Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows

Page created by Milton Lynch
Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
July - December 2021

Nene and Welland District

High Street St Martin’s, Stamford

    Travel and Trips     Arts and Crafts   Talks   Social

     Coffee Morning         Dining Out     Walk    Games
Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
Oddfellows Brass Band - Saturday 2 October

Welcome to our new look
Out and About Diary and                        Contact Details
Newsletter                                     District Secretary: Karen Earth
                                               Telephone: 01778 342006
Six months ago we wrote our Winter             Email:
Newsletter. It included a cut out    
Christmas bauble to hang on your               Address:
Christmas trees and in some way                57 Church Street, Market Deeping,
share friendship together, thinking            Peterborough PE6 8AN.
of each other when we looked at
it. We had high hopes that with the            District Social organizer:
introduction of the jab we may soon            Andrew Spencer
be getting back together.                      Telephone: 07729 519122
We planned some face to face events  
for us to enjoy. Well, there went
another bright idea straight out of the       You will also see that we have cut
window. We did not manage anything            the amount of text describing each
but, there is more hope for the second        event to allow for space to keep our
half of 2021. So, we have decided once        ‘Newsletter’ format which is a lot
again, to think positive! However, over       more interesting and fun. Please
the last year we have produced two            do remember if you have a story,
Newsletters to keep in touch with you         a poem, a recipe or anything you
all. Both editions were well received         would like to share with your fellow
and we had some lovely feedback               members please do let one of us
about the content.                            have them for our next edition.

A large amount of the content of              Now to our events. First thing to do
both these Newsletters was written            was get a gang together to ensure our
by our members and we don’t want              Hall is once again up to the Standards
that to stop. So, you will see that we        of ‘Covid Safe’. We have cleaned and
have gone back to our old format              sanitised the Hall, evicted the spiders,
of an ‘Out and About’ Diary, listing          (who have had free run this past year)
our events for the next six months.           and got the whole place ready for

Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
small number groups to start using             the year. We have sent the Refuge the
the place. We are starting with small          cheque for which they were extremely
coffee mornings and tea and biscuit            grateful, as the past year has been
afternoons. This is so members can             very hard for them.
come along see each other once again
and check all the work we have done            Along with the donation we managed
to the Hall to ensure members safety.          to deliver four car loads of food and
It is essential that for every event           supplies to the gates of the Refuge.
you book your place with the host              In March John Sargeant was installed
advertised in the event information.           via Zoom as our new Chairman. John
                                               decided that he would continue our
You will also be asked to give your            support of the Refuge for his year
details for ‘Track & Trace’ information        of office. Now we know how well we
or scan the premises code in the               do with our efforts to raise funds for
entrance hall with your phone. Also,           the charities each year but with the
we will continue to ask attendees              Refuge they are also very grateful for
to wear a face mask in the building            donations of food and supplies. With
when moving about. Tables are set              this in mind you will find at our events
so no more than six people sit at a            this year there will be a box in which
table. We will be using disposable             you can donate food and supplies
cups and plates. Sadly we will not             such as, canned dog food, canned
bring in homemade cakes. At first, we          cat food, dried dog and cat food,
will only have wrapped biscuits (just          bird seed, nuts, towels, blankets and
like you used to get on British Rail)          duvets. Once we have a car load we
there will be some chocolate ones as           will deliver it. This all adds to the value
well. If everything goes to plan we will       of our efforts.
be moving on to some much larger
events later in the year. Our Annual           Over the past year many of you joined
Lunch which was cancelled last year            us on our weekly Zoom ‘Fun and
will this year be held jointly for our         Games’ afternoons. We are not sure
Chairman of 2020-2021 June Holt                how long we will continue these but,
and our Chairman of 2021-2022 John             we will let you know as time goes on.
Sargeant. Our guest speaker this year          For now though we intend to zoom
will be Mr Tony Luckett, Past Grand            as many of our events at the Hall for
Master of the Order of Oddfellows.             those members who are unable to
                                               be with us or are not quite ready to
Last year our Chairman June Holt               move about yet. So please, if you are
chose to support the Exotic Pet                unable to join us in person but would
Refuge at Deeping St James for her             like to see friends at the Hall, do join
year of office. Of course we were not          us. Just get in touch for the joining
able to raise funds as we have in the          information. If you are unsure about
past, but, with member’s donations             using Zoom then we can help you. Just
and donations from the Branch we               give Andrew 07729 519122 or Karen
managed to raise a total of £1,500 for         01778 342006 a call.

Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
July 2021

    06           Family Fortunes and Packed Lunch
         12 noon       Free

 As we are not providing any food other
 than biscuits at the hall at the moment,
 how about bringing your own packed
 lunch? We will supply the tea and coffee
 (sorry in disposable cups). Enjoy lunch
 with friends and have some fun playing
 Family Fortunes. Barry and Janice will be
 your hosts for the afternoon. Booking is essential.

 Due to our Covid Safe plan numbers are limited, so book early! Prizes for
 the top two scores! Book by Monday 5 July. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church
 Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact Barry on 01778 560059.

 MON                                             FRI

  12       Quiz and Packed Lunch
                                                 16          Surprise Bingo

       12 noon       Free                              2pm          £1 per book

If you are starting to move out and            Remember how it works? We play the
about now, how about joining friends           traditional game of bingo and when
in our Covid Safe hall? Come and join          you win, you get to pick a prize from
us, bring a packed lunch, we’ll supply         the table. The only thing is, all the
the tea and coffee. See the friends            prizes are wrapped up, so you have
you have not seen for so long. We              no idea what you have won. That’s
will have some fun with a quiz. It’ll be       Surprise Bingo. All this fun for only £1
another step on the road to normal.            per book, tea and coffee included. All
Booking is essential and places are            the proceeds go to the Chairman’s
limited, so get in touch soon. Book by         charity fund. Do remember you must
Sunday 11 July. Oddfellows Hall, 57            book to be there. Book by Thursday
Church Street, Market Deeping PE6              15 July. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church
8AN. Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.           Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN.
                                               Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.
Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
July 2021                                      August
 WED                                            SUN
           Fun and Games
 28        Haven of Happiness                    15      Sunday Lunch

     2pm            Free                              12.30pm       £13.95

Join us for a                                  Our first venture out together for lunch.
light hearted                                  Join us as we meet together and enjoy
afternoon in our                               Sunday lunch in this very well prepared
Pinchbeck setting.                             Covid Safe venue. Andy who is the
Come and enjoy                                 chef for our annual lunch offers a two
some games,                                    course carvery lunch with a choice of
quizzes and                                    three to four meats and an array of
some very good                                 potatoes and vegetable. To finish there
refreshments. All                              is a choice of delicious desserts. There
this with some                                 is a complimentary bowl of soup to
friendly chatter and laughs, face to           start for those who can manage three
face. It has been a long time since            courses. All this costs £13.95 per person.
we did this. Everyone is welcome to            Tables are a maximum of six people per
join us as members or visitors. Do             table, so why not invite your family and
remember you must book your place              friends? You can also enjoy a drink from
to join us. We are still following Covid       the fully licensed bar. Book with Andrew
safety rules. Book by Tuesday 27               and pay on the day. Book by Saturday
July. The Hub/Library, Knight Street,          7 August. Bourne Corn Exchange,
Pinchbeck, Spalding PE11 3RU. Contact          Abbey Road, Bourne PE10 9EF. Contact
Christine on 07714 096801.                     Andrew on 07729 519122.


