Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools

Page created by Laurie Sherman
Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools
Manassas Park City Schools
Returning Forward

                                      Learning Plan

     One Park Center Court, Suite A
       Manassas Park VA 20111
Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools
Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools

Plan Development Team .............................................................................................. 3
Plan Development Team (Cont.) .................................................................................. 4
Introduction................................................................................................................. 5
   Considerations and Equity ................................................................................................................. 5
   Learning Plan Requirements .............................................................................................................. 5
   Stakeholder Input ............................................................................................................................... 5
   Structure of Learning Plan .................................................................................................................. 5
Ensuring Equity ............................................................................................................ 7
   Students with Disabilities .................................................................................................................... 7
   Learning Supports for Students with Disabilities ................................................................................. 7
   English Learners ................................................................................................................................ 7
   Students with Limited Internet Access ................................................................................................ 8
   Technology Support ........................................................................................................................... 8
Reopening Calendar ..................................................................................................... 9
Opening Phase – Virtual Learning .............................................................................. 10
   Teaching and Learning..................................................................................................................... 10
   Grading ............................................................................................................................................ 11
   Transportation .................................................................................................................................. 11
   Student Attendance.......................................................................................................................... 11
   Expectations of Learning .................................................................................................................. 12
   Manassas Park High School Sample Schedule ................................................................................ 14
   Manassas Park Middle School Sample Schedule............................................................................. 15
   Manassas Park Elementary School Sample Schedule ..................................................................... 16
   Cougar Elementary School Sample Schedule .................................................................................. 19
   Special Populations .......................................................................................................................... 23
Hybrid Learning ......................................................................................................... 24
   Teaching and Learning..................................................................................................................... 24
   Grading ............................................................................................................................................ 24
   Transportation .................................................................................................................................. 24
   Student Attendance.......................................................................................................................... 25
   Revised Bell Schedule ..................................................................................................................... 25
   Expectations of Learning .................................................................................................................. 26
Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools

    Manassas Park High School Schedule .............................................................................................28
    Manassas Park Middle School Schedule ..........................................................................................30
    Manassas Park Elementary School Schedule...................................................................................32
    Cougar Elementary School Schedule ...............................................................................................35
    Special Populations ..........................................................................................................................39
Full Time In-Person Learning....................................................................................... 40
    Teaching and Learning .....................................................................................................................40
    Transportation ..................................................................................................................................40
    School Schedules .............................................................................................................................40
Professional Learning ................................................................................................. 41
    Introduction .......................................................................................................................................41
Communication .......................................................................................................... 43
Co/Extra-Curricular Activities ..................................................................................... 45
    Introduction .......................................................................................................................................45
Technology ................................................................................................................. 46
    Devices .............................................................................................................................................46
    Online Platforms ...............................................................................................................................46
    Device Support .................................................................................................................................46
    Internet Access .................................................................................................................................46
Resources ................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix .................................................................................................................... 49
    Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................................49
    Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................52
Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools

                          Plan Development Team
                                        Dr. C. Bruce McDade
                                           Mr. Eric Neff
                                      DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT
                                           Dr. Jeff Jackson
                                     ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT
                                           Pam Kalso
                             PRINCIPAL, MANASSAS PARK HIGH SCHOOL
                                         Dr. Matt Sieloff
                            PRINCIPAL, MANASSAS PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                        Stacey Mamon
                                           Ann Gwynn
                             PRINCIPAL, COUGAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
                                     Jennifer Braswell-Geller
                                            Krista Kelly
                                       DIRECTOR OF FINANCE
                                           Patricia Hurley
                                    DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION
                                           Paul Simpson
                                     DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                Manassas Park City Schools
Learning Plan 2020-2021 - Returning Forward Manassas Park City Schools

                   Plan Development Team (Cont.)
                                         Charmagne Everett
                               STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SPECIALIST
                                             Jon Mamon
                                       Jennifer Kiernan-Graham
                                  SUPERVISOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION
                                           Patricia Gilham
                                INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST
                                             Chris Konig
                                           Kayleigh McCann
                                         LITERACY SPECIALIST
                                            Kelly Patullo
                                      INTERVENTION SPECIALIST
                                           Nicole Sarich
                                          MATH SPECIALIST
                                             Desiree Tickle
                                         ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL

Manassas Park City Schools                                  Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

Considerations and Equity
The closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for all school divisions
throughout the commonwealth. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has supplied guidance for the
reopening of schools for the 2020-2021 school year. Manassas Park City Schools (MPCS) is a unique school
division and while there are many factors to be considered, it is our duty to ensure our plan addresses two key
    •   MPCS students will be provided a high-quality education regardless of the circumstance of their return
        to school.
    •   The Returning Forward Learning Plan will be designed to protect the health and safety of our students,
        staff, parents, and community.
In designing this plan, staff considered the challenges presented to many of our students. Many of our students
are English Learners, have special needs, or come from homes that have limited incomes. Some have limited
internet access, some now serve as primary care givers for younger siblings, and others may be required to find
work to help provide for their families.
In this plan we have leveraged our resources, many of which are made possible through our one-to-one digital
initiative, to provide quality learning opportunities to our students throughout of the academic year. Our plan
will ensure that our students remain connected to the schools and that they have an uninterrupted pathway to
continuing their education.

