New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College

Page created by Dana Murray
New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Appleby College

New Parent
New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Table of Contents
Welcome to Appleby!									1
Appleby College Community Covenant						2
Campus Map										3
Appleby College 2020-2021 School Year Dates						4
Save the Dates										5
Middle School 5-Day Timetable							6
Upper/Senior School 10-Day Timetable           					7
Appleby College Standards of Dress and Appearance					              8
Appleby College Terminology & Lingo							9
Mutual Respect Policy									10
Parent Central										11
Appleby’s Education Management System						11
The Internet and Your Child								12
Phone Usage During School Time							12
Middle, Upper and School At-A-Glance						13
Philanthropy at Appleby College							14
Volunteering at Appleby College							14
2020-2021 Appleby College Parents’ Association Executive Listing			 15
ACPA Meeting Dates		 							16
Frequently Asked Questions - First Day of School					               17
Frequently Asked Questions - General							18
Purchasing Textbooks									19
Important Contact Information							20
New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Welcome to Appleby!
Dear Parents and Host Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you and your family to Appleby College.

Our school is very fortunate to have parents from all over the world come together with a shared mandate: to give
our children the best education possible. The support and care we provide is integral to the success of this process.
We encourage you to get involved at Appleby, in whatever manner your schedule and interests allow.

No doubt you will have many questions as your child settles in at Appleby. We hope you will find this New Parent
Handbook a valuable resource. Your inquiries are also welcomed by both employees and fellow parents, so please
do not hesitate to contact us!

As President of the Appleby College Parents’ Association (ACPA), I am very excited to welcome you to this
very special organization. All parents are members, and we invite you to attend our monthly Executive meetings
(online for now) and many functions we participate in. We hope you find it inspiring to see other parents whose
contributions of time and energy have created such a diverse and vital group.

You can find more information about the ACPA at under the Our Community tab, or
through Parent Central. You can also find our ACPA Contact List here in the New Parent Handbook, along with
key dates to add to your calendar.

Let me take this opportunity to wish you and your family a fabulous start to the school year at Appleby. I hope we
have an opportunity to meet each other soon!


Mary Rawlinson
ACPA President 2020-2021

Dear Parents and Host Families,

As Appleby College’s Director of Parent Relations, I will be working to ensure that you get the most out of your
relationship with the school. Being informed of what the school has to offer is important to making your family’s
time here as rewarding as possible. The New Parent Handbook is an at-a-glance guide to some key Appleby
information. Everything you see in the handbook can be accessed online through Parent Central. Login through and navigate through its features – it’s a wonderful tool for parents throughout the school
year. Please ensure that you read the school’s electronic newsletter Appleby This Week (ATW) thoroughly each
week to stay up-to-date on events, times and locations, and to learn more about Appleby happenings.

If you require further support, your first point of contact should always be your child’s advisor. They are there for
you whenever concerns arise. However, I am happy to answer any general questions you might have and can be
reached by e-mail at, by phone at 905-845-4681, ext. 142.

Best wishes for a successful first year as part of the Appleby community,

Andy Jelinek
Director, Parent Relations

New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Appleby College Community
    For over a century Appleby College has flourished as a community of learning in which each and every member
    (including students, employees, and parents) is expected to act in ways which advance the mission of the College
    to educate and enable our students to become leaders of character.

    The enduring strength of the Appleby College community derives from four core ethical values: respect,
    responsibility, integrity and compassion. Taken together, these embody what it means to be a member of the
    Appleby College community. Each day through our individual words and actions we strive to uphold these core
    ethical values, and thereby forge a community which fully reflects these values. At the same time, we recognize
    that actions which are not consistent with these values erode our sense of community and adversely affect our

    Core Ethical Values:

    In all of our words and actions, we demonstrate respect for ourselves and for one another. We act with courtesy
    and consideration towards all. We are respectful of the physical environment in which we live and learn. As
    members of a universally diverse community, we respect each other’s differences and work together to build an
    inclusive learning community.

    We take responsibility for our actions without excuses and hold both ourselves and others accountable to the
    highest ethical standards. We are committed to academic excellence, civic responsibility and environmental

    In pursuing the highest standards of excellence and in all of our words and actions we are open and honest, acting
    towards others at all times with honour and integrity.

    We actively recognize the needs of others both within our Appleby College community and beyond it. We
    support and care for one another in order to sustain a community of compassion.

    As members of the Appleby College community we commit ourselves to uphold these values and to adhere to this
    Community Covenant.