    30        Fish and Chip Lunch with Quiz
          12 noon     As per menu

 For no other reason than we can again. Come and meet friends face to
 face, enjoy some very good local fish and chips, and have fun with a quiz.
 We are slowly moving back to normality (we hope). Everyone is welcome. If
 you have a friend who you think may enjoy getting out again, why not invite
 them along and share Oddfellowship. Order your choice of lunch when you
 book your place with Andrew. Book by Thursday 29 July. Oddfellows Hall, 57
 Church Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.

Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
August                                     September

  23      Pork Pie Making

      3pm           £12.50


                                             01      Friendship Lunch

                                                  12.30pm     As per menu

                                           Let’s kick off our Friendship Month
Back by popular demand our visit           celebrations with lunch together at
to Melton Mowbray. Come and                this lovely village pub in Langtoft. To
have a go at making your own               get your menu and to book your place
traditional Melton Mowbray pork            please contact Andrew. Remember
pie. Last time we did this it turned       Friendship Month is all about
out to be one of our most fun              celebrating friendship and being
events of the year. If you would           a member of Oddfellows. So, why
like to meet and have lunch first          not invite a friend to come with you
at the on-site garden centre and           and share the friendship you enjoy?
perhaps do a little retail therapy,        Book by Sunday 22 August. Waggon
we will meet at the garden centre          and Horses, 1 Peterborough Road,
around 1.30pm.                             Langtoft, Peterborough PE6 9LW.
                                           Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.
Places are limited so book early!
Don’t forget at the end of the
afternoon you get to take home
your pork pie to bake it fresh in
your own oven. There is also the
opportunity to buy other products
from the factories list of pies and
pastries. Please do remember,
don’t wear your best clothes.
Book by Saturday 14 August.
Brockleby’s Bakery, Asfordby
Hill, Melton Mowbray LE14 3QU.
Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.

Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows

 04          Welcome Back Party                 FRI

                                                            Visit to Exotic
                                                            Pet Refuge
       2.30pm        Free
                                                      2pm            £8
To celebrate friendship and once
again being able to meet together
face to face, the Trustees of Nene and
Welland of Oddfellows invite Branch
members and friends to join them for a
fun afternoon with buffet refreshments
at the Bourne Corn Exchange to say
‘Welcome Back’ to everyone. Do please
come and join us and celebrate our
new found freedom again. Book your            Third time lucky we hope! After
places with Andrew. Book by Saturday          cancelling due to lockdown
28 August. Bourne Corn Exchange,              we hope this time to visit our
Abbey Road, Bourne PE10 9EF. Contact          Chairman’s charity, the Exotic Pet
Andrew on 07729 519122.                       Refuge. This is the second year we
                                              have supported the refuge.
             The Life and Times of
 07          Peggy Spencer                    Do join us and see the work of the
                                              refuge and the amazing range
                                              of animals that they take care of.
       2pm           £4
                                              We will also have the opportunity
                                              to enjoy some refreshments in the
Remember the days of Come Dancing
                                              cafeteria at an extra cost after
on the television? Remember the
                                              the tour. It has been a very hard
formation dance teams lead by the
                                              year for the refuge, so if you could
famous Peggy Spencer? Well come
                                              manage a small donation of food,
and hear the story of her work and life
                                              or bedding for the refuge, please
including some of the behind scenes
                                              do bring it along. There is a list of
stories as told by a family member of
                                              requirements in the Chairman’s
Peggy’s, Sue Jakeman. This promises
                                              charity report.
to be an informative and funny
insight into the life of Peggy and her        Book your place with Andrew by
achievements in the world of ballroom         Friday 3 September. Exotic Pet
dancing. You must book your seat with         Refuge, 102 Station Road, Deeping
Andrew. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church            St James, Peterborough PE6 8RH.
Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN.               Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.
Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.
Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
    SUN                                         SUN
            Annual Church
    12      Service                              19      Sunday Lunch

         6pm          Free                            12.30pm      £13.95

 For the first time in over a
 year we invite you to join us as
 we celebrate the work of the
 Oddfellows both nationally and
 locally. Also, to give thanks for
 the work of the Officers of the
 Society, especially those here
 in our Branch. After the service
 enjoy some friendship time with
                                               Once again we are meeting
 lovely refreshments in the church
                                               together for lunch. Join us as we
 lounge. Just let Andrew know you
 will be joining us. Book by Sunday            meet together and enjoy Sunday
 5 September. Deeping Methodist                lunch in this very well prepared
 Church, 64 Church Street,                     Covid Safe venue.
 Deeping St James PE6 8HD.
 Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.               Andy, who is the chef for our
                                               annual lunch offers a two course
                                               carvery lunch with a choice of

  14      Cold Pudding Club                    three or four meats and an array
                                               of potatoes and vegetable. To
                                               finish there is a choice of delicious
                    Bring a pud £1             desserts. There is a complimentary
                    Just to enjoy £2
                                               bowl of soup to start for those who
Finally our famous Cold Pudding Club           can manage three courses. All this
returns! So, get those aprons on and get       costs £13.95 per person. Tables
the recipes out and get baking, to once        are a maximum of six people per
again share all those wonderful tastes         table, so why not invite your family
with friends. If eating great pudding          and friends? You can also enjoy a
is your thing then you are welcome to          drink from the fully licensed bar.
come along and just enjoy the labours
of others. Whether you are baking              Book with Andrew and pay on the
or tasting you must book your place            day. Book by Friday 10 September.
with David first. Book by Monday 13            Bourne Corn Exchange, Abbey
September. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church          Road, Bourne PE10 9EF. Contact
Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN.
                                               Andrew on 07729 519122.
Contact David on 01778 347876.
Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows
                                           29      Afternoon Tea
  21      Half Yearly Meeting
                                               2.30pm          £10
       10.30am     Free
                                         Well what a packed Friendship Month
                                         we have had. Join us to round the
Our Half Yearly Meeting will             month off with afternoon tea in the
be our first committee meeting           restaurant at this wonderful garden
to be held in the hall for over a        centre. Tea will be served at 2.30pm.
year. This meeting is open to all        If you would like a wander round the
members to attend. If you wish to        centre first, please do just join us in the
attend this meeting please check         restaurant for tea. Bring along your
with Karen as to the venue, just         friends and family and let’s celebrate
in case we are forced to change          friendship and being back together
our plans.                               again with as many as possible. If
                                         you have never had afternoon tea at
Book by Monday 20 September.
                                         Waterside you are missing a real treat.
Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street,
                                         Book by Wednesday 22 September.
Market Deeping PE6 8AN.
                                         Waterside Garden Centre, King Street,
Contact Karen on 01778 342006.           Baston, Peterborough PE6 9NY.
                                         Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.


