Navy secretary pick backs proposed budget - Stripes Lite

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Navy secretary pick backs proposed budget
        BY CAITLIN DOORNBOS                       “Access to contested waters requires         orities “in terms of our ability to both
             Stars and Stripes                 more robust capabilities and capacity,”         maintain our readiness and ... pursue the
   WASHINGTON — President Joe Bi-              Del Toro said. “This demands new think-         modernization that we're going to need to
den’s pick for Navy secretary told senators    ing about how we invest our defense dol-        outpace the growing Chinese threat."
on Tuesday that he supports the emphasis       lars.”                                             Del Toro said the 355-ship goal would
on new technologies in the Defense De-            But some lawmakers have criticized the       remain, but he told Hawley that it will take
partment’s 2022 budget proposal to help        proposed 2022 budget for its poor funding       more than just “numbers of platforms” to
challenge the expanding Chinese military.      for shipbuilding in favor of research and       maintain the Navy’s “capability and lethal-
   Carlos Del Toro, a Navy veteran and a       development of new capabilities such as         ity.”
CEO for an engineering and consulting          hypersonic missiles, which China has al-           “We have to invest in missile technology,
firm, told the Senate Armed Services Com-      ready developed and travel at five times        hypersonics, computing power — all the
mittee that “we can no longer take U.S.        the speed of sound.                             cybersecurity, all those other technologies
naval superiority for granted” as China           With more than 350 ships, China has          that are going to advance our ability to de-
continues its rapid military growth.           surpassed the United States and now has         ter China in the Indo-Pacific,” he said. “If
   “I always do believe that it's incredibly   the world’s largest naval fleet. The U.S. has   confirmed, I’m going to be exclusively fo-
important to make the right investments        about 296 ships, according to the Navy.         cused on the China threat and exclusively
and modernization,” he said during his            In the 2018 National Defense Authoriza-      focused on moving our maritime strategy
first confirmation hearing. “We can't be       tion Act, an annual law that sets policy and    forward in order to protect Taiwan and all
fighting the wars of yesterday — we have       spending for the Pentagon, Congress man-        of our national security interests in the In-
to fight the new wars of tomorrow. That        dated the Navy attain a fleet of 355 ships as   do Pacific theater.”
includes cybersecurity and space and           soon as possible. However, the 2022 bud-           China, which views the self-governed
many other challenges that are presented.”     get proposal cut four littoral combat ships     Taiwan as one of its provinces, considers
   Del Toro, who joined the Navy at 17 and     and pledged to build just eight ships — an      reunification a top priority, and the U.S.
served for 26 years, said he was pleased       amount top Navy leaders have said will not      has said it would protect the island if Beij-
with the proposed 2022 Navy budget, say-       be enough to reach the 355-ship goal.           ing attempted to take it by force.
ing it “recognize(d) this challenge and in-       Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said during            Del Toro said the U.S. “should be clear
vests billions of dollars toward improving     the hearing that he had “real concern”          about our foreign affairs intentions and our
readiness and for future capabilities.”        about the budget proposal’s funding pri-        support of Taiwan in every possible way.”

US virus cases rising again, doubling over 3 weeks
             Associated Press                  disease division at Washington Universi-        on average after topping out at more than
   The COVID-19 curve in the United            ty’s School of Medicine in St. Louis.           3,400 over the winter — a testament to
States is rising again after months of de-        At the same time, parts of the country       how effectively the vaccine can prevent
cline, with the number of new cases per        are running up against deep vaccine re-         serious illness and death in those who
day doubling over the past three weeks,        sistance, while the highly contagious mu-       happen to become infected.
driven by the fast-spreading delta variant,    tant version of the coronavirus that was           Still, amid the rise, health authorities in
lagging vaccination rates and Fourth of        first detected in India is accounting for an    places such as Los Angeles County and
July gatherings.                               ever-larger share of infections.                St. Louis are begging even immunized
   Confirmed infections climbed to an av-         Nationally, 55.6% of all Americans have      people to resume wearing masks in pub-
erage of about 23,600 a day on Monday,         received at least one COVID-19 shot, ac-        lic. And Chicago officials announced
up from 11,300 on June 23, according to        cording to the Centers for Disease Con-         Tuesday that unvaccinated travelers from
Johns Hopkins University data. And all         trol and Prevention. The five states with       Missouri and Arkansas must either quar-
but two states — Maine and South Dakota        the biggest two-week jump in cases per          antine for 10 days or have a negative
— reported that case numbers have gone         capita all had lower vaccination rates:         COVID-19 test.
up over the past two weeks.                    Missouri, 45.9%; Arkansas, 43%; Nevada,            Meanwhile, the Health Department in
   “It is certainly no coincidence that we     50.9%; Louisiana, 39.2%; and Utah, 49.5%.       Mississippi, which ranks dead last nation-
are looking at exactly the time that we           Even with the latest surge, cases in the     ally for vaccinations, began blocking posts
would expect cases to be occurring after       U.S. are nowhere near their peak of a           about COVID-19 on its Facebook page
the July Fourth weekend,” said Dr. Bill        quarter-million per day in January. And         because of a “rise of misinformation”
Powderly, co-director of the infectious-       deaths are running at under 260 per day         about the virus and the vaccine.
PAGE 2     • STRIPES LITE •                  Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Bush criticizes withdrawal from Afghanistan
                 Associated Press                         Mullah Omar an ultimatum: hand over al-                    gress that could be made for young girls and
  BERLIN — Former President George W.                     Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and disman-                   women in Afghanistan.”
Bush criticized the Western withdrawal                    tle militant training camps or prepare to be                  During the Taliban’s rule in the late 1990s,
from Afghanistan in an interview with a                   attacked. Omar refused, and a U.S.-led coali-              women were largely confined to their homes
German broadcaster released Wednesday,                    tion launched an invasion in October.                      and girls had no access to education. Despite
saying he fears that Afghan women and girls                  The withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops                  protestations from the U.S. and Europe, the
will “suffer unspeakable harm.”                           set in motion earlier this year by President               Taliban enforced its extreme version of Is-
  Asked in an interview with German inter-                Joe Biden is now nearing completion. Tali-                 lamic Shariah law.
national broadcaster Deutsche Welle                       ban fighters have been surging through dis-                   “I’m sad,” Bush said. “Laura (Bush) and I
whether the withdrawal is a mistake, Bush                 trict after district, taking control of large              spent a lot of time with Afghan women, and
replied: “You know, I think it is, yeah, be-              swaths of the country.                                     they’re scared. And I think about all the in-
cause I think the consequences are going to                  In the DW interview, which marked out-                  terpreters and people that helped not only
be unbelievably bad.”                                     going German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s                    U.S. troops but NATO troops, and it seems
  The war in Afghanistan began under Bush                 final official visit to the U.S., Bush said Mer-           like they’re just going to be left behind to be
after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United           kel had supported the deployment in Af-                    slaughtered by these very brutal people.
States. Washington gave Taliban leader                    ghanistan in part “because she saw the pro-                And it breaks my heart.”

