School Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 Information Package - Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
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School Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 Information Package Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)
Guidelines for School Plan for Continuous Growth Edmonton Catholic School District Foundation Statements Preamble: Each year school communities set targets for student achievement and for other areas that are germane to that community, and are linked to the District’s Goals and Priorities. This is done within the context of a three-year plan for continuous growth. After a review of their plan for continuous growth from the previous year, schools determine the direction of the school for the next three years. It is also recommended that you look at your goals through the lens of the Alberta Education documents Inspiring Education and the Ministerial Order on Student Learning. The School Plan for Continuous Growth is a required public accountability document that is governed by District Administrative Procedure, which is flows from Alberta Education legislation and regulation. Administrative Procedure 102 School Accountability (revised April 25, 2018) Background Principals are accountable for the preparation of an annual three-year school plan and a subsequent annual report. Procedures 1.Schools in the District, under the direction of the Principal, implement a three-year School Plan for Continuous Growth consistent with provincial requirements, District requirements and local needs. 2. The School Plans for Continuous Growth are to be updated annually following the format prescribed by the Superintendent. The plan shall address: 2.1. The District goal one (Catholicity) and the remaining District goals which align with those from Alberta Education. 2.2. Relevant local strategies outlined in the District Plan for Continuous Growth. 2.3 Performance measures: 2.3.1. Multi-year report of provincial achievement test and/or diploma examination results; 2.3.2. Regression analysis information; 2.3.3. Accountability Pillar; and 2.3.4. Our School Survey; and 2.3.5. School Satisfaction Survey.
2.4. Additional goals, strategies, results and performance measures to reflect local needs and the advice of the School Council. 2.5. Targets for achievement tests and/or diploma exams. 3. The updated School Plan for Continuous Growth is to be posted annually by November 30 for review by the Superintendent. 4. Principals will report to the School Council the following information relative to their school, on or before November 30 of each school year: 4.1. Multi-year report of provincial achievement test and/or diploma examination results; 4.2. Regression Analysis Report; 4.3. Accountability Pillar; 4.4. Our School Survey; 4.5. The school budget; and 4.6 School Satisfaction Survey. 5. Principals are responsible for keeping a hard copy of their School Plan for Continuous Growth for a period of five (5) years Task: Choose a Catholic Education goal that is correlated to the District Catholicity Goal and three or four of the five other goals identified in the Edmonton Catholic Schools’ District Plan for Continuous Growth for 2018-2021 to focus on in your school community. Determine goals that will facilitate growth in your school community. As each District goal has numerous key strategies, school strategies need to be linked to one of the key strategies. The strategies and actions that you list should be descriptions of new things that you are doing to promote growth in that area as opposed to reiterations of things that are already a routine part of your programming/operations. Please remember that the intention of a School Plan for Continuous Growth is that it be a three-year working plan that you will monitor and adjust as your year progresses. You may choose to extend previous goals as part of this process if they still require further action and are clearly linked to the District goals. *Your final product should be a very concise, easily-readable living document. It is suggested that you review your progress throughout the year so that you can monitor and adjust. Catholic Identity Goal: Each school is asked to have a goal that corresponds to the Edmonton Catholic School District Goal: Live and Enhance the Distinctiveness of Catholic Education. Please complete the Five Marks of Catholic School Identity Assessment Tool and review the document Developing Alberta’s Cross Curricular
Competencies From A Catholic Worldview and Learner Competencies Formed through Catholic Education. Based on your findings, please choose the particular benchmarks of one or more marks that your school will focus on exploring more deeply. When planning your goal, strategies, and actions, articulate the new or modified steps which you will take over the course of the year. Methodology: You are asked to create a school plan for continuous growth that is built on Outcomes based SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals. Goals are intended to be decided upon with input from the staff and parent community (school council) and should respond to needs identified in the community by data analysis. Please use the template that is provided. Elements for Inclusion: Please include the following elements in your plan. As your plan will be posted on your public website, please do not include any information that could potentially identify students, staff, or stakeholders: School Name, Mission, Vision, and Charism- Each school should have a mission and vision. Schools should review their mission and vision each year to ensure that they remain current and relevant to the context of the community. Planning for the school’s growth should flow from the mission and vision. Resources on Mission and Vision. Please include your Charism in your plan as it is an important part of your school identity. School Context-describe your school community and demographics in 2 paragraphs or less. Only use information that has the greatest impact on your programming. This may include oSpecial philosophical focus/Focus Programs/District Programs oLiteracy/numeracy focus oSchool demographic details that impact programming. Please do not include coding information or demographics correlated to grades or classes. Demographic statements should be general. oAny other factors that are relevant to programming Review of the school’s three-year plan- Brief is better. Are goals completed, modified, or continuing? What data was reviewed and analyzed?