 27       Visit to Burtey Fen Collection

      1.30pm       £10

Come and enjoy the sounds of two mighty cinema organs, the Wurlitzer
and the Compton, in this purpose built music hall, decorated in the style of
a 1930s theatre. You will hear the music that includes show songs, marches,
light classics and favourite sing-along tunes. There is also a vast display
of music hall memorabilia to see, displayed in the hall. There will be tea
and biscuits at the interval. We meet in the car park at the theatre from
1.30pm with the show starting at 2pm. To book your seat and for directions
to the theatre contact Andrew. Book by Friday 17 September. Burtey Fen
Collection, 3 Burtey Fen Lane, Pinchbeck, Spalding PE11 3SR. Contact
Andrew on 07729 519122.

Nene and Welland District - July - December 2021 - High Street St Martin's, Stamford - Oddfellows

    02       Oddfellows Brass Band
          7.30pm       £7.50

  Come and enjoy the sounds of
  the Oddfellows Brass Band in
  the wonderful setting of St John’s
  Church, Spalding. The band
  will play a wide range of music
  from classical to show stoppers.
  Refreshments are included in the
  ticket price. All the profits from the
  evening will go to our charity. So
  show your supports for local charities. St John’s Parish Church, Hawthorn
  Bank, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 1JQ. Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.

 WED                                             WED

 06        Friendship Lunch
                                                  13         Craft Club

                    As per                                          Members £2,
      12.30pm                                          2pm
                    menu                                            Guests £4

Once again we                                   Here our Crafty Crafters return to
are meeting at this                             the hall. Janice will once again lead
delightful village                              you in making some wonderful items,
pub to enjoy lunch                              especially as Christmas approaches.
together. To get your                           This month will be a Welcome Wreath.
menu and book your                              Having said all that, Craft Club also
place please contact                            is the place to be if you enjoy having
Andrew. We welcome                              lots of fun and laughter. No matter
visitors to join us, so please do invite        what your skill level at craft, Janice
you friends and family along too and            will make you so very welcome and
show them how much fun we have                  guide you every step of the way to
just sharing time together. Book by             producing something wonderful. Book
Wednesday 29 September. Waggon                  by Monday 11 October. Oddfellows
and Horses, 1 Peterborough Road,                Hall, 57 Church Street, Market
Langtoft, Peterborough PE6 9LW.                 Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact Janice on
Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.                 01778 560059.

    17      Annual District Lunch
         12.30pm      £22

 Join us for this unique celebration.
 We are having a combined lunch
 for this year’s Chairman (John
 Sargeant) and last year’s Chairman
 (June Holt). The pandemic
 prevented a lunch for June, so in
 true friendship, John and June are
 sharing the day together.

 You are invited to bring family
 and friends to enjoy this wonderful afternoon of good food and excellent
 friendship. Our guest speaker this year will be Tony Luckett (Past Chairman
 of the Order of Oddfellows). Book by Saturday 2 October. Bourne Corn
 Exchange, Abbey Road, Bourne PE10 9EF. Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.

 WED                                              FRI
          Friendship Lunch
 20       Haven of Happiness                     22           Surprise Bingo

                    As per
     12.30pm                                            2pm          £1 per book

We have changed our venue for our               Once again join us
Friendship lunch on this side of the            for a fun afternoon
District. Sadly, our last venue is going        with our Surprise
to be turned into flats. Never mind, we         Bingo. 10 games all
are meeting at this lovely village pub,         for only £1 per book.
which serves all the traditional pub            So, get the dobbers
grub we are used to. So, come and               ready ladies and gents and its eyes
join us for a get together, enjoy good          down. Remember everything we raise
food and good company with friends.             from our bingo goes directly to the
Book by Wednesday 13 October.                   Chairman’s charity. Book by Thursday
The Crown Inn, 6 Gosberton Road,                21 October. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church
Surfleet, Spalding PE11 4AB. Contact            Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN.
Christine on 07714 096801.                      Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.
October                                           November
 WED        District Officers Visit                TUES

 27         and Tea
            Haven of Happiness                     09       Cold Pudding Club

      2pm            Free                               6.30pm

Come and enjoy home-made cakes
                                                        Bring a pud £1, Just to enjoy £2
and scones, along with a great cup
of tea. We invite everyone to come
                                                  Once again David invites you to
along and enjoy a great afternoon
                                                  Cold Pudding Club. Just in time for
out amongst friends. Visitors are most
                                                  Christmas to share a lovely dessert
welcome to come along and find
                                                  idea. So come on bring your puddings
out more about what it is to join the
                                                  along for all to share. If tasting the
Oddfellows. So, members please do
                                                  puddings is what you are best at, then
extend an invitation to your friends so
                                                  please do come and enjoy yourself. It
we can show them more about our
                                                  is a very tasty evening all round. Book
Society. Book by Tuesday 26 October.
                                                  by Monday 8 November. Oddfellows
The Hub/Library, Knight Street,
                                                  Hall, 57 Church Street, Market
Pinchbeck, Spalding PE11 3RU. Contact
                                                  Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact David on
Andrew on 07729 519122 or Christine
                                                  01778 347876.
on 07714 096801.


   06        Table Top Sale
         10am          Large table £5, Small table £3

 If you are clearing your cupboards out or getting rid
 of those unwanted items from your garage, why not
 turn them into cash? Remember one man’s rubbish
 is another man’s treasure. Or if you are a crafter
 and have items to sell, book one of our tables. We
 have small or large tables available from 10am to 12
 noon. Make some extra cash in time for Christmas.
 Book by Saturday 30 October. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street, Market
 Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact Barry on 01778 560059.


  10         Craft Club

                      Members £2
                      Guests £4

Time to get ready for Christmas. This month Janice will guide you through
making a personalised card along with a Noel Christmas card. A busy but fun
afternoon. A chance to learn something new to impress your friends and family
with. Don’t worry if you are only a beginner at crafting, Janice will guide you
every step of the way. Don’t be afraid come and have fun. Book by Tuesday
9 November. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street, Market Deeping PE6 8AN.
Contact Janice on 01778 560059.