Sailors, Marines won’t lose leave earned in pandemic
         BY MATTHEW M. BURKE                                All active-duty service members earn                     sailors and Marines permanently as-
                 Stars and Stripes                        30 days of annual leave. Any unused                        signed to Okinawa, Japan, to take leave
   CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — The Navy                        leave in excess of 60 days is lost when                    during the national emergency,” Kess-
is allowing sailors and Marines on Okina-                 the fiscal year ends.                                      meier wrote.
wa to keep excess use-or-lose leave they                    But travel bans, restricted movements                      Kessmeier altered the leave policy by
accrued during the coronavirus pandem-                    and local states of emergency brought on                   designating service on Okinawa as “other
ic, according to a recent Navy memo.                      by the coronavirus pandemic meant                          duty” for purposes of special leave ac-
   Members of the sea service with at                     many sailors and Marines on Okinawa                        crual, the memo said.
least 180 days on Okinawa during the                      accrued plenty of unused leave over the                      The newly accrued leave must appear
current fiscal year are now entitled to                   past year. Many service members’ over-                     on leave and earnings statements at the
keep up to 120 days of leave when the                     seas tours were extended, or they were                     end of September. Sailors and Marines
fiscal year ends on Sept. 30.                             prevented from making stateside visits.                    have until the end of fiscal 2024 to use
   The change was announced by Cathe-                       “The Department of the Navy’s adher-                     their excess leave, the memo said.
rine Kessmeier, acting assistant secretary                ence to the Government of Japan’s Coro-                      The U.S. fiscal year begins on Oct. 1
of the Navy for manpower and reserve                      navirus Disease-2019 travel restrictions                   and ends on Sept. 30 of the following
affairs, in a memo Friday.                                has significantly limited the ability of                   calendar year.

Austin touts AI tech as key to help prevent future wars
          BY CAITLIN DOORNBOS                                “Beijing already talks about using AI for a                He said the department is focusing on AI
                 Stars and Stripes                        range of missions, from surveillance to cyber-             development because it will be key to deter
   WASHINGTON — Artificial intelligence                   attacks to autonomous weapons,” the defense                adversaries in “the future fight.”
will be key to preventing future conflicts as             secretary said.                                               “Tech advances like AI are changing the
China increases its efforts to develop the tech-             The Pentagon’s proposed budget for 2022                 face and the pace of warfare, but we believe
nology, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said               asked for $112 billion in research, develop-               that we can responsibly use AI as a force mul-
Tuesday during a summit on emerging tech-                 ment, testing and evaluation — the depart-                 tiplier — one that helps us to make decisions
nologies.                                                 ment’s largest-ever request for such priori-               faster and more rigorously, to integrate across
   Austin, who was speaking at a summit host-             ties.                                                      all domains and to replace old ways of doing
ed by the National Security Commission on                    In the request, “AI is one of the depart-               business,” Austin said.
Artificial Intelligence, said the Defense De-             ment’s top tech modernization priorities,”                    In Austin’s speech, he highlighted some of
partment must focus on incorporating AI into              Austin said. “Over the next five years, the de-            the 600 AI efforts already underway in the De-
all aspects of warfare, especially as “China’s            partment will invest nearly $1.5 billion in the            fense Department, including the algorithm-
leaders have made clear they intend to be                 center’s efforts to accelerate our adoption of             driven Pathfinder project that helps synthe-
globally dominant in AI by the year 2030.”                AI.”                                                       size information to support joint warfighting.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •          PAGE 3

Biden blasts ‘un-American’ voting rules
        Associated Press             stitution Center in Philadelphia,      nationwide campaign to arm            worked to roll back the vote-by-
   PHILADELPHIA — Presi-             Biden called state efforts to cur-     voters with information on rule       mail expansion that was put in
dent Joe Biden declared pre-         tail voting accessibility “un-         changes and restrictions ahead        place in the past presidential
serving voting rights an urgent      American” and “un-democrat-            of the 2022 midterm elections.        election due to COVID-19 fears.
national “test of our time” on       ic” and launched a broadside              “We have to prepare now,”          Others have tried to strengthen
Tuesday but offered few con-         against his predecessor, Donald        the president said.                   voter identification require-
crete proposals to meet it.          Trump, who baselessly alleged             Biden’s sharp rhetoric drew        ments and curtail hours and lo-
   Biden, who has proclaimed         misconduct in the 2020 election        praise from progressive groups        cations for early voting and bal-
protecting ballot access the cen-    after his defeat. Biden called         in his party but did little to as-    lot drop-offs.
tral cause of his presidency, has    passage of congressional pro-          suage the mounting pressure on           Democrats on Capitol Hill
faced sharp criticism from al-       posals to override new state vot-      him to throw his weight behind        have tried to respond with a
lies for not doing more, though      ing restrictions and to restore        replacing the filibuster.             sweeping federal voting and
political headwinds and stub-        parts of the Voting Rights Act            “The president believes that       elections bill that Senate Re-
born Senate math have limited        that were curbed in recent             we have to make the filibuster        publicans have united to block.
his ability to act. Despite his      years by the Supreme Court “a          work the way it used to,” said        Most Republicans have similar-
ringing words Tuesday, he            national imperative.”                  White House deputy press sec-         ly dismissed a separate bill, the
avoided any mention of trying to        Yet instead of raising the pos-     retary Karine Jean-Pierre, who        John Lewis Voting Rights Ad-
alter the Senate filibuster rule     sibility of fighting the filibuster,   added Biden has not changed           vancement Act, which would
that stands in the path of federal   he appeared to tacitly acknowl-        his opposition to eliminating it      restore sections of the Voting
legislation.                         edge the fading hopes for the          altogether.                           Rights Act that the Supreme
   Speaking at the National Con-     bills, saying he would launch a           Some GOP-led states have           Court has weakened.

