New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE

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New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
New developments
                                     in rabies vaccines
                                                Noël TORDO

working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies!
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
Tools for prevention/therapy
Pasteur’s vaccine                          in 2011
rabid rabbit spinal cord   human vaccines (prevention + therapy)
-> dessiccated
                              nervous tissue (->encephalitis)
                                    Not recommended
                                • sheep brain (Semple)
                                • suckling by WHO
                                           mouse brain (Fuenzalida)
                              cell culture: safe + efficient (expensive ?)

                           animal vaccines (prevention)
                              nervous tissue (injection)
                              cell culture (injection)
                              attenuated/recombinant (oral, wildlife)

                           No efficient antiviral
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
WHO Recommendations: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
   Category I                     no treatment
    • touch, feed an animal
    • licks on intact skin
   Category II                    clean wound (soap)
    • minor scratches              vaccine (cell culture)
    • abrasions without blood
    • nibbling of uncovered skin
                                   clean wound (soap)
   Category III                   vaccine (cell culture)
    • transdermal bite(s)          HRIG (20IU/kg)
    • scratches
    • exposures to bats
                                   ERIG (40IU/kg)
    • licks on broken skin /mucous membranes
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
Rabies vaccines evolution: improved efficacy & safety
• WHO pre-qualified vaccines for IntraMuscular (IM) 1 dose = 2.5IU, 1-0.5 mL
• WHO recommended vaccines for IntraDermal (ID) 1 dose = 0.1 mL
Nerve Tissue     Semple        Sheep, Goat or Rabbit brain              Local Producers (LP)
                Fuenzalida     Suckling mouse brain                                LP

 Embryo-                       PDEV:                                           Vaxirab™
               Duck Embryo
nated Eggs                     Purified Duck Embryo vaccine               (Zydus
                                                                           (Zydus Cadila,  India)
                                                                                  Cadila, India)
                               Primary Hamster Kidney Cell                     LP China
               Animal Cells    PCEC:                                    Rabipur™
                                                                      Rabipur     ™ // RabAvert
                                                                                       RabAvert ™™
                               Purified Chicken Embryo Cell           (Novartis,
                                                                                   India / Germany)

               Human Diploïd   HDCV:                                Imovax
                                                                             Rabies, Sanofi  Pasteur
                                                                                     Sanofi Pasteur
                 Cell Line     Human Diploïd Cell Vaccine
Cell Culture                                                            Rabivax ™ (SII, India)
                                                                      Verorab ™,
                               PVRV: Purified Vero Cell Rabies
                               Vaccine                                 Abhayrab™ (HBI, India)
                Continuous                                            Other Chinese et Indian LP
                 Cell Line
                               CPRV: Chromato-         PVRV       Speeda™ (Liaoning
                               graphically Purified    serum       Chengda, China),            Butantan,
                               PVRV                    free       Rabirix™/Indirab™,            Brazil
                                                                 (Bharat Biotech, India)
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
WHO Schedules : Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
                  WHO position paper, Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2010;85:309-20

                                                                          5 visits
  IM                                                                      5 IM doses

Cat III: RIG J0       J3        J7        J14        J21         J28         J90   1y

 IM                                                                       3 visits
Zaghreb                                                                   4 IM doses

  ID                                                                      4 visits
Thai Red                                                                  4 ID doses
            J0        J3        J7        J14        J21         J28         J90
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
Improving Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
                       US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
                                                                                                   4 visits
 IM      Acip
               Cat III: RIG
                                                                                        X          4 IM doses

                                J0      J3         J7        J14           J21          J28       J90   1y
                                                  Rupprecht CE, et al. Vaccine 2009;27:7141-8

                                           • Reduce cost, limit shortage
                                           • Increase compliance for complete PEP
                                           • Decrease wastage of vaccine

     Thai Red                                      « One week » schedule
ID   Cross
        Cat III: RIG     J0       J3         J7        J14          J21         J28         J90   1y    3 visits
      Shantavasinkul P, Tantawichien T, Wilde H, et al. Clin Infec Dis 2010;50:56-60.                   12 ID doses
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
WHO Schedules : Pre-Exposure vaccination (PrEP)
• people at risk: veterinarians, farmers, laboratory workers…
• travellers/residents in dog rabies endemic countries


      D0     D       D7      D14       D21        D28            1 year
  upon exposure                                                5 years

                 WHO encourages studies for immunization programmes
                 of children/infants in dog rabies endemic countries
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
Animal vaccines (more brents)
Parenteral administration
   Target : domestic animals
   Inactivated (+ adjuvants), modified life (attenuated), recombinants
   Potency >1 IU / dose; annual boosters

Oral administration
   Target : stray / wild animals
   Administred as baits (oral immunization needs replicative antigen)
   Efficacy and safety (target & non-target species)
   Monitoring the impact of oral vaccination campaigns in the field
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
Animal vaccines for oral use
Modified life vaccines
   SAD lineage: ERA, SAD-Bern, SAD-B19, Vnukovo-32
     Residual pathogenicity for adult rodents, skunks
   SAG1-SAG2 : R333D mutant obtained by selection with MAb
     Residual pathogenicity for suckling mice

Recombinant vaccines
   Poxviruses : Vaccinia (VV), canarypox (ALVAC), MVA, Lumpy skin
      VV efficient in fox, coyote, dog, raccoon; non efficient for skunks
      ALVAC efficient for cats parenterally
   Adenovirus : CaV2, HuAd5
      CaV2 efficient parenterally in mouse, dog, cat, swine, sheep
      CaV2 efficient orally in mouse, dog, raccoon, skunk
   Herpes virus: pseudo-rabies : efficient orally in dogs
New developments in rabies vaccines - Noël TORDO - working together to stop the ongoing tragedy of rabies! - OIE
Diversity of the Lyssavirus genus
       Much more to expect