       14      Act of Remembrance
            10.30am       Free

 You are invited to join with members
 at either Pinchbeck Memorial
 or Peterborough Cathedral as
 we join with others in our act of
 Remembrance. At both services our
 representatives will lay a wreath on
 behalf of the Oddfellows Society.
 For more information or to arrange
 to join a service contact either of
 our members representing us at
 these services.

 Peterborough Cathedral, Cathedral
 Square, Peterborough PE1 1XZ.
 Contact Lucy on 01733 203558.
 St Mary’s Church, Pinchbeck,
 Spalding PE11 3RU.
 Contact Christine on 07714 096801.

             Friendship Lunch
  17         Haven of Happiness

                                                            Quiz Night and
                    As per
                                                         7.30pm      £3
Once again, we are meeting for lunch
together at this lovely village roadside         Jenny and Pete are
inn. For no other reason than enjoying           hosting our quiz
good food, great company and lots                night this year for
of friendship. Everyone is welcome               the first time. So,
to join us, so if you know someone               come and see how
who you think would benefit from                 they intend to test
joining with us for an afternoon out,            our little grey cells,
then please do encourage them to                 not too painful please! A buffet
come along. Book by Wednesday                    supper will be served about
10 November. The Crown Inn, 6                    half way through the evening.
Gosberton Road, Surfleet, Spalding               Everyone is welcome so, bring
PE11 4AB. Contact Christine on                   family and friends too. Places
07714 096801.                                    are limited for this popular event,
                                                 so book early. Book by Friday 19
                                                 November. Oddfellows Hall, 57
             Sunday Lunch                        Church Street, Market Deeping
  21         City Branch                         PE6 8AN. Contact Chris on
                                                 01780 755705.
                    As per
                                                           Surprise Bingo
Once again we are meeting at this
Olde English Coaching Inn, to enjoy              30
a carvery Sunday lunch. It really
is a great way to spend a Sunday                     2pm           £1 per book
afternoon, with good food and even
better friends. Bring your family and           As Christmas approaches, come
friends, we love new people to join us          and have fun playing our Christmas
and try out our friendly Society. If you        edition of Surprise Bingo with every
are on your own don’t worry you won’t           prize a Christmas present, for you or
be for long with us. Book by Friday 12          for someone else. We will also have
November. Falcon Hotel, London Street,          lots of homemade mince pies to share
Whittlesey, Peterborough PE7 1BH.               too. Book by Monday 29 November.
Contact Lucy on 01733 203558.                   Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street,
                                                Market Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact
                                                Andrew on 07729 519122.
 WED                                           WED

  01      Coffee and Mince Pies
                                               08        Craft Club

                                                                  Members £2
       10.30am     Free                            2pm
                                                                  Guests £4

Come and start the                            Our final Craft Club of the year. Janice
festive season off                            will show you how to make a lovely
well. Take a stroll                           Christmas gift box. You can put that
round the wonderful                           special present for that special person
displays of Christmas                         in it and show them how clever you
gifts and decorations                         are. You could go home and make
in the garden centre.                         more boxes for all your presents and
Then join us in the restaurant for a          impress all your friends and family.
complimentary coffee and mince pie,           The one thing for certain is you will
along with plenty of friendly chatter.        have lots of fun and laughs as you
Don’t be afraid to come and join us if        learn to make your first gift box.
you are on your own. We guarantee             Book by Wednesday 1 December.
you won’t be for long, we love                Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street,
having new friends to join us. Book           Market Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact
by Friday 26 November. Waterside              Janice on 01778 560059.
Garden Centre, King Street, Baston,
Peterborough PE6 9NY. Contact Karen
on 01778 342006.


   05        Carol Service
         6pm         Free

 Our next step on festive season’s road is to
 join together at the hall and enjoy our carol
 service. Come and sing your favourite carols
 and hear the Christmas story in readings
 from the Bible. Then, after all that singing
 enjoy some light refreshments and friendly
 chatter before heading off home again.
 Book by Saturday 4 December. Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street, Market
 Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact Andrew on 07729 519122.

   WED                                      TUES
            Friendship Lunch
                                                        Surprise Bingo
    15      Haven of Happiness               21
                     As per
         12.30pm                                  2pm          £1 per book

  Our Christmas friendship lunch will      Our last get together in the hall, so
  be our last get together meal of 2021,   come and have a fun afternoon
  so please do come and join us as we      playing the great game whilst
  wish each other Merry Christmas and      boosting the Chairman’s charity fund.
  enjoy a lovely lunch together and        Try and win our last surprise prizes
  look forward to meeting up again in      of the year. You never know what’s in
  the New Year. Book by Wednesday          them. Enjoy some refreshments before
  8 December. The Crown Inn, 6             we all head off for the festive season.
  Gosberton Road, Surfleet, Spalding       Book by Monday 20 December.
  PE11 4AB. Contact Christine on           Oddfellows Hall, 57 Church Street,
  07714 096801.                            Market Deeping PE6 8AN. Contact
                                           Andrew on 07729 519122.

Learn, have fun, and
stay in touch from home
We’ve online events for all
to enjoy. Give one a try.

To see what’s coming up visit
and enter ‘online’ in the place
                                 name search box  OE/0521A6
A Warm Welcome from your
Provincial Grand Master
(District Chairman)
I hope this finds you and your families           as I know from personal experience, but
safe and well. I would like to welcome            always remember the Oddfellows are here
you to our Summer News Letter and                 to help you if we can, give us a ring if you
Events Diary. As restrictions continue            need us. As we now hope for continued
to ease, our Social Co-ordinator and              lifting of restrictions along with better
the Social Committee have been busy               weather so we can get out in the fresh
arranging some events to coax you                 air and enjoy each other’s company, we
out of you homes and come along for               should remember our blessings and the
some friendly chatter and fun. We have
                                                  things we can be grateful for including
taken baby steps for a start and kept
                                                  being an Oddfellow.
the larger events for later in the year
so that you are all able to feel more
comfortable about mixing and get                  I am honoured and delighted to have
used to coming out again after so long.           been elected as your District Chairman, a
We appreciate that some of you will               position I never thought I would be doing
not want to venture out initially but it          again, and would like to thank you for
is planned that where possible you will           your support. I hope during the course of
be able to join the events via zoom and           my year that I will be able to meet as many
be part of it from your own home, so              of you as possible at events across the
please don’t feel left out and/or lonely.         District, so please come along and join us
                                                  whenever you can.
The past eighteen months have been
difficult for us all but more so for some         Please look after yourselves, take care and
than others, so I hope the friendships you        stay safe until we meet again.
have built through Oddfellowship have
helped to sustain you and keep you going          Yours in friendship
through it all. For some of us the changes
we have encountered are life changing,            John Sargeant

  Forthcoming Events
  Look out for our events for the New Year: Second Wednesday of the
  month will be Craft Club 12 January, making Notelets from napkins. Third
  Wednesday of the month Friendship Lunch at the Crown Hotel. Happy
  New Year.

