sacred Heart Forane Church

INDIA: The migration of St. Thomas         zones, two as FOH and three on the                        appreciated and a couple of months
Christians from the old Syro-Malabar       left and three on the right, with a                       after the installation work, AVkraft
Diocese in Central Kerala is a unique      speaker dedicated to each zone. Each                      has now been asked to design and
event in the history of the Catholic       of the 8 zones has a QSC CP12 and                         supply a PA system for St Joseph’s
church in India. While in other places     QSC K12.2 active speakers promising                       church Pullorampara. “It's an open
the church grew by conversion, here        superior experience. “QSC CP12 and                        testimony of the work we have carried
it was by migration. Sacred Heart          QSC K12.2 were the clear choices                          out for the Sacred Heart Forane Church
Forane Church is a Syro-Malabar            because they deliver remarkable audio                     installation,” comments Mr George.
Roman Catholic church situated in          performance, providing outstanding
Thiruvambady, Thamarassery - south-        fidelity and high-energy output for                       Concluding the new experience Father
west India. The migration started in       worshippers,” said Mathew.                                Jose Oliakkatil says, “Our new sound
the year 1942 and the church was                                                                     system is fantastic. Every word is heard
established in the year 1944. Its Gothic   In addition to the QSC K12.2 and QSC                      clearly, even from the very edge by the
style architecture caters to around 750    CP12, one QSC CP8 is angled inwards                       west door as well!”
people on average per mass time. After     and used as an onstage monitor for the
more than six decades, the church          Priests at the altar. The audio system                    Avkraft has been designing and
was recently subjected to an altar         also included the Church’s re-purposed                    building audiovisual system for
renovation to offer a better experience    Yamaha MG24XU digital mixer along                         auditorium, schools, mosques,
for the congregation.                      with AKGD5s, and Sennheiser E845                          churches and many other related
                                           microphones.                                              business all around north Kerala.
Part of the works saw the installation
of a new audio system. Parish priest,      The enhanced experience achieved by             
Father Jose Oliakkatil approached          the audio solution implemented at the
AVkraft with a project brief that          Sacred Heart Forane Church was well
specified the need for a solution
that would complement sermons to
be heard throughout the sanctuary.
He was especially looking for a
solution that is able to deliver clear,
understandable speech no matter
where worshippers chose to sit.

The biggest challenge for AVkraft was
overcoming the problems posed by the
two lines of pillars which are a huge
obstruction in achieving seamless
coverage. To provide consistent
coverage to all in the congregation,
Mathew George,Technical Consultant
of AVkraft designed the solution and
divided the chapel into eight specific     AVKraft team members with the priests, including Father Jose Oliakkatil (fourth from left)

26                                                                                                                                     AUG - SEP 2020

Kramer Schoolroom Solutions Offer Engaging, Future-proof and IT-Friendly AV
                                                                                      lessons. Kramer’s systems support
                                                                                      automated scaling and switching of
                                                                                      content from BYOD devices to ensure
                                                                                      picture quality matches the display
                                                                                      technology resolution. In addition, the
                                                                                      systems support live streaming to all
                                                                                      major video platforms and carry video
                                                                                      signals up to 4K.

                                                                                      For IT departments that require more
                                                                                      off-site management, the solutions
                                                                                      promote remote servicing and reduce
                                                                                      the amount of unnecessary service
                                                                                      calls. Its user-proof automation and
Kramer Electronics, has released           with new technologies and products at      networked capabilities provide a full
its Kramer Schoolroom Solutions            a cost-effective price.                    overview of the campus site system
campaign to help education facilities                                                 and supports a “grow-as-you-go”
easily specify technology which injects    As concerns grow over equipment            technology vision, with backward
flexibility, handsfree connectivity        hygiene, Kramer Schoolroom Solutions       compatibility with existing systems.
and secure networks into multiple          provide a conveniently quick and
classroom environments.                    secure way to encourage BYOD               Providing a range of solutions to
                                           connectivity and automated hands-          cater for different environments, each
Designed for K-12 school                   free classrooms. These latest tools        solution comes with professional quality
administrators, IT managers and            also support hybrid learning, actively     audio. Kramer also offers complete
integrators worldwide to easily navigate   promoting class participation, reducing    security coverage across its products
between solutions offering various         teacher set-up time and offering a         and solutions for added reassurance,
learning needs, Kramer Schoolroom          variety of connectivity options.           complying with ISO 27001 certification.
Solutions are engineered to adapt to
rapid change across classroom styles       The accurate reproduction of teaching
                                           materials is crucial to supporting

