New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

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New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center
New sl et t er
              Issue 6 - SPRING | A p ril 20 22






New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

Hello and w elcom e t o t he Dep t . of                                    The d ep art m ent of surg ery cont inues t o g row w it h 14
                                                                           new facult y m em b ers b eing recruit ed across m any of
Surg ery Sp ring 20 22 New slet t er:                                      our d ep art m ent d ivisions. New facult y now g row ing
                                                                           t heir p ract ice includ e Dr. A lissa Greenb aum in surg ical
Sp ring has finally arrived t o New Mexico b ring ing
                                                                           oncolog y, Dr. Jay Zhu, Dr. Lauren McClain and Dr. Lara
w arm er t em p erat ures, long er d ays and flow ering t rees.
                                                                           McKean in g eneral and GI surg ery, Dr. Jen Nishim ura in
It has b een over 2 years since t he 1st rep ort ed case of
                                                                           card iot horacic surg ery, and Dr. Brand o n Behrens in
COVID-19 in t he Unit ed St at es and 24 m ont hs since t he
                                                                           acut e care surg ery.
1st case in New Mexico. There have b een alm ost 80
m illion confirm ed cases of COVID-19 in t he Unit ed St at es             Recruit m ent is ong oing w it h excellent cand id at es in
w it h over 970 ,0 0 0 d eat hs in t he US and 6 m illion d eat hs         p ed iat ric ENT, t ransp lant , neurot olog y, urolog y, p last ic
w orld w id e. A ft er a recent p eriod of sp iking COVID cases            surg ery and acut e care surg ery. Our t raining p rog ram s in
in January d ue t o t he Om icron variant w e have ag ain                  Surg ery, Ot olaryng olog y, Urolog y, Plast ics as w ell as our
seen a rap id d rop in new cases, hosp it alizat ions and                  fellow ship s in Com p lex General Surg ical Oncolog y,
d eat hs.                                                                  Surg ical Crit ical Care and Acut e Care Surg ery are all fully
                                                                           accred it ed w it h ap p roval of exp ansion of our General
Hosp it al syst em s in NM and t hroug hout t he count ry
                                                                           Surg ery Prog ram t o 7 resid ent s/ year and t he Urolog y
have finally seen som e relief from recent record census
                                                                           p rog ram t o 3 resid ent s/ year.
levels. The p revious Crisis St and ard s of Care is no long er
in effect and som e ret urn t o norm al has occurred w it h                The resid ency m at ch just com p let ed t his m ont h and w e
NM and UNM no long er req uiring m asks ind oor excep t                    have filled our General Surg ery, Ot olaryng olog y, Plast ic
for hosp it als and cong reg at e facilit ies such as assist ed            Surg ery and Urolog y p rog ram s w it h out st and ing new
living facilit ies. The p and em ic is not fully over and w e              resid ent s.
keep a careful w at ch on Europ e for new variant s t hat                  Build ing on last year's very successful Research
m ay lead t o anot her w ave of cases. This p and em ic has                sym p osium , t he 8t h A nnual Surg ical and
b een a g reat challeng e t o all of us p ersonally and
                                                                           Op ht halm o lo g y Research Sym p o sium w ill b e held in
p rofessionally as m ult ip le w aves of t he COVID-19 g lob al            p erso n o n June 24 t h, 20 22 w it h t his year ?s keynot e
p and em ic have im p act ed our p at ient s, friend s, fam ily
                                                                           sp eaker for t he Donald E. Fry lect ureship b eing Dr.
and ourselves as healt hcare p rovid ers. Provid er and                    Melina Kib b e. Dr. Kib b e is a p ioneering surg eon and
hosp it al st aff w ell-b eing and p eer sup p ort rem ain m ore           p hysician lead er w ho recent ly w as ap p oint ed as Dean of
im p ort ant t han ever t o help ing each ot her t hroug h t his
                                                                           t he Universit y of Virg inia School of Med icine.
p eriod .
                                                                           Last ly it m ust b e m ent ioned t hat w e have all seen
Part icular t o t he UNM Surg ery Dep art m ent surg ical case
                                                                           im ag es of t he now 1 m ont h War in Ukraine. The
volum es have rap id ly reb ound ed as t he m ain OR, OSIS,                heart aches, t rials, suffering of t he Ukranian p eop le are
BBRP and SRMC com p let ely reop ened t he op erat ing                     unb elievab le. The st reng t h of t he Ukranian p eop le
room s in March. Case volum e for t he surg ery
                                                                           ag ainst overw helm ing force is insp iring and t he w orld
d ep art m ent increased from a low of less t han 60 0                     has b een unit ed and g alvanized ag ainst t his at rocit y. Our
com b ined cases at UNMH and SRMC in Decem b er 20 20
                                                                           heart s and p rayers g o out t o t hem w it h hop es for a rap id
t o now an averag e of ap p roxim at ely 90 0 -10 0 0 cases p er           resolut ion t o t his hum anit arian d isast er.
m ont h current ly. The New Hosp it al Tow er cont inues t o
b e on b ud g et and on t im e w it h first p at ient s ad m it t ed t o   I hop e t hat you all enjoy t his q uart erly new slet t er and
t he new t ow er in Oct ob er, 20 24 . This w ill ad d 18 new              t he art icles hig hlig ht ing d ep art m ent act ivit ies, our
op erat ing room s, 96 ICU b ed s, new im ag ing syst em s and             t raining p rog ram s and research and ed ucat ion m issions.
new ad ult em erg ency room . The current 16 m ain hosp it al              Please cont inue t o t ake care of yourself and your loved
op erat ing room s w ill t hen b e com p let ely rem od eled t o           ones.
12 m od ern full size op erat ing room s and d iscussions are
ong oing on ad d ing ad d it ional inp at ient b ed s recog nizing
t he short ag e of hosp it al b ed s in NM.
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