Senate Dems unveil new Feds charge 4 in Iran plot
$3.5T budget agreement to kidnap US-based activist
        Associated Press                Biden will attend a closed-                 Associated Press              America,” Alinejad told The As-
   WASHINGTON — Senate               door lunch at the Capitol on              NEW YORK — An Iranian in-          sociated Press.
Democrats say they have reac-        Wednesday with Senate Demo-            telligence officer and three al-         According to the indictment,
hed a budget agreement that en-      crats to focus on “getting this        leged members of an Iranian in-       Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani,
visions spending an enormous         wonderful        plan”     enacted,    telligence network have been          50, an Iranian intelligence offi-
$3.5 trillion over the coming dec-   Schumer said.                          charged in Manhattan with plot-       cial who resides in Iran, and
ade, paving the way for their           All told, the ambitious propos-     ting to kidnap a prominent Ira-       three other defendants tried
drive to pour federal resources      al reflects Biden’s vision for         nian opposition activist and writ-    since at least June 2020 to kidnap
into climate change, health care     making the most substantive po-        er in exile and take her back to      Alinejad. If caught and convict-
and family service programs          tential investments in the nation      Tehran, authorities said Tues-        ed, the four could face life in pris-
sought by President Joe Biden.       in years, some say on par with         day.                                  on.
   The accord announced Tues-        the New Deal of the 1930s. To-            An indictment in Manhattan            Farahani and the network he
day night marks a major step in      gether with a slimmer, $1 trillion     federal court alleges that the plot   led on multiple occasions in 2020
the party’s push to meet Biden’s     bipartisan effort of traditional       was part of a wider plan to lure      and 2021 lied about his intentions
goal of bolstering an economy        road, highway and public works         three individuals in Canada and       as he hired private investigators
that was ravaged by the corona-      also being negotiated, they rep-       a fifth person in the United King-    to surveil, photograph and video
virus pandemic and setting it on     resent close to the president’s        dom to Iran. Victims were also        record Alinejad and her house-
course for long-term growth. It      initial $4 trillion-plus effort that   targeted in the United Arab           hold members, the indictment
includes a Medicare expansion        could reach almost every corner        Emirates, authorities said.           alleged. It said the surveillance
of vision, hearing and dental        of the country.                           The identities of the alleged      included a live high-definition
benefits for older Americans, a         The Democrats’ goal is to push      victims were not released, but        video feed of the activist’s home.
goal of progressives.                a budget resolution reflecting         Brooklyn-based Masih Alinejad            The indictment alleged that
   But Democrats behind the          Tuesday’s agreement through            confirmed that authorities had        the government of Iran in 2018
agreement face possible objec-       the House and the Senate before        told her she was among the tar-       tried to lure her to a third coun-
tions from rival moderate and        lawmakers leave for their Au-          geted victims.                        try so a capture would be possi-
progressive factions, and will       gust recess. The resolution sets          “I knew that this is the nature    ble, even offering money to her
have to work hard to convert         only broad spending and reve-          of the Islamic Republic, you          relatives.
their plans into legislation they    nue parameters, leaving the ac-        know, kidnapping people, ar-             The others charged in the kid-
can push through the closely di-     tual funding and specific deci-        resting people, torturing people,     napping plot were identified as
vided Congress over what could       sions about which programs are         killing people. But I couldn’t be-    Mahmoud Khazein, 42, Kiya Sa-
be unanimous Republican oppo-        affected — and by how much —           lieve it that this is going to hap-   deghi, 35, and Omid Noori, 45, all
sition.                              for later legislation.                 pen to me in United States of         from Iran.
PAGE 4    • STRIPES LITE •           Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Western fires threaten tribal lands
        Associated Press            leave because of “imminent and       casts called for possible triple-       The blaze had spread over
   BLY, Ore. — Fierce wildfires     life-threatening” danger as the      digit temperatures and 25-mph        315 square miles.
in the northwest are threatening    largest of five wildfires caused     winds on Wednesday into                 Firefighters for the third day
American Indian tribal lands        by dozens of Monday night            Thursday.                            in a row had to back off occa-
that already are struggling to      lightning strikes tore through         In Oregon, the lightning-          sionally for their safety.
conserve water and preserve         grass, sagebrush and timber.         sparked Bootleg Fire that had           Crews were facing above-
traditional hunting grounds in         Seven homes burned but four       destroyed at least 20 homes was      normal temperatures and bone-
the face of a Western drought.      were vacant and the entire town      raging through lands near the        dry humidity coupled with af-
   Blazes in Oregon and Wash-       evacuated safely before the fire     California border on Wednes-         ternoon gusts that were expect-
ington were among some 60           arrived, said Andrew Joseph          day. At least 2,000 homes were       ed to create dangerous fire con-
large, active wildfires that have   Jr., chairman of the Confederat-     threatened by the fire.              ditions, officials said.
destroyed homes and burned          ed Tribes of the Colville Reser-       Mark Enty, a spokesman for            In California, progress was
through close to a million acres    vation that includes more than       the Northwest Incident Man-          reported on the state’s largest
in a dozen mostly Western           9,000 descendants of a dozen         agement Team 10 that is work-        fire so far this year. The Beck-
states, according to the National   tribes.                              ing to contain the fire, said that   wourth Complex, a combined
Interagency Fire Center.               The confederation declared a      since he arrived to the area last    pair of lighting-ignited blazes,
   In north-central Washington,     state of emergency Tuesday           week the Bootleg Fire has dou-       was almost 50% contained after
hundreds of people in the town      and closed the reservation to the    bled in size each day.               blackening more than 145
of Nespelem on the Colville In-     public and to industrial activity.     “That’s sort of like having a      square miles near the Nevada
dian Agency were ordered to            The declaration said fore-        new fire every day,” Enty said.      state line.