A Napkin Flower
Once again Janice has come up with another craft idea to keep you busy and
use up some of those napkins floating around the cupboards.

                           Cut a
                           in to
                           quarters                                Round of
                           along the                               the corners
                           fold lines                              at each end

 the four
 on top
 of each

                                             Starting on one side of the fan
                                             separate the two layers of each
                                             piece of napkin and gently pull
                                             apart towards the centre. Repeat
                                             this on the other side.
 Keeping the four pieces together,
 Concertina them in to a fan

 Crease the fan well then tie a piece        Arrange the layers to form
 of thread tightly around the middle         the flower.

The Lockdown
                                          by Karen Earth
                                          Following our
                                          family’s close call
                                          with a contact who
                                          tested positive for
                                          Covid-19, we were all
Cut four leaves and stick onto the        relieved to suffer no
back of the Flower or tape onto a         symptoms and tested negative when,
stick with the leaves.                    conveniently during our isolation
                                          period we were first visited by the
                                          team from The Office for National
                                          Statistics studying the pandemic.

                                          As per usual for the previous months,
                                          working from the home office continued
                                          throughout the November lockdown and
                                          carried on throughout the disruption to
                                          the Christmas festivities of many. I would
                                          say that the most difficult experience of
The completed flower                      working during the pandemic came during
                                          Lockdown number three as we entered
                                          gingerly into the New Year. Usually a period
                                          of heightened intensity with the inevitability
                                          of handling the Annual Year End Accounts.
                                          January and February 2021 were made
                                          particularly arduous alongside navigating
                                          all the new restrictions. I have still been
                                          escaping the house weekly to check in on the
                                          office and run errands such as checking the
                                          post and meeting maintenance professionals.
                                          We look forward to the coming months
                                          bringing some long awaited freedoms as
                                          my family received their first vaccination
                                          doses in March, lateral flow tests provide
                                          regular reassurance and my daughter
                                          looks forward to living the real university
To display in a vase.                     experience when she begins her studies in
                                          Edinburgh this September.

Easy recipes to try
Gluten Free Cheese Scones                     Malt Loaf
Pre heat oven to 200˚c Gas 6 |
                                              375g/13oz sultanas
Makes 7-9 Scones
                                              50g/2oz butter
Ingredients                                   350ml/ 12 fl oz boiling/hot water
6oz gluten free self raising flour            375g/13oz self raising flour
1oz margarine or butter                       ½ tsp bi-carb
3oz grated cheese (2oz for mixture            250g/9oz granulated sugar
1oz for topping)                              2 eggs beaten
Generous pinch of English
mustard powder                                Method
Small pinch salt                              1. Put sultanas, butter and water in a
1 egg                                            pan, bring to the boil and simmer for
2 tbsp milk                                      4 minutes. Remove from heat, leave
½ tsp baking powder                              to cool for approx. 20 minutes or
                                                 whilst you weigh rest of ingredients.
1. Mix flour mustard powder and               2.   Mix flour, bi-carb and sugar
   salt together in a bowl. Gently rub             together in a large bowl. Add the
   in butter through your fingers to               cooled fruit mixture to the flour
   make a bread crumb consistence.                 mixture. Mix together, electric hand
   Add 2oz grated cheese and mix.                  mixer can be used.
   Beat egg and milk together. Add            3.   Mix in the beaten egg. Grease and
   approx. ¾ egg and milk and mix                  line 2 x 1lb loaf tins. Share the
   with your hand to form a dough ball             mixture between the two tins and
2. Flour worktop and rolling pin roll              level the tops.
   out the dough ball (Don’t turn the
                                              4.   Bake in centre of oven, Gas 5, 375˚f,
   dough over only roll on one side).
                                                   190c for about 1 hour or until skewer
   To approx. ¾ to 1 inch thickness
                                                   comes out clean from the centre of
   rolling the dough constantly
                                                   the loaf.
   through 90 degrees on a well
   floured surface. Cut the scones            Tip
   with a pastry cutter.                      1. Cover tops with baking paper after 30
3. Place scones on a baking tray and              minutes to stop burning.
   brush tops with remaining egg              2.   Leave to cool in tins for 15 minutes
   and milk mixture. Cover the tops                then turn out on to wire rack.
   with the remaining cheese. Bake
   on centre shelf of oven for 10-12          3.   When cool slice and serve with
   minutes until golden.                           lashings of butter. Keeps for 2-3
                                                   weeks. Freezes well.
At last, Sporting Hand U12 Blues
can wear their Oddfellows
Matchday Kit Again!
The Oddfellows kindly sponsored a             Training started again at the end of March
new kit for the Sporting Hand U12             2020 with matches commencing in April.
Blues in late 2019, but due to the            As there is not enough time to complete
pandemic they have not managed to             the season, the FA ruled the league null
wear their match day attire as much           and void, cancelling all remaining fixtures.
as they would have liked. Hopefully           In its place mini cup competitions have
that will change now as grassroots            been scheduled which started last weekend
football starts up again!                     with the Blues playing Whittlesey. Despite
                                              being in the lead for most of the game a
The Peterborough & District Junior            late equalizer and subsequent last-minute
Alliance leagues started back for the         winner from Whittlesey saw the boys lose
new season in September 2020 but, in          their first match back. They were very
line with Government guidelines, was          unlucky and are hoping for some wins
suspended again in December when              over the next few games. As well as some
the latest lockdown commenced. All of         Peterborough teams, the boys will also
the boys were desperately disappointed        have to travel to Spalding and Boston to
to stop playing, as were the coaches          play a couple of fixtures. The team are
and parents, although one slight bonus        so happy and excited to be back playing
was not standing on the side-line in          football again and a few wins will be the
wintery conditions!                           icing on the cake!

Poets corner
Poems found and shared by Brian Gale
I have a little satnav,                           It seems to know instinctively,
It sits there in my car,                          Just when to intervene.
A satnav is a driver’s friend,
It tells you where you are.                       It lists the vehicles just in front,
                                                  It lists those to the rear,
I have a little satnav,                           And taking this into account,
I’ve had it all my life,                          It specifies my gear,
It does more than the normal one,                 I’m sure no other driver,
My satnav is my wife.                             Has so helpful a device.