                                                DIV ERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION

                                                Ming -Li W ang , MD
                                                Vice Chair of Diversit y, Eq uit y & Inclusion

The SOM Office for DEI is p rovid ing sp onsorship for                  Mo nt hly Co m m unit y Co nnect io n & Ref lect io n Bo o k
t he A A MC Early Career W o m en Facult y Lead ership                  Club led by Lind say Sm art
Develo p m ent Sem inar, July 19 -22, Minneap o lis, MN.
                                                                        List fo r 20 22 is p rov id ed b elow, and is also
Reg ist er f or t he event s here
                                                                        availab le in Team s sp ace.
March w as W om ens' Hist ory Mo nt h. Give a shout                     January       Two Old W omen: An Alaskan Legend of
                                                                                      Betrayal, Courage and Survival
o ut t o all our am azing w om en surg eons!
                                                                                      by Velm a Wallis
The follow ing Wom en's Hist ory Mont h Event s w ere m ad e
                                                                        Feb ruary     My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized
p ossib le by t he UNM HSC and School of Med icine Offices
                                                                                      Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our
for Diversit y, Eq uit y and Inclusion:
                                                                                      Hearts and Bodies
Challeng es in Achieving Gend er Eq uit y in Acad em ic                               by Resm aa Menakem
Med icine ( March 8)                                                    March         Everything Here is Beautiful
Sp eaker:Jennifer Grand is, MD                                                        by Mira T. Lee
Mod erat or: Michelle A . Ozb un, PhD
                                                                        A p ril       The Scalpel and Silver Bear: The First
New Pat hs in Med ical Sp anish Teaching and Learning : At                            Navajo W oman Surgeon Combines
t he Cro ssro ad s o f Perso nal Id ent it y and Pro fessio nal Skill                 W estern Medicine and Traditional Healing
( March 15)                                                                           by Lori A lvord and
Sp eaker: Pilar Ort eg a, MD                                                          Elizab et h Cohen van Pelt
Mod erat or: Vero nica Plaza, MD, MPH
                                                                        May           America is Not the Heart
Ad elina 'Nina' Ot ero -W arren: Sufrag ist a and Ad vo cat e                         by Elaine Cast illo
fo r New Mexicans ( March 17)
                                                                        June          The Undocumented Americans
Sp eaker: A nna M. No g ar, PhD
                                                                                      by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
Mod erat or: Melissa Go nzales, PhD
                                                                        July          An American Marriage: A Novel
Ad d ressing Menst rual Eq uit y at t he Healt h Sciences                             by Tayari Jones
Cent er ( March 22)
Sp eaker: A m and a Co llar: MD/ PhD Cand id at e                       A ug ust      Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder, and a W oman's
Mod erat or: Jo hn Paul Sánchez MD, MPH                                               Search for Justice in Indian Country
                                                                                      by Sierra Crane Murd och
Belab o ring Freed o m : Black W o m en A rt ist s and t he
Quest io n o f Mo num ent s ( March 24 )                                Sep t em b er Girl In Translation by Jean Kw ok
Sp eaker: Kirst en Pai Buick, PhD
                                                                        Oct ob er     Crying in H Mart: A Memoir
Mod erat or: Tryp henia B. Peele-Ead y, PhD
                                                                                      by Michele Zauner

We w ould like t o im p rov e recr uit m ent of d iv er se t rainees.   Novem b er    The Pull of the Stars by Em m a Donog hue
Help us creat e a recr uit m ent f lier t o b e d ist r ib ut ed at
ev ent s such as LMSA , A MWA and UNM w eb sit e. If                    Decem b er    Talking to Strangers: W hat W e Should
                                                                                      Know about the People W e Don't Know
int erest ed , p lease reach out t o Joy ce Pang or m e. We w ill
                                                                                      by Malcolm Glad w ell
need a p hot o and b r ief b iog rap hy t o b e includ ed in t he
recr uit m ent f lier.
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

                                           DR. NATHA N BOYD
                                           Chief o f St af f, UNM Ho sp it als & Clinics

Dear Colleag ues,
I w ould like t o g ive you an up d at e on several t op ics t hat have relevance t o UNM Hosp it al ( UNMH)
m ed ical st aff.