Texas Dems urge quick                                                    Cuba confirms death in protests
                                                                                 Associated Press             ment.
moves on US voting bills                                                    HAVANA — Cuban author-
                                                                         ities confirmed Tuesday that
                                                                                                                 Havana still had a heavy po-
                                                                                                              lice presence Tuesday, with of-
        Associated Press            that time wisely,” Democratic        one person has died during           ficers particularly guarding key
   AUSTIN, Texas — Texas            state Rep. Chris Turner said,        demonstrations that have shak-       points such as the Malecon
Democrats who hurriedly took        gathered with his fellow quo-        en the island in recent days by      coastal promenade and the Cap-
off to Washington to block          rum-breakers outside the U.S.        protesting over food shortages,      itol. Internet and cellphone data
sweeping new election laws          Capitol.                             high prices and other grievanc-      service continued to be disrupt-
urged Congress on Tuesday to           The Democrats’ dramatic           es against the government.           ed.
quickly pass legislation pro-       exodus was in part aimed at             The Interior Ministry said in        There were no reports of new
tecting voting rights, while Re-    rallying their voters on what        a statement that Diubis Lauren-      protests, which the government
publican Gov. Greg Abbott           they see as a priority issue         cio Tejeda, 36, died Monday          has sought to blame on Cuban
threatened them with arrest         ahead of the 2022 midterms,          during a clash between protes-       Americans using social media
the moment they return.             and at pressuring President          ters and police in the Arroyo Na-    to instigate unrest in Cuba.
   Speaking to reporters out-       Joe Biden to act as federal vot-     ranjo municipality on the out-          The demonstrations in sever-
side the Capitol, the Democrats     ing legislation has stalled for
                                                                         skirts of Havana.                    al cities and towns were some of
were realistic about the limits     months in the Senate.
                                                                            It said an unspecified number     the biggest displays of antigov-
of their gambit, noting they can       Back in Texas, Republicans
                                                                         of people were arrested and          ernment sentiment seen in
hold up the GOP-backed pro-         in the unusually skeletal state
                                                                         there were some people injured,      years in tightly controlled Cuba,
posals at home for only so long     Capitol authorized finding and
                                                                         including some officers.             which is facing a surge of coro-
and arguing that only federal       bringing back more than 50
legislation would prevent some      lawmakers “under warrant of             The statement accused dem-        navirus cases as it struggles
of the new restrictions from be-    arrest if necessary.”                onstrators      of    vandalizing    with its worst economic crisis in
coming law.                            However, because state            houses, setting fires and damag-     decades as a consequence of
   In Austin, House Republi-        troopers have no jurisdiction        ing power lines.                     U.S. sanctions imposed by the
cans authorized state troopers      beyond Texas, the move has lit-         It also alleged they attacked     Trump administration.
to find and corral missing legis-   tle practical effect in the short    police and civilians with knives,       The rare outpouring of dis-
lators, while a depleted but        term.                                stones and other objects..           sent led former President Raul
still-working state Senate             In the state Senate, where           Demonstrations that erupted       Castro to join with other top
passed new voting restrictions      nine Democrats didn’t show up        Sunday have seen thousands of        leaders Monday to discuss the
in a show of GOP resolve.           — not enough to also deny quo-       Cubans in the streets voicing        situation.
   “We can’t hold this tide back    rum — Republicans passed             grievances against shortages of         The demonstrations were ex-
forever. We’re buying some          their version of a voting bill       goods, rising prices and power       tremely unusual on an island
time. We need Congress and all      even though that is now as far       cuts, and some protesters have       where little dissent against the
of our federal leaders to use       as it can go.                        called for a change of govern-       government is tolerated.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •      PAGE 5