Learning Plan Requirements
The VDOE has identified four specific areas that must be addressed as divisions develop their learning plans.
Those areas are:
    •   Operational Infrastructure to Support Learning
    •   New Instruction for All Students
    •   Identification of Instructional Gaps and Student Needs
    •   Remote Learning

Stakeholder Input
In June of 2020, MPCS staff requested input from all staff and community stakeholders via surveys. The surveys
included questions related to the perceived effectiveness of spring instruction and provided the solicited input
on reopening plans. Data collected from the surveys were provided to the MPCS School Board and was
influential on the development of this plan.

Structure of Learning Plan
The program offered to students may vary depending on the severity of the spread of COVID-19 throughout the
year. As such, it would be prudent to design a return to school plan that addresses all four phases of reopening
as presented by the office of the Governor of Virginia. While our desire is to return to full time in-person
instruction, the conditions of the pandemic will determine when MPCS moves to each phase of instruction.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                               Manassas Park City Schools

On July 20, 2020, the Manassas Park City School Board elected to open schools though a Virtual instructional
model with limited face-to-face instruction provided to students receiving special education services as
determined by the students IEP and for certain English Learners based on division identified need.
The plan provides a general description of each of the three models that the school division may offer during the
2020-2021 school year. Each of the four required components referenced above will be addressed in the plan.
The plan describes each of the three possible phases of instruction illustrated in the graphic below:

                 Virtual                        Hybrid                       Full Time
                Model of                       Model of                      In-Person
                Learning                       Learning                       Learning

Manassas Park City Schools                                         Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

                                       Ensuring Equity
Students with Disabilities
MPCS will provide special education and related services to students with disabilities who are entitled to FAPE in
accordance with the student’s IEP (Individualized Education Program), and/or 504 plan. Additionally, after an
extended closure, divisions are responsible for reviewing how the closure impacted the delivery of special
education and related services to students eligible for special education services.

Special Education Services in the Opening Phase – Virtual
During the opening virtual phase, some students with disabilities will receive in-person services. IEP teams will
determine what services, accommodations, and/or modifications are required to provide FAPE in the blended
setting. When determining in-person hours, IEP teams will consider a student’s current IEP, teacher
information, and parent information and concerns. Likewise, school-based 504 teams will review all 504 plans
to determine if students require in-person services in order to access FAPE.
Families of students with disabilities may also choose 100% remote learning for their child at anytime. When
families make this choice, IEP or 504 teams will determine what services, accommodations, and/or modifications
are necessary in a virtual setting.
School administrators and special education chairs will work together to ensure that student schedules are
delivered no later than three business days prior to the opening of schools.
Alternative and Private Educational Placements: Students placed at private educational placements through
their IEP and funded through CSA will continue to receive instruction based upon the plan for continuous
learning instituted by the individual educational provider. The private education provider will continue to be
responsible for ensuring that all Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) are being followed and all paperwork (IEPs,
progress reports, and FAPT updates) is completed, as well as give direct consult to parents if requested.
Required staff from each private placement will also participate in any mandatory meetings (IEP, eligibility).
Manassas Park City Schools case manager will continue to monitor this.

Learning Supports for Students with Disabilities
Continuous learning will include a mix of activities completed online and off the computer. Some students will
need the support of a caregiver to complete the activities provided each week. When developing activities,
teachers are encouraged to keep in mind some of the following principles of universal design for learning that
will allow for greater access by all students.
Adaptable – Activities accommodate a wide range of individual preferences and abilities. Simple and Intuitive –
Activities are easy to understand.
Flexible – Activities provide multiple ways for students to demonstrate knowledge.
Questions regarding provision of available accommodations during school closure should be directed to the
student’s IEP or 504 case manager.

English Learners
English Learners (ELs) will receive access to the same high-quality grade-level instruction as all MPCS students.
ELs will participate in grade-level instruction and activities as well as engage in daily English Language
Development (ELD) activities to simultaneously develop English language proficiency, content understandings,
and Portrait of a Graduate attributes.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                Manassas Park City Schools

It is important for students to read, write, speak, and listen to English every day. ELD remote learning resources
incorporate a variety of reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities. School level ESOL teams and
classroom teachers intentionally scaffold content and amplify language and literacy that link to resources for
planning virtual learning for ELs. Staff will ensure access and culturally responsive learning that recognizes
students’ background knowledge, language, and experiences as assets.
ESOL staff will be available to provide support and will be reaching out to students and families. English
Learners and families will also receive support from school-based Parent Liaisons.

EL Services in the Opening Phase
During a virtual program, some English Learners will receive in person services based on need on days that
schools are designated open by the School Board. School administrators and ESOL staff members will work
together to develop individual plans for these students.
School administrators and ESOL staff members will work together to ensure that student schedules are
delivered no later than three business days prior to opening. Questions regarding EL services should be directed
to the school level ESOL teams.
Families can choose 100% remote learning for their student(s).

Students with Limited Internet Access
MPCS has secured digital hot spots that can be provided to our families who are unable to secure reliable
internet access. Please contact your child’s school for more information or by emailing it.support@mpark.net .

Technology Support
MPCS will continue to provide IT support for students and staff. If you need assistance, please submit a help
ticket by emailing it.support@mpark.net .

Manassas Park City Schools                                          Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

                              Reopening Calendar

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                             Manassas Park City Schools

                    Opening Phase – Virtual Learning
Teaching and Learning
On July 20, 2020, the Manassas Park City School Board determined that MPCS will open school under a virtual
model with in-person instruction provided to select students receiving special education and/or English
Language services based on need. Based on this decision, MPCS will begin the 2020-2021 school year using a
virtual model (online learning) for the majority of students. In-person instruction will be provided for students
with disabilities and English Learners (EL) based on need as determined by IEP or 504 teams and/or the EL
instructional team. Additionally, families of students identified for in-person instruction will be provided with
three options based on transportation and learning preferences in Phase 2: 1) MPCS bus transportation
preferences to school, 2) parent/guardian transportation to school, 3) virtual learning.
     •   Students in grades PK through 12 will participate in virtual learning.