Elizab et h W hit ef ield End -of -Lif e Op t io ns A ct           Peer Rev iew Pro cess Up d at e
Up d at e
                                                                   Our new cent ralized p eer review p rocess at UNMH
The Elizab et h W hit efield End -of-Life Op t ions Act            w ill com m ence in A p ril. The p olicies relat ed t o t his
b ecam e act ive on June 18, 20 21. The law leg alizes             new syst em w ere rat ified by t he MEC last year and
t he p ract ice of m ed ical aid in d ying ( MA ID) and            are availab le online. A new com m it t ee, t he UNMH
g rant s crim inal im m unit y t o p hysicians and cert ain        Pro fessio nal Pract ice Co m m it t ee, has b een creat ed
A PPs w ho choose t o p rovid e t hese services. A MA ID           t o enact t hem , and Dr. Erik Kraai ( Dep t . of Int ernal
t ask fo rce w as convened last year and d evelop ed               Med icine) has g raciously ag reed t o b e it s chair. I
p olicies and p roced ures t hat w ill allow UNMH                  t ruly b elieve t his new p eer review syst em w ill b e a
m ed ical st aff t o m eet our ob lig at ion und er t he law       hug e im p rovem ent over our p revious one, t houg h I
w het her w e choose t o offer t hese services or not .            also com p let ely und erst and t hat t his init iat ive has
Dr. Jacq ueline O?Neill ( Dep t . of Int ernal Med icine)          creat ed som e unease in cert ain q uart ers. I am alw ays
has assum ed a p rim ary lead ership role in                       availab le t o d iscuss furt her if d esired .
op erat ionalizing and im p roving up on t he MA ID
                                                                   Up com ing Pro ject s Relat ed t o Med ical St af f A f f airs
t askforce?s init ial w ork. The UNM Hosp it al, Cancer
Cent er, and UNM Med ical Group b ecam e                           We have d evelop ed an exp ed it ed cred ent ialing and
p art icip at ory org anizat ions b eg inning January 17t h,       p rivileg ing p ro cess fo r new hires at UNMH. This
20 22.                                                             p rocess w ill only ap p ly t o p rovid ers w it h a ?clean?
                                                                   file b ut should consid erab ly short en t he t im e need ed
Essent ially, any m em b er of t he UNMH m ed ical st aff
                                                                   t o g et a new p rovid er up and running . This new
m ay p art icip at e in p rovid ing MA ID for t heir p at ient s
                                                                   p rocess w ill b e availab le st art ing end o f March.
as long as t he req uirem ent s of t he law are m et . A
learning cent ral m od ule ( ?MA ID Provid er Training ?)          I w ould like t o t hank all of you for your
is availab le and is a g reat resource. We have also               und erst and ing and coop erat ion over t he p ast few
d evelop ed an ad hoc referral p rocess for t hose                 m ont hs as t he hosp it al st rug g led w it h an unusually
p rovid ers w ho d o not w ish t o offer MA ID b ut w hose         hig h inp at ient census. The d isrup t ion t o OR access
p at ient s inq uire ab out t his service. This ad hoc             w as challeng ing b ut necessary. A s alw ays, p lease
referral p rocess is m ad e p ossib le by m em b ers of t he       feel free t o reach out t o m e anyt im e at
UNMH m ed ical st aff w ho have selflessly volunt eered            UNMH-Chiefo fSt aff@salud .unm .ed u.
t heir t im e. If you are int erest ed in b ecom ing a UNMH
MA ID p rovid er, p lease em ail m e or Dr. Jacq ueline
O?Neill for m ore inform at ion.
                                                                   Nat han Boyd , MD
                                                                   A ssociat e Professor of Surg ery,
                                                                   UNM School of Med icine
                                                                   Chief of St aff, UNM Hosp it als and Clinics
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

                                           JOHN C. RUSSELL, MD
                                           Vice Chair o f Ed ucat io n

The NRMP A nnual Resid ency Mat ch is a m ilest one event b ot h for our UNM m ed ical st ud ent s and our Surg ery
resid ency p rog ram s. For m ost p rog ram s, t he Mat ch result s are released d uring t he t hird w eek of March, w it h
g rad uat ing m ed ical st ud ent s learning t heir resid ency assig nm ent s t his year on t he m orning of Frid ay, March
18 t h . The result s of t he Uro lo g y Mat ch have alread y b een announced , and , as usual, our p rog ram d id ext rem ely
w ell, filling 3 Cat eg o rical p o sit io ns. This year, Surg ery w ill b e exp and ing fro m 6 t o 7 Cat eg o rical p o sit io ns, and
fro m 3 t o 5 Prelim inary p o sit io ns. Ot olaryng olog y/ Head and Neck Surg ery, and Plast ics/ Reconst ruct ive Surg ery
w ill rem ain at t heir current ly-ap p roved resid ent com p lem ent s ( 2 and 1, resp ect ively) .