New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Campus Map

New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Appleby College 2020-2021
    School Year Dates
    School Begins             Wednesday, September 9 to Sunday, September 13   New boarder orientation
                              Friday, September 11, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.     New student orientation
                              Saturday, September 12, assigned times           Boarders move in to residence
                              Monday, September 14 at 8:00 a.m.                Opening Day of School

    Thanksgiving Weekend      Thursday, October 8 at 3:50 p.m.                 Classes End
                              Monday, October 12 at 9:00 p.m.                  Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, October 13 at 8:00 a.m.		               Classes Begin

    November Long Weekend     Thursday, November 12 at 3:50 p.m.               Classes End
                              Monday, November 16 at 9:00 p.m.                 Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, November 17 at 9:00 a.m.                Classes Begin

    Final Day of Classes      Wednesday, December 16 at 3:50 p.m.

    Winter Holiday            Thursday, December 17, 2020 - Sunday, January 3, 2021

    School Resumes            Monday, January 4 at 9:00 p.m.                   Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, January 5 at 9:00 a.m.                  Classes Begin

    Semester 1 Exams          Wednesday, January 20 - Tuesday, January 26      All U1-S2 Students

    Semester Turnover Day     Wednesday, January 27                            No Classes, M1-S2 Students

    February Long Weekend     Thursday, February 11 at 3:50 p.m.               Classes End
                              Monday, February 15 at 9:00 p.m.                 Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, February 16 at 8:00 a.m.                Classes Begin

    March Break               Saturday, March 6 - Sunday, March 21

    School Resumes            Monday, March 22 at 9:00 p.m.                    Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, March 23 at 9:00 a.m.                   Classes Begin

    Spring Weekend            Thursday, April 1 at 3:50 p.m.                   Classes End
                              Monday, April 5 at 9:00 p.m.                     Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, April 6 at 9:00 a.m.                    Classes Begin

    May Long Weekend          Thursday, May 20 at 3:50 p.m.                    Classes End
                              Monday, May 24 at 9:00 p.m.                      Boarders return to residence
                              Tuesday, May 25 at 8:00 a.m.                     Classes Begin

    June Exam Period          Wednesday, June 9 through Tuesday, June 15

    Final Day of School and   Friday, June 18 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
    Closing Day Ceremony

New Parent Handbook 2020-21 - Appleby College
Save the Dates
    Complete listing of dates and events can be found on the Appleby Calendar on Parent Central. Check Appleby
    This Week regularly for updates and announcements.

    Date                                    Event                          Time                     Location
    September 2020
    Thursday, September 10                   New Parent Orientation Night   7:00 p.m.                Online
    Sunday, September 13                     Welcome Back BBQ Drive-Thru    11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.   Appleby College
    November 2020
    Tuesday, Nov. 17 & Thursday, Nov. 19     Parent/Teacher Conferences     6:00 - 9:00 p.m.         Online
    Thursday, Nov. 19                        ACPA Tree Trimming             8:00 a.m.                Schlesinger Dining Hall
    January 2021
    Wednesday, Jan. 20 - Tuesday, Jan. 26    Semester 1 Exams               Various                  Various Locations
    Semester Turnover Day                    Wednesday, January 27
    April 2021
    Tuesday, April 20 & Thursday, April 22   Parent-Teacher Conferences     6:00 - 9:00 p.m.         TBD
    June 2021
                                             ACPA Volunteer Luncheon and
    Wednesday, June 2                                                       11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.   TBD
    Wednesday, June 9 - Tuesday, June 15     June Exam Period               Various                  Various Locations
    Friday, June 18                          Closing Day Ceremony           10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.   Appleby College

Middle School 5-Day Timetable
    Period                          Day 1         Day 2        Day 3         Day 4        Day 5
    Period 1:
                                     Period 1     Period 1     Period 1     Period 1 Period 1
    8:30 - 9:05 a.m.
    Period 2:
                                     Period 2     Period 2     Period 2     Period 2 Period 2
    9:10 - 9:50 a.m.
    Period 3:
                                     Period 3     Period 3     Period 3     Period 3 Period 3
    9:55 - 10:35 a.m.
    Period 4:
                                     Period 4     Period 4     Period 4     Period 4 Period 4
    10:40 - 11:20 a.m.
                                                           Middle School Lunch
    11:25 - 11:50 a.m.
    Free Time:
                                                         Middle School Free Time
    11:55 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.
    Community Life Block:
                                              Middle School Advisory/Grade Band/Chapel
    12:30 - 1:00 p.m.
    Period 5:
                                     Period 5     Period 5     Period 5     Period 5 Period 5
    1:00 - 1:40 p.m.
    Period 6:
                                     Period 6     Period 6     Period 6     Period 6 Period 6
    1:45 - 2:25 p.m.
    Period 7:
                                     Period 7     Period 7     Period 7     Period 7 Period 7
    2:30 - 3:10 p.m.
    Period 8:
                                     Period 8     Period 8     Period 8     Period 8 Period 8
    3:15 - 3:55 p.m.
    Early Bus Departs:
    4:10 p.m.
    Middle One Club/ Co-Curricular Block:
    40 Minutes a day dedicated to club, homework, enrichment, guidance programming

    Middle Two Club/ Co-Curricular Block:
    Middle School World Languages rotation meets 3 times a week. Middle Two club and Guidance
    rotate into World Languages block

    Middle School Physical Education/ Sport Block:
    Middle School sport coached/ instructed by Middle School Physical Education teachers. Offered 2
    days a week in Physical Education slot

    *Timetable subject to change.

