NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing

Page created by Willard Ramsey
NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
    LONG GULLY Community Newsletter of Hope & Encouragement

Celebrating Refugee Week
             a time for healing

                                      See story next page

             Edition 66 - June 27th 2022
NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Celebrating Refugee Week
  By Linto Thomas & Kerry Parry
On Saturday 18th of June, the Long Gully community came together for a Moving
Feast, celebrating Refugee Week at the Long Gully Community Garden. We esti-
mate over 200 people attended.
    Celebrating this year's Refugee week's theme of healing, members of the newly
arrived refugee communities joined with grassroots community organisations and
local community members to draw upon our shared hardship to heal wounds, learn
from each other, and move forward.
    The Moving Feast featured a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
by Djaara Elder Aunty Marilyne Nicholls, an Afghan BBQ feast prepared by Alfa
Kitchen Bendigo, Henna Painting, chess, and music and dance performances and
a community conversation, felicitating the elders from the refugee communities
in our region.
    It was a perfect sunshiny day for the event and there was a great deal of energy
and joy in the beautiful surroundings at the Long Gully Community Garden. We
are very grateful for the support of all those who attended and to those who con-
tributed “behind the scenes” to the success of the day.

Feedback from the event:
    "It was such a wonderful day! Beautiful people, food, lovely music, dance, and
the sun's blessing!" Community Member
    "We need more open community events like this. Feasts that move hearts create
opportunities for conversations and community connections" Community Member
    "It was a wonderful day…something I had not experienced before. It was so
interesting; thanks for the opportunity" Volunteer
    “Huge congratulations for another great event held at the community gardens
yesterday. Such strong collaborations and partnerships were evident during the
day and underpin these much needed community activities that bring people
together to share friendship and culture in a respectful environment of inclusion
and harmony. Everyone I spoke with were having a wonderful time, making new
friends, meeting old friends, connecting with nature. I ran out of time to have a
game of chess and enjoy some Henna treatment – next year!! Well done Kerry,
LGNC team and all partners.” Cr. Julie Sloan

            Contributions & Newsletter Publishing Schedule
                               The next Newsletter will be Issue 67 to be published on 11th July, 2022.
                                Please email your contributions by 30th June to:

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Meet an LGNC Volunteer                                                                Councillor News
     By Loris Harvey                                                                    By Cr Andrea Metcalf, Mayor City of Greater Bendigo

I was born in the Pyramid Hill Bush Nursing hospital and lived my first 19 years
in a small rural district called Yarrawalla, about 80 kms north of Bendigo.
    Born the 2nd and youngest child of a family of girls, I did all my schooling at
the East Loddon P-12 school near Dingee. We played sport for the local commu-
nity, tennis in summer and netball in the winter.                                     It has been a very cold start to winter. Covid is still with us and we are seeing an
    I saw a Facebook post and thought I would come along to the Chatty Café in        increase in flu cases so I hope that you are staying safe, warm and well. Council
September 2021. I bought a couple of my friends along and we were met with            has recently put out a media release reminding people about the Covid booster
such a warm and inclusive welcome that we have been attending almost every            and flu vaccines that are available. I know the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre
week since. I have become a volunteer in the office at the LGNC and I am enjoy-       was having a vaccination visiting service to make it easy for locals to access
ing learning more about the services that are being offered to the community.         their vaccines.
    I am working with Kerry at LGNC and Helen Yorston from the Volunteer                  I’m also conscious of the increasing energy prices and I remind you there is
Resource Centre to obtain some guest speakers for our Chatty Café. I have also        a $250 power saving bonus for all Victorian households from 1/7/2022. I’m sure
learnt some crochet skills while at chatty café and I made some lovely Christmas      the LGNC will be able to help you access this too.
coasters for family and friends. I have joined the card making group and had a            It’s really good to see the effect of the Council’s community grants when I’m out
couple of visits to the Community Garden. I was excited to pick some plums from       and about in the community. Council has an independent panel that assesses all
their fruit trees and make a small batch of jam.                                      of the grant applications and makes recommendations to Council on who should
    I have recently retired from working for nearly 40 years at the University        get them. This is then voted on at a Council meeting.
Library. I am married and have 2 adult sons and 1 grand fur baby. I am an Aunt            There are grants available for up to $3,000 in the community groups essen-
to 3 nephews and nieces and a great aunt to 7 children. We live in Central Ben-       tials grant and small grants that are open for community groups to apply for all
digo in a family home of which my boys are the 5th generation to live there. I        of the time. The Council also has an online tutorial on how to apply for the grant
love being outside in the garden, reading a good book, doing some craft, going        on the Council website. I mention this because on Saturday 4/6 I was at the Illu-
to the movies and cooking to share with family and friends.                           minate Festival at the Great Stupa and then the Bendigo Rowing Club’s 150 year
                                                                                      anniversary and at both of these events they acknowledged the support of the