A s you know, t his year ?s resid ency int erview p ro cess for all p rog ram s w as d one via Zoom . I?d like t o t hank t he
g reat w ork d one by our p rog ram d irect ors, our p rog ram coord inat ors and all t he facult y and resid ent s t hat
p art icip at ed in t his year ?s Zoom resid ency int erview s. We d on?t yet know w hat t he int erview p rocess w ill look
like next year ? w het her w e?ll w ill g o b ack t o in-p erson int erview s, rem ain rem ot e, or im p lem ent a hyb rid
p rocess ? I t hink w e?ve learned m uch in t he p ast 2 years ab out how t o b est p resent our p rog ram s in t he virt ual
sp ace. I w ould also like t o t hank our facult y w ho serve as Mat ch ad visors t o our UNM senior st ud ent s. I?m
confid ent t hat our UNM st ud ent s, w it h your help and ad vice, w ill d o w ell in m at ching at g reat p rog ram s, b ot h at
UNM and nat ionally.

This is also t he t im e of t he annual ACGME Resid ent and Facult y Surveys. I cannot st ress enoug h t he
im p o rt ance o f t hese surveys t o t he o ng o ing accred it at io n o f o ur resid ency and fellow ship p ro g ram s. In m oving
in 20 14 t o t he ?Next Accred it at ion Syst em ? t he ACGME p laced g reat em p hasis on t he annual p rog ram rep ort s
from each GME Direct or, and m ost esp ecially on t he result s of t he annual resid ent and facult y surveys. Here at
UNM, concerns raised in t hose surveys have led t o b ot h focused and full p rog ram review s on short ened
accred it at ion cycles and w it h lit t le ad vanced not ice. These are not w elcom e surp rises.

In reg ular m eet ing s w it h t heir t rainees and t heir t eaching facult y, our GME p rog ram d irect ors learn of current
concerns, and also have t he op p ort unit y t o up d at e resid ent s, fellow s and facult y on effort s t o ad d ress p rior
concerns. Facult y and t rainees need t his inform at ion t o accurat ely resp ond t o survey q uest ions.

Resid ent s, fellow s and facult y ? if yo u have q uest io ns o r co ncerns, p lease b ring t hem t o yo ur p ro g ram
d irect o rs, o r t o m e as VC fo r Ed ucat io n. W e can?t co nt inue t o im p rove o ur GME p ro g ram s w it ho ut yo ur
co nst ruct ive inp ut .


John C. Russell, MD
Professor and Vice Chair for Ed ucat ion
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

                                             DIV ISION OF
                                             HEPATO-PA NCREATICO-BILLIA RY ( HPB)

New Dep art m ent of Surg ery Div ision:
Delivering Sp ecialized Liver, Pancreas and Billiary Care t o New Mexicans
It zak Nir, MD arrived at t he UNM School of Med icine in 20 10 as a g eneral surg ical oncolog ist . A s his und erst and ing
of our uniq ue p at ient p op ulat ion g rew, his clinical act ivit y increasing ly g ravit at ed t ow ard t he surg eries of t he liver
and t he p ancreas. In 20 17, he sub m it t ed t o t he Dep art m ent of Surg ery and t he UNM Com p rehensive Cancer Cent er
lead ership a p rop osal t o t ransform his Hep at o-Pancreat ico-Billiary ( HPB) p ract ice int o a service line.

W it h cent ralizat ion of t he op erat ional st ruct ure focusing on st and ard clinical p at hw ays, a solid m ult i-sp ecialt y
p lat form , com m unit y out reach, and an ext ensive clinical research m enu, t he UNM?s HPB p ract ice b ecam e t he
reg ional referral cent er for t he care of HPB ailm ent s. In June of 20 21, t hese effort s received t he acad em ic
recog nit ion w hen t he UNM School of Med icine?s Com m it t ee of Chairs end orsed t he creat ion of a new HPB d ivision
w it hin t he Dep art m ent of Surg ery.

Nir ?s d ivision recog nizes t hat clinicians at UNM have a uniq ue incum b ent t o d eliver hig h q ualit y care. A s op p osed
t o larg e m et rop olit an cent ers around t he count ry, w here p at ient s have m any choices, New Mexicans have few
op t ions w hen it com es t o elect ive cut t ing -ed g e int ervent ions for ad d ressing d iseases of t he liver, p ancreas and
g allb lad d er. Oft en, t reat m ent out sid e of UNM ent ails seeking care out of st at e, w hich in p ract icalit y is not a viab le
op t ion for m ost ind ivid uals and com m unit ies.