Data Analysis-You have been provided with a Data Analysis Matrix for you to complete in order to inform your goals. Other data that you may choose to use include: oEnrolment data oTeacher and Classroom assessments (Struggling readers, EYE) Goals, Strategies, and Actions-Please focus on a Catholic identity goal and 3 or 4 other goals in your School Plan for Continuous Growth so that it is manageable. Your data analysis from above will indicate which areas your goals need to focus on. You may choose to write individual goals for each of them, or to have overarching goals with each area addressed as a sub-goal. All goals should have a positive impact on student learning. Please use outcomes based SMART goals. Each action statement should have a verb in it. Actions should not be taken down to the micro level, nor should they be managerial or organizational in nature. Be sure to include the data measures that you will use to indicate success. (links for resources on goal setting are found below) Please upload your School Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 to the portal under the Office of the Superintendent and to your public website by November 30, 2018. Alberta Education Resources The following documents from Alberta Education provide an excellent background to measuring performance in school plans and setting targets: Performance Measurement in Education Performance measures in school authority and school plans and results reports provide information on achievement of outcomes on key aspects of the education system. This information is an essential part of accountability that enables the organization to: • Assess and report on progress, what is working well and what needs improvement. • Determine priorities for improvement and set improvement targets.
• Make program and budget decisions to maintain good performance and improve performance in areas requiring improvement. Measures typically provide quantifiable information on key aspects of education. This information is generated quantitatively through tests, surveys, and data analysis or through qualitative means, such as observation, interviews and portfolio reviews. Whether quantitative or qualitative, measures demonstrate observable change. To be meaningful, measures information is obtained regularly (e.g. annually) and is normally expressed in percentages, ratios or numbers in relation to a total. Types of Performance Measures • Outcome measures: These provide information on progress toward desired results in key areas – effectiveness of programs, impacts on clients. • Intermediate outcome measures: For some desired outcomes, results may not be known for several years. In such instances, it is useful to measure intermediate steps – milestones or landmarks – toward the desired outcome. The measures in school authority and school plans and in results reports focus on outcomes and constitute the core set of measures for assessing and reporting on progress and achievement. Other types of measures, listed below, are important for managing resources, providing programs and services, and reporting contextual information: • Output measures: Information on number of clients served and types of services provided. • Process measures: Information on activity and efficiency. These measures indicate demand for services and cost per unit of providing service. • Input measures: Information on resources allocated to programs, such as funding, personnel, and equipment. These measures provide information on cost or numbers of staff involved in providing programs and services. Characteristics of Good Performance Measures Good performance measures provide information that is: • Understandable – clear and sufficient to provide an understanding of the organization or system to staff, community and government • Valid – meaningful and credible (sound, defensible) • Relevant and appropriate – timely, related to important aspects • Reliable – unbiased, error-free and verifiable • Comparable – show change over time and/or among similar organizations • Discrete – provides information in distinct, non-overlapping categories • Empowering – useful for decision making, promote improvement • Practical – can be reliable assessed with reasonable effort References
Alberta Treasury, Measuring Performance: A Reference Guide, September 1996. On the internet at and select “Other Alberta performance measurement documents.” Alberta Auditor General, Government Accountability, February 1997. On the internet at and select “The Reading Room.” Setting Targets for Education Performance Measures Targets are relevant for measuring performance of Alberta’s education system, including school, jurisdiction and provincial levels of performance. However, caution is advised when there is considerable variability in results from year to year due to small numbers (small schools, classes, even jurisdictions). The information provided below relates specifically to jurisdiction target-setting. Definition A target is a desired level of performance to be attained by a specified time. Targets are a commitment to improvement. Purpose Targets support continuous improvement and are used to assess and report achievement in relation to the desired level of performance. Targets indicate the extent of improvement the organization is striving to achieve by a point in time (e.g. by a certain year), and provide a focus of efforts to achieve improvement, including resource allocation, staffing and strategy development and implementation. Principles 1. Targets for performance measures are a valuable part of planning, assessment and reporting. 2. Targets should be meaningful, achievable and challenging. 3. Targets should benefit students and help improve student learning. 4. Target setting should be an interactive process that takes a variety of qualitative and quantitative information into account. Jurisdiction targets, along with other components of the jurisdiction plan, provide a frame of reference for school planning. 5. Targets should be communicated to parents and the public so that Albertans are part of the system-wide efforts to improve education for students. Guidelines for Setting Targets 1. Consider a wide variety of information in setting targets: past performance, including the Accountability Pillar evaluation for the measure and trends over time, as well as related measures (e.g. using prior years’ Grade 3 SLA results to set Grade 6