Upper/Senior School 10-Day
                          Day 1:  Day 2:         Day 3:  Day 4:          Day 5:  Day 6:         Day 7:  Day 8:        Day 9:  Day 10:
                          Group A Group B        Group A Group B         Group A Group B        Group A Group B       Group A Group B
     Upper School/
     Senior School        Co-        Co-        Co-        Co-                   Co-        Co-        Co-        Co-
                                                                      No Co-                                                 No Co-
     Co-Curricular        Curricular Curricular Curricular Curricular            Curricular Curricular Curricular Curricular
                                                                      Curricular                                             Curricular
     Block 1:             Group A Group B Group A Group B                        Group B Group A Group B Group A
     7:15 - 8:15 a.m.
     Period 1:
                          Period 1    Period 1   Period 1   Period 1     Period 1   Period 1    Period 1   Period 1   Period 1      Period 1
     8:30 - 9:50 a.m.
     Period 2:
                        Period 2      Period 2   Period 2   Period 2     Period 2   Period 2    Period 2   Period 2   Period 2      Period 2
     10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

                                                       Lunch and Community Life Block
                                                            11:20 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

     11:20 - 11:50 a.m.                     Upper School Lunch                                 Senior School Community Life Block

     11:55 a.m. -
                                     Upper School Community Life Block                              Senior School Free Time
     12:25 p.m.

     12:30 - 1:00 p.m.                    Upper School Free Time                                      Senior School Lunch

     Period 3:
                          Period 3    Period 3   Period 3   Period 3     Period 3   Period 3    Period 3   Period 3   Period 3      Period 3
     1:00 - 2:20 p.m.
     Period 4:
                          Period 4    Period 4   Period 4   Period 4     Period 4   Period 4    Period 4   Period 4   Period 4      Period 4
     2:30 - 3:50 p.m.
     Upper School/
     Senior School        Co-        Co-        Co-        Co-                   Co-        Co-        Co-        Co-
                                                                      No Co-                                                 No Co-
     Co-Curricular        Curricular Curricular Curricular Curricular            Curricular Curricular Curricular Curricular
                                                                      Curricular                                             Curricular
     Block 2:             Group A Group B Group A Group B                        Group B Group A Group B Group A
     4:10 - 5:10 a.m.

    *Timetable subject to change.

Appleby College Standards of Dress
and Appearance
School dress is worn at all times during the academic day unless permission is granted. Uniform items are available
at Appleby’s official supplier, InSchoolwear. Physical Education uniform items are available at the College Shop.
To view Appleby’s Standards of Dress and Appearance, please click here.

Changes for 2020-2021
A unique challenge to mitigating the spread of the COVID-19 virus is school uniforms - particularly those items
which require dry cleaning. To address these concerns Appleby’s dress code for the upcoming school year will be
modified with the main uniform consisting of:
• Kilt or grey dress pants
• Navy or dark grey socks with pants, navy knee socks with kilt
• White, school-crested polo t-shirt (new)
• Navy 1/4 zip crested sweater
• Black dress shoes (flats)
Students will be expected to be in a clean uniform daily when attending class in-person. While uniforms are not
required for at home learning days, students are expected to be dressed appropriately.
Hoodies, spirit or House wear, and other Appleby clothing items, are not part of the school uniform. Students
not in the uniform options above will be required to change.
Updated Physical Education Uniform Policy
All Appleby students participating in physical education are expected to wear Appleby College crested athletic
wear to all active-based physical education classes from Middle One to Senior Two. Please see below on the
updated Physical Education Uniform Policy for September to December 2020:
• Navy or white Appleby athletics t-shirt
• Navy Appleby athletics shorts
• Proper athletic shoes
• White socks
Middle School students who have physical education/sport in the morning may wear their athletics windsuit to
school for all morning classes and can change over lunch. Middle School students who have physical education/
sport in the afternoon may wear their athletics windsuit to school for all afternoon classes and can change over
lunch from their school uniform into the athletics windsuit.
The physical education department has partnered with the Appleby College Parents’ Association (ACPA) to
provide students with a wide-range of athletic clothing options. Please visit the Online College Shop for all
Appleby blue and white athletic attire. Contact Rebecca Richardson, department head, health and physical
education with any questions. Online orders can be picked up from Appleby’s security gate house (you will
receive an e-mail once it is ready), or select the shipping option to have an order delivered to your home. Online
orders will be processed within 3-5 business days.