Current vaccines (genotype 1) protect against phylogroup 1
Human sera


                     0.5 IU/ml

                                                                             EBLV 1
                                                   EBLV 2
                                  0.5 IU/ml

                                 CVS                        CVS                       CVS
                                              Malerczyk et al., Vaccine, 2009, 27 : 5320-5

 Dogs, Cats
Lyssa G-protein

                                              Wright et al., J. Gen.Virol, 2008, 89: 2204-13
Current vaccine (genotype 1) do not protect against
phylogroup II lyssaviruses + West Caucasian Bat (WCBV)
   pGPV                      pGMok
                                                                      Virus challenge RFFIT
                                                                      RABV    LBV     MOKV WCBV

                                                              RABV    250
Options to enlarge the vaccine spectrum
               anti-rabies -> anti-lyssavirus

• Characterize « conserved » antigenic sites / epitopes
    requires more research

• Combine antigens / antigenic sites / epitopes on a same « carrier »

• Associate antigens / antigenic sites / epitopes in a same dose
    combined vaccine already exist :
       RABV + canine adenovirus / distemper / parvovirus
Increasing the vaccine spectrum:                    DNA vaccine
chimerical lyssavirus Glycoprotein G     i.m.


                             (Bahloul et al. 1998 Vaccine 16: 417-25)
pGPV                               pGMok


Bahloul et al. 1998 Vaccine 16: 417-25
Jallet et al. 1999, J. Virol 73: 225-33
Desmezières et al, 1999 JGV: 2343-51
Increasing the vaccine spectrum:
 Vaccinia virus expressing 2 lyssavirus G proteins
                 VNAbs       Challenge

RABV                                     VV recombinants
                                         expressing G genes
                                         from 2 ≠ lyssavirus
                                         protect mice against
                                         both homologous
MOKV                                     lyssavirus

                                         Weyer et al, Epidemiol.
                                         Infect. 2008, 136 : 670-8
Rabies virus as a vector:
Shuffling / duplicating / adding genes along the genome
                                      • HIV Gag inserted at the N/P junction
       HIV1Gag          IFNß
                                      • IFNß inserted at the G/L junction
                                            divalent vaccine RABV / HIV
                                            adjuvent effect / less pathogenic
                                                               Virology, 2008, 382: 226-38
                        RABVG RABVG
                                          • Two G proteins
                                               more immunogenic, larger spectrum
                                          • Deletion of the P protein
                 RABVG RABVG
                                               reoriented immune response
                                                            Vaccine, 2008, 26: 6405-14

                                         • RABV G replaced by HIV Gag
                                              single cycle RABV vector (more safe)
                                                             J. Virol, 2010, 84: 2820-31

                                        • Ebola GP inserted at the N/P junction
                                             divalent vaccine RABV / EBOLA
                                                          J. Virol, 2011, in press

          EBO GPG                       All papers from the M. Schnell ’ lab
Rabies virus as a vector:
Shuffling / duplicating / adding genes along the genome
                      Faber et al. Zoon Public Health, 2009, 56: 262-9
  • GAS constructs    Faber et al. PNAS, 2009, 106: 11300-5
                                                               • G double mutants : R333D + N194S
        N   P   M    GAS          L                            • Highly immunogenic by oral route
                                                                    • good candidate for PrEP + PEP
        N   P   M    GAS    GAS          L
2xGAS                                                          • Non pathogenic for:
        N   P   M    GAS    GAS                   L                 dog, skunk, raccoon, mongoose
        N   P   M    GAS    GAS       GAS          L           • 3xGAS non pathogenic by IC
3xGAS                                                               to immunocompromised mice
                                                                    to suckling mice
• Rupprecht’s constructs      Wu et al. Vaccine, 2010, 29: 4195-201
                                                                • G simple mutant : R333D
                                                                • Exchanging M  G positions
                                                                • IM injection then lethal challenge
                                                                      protects 100% mice / hamsters
                                                                • Co - infection with a lethal challenge
                                                                     better than inactivated vaccine
Conclusions and future challenges
Human vaccines
   Reduce the number of shots / visits (developing countries)
     using highly attenuated (3xGAS-adenovirus)
     priming children in regions at risk
   Homogeneize ID procedures (based on potency rather than volume)
 Increase vaccine spectrum RABV -> Lyssavirus (conserved epitopes,
 Animal vaccines                               combined antigens)

   Long lasting immunity in a single shot (cattle in the Amazonas)
   Shift on attenuated rabies vaccines (3 GAS ?)
      understand the basis of their immunity
         P is « controling » the INF induction / signalisation -> deletion is not neutral
         Gene transcription is regulated in cascade - > switching gene position is not neutral

   Combine rabies with other antigens -> targetting species
         Dog: rabies, distemper, parvovirus, leshmaniosis, … dog contraception…

  Adrian VOS, IDT - biologica
Michaël ATTLAN, Sanofi - Pasteur

            Unit Antiviral Strategies :
              C. Jallet, M. Chteoui
              G. Castel, H. Badrane, C. Balhoul
Multivalent vaccinology: chimerical G protein
                 carrying foreign epitopes/antigen

                                          NH2   COOH


Bahloul et al. 1998 Vaccine 16: 417-25
Jallet et al. 1999, J. Virol 73: 225-33
Desmezières et al, 1999 JGV: 2343-51
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