achievement test results), student or school characteristics, resources, both financial and human, that can be applied to achieve improvement, etc. 2. Target setting should be consistent with data collection methods. Data reliability and variability should be considered in target setting. 3. Involve stakeholders in setting targets at each level. Schools and jurisdiction staff and community representatives should have input to jurisdiction targets. Parents and school staff should have input into school targets. 4. When setting targets, prioritize to focus on areas needing improvement, and ensure organizational capacity and resources are in place, including budget, staff and concrete actions of benefit to student learning that will be taken to improve results and achieve the targets. 5. Visual displays, such as trend-line graphs and projections, aid in illustrating results and in setting targets. Trend lines based on at least five years of historical data or rolling three-year averages to smooth out year-to-year variability (particularly evident in smaller jurisdictions), shift the focus from smaller, year-to-year changes to providing information about the longer term direction of the data, including estimates of future results. 6. Professional judgment that takes the local context, as well as results, measure evaluations and additional data analysis into account is needed for setting targets. In other words, trend data, graphs, projections and measure evaluations are an aid in target-setting – they do not in themselves determine the targets.
St. Philip School Plan for Continuous Growth St. Philip Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021 School Mission: St. Philip is an inclusive and collaborate learning community where the light of the Gospel permeates our learning and faith. We encourage every individual to be the best they can be and celebrate their achievements. We promote vibrant growth of the Italian Language and Culture within the Greater Italian Canadian Community. School Vision: We cultivate an inclusive and positive faith-based learning atmosphere where children feel valued and welcome. We provide academic, physical, social and competence through engaged student- centered learning. student -centered learning. School Charism: Hospitality, Trust, Faithful, Loyalty School Context: St. Philp School is a kindergarten to grade six school. Our school population has increased gradually over the last three years. Our kindergarten has a morning and an afternoon program. We do not have a 100 Voices Program. Our population represents a diverse population, with 33% being ELL students. A good portion of our ELL students speak Tigrinya. Our ELL numbers have been steadily increasing over the last several years. The population of struggling readers is high. We have a committed learning coach who is receiving training in Empower Reading to assist severe struggling readers and we also utilize LLI and ELL strategies to ensure that all our students have access to literacy supports. St. Philip also has an Italian and Culture Program. In the past this has attracted families from beyond our catchment area, but interest has been declining in recent years due to a quickly changing demographic in the school neighborhood. Steps have been taken to reverse this trend including a more student centered and oral approach which focuses on both language and culture. Unfortunately, more strategies are needed to bolster our numbers in the Italian Program.
Review of Previous Year’s Goals: Goal Achieved/continue Evidence/data used Modify Foster and promote a This goal is continuing. We will Our SAC does not have the support that is needed, and it is reputation of commitment continue to work on this as we the same few parents that to nurturing ethical, need to engage our parent continue to do all the work for the engaged and community further as they benefit of the school. entrepreneurial students need more support. More parent participation in all shaped by spirituality of school functions is required communion with parents, The Goal has been reworded Lower than expected turn out at students, and staff. for clarity sake Meet the Staff Night A varied and increased celebration of students learning needs to continue
Increase Literacy This goal is continuing. We Still have a significant number of struggling readers, increasing in Learning by better have an increased ELL numbers meeting individual population and our struggling student needs readers still require supports Teachers require continued training in LLI and Guided Reading/Balanced Literacy The above is still not happening in every classroom by every teacher Home reading programs have not been as successful as hoped Teacher feedback suggests they are not feeling supported enough with ELL students Math PAT results are low therefore we need to address doing basic math skills without the use of a calculator Ensure the educational experiences meet the diverse needs of our learners and are available to all students.