It gives me full instructions,                    For when we leave and lock the car,
On exactly how to drive,                          It still gives its advice,
“It’s thirty miles an hour” it says,              It fill me up with counselling,
“And you’re doing thirty five”.                   Each journey’s pretty fraught,
                                                  So why don’t I exchange it.
It tells me when to stop and start,
And when to use the brake,                        And get a quieter sort?
And tells me that it’s never ever,                Ah well you see, it cleans the house,
Safe to overtake.                                 Makes sure I’m properly fed,
                                                  It washes all my shirts and things,
It tells me when a light is red,                  And – Keeps me warm in bed!
And when it goes to green,

  The computer swallowed Grandma
  The computer swallowed Grandma,                 But nothing did I find,
  Yes honestly it’s true,                         In desperation I asked Jeeves,
  She pressed ‘control’ and ‘Enter’,              My searches to refine,
  And disappeared from view,                      The reply from him was negative,
  It devoured her completely,                     Not a thing was found ‘online’.
  The thought just makes me squirm.
                                                  So if inside your ‘inbox’,
  She must have caught a virus,                   My Grandma you should see,
  Or been eaten by a worm,                        Please ‘copy’, ‘scan’ and ‘paste’ her,
  I’ve searched through the ‘recycle bin’,        And send her back to me.
  And ‘files’ of every kind;
  I’ve even used the internet,                    Anon.

Museum Update
Since our last Newsletter our new
museum has progressed further
with the addition of the wall display
cabinets. These cabinets are lit
to show the displays at their best
with some very useful storage
cabinets below.

Our carpenter Angus, is now on to the last            Wall and base units fitted in
project making the tables and chairs for              the museum
the room. There will be a movable book
rest in the middle of the tables for ease of        future displays, thus always keeping the
studying some of the large old registers            museum interesting with new items to
and documents of our Branches. As we                look at. One of the nicest things at the
near the finishing of the fitting out of our        moment, is when you open the door into
museum, we hope that as lockdown eases              the museum there is the most wonderful
we can get into the hall and start deciding         smell of fresh wood.
on what will feature in our first displays.
Along with this we will then put into                      Lockdown
the storage units the items for our
                                                      “Your reading is getting
                                                        better Granddad!”

Bringing Oddfellows history to life
Some of our Society’s history dates             Nothing difficult, no exams. Next is
back to the times of ancient trade              stepping up by Degrees: This is the name
guilds. Today, we still use some of the         given to a series of short talks, we call
pomp and ceremony and regalia for               them Minor Degrees (not at all like a
important occasions.                            university degree). Each Degree has a
We do this because we’re proud of               colour and there are four of them. As you
our heritage and want to celebrate it.          work through them and learn more about
Taking part in ceremonial history is            the ethos and practice, you can progress
not compulsory but if any members               to more formal roles (only if you want to)
have are interested in learning more            within the Branch and the Society.
about the Society’s history and would
like to share in some of the ceremony,          If anyone would like to find out more and
Christine and Barry invite you to come          join Christine (07714 096801) and Barry
and learn more with them. First there           (07852 282776) in celebrating our history,
is a welcome as a member. This is               please contact them for more details and
done as a formal ceremony or informal           register your interest.
reading (your choice).

  Free loan of mobility scooter
  to Oddfellows member
  Here at Nene & Welland District
  Branch of the Oddfellows
  we have available a mobility
  scooter for the use by any of our
  members who find getting about
  difficult and would benefit by
  having this aid.

  The scooter is fully serviced and
  checked and ready for immediate loan.
  All we ask of you is that you have
  somewhere secure to store the scooter
  and that you have the correct insurance for its use and any accidental damage.

  If you feel that the scooter could help improve your life then please contact
  Karen Earth 01778 342006 or Christine Sargeant 07714 096801.

What’s been happening in the
Sargeant household
What have John and I been up to                     as they really missed her as we did. The
since I told you our story in the last              strange thing about lockdown was that my
newsletter, well as you will have                   dogs could go to be clipped but I couldn’t
seen one thing is that John has been                get a haircut, I did ask Tessa who does the
elected as Provincial Grand Master                  dogs to do mine as well, she thought better
and of course I am proud of him for                 of it (lol). But never mind I’ve managed
doing it after what he’s been through,              to have it done twice now (I go every four
and I think you should tell yourselves              weeks). John hasn’t been since last year
if John can do it so can I because
                                                    but says he quite likes it longer lol. John’s
there are always people there to help
                                                    godson is getting married in the summer
and guide me.
                                                    and I’m reading a lesson during the service
                                                    of course I have to look posh so have
Anyway moving on, obviously like most
                                                    booked my nails to be done by a friend
of you we have been home alone for what
                                                    who has her own salon but have yet to
seems like an eternity, John had to shield
                                                    find an outfit.
to the end of March but even now we’ve
only really been out when we have to. The
                                                    I am now in week three of taking my
garden is looking fairly good though with
                                                    niece’s boys to school after not being able
the rain recently the lawn is growing like
                                                    to see them or take them to school for
mad but I’m managing to stay on top of
                                                    nearly a year, it’s lovely, she drops them off
it. I have dug the vegetable garden, moved
                                                    with me just before eight and we chatter
some fruit bushes and got that area ready
                                                    about all sorts before the walk to school at
to lawn as I am trying to make the garden
                                                    about 8.35, it’s so nice to have that bit of
easier for me to manage on my own now,
                                                    normality back.
I shall be sowing the seed as soon as the
forget-me-nots have finished flowering. I
                                                    We have some Mallard ducks that come
am planning to bring the fuchsias etc out
                                                    into the garden daily to be fed and no we
of the greenhouse this week now that the
                                                    don’t live next to the river, they fly in. Two
frosts have finally finished then I can put
                                                    of them have been coming for three or
tomato, cucumber and pepper plants in
                                                    four years now and I swear if I didn’t see
the greenhouse.
                                                    them come she would come and knock
                                                    on the conservatory door, when I go out
My four dogs are loving it now we can
                                                    to feed them she runs to me to see what
leave the back door open and they can
                                                    I’ve got lol. We also have a younger pair
come and go as they like (subject to rain of
                                                    but they’re not very tame and finally we
course) and the fact that my friend Helen
                                                    have a solitary male who will stay while
who dog sits for me has been able to come
for coffee in the garden a few times now,                     Continued on the next page...
Continued from the previous page...
I’m outside but keeps his distance. We              Well I’d better stop, I could go on all day,
also feed the birds so at the moment have           but I hope you’re able to make the most of
just started getting the adults bringing            your surroundings whilst staying well and
their offspring in the garden for food, it’s        safe. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
lovely to watch them.                               Love to you all.

                                                    Chris Sargeant

Oundle Community First Responders
Supporting our Community during Covid
                                                    about Covid other than the most common
                                                    symptoms. However, it wasn’t long before
                                                    we would all feel its impact.