Tax Help                                                                              City with grants that helped them put on the events.
                                                                                          Talking of events there are still many more planned across the municipal-
                                                                                      ity through until December. We do look to make events family friendly by being
     By Carol                                                                         either free or at a low cost. Elvis will be finishing up next month and that exhibi-
We will be commencing the LGNC Tax Help Program on Monday, 11th July. Please          tion is certainly bringing many visitors to our City and region. It does feel good
ring the Centre on 5442 1165 to make an appointment.                                  to see our City buzzing.
                                                                                          Please come and talk to us whenever Julie, Dave and I are out and about in the
What You Need To Bring With You For Your Appointment                                  community as we love hearing from you on all things Council.
1.  Your myGov username and your myGov password that you use to access
    your myGov account.
2. Your mobile phone to receive your myGov SMS security code when logging
    in to your myGov account
                                                                                      CWA Bendigo Northern Group
3. Your bank account details (BSB and account number)                                   By Bev Sutherland
4. Your tax file number (TFN)                                                         Bendigo Branch was inaugurated in 1928. Guest speaker Nancy Toohey talked
5. An original or amended notice of assessment from any one of the last               about 'ABC friends' at The Old Church On The Hill’s recent CWA Meeting.
    five years                                                                        The Craft Group had an afternoon putting knitted and crocheted blankets together
6. Income payment summaries from all Jobs you have held during the last               to be donated to the Lismore community.
    financial year                                                                    'Congratulations' to our neighbouring CWA Newbridge Branch member Colleen
7. Receipts for gifts, donations and any work-related expenses for the last           Condliffe who has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia.
    financial year                                                                        Branch Meetings are as follows - Axedale 3rd Monday night. 7pm Bendigo
8. Details of any child support payments made for the past financial year             1st Friday, 1pm, 150 Neale Street, Flora Hill Old Church On The Hill 3rd Friday,
9. Details of your spouse's (married or de-facto) taxable income or a reason-         12.30pm, Russell Street, Quarry Hill Dingee & District. 4th Thursday, 4pm at
    able estimate if you had a spouse at any time during the financial year           Dingee Library Golden Night 2nd Tuesday night, 7pm St. Joseph’s Meeting Room,
The Tax Help program is free and helps people earning $60,000 or less lodge           Russell Street, Quarry Hill Kangaroo Flat 3rd Thursday, 2.00pm, Uniting Church,
their tax return online.                                                              Church Street, Kangaroo Flat.
                                                                                          For more information CWAbendigonortherngroup on Facebook or contact Mar-
                                                                                      ilyn on 0404 334 855 for updates about Meetings and Functions.