Appleby College Terminology & Lingo
    › ACPA                                                       › Home Form
    Appleby College Parents’ Association                         Home Forms are an essential component of the Middle
                                                                 School Programme. Small class sizes are key, with courses
    › Advisors                                                   taught by subject specialists.
    Advisors work with students, parents, teachers and school
    directors to encourage, guide and provide support in all     › Middle School
    school endeavours.                                           Grades 7 (M1) and 8 (M2).

    › AP                                                         › Optimates
    Advanced Placement is an internationally recognized          Students achieving an overall average of 85% or above
    programme that gives students the opportunity to             for the year (a combination of term and summative
    earn university credit or placement while still in high      assessment) are recognized in the following year as
    school. Choosing from 24 different AP courses, students      Optimates students. The student average is calculated
    complete first year university material while in Grades      including the required course for each grade and only
    10, 11, or 12, and in May of that year, write external       those courses taken at Appleby during the September to
    exams administered by the College Board. Depending on        June academic year.
    the results students may receive advanced placement or
    credits at university.                                       › Parent Central
                                                                 Online gateway to Appleby and the starting point for all
    › AP Capstone                                                information and services that Appleby offers online.
    AP Capstone is a College Board programme offered at
    Appleby in Senior One and Senior Two through our             › POL
    English department. Appleby students in Upper Two            In place of traditional June examinations, the M2
    must apply for admission into the two-year programme.        students will showcase their Presentations of Learning
    The programme focuses on discussion skills, critical         (POL). These digital portfolios are a culminating event
    thinking and academic research.                              celebrating student academic and affective growth as
                                                                 they finish Middle School and will highlight meaningful
    › ATW                                                        learning experiences for teachers, peers, Home Form
    Appleby This Week – Appleby’s parent communication           advisors, and parents across all aspects of their learning at
    sent weekly during the school year directly to parents’      Appleby.
    e-mail address.
                                                                 › S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus
    › Co-curricular Programme                                    Located on Rabbit Nose Island, Lake Temagami and
    Appleby’s Co-curricular Programme develops the whole         serves as the campus for Appleby’s Northward Bound
    student, complementing a strong academic curriculum          Programme.
    through required participation in athletics, arts, service
    and the residential life programme.                          › Senior School
                                                               Grades 11 (S1) and 12 (S2).
    ›  Global Leadership Diploma
    The Appleby College Diploma with Distinction in Global       ›
                                                                 Upper School
    Leadership inspires students to explore beyond their       Grades 9 (U1) and 10 (U2).
    current communities by weaving global perspectives into
    every subject and introducing real-world experiences and
    interactions into academic, co-curricular and experiential

    › Grade Band
    The student body is divided into three grade bands:
    Middle School grade band (Grade 7 which is M1 and
    Grade 8 which is M2), Upper School grade band (Grade
    9 which is U1 and Grade 10 which is U2), and Senior
    School grade band (Grade 11 which is S1 and Grade 12
    which is S2). There are School Directors for each grade
    band and weekly grade band meetings for these groups.

Mutual Respect Policy
Appleby recognizes that to achieve its vision, the environment it provides must be one which demonstrates
respect, dignity, equity and safety for all members of the Appleby community. Appleby promotes responsibility,
respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. All members of the Appleby
community - students, employees, parents, alumni and visitors - have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in the
school. Any form of discrimination or harassment is prohibited. The school commits to timely investigations
that are thorough, objective and fair to all affected parties. Every person has the right to report an incident or
suspected incident without fear of reprisal. Appleby’s faculty and administration have a special responsibility in
this area — not only must their own conduct be above reproach but they are in a position to observe and identify
possible instances of discrimination, harassment and bullying. All complaints will be treated with discretion and
respect for the individuals involved; however, anonymous complaints cannot be investigated.

The purpose of this policy is to maintain a learning and work environment free from harassment. This policy is a
clear statement of the school’s commitment and determination to act promptly against any incident of harassment
and to create an environment where harassment will not be tolerated.

For students, Appleby has trained faculty facilitators who are available for support, mediation, and to explain
options. To familiarize yourself further with Appleby’s Mutual Respect Policy, click here.

Faculty Facilitators:

Anjuli Ahooja -

Theresa Blake -

Andrew Bryce -

Patrick Carter -

Yingcai Du -

Janet Kurusanather -

Robin Leslie-Spencer -
Graham Lewis -

Mireille Maalouf -

Aleksandar Panev -

Glenda Stoneman -

Will Truong -

Parent Central
     Appleby College’s Parent Central offers a variety of features such as: School News, Upcoming Events, a social
     media feed showcasing Appleby’s posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, buttons that link to
     popular webpages such as the Appleby College Parents’ Association; the online College Shop and Volunteer

     To access Parent Central, start by visiting and click on the Parent Central icon located on the
     homepage’s At-A-Glance section.