                                                    When the first lockdown was announced
                                                    it was suggested that we should not
                                                    respond due to lack of PPE, knowledge
                                                    about the spread of the virus, and concerns
                                                    for personal safety. However, by mid-April
                                                    2020 we were beginning to provide some
                                                    cover, having completed online training
                                                    on the correct use of PPE (and receiving
                                                    supplies). Some of our responders were
                                                    not able to offer shifts at this time either
                                                    due to personal health concerns or because
Many of you will remember that when                 they live with family who were vulnerable.
Christine Sargeant was our Provincial               Those of us who were able to commit to
Grand Master (Chairman) 2019-2020                   responding had to come to terms with new
we sponsored one of our local First                 protocols, particularly when responding
Responder Groups by way of paying                   to patients in Cardiac Arrest where we
towards their new car. Below is an                  were instructed that we are not allowed to
update from the group of how this                   manage their airway because of the risks:
past year has been for them.                        since that time we have only been able to
                                                    provide chest compressions, connect to
When Covid first came to our shores we              a defibrillator, and put a normal oxygen
were responding as usual, unaware of the            mask on the patient because all airway
devastating effect that this virus would            management procedures require a higher
have. We did not at that stage have much            level of PPE than we carry. This has been
in the way of PPE, and little was known

hard to come to terms with, but we have                people were more reluctant to go to hospital
to comply with the protocols.                          or to call out the emergency services because
                                                       of the pressure they were under. We were able
As the lockdown continued, we realised                 to complete our face to face monthly meetings
that many of our usual fundraising events              sometimes when regulations allowed, but
and opportunities would be lost. We                    continued to meet electronically when they
would usually be present at various events             didn’t, so that all responders were kept up
in and around Oundle, providing First                  to date on all fronts. We also shared online
Aid cover for a small fee and displaying               training with other local groups.
our donations buckets, which were
always generously filled by members of                 When the brilliant news about a viable
our community. This was a concern,                     vaccine was announced, we were contacted
not least because we would still have                  again to ask for our support with the
the car lease to pay and several of the                vaccine programme. Several of our
businesses who had agreed to sponsor us                responders were trained in administering
had financial difficulties themselves due              vaccines, and completed hours of
to the pandemic. We put out a plea in the              online training courses in all aspects
Oundle Advertiser for donations, and were              of immunisation and for the specific
completely overwhelmed with the support                vaccines that are being used in the UK.
offered from many people and groups.                   Some of us helped to vaccinate from
                                                       that very first day in December 2020 in
In May 2020, we were approached by the                 Northampton General Hospital, then
East Midlands Ambulance Service to help                moved on to do the same at Kettering
with the distribution of PPE to their front-           General Hospital. Others have supported
line crews. We were tasked with collecting             the mass vaccination centre at Moulton
a van full of PPE from Wellingborough                  Park, and this is ongoing. This is of course
ambulance station and driving around 5                 over and above our shifts as Community
ambulance stations in the northern half of             First Responders! One of the benefits of
the county to restock and wipe down all                assisting with the vaccination programme
ambulances and fast response vehicles that             is that we were ourselves vaccinated at an
were on site. As this was done on a daily basis        early stage. This has meant that we are
we helped on a rota alongside colleagues               now attending all calls required, regardless
from other areas, taking four or five hours at         of whether they are Covid related.
a time to complete the task. This continued
until the end of July, when the pressures on           We are now looking forward to being able
PPE equipment became less and stations                 to join events and group activities as the
could manage their own supply.                         ‘Roadmap’ continues, and to renewing our
                                                       liaisons with all those who have supported
By June 2020 most of our responders were               us throughout a difficult time. We wish
once again fully active, although we were not          all of the Oddfellows good health and
knowingly sent to Covid cases. The number              happiness going forward, and will be very
of calls received were fewer than usual because        pleased to see you all again.

Puzzles and Quizzes (Answers on page 31)
Paul is standing in a line of children.                      Mum’s pizza is cut into 12 equal
He is the 3rd child from the front and                       slices. Mum eats four slices and her
5th from the back. How many children                         two children eat three slices each.
are there in the line?                                       What is left of the pizza expressed as
                                                             a fraction?

1.   Complete the title of the Alan Rickman film. Truly, Madly …........…What?

2.   A nocturne is usually played on which musical instrument?

3.   In the US Bazooka Joe is the mascot for what kind of confectionery?

4.   The Frankensteiner is a move in what sport?
     A. Gymnastics. B. Snowboarding. C. Wrestling

5.   How many minutes does it take for the international space station to orbit
     the earth. A. 90 minutes. B. 120 minutes. C. 150 minutes.

6.   In Germany what is the cartoon character Andy Capp known as?
      A. Dick Tingler B. Helmut Schmaker C. Willie Wakker

Missing word from famous phrases

7.   .............................. can’t be choosers

8.   Take the ...................................... by the horns

9.   To ere is human to forgive is ................................

10. Deal with the ...................................... of others as gently as with your own

11. To ere is human to really fowl things up takes a ......................................

12. The last ...................................... broke the camel’s back

13. Praise without profit puts little in the ......................................

14. There are many paths to the top of the mountain but the .................................
    is always the same

15. That’s the way the ...................................... crumbles

16. A ...................................... paints a thousand words

Lock d o w n w ood t u r ning
wit h R o l y S c ot n e y
Roly Scotney one of our Trustees here          then is, what to do with them? Roly is a
at Nene & Welland, not only looks              big supporter of his local ‘First Responders
after many of the building repairs and         Group’. He decided it might be a good idea
updates to our Oddfellows Hall but, he         to sell his works to help boost the funds of
is also an accomplished wood turner.           the group. You may have read the article
He takes a piece of wood and can see           from the First Responders in our Newsletter,
something many of us would miss in it.         which we as a Branch already support. We
He disappears into his workshop and            are hoping that Roly will bring some of his
spends hours turning a nothing piece
                                               work to the Hall so members can purchase
of wood in to a thing of beauty.
                                               them. If anyone is interested in acquiring a
During lockdown Roly has spent hours in        piece of Roly’s work you can contact him on
his workshop doing just this. The thing        07926 882048 Here are just a few pictures
                                               of the pieces Roly has made.

The Triffids move back in
Remember we showed you our Hall                            and Myra returned this month to
car park last year when the weeds                          the hall and set about evicting these
(Triffids) had taken over. Chris and                       pests again.
Myra Briance took on the task of
clearing them out. They spent a full                       You will see from the pictures just how
day fighting the weeds, making the                         much they had to remove. Chris told me
car park look fantastic and ready for                      some of the Triffids had put down some
use. This was all part of our hopes                        very strong roots and put up a good fight
to open up our hall at the end of                          to stay. However, if they refused to leave in
lockdown 2020. Well we all know what                       a sack Chris got them with his spray gun.
happened next we had lockdown                              As he said, “If it was green, it got sprayed”.
again. So, guess what, the Triffids
                                                           Once again thanks to Chris and Myra for
moved back in. Undeterred Chris
                                                           their hard work.