     •   Certain students with disabilities will participate in limited in-person learning. The amount of time a
         student requires will be based on the nature and severity of the disability and determined by the
         student’s IEP team. Families of students with disabilities participating in in-person learning or virtual
         learning will receive a learning schedule via email and/or mail prior to the start of instruction.
         Additionally, in-person learning for students with disabilities is an IEP (Individualized Education Program)
         team decision with parent consent.

     •   Certain students receiving English Language services will participate in limited in-person learning. The
         amount of time this group of students will attend each week will be based on their level of English
         language development and language needs. Families of English Learners participating in in-person
         learning or virtual learning will receive a learning schedule via email and/or mail prior to the start of
Students participating in in-person learning will be provided transportation as outlined in MPCS policy and as
determined by the IEP team if applicable. Appropriate physical distancing requirements will be adhered to in
accordance with VDH or an approved health plan by the division superintendent and School Board.

Parents may choose to have their child continue with the Virtual Learning
model with the understanding that once they have selected this option,
they must continue until the end of the semester even if MPCS moves into
Hybrid or full in-person Learning.

Manassas Park City Schools                                            Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

In a virtual model of school return, schools are open. Students will be measured and assessed in a manner
consistent with a traditional instructional model. Specific guidelines for assignment of grades will be provided by
your child’s school and in your child’s teacher’s course syllabus.

Some students with disabilities and English Learners may receive in-person instruction during the virtual model.
Schedules for in person instruction and plans for student transportation will be provided by at least three
business days prior to the beginning of in-person instruction. Details of the transportation plan may be found in
the division return to school Health Plan.

Student Attendance
It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that their children participate in distance learning on a
regular basis. Parents/guardians have a duty to assist the school in enforcing compulsory school attendance, and
if necessary, to meet with the principal or his/her designee to ensure their student’s compliance with
compulsory school attendance law.
While students are participating in virtual learning, attendance will be tracked according to “meaningful
interactions” which are understood as two-way engagement with a student and staff that allows some level of
feedback or input from the student on successes and challenges. The methods of engagement that constitute a
meaningful interaction are defined in the chart below.
Students at the elementary level (K-5th) are expected to have a meaningful interaction with their teacher or
appropriate school staff on a daily basis.
Students at the secondary level (6th - 12th) are expected to have a meaningful interaction with their teachers
or appropriate school staff on a daily basis. Attendance for middle and high school students will be taken for
each enrolled course; teachers and appropriate staff may need to pool their meaningful interactions or
attendance checks so that a data point is available for each student on each school day.
Some data points that can be used to confirm attendance may include the following:
    •   Participation in a synchronous online lesson
    •   Evidence of engagement with peers for collaborative work
    •   Engagement on a discussion board
    •   Email exchange
    •   Communication with the instructor via phone call, real-time chat, or email exchange
    •   Submission of a daily task or assignment
    •   “View” tracker for asynchronous online lesson
    •   Login/Activity time on online learning programs


COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                  Manassas Park City Schools

Expectations of Learning
In a Virtual Learning model, MPCS administrators will:
     •   Be flexible.
     •   Provide virtual student schedules for teaching and learning which include the creation of division-wide
         instructional time allocations for each level (elementary, middle, and high).
     •   Issue guidance to school leadership teams regarding the revision and creation of master schedules that
         take into account division-wide instructional time allocations for virtual learning at each level.
     •   Differentiate Alternative Learning Plans for students with disabilities or students who are unable to
         access in-person instruction due to high-risk health factors.
     •   Will receive training in effective observation and assessment best practices for virtual instruction and
         will use that training to regularly observe lessons in order to provide feedback and necessary supports to
     •   Will “check in” to virtual classroom in Canvas LMS on a regular basis.
     •   Will provide quality feedback through informal collaboration and the evaluation process during in-
         person and virtual meetings.

In a Virtual Learning model, MPCS teachers will:
     •   Be flexible.
     •   Provide new instruction for their students through synchronous and asynchronous lessons using a
         virtual classroom created in the Canvas LMS.
     •   Conduct daily synchronous class meetings for each of their classes according to the assigned schedule.
     •   Maintain a frequent instructor presence in the digital learning environment to provide additional
         support and build community online.
     •   Provide regular assessment and feedback to students to include grading assignments for credit.
     •   Work with administrators and instructional specialists to identify students in need of additional supports
         through norm and criterion referenced measures and to develop intervention plans to address growth
         gaps for those students.
     •   Be available to parents to answer questions and troubleshoot problems.
     •   Motivate students to engage in learning activities.
     •   Be a support system for students and families.
     •   Provide supportive feedback to students.
     •   Consistently reach out to parents.
     •   Be a “tour guide” for students and parents while navigating the learning environment.
     •   Demonstrate lifelong learning.

Manassas Park City Schools                                           Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

In a Virtual Learning model, MPCS students will:
   •   Be flexible.
   •   Attend synchronous learning sessions and engage appropriately with their teacher and classmates in the
       virtual classroom(s) in Canvas LMS.
   •   Complete assignments in a timely manner to the best of their ability according to the due dates and
       deadlines established by their teacher.
   •   Seek assistance from their teacher when necessary.
   •   Create a space and dedicated time for learning
   •   Sign into the classrooms daily to keep connected to learning
   •   Engage with the classroom and use tools (like headphones) to focus on instructional videos, etc.
   •   Communicate with your teacher and examine feedback
   •   Collaborate with peers using respectful language and behaviors
   •   Use equipment as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy.