Purposeful mental health This goal is continuing Mental Health break and discussion at monthly staff meetings has not awareness and and reworded for happened. As well, sharing at staff engagement for simplicity and clarity meetings has been inconsistent. students, staff and The health days and wellness PD have not happened yet either parents/local community Staff indicate that they would like more staff team-building opportunities More mental health videos need to be presented to students School Wide PATHS programming and implementation is an ongoing process School playground issues/incidents are still high We need to bring in anti-bullying presentations Staff indicated they would like to have learning coach meetings with teachers so that they can share student concerns
Data Analysis: Complete the matrix using your school’s data. Delete the green explanation text and insert your data. Areas to celebrate Accountability Pillar Measure Category: Excellent: Student Learning- Program of studies Excellent: Continuous Improvement-Parental involvement Achievement Measures Very High-Parental involvement-parental involvement Very High-Program of Studies Improved Measure None Overall Measure Evaluation Excellent: Student Learning- Program of studies Excellent: Continuous Improvement-Parental involvement
District Satisfaction Staff Survey 2. Our school site focuses on learning and teaching within a Catholic context 3. Catholic teachings and tradition are important at our school site 4. Our school site is involved in social justice, service, and charitable activities 12. Our school focuses on continuous improvement through data analysis Students Grade 4-6 1. Prayer is important at my School 2. I show respect for others in my school 3. My teacher helps me learn 4. Our religious celebrations at school are important 5. I know what I need to do the improvements in my schoolwork Parents 5. My child has the opportunity participate in social justice activities at school 7. Daily prayer and religious celebrations are important of my child's school 15. My child's school teaches respect for different cultures and religions 27. I feel welcomed in my child’s school 28. I am treated with dignity and respect at my child’s school
Regression Analysis ELA = Mathematics = Science + Social Studies = PAT/Diploma Science: analysis Excellence 27.7 vs 21.0
Our School Survey Students consuming less than five sweets or fatty foods per day 61% as compared to 60% Students agreed that religious celebrations and prayer are important at their school 97% as compared to 95% Students agreed that attending a Catholic school helped them explore their love of God and service to community 94% as compared to 92% 5 Marks of Catholic We are strong in following marks: School Identity Assessment Mark Two: Imbued with a Catholic world view, Standard Two: An excellent Catholic school has a visible intangible Catholic vision evident in its physical space, liturgical celebrations, and prayer life Mark Three: Animated by faith infused curriculum, Standard Three: An excellent Catholic school has an academic curriculum that integrates a vision of faith within the learner outcomes in teaching strategies Mark Four: Sustained by Gospel Witness, Standard Four: Excellent Catholic school hires in nurtures teachers that are living witnesses to the gospel and intentional disciples of Jesus Christ and his Church We are doing satisfactorily in some areas of Mark Five: Shaped by a Spirituality of Communion, Standard Five: Excellent Catholic school recognizes that each stakeholder is responsible for the common good
Areas to target for growth Data Source Measures Goals in response to data Accountability Student Learning Achievement: PAT Learning achievement PAT Pillar Acceptable levels of acceptable standards are well below PAT acceptable and excellence provincial and district percentages. Despite this, Preparation for lifelong learning, world of our regression analysis is work. Citizenship equal in the areas of social studies, math, and language arts, but above in science. The same pattern is also repeated in the levels of acceptable and excellence. However, we are much closer to the province in these areas. In terms of preparation for lifelong learning, world of work, citizenship, our parent population (survey size) was very small that responded to the survey. We had 37% of the respondents respond with an answer of do not know which greatly affected our overall scoring negatively. Similarly, the staff response also had a high number of do not know which greatly affected our negative score
District Staff Satisfaction Survey 19. Our school is providing the necessary supports for children with special needs 40. I have appropriate opportunity for input into decisions that affect my job 20. Non-academic needs of students are met in our school through a variety of supports and services Students 31. I'm satisfied with the decision-making process is that take place at our school 31. I'm satisfied with the decision-making process that takes place at our school 10. I'm satisfied with the way student discipline is handled in our school Parents 37. Inclusive education–overall, how satisfied are you with the programming and progress of your child the special educational needs? 21. critical thinking skills are taught at my child's school 12. My child's school helps my child learns to the best of his or her ability 10. Students in my child's school receive additional services and support when they need it 17. I am satisfied with how discipline is handled at my child’s school Regression Analysis