?It is our m and at e and resp onsib ilit y t o p rovid e locally, st at e of t he art care t o our cat chm ent area,? said Nir, now
UNM?s first HPB d ivision chief.

To illust rat e, t he UNM Com p rehensive Cancer Cent er is t he only one of it s kind in a 50 0 -m ile rad ius, w it h t he UNM
HPB p rog ram as t he st at e?s p ow erhouse for liver and p ancreas ailm ent , t reat ed 150 0 new referrals in over 2 years
p eriod . The b urd en of t hese realit ies falls on UNM p rovid ers, b ut also on t he UNM HSC as an inst it ut ion, Nir
cont end s. ?Fost ering and m aint aining t hese p rim arily elect ive services of uniq ue exp ert ise is not only an ob lig at ion,
b ut a source of p rid e for any lead ing acad em ic m ed ical cent er ?. The HPB p rog ram exem p lifies t he feasib ilit y of
d evelop ing and m aint aining such cent ers at UNM.

The t ask of p rovid ing surg ical value is com p lex and t ranscend s b eyond just t alent and skill. A sked t o sing le out t he
new d ivision?s show case init iat ive, Nir chose t he HPB?s p eriop erat ive im p rovem ent p roject :

?This end eavor encom p asses t he ent ire scop e of surg ical care, from t he p re-op erat ive clinic, t o t he op erat ing room ,
t he in-p at ient floor, and finally loop ing b ack t o t he out p at ient sp here. This cont inuum of care req uired cross
inst it ut ion com m it m ent , w it h collab orat ion of d oct ors across d ifferent d ep art m ent s and sub -sp ecialt ies, and t he
eng ag em ent of nurses and ancillary services?, said Nir.

This five-year vent ure result ed in sig nificant m easurab le im p rovem ent , includ ing ad herence t o b est p ract ices,
short ening t he t im e t o t herap eut ic int ervent ions, t he leng t h of hosp it al st ay, low ering read m ission rat e, red uct ion
of op iat e use, im p roved g lob al p at ient sat isfact ion, and resources ut ilizat ion efficiencies.

Nir exp ressed his g rat it ud e for t he UNM lead ership for t heir t rust and ong oing sup p ort and for m ult ip le colleag ues
across t he inst it ut ion, includ ing A nest hesia, Med ical Oncolog y, Gast roent erolog y and Rad iolog y for t heir
p art nership and d ed icat ion. ?Most of all,? Nir conclud ed , ?I t hank m y t eam : [ Nir ?s] junio r p art ner, Dr. Benjam in
Ferg uso n, A nit a Novak and Meg an Blo o m ( t he service?s d ed icat ed A PPs) and nurse navig at o r, Lynn Saaved ra.?
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

                                              FINDING THE EXTRAORDINA RY A MID
                                              THE ORDINA RY
                                              Brid g et N. Fahy, MD FACS