In a Virtual Learning model, MPCS parents will:
   •   Be flexible.
   •   Ensure their child to participates in virtual instruction and monitor their progress.
   •   Engage with their child’s teacher if they have questions about their child’s learning or find ways to assist
       their child in virtual learning.
   •   Establish and maintain open communication through electronic means such as email; checking and
       responding to messages from school personnel as needed.
   •   Build a schedule and support students in effectively managing their time.
   •   Reach out to the teacher or school if additional information and/or resources are needed.
   •   Ensure that their child has an appropriate work space to complete virtual school and reduce
   •   Get to know Canvas and other programs student use.
   •   Monitor their child’s emotional state and alert school counselors if support is needed.
   •   Stay in communication with the teacher.
   •   Help motivate students to engage in learning activities.
   •   Provide positive feedback to their children.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                Manassas Park City Schools

Manassas Park High School Schedule
The following is a model schedule for a typical student day during virtual instruction. The schedules are subject
to change.

                       Virtual Schedule Teacher Contract Hours - 8:00-3:30
 Remote Schedule           Monday               Tuesday      Wednesday       Thursday         Friday
                       Teacher Planning
                            and PL
      8:00-9:00          Professional          First Block    First Block    First Block    First Block
     9:00 – 9:30          and Digital          First Block    First Block    First Block    First Block
                    Course Content Creation   Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time
     9:50-10:50                               Second Block   Second Block   Second Block   Second Block

     10:50 -11:20                             Second Block   Second Block   Second Block   Second Block
                                              Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time
     11:40-12:40                              Third Block    Third Block    Third Block    Third Block

     12:40-1:10                                Third Block    Third Block    Third Block    Third Block
                                              Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time
      1:10-2:00                                  Lunch          Lunch           Lunch         Lunch

      2:00-3:00          Office Hours         Fourth Block   Fourth Block   Fourth Block   Fourth Block

      3:00-3:30                               Fourth Block   Fourth Block   Fourth Block   Fourth Block
                                              Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time    Cougar Time

The block hour of each period will be used for direct synchronous instruction and student collaboration.

The Cougar Time period associated with each block is not required for all students, but may be utilized the
following ways: lesson extension, SEL, academic support, additional breakout sessions, asterisk removal,
enrichment, SPED/ESOL support, etc.
The Cougar Time for a teacher’s planning block will be used for office hours.

Manassas Park City Schools                                           Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

Manassas Park Middle School Schedule
 The following is a model schedule for a typical student day during virtual instruction. The schedules are subject
to change.

                                Virtual Schedule Teacher Contract Hours - 8:00-3:30
  Remote         Monday                Tuesday            Wednesday            Thursday               Friday
             Teacher Planning         Blocks 1-4          Blocks 5-8          Blocks 1-4            Blocks 5-8
                  and PL

 8:00-8:30     Office Hours        Take Attendance /   Take Attendance /   Take Attendance /    Take Attendance /
                                      Office Hours        Office Hours        Office Hours         Office Hours
 8:30-9:45     Office Hours           First Block         Fifth Block         First Block           Fifth Block

  10:00-       Professional          Second Block         Sixth Block        Second Block          Sixth Block
  11:15        Development
                and Digital
  11:30-                          LUNCH/Movement       LUNCH/Movement      LUNCH/Movement       LUNCH/Movement
              Course Content
  12:30-                              Third Block       Seventh Block         Third Block         Seventh Block
 2:00-3:15                           Fourth Block        Fourth Block        Fourth Block          Fourth Block

 3:15-3:30                          Teacher Office      Teacher Office      Teacher Office        Teacher Office
                                        Hours               Hours               Hours                 Hours

The first 25 minutes of each block will be devoted to whole group synchronous learning. The remainder of the
block will include small Zone 1nd independent work that will be a blend of synchronous and asynchronous

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                 Manassas Park City Schools

Manassas Park Elementary School Schedule
The following are model schedules for a typical student day during virtual instruction. The schedules are subject
to change.

 MPES THIRD GRADE Distance Learning Schedule

 Time           Monday                 Tuesday         Wednesday            Thursday            Friday

 8:00-8:30      Students:              Teachers: Office Hours (attendance checks, emails, parent contact)
                8:30 Classroom         Students: Asynchronous Work Time (independent work time)
 8:30-9:15      Community Building     Teacher Directed/Assigned Literacy Instruction
                Synchronous            (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
                Activity; small
 9:15-10:15     group/independent      Small Group Literacy Instruction/Student Independent Work Time
                synchronous            (synchronous small groups working with teacher, asynchronous student
                learning support (as   assignments)
 10:15-10:45    needed);               Teacher Directed/Assigned Science and Social Studies
                Asynchronous           (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
 10:45-11:15                           Specials/STEM
                Teachers: planning,
 11:15-12:15    collaboration and      Lunch and Break
 12:15-1:00     professional           Teacher Directed/Assigned Math
                learning               (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)

 1:00-2:00                             Small Group Math Instruction/Student Independent Work Time
                                       (synchronous small groups working with teacher, asynchronous student
 2:00-2:30                             Specials/STEM
 2:30-3:00                             Student Support CARE Block
                                       (synchronous small groups working with teachers/support staff, asynchronous
                                       student assignments)
 3:00-3:30                             Teachers: Office Hours (attendance checks, emails, parent contact)
                                       Students: Asynchronous Work Time (independent work time)