PAT/Diploma Acceptable analysis ELA 89.1 vs 91.9 We have completed the PAT Math 72.3 vs 78.3 Analysis booklets in each Science 83.0 vs 84.7 subject and will address Social studies 76.6 vs 82.8 achievement in our goals Excellence ELA 10.9 vs 19.2 Math 6.4 vs 11.2 Science 27.7 vs 28.3 Social Studies Despite being below on the above areas our regression analysis was equal in Math, ELA, and social studies while being above in science Our School Bullying and exclusion-students are subjected We will address these in our Survey to physical, social, or verbal bullying or are mental health goal bullied over the internet 34% vs 23% Feel safe attending this school-school- students feels safe at school as well as going to and from school 54% vs 71% 5 Marks of Our mission and vision statement need to be We will do a better job of Catholic more prominent and reviewed regularly. It is displaying and reviewing our School doubtful that any staff could recite it by Vision and Mission Statement Identity memory. It needs to be printed and posted in Assessment our school in a very prominent area. Our school signage is not very legible, and our message board is very small, messages must be kept to 36 characters in total. Overall, we do pray regularly, and we could do a better job at praying before each subject We have a very good relationship with our school parish and the parish priest. One area of concern is increasing the parent advisory council as it seems the support has been declining in past years. The same parents continue to do all the work.
Goals: Goal 1: To create a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel District Correlation: Edmonton Catholic School District Goal: Live and enhance the distinctiveness of Catholic Education District Goal One: ECSD Students are successful Edmonton Catholic school district goal: Live and enhance the distinctiveness of Catholic education 1.1 Demonstrate the distinctiveness and advantages of Catholic education a) continue to enhance the home-school-parish relationship 1.2 b: Create opportunities to be a visible presence in the broader community including evangelization of our families 1.1 Promote and foster the presence of Edmonton Catholic Schools in education, Church, civic, business and government communities. 1.2e provide opportunities for relevant and authentic student engagement Sub Goal a: Improved community involvement in the school. Strategy 1: Increase parent involvement in school and improve communication between school and parents Actions Improve how St. Philip hosts Meet the Staff Night to make it a more a casual setting at a school council sponsored pizza night Continue to provide and improve how information is delivered about the various roles of SAC to encourage more volunteers Provide more information and incentive to parents regarding the participation in School Advisory Council Continue to have regular communication: updates, reminders and recognition through SWIFT (email) messages to parents, signage, and newsletters
Involve parents by helping them know how to register their child for flex sessions at home Provide information and assistance for parent’s basic computer usage for their child: viewing progress reports, paying online fees, flex registration, google classroom Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Increased turnout at Meet the Teacher Night o Increased parental involvement in SAC roles o Increased turnout at SAC meetings o Increased level of participation at school functions o Increased parental/guardian voice o Increased levels of participation in school surveys and decision-making process o Increased and improved communication between home and school Strategy 2: Provide Opportunities for students to celebrate their success Actions: Teachers will select monthly goals for their classrooms and each child will be celebrated at least once throughout the year during SPA (St. Philip Assembly) in various areas of academics, spirituality, arts and athletics Parents will have the opportunity to see how their children are being celebrated by having names displayed in school (computer info monitor) and a special recognition award will be sent home with their child Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness Increase in the number of students who meet their monthly reading goals Increased student self-efficacy
Strategy 3: Focus on improving student (and staff) Cross Curricular Competencies with a Catholic Worldview - Responsible Citizen and Critical Thinker Actions Increase opportunities for student leadership and SPARK social justice activities Invite Father Glenn, Father Paul and Sister Mara or other clergy to visit classrooms and share scripture readings and stories to demonstrate the concept of servant leadership Provide student and staff opportunities to practice servant leadership Coordinate Food bank collections to support our families in need Collect items to Support the Gianna Centre Student will to visit extended care centers Host at least one FLEX day based on faith element Host St. Philip Day Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Increase in student-initiated acts of kindness and leadership o Introduce buddy benches-monitor usage-create a chart of frequency of use o Marked growth of Mark Two: Imbued with a Catholic World View-Service projects reflect and articulate Catholic teaching on social justice and charity o Increased growth of Mark Three: Animated by a Faith Infused Curriculum-When relevant, the curriculum reflects the social teachings of the Catholic Church Review Date 1: Review Date 2:
Goal 2: All students, in Kindergarten to Grade Six will show growth and development by at least one grade level at their level of ability in the areas of Literacy by June 2018 District Correlation: ECSD Goal 1: ECSD supports First Nations, Metis and Inuit students’ success 1.2 Identify and implement best practices that align with excellent early learning pedagogy and learning environments to realize transformed education as described in the May 6, 2013, Ministerial Order on Student Learning. An excellent start to learning necessitates a focus upon developing competencies and (in particular) the foundational competencies of literacy and numeracy. 1.3 Ensure that flexible and responsive programming meets the diverse needs of all learners. 2.1 Increase academic success and cultural knowledge by promoting successful practices to support First Nations, Metis and Inuit students Strategy 1: Implement dedicated LLI and guided reading Actions Guided reading will be implemented by every teacher Extreme struggling readers will be selected and will have Empower Reading instruction four to five days a week Teachers will receive professional development on the F and P Continuum One teacher will pilot the reading program Words Their Way with the intent of getting more teachers on board to improve student literacy Improve the use and deployment of educational assistants in the classrooms- as well as create a bank of strategies to use with students that is co-created by the educational assistants, teachers and administration Ensure that every teacher is using a home reading program Incorporate a school wide writing focus Invite literacy consultants to do professional development with teachers on LLI and F and P Literacy Continuum
Use of assistive technology to assist students with literacy Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Evidence of Guided reading in every class o Improved literacy o Lowered number of struggling readers o Improved letter recognition and attainment of basic literacy skill by those students who require it o Targeted support for struggling readers o Consistent and timely improvement on F and P scores o Reading behaviors as demonstrated on the F and P Literacy Continuum will improve corresponding increase in level o corresponding observed behaviors that corelate with the F and P levels according the F and P Continuum Strategy 2: Improve and increase support for ELL students Actions Revised and improved delivery of ELL supports for students and teachers Get training for and integrate SIOP model and strategies for ELL learners ELL coordinator will perform monthly running records on ELL students to monitor progress. This data will assist in determining what further actions and strategies need to be taken. Invite ELL consultant to work with teachers and ELL coordinator to ensure proper strategies and supports are in place to assist ELL students Use of assistive technology to assist students with literacy Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Students will demonstrate an improvement on their corresponding observed behaviors that corelate with the F and P levels according the F and P Continuum o Monthly data collected o Ability to “drill” down to specific struggling ELL readers and offer improved supports o Students will demonstrate an improvement on their F & P levels and also demonstrate an improvement of their corresponding reading behaviors as described F and P Continuum Literacy Continuum
Review Date 1: Review Date 2: Goal 3: To create an awareness for students and staff of the importance of student mental health and well-being. District Correlation: District Goal Three: ECSD respects diversity and promotes inclusion 3.6 Continue to provide and develop services and model initiatives that promote student health, using the Mental Health Strategic Plan Strategy 1: Increase positive mental health awareness programming for staff Actions Provide professional development in the area of mental health Include a Mental health break and discussion at monthly staff meetings Provide supports for teachers to meet the holistic needs of their students i.e. MDT teams, EA support, Volunteer support, LC, support by admin team Improved deployment of educational assistants to support the students with exceptional needs in their programming target the students that are “tip of the iceberg” on needs list to further assist teachers in providing improved programming Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Improved awareness and delivery of mental health resources curriculum o Reduce or increase the number of referrals to the MDT o Improved support for the students in need and reduces instances of disruption in classroom learning-this will improve overall academic growth as demonstrated on PATs and other summative assessments