A not her Thursd ay. A not her d ay of         On t his p art icular Thursd ay,            I st ood out sid e Mr. H's room and
inp at ient consult at ions on t he            p alliat ive care round s p roceed ed       saw t he p ut rid g reen sig n out sid e
p alliat ive m ed icine service. These         as usual, w it h t he unassig ned           ind icat ing he w as in cont act
d ays p rovid e a need ed yet                  p at ient s on t he service d ivvied up     isolat ion. Great ! A s I p rep ared t o
challeng ing b reak from my surg ical          t o t he new p rovid ers com ing on         d on my PPE b efore ent ering Mr.
p ract ice.                                    t hat d ay, includ ing m e. In m any        H's room , I w as surround ed by t he
                                               w ays, Thursd ays feel like a series        d in of unusual hosp it al noises: t he
In g eneral, I relish t he chance t o          of sp eed d at es: I g et a nam e, room     clang ing of t he m orning b reakfast
t hink w it h my non-surg ical b rain.         num b er, b asic clinical inform at ion     t rays b eing rem oved , a volley of
On t hese d ays, I g et t o see p at ient s    and som e t op ics t o ad d ress d uring    chirp s and p ing s from cell p hone
w it h a sp ect rum of d iseases               my visit . Som ehow, in t he course of      t ext m essag es b eing d elivered t o
d ifferent from t hose I t reat t he           t hese int eract ions w it h a series of    t he p rovid ers around m e,
ot her d ays of t he w eek. Rat her            st rang ers, I am charg ed w it h           frag m ent s of conversat ions
t han my t yp ical const rained scrip t        creat ing a connect ion, id ent ifying      b et w een p at ient s and nurses.
of, "Have you p assed g as?" or, "Let          and ad d ressing p hysical,
m e look at your incision," I t ap int o       em ot ional, p sychosocial and              Out of t his cacop hony cam e a
a b road er rep ert oire of q uest ions        sp irit ual need s, and solicit ing         q uiet ing sound t hat resonat ed far
and d elve int o a w id er rang e of           t reat m ent p references.                  b eneat h my hearing and reached
p ot ent ial issues.                                                                       d ow n int o my core. I felt
                                               This d ay, my list includ ed Mr. H.         com p elled t o t urn around t o find
W hile I b elieve t hat p ut t ing on t his    Unfort unat ely, his st ory is              t he source of t his sw eet sound .
ot her clinical hat p rovid es a               all-t o-com m on on t he p alliat ive
need ed service t o t he p at ient s of        m ed icine t eam :                          There I saw t he b ack of a m an,
my hosp it al, I am keenly aw are of           60 -som et hing -year-old m an w it h       p rob ab ly in his 60 s, hold ing t he
t he p rofessional b enefit s I d erive        act ive sub st ance use d isord er          t rem b ling hand of an eld erly
t hroug h t his d ual p ract ice               ad m it t ed w it h sep sis and alt ered    p at ient . The m an w as sing ing a
exp erience. I t rust t hat lead ing           m ent al st at us.                          hym n in Sp anish. Ow ing t o my lack
d ifficult conversat ions around                                                           of Sp anish lang uag e skills, I
init iat ing or w it hd raw ing life           Beyond t hese b asics, I also               could n't und erst and m ost of w hat
sup p ort only im p roves my                   g leaned from my chart review t hat         t he m an w as sing ing , excep t t hat it
com m unicat ion skills w hen t he             t here w ere issues id ent ifying his       w as ab out Dios (God ) and p az
t op ic is cancer recurrence or                surrog at e d ecision-m aker. Like          ( p eace) . That b ot h elem ent s w ere
d escrib ing t he im p licat ions of           m any p at ient s in his sit uat ion, his   p resent , in t he sp ace, at t he
life-alt ering surg ery.                       sub st ance use d isord er had              m om ent , w as unm ist akab le.
                                               w reaked havoc on his fam ily and
No m at t er how int rinsically                sources of p sychosocial sup p ort .        I st ood t here for several m inut es,
rew ard ing and m eaning ful my                my t ask: id ent ify som eone ab le         eyes closed , clearly aw are t hat I
p alliat ive m ed icine p ract ice is or       and w illing t o serve as Mr. H's           w as w it nessing som et hing d ivine
can b e, it also has it s share of             surrog at e d ecision-m aker. It w as       and ext raord inary. I said a q uiet
"sam e sh**, d ifferent d ay" feel t o it .    also Mr. H's b irt hd ay, so find ing a     p rayer for t he p at ient and his
                                               w ay t o recog nize his sp ecial d ay       sing ing visit or as I ent ered Mr. H's
                                               w as also on t he "t o d o" list .          room hop ing t o creat e som et hing
                                                                                           ext raord inary out of t his seem ing ly
                                                                                           ord inary encount er.
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center
                                              iCA RE AWA RDS
V inay Rai, MD
   Since the beginning ( way back when we started talking about this new project over the phone) , Dr. Rai has been very
   open, honest, and welcoming. He checked in with me regularly prior to my accepting the position and continues to do
   so now that the clinic is up and running. He shows real passion for ostomates and their quality of life, which makes me
   enjoy working with him all the more. It's been a little over a month now and I have absolutely no regrets about coming
   here to open this clinic and to work with him. I am excited about the work the department can do. - Erasicleia S
   Tzam aloukas

Liat N. Sham a, MD
   Guad alup e Gut ierrez w rot e: "This t eam has b een am azing w it h my m om and m e. Quint asha w as very help ful and Sheryl
   very kind w it h us. A nd - t hank you t o Dr. Sham a!" - A im ee Jaram illo

   Happy Valentine's Day Dr. Shama!! Thank you for always being so nice! :) - Quint asha Johnson

Brand on Behrens, MD
   Dr. Behrens is a fantastic attending and we all really enjoy working with him. He teaches all the time and provides many
   opportunities for us to learn.- M Nicole Web b

   Thanks for being a great Attending. I appreciate how you take the time to teach. - Sarah E Davis

Jason W ilson, MD
   Patient parent said via Press Ganey survey: W e love Dr. W ilson. Many doctors are condescending and act superior, but
   Dr. W ilson talks like he knows you. He is friendly and personable and allows us to give our input.- Carlos Baca

   Patient parent said via Press Ganey survey: Appointment was really good, Dr. W ilson is a great doctor. Yes I would
   definitely recommend Dr. W ilson to others.- Carlos Baca