Report: Bug zapper                    Officials at University Hospi-    830 that died in 2013 because of     main red and yellow.
                                    tals in Cleveland apologized for    an outbreak of toxic red tide.
caused vision issues                the mistake and said two em-          Some biologists believe water      Ex-teacher indicted for
                                    ployees have been placed on ad-     pollution is killing the seagrass
                                                                                                             gasoline purchases
NC          DURHAM — A bug
            zapper that had the     ministrative leave.                 beds in the area.
wrong kind of light bulb caused
vision problems for five people
                                      The kidney given to the
                                    wrong patient is compatible and
                                    the person is expected to recov-
                                                                          Boat strikes are also a major
                                                                        cause of manatee deaths, killing
                                                                        at least 63 this year.
                                                                                                             TN         NASHVILLE — The
                                                                                                                        Tennessee      comp-
                                                                                                             troller’s office said a former
at a veterans medical facility in
North Carolina, a spokesperson      er, officials said.                                                      middle school teacher who also
said.                                 The other patient’s surgery       Nearly 10K winners                   was an assistant baseball coach
                                    has been delayed. Officials said                                         was indicted on charges that he
  Yves-Marie Daley from the
                                    the hospital is reviewing how
                                                                        to split $3.6M jackpot               expensed more than $10,100 in
Durham VA Health Care Sys-
tem said the bulb emitted light
that was too strong, impacting
                                    the error occurred to prevent
                                    similar mistakes going forward.     NC          CHARLOTTE
                                                                                    Nearly 10,000 win-
                                                                        ners of a North Carolina lottery
                                                                                                        —    gas for his personal car.
                                                                                                               According to the comptroll-
                                                                                                             er’s investigation, the former
the vision of three employees, a
resident and a contractor who       Rare historic canoe                 game will split the $3.6 million     Unicoi County Middle School
                                                                        jackpot.                             teacher and coach used the de-
had a meeting near the device,      found in mountain river                The Charlotte Observer            partment fuel card at least 169
The News & Observer reported.
  The people affected are heal-
ing and their vision is improv-     SC          COLUMBIA — Con-
                                                servationists pulled
                                    a historic canoe from a river at
                                                                        reported that the 9,307 players
                                                                        won the Carolina Pick 3 in a
                                                                        drawing last Friday.
                                                                                                             times to gas up his personal car
                                                                                                             without permission from June
                                                                                                             2015 until October 2020. The re-
ing, according to Daley.
  She didn’t specify the date of    the Georgia-South Carolina line        All of the winners chose the      port said the former teacher
the incident or the severity of     and plan to put it on display.      same numbers: 0-0-0. Each beat       was authorized through the
the vision loss.                       Volunteers with the Chattoo-     odds of 1 in 1,000.                  coaching position at the North-
                                    ga Conservancy hauled the              Prizes will vary depending on     east Tennessee school to buy
Deputy helps hoof                   weathered wooden canoe out of       how much people pay for a tick-      diesel fuel for a school vehicle.
                                    the South Carolina side of the      et. Players who paid 50 cents get    The former teacher was indict-
wayward cows home                   Chattooga River after a group of    $250 before taxes. Those who         ed July 9 on one count of theft

MI         MASON — A sheriff’s
           deputy hoofed it for 3
                                    canoeists headed downstream
                                    discovered the craft last fall,
                                                                        paid $1 get the top prize of $500.   over $10,000, the report said.

miles along a two-lane Michi-       The State newspaper in Colum-       Schools pick Phoenix to              Owner sells salon to
gan road to help guide eight        bia reported.
wayward cows back to a farm.           Archaeologists at the Univer-
                                                                        replace former mascot                longtime employee
  The Ingham County sheriff’s
office transport unit responded
to a report of cattle blocking a
                                    sity of South Carolina said the
                                    boat could be 200 to 250 years
                                    old, a discovery that could shed
                                                                        KS          ATCHISON — The
                                                                                    Phoenix will be the
                                                                        new mascot for the Atchison
                                                                                                             CT          NEW HAVEN — Sa-
                                                                                                                         lon owner Pio Imper-
                                                                                                             ati took a chance and hired hair-
road near Mason, WLNS-TV re-        light on life in the late 1700s.    public school district, replacing    stylist Kathy Moura right out of
ported.                                                                 former mascots tied to Native        technical high school 15 years
  The deputy and two other          Record of annual                    American imagery.                    ago. It has worked out so well
men spent about two hours                                                 The Atchison School Board          that Imperati sold her his vener-
rounding up and herding the bo-
                                    manatee deaths broken               chose the new mascot by a 5-1        able New Haven business for $1.
vine back home. Part of the trek
was recorded by a dashcam in a
sheriff’s office vehicle.
                                    FL         STUART — More ma-
                                               natees have died al-
                                    ready this year than in any other
                                                                        vote. The board voted in April to
                                                                        replace the former mascots —
                                                                        “Redmen” for the high school
                                                                                                               “She’s a good hairdresser, a
                                                                                                             good barber, she’s very nice,”
                                                                                                             Imperati told the New Haven
                                    year in Florida’s recorded histo-   and “Braves” for the middle          Register about the sale of Pio of
Hospital: Patient got               ry, primarily from starvation       school.                              Italy Hair Studio.
                                    due to the loss of seagrass beds,     That change came after Atch-         While Moura will pay rent to
someone else’s kidney               state officials said.               ison United, a group that pro-       Imperati, she avoids a charge

OH         CLEVELAND — An
           Ohio hospital has
acknowledged that a patient re-
                                      The Florida Fish & Wildlife
                                    Conservation Commission re-
                                    ported that 841 manatee deaths
                                                                        motes diversity, pushed for a
                                                                        more racially sensitive mascot.
                                                                          The image of the Phoenix the
                                                                                                             that can run into the tens of
                                                                                                             thousands of dollars to purchase
                                                                                                             a salon for the equipment, sup-
ceived a new kidney meant for       were recorded through July 2,       school will use has not been cho-    plies and clientele.
someone else.                       breaking the previous record of     sen but the school colors will re-                 — Associated Press
PAGE 6    • STRIPES LITE •             Wednesday, July 14, 2021