     Appleby’s Education Management
     In keeping with our commitment to integrating the most advanced technology into all facets of teaching and
     learning, Appleby is implementing a new education management system provided by Blackbaud for students,
     faculty and parents for the 2020-21 school year.

     Designed to enhance the student and parent experience, parents are able to access their student’s school
     information in one convenient platform at any time and from anywhere. This includes a customized view into
     your child’s Appleby experience - from assignments and due dates; personalized calendars showing class, co-
     curricular and club schedules; attendance record; grades and more.

     To learn more about the exciting features and enhancements of Appleby’s new education management system
     please visit! We also encourage all parents to take the tutorial offered once you log onto
     the system as it gives you a great sense of the features the new system provides.

The Internet and Your Child
     Social Media at School
     During the school day, students will not have access to social media sites such as Facebook on the school’s
     network (unless it’s required for classroom use).

     Social Media Everywhere
     It’s important to discuss with your child the use of Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, House
     Party and Instagram. Their activity has world-encircling and long-lasting effects and you and they share the
     responsibility for their postings. Be aware of their content and talk to them about it – Social Media should be
     compared to them putting a sign in your front yard with their name on it. And it’s a sign that can’t be easily

     Remember that your child is connected to the outside world even when they’re alone in their rooms.
     Talk to them about what’s happening in their world, even if – and especially when – that world is inside of
     a smartphone or laptop.

     Phone Usage During School Time
     Appleby students are to leave their cell phones in their bags/locker, out of sight during the academic day.
     Teachers may give students permission to use phones or other devices for an academic purpose in class.

     The purpose behind this rule is to limit distractions from the learning experience and promote a respectful
     learning environment. Students who are unable to respect these parameters will have their phones delivered to
     the appropriate school director and returned at the end of the day. Should parents need to contact their child
     immediately for an emergency, they are to call main reception at 905-845-4681 ext. 200 and the administration
     team will contact the child and have him/her call home.

                                Changes? Help keep us current!
                                E-mail any personal information changes to

Middle, Upper and Senior School
Middle School
Middle School Director:                             Middle School Guidance Counsellor:
Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Tel: 905-845-4681, ext. 148   Seane Thorman ’04, Tel. 905-845-4681, ext. 248
E-mail:                  E-mail:
Office location: Barr Common Room                   Office location: Guidance Area
Asst. Middle School Director:
Christy Meagher ’08, Tel: 905-845-4681, ext. 390
Office location: English Office

Upper School
Upper School Director:                              Upper School Guidance:
Chris Patterson, Tel: 905-845-4681, ext. 147        Each Upper School student has been assigned
E-mail:                    a guidance counsellor, whose name and contact
Office location: Barr Common Room                   information is included on the ‘Directory’ tab in
Asst. Upper School Director:                        Appleby’s education management system. If you have
Brooke Millman, Tel: 905-845-4681, ext. 375         any questions, please e-mail
Office location: A.W.B. Alumni Centre

Senior School
Senior School Director:                             Senior School Guidance:
Mike Moores, Tel: 905-845-4681, ext. 152            Each Senior School student has been assigned
E-mail:                       a guidance counsellor, whose name and contact
Office location: Barr Common Room                   information is included on the ‘Directory’ tab in
                                                    Appleby’s education management system. If you have
Asst. Senior School Director:                       any questions, please e-mail
Nicola St. George, Tel: 905-845-4681, ext. 365
Office location: English Department

Philanthropy at Appleby College
Appleby College is a not for profit corporation, and a Canadian registered charity. Student fees cover
approximately 90 percent of the annual costs of educating each student, and the balance is supported by
donations from parents, alumni and friends of the school, as well as income generated from commercial activities
such as Appleby Camps and grants from the Appleby College Foundation. Over 100 years ago, Appleby was
founded by a gift of land and buildings on our current site. Since then, improvements to campus, including
the construction of the new A.W.B. Alumni Centre for Athletics and Student Life, renovations to classrooms,
residences, sports and other facilities, along with investments in programme and professional development and
the development of a financial assistance programme, have been funded in part through philanthropic support by
means of donations to Appleby College and to the Appleby College Foundation.

Appleby has an active and engaged alumni and strives to build lifelong relationships that continue the legacy of
this unique and special school. We support each other and invite you to learn more about the various ways that
you can make a difference – whether through your time as a volunteer, your participation in campus and school
events, and or through personal philanthropy. Thank you to the many new and returning parents who made a
gift to Appleby as part of registration, who support the school through annual and monthly giving options and
those who have made major gifts. We are thrilled with the progress made to date in fundraising in support of the
school’s current key priorities – and look forward to working together this year.