   Pat ient said via p ap er iCare: Dr. W ilson is a great doctor. W e are very thankful for him. -Carlos Baca

   Pat ient p arent said via p ap er iCare: Dr. W ilson has just gotten better with time. W e have been seeing him for 11 years.
   He's always been a great doctor, but his bed side manner has gotten better ever year! Really enjoy and feel lucky to have
   him. He has gone out of his way to reassure me about test results and explain procedures.- Carlos Baca

Jessica Ming , MD
   Patient parent said via paper iCare: Dr. Ming is a fun & caring doctor. She cares & makes her patients feel comfortable.
   Her up-beat personality & optimism is enjoyable to be around. Thank you Dr. Ming! - Carlos Baca

   Pat ient p arent said via Press Ganey survey: W e love Dr. Ming, she gave us great advice - Carlos Baca

Sarah A Moore, MD
   Dr. Moore, you were mentioned in a debrief by Krista (one of our new Circulating RNs in Training) . Specifically, she said
   that you were knowledgeable, friendly, and that you did a great job of explaining CBDE procedures, anatomy, and
   high-volume GoLytley washouts to her. Thank you so much for making her feel welcome and valued. Keep being
   amazing! :) ?Jenn ( Main OR Ed ucat or, RN, CST) - Jennifer A Richm ond

   On being the recipient of a Preceptor Prowess Certificate from the Main OR on 2.25.22 for having a great attitude, being
   a synergistic member of our OR team, helping to teach our new circulating RNs in training, making people feel welcome
   in the OR, and for freely explaining anatomy, procedures, and OR processes to learners ? JR, CI, NG & KS.

   Thank you Annie! Keep up the great work :) ?Jenn Richm ond , Main OR Ed ucat or, RN, CST
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center
                                             iTEACH AWA RDS
Maxx Galleg os, MD
    Maxx, Thank you for the kind words today. Thank you for recognizing how hard Courtney and I have been working to
    keep training all/ any staff to a standard that includes OR patient safety, regardless of staff/ traveler status. Thank you for
    seeing the results of our contributions. It blew my mind to know that someone had actually noticed. It makes me even
    happier that it was you. Keep being amazing! -Jenn :)

    Thank you for your help today - Carlos Baca

Greg or y Borah, MD
    Dr Borah agreed to see a patient who had driven from Gallup NM to an appointment made at wrong clinic ...They should
    have been seen in Hand . It was very kind and gracious of him to help to patient - Lynne Lam ar

Jay Zhu, MD
    Dr. Zhu, you were mentioned in a debrief by Briana. Specifically, she said that you took the time to teach her how to
    drive the Robot, in the moment, during a case. You were a patient teacher, reassuring her that "everyone was a beginner
    once." Additionally, she complimented you, saying that she perceived you were "cool as a cucumber." Thank you so
    much for making her feel welcome and valued. Keep being amazing! :) ? Jenn Richm ond , RN, Main OR Ed ucat or

    Briana. Specifically, she said that you took the time to teach her how to drive the Robot, in the moment, during a case.
    You were a patient teacher, reassuring her that "everyone was a beginner once." Additionally, she complimented you,
    saying that she perceived you were "cool as a cucumber." Thank you so much for making her feel welcome and valued.
    Keep being amazing! :) ? Jenn Richm ond , RN, Main OR Ed ucat or

Ed w ard A uy ang , MD
    Amanda mentioned today how much she appreciates you investing in helping to get her small procedure clinic going.
    Thanks so much for supporting her practice and development.- Brian Long

A nil Shet t y, MD
    Thank you for being such a great teacher. Your trust and also guidance are invaluable and have really helped me
    progress as a trainee. - Shaw hin R Shahriari

Duncan Meik lejohn, MD
    Thank you Dr Meiklejohn for helping me brainstorm about best option for pt with persistent impaired balance &
    dizziness - and being available via tiger connect! - A nsu Kuruvilla

Richard Misk im ins, MD
    Dr Miskimins went above and beyond by doing three trachs for the NSI service when he wasn't even on service! Thank
    you for always saying yes and helping us get people moving along their healing journey! - Maria C Kelly

Benjam in Ferg uson, MD
    Thanks for your prompt response today regarding your patients T&S and H&P. I appreciate your great attitude!