British Open returns in bubble format
        Associated Press              championship golf hasn’t seen a       ry stores, much less a pub. Play-         Kevin Na withdrew because
   As tradition goes at the Brit-     crowd that large since Portrush       ers are to avoid mixing with the       of international travel require-
ish Open, it might feel as though     two summers ago.                      general public, except for those       ments. Three players from
nothing has changed.                     “I’m keen to get as many           32,000 fans behind the ropes.          Asian countries have with-
   Shane Lowry, a popular             spectators in as possible be-            “I feel like a lot of the family    drawn to concentrate on the
champion on Irish soil at Royal       cause I do think that’s what cre-     restrictions, each player’s team       Olympics at the end of the
Portrush, returned the silver         ates the atmosphere,” said Mar-       restrictions, it’s a little too        month.
claret upon his arrival Monday        tin Slumbers, chief executive of      much,” U.S. Open champion                 “Look, it’s one week,” PGA
at Royal St. George’s in England      the R&A. “And I think actually        Jon Rahm said. “But I under-           champion Phil Mickelson said.
for a ceremonial start to the         it’s what makes the players play      stand why they want us to stay at      “It’s a major championship and
149th edition of golf’s oldest        just a little bit better.”            home and why they want to              let’s just do what it takes to be
championship. It’s like clock-           Off the course? That might be      keep the players as safe as pos-       able to compete.”
work, with one exception:             a different story for them.           sible.                                    There also is plenty of uncer-
   The British Open is one year          The players will be confined          “It’s the rules they put up, and    tainty when it comes to Royal St.
behind.                               to a strict bubble, which for         we just have to deal with it and       George’s, starting with a ques-
   Strange as it was for the Mas-     PGA Tour regulars will feel like      follow them.”                          tion that never has a reliable an-
ters to be played amid autumn         a step back in time.                     It’s a big change for the top       swer: Where exactly is the ball
hues of November and for the             Under R&A protocols, play-         players who have spent most of         going to bounce?
U.S. Open to be played in Sep-        ers are allowed a core group of       their time in America. CO-                The fairways have so many
tember for the first time in near-    only four people. That includes       VID-19 testing on the PGA Tour         humps that shots landing in the
ly a century, the biggest fallout     the player and caddie. The other      is no longer required for fully        middle can bounce left or right.
in golf last year from the CO-        two chosen have to be a coach, a      vaccinated players, and testing        That’s what led Greg Norman to
VID-19 pandemic was the Brit-         trainer or other physical sup-        at tournaments will end by the         say ahead of the 1993 British
ish Open not being played at all.     port staff, a family member or a      time they get home.                    Open, “I’d swear the Royal Air
   Now it’s back, though not          translator. Family members,              “It seems like us as players,       Force used a couple of the fair-
quite to normal.                      such as a spouse, are not exempt      we’re jumping through some             ways for bombing runs.”
   It might look that way with        from U.K. quarantine laws. The        hurdles and dodging bullets and           And then he shot all rounds in
the British Open allowing             others are.                           they’re having 32,000 fans a day       the 60s to win and changed his
32,000 spectators a day to roam          That means Justin Thomas           at the tournament, so I don’t          tune, describing a British Open
the expansive links off Sand-         and Jordan Spieth can’t share a       know,” Rickie Fowler said. “I          at Royal St. George’s as the
wich Bay, just up the coast from      house as they often do. It means      can’t really answer questions          “world championship of imagi-
the English Channel. Major            no trips to restaurants or groce-     clearly with all that going on.”       nation.”

Ohtani gets win for AL in MLB All-Star game
               Associated Press                    ed to end the eighth inning.                       once I do that, that’s probably going to sur-
  DENVER — A Sho-case for Shohei Ohtani              So even with the teams decked out in new         pass it. But this has been the most memora-
became a grand stage for Vladimir Guerrero         uniforms that social media deemed a strike-        ble.”
Jr., too.                                          out instead of a home run, it was a familiar re-      Ohtani was a double triple-digit threat in
  Ohtani unleashed his 100 mph heat while          sult. Mike Zunino also connected for the AL        Denver, hitting a 513-foot drive during Mon-
pitching a perfect inning for the win in be-       as it improved to 46-43-2 overall in the series.   day night’s Home Run Derby and throwing a
coming baseball’s first two-way All-Star,            Guerrero, at 22, became the youngest             100.2 mph pitch to Nolan Arenado.
Guerrero rocked Coors Field with a 468-foot        MVP in All-Star Game history.                         “He was as good as advertised,” Arenado
home run and the American League breezed             J.T. Realmuto homered for the National           said. “His fastball had a little cut and he’s a re-
5-2 Tuesday night for its eighth straight victo-   League on a mile-high night at Coors, a hit-       ally good player. Just incredible.”
ry.                                                ter’s park.                                           Ohtani retired Fernando Tatis Jr., Max
  Near and far, the sport’s entire focus was         A 27-year-old right-hander in his fourth         Muncy and Arenado, a Colorado fan favorite,
on Ohtani from the very start in this All-Star     big league season, Ohtani has dazzled. He          in order in the bottom half of the first, throw-
Game.                                              leads the major leagues with 33 homers and is      ing 10 of 14 pitches for strikes.
  Players on both sides climbed to the du-         4-1 in 13 starts as a pitcher, a two-way per-         Major League Baseball even made a spe-
gout rails to watch him, and the Japanese sen-     formance not seen since Babe Ruth in 1919          cial rules tweak for Ohtani, allowing him to be
sation went 0-for-2, grounding out twice as        and ’20, before the Bambino largely gave up        replaced as a pitcher and to remain in the
the AL’s leadoff man and designated hitter.        the mound for slugging.                            game as the DH after he was done pitching.
  Jared Walsh, Ohtani’s teammate on the              “This has been the best experience, most         He grounded out twice — Pittsburgh second
Los Angeles Angels, got a save — with his          memorable,” Ohtani said through translator         baseman Adam Frazier ranged to make a
glove. He made a sliding catch in left field on    Ippei Mizuhara. “Obviously, I’ve never             nice backhanded pickup that prevented a hit
Kris Bryant’s tricky liner with the bases load-    played in the playoffs or World Series, so         against Max Scherzer starting the night.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 • S T R I P E S L I T E •             PAGE 7