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Community Garden News                                                                    Why is Our ABC Important?
  By Jonathan Ridnell                                                                      Rose Graham
                                                                                         The 30th June of this year will mark the ABC’s 90th birthday. The ABC has been
                                                                                         part of the fabric of Australian life. It has provided trustworthy science based infor-
                                                                                         mation, inspires and educates adults and children, supports Australian drama and
                                                                                         provides a platform for debate. It has been the ‘emergency’ broadcaster at times
                                                                                         of every natural disaster, playing a vital role in keeping people safe. The ABC has
                                                                                         been a lifeline of news and information from the outside world to many: in the bush,
                                                                                         towns and cities across Australia and up until 2017, broadcast to the Pacific region.
                                                                                             Firstly broadcast on radio then, in 1956, the ABC beamed into Australian
                                                                                         homes by a television service and now, recently, available via digital and social
                                                                                         media platforms. Today, the ABC is the home of Australian conversations, infor-
                                                                                         mation, culture and stories.
Things are pretty quiet at the garden at the moment. Neither our vegetables or               The ABC belongs to the people of Australia. It is the most trusted media brand
the weeds are growing very fast, so we're using some of the quiet time to move           in the country and is informing more than two-thirds of the population each week.
some garden beds, help the Weeroona students reinstall our restored outdoor                  For the past decade the ABC has come under serious threat. Despite prom-
furniture and do a general tidy up. Watch out for some kale and silver beet at           ises to the contrary, $800 million of the ABCs funding was cut in 2014 by the
the Pop Up Pantry, and we should have some potatoes available over the next              Liberal-Coalition Government. Over 1230 jobs have been lost since 2013 and, con-
couple of weeks too.                                                                     sequently, the quality and integrity of programming has been adversely affected by
    On July 14th, Lee Macdonald from Macdonalds Plants Plus Nursery will be join-        this loss of experience of hundreds of senior journalists, directors and producers.
ing us to demonstrate some pruning techniques. The free workshop starts at ten               Fewer programs are now produced and noticeably we see this by the number
o'clock, and please register via our Facebook Page, we think it's going to be popular.   of program repeats, and the lack of new programs. Despite all these attacks on
    The Long Gully Community Garden is lucky to have a diverse orchard of 26             the integrity of the ABC, 77% of Australians rely on the ABC for accurate infor-
fruit trees, as well as 7 olive trees and a pistachio tree, and with Lee's tips, we're   mation about current national and international affairs.
hoping to be able to prune for both a good fruit yield, and to minimise the impact           Through every natural disaster our ABC plays a vital role in getting and keep-
of pests and diseases.                                                                   ing us all out of harm’s way.
    We're in awe of our small band of olive preservers. Our long term brine olives           Secure and politically independent funding for the ABC is fundamental to our
are sitting quietly in the dark, but there's movement with both the olive sultanas       democracy. Importantly an ABC Board which is free from political appointments
(dripping their bitter juice into a bucket) and the fast brining. The fast olives are    and interference. It is unthinkable that in a democratic Australia we could ever
almost ready to be bottled in herbs - we're really looking forward to sharing the        lose ‘OUR ABC’.
fruits of our labour in a couple of weeks.