For more information about Appleby advancement activities, our fundraising priorities, or to become involved,
please contact Jude Alexander, chief advancement officer, at 905-845-4681 ext. 161 or by e-mail at jalexander@

Volunteering at Appleby College
Volunteering at Appleby College is a great way to become an involved and informed parent! The school and the
Appleby College Parents’ Association (ACPA) could use your help staffing a variety of school activities held for
the benefit of Appleby students. Opportunities exist for volunteering once a week, once a month, or occasionally.
You can choose an option that best fits your schedule.

Below is a list of some events that require volunteers throughout the year*:
Ongoing: College Shop/Lost and Found/Turnover, Chapel Guild, Photography, Open Houses, New Parent
September: Welcome Back Barbecue, School Photo Days
October: Appleby’s Annual Walkathon, School Photo Days
November: Carol Services, Upper School Play, ACPA Tree Trimming, Holiday Wreath Sale
December: Poetry Recital Judges
January: Debating Contest Judges
February: Middle School Science Fair, All School Play, Middle Two Service Day
April: Public Speaking Contest Judges, Employee Appreciation Luncheon
May: Middle School Play, New Family Information Evenings
June: Turnover Shop Sale, Book Returns and Used Book Sale, the ACPA Annual General Meeting
*Events and timing subject to change based on COVID-19 policies, procedures and restrictions.

Please note that Appleby requires all parent volunteers to have a security clearance completed (also known as
Police Screening or Criminal Record Check) including a Vulnerable Sector Check every five years. If you have
questions or wish to be added to a general volunteer list, please contact Kathy Vucic, ACPA volunteer
coordinator, at

You can volunteer online by clicking on the “Volunteer Opportunities” button on the right-hand side of Parent
Central.                                                                                                            14
2020-2021 Appleby College Parents’
     Association Executive Listing
     Position                               Name                  E-mail

     President                              Mary Rawlinson

     Past President                         Sarah McMillan

     Vice President                         Danny Persaud

     Communications Officer                 Daisy Li    

     Recording Secretary                    Anne Marie Bianchi

     Treasurer                              Elena Dannikova

     College Shop Coordinator               Jennifer Latimer

                                            Maria Sena-Balestra
     Turnover/Lost & Found
                                            Mira Bessada
                                            Caitlin Roberts
     College Shop: Tuck Shop                Rachel Belcher
                                            Sara Smyth  

     College Shop: Online                   Kira Thomson

     NISPA Representative                   Theresa Larson

     Volunteer Coordinator                  Kathy Vucic 

                                            Judy Ye     
     Book Return and Sale
                                            Lan Wang    

     Fundraising Coordinator                Bridget van Akkooi

                                            Coco Zhang  
     Chapel Guild
                                            Meghan Amm  
                                            Ceylan Erkaya
     Grade Parties and Staff Appreciation
                                            Clodagh Wilson
                                            Martha Rendon
     Social Coordinators                    Sepideh Faridrad
                                            Edyta Wojdalowicz
     Newsletter                             Sally He    
                                            Melissa Graham
     Photographers                          Cindy Liu   
                                            Sisi Tesser 
     Members at Large:
                                            Sheila Shen 
     Open Houses                            Helen Qu    
                                            Kevin Comeau
                                            Vanessa Barr
     New Parents                            Ping Zhang  
                                            Sonia Fernandes
                                            Kelly Mehlenbacher
     Athletic Spirit Representatives
                                            Suzanne Williamson

                                            Cindy Wang  
15   Campus Life Representatives
                                            Lily Feng   
ACPA Meeting Dates
All meetings take place at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated and are open to all community members. Due to
COVID-19 restrictions, meetings will be conducted online until further notice. If you are interested in attending,
please contact Patricia Smallbone, coordinator, events and parent relations at

September 15, 2020 (8:00 a.m.)                           April 13, 2021
October 13, 2020 (Boarder Break to follow)               May 11, 2021 (Boarder Break to follow)
November 10, 2020 (9:00 a.m.)                            June 2, 2021 (11:00 a.m., ACPA Annual General
December 8, 2020 (Boarder Break to follow)               Meeting)
January 19, 2021                                         June 8, 2021
February 9, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions:
First Day of School
› When do students arrive on the first day of school? › Bus schedule concerns?
All students need to arrive at the school by 8:15 a.m. If your   For complete information on bus routes and times,
child is being driven to school, please drop him/her off at      you can access the Transportation site via the school’s
the front of the Nicholas Arts Centre area. Please note that     education management system’s Resources page. E-mail
we have a no-idle policy. A detailed first day of school with any questions.
schedule will be e-mailed to students.
                                                                 › When do students receive locks for their lockers?
› Where do students meet after being dropped off ?               Locks will be distributed to new Middle School
For Day 1 and 2, advisors will share with students which         students at the New Student Orientation, and on the
room they are meeting in on those first two days of              first day of school to returning students who have
school. Other classrooms will be listed on the student’s         forgotten/lost their locks. Upper and Senior School
timetable. Staff and students will also be available to          students will receive their locks mid-September.
help direct new students to their classrooms.                    Students are not permitted to bring their own but
                                                                 will be able to purchase one from the Day Student
› Do students wear uniforms on the first day of school?          Coordinator for their House. Students are encouraged
Yes.                                                             not to share their lock combinations with their peers.