US men rebound with win over Argentina
               Associated Press                    least this weekend because of the NBA Finals.        play with a clean slate on the offensive side of
   USA Basketball finally made it look easy           The back-to-back losses to start the U.S.         the ball.”
again.                                             team’s stay in Las Vegas raised the possibility        The U.S. won the rebound battle 40-34,
   Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal each              that the Americans might lose three in a row         committed only nine turnovers and held Ar-
scored 17 points and the Americans took con-       with NBA players for the first time.                 gentina to 31% shooting — 9 for 29 — from
trol from the outset, beating Argentina 108-80        If those thoughts truly existed, they didn’t      three-point range.
in Las Vegas on Tuesday to avoid what would        last for long.                                         “Today we got better,” Beal said. “Still a lot
have been the first three-game losing streak          “Our biggest thing is we have to realize it’s     we can improve on, but we’re moving in the
in this era of NBA players being able to repre-    not the NBA and Coach Pop keeps reempha-
                                                                                                        right direction.”
sent USA Basketball on the international           sizing that every single day,” Beal said. “It’s
stage.                                             way more physical. Guys are smarter. These           Tip-ins
   Zach LaVine scored 15 points for the U.S.,      guys have been playing together for five-, 10-           Argentina: Campazzo was shaken up late in
which lost its first two games in Las Vegas to     plus years. So they have the experience and          the first quarter after taking a hard screen,
Nigeria and Australia. The Americans shot          the chemistry and we’re trying to develop that       but was able to eventually return to the game.
51%, scored 33 first-quarter points to get off     in a short period of time.”                          ... Argentina went 0-3 in Las Vegas, losing 87-
and running and beat Argentina for the 10th           It was 15-4 USA before the game was even          84 in its opener against Australia on a buzzer-
consecutive time since a loss at the 2004 Ath-     3½ minutes old, the lead was as much as 17
                                                                                                        beating three-pointer by Patty Mills and then
ens Olympics.                                      later in the opening quarter — the biggest
                                                                                                        falling 94-71 to Nigeria on Monday.
   “It was better,” U.S. coach Gregg Popovich      leads for the Americans in the first two games
                                                                                                            USA: The Americans used all 15 of their
said. “Bit by bit, every day, I hope.”             were 10 against Nigeria and 11 against Austra-
                                                                                                        available players. ... Kevin Love, who played
   Damian Lillard scored 13 points and Bam         lia — and the outcome was never really in
Adebayo finished with 12 points, five assists      doubt.                                               only 3:01 in the in the Nigeria game and didn’t
and five rebounds for the U.S.                        “The USA played great,” Argentina coach           play against Australia, was among the first-
   “Just really locked in,” Adebayo said.          Sergio Hernandez said. “They played more             quarter subs on Tuesday. ... Even after the
   Luis Scola, set to play in the Olympics for a   aggressive defense than they had the last two        losses to Nigeria and Australia, FanDuel
fifth time, scored 16 points in 19 minutes for     games.”                                              Sportsbook had the Americans as 18.5-point
Argentina. Nicolas Laprovittola scored 13,            The Americans held a 58-42 lead at the half       favorites entering the game.
Facundo Campazzo had 12 and Gabriel Deck
added 10.
                                                   when Durant beat the buzzer with an 18-foot-
                                                   er, a shot that Draymond Green was celebrat-
                                                                                                        Doubling up
   “It’s not a big deal,” Argentina’s Luca Vil-    ing before the ball even swished through the           The U.S. Olympic women’s team begins
doza said. “It’s only a loss.”                     net.                                                 taking the stage in Las Vegas on Wednesday,
   The U.S. played with only eight members of         “We’re not going to make shots all the            starting with the WNBA All-Star Game. The
the Olympic team. Jayson Tatum was held out        time,” Durant said in a televised halftime in-       U.S. men and women both play Australia on
with right knee soreness and will be day-to-       terview. “But if we continue to guard the way        Friday, before the men close their Las Vegas
day going forward, USA Basketball said. The        we are, it’ll start to turn for us on offense. ...   stay on Sunday against Spain and the women
Americans also will be without Khris Middle-       When we keep the ball in front and we get            play Nigeria. The American teams will fly to-
ton, Jrue Holiday and Devin Booker until at        stops and rebounds, then we pretty much can          gether to Tokyo on Monday.

Suns can hack Giannis, but know he’ll keep coming
        Associated Press              kounmpo will try to help the           NBA Finals.                            the perimeter.
  MILWAUKEE — Giannis                 Bucks even the series in Game 4           The Suns have already faced            Paul said the Suns will just
Antetokounmpo pointed to a            on Wednesday.                          LeBron James and Nikola Jokic          stick with their game plan.
pair of scratches, one on his           And whether playing with             during this first run to their first      “We’re going to keep trying to
forehead and the other on his         pain in his knee or shaking off        NBA Finals since 1993, so              build a wall,” he said.
cheek.                                hits to his face, Phoenix knows        they’ve had to figure out ways to         Antetokounmpo is used to
  Those NBA Finals battle             Antetokounmpo is going to keep         overcome MVP players.                  that.
scars are proof, he figures, that     attacking them.                           But Antetokounmpo, with his            He recalls it being about two
the frustrated Phoenix Suns are         “He’s coming full speed ev-          end-to-end bursts that seem to         years ago when teams started to
indeed fouling him.                   ery play, like a running back          take just two or three dribbles,       employ that defensive strategy
  “So they’re making my pretty        coming downhill,” point guard          is a different type of challenge.      of packing multiple players in
face ugly,” Antetokounmpo             Chris Paul said.                       Paul said Phoenix coach Monty          his path to the basket.
said.                                   Antetokounmpo had 41 points          Williams’ instructions are just           Antetokounmpo still doesn’t
  The Suns may be hacking and         and 13 rebounds in Milwaukee’s         to try to get in the 6-foot-11 for-    enjoy playing against it — “I’m
whacking him, but they sure           120-100 victory in Game 3. That        ward’s way, but it’s difficult to      not going to lie; I hate it,” he said
aren’t stopping the Milwaukee         followed his 42 points and 12 re-      give too much attention because        — but he’s come to look at it as a
Bucks star.                           bounds in Game 2, making him           the Bucks have shooters such as        compliment, adding that it’s
  Coming off two straight 40-         just the sixth player with con-        Khris Middleton, Jrue Holiday          “funny that there’s a defense out
point performances, Anteto-           secutive 40-point games in the         and Brook Lopez set up around          there called the Giannis Wall.”
PAGE 8    • STRIPES LITE •             Wednesday, July 14, 2021