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Fun with Flick                                                                     Books with Bite
  By Flick                                                                           By Chrissy
Hello Everyone, Glad to be back! Apologies I have been away the last month –       Di Dempsey will be joining us to discuss
caught by the winter cold and flu. We are fast approaching mid year holidays.      her career and her latest book at our next
This means all children will be at home.                                           ‘Books with Bite’ session in July
     With Winter days come rain, which means lots                                     When Tuesday 12th July
of puddles to jump in, and lots of fun. Being out-                                   Where LGNC
side in all weather, including cold and a little bit                                   Time 11:30 with lunch provided
of rain, is good for us, and helps make us strong.                                 Bookings essential for catering, 5442 1165.
     When it gets too cold and rainy, being inside                                     Dianne Dempsey is an author, journalist
can be tricky and long… Some ideas to do inside                                    and book reviewer. A regular contributor
over the Winter Holidays that all ages will enjoy:                                 for over twenty years to The Age. Di has
     Build a Fort use blankets, tables, chairs,                                    written for the Sydney Morning Herald,
     cushions, material pieces, or you may even                                    The Australian, The Courier Mail, the
     have a large cardboard box to use. A great                                    Herald Sun, Kill Your Darlings and Austra-
     place to hide, read books, and pretend to be                                  lian Book Review.
     superheroes. Building a fort is planning and                                      Dianne’s first novel ‘Girls in our Town’
     problem-solving skills to work together as a                                  was launched at the 2014 Bendigo Writ-
     team. Being imaginative and creative is the focus.                            ers festival. Di lives in Bendigo, her latest
     Dance play different types of music, play a follow the leader style game      novel is ‘When he came Home’ which is about the impact of war on partners and
     to copy different dance moves. Dance freeze – when the music stops, you       children of Veterans.
     must stop. Dance memory – make a sequence of moves to copy. These                 Books with Bite is a book group for those of us who love to read. We don’t
     games are great for following instructions, memory recall and creativity.     have set books but respect that as individuals we have lots of differing tastes in
     Bowling make a bowling alley. Use empty plastic bottles, and a ball to roll   what we read/listen to/or watch. Not everyone wants to read a book, so perhaps
     to knock them over. If you don’t have bottles, use some can foods to hit      an article from a magazine/newspaper or listen to a podcast/Borrow Box or radio.
     with the ball.                                                                Something you have explored because it caught your interest. Whatever it is that
     Balloon Keep the balloon of the ground. Blow up a balloon and tap it          you find interesting and want to share with others in the group.
     with your hand or foot to keep it of the ground (This is great for hand/eye       We try to take turns to share whatever it is that has excited our interest but
     co-ordination).                                                               sometimes it’s about listening to others because we don’t all get the time to read
     Treasure Hunt Pick an object for example, a teddy, and ask everyone to        some months.
     leave the room, quickly hide it, and then everyone must try to find it.           Come along and enjoy hearing about one of Bendigo’s own writers who will
 I look forward to sharing ideas with you.                                         be discussing her fascinating career and her books at our next Books with Bite.

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Time to Explore Wakiti Creek Resort
  By Carol Rasmussen

The Resort is around 250 kms return from Bendigo by Mid-
land and Murray Valley Highways turn left at Currs Rd and
follow signage.
    What a great place we have just visited, Wakiti Creek
Resort, 60 acres of land within a bush setting on the banks
of the Wakiti Creek. Around ½ hour from Echuca and close
to Barmah, Tongala, Kyabram and Shepparton.
    A great place for the whole family along with your four-
legged friends be it dog, cat or horse, all are welcome. It
offers you a great choice in accommodation, powered and
unpowered grass sites and camping area, self-contained units,
cabins, some pet friendly with a fenced off area, and even
Indian style Teepees. (All reasonably priced).
    Whilst most cabins are two bedrooms there is a Retreat
offering accommodation for nine, with a pool table, spa, its
own fire pit and it’s also pet friendly in an area away from
the other cabins. There is also Margie’s Place, it has four bed-
rooms, with two bathrooms and sleeps ten, with a lovely
veranda at the front with views of the swimming pool and
play area along with a separate BBQ area at the side and
car space.
    Along with three amenities’ blocks and laundry there is a
great camp kitchen, games room, two playgrounds and swim-
ming pool/ splash park. You can also have a game of tennis,
archery, volley ball, basketball or go fishing or yabbying in
one of their dams, maybe even hire a canoe. There are heaps
of walking, bike riding and motor bike riding tracks. Then
after a busy day you can relax by your fire.
    The family that runs the resort are lovely, friendly and
very helpful. We loved the place and highly recommend it
if you are looking for a place close to Bendigo that is differ-
ent to all the others.
    Take a look at the Wakiti Creek Resort Website and see for
your self just how lovely the Resort is: https://www.wakiti-

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
More Councillor News                                                                     Chatty Café
  By Councillor Julie Sloan                                                                By Kerry
Hello everyone, I hope you are staying warm and enjoying cool Winter weather,
a great time for hearty soups and casseroles.
    I enjoyed a visit to Long Gully Community Garden to catch up with Kerry, Jon-
athon and keen volunteers who were busily harvesting the resident olive trees
for goodies to enjoy. An on-site tasting of preserved brined olives was a high-
light, thank you everyone!