Eug ene W u, MD
    Thank you, Dr. W u, for everything you do to help us out over at PALS!! W e appreciate you so much, and you help make a
    difference in patient lives, whether near or far! Your knowledge and expertise is invaluable and so important -- thanks
    for being a part of our team here at UNMH! - A nd rea Yarnell
New sl et t er Issue 6 - SPRING | A pril 20 22 - CONTACT US GIVING BACK RECOGNITION - UNM Health Sciences Center

                     A uro ra Maes                                A lliso n Price
             The Universit y of New Mexico                The Universit y of New Mexico

                                     General Surg er y

     St even Bozell                     Deanna Go nzalez                       Jo se Clem ent
 Universit y of Oklahom a          The Universit y of New Mexico        The Universit y of New Mexico
A lyssa Just us                   Lexi Mang                Erin Riso t t o -Urb anow icz
The Universit y of New Mexico   The Universit y of New Mexico          Oreg on Healt h

      Brend a Sauced o                Kaelyn Bro o ks                 Frances Chavez
         McGovern                    Universit y of Texas       The Universit y of New Mexico

         Sarit a Jam il                Lauren Marek                   Jessica Sullivan
   Univ. of Cent ral Florid a   The Universit y of New Mexico   The Universit y of New Mexico
                                        Plast ics

                                    Sam ant ha Huang
                                Keck School of Med icine
                               Univ. of Sout hern California

                                        Urolog y

        Kyle Clo use               A nusara " Caroyln" Ice      Merry " Mo lly" Peckham
          A .T St ill           The Universit y of New Mexico   Universit y of A rkansas
   Universit y of Healt h                                        for Med ical Sciences
    Sciences Kirksville                                          Colleg e of Med icine
  Colleg e of Ost eop at hic
          Med icine
                             Dr s. V ict or & Reb ecca Phuoc

   Taking op p ort unit ies as t hey com e lead s t o a lot of unexp ect ed ad vent ures in life!

   We have very m uch enjoyed our sm all t ow n exp erience in p rivat e p ract ice in Great Falls,
   Mont ana. The laid b ack p ace of life and t he b eaut iful, exp ansive w ild erness just out sid e our
   d oor have b een cherished .

   We also w elcom ed a b aby d aug ht er in May of 20 21.

   How ever, an op p ort unit y cam e up for Vict or t o head t he Surg ical Oncolog y g roup at Haw aii
   Pacific Healt h, and for Becca t o furt her her ed ucat ion w it h a Surg ical Crit ical Care fellow ship
   at Universit y of Haw aii st art ing sum m er of 20 22.

   Neit her of us had ever b een t o Haw aii unt il our visit t here in January - w hat a chang e from
   Mont ana!

   We look forw ard t o b ot h t he challeng es of m oving our fam ily across t he ocean and st art ing
   new job s w hile exp loring our new island hom e. A loha!

   - Vict or, Becca, At han, and A ut um n
                                 PLEA SE SUPPORT OUR SURGERY RESIDENTS
                               The m ission of t he Dep art m ent of Surg ery at The Universit y of
                               New Mexico School of Med icine is t o p rom ot e com p assionat e
                               surg ical care, innovat ive research and t he t raining of our fut ure
                               lead ers in surg ical sciences.
                               By m aking a g ift t o sup p ort our m ission, you help d eliver
                               ad vanced surg ical care t o ad ult and p ed iat ric p at ient s,
                               p rot ect t he p ursuit of g round b reaking research and ensure t he
                               excep t ional t raining of New Mexico's fut ure lead ers in
                               surg ical sciences.

                       LOOKING FORWA RD BY GIV ING BACK

     Dr . Don al d E. an d
   M r s. Rosem ar y V. Fr y            Su r ger y Resi den t s'              Ur ol ogy Resi den t ?s
       En dow ed Fu n d                  Edu cat i on Fu n d                   Edu cat i on Fu n d
          f or Su r ger y

W hat w as your favorit e          W hen you m ake a g ift t o        You can p rovid e t hem w it h
p art on t he p at h t o           sup p ort UNM School of            invaluab le lead ership
b ecom ing a surg eon?             Med icine surg ical                d evelop m ent , cont inuing
                                   resid ent s, you ensure an         ed ucat ion and p rofessional
Perhap s it w as your
                                   excep t ional exp erience for      w ell-b eing resources.
resid ency exp erience.
                                   our t rainees b ot h insid e
                                   and out sid e of t he clinical     Please consid er a g ift t o one
There's a cert ain
                                   set t ing and op erat ing          of t he resid ent sup p ort fund s
sat isfact ion in know ing
                                   room .                             linked ab ove.
t hat you can t ruly m ake a
d ifference in t he fut ure of
                                   You can em p ow er                Cont act : A m and a Baca,
an inst it ut ion t hat has
                                   resid ent s t o p resent and      UNM Found at ion
m ad e such a m eaning ful                                           am and a.b aca@unm f und .o rg
                                   ad vance t heir scholarship
im p act in your ow n life.                                          50 5.313.7636
                                   at p rofessional
                                                                     w w w.unm f und .o rg
                                   conferences and
                                                                     UNM Found at ion,
                                   m eet ing s.                      Tw o Wood w ard Circle,
                                                                     70 0 Lom as Blvd , Suit e 10 8
                                                                     A lb uq uerq ue, NM 8710 2
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