Manassas Park City Schools                                          Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

MPES FOURTH GRADE Distance Learning Schedule
Time          Monday              Tuesday            Wednesday           Thursday             Friday
8:00-8:30     Students:           Teachers: Office Hours (attendance checks, emails, parent contact)
              8:30 Classroom      Students: Asynchronous Work Time (independent work time)
8:30-9:15                         Teacher Directed/Assigned Literacy Instruction
                                  (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
9:15-10:15    Activity; small     Small Group Literacy Instruction/Student Independent Work Time
              group/independent   (synchronous small groups working with teacher, asynchronous student
              synchronous         assignments)
              learning support
10:15-10:45                       Student Support CARE Block
              (as needed);
                                  (synchronous small groups working with teachers/support staff, asynchronous
                                  student assignments)
10:45-11:15   Teachers:           Teacher Directed/Assigned Science and Social Studies
              planning,           (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
              collaboration and
11:15-11:45                       Specials/STEM
11:45-12:45                       Lunch and Break

12:45-1:30                        Teacher Directed/Assigned Math
                                  (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
1:30-2:30                         Small Group Math Instruction/Student Independent Work Time
                                  (synchronous small groups working with teacher, asynchronous student
2:30-3:00                         Specials/STEM
3:00-3:30                         Teachers: Office Hours (attendance checks, emails, parent contact)
                                  Students: Asynchronous Work Time (independent work time)

    COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
    Rev. February 22, 2021                                                           Manassas Park City Schools

 MPES FIFTH GRADE Distance Learning Schedule
 Time    Monday              Tuesday             Wednesday           Thursday            Friday
 8:00-  Students:            Teachers: Office Hours (attendance checks, emails, parent contact)
 8:30   8:30 Classroom       Students: Asynchronous Work Time (independent work time)
 8:30-                       Teacher Directed/Assigned Literacy Instruction
 9:15                        (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
 9:15- Activity;             Small Group Literacy Instruction/Student Independent Work Time
 10:15 small                 (synchronous small groups working with teacher, asynchronous student
        group/independent    assignments)
 10:15- learning             Specials/STEM
 10:45 support (as           Synchronous/Asynchronous
 10:45- needed);              Teacher Directed/Assigned Science and Social Studies
 11:15 Asynchronous          (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
 11:15-                      Lunch and Break
 12:15 Teachers:
 12:15- planning,            Specials/STEM
 12:45 collaboration and     Synchronous/Asynchronous
 12:45-                       Student Support CARE Block
 1:15                        (synchronous small groups working with teachers/support staff, asynchronous
                             student assignments)
 1:15-                       Teacher Directed/Assigned Math
 2:00                        (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments, flipped lessons)
 2:00-                       Small Group Math Instruction/Student Independent Work Time
 3:00                        (synchronous small groups working with teacher, asynchronous student
 3:00-                       Teachers: Office Hours (attendance checks, emails, parent contact)
 3:30                        Students: Asynchronous Work Time (independent work time)

Manassas Park City Schools                                     Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

Cougar Elementary School Schedule
The following is a model schedule for a typical student day during virtual instruction. The schedules are subject
to change.

Students will receive live instruction for 90 minutes Kindergarten – Grade 2. This time will be a combination of
Language Arts, math, and Class Meetings. Students will participate in whole class and small group instruction.

Science and social studies content will be integrated into Literacy and STEM instruction.

Specials (Library, PE, Music, and Art) lessons will occur on a rotating basis. STEM instruction will occur daily.

 CES Kindergarten Distance Learning Schedule

 Time            Monday                    Tuesday          Wednesday        Thursday         Friday

 8:00-8:05       Students:                 Morning Announcements
                 8:30 Classroom
 8:05 – 8:30     Community Building        Teacher Directed Synchronous Class Meeting
                 Synchronous Activity;     (whole group synchronous lesson, varying topics including
                 small                     SEL)
 8:30 – 11:00    group/independent         Small Group Literacy Instruction/Student Independent Work
                 synchronous learning      Time
                 support (as needed);      (synchronous small groups working with teacher, Read Aloud,
                 Asynchronous              asynchronous student assignments in Exact Path)
 11:00 –         activities                Break and Lunch
 12:00           Teachers: planning,
                 collaboration and
 12:00 – 1:30    professional learning     Teacher Directed/Assigned Math
                                           (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments,
                                           flipped lessons)
 1:30 - 2:30                               Specials/STEM
 2:30 – 3:30                               Specials/STEM

Homeroom teacher office hours are available during the STEM block.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                  Manassas Park City Schools

 CES First Grade Distance Learning Schedule

 Time           Monday                  Tuesday        Wednesday      Thursday        Friday

 8:00-8:05      Students:               Morning Announcements
                8:30 Classroom
 8:05 – 8:30    Community Building      Teacher Directed Synchronous Class Meeting
                Synchronous Activity;   (whole group synchronous lesson, varying topics including
                small                   SEL)
 8:30 – 10:30   group/independent       Small Group Literacy Instruction/Student Independent Work
                synchronous learning    Time
                support (as needed);    (synchronous small groups working with teacher,
                Asynchronous            asynchronous student assignments in Exact Path)
 10:30 –        activities              Specials/STEM
 11:30          Teachers: planning,     Synchronous/Asynchronous
                collaboration and
 11:30 –        professional learning   Specials/STEM
 12:30                                  Synchronous/Asynchronous
 12:30 - 1:30                           Break and Lunch
 1:30 – 3:00                            Teacher Directed/Assigned Math
                                        (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments,
                                        flipped lessons)
 3:00 – 3:30                            Read Aloud

Homeroom Teacher office hours are available during the STEM block.