I had the pleasure of attending Long Gully Community Garden’s Moving Feast               Chatty Café continues to be a popular social gathering on Tuesdays from 10am at
where I met community members celebrating Refugee Week and its theme ‘heal-              Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre. On 21st June we farewelled Ellen from RIAC
ing’. Community connection is important as it helps us to heal, to reach out, to         who has provided FAQ (Form Assist Quick) on a fortnightly basis as well as coor-
help each other. What a joyful community event of friendship, inclusion, respect         dinating two terms of Healthy Meal Makers classes. Some of the recipes used
and culture in the natural harmony of your own community garden, kudos to all            by the Healthy Meal Makers class will be featured in the Newsletter over the
involved. If you have not yet had the chance of visiting your community garden           next few weeks. Ellen will be missed! LGNC will be continuing to provide sup-
and receive a warm welcome from the friendly team (and maybe an olive to try!!),         port with completion of forms through one of our volunteers, Tanielle who will
I would heartily recommend it.                                                           be with us each Monday.
    At the upcoming June 27th Council Meeting the Draft Budget will be put for-              Guest speaker last Tuesday was Jonathan Ridnell, our Community Garden
ward for consideration of Council for adoption. Capital Works items include Long         Facilitator – we enjoyed Jonathan’s stories of his beginnings as a young child in
Gully Neighbourhood Centre kitchen design, Long Gully Trail pedestrian counter           the garden, studies in horticulture and now his role as Community Garden Facil-
installation, Long Gully Pre-School flooring and office, bus shelter and lighting        itator. He spoke of his excitement at the olive workshops held recently and a
renewal programs. Monthly Council meetings usually occur on the fourth Monday            pruning workshop coming up in July, with a Seedling Swap happening in September.
from 6pm, are open to the public, livestreamed on the City’s page, and broadcast             There are a number of great speakers lined up for Chatty Café in Term 3 & 4
on Phoenix FM                                                     – including Coffee with a Cop on 8th August.
    Have you seen the new Truscott Reserve sign and gate? The City’s renewal
project has revitalised Truscott Reserve entrance improving function and appear-
ance of the beautiful ornamental steel gates and sign – they look stunning in the
local landscape, what do you think? The Eaglehawk Winter Festival is coming up
on July 9 from 12.30pm to 7.30pm in Canterbury Park and local area https://bit.
ly/3zLbQqp Winter Festivals are a great time to rug up and reconnect with family,
friends and community - I hope to see you for a chat and enjoying festival activities.
    Please do not hesitate to contact your Whipstick Ward Councillors on matters
important to you, our contact details are below. Good luck in your Winter garden.
I wish everyone good health and happiness until next time, Go Well.

 Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf
 Ph 0499 009 096     Em
 Cr David Fagg
 Ph 0437 892 918     Em
 Cr Julie Sloan                                                                                                   Have you subscribed to the
 Ph 0437 862 975     Em                                                               New Beginnings Newsletter?

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Tried and True Recipes
Chickpea Patties                                                            Savory Mince
     By Ellen, RIAC                                                              By Ellen, RIAC

INGREDIENTS                                                                 INGREDIENTS
  1 tin  chickpeas                                                            500g   mince
  1      onion                                                                ½ pkt  frozen mixed Veggies
  1      potato                                                               2      tins of tomatoes
  1 tbsp plain flour                                                          2      onions
  I tbsp oil for the frying pan                                               30 mls oil
                                                                              500g   packet of small pasta