Strategy 2: Meaningfully integrate PATHS programming Actions Increase and continue to promote the PATHS strategies as a school by recognizing students who use this (celebrate students school wide, assemblies etc.) Continue to encourage the routine use of, and reference to, these strategies by all staff, posters around the schools, in the newsletter Increase playground safety focus in some SPA (St Philip Assembly) mornings anti-bullying presentations by City Police Programs Read PATHS principal announcements on a regular basis to reinforce PATHS classroom lessons Play Kids Mental Health videos for students at SPA assemblies Seek and book presenters carrying a positive message regarding social relationships, self-regulation, anti-bullying, safe-schools, mental health and others Increase the support our FSLW can offer to families in need Increased vigilance on playground supervision Bring back designated zones for grades to play in vs free range for all grades Provide increase professional development for teacher so that they can better serve their special needs students especially in areas of anxiety and defiance Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Less frequent conflict or conduct infractions; more respectful behavior as witness in reduced incident reporting to office and in PowerSchool o Improved “feel safe at school and on school playground” data in TTFM survey- o Reduction of instances of bullying and improved awareness o Common language that students, staff and parents can use to deal with self-regulation o Students will have an improved self-efficacy
o Improved coping behavior and decreased effort will be sustained in the face of obstacles. As well, students will be better able to exert enough effort that, if well executed, leads to successful outcomes. Sub Goal b: Positive mental health awareness programming for parents and community Strategy 1: Provide Mental Health information for parents Plan and host a minimum of two sessions each year Provide a venue for mental health awareness evening for parents Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Planning and hosting of two sessions with positive parental/guardian turnout o Increased parental awareness and understanding of student mental health o Increased parental acceptance of supports for students when they require them Continue to include mental health tips or articles in school newsletter Provide links for Mental Health Education and resources in new Mental Health section on school website Increase awareness by putting up posters in school, change them when possible Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Planning and hosting of two sessions with positive parental/guardian turnout o Increased parental awareness and understanding of student mental health o Increased parental acceptance of supports for students when they require them o Increased amount of resources placed in newsletters o Improved and increased parental feedback on surveys o Improved scores on feel safe on school playground and feeling safe at school TTFM and Your School Survey
o Reduced conflict infractions by students and increase more respectful behavior Strategy 3: Introduce a school wide collaborative model Actions Develop a four-tier intervention pyramid to provide a framework within which to articulate interventions to respond to the needs of students beyond foundational classroom instruction Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o An established school-wide pyramid of interventions will assist in ensuring a collaborative response to support inclusive practices o Maximization of professional capacity o Understanding and respect of diverse perspectives and expertise o Distributive Coaching through capacity building o Improved detection of students for discussion Review Date 1: Review Date 2: Goal Four: Grow the Italian and Cultural Oral Language Program Sub Goal A: Improve the student and parental community awareness of the benefits provided by the Italian Language and Culture Oral Language
Teachers and students will use more oral activities as assessment tools for Italian Increase the amount of teacher lead oral language spoken Provide more opportunities for students to use, as well as, hear the Italian Language during the school day: announcements, celebrations, assemblies, newsletter Assign and create high interest creative written activities such as skits, buddy letters and prayers Have at least one FLEX session that will have an Italian Language and Cultural Focus Create opportunities to Italian language leadership opportunities with a buddy time with other grades and CPLI students Allow Italian Students to participate in more Italian Culture and Language Field Trips to promote it Work with other schools from Calgary to share resources and lesson plans Invite Second Language Consultant out to meet with Italian teachers to improve instruction Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Evidence of Guided reading in every class o Improved literacy o Lowered number of struggling readers o Improved letter recognition and attainment of basic literacy skill by those students who require it o Targeted support for struggling readers o Consistent and timely improvement on F and P scores o Reading behaviors demonstrate improvement/changes with corresponding increase in levels o Increased levels of Italian Students’ oral language proficiency o Increased enrolment/retention in Italian program in division II o Increased exposure to Italian Language through morning announcements o Older grades creating curriculum based resources for younger Italian grades o Older grades being leaders and promoters of speaking the Italian Language with confidence when engaging in oral activities with themselves and younger grades Review Date 1:
Review Date 2: Goal Five: All students, included, in Kindergarten-Grade Six will show growth and development in the areas of Numeracy by June 2018. District Correlation: ECSD Goal One: ECSD students are successful 1.2 Identify and implement best practices that align with excellent early learning pedagogy and learning environments while developing a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy. A strong start to learning necessitates a focus upon developing competencies, i.e. communication, growth and well-being, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving and management of information. 1.3 Ensure that flexible and responsive programming meets the diverse needs of all learners. Strategies: Sub Goal a: Work on basic math skills to lay foundation for higher math skills Practice/memorize basic facts on a regular basis in school and at home Teachers will increase use of manipulatives and games Math Games – flashcards, timed math facts, sum blox, bingo, tic tac toe, dice, playing with cards, making up games Students will use calendar to become familiar with ordinal numbers Students will incorporate daily routines such as of counting days, correlation to money and then skip counting Teachers will incorporate coding to increase numeracy by taking part in school wide Hour of Code activities and extending coding activities when possible Teachers will introduce and incorporate math concepts with Literature – Math and Literature by Marilyn Burns and Stefanie Sheffield Marian Small Making Math Meaningful Jo Boaler – Youcubed
Teachers will incorporate drills such as timed facts Students will use technology and access math websites such as Mathletics and Prodigy Teachers will agree on and use a common vocabulary among grades using operations: For example: What do we say when we say -? minus, subtraction, take away ?? we need common language Invite math consultant to do in-servicing on strategies Measures/ Evidence of effectiveness o Increased academic success in areas of math o Increased recall of basic math facts/skills o Improved mental recall of multiplication tables o Improved ability to do mental math o Improved scores on Math PAT-especially on the mental portion o All students will have taken part in at least one hour of Hour of Code to increase their numeracy skills using coding Review Date 1: Review Date 2: Linked Resources
Links on how to develop Vision and Mission Statements: “Vision and mission statements provide schools with an essential overview of where they want to go and what they want to be.” Gabriel and Farmer (2009) Dufour and Eaker documents on mission and vision handbook/vision-and-mission/ and-a-Mission.aspx Compass.aspx Links on Goal Setting ert%20Goals.pdf References Colorado Department of Education. (2009). Sample SMART Performance Goals for District Educational Improvement Plans. Cook, Timothy J. (2015). Charism and Culture: Cultivating Catholic Identity in Catholic Schools, Arlington, VA: National Catholic Educational Association. Danielson, C. (2002) Enhancing Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Deal, T., and Peterson, K. (1999). Shaping School Culture: The Heart of Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Wiley, John and Sons Inc. Dufour, R., and Eaker, R. (1998). Professional Learning Communities at Work, Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement. Bloomington, Indiana: National Education Service. Eaker, R, Dufour, R. and Dufour, R. (2002). Getting Started: Reculturing Schools to become Professional Learning Communities. Bloomington, Indiana: National Educational Service.
Edmonton Catholic Schools. (2015). Developing Alberta’s Cross-Curricular Competencies from a Catholic Worldview. Edmonton, AB: Author. Edmonton Catholic Schools. (2018). Edmonton Catholic Schools’ District Plan for Continuous Growth 2018-2021. Edmonton, AB: Author. Edmonton Catholic Schools. (2015). The Five Marks of Catholic School Identity (Assessment tool brochure). Edmonton, AB: Author. Edmonton Catholic Schools. (2015). The Five Marks of Catholic School Identity (poster). Edmonton, AB: Author. Fullan, M. (1993). Change Forces: Probing the Depths of Educational Reform. Bristol, PA: The Falmer Press. Gabriel, J., and Farmer, P. (2009). How to Help Your School Thrive Without Breaking the Bank. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Mooney, N., and Mausbach, A. (2008) Align the Design: A Blueprint for School Improvement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. National Association of Secondary School Principals. (2009). Breaking Ranks: A Field Guide for Leading Change. Reston, VA: Author. Reeves, D. (2002). The Daily Disciplines of Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Reeves, D. (2009). Leading Change in Your School. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Robbins, P., and Alvy, H. (2004). The New Principal’s Fieldbook: Strategies for Success. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Schmoker, M. (2001). An ASCD Study Guide for The Results Fieldbook: Practical Strategies from Dramatically Improved Schools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
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