Manassas Park City Schools                                      Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

 Second Grade Distance Learning Schedule

 Time           Monday                  Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday        Friday

 8:00-8:05      Students:               Morning Announcements
                8:30 Classroom
 8:05 – 8:30    Community Building      Teacher Directed Synchronous Class Meeting
                Synchronous Activity;   (whole group synchronous lesson, varying topics including
                small                   SEL)
 8:30 – 9:30    group/independent       Specials/STEM
                synchronous learning    Synchronous/Asynchronous
 9:30 – 10:30   support (as needed);    Specials/STEM
                Asynchronous            Synchronous/Asynchronous
 10:30 – 1:00   Teachers: planning,     Small Group Literacy Instruction/Student Independent Work
                collaboration and       Time
                professional learning   (synchronous small groups working with teacher, Read Aloud,
                                        asynchronous student assignments in Exact Path)
 1:00 – 2:00                            Break and Lunch
 2:00 – 3:30                            Teacher Directed/Assigned Math
                                        (whole group synchronous lesson, asynchronous assignments,
                                        flipped lessons)

Homeroom teacher office hours are available during the STEM block.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                             Manassas Park City Schools

Cougar Elementary School Pre-Kindergarten
During virtual learning preschool teachers will be reaching out to families to set individual goals and
expectations for students and families. Opportunities will be included with both online and offline activities.
The preschool day is focused on building life skills that are the basis for lifelong learning. Preschool teachers will
provide plans to families to use as a guide for learning each week. Students can access the Morning Message
which is the plan for the day. The preschool day will include time spent in “centers at home” such as cooking,
recorded lessons and small group discussions focusing on social-emotional learning, and videos of teachers
reading stories, singing finger songs, and practicing colors. Teachers will be posting all videos to their canvas

As PreK services are provided across multiple platforms (Head Start, Virginia Preschool Initiative, Early Childhood
Special Education), a specific schedule is not available as of August 12, 2020. Individual program schedules will
be made available prior to the start of school.

Manassas Park City Schools                                            Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

Special Populations
Students with Disabilities (SPED and 504)
   •   During virtual instruction, Students with Disabilities will receive direct instruction from their classroom
       and course teachers through Canvas.

   •   IEP and 504 teams will determine goal related services to ensure that students have access to a Free and
       Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

English Learners
   •   During Virtual instruction, English Learners will receive direct instruction from their classroom and
       course teachers through Canvas.

   •   EL teams will identify students in highest need of EL services for each site considering factors such as
       WIDA level, potential interrupted instruction, or length of time receiving English Language services. If
       identified for services, families will be contacted with a schedule.

Students Receiving Gifted Services
   •   Extensions for students identified as gifted will be provided through the school-based gifted programs
       and through the virtual platform.

Achievement Gaps
   •   Teachers will work with administrators and instructional specialists to identify students who may have
       gaps in their learning in math and literacy and develop intervention plans.
           o Students with an identified achievement gap will be provided supports.
   •   Norm referenced measures for students in grades K-5 include STAR math and reading, PALS (K-3) and
       VKRP (Kindergarten). For grades 6-8, STAR math and reading will be available.
   •   Criterion referenced measures in math and reading for grades 2-12 will be administered to include the
       Power Assessment student growth assessment for the student’s previous grade level.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                 Manassas Park City Schools

                                       Hybrid Learning
Teaching and Learning
This section defines how MPCS will operate at any given time should the need exist whereby the school division
enters into a Hybrid Learning status. In a hybrid model, in-person instruction will be provided two days a week
for all students. Students with disabilities and English Learners (EL) may receive additional in-person instruction
based on need and as outlined on an individual’s IEP, 504, and/or LIEP plan.
     •   Students in Grade PK-12 will attend school on an alternating schedule Tuesday through Friday. Mondays
         will be reserved for staff planning and training. Additional in-person instruction for students with
         disabilities and certain English Learners may be provided based on student need. Division
         transportation will be provided for parents that elect to accept transportation. Students will be sorted
         into two groups by street address and will attend according to the schedule below:

             o   Zone 1 – Tuesday and Thursday (West of Manassas Drive)

             o   Zone 2 – Wednesday and Friday (East of Manassas Drive)

             o   Monday – Virtual Learning

             o   *See Transportation Map below*

     •   For the days when students are not in school, they will be provided with independent work to be
         completed at home. Small group virtual synchronous instruction may be scheduled.

Curriculum departments will provide training on blended instructional models and teacher-designed lesson
plans will be based on MPCS revised curricula.

Parents may choose to have their child continue with the virtual learning model with the understanding that
once they have selected this option, they must continue until the end of the semester even if MPCS moves into
full in-person instruction.

In a hybrid model of school return, schools are open. Students will be measured and assessed in a manner
consistent with a traditional instructional model. Specific guidelines for assignment of grades will be provided by
your child’s school and in your child’s teacher’s course syllabus.

MPCS will try to ensure that students living at the same address attend school according to the same schedule.
Due to physical distancing restrictions, buses will not be able to run at full capacity and only one student may sit
in each seat (students from the same household may sit in the same seat). The reduced capacity for bus runs will
require an adjustment to the start and end times of our school day. Some students with disabilities and English
Learners may receive additional in-person instruction during the hybrid model. Schedules for in-person
instruction and plans for student transportation will be provided at least three business days prior to the
beginning of in-person instruction. Details of the transportation plan may be found in the division return to
school Health Plan.