› Do students bring laptops?                           › How will I know who my child’s advisor is?
S tudents should bring laptops on Day 1.              Each student at Appleby is assigned a faculty advisor.
                                                       On Thursday, September 10 at the Parent Orientation,
 › When are timetables and co-curriculars distributed? you will be told who your child’s advisor is and you will
Timetables will be available via Appleby’s education             have the opportunity to meet with them. Advisors meet
management system on Saturday, September 12.                     with their advisor group weekly. Your child’s advisor is
Students will receive an e-mail prior to the first day           the ‘go to’ person and first point of contact for updates on
notifying them of the co-curricular options and where            your child’s progress and any questions you might have.
to go to sign-up/try-out on the first day of classes. Co-
curriculars will begin for all students the second week of       › What is the correct protocol for reporting a
classes.                                                 student absence?
                                                         Parents or guardians of students who will be absent
›  What if students have timetable issues?               from school for medical reasons should contact the
Visit the Guidance Office located in the Beasley         school attendance line at ext. 750. If students will be
Guidance Centre during free time (e.g., lunch, recess,   picked up or dropped off at school during the day for
after school, spares).                                   appointments or other valid absences, parents should
›  Is gym clothing required on the first day of classes? also inform the school through the attendance line
Gym clothing is not required on Day 1. Timetables will and students need to sign-in and out at the front
confirm first gym day.                                   desk. Parents are encouraged to book appointments
                                                         outside of the academic day. This includes clubs and
›  Do students bring course books?                       co-curriculars. An e-mail to the student’s advisor and
                                                         school director is encouraged. If a student wants to seek
No books are needed on the first day of school. All
books should be purchased through the Canadian           permission to miss school for non-medical reasons,
School Book Exchange by visiting http://www.csbe.        the parents of the student should contact the student’s
net prior to the first day and brought on Tuesday,       advisor, who will then need to ultimately have the
September 15.                                            absence approved by the School Director. For the full
                                                         attendance policy, please visit Parent Central and click
                                                         on “Code of Conduct”.
›  When is summer reading assessed?
Summer reading MUST be completed by Day 1.
Students will be assessed during the first few weeks of
school on their summer reading and are encouraged to
read as many books listed on the course list as possible
to prepare for the upcoming academic year.
Frequently Asked Questions:
     › What are the College Shop hours and where is the         Insurance available on the Appleby College website.
     Turnover Shop and Lost and Found?
     Located in the A.W.B. Alumni Centre for Athletics          › Where can I regularly find event information?
     and Student Life, once classes resume on September 14,     Appleby This Week (ATW), an electronic newsletter, is
     the College Shop, Turnover Shop and Lost and Found         delivered by e-mail to parents, students and employees
     will be open Monday through Friday 11:15 a.m. to           every Monday. It is imperative that you read
     1:00 p.m. You may also shop online anytime at www.         ATW each week to stay informed about all school and have your purchased items        happenings. You can also check the school calendar
     delivered to your home, or Nicholas Arts Centre front      on
     reception for pick-up.
                                                                › My child is taking instrumental music.
     › E-mail communication?                                   Where do I get an instrument for him/her?
     Appleby College uses e-mail as its primary communication If your child is taking instrumental music, his/her
     method. We cannot emphasize enough the importance teacher will help him/her choose an instrument in
     of having your current e-mail address(es) on file. Please September. Due to COVID-19, students will not be
     inform the school promptly at playing wind or brass instruments while at school.
     if your e-mail address(es) changes.                       Parents and students have the choice to arrange their
                                                               own instrument or they can rent one from the school.
     ›   What is Parent Central?                               The school charges a $275 rental fee for the year. Parents
     Appleby College’s Parent Central offers a variety of      will need to fill out a rental agreement, and the charge is
     features such as: School News, Upcoming Events,           billed directly to the student’s account.
     a social media feed showcasing Appleby’s posts on
     Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, buttons          › Can day students eat breakfast or dinner?
     that link to popular webpages such as the Appleby         Breakfast  and dinner is for boarding students only.
     College Parents’ Association; the online College          Day students are provided lunch daily. If, on occasion,
     Shop; Volunteer Opportunities, plus a customized          a day student needs to eat breakfast or dinner, you
     ‘My Student Info’ button that will connect you to the     or a teacher involved should notify Wagih Ibrahim at
     school’s education management system where you can beforehand. Should the need
     access information specific to your child.. To access     arise with regularity, please contact the Business Office
     Parent Central, start by visiting       to make necessary payment arrangements.
     and click on the Parent Central icon located on the
     homepage’s At-A-Glance section.
                                                                › If I want to enlist the help of a tutor or extra help
                                                               for my child, how do I do this?
     › Where is Appleby’s IT help desk?                      Peer and professional tutors are available through the
     The Williams Information Technology Centre is located Guidance Department upon the recommendation of
     inside the Samuel Academic Resource Centre (library). the subject teacher. Should you want to get a tutor for
     It is open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. your child, please contact the respective teacher and
     E-mail: Phone: 905-845-4681, they will fill out a request for a tutor and have you
     ext. 106.                                               sign a form for a professional tutor if required. All
                                                             departments offer extra help for students.
     ›   Where can boarder information be found?
     Information on Residential Life can be found on the
     Appleby College website at the following address:

     › Where can we find medical insurance for
     international and out-of-province students?
     Each out-of-province student requires proof of insurance
     coverage. Immediately fill out your child’s Accident
18   Insurance coverage and read the brochure on Medical
Purchasing Textbooks
A partnership with the Canadian School Book Exchange (CSBE) makes it possible for parents and students to
have schoolbooks delivered directly to your door.

To order books online, visit and click on ‘Appleby College’.

Click on ‘Place Order’, then ‘2020-2021 Academic Year Bookstore’.

Log-in using your existing account information, or set-up an account. Once logged in, register your Appleby
students and/or select the student(s) for whom you wish to order. Next, you will be given an option to substitute
used books if available. The next screen will allow you to choose the grade level and the books you would like to
purchase. Once the selections are made, a total cost is calculated. If additional books are required throughout
the year, the CSBE will notify students and parents by e-mail. Alternatively, books can be ordered by phone at
905-828-7200 or directly at the CSBE store, located at 3300 Ridgeway Drive, Unit 5, in Mississauga. For further
information, contact the CSBE at 905-828-7200.

Important Contact Information
     Administration                                     Guidance Counsellors
     Main Phone: 905-845-4681, ext. 0
     Fax: 905-845-9828
                                                         iddle School: Seane Thorman, ext. 248;
     E-mail:                         Each Senior and Upper School student has been
     Website:                         assigned a guidnce cousellor. Thier name and contact
     Mailing address: 540 Lakeshore Road West,          information is available on BBK12.
     Oakville, Ontario L6K 3P1
     Innes van Nostrand, Principal, ext. 224;
                                                        Learning Strategist: Mike Watters, ext. 280;
                                                        e-mail: and Seane Thorman,
     e-mail:                 ext. 248; e-mail:
     Dr. Katrina Samson, Head of School, ext. 298;
     e-mail:                      Should you have any guidance or course related
     School Directors:                                  concerns, please contact Jenny Casey, coordinator,
       Middle School: Kathleen Kirkpatrick, ext. 148;   student services at,
       e-mail:               ext. 150.
       Upper School: Christopher Patterson, ext. 147;
       Senior School: Michael Moores, ext. 152;         Parent Contacts
                                                        Director of Parent Relations: Andy Jelinek, ext. 142;
     On Campus                                          Appleby College Parents’ Association (ACPA)
                                                        President: Mary Rawlinson;
     Admissions: ext. 216, fax: 905-845-9505,
     Arena: ext. 239
     Attendance: ext. 750                               Residences
     Athletics Office: ext. 185 or ext. 190
     Bussing: ext. 276; e-mail:        aillie House: ext. 504 – House Director:
     Business Office: Student Accounts, ext. 130;       Han Chau; e-mail:
     e-mail:               olley House: ext. 502 – House Director:
     Financial Assistance: e-mail:                      Stephen Telling; e-mail:                   owell’s House: ext. 501 – House Director:
     John Bell Chapel: ext. 237                         Evan Fleming; e-mail:
     S. Bruce McLaughlin Northern Campus, Temagami:      alker House: ext. 503 – House Director:
     705-237-8909                                       Kristina Udegbunam;
     Schedule changes (snow, school closures,
     bus return times): ext. 540                        Uniform Supplier
     Security: ext. 273, cell phone: 905-208-0851
     Services                                           886 Sinclair Rd., Oakville
                                                        Phone: 905-338-3030
     Health Centre: ext. 229;      Website:
     Health Centre Emergency/24 Hour Phone:
     Food Services: ext. 230
                                                        Physical Education Uniforms
     IT Help Desk: ext. 106;      The College Shop, A.W.B. Alumni Centre for
     Maintenance: ext. 267 or ext. 154                  Athletics and Student Life, Appleby College
     Summer Academy: ext. 179                           540 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville
                                                        905-845-4681 ext. 277
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