Matrox Expands HDCP Support to Further Simplify Video Wall Designs
                                                                                      HDCP is a security feature designed to
                                                                                      protect digital entertainment content by
                                                                                      transmitting HDCP-encrypted signals
                                                                                      between authorized transmitters and
                                                                                      receivers. Matrox-based video wall
                                                                                      controllers ensure reliable, secure,
                                                                                      and uninterrupted signal delivery
                                                                                      between multiple sources—including
                                                                                      set-top boxes, Blu-ray Disc and media
                                                                                      players, video game consoles, and
                                                                                      more—and multiple displays. Video
                                                                                      wall designers are also now equipped
                                                                                      to meet any multi-channel requirement
Matrox has released enhanced High-         capture and display multiple 4K HDCP       by combining multiple Mura IPX and
bandwidth Digital Content Protection       sources across multi-4K video walls.       D-Series cards with QuadHead2Go
(HDCP) support to simplify the             HDCP-compliant platforms offer unique      multi-monitor controllers to support a
integration of copy-protected sources      deployment opportunities to showcase       myriad of 4K HDCP sources across an
in video wall designs. Available via       premium, high-value AV content for a       ultra-large video wall of up to 64 Full
the Matrox Mura 3.04 driver, this new      wide range of display wall applications    HD screens.
development enables OEMs and               in control rooms, government facilities,
system integrators to pair Matrox Mura     digital signage environments,              The Matrox Mura 3.04 driver is
IPX capture cards and Matrox D-Series      broadcast studios, and more.               available now.
multi-display boards to seamlessly

28                                                                                                           AUG - SEP 2020
                                                                                                   SOLUTIONS UPDATE

Datapath Ensures Users Take Command with Latest WallControl 10 Features
                                                                                      To further differentiate sources and
                                                                                      their boundaries on the video wall,
                                                                                      users can now overlay coloured
                                                                                      borders onto content (for Vision and
                                                                                      SQX card sources) and add frames
                                                                                      around any displayed window.

                                                                                      With the latest version, WallControl 10
                                                                                      Pro now includes support for creating
                                                                                      banners for display on the video wall.
                                                                                      Users specify the banner text, either
                                                                                      by entering manually or by specifying
                                                                                      an RSS feed, text scrolling direction (or
Datapath has released the latest           sources at a glance by adding text         setting as static) and the background
version of their WallControl 10 video      labels to their source windows. This is    colour for the banner. Transparency
management software. WallControl 10        especially useful in control room and      backgrounds are also supported.
v1.12 includes a number of user-driven     security environment where sources
enhancements to improve source             may appear similar at first glance (such   The latest release of WallControl
identification, simplify the management    as CCTV camera feeds or cropped            10 (v1.12) is available now. For a
and re-use of assets, and provide          sections of an application). The OSD       personal demonstration, or for more
increased control of available sources.    feature also allows users to include       details, please contact your Datapath
                                           dynamic variables in their labels such     representative.
The latest developments provide a          as source name, time/date, frame rate
new On-Screen Display (OSD) feature,       and resolution.                  
which allows users to identify displayed

AUG - SEP 2020                                                                                                              29