Manassas Park City Schools                                           Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

Student Attendance
Student attendance for in-person instruction will be measured by a student’s physical presence in the
classroom. Student attendance for virtual school days will be measured according to the description provided in
the Virtual Learning section.

Bell Schedule
As MPCS moves to a hybrid instructional model, school schedules will remain the same as in the virtual model.
be modified to accommodate individualized school bus runs for each of the four schools, 8:00am – 3:30pm daily.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                              Manassas Park City Schools

Expectations of Learning
In a Hybrid Learning model, MPCS administrators will:
     •   Be flexible.
     •   Provide virtual student schedules for teaching and learning which include the creation of division-wide
         instructional time allocations for each level (elementary, middle, and high).
     •   Issue guidance to school leadership teams regarding the revision and creation of master schedules that
         take into account division-wide instructional time allocations for virtual learning at each level.
     •   Differentiate Alternative Learning Plans for students with disabilities or students who are unable to
         access in-person instruction due to high-risk health factors.
     •   Will receive training in effective observation and assessment best practices for virtual instruction and
         will use that training to regularly observe lessons in order to provide feedback and necessary supports to
     •   Will “check in” to virtual classroom in Canvas LMS on a regular basis.
     •   Will provide quality feedback through informal collaboration and the evaluation process during in-
         person and virtual meetings.

In a Hybrid Learning model, MPCS teachers will:
     •   Be flexible.
     •   Provide new instruction for their students through synchronous and asynchronous lessons using a
         virtual classroom created in the Canvas LMS.
     •   Conduct daily synchronous class meetings for each of their classes according to the assigned schedule.
     •   Maintain a frequent instructor presence in the digital learning environment to provide additional
         support and build community online.
     •   Provide regular assessment and feedback to students to include grading assignments for credit.
     •   Work with administrators and instructional specialists to identify students in need of additional supports
         through norm and criterion referenced measures and to develop intervention plans to address growth
         gaps for those students.
     •   Be available to parents to answer questions and troubleshoot problems.
     •   Motivate students to engage in learning activities.
     •   Be a support system for students and families.
     •   Provide supportive feedback to students.
     •   Consistently reach out to parents.
     •   Be a “tour guide” for students and parents while navigating the learning environment.
     •   Demonstrate lifelong learning.

Manassas Park City Schools                                           Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

In a Hybrid Learning model, MPCS students will:
   •   Be flexible.
   •   Attend synchronous learning sessions and engage appropriately with their teacher and classmates in the
       virtual classroom(s) in Canvas LMS.
   •   Complete assignments in a timely manner to the best of their ability according to the due dates and
       deadlines established by their teacher.
   •   Seek assistance from their teacher when necessary.
   •   Create a space and dedicated time for learning
   •   Sign into the classrooms daily to keep connected to learning
   •   Engage with the classroom and use tools (like headphones) to focus on instructional videos, etc.
   •   Communicate with your teacher and examine feedback
   •   Collaborate with peers using respectful language and behaviors
   •   Use equipment as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy.

In a Hybrid Learning model, MPCS parents will:
   •   Be flexible.
   •   Ensure their child to participates in virtual instruction and monitor their progress.
   •   Engage with their child’s teacher if they have questions about their child’s learning or find ways to assist
       their child in virtual learning.
   •   Establish and maintain open communication through electronic means such as email; checking and
       responding to messages from school personnel as needed.
   •   Build a schedule and support students in effectively managing their time.
   •   Reach out to the teacher or school if additional information and/or resources are needed.
   •   Ensure that their child has an appropriate work space to complete virtual school and reduce
   •   Get to know Canvas and other programs student use.
   •   Monitor their child’s emotional state and alert school counselors if support is needed.
   •   Stay in communication with the teacher.
   •   Help motivate students to engage in learning activities.
   •   Provide positive feedback to their children.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                Manassas Park City Schools

Manassas Park High School Schedule
Students in Zone 1 will attend school on Tuesday and Thursday while students in Zone 2 will attend school on
Wednesday and Friday. The framework for time allotments for a secondary student schedule is depicted below.
Students will participate in Zoom online meetings with their teacher during virtual school days.

       Hybrid       Monday            Tuesday             Wednesday              Thursday                    Friday
      Schedule       Virtual           Zone 1              Zone 2                 Zone 1                     Zone 2
      7:25-8:59                      First Block          First Block            First Block            First Block
                                    Virtual login        Virtual login          Virtual login          Virtual login
                                        7:35                 7:35                   7:35                   7:35

                                    Cougar Time          Cougar Time           Cougar Time             Cougar Time
                                     8:29 – 8:59          8:29 – 8:59           8:29 – 8:59             8:29 – 8:59

     9:03 - 10:37                   Second Block         Second Block          Second Block           Second Block
                                    Virtual login        Virtual login          Virtual login          Virtual login
                                        9:15                 9:15                   9:15                   9:15

                                    Cougar Time          Cougar Time           Cougar Time            Cougar Time
                                    10:07 – 10:37        10:07 – 10:37         10:07 – 10:37          10:07 – 10:37

     10:41 -12:37                   Third Block/         Third Block/           Third Block/           Third Block/
                                  Lunch (see below)    Lunch (see below)     Lunch (see below)      Lunch (see below)
     12:41-2:15                     Fourth Block         Fourth Block          Fourth Block            Fourth Block
                                    Virtual login        Virtual login          Virtual login          Virtual login
                                        12:50                12:50                  12:50                  12:50