METHOD                                                                      METHOD
1.     Fill small pot with water and place on stove with lid on             1.     Cut onions into small pieces and place in pan with oil
2.     Turn stove one high and wait for water to bubble/boil                2.     Place pan on the stove top and turn on high
3.     Cut potato into small pieces and add to pot when bubbling/boiling    3.     Stir onions regularly until they are soft
4.     Cook until potato is soft enough to poke a sharp knife               4.     Place mince into the frying pan and stir to break up
5.     Place a colander into the sink and pour the pot into the colander    5.     Stir regularly until all the mince is brown and broken up
6.     Open tin of chickpeas and pour into a colander                       6.     Add in the tins of tomatoes and stir though
7.     Run cold water over the chickpeas until there are no bubbles         7.     Add frozen mixed Veggies, stir though regularly until it starts to boil
8.     Put chickpeas and potato into small pot or dish and mash together    8.     Turn stove top down to low and cook for 10 mins stirring regularly.
9.     Peel onion, cut into small pieces, add to mashed chickpeas & pota-   Pasta
       toes, mix in all together. Roll into burger sized balls              1. Use a large pot and ¾ fill with water
10. Add oil to frying pan, add burgers and fry them until they have         2.     Place pot on the stove with lid on, turn on high – wait for it to boil
    started to turn light brown on the bottom
                                                                            3.     Add the packet of pasta and stir so the pasta separates
11. Turn them over and do the other side
                                                                            4.     Once the water is boiling again - cook for about 5 mins or until soft
12. Serve with veggies or a salad, you could also use them as a burger
                                                                            5.     Remove from stove, pour into a colander to drain the water away
                                                                            6.     Place pasta into frying pan stir through then serve!

NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
The FRIENDS program will be running at Long Gully
      Neighbourhood Centre over three weeks in August.

  FRIENDS focuses on building resilience and coping skills.
  Take a positive approach to dealing with issues or stresses by learning
coping skills through the FRIENDS Adult Resilience Program. The fun and
 interactive program aims to give adults and young people aged 16+ the
   skills to cope effectively with many challenging situations that we all
   encounter throughout our lives. The program is evidence-based and
                endorsed by the World Health Organisation.

The sessions will focus on a variety of topics including positive thinking,
     building resilience, support teams, self confidence and more!

                            Program Details:
   Dates: Wednesday 3rd, 10th and 17th August (please attend at
                         least 2 of the sessions)
                            Time: 9am-12pm
    Location: Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre (52-54 Derwent
                     Drive, Long Gully, VIC, 3550)
                                Cost: Free
    Facilitators: Health Promotion staff from Bendigo Community
                             Health Services

    To register, please phone LGNC on 5442 1165 or email
NEW BEGINNINGS Celebrating Refugee Week - a time for healing
Word Find Games
       H   Y    E   D    B   V    B    S   E         R        F   G   T   M   H   E   N    X    G   W              Bingo
       F   R    T   I    O   S    B    B   L         G        M   H   N   N   O   M   Z    L    W   C              Checkers
       F   M    Y   T    T   D    A    C   B         C        M   C   H   W   D   R   W    N    A   X              Jenga
       E   L    E   A    U   X    V    A   B         U        K   V   I   Y   E   L   Z    Z    U   P              Memory
       V   W    R   Q    S   B    M    W   A         G        N   Z   C   D   U   X   V    V    M   A              Pong
       N   G    A   S    R   F    V    O   R         J        Z   O   D   T   L   N   R    T    J   C              Rummy
       H   R    B   R    I   D    G    E   C         V        A   B   K   Y   C   V   U    B    B   P              Tetris
       C   Q    Y   E    X   P    W    D   S         E        U   I   A   Y   D   T   M    O    J   K              Boggle
       V   S    P   K    S   I    R    T   E         T        W   N   P   Z   U   F   M    G    T   W              Chess
       B   Z    G   C    B   D    F    X   V         E        D   G   X   Q   J   E   Y    G    N   G              Lego
       J   E    G   E    J   L    A    Y   L         O        P   O   N   O   M   W   O    L    K   T              Monopoly
       E   A    Q   H    F   R    D    D   L         I        R   B   T   O   D   B   L    E    G   O              Puzzle
       M   Q    M   C    A   Z    L    B   N         P        Y   R   R   O   S   A   M    P    L   P              Scrabble
       P   L    O   V    N   T    G    B   O         N        O   Y   Y   I   N   X   W    D    T   A              Uno
       O   A    C   R    A   G    N    E   J         E        F   N   P   P   S   G   D    M    K   C              Bridge
       L   N    C   G    E   S    R    H   E         F        B   M   G   B   D   K   C    T    W   M              Cluedo
       F   P    J   V    Q   O    S    E   Y         S        A   F   K   Y   M   H   A    S    X   A
       C   S    E   C    P   R    S    J   W         R        Y   S   H   F   E   R   S    G    W   N
       V   Q    F   P    W   R    N    B   I         P        M   H   Y   S   M   N   S    S    E   A
       S   M    D   M    M   Y    F    O   Z         A        E   T   S   G   Q   Z   H    P    J   X