Renkus-Heinz’ New Iconyx Compact Series Brings Powerful Flexibility to
                  Renkus-Heinz is          worship, corporate, transportation,          range, high sensitivity, treated paper
                  thrilled to introduce    education, and government markets.           cone drivers. With an amplifier and DSP
                  its newest solution                                                   channel for each driver, the flexibility
                  for positioning sound    Further, the ICC12/3 offerings are           of Iconyx is now available in a package
                  precisely where you      shipping immediately out of Renkus-          nearly 40 percent smaller than the
                  want it – the Iconyx     Heinz California headquarters.               classic Iconyx.
                  Compact Series
                  12/3-RN single array     The Iconyx Compact Series brings             Still, the ICC12/3 offers the impressive
                  module.                  performance and directivity to spaces        performance synonymous with
                                           where even the classic Iconyx arrays         Renkus-Heinz: full RHAON II beam-
                  The Iconyx Compact       might be too large. The very narrow          steering with the latest U.R.G.O beam
                  Series brings the        cabinet disappears into nearly any           algorithms, a movable acoustic center,
                  ultimate flexibility     venue, while the exceptional vertical        multiple beam opening angles and
                  of the Iconyx to a       directivity can help penetrate even the      high-pass filtering of individual beams.
                  smaller footprint        most challenging acoustics, making           All with the fidelity and musicality
                  array, filling a need    the exceptional performance of beam-         expected of a Renkus-Heinz product.
                  for integrators          steered line arrays available to even
                  seeking integration      the most architecturally sensitive           The included wall-mount bracket makes
                  options in the           spaces.                                      mounting easy and is nearly invisible
                  “medium-sized”                                                        behind the arrays. Standard RN units
                  installations common     An all-new, twelve-channel digital           have analog and AES inputs.
                  in the house of          amplifier powers twelve, 3"/ 7 7 mm full-

LEA Professional Now Shipping Powerful IoT-Enabled Amplifier Solution For
Small-Scale Installs
                                                          professional amplifiers to    in crossovers, PEQ, limiters, and load
                                                          provide system designers      monitoring. The models also feature
                                                          and integrators simple        LEA Professional’s proprietary Smart
                                                          and cost-effective            Power Bridge, universal switch mode
                                                          solutions for professional-   power supply, and direct LoZ and HiZ
                                                          grade, small-scale            selectable per channel in a-one-rack-
                                                          system installations.         unit chassis.
                                                          The new models consist
                                                          of the Connect Series         The new Connect Series models are
                                                          CS84, CS88, CS164,            compatible with the LEA Professional
                                                          and CS168 in both             Web UI and via the cloud platform
                                                          Network and Dante. All        for control and monitoring. The cloud
                                                          eight of the Connect          platform utilizes a built in Amazon Web
Comprehensively delivering on              Series low-power models are built with       Servies (AWS) IoT core, which allows
the promise of IoT-connected               fully-routable analog input/outputs,         integrators to control and monitor
high-performance amplifiers, LEA           as well as three network connection          critical operational datapoints that
Professional has announced that global     options: using the built-in WiFi Access      are integral to maintaining system
shipments of its 160-Watt and 80-Watt      Point, connect to an existing WiFi           health securely and remotely. The
Connect Series amplifiers had begun        network, or using a Local Area Network       capability delivers greater visibility
and that systems integrators around        Ethernet connection. Once connected          and response time which enhances
the world will now have shortened          to a network, integrators have               preventative maintenance, simplifies
delivery times for the industry’s most     access to LEA’s new cloud platform,          troubleshooting, and cuts down or
anticipated audio product in several for remote control     even eliminates on-site maintenance
years.                                     and monitoring.                              requirements. All of this together
                                                                                        provides a unique opportunity for
LEA Professional, the startup turned       Designed and engineered to optimize          new recurring revenue streams for
industry player in amplifier and systems   configuration capabilities and control       integrators to add to their service
design, is now shipping the eight,         for integrators, the Connect Series          contracts.
low-power models of IoT-enabled,           amplifiers also feature DSP with built

30                                                                                                             AUG - SEP 2020
                                                                                                           SOLUTIONS UPDATE

LG’S LED Signage Featuring Non-Contact Connectors Delivers Better Images,
Easier Installation
                                            solution around a single LED cabinet        LG LSAA with the same AI-powered
                                            hub (600W x 337.5H x 44.9D mm) to           Image Processor found in LG’s popular
                                            provide power and signal to the entire      high-end TVs delivers vibrant images2
                                            signage without additional cabling          via its self-emissive display technology
                                            between cabinets to save time, hassle       and narrow 1.2mm distance between
                                            and costs while delivering up to 4K         pixels, with gaps to narrow even further
                                            UHD resolution and 16:9 aspect ratio.       to less than 1mm in the second half of
                                            The ability to smoothly send and            the year. To ensure better efficiency,
                                            receive signals wirelessly is due to        the product employs the common
                                            LG’s non-contact connector technology       cathode method where the cathodes of
                                            with power being sent to each display       the LEDs are common and connected
                                            via pin connectors located on the           to a single pin to prevent unnecessary
LG Electronics (LG) is introducing its      edges of the LED cabinet hub.               power consumption, delivering only
most advanced digital signage solution                                                  the required voltage to each sub-pixel.
yet, the innovative LG LED Signage          What’s more, the LED cabinet
(model LSAA), the latest in display         allows installers to connect multiple       1
                                                                                            Compared to LG's LAS-F Series, cabling number
technology and design. The LSAA             displays to achieve the desired size.       is reduced by one-eighth based on UHD 16:9
offers even better image quality and        With straightforward installation and       screen. Cabling may vary depending on the actual
easier installation1 than its popular       expandability, the LSAA can be              installation environment.
predecessors which propelled LG             set up or reconfigured onsite in a
into one of the leading digital signage     fraction of the time it takes other LED     2
                                                                                            AI image processing may result in differences in
solution providers in the industry.         displays. Wall-mounts and frame-            picture quality.
                                            type accessories offer a number of
The LSAA features a block-assembly          installation options to meet the diverse
design that makes constructing large        requirements of different site conditions
displays a cinch. LG designed its           and customers’ needs.