                                    Cougar Time          Cougar Time           Cougar Time             Cougar Time
                                     1:45 – 2:15          1:45 – 2:15           1:45 – 2:15             1:45 – 2:15

                                      1st Lunch           10:37 - 11:00
                                                           Class: 11:04-12:37
                                                           Virtual login @ 11:10, Cougar Time: 12:07-12:37

                                      2nd Lunch           11:07 - 11:30
                                                           Class: 10:41-11:07, 11:34-12:37
                                                           Virtual login @ 10:50, Cougar Time: 12:07-12:37

Manassas Park City Schools                                       Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

                                        3rd Lunch            11:37 – 12:00
                                                              Class: 10:41-11:37, 12:04-12:37
                                                              Virtual login @ 10:50, Cougar Time: 12:04-12:37

                                        4th Lunch            12:14 - 12:37
                                                              Class: 10:41-12:14
                                                              Virtual login @ 10:50, Cougar Time: 12:07-12:37

For students who are attending in school, they will be actively involved with the instruction occurring while
attending school. For students who are not in-building, students will be expected to complete independent
assignments as explained in class.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                Manassas Park City Schools

Manassas Park Middle School Schedule
Students in Zone 1 will attend school on Tuesday and Thursday while students in Zone 2 will attend school on
Wednesday and Friday. The framework for time allotments for a middle school student schedule is depicted
below. Students will participate in Zoom online meetings with their teacher during virtual school days.

      Hybrid             Monday                Tuesday         Wednesday         Thursday          Friday
     Schedule        Virtual Learning           Zone 1          Zone 2            Zone 1           Zone 2
     6th Grade
  7:15 – 7: 25                                Homeroom/        Homeroom/        Homeroom/        Homeroom/
                                               Breakfast        Breakfast        Breakfast        Breakfast
  7:25 – 8:12                               Announcements/   Announcements/   Announcements/   Announcements/
                                               Block 1A         Block 1A         Block 1A         Block 1A
  8:16 – 9:00         Professional             Block 1B         Block 1B         Block 1B         Block 1B
                    Development and
  9:04 – 9:48                                  Block 2A         Block 2A         Block 2A         Block 2A
                 Digital Content Creation
 9:52 – 10:36                                  Block 2B         Block 2B         Block 2B         Block 2B
 10:36 – 11:51                                 Block 3A/        Block 3A/        Block 3A/        Block 3A/
                                                 Lunch            Lunch            Lunch            Lunch
 11:55 – 12:38                                 Block 3B         Block 3B         Block 3B         Block 3B
 12:42 – 1:26                                  Block 4A         Block 4A         Block 4A         Block 4A
  1:30 – 2:15                                  Block 4B         Block 4B         Block 4B         Block 4B

      Hybrid             Monday                Tuesday         Wednesday         Thursday          Friday
     Schedule        Virtual Learning           Zone 1          Zone 2            Zone 1           Zone 2
     7th & 8th
  7:15 – 7: 25                                Homeroom/        Homeroom/        Homeroom/        Homeroom/
                                               Breakfast        Breakfast        Breakfast        Breakfast
  7:25 – 8:12                               Announcements/   Announcements/   Announcements/   Announcements/
                                               Block 1A         Block 1A         Block 1A         Block 1A
  8:16 – 9:00         Professional             Block 1B         Block 1B         Block 1B         Block 1B
                    Development and
  9:04 – 9:48                                  Block 2A         Block 2A         Block 2A         Block 2A
                 Digital Content Creation
 9:52 – 10:36                                  Block 2B         Block 2B         Block 2B         Block 2B
 10:40 – 12:38                               Block 3A, 3B/    Block 3A, 3B/    Block 3A, 3B/    Block 3A, 3B/
                                                Lunch            Lunch            Lunch            Lunch
 12:42 – 1:26                                  Block 4A         Block 4A         Block 4A         Block 4A
  1:30 – 2:15                                   Block B          Block B          Block B          Block B

Manassas Park City Schools                                          Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021

For students who are attending in school, they will be actively involved with the instruction occurring while
attending school. For students who are not in-building, students will be expected to complete independent
assignments as explained in class.

COVID-19 Continuous Learning Plan
Rev. February 22, 2021                                                                Manassas Park City Schools

Manassas Park Elementary School Schedule
Students in Zone 1 will attend school on Tuesday and Thursday while students in Zone 2 will attend school on
Wednesday and Friday. The framework for time allotments for an elementary student schedule is depicted
below. Students will participate in Zoom online meetings with their teacher during virtual school days.

 MPES THIRD GRADE Hybrid Schedule

 Time             Monday                   Tuesday            Wednesday          Thursday           Friday
                  All students virtual     Zone 1 In-Person   Zone 2 In-Person   Zone 1 In-Person   Zone 2 In-Person

 8:15 – 9:00      Students:                Arrival, Breakfast and Homeroom, Morning Meeting
                  8:30 Classroom
                  Community Building
 9:00-10:25       Synchronous Activity;    Literacy
 10:25-11:15                               Specials/STEM
                  synchronous learning
                  support (as needed);
 11:15 – 11:45    Asynchronous             Literacy

 11:45 – 11:50    Teachers:                Transition
                  collaboration and
 11:50 - 12:50    professional learning    Lunch and Recess

 12:50 - 1:00                              Transition

 1:00 - 2:00                               Math

 2:00 - 2:30                               CARE

 2:30 – 3:15                               Science/Social Studies

 3:15 – 3:30                               Wrap up/Dismissal

Manassas Park City Schools                                          Returning Forward: Learning Plan 2020-2021
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