Trivia Quiz                                Ansew rsnextpage

1. How many dominoes will you find in a standard set                              6. How many numbers are there on a standard bingo card

2. Mario first appeared in which video game                                       7. What is the white ball in lawn bowls called

3. Alphabetically what is the first room on a Cluedo board                        8. Which chess piece could be a member of the church

4. Which Chinese game involves 144 tiles divided into six suits                   9. What colour is the history wedge in Trivial Pursuit

5. What colour is Sonic the Hedgehog                                              10. Black and Blue play Red and Yellow at what game

What’s On
              subject to change - Bookings essential
                                                                   The Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre (LGNC) is a non-profit
                                                                   organisation governed by a voluntary Committee of Governance
                                                                   comprising mostly of community members, and managed on a
          Please check what’s on by phoning 5442 1165              day to day basis by a Centre Coordinator.The Centre commenced
                                                                   operations in 1984. LGNC’s active engagement is modelled on the
                                                                   principles of community development through community partic-
                                                                   ipation, community ownership, empowerment, lifelong learning,

                                                                   inclusion, access and equity, social action, advocacy, network-
                                                                   ing and self-help.

           10 - 12 Cha                                             The Centre is situated at 52-54 Derwent Drive, Long Gully (in
                      ing Group
          10am Walk                                                Bendigo, Victoria). We are open Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm sub-
                                                                   ject to COVID-19 restrictions. We can be contacted by Phone:
                                                                   03-5442 1165 or Email: “Like” our Face-
                                        Friday                     book page to stay up-to-date

                                              s                    Disclaimer This publication is grateful for the contributions of community mem-
                                 Multic              on            bers and organisations for its content. While we are proud to support news for
                                          ultural                  the people by the people, responsibility for the content remains with the author
                                                        oup        to ensure accurate dates, time, prices and content. The New Beginnings editorial
                                                                   team reserves the right to edit content for spelling, grammar and article length.
                                                                   Items submitted for publication are published on this premise. This disclaimer
                                                                   informs readers that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in these arti-
                                                                   cles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or

                                                                   position of Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre.

                            hair Yo
                12:30-1pm C
                    1:15-2pm Yog

                              June                                                  Trivia Answers
27th		        New Beginnings Newsletter published
		            2-3pm Community Drum Circle
                                                                    1.        28
29th		        Rock Painting 10am-12 noon
                                                                    2.        Donkey Kong
30th		        New Beginnings Newsletter deadline
                                                                    3.        Ballroom
                                                                    4.        Mah Jong
                                                                    5.        Blue
                  4th-8th LGNC will be closed
                                                                    6.        15
11th		        New Beginnings Newsletter published
                                                                    7.        The Jack
12th 		       11.30am Books with Bite
                                                                    8.        Bishop
                                                                    9.        Yellow
    Open: Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm Friday 9:30-12
    Please phone 5442 1165 to book your place in any activities!    10.       Croquet

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