                                                                                              Got No space?
                                                                                              Copper Extension
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                               ly Inter                                P
                            Ful        o               le with D
                                               p e r ab
                                                                                                     Opticis HQ
AUG - SEP 2020                                                                            
                                                                                                                                                    31 Korea
                                                                                                     7F 166, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Gyeonggi-do, South

Shure Now Provides a Complete Conferencing Audio System for Every Type of
Collaboration Space

As video conferencing becomes even        Microphones, Table Array                   Streamlined Configuration and
more important in today’s world, Shure    Microphones, and Linear Array              Deployment: With a Shure ecosystem,
has announced a new selection of          Microphones                                more rooms can be deployed in less
products to provide systems integrators   • Loudspeaker: Networked Ceiling           time, using Shure Designer software
and AV professionals with a complete      Loudspeaker                                as “one pane of glass” for system-wide
conferencing audio ecosystem.             • DSP: Audio Conferencing Processor        integration. AV techs have visibility to
                                          and Audio Processing Software              everything on network with SystemOn
The expanded range of Microflex           • Software: System Configuration           for easy monitoring/troubleshooting.
Advance products -- with                  Software and Remote Management
complementary software for design,        Software                                   Pre-Packaged “Soft Bundle” Solutions:
management, and control -- offers         • Accessories: Network Mute Button         Shure offers availability of product
expanded possibilities for systems        and Audio Network Interfaces               bundles for specific room size
integrators to deploy Shure’s                                                        requirements so rooms are more
premium audio capabilities into more      The Shure audio conference ecosystem       consistent-sounding from room to room,
types of meeting and collaboration        is flexible across audio system            providing a turnkey audio solution.
environments than ever before. These      architectures in all room types and
products are all natively designed to     ensures end users will experience          Easier Maintenance: One manufacturer
work seamlessly with each other, and      a high-quality, more unifying AV           provides a single point of contact
provide the market with a fast and        conference experience across an            for sales, service, support, training,
efficient means to deploy premium         enterprise -- regardless of location.      updates and more. Less gear overall
audio, with IntelliMix audio signal                                                  (no amplifiers for loudspeakers,
processing in either device-based or      As the market is looking at increasing     outboard DSP, etc.) and a lower
software formats.                         adoption of AV technologies geared         learning curve for intuitive audio system
                                          around simple deployment, intuitive        operation are additional advantages for
With the introduction of the Microflex    operation, and seamless compatibility      AV techs.
MXN5-C Networked Loudspeaker,             with leading collaboration platforms,
along with products like the new          Shure is offering a complete solution      Shure has developed an ecosystem
MXA710, MXA310, MXA910, Networked         in one place. Ecosystem advantages         landing page to provide an evolving
Mute Button, Designer, SystemOn,          include:                                   set of resources, including informative
P300, and IntelliMix Room, Shure can                                                 blogs, product overview videos and
now provide the complete audio signal     Collaboration Platform Ready:              product bundle examples.
chain, from input to output.              Shure works with leading third-party
                                          software and hardware conferencing
Shure’s conferencing audio ecosystem      platforms, including Zoom, Microsoft
comprises:                                Teams, Cisco, and others to secure
• Microphones: Ceiling Array              certifications and ensure compatibility.

32                                                                                                          AUG - SEP 2020
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