 All this                                                    Fits in to these

 Is there someone you know
 who’d enjoy what we do?
 Refer a friend today
 To refer a friend, call Membership on 0800 028 1810, or visit
 our Members’ Area at or fill in the
 Refer a Friend form available from your Branch Secretary
 *Terms and conditions apply to the Refer a Friend offer. It cannot be used in conjunction with
 any other member offer. For full terms and conditions and for details of the rewards visit                                                                     Ref 1644

The concept of happiness
A story used in school assembly by retired Head
Teacher Alan Holt
One morning a teacher was talking                   look. They were finding this difficult and
to her class of seven year old children             frustrating, so the teacher said:
about the concept of happiness.
Where do we find it? How do we                      “Everybody stand still. Just pick up the
achieve it?                                         balloon nearest to you. Read the name on
                                                    it and take it to that person.”
To illustrate her personal opinion, she gave
each of them an inflated balloon and a felt         There was a ripple of excitement as all the
tipped pen. “Now”, she said, “Write your            children complied. This time, the balloons
name clearly on the balloon.”                       very quickly found their way back to their
                                                    rightful owners. There were grateful smiles
She then walked the class into the                  all around - from those who received
school hall and asked them to release               their balloons - but more so from those
their balloons anywhere around the                  who returned them.
hall. The teacher mixed them all up
and then returned to the classroom                  The point was made. Sometimes happiness
with the children.                                  comes when you least expect it. When
                                                    instead of seeking it for yourself - you
Five minutes later, they all returned to the        do something for somebody else which
school hall and she instructed them to find         makes them happy. That way, we achieve
their ‘own’ balloon. The children started to        real happiness!

  Puzzle and Quizzes Answers on page 28
  Line of children: 7                               7.    Beggars
  Mum’s pizza: 1/6                                  8.    Bull
                                                    9.    Divine
                                                    10.   Faults
  1. Deeply
                                                    11.   Computer
  2. Piano
                                                    12.   Straw
  3. Bubble Gum
                                                    13.   Pot
  4. Wrestling
                                                    14.   View
  5. 90 minutes
                                                    15.   Cookie
  6. Willie Wakker
                                                    16.   Picture

Meet your Nene and Welland Care and Welfare Team

The Oddfellows looking after you
Care, Advice and Support

We would like to introduce you to our friendly Care and Welfare team who are
here to help you.

   Barry Bedford                   John Sargeant                Christine Sargeant
   Near Bourne,                    Near Spalding,                Near Spalding,
    Lincolnshire                     Lincolnshire                  Lincolnshire

    Telephone:                      Telephone:                      Telephone:
   07852 282776                    01775 769487                    01775 769487
                                                                   07714 096801

Have you been unwell or in hospital, or find it difficult to get out to
Oddfellows meetings?

Are you living on your own and would like someone to keep in touch through a
chat on the phone? Or do you just need a friendly ‘listening ear’ to offer a bit of
support in a difficult situation?

You may just want to ask a simple question about any help available to you through
the Oddfellows. Whatever your situation, our care and welfare team are here to do
what they can to help – or to point you in the right direction – so do get in touch!
Our Welfare team receive induction training and ongoing support, as well
as regular care and welfare information updates. They undergo screening
appropriate to their role and carry a photo ID badge, so you can be reassured
about who they are.
To arrange for a Welfare Visitor to contact you, or for local help and information
about Branch benefits or benevolence support, please ring Karen Earth on
01778 342006 or email
National Oddfellows
As well as the help available at your local Branch, you can also contact our free,
confidential national helplines.

Oddfellows Citizens Advice Line*
    Call 0800 0149 821
      (free to callers from any landline or mobile number)
      Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm

Run by Citizens Advice for Oddfellows members, you can access free,
confidential, independent advice on areas such as welfare benefits, money and
debt, consumer problems, housing, and employment issues.

Citizens Advice is an independent advice agency and is solely responsible for all
advice provided.

Care and Welfare Helpline*
    Call 0800 0149 822
      (free to callers from any landline or mobile number)
      Monday to Thursday, 9.30am - 4.30pm, Friday, 9.30am - 4pm

Run by the Oddfellows Care and Welfare Department, members can access
information and guidance on issues such as accessing health and care services,
supported housing, support for carers, and planning for later life. The helpline
will try and identify any Oddfellows benefits or services in the community which
may be of help.

Our Oddfellows care, advice, support services and benefits* are available to all
members from day one, except the convalescence and carer benefits which are
available after two years of membership. If you would like more information ask
your Branch Secretary for a copy of our ‘Looking After You’ Care, Advice and
Support booklet or visit our website page at

*Terms and conditions apply to all benefits. All Oddfellows benefits are
non-contractual and may be withdrawn at any time without notice.
Call 0800 028 1810 for details or visit
Society News                                              

Branches raise over £145,000
for good causes in 2020
A big part of the Oddfellows is                  Appeal, in which £19,210 was raised to
about giving back. We’re run by our              split between The Silver Line and the
members, for our members, and                    National Emergencies Trust.
that means providing them with the
support they, their friends, family              Our 115 UK Branches regularly donate
and communities may need.                        to a long list of local organisations and
                                                 charities. From supporting homeless
The societal impact of the worldwide             shelters through to funding public
pandemic and nationwide lockdowns                defibrillators, they work tirelessly to help
truly showed us the importance of                make their towns great places to live for
coming together as a community.                  people of all ages, from all walks of life.
And despite many facing funding and              Here are a few examples...
resource crises themselves, charitable
organisations stepped up to play a huge          Nottingham Trent Oddfellows
part in helping people to get through the        Sponsored a local mum with £550 who
struggles of last year.                          was raising money for the Children with
                                                 Cancer charity by running a marathon
To show our continued support, our               across town. Every day, 12 families are given
UK Branches raised £145,742.59 for               the heartbreaking news that their child has
good causes in 2020.                             cancer, and CWC funds over 60 research
                                                 projects which all work towards giving
Jane Nelson, CEO of the Oddfellows, says:        children the very best chance of survival.
“In one way or another, we’ve all needed
somebody to lean on at various points
during the pandemic, so it’s wonderful to
see how our Branches and members have
been helping their local communities and
good causes.”

Oddfellows Branches and members also
made significant contributions to Society
fundraising initiatives during the past
year, such as our Coronavirus Emergency

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