US women’s fencing team arrives in Japan
   BY JONATHAN SNYDER                  opening remarks in English.           to noon until Sunday at the Lotus    team competition in 2008 and
        Stars and Stripes                 “While the USA women’s soft-       Culture Center Arena inside the      2016, according to the Team
   MARINE CORPS AIR STA-               ball team is already in training      Atago Sports Complex, a facility     USA website.
TION IWAKUNI, Japan — The              camp, now it’s your turn to get       shared by the city and the air          During the press event the
U.S. women’s Olympic fencing           more than ready for the Tokyo         station, according to the Iwaku-     city presented gifts with each
team arrived Tuesday evening           Games and I know you’re going         ni city Sports Promotion Divi-       athlete’s name written in Japa-
at this Marine base in Yamagu-         to give it your best performance      sion.                                nese kanji calligraphy. Epee
chi prefecture for training            to achieve the best results,” he         Tickets to team practice ses-     fencer Kelley Hurley, of Hous-
ahead of the Tokyo Games this          said. “While you are here in Iwa-     sions have already sold out.         ton, expressed her gratitude as
month.                                 kuni we must follow COVID safe           “For me, personally, this is      she received the gifts on the
   An entourage of about 14 peo-       distancing guidelines, but we         my third visit here to Iwakuni,      team’s behalf.
ple stepped into the lobby of          are always close to you in our        and the reason we keep coming           Hurley’s younger sister,
Iwakuni airport, which shares a        hearts.”                              back here is because of the city’s   Courtney Hurley, also qualified
runway with the base, and were            The Olympians will stay at the     special atmosphere and the hos-      for the U.S. team as an epee com-
greeted by members of the              Kintai Inn on the air station until   pitality we receive here,” the       petitor, according to Team USA.
media while adhering to social         Monday.                               team’s head coach, Andrey Ge-           Though athletes and others
distancing measures.                      MCAS Iwakuni commander             va, told reporters. “On the be-      entering Japan to take part in
   The fencing squad joins the         Col. Lance Lewis also greeted         half of our team, I would like to    the Olympics are exempt from a
U.S. Olympic softball team for         the athletes at the airport.          thank the people of Iwakuni and      14-day quarantine rule, they
workouts in Iwakuni. The soft-            “On behalf of the city and be-     thank you for your hospitality. It   must follow strict testing and so-
ball team arrived July 5 and has       half of the air station, welcome      makes our preparation much           cial distancing protocols.
finished up playing exhibition         to Japan, you are finally here,”      more enjoyable, and we are hap-         “We are professional athletes
games in front of a limited num-       he said at the press conference.      py to be here.”                      and coaches, we train every day
ber of spectators.                     “When you’re here in this city,          The 2020 fencing team, 24         and in our training routine, we
   Japan has carved out restric-       when you’re here aboard Ma-           women and men, is the largest in     do the PCR testing on a daily ba-
tions for Olympic athletes that        rine Corps Air Station Iwakuni,       U.S. Olympic history to qualify      sis, and if it’s required to do this
preclude them from the usual           you’re among family, friends          for the games and boasts several     every day, we will comply with
14-day quarantine expected of          and neighbors. And I know             medal contenders, according to       the requirements,” Geva said.
most arriving foreigners, but          when you go up to Tokyo to com-       NBC Sports.                          “This is the last phase of our
that also prevent them from            pete in the Olympics on your             Mariel Zagunis, of Portland,      preparation we want to focus on
mingling with most residents of        way to the gold medal, your           Ore., who competes in the saber      the Olympics, no touring this
Japan.                                 adopted home of Iwakuni is go-        events, is the only U.S. fencer to   time, but it’s fine, we are here to
   Iwakuni Deputy Mayor Ta-            ing to be cheering the loudest for    win individual gold since 1904,      prepare.”
dashi Sugioka welcomed the             you!”                                 according to NBC. She won gold          The games officially begin Ju-
fencing team in front of report-          The fencing team will be           in individual competition in         ly 23 with closing ceremonies on
ers at the airport, giving his first   training every day from 10 a.m.       2004 and 2008 and bronze in          Aug. 8.

As NHL offseason begins, clubs make moves
               Associated Press                    Wild general manager Bill Guerin said               Keith will miss Chicago and vice versa
   It’s hard for Duncan Keith to say good-         Tuesday. “You see teams constantly chang-         after he was one of the most important
bye to yesterday.                                  ing. You have to try to get better.”              players of this championship era. But at al-
   Pekka Rinne, too. Even more difficult for          Some of the getting better means getting       most 38 and after going long stretches with-
Zach Parise and Ryan Suter because it              worse in the short term. That’s the gamble        out seeing his 8-year-old son, Colton, Keith
wasn’t their call.                                 the Wild took in buying out Parise and Su-        asked for a trade to Western Canada and
   Moving on from the past is an early             ter. It’s the same for the Blackhawks in          landed with the Oilers.
theme of the NHL offseason. Chicago trad-          trading Keith to Edmonton for defenseman            “It’s a sad day on one end to be leaving
ed Keith after 16 seasons that included            Caleb Jones and a third-round pick.               Chicago, but also an exciting time to be
three Stanley Cup titles. Rinne retired fol-          The Predators hope they have their             moving to a new team with new team-
lowing 13 full seasons goaltending in Nash-        Rinne replacement in Juuse Saros, who got         mates,” Keith said Monday night. “I want
ville, and Minnesota announced buyouts             35 games to the elder Finn’s 21 this past         to be at my best. In Edmonton, it’s going to
for Parise and Suter nine seasons into their       season and was the playoff starter.               be a competitive environment and I’m go-
13-year contracts.                                    “We’re really happy we have Juuse,” GM         ing to do everything I can to earn the re-
   Consider it like summer cleaning before         David Poile said. “He’s played really well        spect of my new teammates and the coach-
most of the jumbling for the 2021-22 season        behind Pekka, played exceptional this year.       ing staff and the organization.”
happens after the Seattle expansion draft          I think ‘the torch has been passed’ is the          Parise and Suter will get that chance
next week.                                         expression here. But who’s not going to           somewhere once free agency opens July
   “These things always have to happen,”           miss Pekka?”                                      28.
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